48-Rool Estate Por Sele 45--Reol Ueto for Sole Ld mini A foro. RA 81109, SR ae LOTS 2 Dk babe LOT 60° X 108 wit] In ene of Othawe's finest N.H.A. RESALE 1 YR OLD ° ivisions, the ee | $5300, Wo "have" many bedroom brick THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, May 15, 1989 17 | actieal fotars For Sale 45-Reel Estate Por Sale J. J. VAN HERWERDEN, REALTOR 74] KING ST. EAST, OSHAWA RA 3.4471 3 $1,500 DOWN PAYMENT WHITBY oe NEW BRICK VENEER Suncaow, 4 bedrooms, fio on oo horoood ond Tow Aluminum storms end screens. "oo Foot $11,000. 37--Male Help Wianted | NEED young man with (af, reiires for sales ition, exper! phos hot quired, full training giv starting Salary piss cow ring 3 bonus, Sxontign rip 37--Male Help Wanted wl GROENTLY required, licensed FALEAMEN --Txperience not neces = 0 Apply Port Hope i p Colonial Aluminio dusitle, ( treet th, Port Hope, | manufacture ir own home Improv iid side " o 111¢{ ment products in their Whitby plant, We ulke thre direct factory sales ohed. oe 1 -- rani oF for "34. ent opportunity 4 iy round Ad year La Jndustrion, 134 Simeoe Street South, RA 7 a Yhdate Help Wanted fr WANTED Two men fo work 9 hours per day, $100 per week, WRITE BOX 930 . | OSHAWA TIMES Aw | yancement, Sewing (ng SALES REPRESENTA TIVE REQUIREID To enroll Motor Cub mem- berships In this loc ality, The Ontario" Automobile' Associa- uy hove wo other lots to choose ENT figs' Potterson ot tral to 90, RA pm, ONE large, furnished Ii light oisakeer- ing room with refrigerator, central, SALESMEN We have o sales on experienced sition for eal Estate Must be married, low, Well established firm, oper- eting throughout U.S Canada, hos "opening office here for high-grade young man to do outside con. tact interview work along in ord in' Salesman, own late model car, Age no barrier, Highest commissions Bill McFeeters or Reg Aker, of Schofield Insurance Assoc: lates. - Daytime RA 3.22685, ond evenings RA 5.1726, | tion provides the finest in Motor Club benefigs, Pleas. ant work that can "pe handled either full or part: dime, Rush your name and adc bess for full information os tei ¥itories are being allotted new. You Suitable ie Jor one or two girls or sou 7 1 bet frigerator, RA 3816, . ae 'spariment, washing facilities, hiv Apply d, New builtin stove ond oven, end meny other extras, Phone RA 8.1338 JOMN A. J. BOLAMOOD a 1 Warren Avenue, LTD. REALTORS Ke i A ™ able in ovale homs, North 8 - 7 pm MODERN four Tn alone Ror ond Tobm PPAF 45---Real Estate For Sale ranch, two miles south WHITBY ae Sungelew brick vitolr, Living room, 3 bedrooms, kitchen, Bohréom , rlshop In Basement. Oil fumées, tile floors, Storms. or Pros $10,700 baup $3, th 83.000 Phy 2 Gentleman's Farms with nice houses soch 3 acres of lond, nicely located. Price $16,000 with terms. House with 40 acres of land, north of Sunderlen: ritain, well fenced, with pices new wove, | 1h, should howe a clr end be [plex apartment; new 'frig, vestigation lines, No selling or collecting, no overnight travel, Permanent job, sal ery, ond bonus plus cor | ollowance. Promotion oppor. | tunity. Useless to reply un. | less you have the following qualifications Age 22.29, at least Junior Matriculation, good physical stamina, use of of { paid. If interested please coll | |] | $300 T0 $400 PER MONTH Plus bonus for suitable man to represent a large Canadion Company. No travelling re- | quired, Preferably an estab. | lished resident in the areo, 25 to 40 year: of age, mar. ried, .ambitious end copable of assuming responsibility, Please reply giving brief per- sonal history to Box 938, Oshowe Times and some kr edge typing, Apply P.O. BOX 31 OSHAWA ! HIGH CALIBRE SALESMAN REQUIRED We have an opening at our shopping centre office for o soln. man with a sincers interest in learning @ most interesting busi+ ness ear 112¢ ---------------- If you have the energy and init: ative required for this