19th Launching Of Minister Starr Speaks ner oh ¢ il, y hoaro Sime g ing of its Jupiter intermediate- : On Charges In House mops ball igsle By VOL. 88--No. 114 OSHAWA-WHITBY, FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1959 PAGE 13 weapon "ready for operational use." Thutsd A ltl. #4 By KEN KELLY ance fund -- to $496,251,000 at unemploy- 1 Canadian Press Staff Writer (March 31 from $026,777,00 in Som. fully travelled" the planned 1956--as evidence of . avellef - OTTAWA (CP)--"I have Dotrati nc gi gli Son tance make." seasonal benefits should have ' re i eo S S Starr summed in the fund. | | maladminis. introd amendments X . Li] of the unemployment .|surance fund and Violation of the 0 : uth' Y seem nsis ae iE New Scholarship such , mean- i . A kg 4 ane unjusti- , Starr y army to missiles of less than 500- fied and trumped-up to describe p mile range, the accusations ageing them, w hard i a Their defence was follow | . 3 C Sms So i a ommemoration principle -- of the government's Unemployment Insurance Act|intact, he e : / ° ° ET U5 PA at Sid 10, 000, om 0 Of Queen Visit CCF MPs opposed the bill. FUND DROPS RAPIDLY By THE CANADIAN PRESS i } 2 % : ; During the debate, the Liber- . -- s als pointed to the rapid shrink- C kt il Pp t a; 4 : . nd | 28¢ of the unemployment insur- oC a ar ; a : 4 2 } a Sepe Name, ) : i oe : . western Ontario, said Thursday ight he hopes many communi- New Gown Effect Described : i ara Be he v od ng ars. 3 4 foe at octal pity Spend da. devon ok 3 " = no Er Sor . Percy Jones vis- noise at a cocktail party depends |build-up, developing in about 20 ; : Hubbs, Hills- or ayne only slightly on the number of minutes, and then a levelling off g lafter putting in appearances at -sighted policy which sacri: a 0 the charm of distinguished Sound and Georgetown. He gns for new subdivisions on guests, two Canadian scientists . -- yy p y 5 od # ; 1 y was greeted by thousands of chil- the altar of that quadrilateral ef Ca R E an ans ie ! : ; : dren and adults in all ni " hk M f 1d R. F. Legget and T, D. North- ests. Sp # y ; £ | and adults communi which marks many SON '1 0 i " . y d i . ; r | ficiency h ki of r. Mrs. Robert Monahan wood of the National Research One interesting observation > ad a ; i ties. % four inl il in a paper to be|/was that a party of librarians § ° i ; ; | " Rig Jr davglner LAS VEGAS, Nev., (AP) = presented to the A So-|drinking coffee i just as noisy| # iit 4 (said the Soveruor gulieia), that 4 tical a Took ike ae > " Jayne Mansfield opened her act)..." or America, now meeting|as a cocktail party. i any community to 2 SON-; Carson, Sunday. at the Tropicana Hotel in a gown nts do| "Another: Two all-male parties li ih 2 id bi jeson | |here, that their experiments Another: x This summer 3 Hou bt gud Hi, Coc Joos cn for cover © [1 bet out he hey of Amr were chaeved o be igh lets RAIN SORKS VISITORS TO GM a y the ited Our and.| Her opening entrance Wednes-| yo} oo kiail Mrties can be kept|parties. Even pouring rain could not | L4d.. south plant on Park road | excursion train cought in a | Mr. Massey referred to 8 $500. to develop "na. Oe eistencd. Mr. and Mrs,(d2y night brought a gasp from) cioively quiet by limiting the| "Finally, # should be stated| deter housands of Oshawa re- | south during Open House last | & den' downpour outside 0 a a has set up|tionalism in a benevolent form." Semicon had dinner with Mr. (first nighters who had been number of those in attendance. (that there appears to be no likeli-| sidents to visit the sprawling | Monday, Tuesday and Wednes- | plant. ot Bio | By Sve He, added: : Mrs. Dick Ward, and Mr,| Watching bare-breasted Frenchigy\pi sp" oRopRVATIONS hood that attendance at cocktail] General Motors of Canada, | day. The picture shows a GM Queen. aos to me at the Kin rs, Lie : and German beauties for months|>" % will tly i ' URGES OTHERS of nationalism I have just de- and Mrs. Jones with Mr. and Mrs.