@5--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale 10 ROOMS $7900 $1,500 Down == Very cen. A well-kept Se.roém' bunga- trolly located, o lorge brick low in nice condition, near home on Brock St Eost, Ideal high school, en Rosedale Ave. just off Mary St, Oil heating. for income. Oll heating, gor- Low taxes, Early possession, ope Early possession. NASH ROAD $8300 $9,000 full price. Suburben $1,000 Down «= 7.room property near Townline north, | Va-storey dwelling with 4 consisting of 5 rooms, 3 bed- bedrooms on Quebec St. Gar- rooms, full basement, oil oge. Reasonoble terms en one heating Lot 71x 'M1, mortgage for the balance Terms arranged, IF SELLING OR BUYING A HOME GIVE US A CALL. OUR EXPERIENCED SERVICE 1S AT YOUR' DISPOSAL, ERNIE HOLMES REALTOR 204 KING ST. E OSHAWA RA 5.2363 KELLY BOLAHOOD REPRESENTATIVE RA 5.2363 : 1130 SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL BUILDING & APARTMENT $15,500 = large block building with 5-roomed apartment, 4-pe. bath. Forced alr oil heating, on highway jn Oshawa. Large lot with highway frontage. Wonderful location for retail or repair, etc, Please call Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5.0243, (45--Reol Estate For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, Mey LOT, 40 x 104, 908 Pairieigh Avenue. te ats i, Hawai, $1000. Bont| g5__poal Estate For Sale THE HOUSE OF COLDELL PRESENTS A GALAXY OF HOMES IN 'Rossland Manor' FROM $13,595, WITH $1,995 DOWN FEATURING. 5 ROOM BUNGALOWS--5}2 ROOM BUNGALOWS WITH CARPORTS--6 ROOM RANCH BUNGALOWS WITH ATTACHED GARAGES. EXTRAS GALORE! SLIDING WINDOWS WITH STORMS & SCREENS, ALUMINUM FRONT DOOR, SODDED FRONT, EXHAUST FAN, CERAMIC TILE BATH, GLASS LINED HOT WATER TANK AND MANY OTHERS. OPEN FOR INSPECTION DAILY FROM 9 AM. - 9 P.M. 137 Male Help Wanted 144--For Rent Box vil, v ED two room Apart ment, adults, very eentrsl, private] bath, WA 55380, of THREY rooms, newly decorsted, built {in cupboards, ground floor, private en. trance, tenant must be clean, Apply 165 Ritson Road South after 6 p.m. 1100 {THREE unfurnished rooms, sink, theuvy wiring, garage, no children, ab. Apply 201 Oshawa Boulevard 1 32--Articles Wanted [37 --~Male Help Wanted DESPERATELY needed Fill and lois nd Tota HEATING salesman, sell in Oshawa: RORVEY party chief Write of it 26 Garrard figad North, evenings Pickering district. Phone TEmple § Oshawa Times, with full partioulars, EES TS 172), Piekering ------ Hy = sloyment Wanted EXPKRIENCED §81d ener, WANTED GERMAN girls requires work, live in, Hardsand Landscapting, | Phone WA 51704 alter 3 p.m. 1131|/Road. Phong RA p73} ' [YY] BUTCHER, 15-20 years old, with some Two men to work 9 hour 3. --~~Female Help Wanted Miia 7) T80 hI experience for modern foed market, | --- Si-day week. Apply in person, Btroud's + typist, eapable of 3 . v O° BOORXERVER © vit, stone, Liss Tin, Whose ose Nori WRITE BOX 930 Excellent working conditions, Bday "we | OSHAWA TIMES week, '50 vacation. Phene RA 51620, [NEED young man with oar, required | Lide for sales Josiiion experience not, re. | quired, full (raining given, excellen LAY 16 Waik ih ansch bar. Must be starting salary plus commission, Also wiges, Dial RA 5.1644 713 | bonus. excellant. opportunity for ad - yancemeni, Apply In pe EXPERIENCED quality presser. Do Sewing Center, 16 Ontario Stret, 113(| nol apply. uniess experienced, go PALENMEN Experience not neces: Suiing cofisitlons. ADHly Mogern De wary Colon Aluminum Industries igpners, - - | manufacture their own home improve: GIRLA required for fine sssmbly work, | ment products in their Whithy plant, | and wirin, rience on eles: We require thre direct factory sales | solderin Aaa PRE pri Biactron nents, ASax. | men Leads sup | wee | ATTRACTIVE furnished rooms, avail: tronle _eomponents preferred, Apply opportunity for ad:| geniryily joonted, close to Henifamian, (go in privaw home. 82 Park Road RENTS ---- " A ition, Vor y Motors and North 5 7 pom. RA b-867) EXPERIENCED nurse * required for|¥anoement, vers, On, SOWACIL, om Fittings, 900 Athol Btreet Eamt, MA) CoCSSwN four Targe room upper dit nursing home. Phone RA 58330, WM | {oiciivios "Jae Simeon Street South, RA |= eed 3B C10X ADAFLMENtS NeW 'frig., NEW SlOVE, EXPERIENCED waitresses wanied -- | 8.8571 = 1 CENTRAL: single