position we con show you how you may name the size of your income Complete reo! estate facilities and full co-operation available from our staff, 1. Sickness and Accident Insurance 2. Holiday with pey 3. Drawing account for proven salesman For interview appointment call Doug Wilson ot D. W. WILSON LTD. REALTOR OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRF RA 5-6588 WHITBY CLASSIFIED Votes for Al hint ig of the Kinsmen Club of |low, $100 , Al has been vice-president ons | aT to rent , Let's make him president UM fom 1st of June, FOR RENT "New two bedroom teacher. Contact P. 8 Dnillen, oo oo by May 30, 8100 Coronation Crescent, Cobours, EE Es Jetrigerator, 1 Iv Live A tiie Testers wweniod ia Mr, Green, MO §. for ces pad, Phone eal: June 13| PATIOS be De ie a imezs Woset Schatz for FOR RENT «= New five. Foom Maid «= house in -- High Schott ude 43--Wamnted to Rent WANTED i ARIE contained & d aparimen, contained. refrigera meee | { {ming Instructor to b | ROOM nd beard for Fittings, 200 Athol 8 Breet | 8.0975 | [Room + 'and Board | | from 25 to 50, rmale or fe- male, Write: Salem Manager, Box B17, London,, Ontario, Canade. 11 separate entrance, Somplet bath, kitchen cupboards, ings, King Street Hast, "ooh r month, See it and judge for Tourkel vm, Avail shia ori LP RA 39114 between four-plece ea durroun Ab 2% STARTING SALARY Fina ow Fernale Park, Rowman. 4 and swim. Help Want od | GRAM OF BARLEY ville, will require life #10 88 s0On weather permits or Hhools olose, FOR RENT -- cottage and boat on beautiful Lake St, Peter, In Hills of Hastings, Sand beach, elestricity, four rooms, Rent Tansonsbla for season or less. Phone 18 Brookiin, RL FURNIAHED room, suil on Uy "or two" 24 persons, reasonable, Phone A oF i [I 4 handle 31 Whe so he A OREY Sr house In very nie location, gloss to pity, Phone 5 pm, 184 Warren Aven WILL rade 9 Year o od u reo Poelient, pasture, will of cattle, Pron 11 four bedrooms. n su RA_ 61184 or come for older Jerse 1950 0 DOWN | PAYMENT. | routs ni LLL anytime, [81 --Room ' ond "Board THRER ~"Yoom furnished af a suit A 32086, centrally located, clo pn to Mi East, CENTRAL, single fi fished room, clean gentleman, mei gles If desired, RA 1140 81773 113 ATTRACTIVE furnid fed rooms, av able in private honwiy h rk Noth, 57 pm. RA n Ld FURNISHED room, nurses only, two ator, eleitrie jettla oxen, Close to hound | FA 5.083% ma') share, Reirige id jaingry Y po I and ler excellent meals, RA 6718 ROOM and hoard -= one gentiemar single beds, privida bath, TV, eo ent meals, Mipday to Friday a Avenue, A 1.0879 ROOM "and board." single, triple accommodal'on at 81, _Bowmanvily » | noon" and board, two single beds. Ap. A fig Elizabeth Street or phone , In lovely 1ipme, single Not osama ik "double hotel pt "or room 14nd board for "eile: man. Apply 105 A Thert Street Wanted YOUNG man req aires room and board, room, cq ntral to North a petrie Wholesale, | single Phone 5.3536, p.m Ruddy Mr Respectable business man and 4 year old"son desires noom and board and loving care of child during "ousiness hours in Oshawa, Ajax, Whit. by or f3¢-wmanville area. Apply Box 841, Oshawa Times. n two gentlemen, | otors and | 3 vail: 'Dusiness" girls on: | wo "Tar, COMFORTABLE rio for refined gen: beds, radio, MA|g Hollf ngsworth, dally 3 to Ll couple, Phone Je WRER rooms furnished stove and re. gerator, share bath, good tok SINGLE and double room privileges if desired, gentleman oii Apply 5% Colina Street, RA eli vont bungalow with Califor kitchen, Nord wood floors and stained gage at 6 monthly a seph Bokeo Real he | THRE large wa, three A trim, One mort reent for the balance (i full price only S120, Jo: * RA _B-9870, building "10th outsHITiY Eycelint district, AD lor $3,750. Joseph Bosco wv aster, | DRA three rooms ap ne hath, unfurnished. (heavy wiring, heat and water, down. (town, Adults only, 860. RA 8-8) or (BAC MELOR apartment for indy, #love . ad refrigerator, central. Must be soon | oo il [to be eid 0047, gua tenga rooms, bulli-in snk, hot ie 34 k and cold water, use of antrance. RA 59817 between LE in| .. not APARTMENT two rooms, (rangeite, refrigerator And oupboar a, Ges TV lend.in, private entrance dl A "184 Beatty Avenue fh ni | TREY Amal rooms, upsta 7K 6on: | schools, bus and shopping ral, share bathroom, jghts, hot war $50 monthly. RA it after (oni oy and one double room, nished, cooking fA 00d separate place for eooking. 