w ¥ ~~ (~~ RN ST na ON Three-day special selling! Se 'Holiday "Portable Six" Transistor Radios Usually much higher priced! Just what you need for the cottage . . . for camping! A pocket-size radio that runs on penlight batteries . . . batteries that are long-lived because these radios demand so little power! Tiny slivers of crystal (known as transistors) are changing the size, performance and weight of the modern portable radio. No tubes to worry about! No 'warming-up' period This model has 6 transistors; built-in antenna; PM speaker; and For the guest room , . . for the coftege . . . is in a smart plastic case. Size approx. 5-% x 3-12 x 1-34", & \ : Continental Beds A ON Much below usual price! Special Toke your choice! 30", 36" or 39" widths in continental beds + « . sturdy quality end H iy feds yA really worlwhile gh in good-wearing cotton ticking. . Q spring, cov n -wearing Price, & e Rolled edge, or Po pring filled mattress with matching cover. [) Ld . . . each To Vaud sh EATON Special Pricest A . 30" width, each 36" width, each EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired with complete ...... 27.95 complete ...... 35 95 NO DOWN PAYMENT 39" width, each 42 0 5 sesans Ld complete EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEFY. 260 EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT PHONE RA 5-7373 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 271 PHONE RA 5.7373 Solid Maple Bunk Beds "MIX-ALL" FOOD MIXER REG. 79.85...SAVE 30.00! with two 3-speed beaters! For a growing family . . . for space-saving accommodation at the cottage . . . it's wise | be stn " to choose bunk beds! These, 39" wide, may also be used os twin beds later. Solidly Special purchase! 2 chromium plated beaters remove easily constructed of 'child-proof' maple, and complete with a safety bar; also a ladder -- fro mwhite enamel-finished stand adn turntable for portable exciting prelude to sleep for most children. In red maple finish; and ot a price so much "hand mixing" if desired. Geared for 3 speeds, sturdy beaters lower than you'd expect, eject easily to simplify cleaning. Has : large and small-size white glass mixing 95 EATON Special Price, D% bowls. Usable on 25 or 60 cycles. ® Two Beds (less springs and mattresses) ........ . EATON Special Price, each sha EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be erranged if desired with NO DOWN PAYMENT EATON' SLOWER LEVE s PHONE RA 5-7373 TO SLOVIR hy BEFY, 377 HONE RA 37 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 270 PHONE RA 5.7373 SAVE ON Domestic Tile |EATON'S "Seconds" of higher priced line! Cover a room 9' x 9 for as little es 9.36! . Hard-wearing linoleum tile that retains its : E ul ment . bright, fresh look with a minimum of care! Camping q . P 3 . ' Choose from attractive marble design in 50 ONLY! At Outstanding Savings ! grey, grey-with-yellow, multi-colour, or ai Et w--bie v8 ivory-with-black; or Jaspe pattern in mushe High-Back Aluminum Jor 3 are ree avout 'Deduty Soot, or touring. the room pink, Approx. Country. | Here are two suggestions to help you rough it' in comfort . . « specially low priced. EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 273 PHONE RA 5-7373 9 x 9. EATON Special 1 ¢ WATERPROOF" woe G%e | FOLDING gy H jsberized, fated. hes "ached. * Ein e Size about 72" x 30" when inflated @ Colours red, green or blue oom Carpets "ATon Je or yates nt al ce, eac x 12" for eros Ua +4 + Reg. 12.95 . . . Save 4.00 f Reg. 129.50 and 159.90! . ing Aimar in luxurious broadioom For the garden te for the patio RR) for the cot- Ld hether you choose he rugged hardtwist, in @ : . " i choice of 'decor-wise colourt or Hehit battarite tage . . . for camping trips. Lightweight, fold- Sree Saved, vp same fine quality Axminster in mushroom or ture : : S EEPING A auoite tweed elect oe hame. that Will' Bay for-transport chairs of rustproof aluminum, with o Ruburized bottom ved for itself' in good looks and hard wear, One size i ! coon -- 9 x 12' -- the popular size for most reems, weather-resistant Saran seats and backs in gay ° Filled fig , Nght, warm "Gelafill" 119.00 cessfully used