furnished room, for sopirate entrance, romplaie four-piece at RIN Restaurant, Whitby Plas, day FOUNG man Tor men's clothing ston Slaan gentleman, meals if desired, RA pain, kitchen cupboards. Nice surround. ornigm, He) NM eeply Dunn's Tallors, 18184713. e310 King Street Last, $05 per month, RESS wanted. Apply South End A South 108f | FURNISHED room, busine ls it and judge for yourselves, Avall. Restaurant, § Bloor Street Kast, 10M | oSieion goon for two veliabie men | ALTAR ONIY, two may share, Hefriger (obiP July 1, Phone MA 30114 between -- Experienced or willing _ fo los representatives, for nationally | FiO Wlactiic hottie and loundiy prvi) Bs 10 arin Gaeta Tid, learn good cooking. Apply South End! tised product, Kood opportunity |e "s fagy 1 THREE - room apartment, unfurnished, Restaurant, 5 Blogy Street Est 100 gor right man. Before 5:30 pm, © Il | : wre wink, bulltdn eupboards, FRPERIENCED tyrin for digiaphone| RA #9234 and afer MO B406h. __11if| COMVONTARLE room for refined son , near south GM. Apply work, telephone answering and recep: ED young man, 16 or 17, As a alle t ' tonigt duties, good (yping speed essen i. 0 un proofs and learn mews §taliont masts, North Oshawa, perkitid 0 Alax Advertising. Applicants mus! -- -- ap-- DIETICIAN WANTED Thad out application forms. Apply Oshawa WOOM and board -- one meniieman, P tal, mew kitchen and cafeteria, Times and ask for Mrs, Kennedy, Ap. single beds, private bath, , radio, good personal policy, Reply stating Sal. | plieants mus! | Apply Glover's stainers, | North, z THREE rooms, modern kitchen, cen. 111f tral to shopping centre and hospital, So. 850, WA BOOZ or 450 Woodcrest after 38---Male or Female bpm enim Help Wanted ONE Targe, furnished Nght heusekeep: - cose memes: | INE OOM with refrigerator, central, CREAM OF BARLEY Park, Bowman: suitable for one or two glils or couple, ville, will require lifeguard and swim: (RA 56226 10f fing insiruetor to begin as soon A NE weather yermits or schools close. 113f| mn, | {1 REY BLOY | ~iooin and Board RA 59815 OOM and hoard for two + bedroom apartment, stove, bv washing (acilities, Phone ull training given plied, Excellent FULL DOWN PAYMENT SIX-ROOM SOLID BRICK BUNGALOW, AIR CONDI. TIONED HEATING, DIVIDED BASEMENT, LARGE LOT PRIVATE DRIVE, LENT AREA WITH SCHOOLS, SEWERS, BUSES, ETC. TRADE YOUR PRESENT HOME RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. or re 18 tl T == cottage and boat on eautiful Lake St, Peter, in Wills of Hastings, Sand beach, electricity, four rooms, Rent reasonable for season or 165s. Phone 18 Brooklin 113b | FURNISHED room, suit ons or two t have two to three years' excellent meals, Monday to Friday. 37|p ary, ote. Administrator, Cobourg Dis: (high school education Sandra Avenue, RA 50079, ni trict General Hospital, Cobourg, on | pu LER Brush Company requires two| ROOM and board, "single, double or tario 116 reliable men for sales and deliveries triple accommodation at hotel, MA PART Hime and fulltime girs need: Phone RA 33219. iio; 1.7101 Bowmanville 5744 od, also weekend help, Apply Ih PEFsOn| AMBITIOUS reliable man, capable of ATTRACTIVE furnished 'rooms, avail: Persons, reasonable, Phone RA 8.5744 only to Elliott's Restaurant, 7 Simcoe managing dry eleaning plant good op. Able in private home, LL Park Road anytime ce ) Io Street North, portunity for the right man, Write Box North, 8-7 p.m, RA 8.867), | THREE Tom furnished partment, DENTAL nurse and receptionist, Nate B31 Oshawa Times : Hi noom and board, two single beds, Ap. | sult business couple, Phone RA 3.2850 past experience, age, name of Prev sl rim (or hotel, please state aie, ply 971 Elizabeth Street or phone RA . Mle ous emplayers, of sehooling, Jnarital marital status, past experience, Ref. ? 