114b AVAILABLE June 1, 119¢| ¥low. Contact one THREE . room " Apoly M0 ant y Hori Phone mA 5 Joan ton SOLID brick ranch sive Home, Iarge hot, landse: ro DOWN, Ritson and Kulsiie dis 0 phone, vais 1 {| LOT Water, ren, [offer $2000 down, room brick home, North Oshawa, oll down, contains recreation room. snawat aa RA 5 lime to Jah or ou "o yy ] RA ix ri ,» bath, Looat on mer ret dontiol or street, 0 Freder " Sema Phone Bowmanville MA solid brick, six rooms, itchen, good renting ares. 177 Fa modern Call RA irieigh Avenus, MUST BE SOLD COUNTRY LIVING--CITY CONVENIENCE $2,500 DOWN -- LOT 70 x 215 -- BUNGALOW $12,900 full price, smart modern $Vh room brick raneh style bungalow with breezeway and attached garage. Only 4 years old. All rooms are large, kitchen Is ultra-médern, bathroom consists of 4-pc, with a built-in vanity. Aluminum windows ond doors, Beoutifully landscoped, ond house Is completely dec. orated, features o fireplace. This is & home you'll be préud te own, don't delay, this house will sell on sight. Call now for Jock Appleby aot RA 5.6544, JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS © INSURANCE 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 114d 104, 50 sewers, fr AA 1800. Best RA Bb 5.8020, Balanee on rent for ore Nao to sondition, 8.0803, 114 eating, clean Toun cimaly Wa central, #2800 partments and A 59228. If wo EE ne it quickly and nonomioly self-contained iy good location, TV inoluded, od = ia "new room apartment, outlet, range, refrigerator [plenty of parking. Adults enly RA 3.0118 [THREE unfurnished rooms, #85 ont: | ly, lights, heat and water Meluded, No children RA 5:7628 WO furnished rooms, oo" keeping, ne mil Bou S47 107 Yoram ulevard, 11 ht TWO furnished "housekeeping room TOOmS, can be rented separately, use of wash. er and refrigerator, girls preferred. RA 5.2072, roa RA Vous FORCED TO SELL Sixsroom, two-storey home. Oil heated, 2 baths, double arage, centrally located. 2,000 down. See and make offer, GERALD BARROW BROKER RA 5-3852 114e 25 BURK ST. UPPER duplex, mood looation, rate vi "i ohen otte, bedroom, hath Availablg June " Abstainers. RA 800, hot FOUR . room 4b| equipped with erator, Joy LLL GARAGE" or parking place, close to 17 Elena Street, E « room aulte with bath, self and stove, In man building, vatlanie June 1. A Fl na oe | ROOM Tor Gentian, 1 Oba Bd. |B 4 eupboards and sink, TV Vy THRE Everybody says you've got to go to Brooklin for the best bungalow buys, beautiful ranches, huge lots, some fully decorated, others' fully WANT YOUR WEEKENDS FREE? Tired of pulling weeds and squashing bugs? Réthar golf and fish or Just plain sleep In? Let us show you this three-bedroom home In spotiess condition. Large kitchen and living dining ares, painted basement. Ideal sized lot landscaped so It con be enjoyed or Ignored as YOU see fit. Priced fairly at $13,800 CONFIDENTIAL FILE Just one of our choice top drawer listings. Discriminating owner hos placed his lovely home in our hands for immediate sale. In the heart of this desirable community with manicured lawns and excellent schools this beautifully solid masonry Ranch, 3 family bedrooms, fireplaced living room, dining room, 2 bath. rooms, divided basement, - finished playroom and knotty pine ret. room, loundry room with appliances. Shown by appointmen! only. $29,000 WHETHER YOUR CANDIDATE WINS OR LOSES election It will pay you to inspect