in cold weather 99.95 plaid patterns. An end-of-line clearance. . Full lonith, separable: brass 2 Zip ng nged . . About 35" wide, 72" long ATONE Bo BOW PAYMENT EATON Special Price, each "BATON Special Price, each TATON'S LOWER LEVIL PFT. mn E RA 5. | 1 0.49 SPONGE RUBBER "3 5 UNDERPAD ry TATONS MALL LeveL, PT. Spec iced for big sels! . Felong the life of you carat. i and foo! PHONE RA 5.7373 're wi on air nge rul Ber Toa cusnion Is motte ond mildew resistant, EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 470 PHONE RA 5.7373 'cushion' your rug between furniture or traffic and the hard floor, thus heiping prevent wear! Offered now In a 9 x 12° size to fit the rugs described above . . . at @ low, money-saving FATon elal tk each ol me TATONS HONE RA 5- nr i 20% Off! Save On Children's 8 Play Automatic Water Pressure Pumps Gvm Sets! = | Reoped Std Frome A Yoweri NED. Jn. SUIT SS, od REG. y Tricycles Savings wri 2 1" ge ss 8 i Performance-proved, shaliow-well pum When you assemble this sturdy gym In your backyard, your \ Sosa) pi for savings! $s such fun to ride a shiny new tricycle " pendable service and low-cost operation, | Tran iring oes active youngsters -- and their friends -- will climb, for fi A LL a constant volume of water, with a capacity up to 290 gal- swing and frolic happily -- right where you can see them! : to especially bright fire-engine red ones t » ike these! The frame is he ye Cottage : Ere sort oT TESS presse: and sop of gosisure gauge. © Rust-resistant baked-on enamel finish avy dir Toe or J FATON glide-ride seat swing. = : ! spoke wheels. Large rear step plate , , . ; i ® Weather-resistant. 4 good size 'non-slip' pedals . . . ball-bear- Farm : o y : ® ® Special purchase! 3 : ing front wheel . , , semi-pneumatic tires. ATON ; : EAT : : EATON'S Budget Plan Terms may be arrenged by hod ON Special Prices: lons per hour, Completely assembled, ready to connect to Complete with 134 gal, steel tank. o Includes swing with trapeze bar; swing with two rings; tubular steel, finished with durable bokeds Owners . with NO DOWN PAYMENT p> 5 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 456 bien i) a 12" front whee! 1 0.39 your water system. Included: pump, motor, pressure switch, ® Sturdy, 2" tubuler steel construction ® 5 slide . 1 ; on red enamel, with heavy gauge rigid PHONE RA 5.7373 size, each ....... UATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 Hardwood Furniture for Dinette or Cottage I A oA ili, i A decidedly inexpensive way to furnish kitchen or cottage . . . at this low Sale price! "Tables are hardwood, with one drawer for cutlery or what you will, in a natural vamish fin- ish. Approx, 24 x 36", EATON Special Price, ® Windsor Style Chairs in matching finish RY p p | sd quaint Jer 3 79 , Sri] . a NY § ald 3 AR BRR = RES thing. te sev. SATON... of, FIVE 'NEW FOR SUMMER' TOY ITEMS... AT ONE LOW, SPECIAL PRICE Garden Tool Set Regulation Size Pump 'n' Bucket Set Fishing Fun . Paddlewheel Boat S-pe. Suite, includ- Baseba For ful the sand! Of safe, break A i A spade, hoe and rake . . . to aseball and Bat n in | Of safe, break- : ; ing Table an 2 ,! resistant polyeth ; there's a 'water A realistic outfit -- consisting of:-- Of polyethylene which should stand up poe in end 4 ° enable a young gardener to Of very ij break: polysthylens: high, 5%" wide @ Fishing pole, metal rod with plastic to all kinds of ph Should 9 - die-~ , yot work al with mother or dad, plastic, t is in realistic wood colour; reel, line guide at tip Str ls ote ong With hs I ie bel eka oenuine, I ay chad at top, with handle. orp he pump ine Je aie Pathe Yeting hooks Wheel beat il toy Which may be used Strong construc 4 o y metal sinker ¢ Plastic to catch 1! the 'pade EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 370 ue handles. Shough for --_ enliven Ly handle water hy ju in or out of watet @ Make-beliove ere te VEhLS, yellow: TON Special { cational, too, ig 'cence, cabin, red PHONE RA 5.7373 SATON Spaetel Solon, sat 4 ....188 BATON Specici Price, complete 88 EN Fee, weet... 188 EATON EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 PHONE RA 5.7373