1000 yor RENT attractive bachelor satis, 'wige expectation, \ M bh HH erence required, Write Bux 822, OShAWE ytoOM, or room and hoard for gentle. | apartment, convenient location in pleas humper. ALL replies confidential. Wile 1B yun, Apply 195 Albert Street 1120 [ant surroundings, bathroom, stove, re PRICED REDUCED Accountants' office re Senlor matriew Och 108 Times Box 018, Oshawa Times nf . \ bathroom Dye. fe Y . CHARTERED " M---- aundry facilities and pa AALEALADIER for ladies' and eh quires Junior students 4 42--"nom end Board | Oe atv dup) \ition, ficessary, Write Box #20 Wanted y v0 1 . King slree Hor MAD eon 0 k . JACENRE a WOMAN to do office cleaning, RENS. gion" Acnly Box #33, Oshawa Times State age and phone number. Write Bo 829, Oshawa Times no to North ares Wholesale, RA roor central Ruddy Electric Mr. Hollingaworth, dally 3 to alngle 118f Phone - A488, URGENTLY required, licensed body o py man, top wages, Apply Port Hope Auto === | Body, 8 Mill Street South, Port Hope 1 Jewellery Sales girl required ~Weanted to Rent It "Full time position for right girl. Experience not required Apply between 10 am. and 0pm to BURNS | CREDIT JEWELLERS LTD 110f |Loblaw's store on Athol Street, Phone {RA 5.0016 | WANTED TO RENT « Apartment or duplex within 10 minutes of Four Cor. | ners, by coupla with two.year-old, Best references. KA 5.7700 after 7 p.m | HOUSE = five rooms, available July 1. | Within eity limits. Write Box 933, Osh. | awa Times 112¢ Young child re quires house in| Whithy Phone MO| 2-566. us 44--For Rent | FOR rent Smelt nets, lanterns, $1 each per night, Cabin trailers $48 week. ly Wilde Rental Service, Whitby, MO 8.9220 LARGE housekeeping room, furnished, | refrigerator, sulv one or twa ladies or gentlemen, 38 Quebec Ktreet, near Sim. | oe nu THREE SALESMEN We have a sales position for an experienced Real Estate Salesmar. Mutt be married own late mode: car. Age no barrier, Highest commissions paid. If interested please call Bill McFeeters or Reg Aker of Schofield Insurance Assoc lates, Daytime RA 3.2265, and evenings RA 85-1726 small room rent couple with five or six Reasonable FEMALE HELP WANTED Experienced, either book keeper with typing, or stenoge rapher - secretary preferably with legal training, Good woges, Wrke Box 928, Oshawa Times Well established firm, oper throughout U.S Canada, hos opening | office here high-grade young man to do outside con toct interview work along in vestigation lines, No selling collecting, no overnight Permanent Job, ory, ond bonus plus ollowance. Promotion oppors tunity, Useless to reply un less you have the following qualifications Age 22.29, at least Junior Matriculation, good physical stamina, use of car, and some knowledge of typing. Apply P.O. BOX 31 OSHAWA ating and n 1101 for Wanted by o well known and established Oshowao Firm, @ middle aged lady or widow," 40 or over, who wisher o pleasant place to work, Applicant must have o good school background with grammar and spelling being the best subjects, unfurnished rooms, heated, | [Nghts and water, No objection to a | | baby, Phone RA 37808 in |FOUR apartment and bath, | self contained, unfurnished, heated, central logation, #75 monthly. Avaliable | {June 1, RA F643 1 [THREE . room basement apartment in [new home, perfectly dry, Bright, mod. {ern Kitchen, bedroom, large living | room, heat and lights, parking space, |bus service: abstainers, quiet couple, | RA 30702 na | | TWO + room furnished basement apart: ment, modern kitchen, bed.sitting room, shower, private entrance, park. ing space, Apply 73 Ritson Road South, RA 30124 after 5 pm, : 11 TWO nige rooms, cupboard and sink in kitohen, te bath, separate en wi working or room - travel sal car This werk is Interesting end conversational, regular busis ness hours, plus full benefits, If you are tired and bored living in an apartment ond wish _@. change , of pace in " wi pe : fs o be strictly confidential, | 113¢ WHITBY CLASSIFIED | FOR RENT .. Fourroom apartment. FOUR room basement apartment, un:| Phone MO 8.3488 Whitby. 1116 furnished, or furnished. al ' gon: | WANTED + Votes for Al Schatz for Vehlences, semi-private entrance, in a president of the Kinsmen Club of (New home, newly decorated. Apply 314 Whithy, Al has been vice-president long | Chadburn Street, 0 enough, Let's make him president, 113(| THREE - room apartment, separate] FOR RENT = three room house, all ®nivance, central, table for business | conveniences, oll heated. Available couple, Mrs, MeTa ft, RA 3.7012 June 1st. 713 Centre North 13a ROOM and hoard for two gentlemen, SIX willing to share one large room, Cen.