this sturdy, brick, 2-storey home, centrally located, easy wo king to downtown Whitby, Not enormous, just 9 ample sized rooms with ¢ pouiole 2 rooms In attic. deel for rooming or flat ping a rge barn ot reor suitable for garage, private drive. Priced right for immediate sale. Oil heated, $15,000 ' HURRY-----BLAST OFF In the family car and see this one. A frame bevelled siding 2:bedroom bungalow with full basement with fireplace, panelled living room, hordwood throughout, tiled floor In kitchen end the com front es, «room house with bathroom, cellar, hydre. rs old, Will Aron in for $OBEY sine in Othawa or Whitby, il 7 price $7,500 -- with FARMS Only $12,000 =~ Dalry Farm with 7 eons milk eontract; 57 acres, 2 ocres pond. Barns with hydro and waterbowls. Milke house with bulkeooler, Henhouse for 400 chickens. Frame house, 10 rooms with hydre ond furnace. 160 ocrés Farm, 110 ocrés workable end pasture, rest Buh. Born 80 x 30 end 40 x 25; 6.room brick house with iid heavy wiring, préssuré system, water on top, close to 4 . River runs through the south-end. Full price only $11, with reasonable down payment. Is willing to trade for city property. WOULD YOU LIKE TO OWN THE NICEST GENTLEMAN'S - FARM In the district, and » relax from business worriesc? derfully located 44 miles from Oshawe, solid brick house ful modernized Inside with all eonveniences and a lot of extras, barns with 24 horse-stolls for roce horses. 100 ecres of land with trout stream 6nd 20 acres of bush, Horse trail, duek pond and a stenic view. It's not possible to find a better place, Atk for information, Lots between Oshawa end Whitby, 75 x 200 feet. $1,500. Besides these properties we have still many others for sale, ta o A. J SCHATZ REALTOR--GENERAL INSURANCE WHITBY MO 8-3337 OSHAWA RA 5-8461 PICKERING 590 OPEN HOUSE THIS WEEKEND Whitby's newest end best In homes, see CRESTON PARK SUB- DIVISION this weekend, You wouldn't be the first one to be d ot the llent ' workmenship, various styles, prices id can afford. Location North side of No, 2 Hwy, on the fou dria Whitby, For information, call Bill Schotzmonmies CENTRAL PARK BLVD. SOUTH, OSHAWA Lovely S.reom 2V4.storey home in really excellent condition, Nicely landscaped grounds, quiet location, very close to schools. Full price $11,500. Low down payment andy 37 easy carry. ing charges: dell Bill Schatzmonn == MO 8 $9,000 FULL PRICE For g cosy 4.room bungalow in Whitby, Quiet esidantial, district, Lovely lot 66 x 164, fully landscaped, ' $75.00 monthly, Cll Bill Schatzmann -- MO 0 8.433 $12,400 FULL PRICE é-room solid brick bungalows on large lots in good residential sodded. Only $995 full down payment, Mort- gage carries $65 monthly. I'll be happy to give you full details, BERNEICE ARMSTRONG a + room "apartment "with p on private entrance, $40 a and hydro included, Ph area In Whitby, Prize-winning kitchens, 3 bedrooms. HOUSE this weekend. Visit CRAYDON ROAD, off No, 2 Hwy, Saleslady in attendance 1 to 8:30 p.m. For information call Muriel Marks--MO 8.30885, A. J. SCHATZ WE LIST PHOTO CO-OP 'Y sid re on Athol Street. Phone, bathroom on o lot $7 x 200. Owner eager to sell. $9,500, TIRED OF PLAYING CHECKERS? If 30, make Northern Heights or Westview Heights, iby, Jour next move and the game will be over, And you have new home, 3 bedrooms with a nice living room, handy Ken gd size closets, forced air perimeter heating, full basements, 0 minutes drive from Toronto. SALE = Wrecking 31 Ponting, | LOARS t 8, hydramatic transmission) o J 9 also '51 Nash. All parts for sale. MO|WANTED 'Fi 5 RENT -- Apariment or 5 excellent condition, standard shift wis | 84737, 1114 [duplex wit/sln 10 minutes of Four Cor es TTToom (very Tarde) apartment pped. 818 Centre South FOR BALE -- WMcLary heavy duly [here bY TY with twovearold, Ben HL sink continuous hot water, 7 pm. b range, double ovens, timer, 40%, 111 0 biel A 3.7700 after 7 A 3 (pon: