Ee ------ PRES PRE ESR nia SRR Sto Phases Eat it § ei Be Pa i ui v rrr i, FA Arlt I A 0 SAAB ER E15 SA, nl THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Moy 13, 1959 § ...for Men who like Modern, Relaxed Living 1 STORES 4 STAR HOLIDAY SPECIALS FOR THE OUTDOORSMAN JACK FRASER introduces the Harmonizer Set, FOR FISHING, GOLFING BOATING OR LOAFING ! handsome all wool SPORT COAT ! Metallic Stripes and Frotese You eurse Smart Metallic Stripes an and €O- ORDINATED SLACKS WINDBREAKERS "GUT, [mmm 35 MOSTLY REGULAR 11.95 & 12.95 Styled with imagination gn A VERY LOW PRICE 89° . see the metallic stripe i } Wi / FOR SUCH FINE QUALITY atterns in black and gold, ape ni 4 ONLY or white and gold , . . see Tie t,o SPORT COATS--TOP QUALITY IMPORTED ALL the rich assortment of EN WOOL TWEEDS and SAXONIES, INCLUDING colorful shadow checks! ! a0 10 Take your choice -- all are fully lined, have two slash ne ilo HARRIS TWEEDS. pockets, self collar and cuffs. Elastic inserts at waist- - 4 VIBE. fF SRR Toilored to fit with the cdsual comfort of 'your finest suit, band for a snug fit. Sizes 36 to 46. Shop Today ! 8 0 EO ; i 1 ; Very masculine patterns of lvy stripes, dignified checks, neat = 3 y i # fancy designs . . . in distinctive, modern colours, 2 or 3 buttons, sizes 35 to 46 in small, medium and . tall models. Two-piece Harmonizing Set $35 , . , individually Choice of Two "Wash an' Wear" Slacks Br ; | f CO-ORDINATED . . . All Wool Worsteds Loomed in England, styled In Canada by top manufacturer. Regue POLISHED COTTON OR VERTISHEEN CORD . : 8 larly 14.95. Excellent value; oll the tailoring features --- double pleats, locking zipper front, harmonizing trim . . . four pockets, belt looms . . , pads on waist for shirt-retention. Beautiful slacks in charcoal grey, dark and mid grey, brown, hlue-greys. Two-piece Harmonizing Set $35.00. Sizes 29 to 46, Individually ........ + « gives that neh, vouthtul look to a man! Both fabrics need little or no ironing, are colors fast, Two side pockets, two hip pockets with flaps, POLISHED COTTON SLACKS In bark, black, and light sand. Leatherette trim on side tn Shop at JACK FRASER'S Today! TWO PAIRS pockets, VERTISHEEN CORD SLACKS in tucon FOR 9.50. ili 5 J sn 5 hh Jon OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M, EVERY FRIDAY El Keystone ARJAN [oN 4D COLOR [eo AVA] SS SAA IN NEW TAKE-HOME PACKAGE \ J CRN take home the camera, projector and all the acces- pe) # | Py @ sories in this handy new package! | if m.m. (Co ] Our ul it $130.50 img SAVE 25.00 oNir ASY TEAMS EXTRAS You GET! SAMOCA L-28 ARGUS SPECIAL PROJECTOR rams Senin leather | " ® COUPLED RANGE FINDER AUTOMATIC SLIDE CHANGING ld ® BUILT-IN EXPOSURE METER ® BRIGHT TRUE FOCUS LAMP 404 ® SHARP F 28 COLOUR COATED LENS ¢ ALL METAL CONSTRUCTION nih AA CRP rT ® BRIGHT LINE VIEW FINDER FAMOUS ARGUS LIFETIME KEYSTONE K-20 MOVIE CAMERA with fast 23 lens. Its J CE) / ® COMPLETE WITH DELUXE CASE GUARANTEE all fun, no fuss. You'll feel like an expert. This wonderful new . raf camera has interchangeable lens mount, simplified drop-i int Borin, N\A loading, and en ane ---- pel vpn Hr > ALSO INCLUDED SLELIRI EYE LIGHT METER (shown on camera) -- It's tr eu can ® 3 ROLLS OF ANSCOCHROME COLOR FILM set right into the top of the camera... measures the light for you. Just a twist sets the lens . . . you just Hid bd in Radiant - ® BATTERY CAPACITOR FLASH GUN any kind of light, on any kind of day! 1 N ® 12NO. 25B FLASH BULBS Movie Screen KEYSTONE K-60 MOVIE PROJECTOR with f1.6 Magna- d A ® GLASS BEADED T Scope Lens and Super-Optic Beam. Throws big, bright 500- ' OPPER SCREEN watt picture, Weighs under 10 Ibs., stands less than 12" high. "Quik Splice Kit f $5 B® Streamlined, CL easy b un! _ Spr REG. VALUE 3115.04 80.95 vs COMPLETE 21-PIECE SET .... carrying FOR ONLY $1.00 A [Ea LIFETIME GUARANTEE : SS EL i : : |) ie se x Registered in your name J, = ro book : } kof WEEK MORE cee | on all Keystone Cameras and Projectors. those once-in-a. fat» : | Free replacement of parts which do not i you may have this de luxe Three-Lens Turret Model, complete with function properly in normal use. Guarantee 1 \ three fast 12.3 lenses -- regular, wide-angl i ' gle, telephoto; Electric Eye | does not cover meter or projection lamp. . Cs Light Meter; built-in "A" filter for using indoor film outdoors. fs 3 "Photographic Specialists" movies even more fun, more interesting! Same complete outfit. Just 3 SCC By Wn a OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE RA 8-5211 sk for the Keystone K-26 camera,