|®ast, Apply 76 Harris Avenue, tral, Phone MO 8.2352 1130 THREE unfurnished TNT FOR RENT « New five-room bunga. Apply 71 Warren Avenue, low, $100. Mr, Green. MO 8.3184 FOR RENT -- 2.room self-contained People, board if required apartment, Reasonable rent, Adults on. | Sireet ly. MO amar | n -- -- -- t FOR RENT -- New two bedroom 'Pring maitress: 102| apartments, ready by May 30, §i00|ElEin Street East | for_cottage. MO 6.3623 1120 | month, Includes stove, refrigerator, TV THREE unfurnished rooms, on bus TONY -- Disc huboap, 13", Jarge vin | Merlal, heat, 71a Dunlop Street West: | line, available, adults, Clean and bright. | | on same, Vicinity of Mary and Dun | --e ____ 11% 301 Gibbons Street _RA 3.181 { das east. Phone MO 8.9025 ask for T.| WANTED fo vent -- house in Whitby [FOUR rooms, unfurnished, lights, heat | Hanna i 4 ol Ule| from ist hi ts, for Mh School land water, Couples only, Private en: | SALESLADY WANTED = --Part time, | Shcher ontact 8 millon, 38 trance. Apply 303 King Street West, 10 Apply Art's Clothing Store, Coronation Crescent, Cobour 1% am. « & pm oot 198 Brock - " Preset South. 112¢ Ive Joultey, alto feathers wanted LARGE double room, two beds and one pa , ghest market prices pal one col: amall room with double bed, TV vil SNE Continental, $4 7ineh bed Price lect MO $3480 Whitby ine 13 |ken, very ochtral, gentlemen prefers. A Thi Agr ro sur ; Peterborough cedar wirip ©. Phone RA #667, oof -- Na - ar, 13. ft. length, Asking price, 3123, ONE room in mew house, for one or GARDENS and 8 rototilled, ready § v 837 Alber eo rE Pa a ai Wanoy 4004_candition. Apply 311 Dunlop us two gentlemen Apply or Albert Street 0 8.3870 La. JS 4 TWO furnished rooms, bedroom and FOR SALE -. Wrecking 'Al Pontiac, kitchen with refrigerator, cupboards, straight 8, hydramatic transmission: and sink, conveniences. Apply 887 Rit. also 'S1 Nash, All parts for sale, MO son Road South 108¢ June 13 44ryr UN SrwLy a i Three - room apart che . decorated three m re bi RENT ee em si sOntalN: FOR SALR w= Melary heavy duty ment on second floor. Builtdn fart "range, double ovens, timer, 40", three hoard dults please, / oy al, | das West. MO 8.3004, 1111 | years 'old. MO 8.4183 Tae) A Atul vieate. AB W Molni FOR RENT ~ Small house, immediate [FOR SALE -- A.1 sod. Phone MO v an. 74 Oshawa B Juststaion 110 Ash Street, north of Sus 8411 Whitby uy Room or gentiemiaf. 14 Oshawa gh hud kiS < ® ROTO-TILLING. gardens. lawns, A ELITE SPARIMENTS Spebing, ou Dennis, phone Oshawa, RA 8.1386 ms, stove, 'frig, w , dryer, $10 0 korg LL SEPTIC tanks cleaned the month, Apartment Brooklin 2V eB $44 Miia central, $110, ed way, new tanks installed, Walter Ward, Real Estate, MO 8.3032 1lle 304 Chestnut West: phone MO 8.233, ywo Pi ar v 3 : DUTCH couple would like job care! - July 3 redcorated taking, apaftment building ete, full FOR RENT «-- Single furnished room, Parking: one single ream: one time, MO 84908 anytime lle central. Phone MO 83468 May 28 housekeeping room, RA 3.8332 1A FOR RENT unfurnished apart SOD, 200 square yard, delivered. Roto SIX room house with garage on King ment, three large rooms, self-contained, Hing, rockery atone, MO 8.301% Street East, near Wilson, For one fam. riz and stove supplied, reasonable! May 24 UF or two couples, RA 37180 12 Rent, Alto Neto fwe room furtvaied GALL us now. Clients waiting. Buying, ent, sitting room an it | sells renting, Call W. T. Lamso ' , Private entrance. Apply 31 Pah RE rhLing #3082 May n ONE BEDROOM 7 APARTMENTS Immediate possession, eles aoe Street € | rm - c ------ A ------ |PANT cuffing and alterations, men's FOR RENT -- Reliable tenants wani,/R. HN. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South MM for two furnished self-contained and ladies' wear: drapery alterations May 2 prically eouipped, best locas tion. Buckingham Manor. RA 8-8676 foams. Apply 740 Dundas East. 1104 WOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good LISTINGS wanted, Nemes. farms etc, old and naw: also rentals Whithy and MODERN TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENTS | Good L Ey yments. W. MoAuler Realtor 1, Oshawa RA 32813 north to Lake Simcoe. W., T. Lamson. FOR RENT -- Furnialied § roomy and | Real Fatale, MO 8302. May 1? ON 15 GIBBONS ST mediate possession. or with children over bath on ground floor, apartment build Apply 21 Gibbons St 1 E room or re . Phone RA »- CL lege furnished housekeeping or t mand bo 6083, {ONE room, Street, 109 | lights, daha, + bat LU) | With elderly lady, RA 3.7088, DAY CARE in my own home for children ages 2 to 5. Five day week Phone MO 8.4848 113d FOR BALE =~ Girl's bloycle, like new Mo 27, = 1138 FOR SALE ~ Lloyd baby oarriage, excellent condition, ght green with gray, MO 8.2357 113¢ KENTALS -- Four rooms and d-piece Bath, electric stove in kitchen supplied, hardwood floors, central location, rent per month; Three rooms and , central location, gas heat § and cooking, Rent $50 per month Jos, E, Shields, Real Estate Broker, Whitby, phone MO 83874; evenings MO 87. 