one single room; one large ART wudent will do posters, small|years old, MO 8-440. le] BE ~~ five room ping room. RA 35-8352 sige, uiltable for stores etc. MO 6.3007 FOR SATE. = AT~508 Phos Mo | | awa Tima. Nimits, Wie Box vod, x SIX room house with Faraxe: 018-4114 Whithy Hie | rpet East, near Wilson, Fo . Young coi ie with small child Lhd ram Fund He Joust Ea FF. wh Kd or six . room nr 5 fic bd hid es TE - Ithy, Phone MO , Apply 342 Mary East No [NEFTIO tonks cleaned the sanitary | s.5636, ring maitrossi sult gentioman, sa. 1lde EA pew tanks nstaied. Walter Ward, | Hat hin Street Cast REAL ESTATE WOMAN 10 do housework afternoons 204 Chestnut st; phone MO 8.2563, 44--Fcor n [THREE ll "roo and prepare evening meals, three days July 8 Re t ine, available, adults. Clea And Sriant | "| RA 5. 3692, MO 8. 3355 14a For RENT -- Single furnished voor, INGLE § som or room central, Phone MO 83 May 28 private 1 ione RA 8.6083 & week, MO 84703 { board, 301 GIbEons Street 015 BROOKLIN 291 700 Centre 80D, 30a square yard, i "Roto. ONE larg o furnished nae 00M and board and 'apartment for FOUR rooms, unfurnished, "Hahts, heat | Row with conveniences housekeeping and water,. Couples only, Private y South, Mrs, Bates 114g tilling, rockery stone. MO 83013 room, for' gentleman or couple. One trance. oy 203 King Street Wen, - ho 3 : 2 May 3 [block from: Glecoff's, Apply 138 Clark a. own ome Do . 2108 Five day week. CALL us now "Clients waiting. Buying, | 100 |§ au room, {wo beds and one Phone MO 8.4846 113d selling or venting, Call W. T. Lamson, pie Jiwo.room apartment, heat, small room with double bed. TV privil. Real Estate, MO 8-032 May 23 lights, waj er supplied. Also four-room |eges, very central, gentlemen relent FOR SALE ~ Lloyd baby Rarriake, PA sullen aad sieralicas, "Hens with 'slap bath, Also bungalow to shiie ed. Phone RA 8.6607, 1006 If » light green with h ith I 1 A 3.7088 Sneeliall eludiion, lam Tic | R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South. sancr by tv. ady. R 1% ARGE housekeeping room. furnished, and ladies' wear: drapery alterations | Foun oR im basement apartment, un. refrigerator, suly one or two ladies or FOR BALE « One bed davano and 2 May 22 furnished, or furnished all con; {Sshiemen, 23 Quebec Street, near Sim. ohairs, with grey covers, $40: larg © GISTINGS wanted. Tn aT venienoes, semi-private ligt in a ni orib and mattress, $10. All suitable NG ome new honey , newly decorated. AgDly 216 for cottage, MO 8.2635 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and 112¢ 0ld and new; also rentals Whithy and Chadburm Street north to Lake Simeoe. W, T, Lamson, Kitchen with refrigerator, cupboards, LOST «-- Dise hubecap, 15", large "W" gag) MO 8.3033. May 17 TAREE reom "apartment, "separate and sink, conveniences, Apply 887 Rit. on same, Vicinity of Mary and Dun . _. |entrance, central table for business son Road South, 108¢ das east. Phone MO 89085 ask for T. | | coupte, A fre. McTaggart, RA 3.7012. |QNE-NALF hour from Oshawa, five. Hanna, 2c Evergreens, - : 123 room house, al conveniences: 1% SALESLADY WANTED -- Part time Paeonies ™O0 room apartment, private en. storey, large family Kitohen, 3-plece Apply Art's Clothing Store, 125 Brock t [trance, all conveniences; four . room bath, hot soft water. Immediate pos Street South, 112¢ collected |house, 'menage children only, Apply 892 session, RA 5-0250, 14 35¢ and | Drew Sy eet UM CENTRAL three room (large) ONE Continental, 54 inch hed. Price Ni $100 MN ONTHLY «= Modern three-bed.