| "SF obo Gide of the strip. There was i siting similar, Polties will permanently impair THER tik thay ol ga ivustic; | lave ennet! . or # - Rr es. Noel Marshall off On paper, the gown is not ex-|ty in the results og OR oii and. Is. North ALKS sid like may be arrived|to us in Canada--the pride and Pickering visited Mr, and Mrs, treme. It covers practically every wood describe "cocktail party GENEVA T at in mmero 5 local communi- confidence in ourselves that can dian Club. achieve great things at home and inf) events abroad." Knolton, Enniskillen, 4 tomy -- even "" Cecil Disney Sunday. Part of Jayne's anatom R d effect" as 'man's ability to con- Mrs. Frank Disney spent a dar #4 a her ewar centrate on one of many simul. LJ wih ler daugiter, Mu. $49 ample figure, it sort of dissolves. : taneous speakers." yrations es io] Th ticoats are worn from Me. and Mrs. Lorne Jones and 1 Ponts we on fon | For Lost Boy ' Terror Plot Seen Fireman Cets family visited Mrs. Bert Jones 3 C0 Only a few 'stra: Last Fl in : { Brooklin. Toronto spent | te€ic spangles block the view. | WOODSTOCK (CP)--A $100 re- ® In Nashville, Tenn Mrs. J. Monat of op Car-| '1 designed it myself," said| ward has been offered for in- . eo ) ' id Sus nsion the weekend wi rs. |Jayne. "I wanted to be com- formation leading ot the where- Boat Retired ay WASHINGTON (AP) -- The po- pe *Delaine Dopking of Dundas|Pletely covered. If T had tr ed 1olabouts of 14vearld Joh, Danie) ee chief of Nashville, Tem, oiCHENER (CP) Piemin com e . : Mr. eon Sion," PTlown grounds, it would have been|ENISCS: FEY mL Lol" Rutl LONDON (Reuters) -- An in| py 4, ui, ROBERTS jsirange to the West. It a West hing. In all of its approaches to C. H i So re 2 Bey 17 oer, en sce Wednesda lube NEW ORK, (AP) Th, West 0 Lh Ce Ee i i i man ih en] ym : ' ern for , he virtue of a girl, He nd, Mrs. Walter neing in her act, 'She is no| Mrs. Donald Kennedy. John's|fhe last of the RAF's Sunderland 7 "C a bit confused by thelWorld, he's miling--and ma de CES Hr her house, then. puts 3 Y aunt, said she last sa i seemingly sh devotion e -- : t and lets Mr Trad MoAvoy Dinah Shore bn vi that ove he left for a small rural school|operations, Soviet delegation to procedural sackcloth and sit in ashes. But pu his fireman Beira aul lots o Faauk Me rj 3 pe |house two miles away. He has| The Susdetisnd has been in ters, but it wouldn't faze such|the Reds are, Patticulas Shout er ub fhe Sigh & Jilhite \ i old hands as Dean Acheson, John Whete Sey bein oe in an|only one to rescue her. vulge could still drive a fire truck. man hushand, accompanies her|ihe last OE ies "southeast. of| squadron service [Foster Dulles, Anthony Eden or cot o€Y O70 008 Pon ving to] ---- Visiting on the. piano for one mu To in nites sow lands retired today belonged to a| Georges Bidault. ueeze in the East German for- i Noon of another" pumber, he lifts her here. The new hands will just have|S! a above head tosses % id the squadron of the Far East Air e eign minister was by no means PRETIN Wo o's te a has a ee ball. a Br rel his Diaycle. Force. lo wet ackustor ined, 0. fying to the sole reason for the square INTER G THE NEWS ° | table-rou: e ar t . ine, 3 any, from the gyrations of| myko does mot seem to con- hall Bhd nd Andrel Gromyko, hearing of|fusé himself, just as Molotov and ur 1ne =) a Br ry Vishinsky before him did not con- hd fuse themselves either, by re- CAB ls ll ui Mrs. James 'Bris-| Mickey Hargitay, her muscle-|lived with his aunt and uncle for dh longest go! ment of the meeting so far as 2 ersals of form. effort to mak ropa- : Bustin oe well look wh 4 sur-| The traditional Soviet attitude id prise and ask "well, that's what|toward small countries is that 1r econ a be) we called it for, isn't it?" {they should pose as the big pow- There may be other reasons, oy dispose, Satin aud C3, sever too. It's a good guess now that unders why the West woul By GEORGE KI N 4 oat elie veil te one of them is to give the Rus- not settle everything by establish-| hme RICHER. resp Sorvich made pr bie = fnvol! Canadian isns a ch to talk thei ing spheres of influence willy et Khrushchev's threat to|nilly. The second phase of the battle EI lacrers Who ere GY take unilateral action designed to] But suddenly the Reds are|of the British turbines can be ex- The fi i . vie get the Allies out of West Berlin most Sich ous 2 Cr he ilnes ee thr Bg tory for the United States pro- of the Poles and Czechs who on|any n nex or, # not that, to: get. Communist weeks. This time, however, it has|duc ery other day of their lives are ers several months ago when force in. expected To dance briskly toa distinctly Canadian twist. a British firm--English Ble Sse STRANGE WAYS whatever tune the Kremlin calls.