113a FOR SALE «= One bed davano and 2 chairs, with grey covers, $40; large erlh and mattress, $10, All suitable + room house, 490 Alice | 1120 [ROOM In private he suit gentleman CULTIVATED sod for sale "Delivered 20 cents yard. Phone Ajax 326.0 | room apartment with private | private entrance, S40 a8 month, | included. Phone RA ™o _ | bath, sanitary heat and hydro ST018 + room (very large) apartment, sink continuous hot water, large FOR RENT -- Lawn rollers, seeders, mowers garden tillers, post' hole diggers paint sprayers, cement mix. ach night. Cabin trailers. 345 week. ers, wheel barrows, chain Ww. Rental Service, Whithy. MO| ond skill sows, drills, grin. | ders. Canoes, car-top boats, mot boat box and cabin trailers, tents ond camping equipment FOR SALE-~~New and used boats, motors and trailers | | | | Ing: range, refrigerator; $70. RA 3304. BRICK, block and general cement! For free estimate call! P| MO #220 June T Tent -- Smelt mets. lanterns, i Im. Adults 12. - FOR C.IL. PAINT | call DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8-323! LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Qur fee is less then eo WILDE RENTAL vacancy ay rand ond SERVICE and SALES EE ious) La ---------- a 1415 DUNDAS ST. EAST Bg bla [WHITBY MO 8.322 RA 8.8129 GRAVEL & FILL | -- |e * Ornamental Evergreens, riveway Gravel, $7 per load) " coon, M GEDROOM = | Shrubs, Hedges Pasonies, BEDROOM Cement Gravel, $1.60 | Perennials, choice collected | APARTMENT per vd Cedars for hedges. 35¢ ond AAVENIeNCes Parking ov For Delivery Phone ORCHARD N A 630 REERIEE | ant a a ERIC BRANTON Thy he ing Simeon N. Available June | Apply: 341 MO 8-2660 2 miles west of Brooklin®, & ¥: 341 Division St, efter | ors, A | Blieet Weal, MO 8.2660 service ata. YOUNG man requires room and board, frigerator, share bath, good location KINGLE 3 privileges if desired, IA DESIRABLE apartment, self contained, A GARAGE or parking piace, "sions 10 eAvy Wikthod 2¢(9100 MONTHLY = Modern three-bed: or . o-- FE a4 from four corners. [DUNBARTON distriot, Sroom self. 1121 | contained ard, | Water, inside conveniences, very nice { | krounds, $48 2712 Dunbarton between 6 and 8 p.m, 113% ¥ or couple, One block trom 'Glecoft's. Apply 135 clone | TWO ROOIRS, . uNtyEnishad, Apply 39 A Jeo LARGE two-room apariment, heat,| FURNISHED, light housekeeping room water supplied. Also four-room | for one or two gentlemen, includes re. b to share | frige |FoUR - {equipped with refrigerator, Bloor Street in cuphoards and sink, TV 112 | ly decorated, 17 Elena Stree roofs, central. | THREE . 113¢ | contained FURNISHED room, suitable for two | APartment bullding. Available June o 11 COTTAGE for rent, "oontral, | Barage, RA 8.3010 frigerator ng, Apply No, 3, 308 Apt John | VERY CENTRAL -- 4 BEDROOMS $2,000 down = $9,500 full price, A large 7-room brick home with garage. Now forced air with oil unit just installed. Living room 25 x 12 with mantel, See this one today. Please call Bob Davis, evenings, RA B-6326, GOOD SIZE KITCHEN | S.room brick bungalow in East end of City, Close to Catholic { | | | THREE rooms furnished stove and re. rooms, cooking gentleman only and double pply 138 Celina Street and bath, unfurnished, heat and water, down own. Adults eniy, #80. RA B:8)75 BACHELOR apartment for lady, stove and refrigurator, ean'ral. Must be seen to be appreciateld RA 8.6047, TWO large rooms, bulltin sink, hot and gold water, use of phone, private entrance. RA 5.0517 between J - 8 ii in APARTMENT two rooms, furnished, rangette, refrigerator and cupboards eto, TV lead in, private entrance, Ap:| ply 184 Beatty Avenue 1" THREY small rooms, upstairs, een: tral, share hathroom, heat, lights, hot| water, $80 mon"hly. MA 8.1412 after "it John F.De Wi SPECIAL new self-contained three. | bedroom apartment, good location, TV | REALTOR AND GENERAL INSURANCE NEWCASTLE PHONE 3341 hres rooms school. This home Is 5 ye: rs old, needs a decorating job inside and out and some landscaping. Owner hos been transferred from City and is anxious to sell. It interested, please call Bill Me- Feeters, mvenings, RA 5-1726 BEFORE 5:00 P.M.