| apartment, near hospital, ground floor, | room Pungalow.. Farphill Boulevard, use of automatic washer and dryer, | . . $30. y No, 22, Subway Trailer Park, Whithy, Mrs. Weaver 11%¢ | KR : inear Shy pping Centre. Phone RA 3.3707, separate entrance, $75 a month. RA ARDENS and lawns rototilled, ready ie Sepa ha EAL ESTATE BROTH made over fom | FURNISHED, clean, bright front WHITBY spring planting and seeding, Whithy . room, for two working people, two EVENINGS=--MO 8.2473 114 ony sedan V 114a very eentral, ™ asonable vent fr] N.H.A. RESALE Five-room brick bungalow, consisting of 3 bedrooms, large living room, combination kitchen and dining room, 4-piece ceramic tiled bath. Aluminum storms and screens, landscaped and partly decorated. Situated on a 54 x 105 lot -- 2 blocks to the nearest school. Only $12,500 full price, carries for $63 monthly. Prine cipal and interest, ATTACHED GARAGE--APPLE HILL DISTRIC\ This is one of the better ones. Be sure to see It, N.H.A. resale -bedreom bungalow, large living room, dining room and kitchen. Fully decorated. Two aluminum doors ond aluminum storms Lid screens, |)}4 blocks to school, Priced at only $14,. erms, NEW N.H.A. BUNGALOWS 5 and 6 ROOMS $12,900 FULL PRICE $1,300 Down Payment and Up Clay brick and stone front Tiled baths Serviced lots, services all paid Down Payments starting as low as $1,234 Carries for as low as $68 monthly, principle and interest J. A. VONDETTE WHITBY DAYS EVENINGS MRS. RUTH CRAIGEN -- MO 8-5413 MR; HARRY JERMYN -- MO 8-3895 114a $5,300 1V2 Storey House This little home of the older type Is located in o good Whitby locality: On sewer and city water, 3-pc. bath, heavy duty wiring. Toxes 52.00, Lot 66' x 133, Five rooms, $1,500 cash will handle. Stop paying rent, this is a good buy, Estate, MO 8-484] MO 8-3322 " Ornamental Shrubs, Hedges Perennials, choice Cedars for hedges up. ORCHARD NURSERIES No, 7 Hwy, South Side, ? miles west of Brooklin', THIS WEEKEND SPECIAL AT PICKERING NURSERIES ROSES ROSES - ROSES Collections carefully selected for vanation in color corr ® or an, read RA 5.0 $1,378 DOWN HARMONY HEIGHTS $1,378 DOWN The subdivision with an amazing record--over 140 families moved into the subdivision and only | resale--No new homes in the subdivision not sold and 15 sold ehead to be built by S. Jackson and Son Ltd, We have approximately 20 good lots available and we would be pleased to take your order for a home In this area within 2 blocks of new public school, Prices range from $12,700 ® $14,175.00 with down payments from $1,378. 00 to $1,920.00 down, All prices include clay brick, partial stone front, 0 storms and screens, 2 aluminum storm doors, ceramic tiled bathroom, fan in kitchen, laundry tubs, hot water heater, sodded front lawn, sidewalk ---- com- plete in every way. We have N.H.A. mortgages available and can give in September -- Have your new house built with your choice of colors on a lot of your choice and you, too, may ao happy resident of this fine community, CRESTVIEW GARDENS 16 HOMES SOLD IN THIS AREA IN LAST 2 WEEKS Oshawa's newest and most picturesque subdivision of medium priced homes: 4 blocks north of King Street on Wilson Rd. turn east on Lansdowne Drive. This well-planned subdivision loyed out in ao circle has many deep lots running back to and overlooking a beautiful ravine with large stream. This property lends itself to walkout base- ments which can be made ito apartments, if desired, due to proper zoning. All homes contain the following items: Forced air with oil heating, storm windows ond screens, mohog- any doors (cupboards included), ceramic tiled Yloor in bathroom, light fixtures and stove cable, sodded front lawns, panoramic sashless windows, 2 storm doors, ceramic tiled walls in bath- room, some homes with split level entrance, sidewalks and gravel driveway, prepaid services. Prices rge from $13,395.00 to $13,500.00 with N.H.A. MO 8.3870 DUN RTON district, Sroom self. | atiies from Four Corners. Phone RA containyd apartment, hot and cold [FOV RL | water, inside conveniences, very nice THREE - room apartment, heated, fur- ground) . $45 per month. Phone TE 9 [nished, central, available June 1 2712 I» inbarton between 6 and & p.m, Phone RA 3.7692 14 13¢ yw furnished rooms bedroom and 89 kitchen, with refrigerator, CULTIVATED sod for sale. Delivered 20 cents yard. Phone Ajax 536 Storm windows and screens Partitioned basements Many more features for good living WILSON Realtor OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 5-6588 After Hours Please Call: Bill Norris -- Ajox 1290 Doug Wilson = RA 5.5625 1" NEW N.H.A. HOMES ROSSLAND RD. W. (Only 2 Left) featurng: . 