| The fight involves a flurry of Company 04 Lotdot, gob pid But one of the facts of the To understand the Russian cur-|economic warfare between it tract or two hydrav- world's current life is that the|vetting at these conferences it is| American producers of power | SP : Prin Digi pide Ww ers t Russians are fundamentally/necessary to remember one generators, who are trying to ir i Arkansas, . vet pment waungins| Prizes At Bay Office of Civilian Defence Mobil- ATTENTION! Fered to do the ob for §1.757.210, BR HOTEL, MOTEL, NURSERY, a 3 | U.S. Producers, in fighting COMMERCIAL OR RESIDENTIAL [is Enses FEE Buckner. national emergency i a OWNERS WITH city depended "on" overses| The second team was the Goo. tepane. Pegkers vere thind wih 88 ponte DISCRIMINATING PROPERTY Sarees SERIES or o power| High three handicap -- Peggy If you want a swimming pool we will install it at cost. Powell 747, Ron Playford 783. in South Dakota, This time, their High single, flat -- Lois Fer . specifications say, the turbines jie 316, Vie Garbutt 346. will be produced by a Canadian High th flat Dot affiliate, the John Inglis Com- ree, = Wise- pany of Toronto, man 647, L. McWilliams 716. The British bid for the Missouri] Ladies attending the banquet installation is $6,467,313, against received a brooch and a corsage. the lowest U.S. bid of $9,301,815,|The men were given key chains. again from the Baldwin - Lima- Mrs. Swan, Sr., received a prize Hamilton firm. for being the oldest lady present, The effect of the English Elec- and Alex Parker was given a trie Manoeuvre his eon to im- prize for being the oldest man, pose the pr Special gifts were presented to thet of 'Anglo-American relation. "le officers, Eric Playford, Marg ,|Garbutt, Ron Playford and Eva Since 4 Canadian COMPANY NOW pi uro for thelr work during the year. A general meeting and election - 1 of offi will be held at P eistocene home of Ron Playford Friday, a HORSESHOE PITCHING | Age Studied The Horseshoe Pitching Club will get into action on Sunday, LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Western/may 17. The pitch is located on Ontario 10,000 years ago will be Broadview street. ; studied this weekend by 80 scien-| Don Hopkins will take his Pee 4 1 1 ve 3 a 3 3 / tists and graduate students from Wee softball team to Woodstock Won't drip off brush like liquid paint : 3 > k > ; universities and research insti- Monday, May 18, for the Pee Wee Wan't rum down on job or form river 3 od N uses om all parts of Eastern Tournament, A or North America. .. Eileen Wells retunred Gives smoother idge-free sriace ; oy The object of the study is to/home from hospital Monday. Mr. Bods pointing muss ond dh ' : 5 i find out what happened along the Playford, Sr., is also home from . ic 8 (0 aixvo sas Lake Erie bluffs, in Catfish|the hospital but Mrs. E. Hardi Gives a long-lasting, washable finish Creek, the Thames River and|is still confined to Ajax Hospital Available in ready-mixed & yo i ' WE REQUIRE o wie Dingman Creek and other se-| Mrs. Julie Edmonds was taken and Thiz-fint supplementary color ' . lected locations during the last|to Oshawa General Hospital Fri- ke 5 ; . : Ice Age, the Pleistocene Age. day. : Dal Bilt to wth ge. A location that can be viewed from a well travelled street. An The students of this specialized] A bridal shower was given for y : : . : : field are "Friends of the Pleis-| Diana Youell at the home of Mrs. : owner and location that will allow a small sign on the POOL tocene Geology," glacial geo. Harvey Fertile. Wednostar, Mics SCARFE & CO. LIMITED : SITE. Johnny Weissmuller pools have many, many advantages ogists, Seomorphologlsts, so 1|Youell and Norman Fertile will For the of est deter . $ Sts, Ss en TS a . marr une 3 Troks Kviares, Montrec, Otrwo, Peterborough, Toronts, London, Hamihen, 3 wt te yolow pou of ow |] Over other pools that sell for more money. For further informa- tanists. Birthday congratulations to ®. Cathorines, Brantford, Kichener, Owen Sound, Windsor, North Bays v + : 3 RA 3 7550 RA 8 0311 | The field of pleistocene geology Keith Fertile, aged 12, May 12, to telephone directory. tion without obligation, phone - or - . embraces studies of Ice Ages and| Karen Thorogood, aged 8, May 9 inter-glacial ages, or the last/and Diane Siseman aged 9, 1,000,000 years, May 15.