~-RA 3.2265 BETWEEN 5:00 ---- 6:00 PM. -- RA 8.1624 1130 outlet, range, refrigerator included, plenty of parking, Adults only, Phone RA 3.0316 THRE room unfurnished ment, garage, all conveniences, separ: | ate entrance, kitchen with sink, cups boards, ete, For information phone RA 5.7407 nu THREE unfurnished rooms, #85 month. ly, lights, heat and water included, No children, RA 5.7825, Hn TWO furnished rooms, Iight house: keaping, near Shopping Centre. A 5.4373. 107 Fernhill Bowlevard, 10 TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, can be rented separately, use of wash. er and refrigerator, central 'location, girls preferred. RA 5.2072 110f UPPER duplex, good location, sepa. rate entrance, kitchen, living-room, din. elle, room, bath, Available June 1, Abstainers. RA 8.839. 110 apart: | SALESMEN DONALD MOUNTJOY, BOWMANVILLE ..... ROSS DAVIDSON, BETHANY . BEATTY FEE, IDA DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with 12 cans quota, on paved road, 100' x 52' bonkbarn, waoterbowls, large drive shed, pig pens, 42 cans bulkcooler, cement silo; é-roomed bungalow with all modern conveniences. Asking $30,000, Easy terms, DAIRY FARM, 200 acres with 8a cans quota, lerge L-shaped bankbarn, 42 cans bulkcooler, waterbowls, steel stanchions, drive shed, etc.; 10-roomed brick house with conveniences. Ask- ing $30,000 with $10,000 down: DAIRY FARM, 96 acres on paved roud with over 6 cans milk quota, 62' x 50' bankbarn, waterbowls, cement silo, machine shed, 27 cans bulkeoolet, etc.; é-roomed frame home with fur- nace, running hot and cold water, Asking $16,500 with $4,000 down, DAIRY FARM, 114 acres with 4 cans quota, situated 2 miles from town, 100' x 30' barn with running water, bulkecooler, drive shed, etc; 8.roomed brick home with running water, kite chen cupboards. Price $16,500 with $5,000 down. 85-ccre farm on No. 2 Highway, east Newcastle, with streams, 2 small barns, waterbowls, machine shed, garage, etc; 8 roomed home with oll furnace, 3-plece bath, electric water heat- er. Price Including some machinery $15,000, Terms, S-roomed, new, brick veener bungalow with all modern con. veniences on 6-acre lot, located east of Oshawa. Asking price $14,900. Terms. é-roomed, almost new, brick veneer bungalow with all modern conveniences on 10 ccres of land, approx. 10 miles from Osh. owe Asking $14,009, Trade for good house in Oshawa, S.roomed brick veneer bungelow in Bowmanville with all mod Asking $10,000. MA 3.3950 : ... PHONE 21ré PHONE MILLBROOK .224 r 2 room . Fern hy Centre, Phone RA 3.3707, near Shopping Centre . i apartment, hot and cold per month, Phone TE Park Road South tor and washing facilitie sonable, Apply 208 Bloor We TWO large, unfurnished housekeeping rooms, kitchen cupboards, hot and cold water. RA 81042 13 TWO « room apartment, priva one trance, all conveniences; four . room | house, teenage children only. Apply 302 Drew Street, ny room flat In privat rea: 1 home, ae | t room suite with bath, self refrigerator and stove, In 113] ern conveniences, double lot and garage. Easy terms, RA 5.8160 made over from ny S.roomed bungalow on Plahway west of Bowmanville, with all modern conveniences. Price $10,000. Terms. INCOME HOME on main streat of Bowmanville with gas furnace, 2 kitchens, 2 bathrooms, etc. Down payment $2,000. Price arranged. WANTED! Married couple to share partly furnished, new 5.room bungalow wiih owner PHONE RA 5.3718 After 5S pm 8.roomed home in Ponytpool with new garage end all modern conveniences, new gos furnace, Top-notch condition. Asking $8,500 with $3,000 down, Member of the Oshawo & District Real Estate Board ONE-BEDROOM APARTMENT washing 1130 Ristow & Olsen REALTORS 1238 SIMCOE ST. S. Well-built, three-bedroom, red brick bungalow on main city bus line Large kitchen will accommodate your family with room to re. Owner anxious, so are we. Call Carl Olsen at RA 5.6165 or RA 8.5146 evenings. 