3 large bedrooms -- double closets, 2 Tiled bathroom -- built-in vanity: 3. Large living room -- cove ceiling -- built-in valance box. 4. Loads of cupboards in bright kite! on plus dinette area. 5. Pierson windows, heavy duty cable, laundry tubs. o Larpon: = forced air 2 hesting. wn payments from 500.00 ond up. Full price $18,- 245.00 and payments of $80.94, principal sin $1 i KING ST. E. (Only 2 Left) San.s as above without carport. Central to Public and Separate schools: $1,750.00 down, full price $12,989.38 and ii payments of $71.95, principal and interest. June 12 POR RENT -- Three-room self-contain od apartment with bathroom. 610 Dun das West, MO 8.2024 11 FOR RENT -- Reliable tenants want ed for two furnished self-contained rooms, Apply 740 Dundas East 1104 WOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good down payments. W MeAuley Realtor MO 8.8231, Oshawa RA 3.231 FOR RENT -- Furnished 3 rooms and bath on ground floor, apartment build ing; range, refrigerator; $70. RA 5.3314 BRICK, block and general cement work, For free estimate eall P Wolters, MO 8.23% FOR rent Smelt nets, lanterns, $i each per night. Cabin trailers. $43 week J, Wilde Rental Service, Whitby, MO ING TWO Trooms, unfurnished, Apply Park 1 4oad South all conveniences, Apply 087 | | [PORN (SHED, light housekeeping oom |B Te for orp; or two gentlemen. includes re- MODERN two-bedroom bungalow, 338 frigein dor and washing facilities, rea. Park Road South, $83. Available immed somaty) ». Apply 208 Bloor West 113¢ | lately RA 3.923, 14 FURN ISHED room, suitable for two THREE . room apartment for rent people . board If required. 115 Alice Rood locality, unfurnished. Phone RA Streaty, U1 8.6859 114b : rive." all conveni: THREE . room basement apartment in encosy available now. new home, perfectly dry. Bright, mod. A ny 165 Verdun Road. RA 3.3086, 114f ern kitchen, bedyoom, large living v room, heat and lights, parking space, FREN rent for lady married couplt & In gentleman's home, in return bua Pothey C01 abstainers, quiet couple. for cq ye of invalid man, also remuner ation Phone Bowmanville, MArket TWO « room furnished basement apart. 3.212% 14h ment, modern Kitchen, bed.sitting --- room, shower, private entrance, park. {Ing space. Apply 73 Ritson Road South. Msgrried couple to share pe irtly furnished, new S.room Is RA 56124 after § pm, nus be ingalow with owner TWO nice rooms, cupboard and sink PHONE RA 5.3718 in kitchen, private bath, separate en. After 5S pm. 113¢ and sink, itson Road South GRIERSON ST. S.room bungalow «= near Greta. , Oil heated. Living room 27 ft, long, with didng area, 4-pc, tiled bath, Te see call Jean Peacock, RA 5.4330 SUNSET HEIGHTS PRICE REDUCED Five-room brick bungalow, Large living room, three-bed- rooms, family-sized kitchen, Full price $11,500. To in- | spect call Pat Winter «= RA 5.1284 . HIGHLAND AVE, S.year-old, 3:-bedroom brick. Attractively decorated. Spa- cious basement for recreation room. Nicely landscaped and Joced 1X Priced ot $11,¢ Ay sell Rey Flint room bungalow also apartment do June or 12 Hybrid Teas others, Peace, Helen Trou bel, Golden Masterpiece), $10.90 (regular value | $15.75) Hyb¥id Teas (amongst FOR C.I.L. PAINT call DODD & SOUTER $870 (reg: | Paint -& Wallpaper Store ular value $8.25) 107 Byron Street South Grandifiora's (2 etch Bue. | MO 8.5231 trance, suitable for working couple or ge he minutes from four corners us UR . voom "apartment, "upstairs. ma in kitchen, $60. Phone RA 8.038) after € p.m na 112 jaxe Jove "furnished room in private nice for gentleman, RA 3.7070, on ~ room bungalow, 'three-piece 1ath, $83 per month, In Ajax. Immed ate possession, RA 5.0439. Tindall Real a 43 Bond Street West, Osha» : na $1 ove refrigerator, TWO unfurnished rooms plus fully cilities equipped kitchen Close to buses. 