22 ROWE ST. $14,200 is the asking price for this eight-room, brick income home in one of the best renting areas in Oshawa: Three sep. arate kitchens, and two bathrooms. $105 per month income lus three.-room apartment on the first floor for the owner. ngle garage and clean, private back garden. For inspection coll Roy Lothangue at RA 5.6165. ROGERS ST. Preferred location in Bast End near bus line, shopping end sep arate s¢hool, A quiet street you'll be proud to li Sixes room storey and three-quarter red brick with private drive, gare age and deep lot, Cell Hilda Ristow pt RA 5.6165 or RA 5:3608 evenings. . UNUSUAL VALUE $14,800 Located in o quiet residential area close to schools ond golf course Four bedrooms, modern oversize kitchen, separate dining area and living room make this eight-year-old home ideal for the young growing family, Don Hill «= RA 5.616% CREEK VALLEY HOME Thirteen hundred square feet of modern living on a centrally located 8 overlooking park land adjoining the Oshawa Golf Course. Six rooms and attached gorage in brick, stone and cedar siding. Offered ot only $17,900 with substantial down payment. Call Paul Ristow at RA S5.6165 or RA 5.8152 even- ings WANT A PROFITABLE HOBBY? : Let us show you this 100-acre ranch just Bast of Caesarea of the county road, one half mile from a public beach ot Lake Scugag. This farm hos o good water supply, with pasture for 30 head of cattle. Bargoin priced at $5,900 with $3,900 down. Call Ray Lathongue ot RA 5.3412 Art Weinberger RA 3.7244 Ed. Insh RA 3.330! RA 95-6165 RA 5-3412 Ed. Disney RA 8.6954 19 ATHOL ST. WEST OSHAWA 113e 18 Stove, refrigerator, facilities Phone RA 5.3815 S---Real Estate For Sale $1500 DOWN for this beautiful three bedroom brick bungalow, fully decorat: ed, aluminum storms and screens, huge treed lot, numerous extras. Full price only $13,000, Details from Walter Mittler, RA 3.3682: Mo 83333 Berneice | Armstrong, Real Estate 3c ED. DISNEY REALTOR INSURANCE 82 SIMCOE ST. S. $7,000 FULL PRICE S.room, J.-Bedroom insul brick bungalow, 1 block to Ritson, near Olive. All cone veniences, terms to suit your budget. A home compact and complete in every ree spect. Call Art Weinberger, RA 3.2333 or evenings RA 3.7244 NHA RESALE BARGAIN -- HARMONY HEIGHTS SWA.room brick bungalow with finished recreation room, nearly-new and expertly decorated, beoutiful and im. moculate, with eaty terms Call Art Weinberger, RA 3.30 Quenings RA 3.7244 DAYTIME RA 3.2333 AFTER é PM, SALESMEN or | BUY AND SELL WITH CONFIDENCE Howe and Millen | REAL ESTATE chen, oil heat, Older type, well kept, 1l4.storey home, good district, large lot, garage. LU} driveway, dryer, storms, oil heat. building in block, Open to offer, Close to schools and bus bedrooms os required. Oil heating, storms, screens, good go god drive, potio, landscaped: Ask for Winse Bradley -- Toke on imeginative, custom built, five-room bungalow, edd & naturel fireplace to the ceiling, broadioom, taundry room, rod- iant heating, carport and the rest of the usual extras and you'll have on idea of how comfortable and luxurious this home is If you con put $5,000 or better down, call tonight for en inspec- tion, Near all schools, rooms rent for 330.00 Oll heated, landscaped, stone and brick construction, is home is only one old. Must A Call Jon Miller -- RA 5.2993. » FOR FURTHER DETAILS CALL:~-- S. D. HYMAN | REALTOR - RA 8.6266 BERNEICE ARMSTRONG $4,000 down buys beautiful 4-bedroom brick bi-level, near Whitby, on paved road. Taxes only $180, on almost an acre of land, with saleable frontage. Features stone fireplace, built in bookcases, 4-pc. tiled bathroom on main level, also one bed- room, fomily.size kitchen, rec. room, double garage. Excellent buy. . $13,900 -- Custom-built and so very attractive, this 5-room brick bungalow, is tastefully decorated throughout and wal ished. Has 18-ft. living room, forced alr oil heating, 4-pc. til bathroom, paved drive, oluminum storms and screens. Close to school. Whitby. $13,500 -- Live rent free, $75 rent from extremely nice bose- ment apt. carries Interest, principal and toxes on modern 3-bed- room brick bungalow, near school, Oshawa. Must be seen to be appreciated. Owner will trade for suitable large older brick home in north Oshawa. $3,000 down gets you a trout stream, with the real kind that you don't have to stretch, and ten acres of scenic lend. $12,500 -- We got such a pleasant surprise on inspecting this modern Whitby home on bus line, Construction is A-1 and so is the up-kept condition, Optional 2 or 3 bedrooms, 4.pc. tiled bathroom, new forced air unit. Carries easily, H minutes to downtown Whitby, $29,500 «= Executive's custom-built stone-faced bungalow, cen. trally located. This home has more to offer than mony es priced thousands higher. Minimum down $8,000 with owner taking back first mortgage. By appointment only. SUNSET HEIGHTS You must see this one: 5- room brick bungalow. Living room 13 x 18, 3 bedrooms, ond o fomily sized kitchen, 4-pc. tiled both, with colored fixtures. Priced at only $11,500. To inspect call Jean Peacock, RA 5-4330. ROXBOROUGH ST. 7-room fomily home, brick with garage. Large living room has natural fireplace. 3 good-sized bedrooms on 2nd floor, and 4-pc. tiled bath. 3rd floor is complete ly finished. Early occupancy. Priced at $13,900. To. see call Roy Flintoff, RA 5-3454, HIGHLAND AVE. This S-year-old, 3-bedroom brick is one of the choicest bungalows we have had to offer at this price, Attrac- tively decorated. Spacious basement for recreation room. Nicely landscaped and fenced yord. Priced to sell et $11,900 on attractive financing. Call Roy Flint off, RA 5.3454. COLLEGE HILL ! 2-year-old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms; all large "rooms, To t, call Roy Flintoff, RA 53484. 1 SHERWOOD AVE. NHA resale 512% ----- Large living room. with dining area... Family-sized kitchen. Attroce tively decorated, To see call Pat Winter, RA 5-1256. $13,000 -- Between Whitby and Oshawa. So reasonably priced, LOUISA ST. handy to both highways, has a view, en attached garage, a stone fireplace, a beautiful kitchen, a rec. room, 4-pc, tiled both. room, storms, screens -- in foct this S5.room brick ranch-type bungalow is a steal at the price. BERNEICE 7-room, 2-storey brick with garage. Oil heated. Fin- ished room in basement, Well maintained. Priced at $11,500. Call Pat Winter, RA 5.1256. FOR RENT --- 5.room lower duplex, at 83 Alexandra St. ARMSTRONG REAL ESTATE LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA. 5-4330 1130 RA 5-3692 MO 8-3355 MO 8.4135 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. THURSDAY NIGHT 1130 INSURANCE RA 5-7732 RA 5-7052 $14,800 -- EAST END Nicely decorated !34-storey home, in a good neighborhood, well landscaped ond decorated, fireplace, garage. An ideal home for a young family, Ask for Charlie Smith -- RA 8-8254, WELLINGTON AVE .-- $11,500 Here is o three-year-old, five-room dream home. Save on this one Owner's sacrfiice -- buyer's delight. Ranch style, brick, oil heat, wonderfully decorated, spotlessly clean throughout. Storms, screens, exhaust fon. Many other features, Call now! HIGHLAND AVENUE Make us an offer and toke immediate possession of this fg: room brick bungalow. Large living room, bright modem kit. ROSEHILL BLVD. -- $9,500 FULL PRICE Income possibilities, TRIPLEX -- OFF WENTWORTH portunity knocks but once. Don't miss this investment of o time. © Three individual apartments all presently rented. Paved Idea! renting area, Best LOUISA STREET -- $12,500 Brick bungalow, either two or three e, SOMERVILLE AVE. LA SALLE AVE. -- $600 DOWN §-room brick bungelow, two kitchens, two AFTER HOURS PLEASE CALL. RA 3.2008 Jon Miller RA 8.825¢ Rolande Tierney RA 5.3847 Horry Millen | RA 5.2993 RA 8.5207 RA 3.2524 Winge Bradley Charlie Smith Irene Brown $995, DOWN 6 months guarantee Money refunded if not satisfied ONE MORTGAGE $69: | Monthly THREE MODELS FULL PRICE $11,995 Architect planned bunge- lows, in three different plans. Ranch style, centre hall and L.ishape with large rooms ond fomily kitchens. Four piece bath completely tiled, portially finished basemeht, some walk-out basements with picture windows and patios. Sodded lawns, private §ravelied drive. All electric ixtures. Heavy duty cable. Also some with combination triple aluminum storm and screen windows, ond only $100 more on down pay- ment. PRICES ARE AWAY UP ON FUTURE CON- STRUCTION. SO BUY Now. TERRIFIC VAL- ONE MORTGAGE RA 5-8831 W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. 1104 Don Howe RA 3.9692 13 (Continued oa Page 3)