288 € y King Street West, nat Phone RA 5-3815 Fou room apartment and bath, caneer ond Queen Eliza. | beth) $490 (regular value $6.00), Ploribundas (Independence, Niminy Cricket, Red Pin. occhio, etc.) $5.70 (reg- ular value $7.75) GRAVEL & FILL Driveway Gravel, $7 per load Cement Gravel, $1.60 per yd For Delivery Phone ERIC BRANTON MO 8- 2660 FOR RENT -- seeders, mowers tillers post hole paint sprayers ers whee! barrows ond skill 'saws ders Canoes, car-top mot- ors, boat box cabin trailers, tents and comping equipment FOR SALE--New ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT ». -- hil FERS McLAUGHLIN' BLVD. Perfect for home, end in. come, Lower apartment has large modern kitchen, living room 12 x 28, with fireplace. Three good sized bedrooma, ond 4.pc. bath, The upper duplex hos 5 rooms, with 3-pe. bath, To see call Jean Peacock -- RA 5.4330. ROXBOROUGH AVE. Four « bedroom 214 « storey brick, with garage. Oil heats ing. Well maintained: To inspect coll Roy Flintohf RA 5.3454, LUCAS PEACOCK! REALTOR RA 5-4330 Fine Everblooming Climbers (Parade, Climbing Gold. locks, Dr, J. H. Nicholas), $3.90 (regular volue $4.75) THESE WILL ALL BLOOM THIS SUMMER . washing Spacious S-room bungalow with 3.room basement apartment, on Lloyd St. (about 1% blocks off King W.) Only 3 yrs. old, large lot 75 x 239 ft., forced air oil heating, 4-pc. colored bath, hardwood and tile floors, fully landscaped, and aluminum storms and screens. A steal at $11,900 with $3,000 down. Call Ozzie Addison for an appointment at RA 3.2254. R [self . contained, unfurnished, heated, | central location, ai monthly, Avaliable June 1. RA 8.64) fam. ymca e---- LLOYD REALTY | A RENTAL AGENCY | ONE BEDROOM Clur fee Is less than a APARTMENTS Vacancy, only screened ond Immediate possession, elec: reliable tenants TUoyd Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. trically eouipped, best loca- tion. Buckingham Manor. 101 Simcoe St. N, RA 8-8676 RA 8 5123 QUIET MODERN TWO-BEDROOM | APARTMENTS ON 15 GIBBONS ST mediate possession, or with - children over Apply 21 Gibbons St. Lawn rollers, Ba garden diggers cement mix See the 4 models now up. For further information contact this office. RICE LAKE BUILDING LOTS Good lokaont oe rea Bf billding --= paved road to en- trance, 3 ro, px i ontact Lloyd Metcalf (of 5:30--5-4983), ee tw LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 312 Simcoe Street South Dial 3.9329 or 5.6551 AFTER 8.30 DIAL-- Joa Mage . 5919 Dick Barriage Lloyd Metcalf ..., 5.6983 Everett Elliott 8-room house, Simcoe St. N. on large lot 150 feet by 291 hig This commercial property can be used for different types of Putines oo Sh noting, three-piece bath, second floor as built-in cupboards, would make good apartment. Full pri $1,900." Terms. Col RA S254 Sporment. Pull price BANCROFT, ONT. 100 acres of land -- 70 acres of bush, balance of workable land, plus six-room house and barn. Good hunting and fishing, Reforestration area. Full price only $3,400 with $800 down, Interested parties should contact Ozzie Addison at RA 3- 2254, LLOYD AYERS REALTOR Plant now, do not delay! Evergreens, Medge Plants Trees & Shrubs, Guaranteed Stock! . Also' Box Plants, Peatmoss, etc PICKERING NURSERIES boats, motors ¢ N 3 miles ckering, 1! mile Dx WILDE RENTAL watt of Dune a SERVICE and SALES : re 1415 DUNDAS ST. EAST PHONE: TEmple 9-211) WHITBY -- MO 83226 | Open All Weekend chain grin boats, and EN | MODERN TWO { BEDROOM APARTMENT fpr. mcoe N. Avaziloble June 1, pply: 341 Division St, after and - used d 2 Highway, ¢f P trailers n C vee 5.6243 cae 3.9290 . Nde Im. | Adults 12, de IT Pe ed