18 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, May 13, 1959 | Seek 30 Mph - ii or H 9 AND PICKERING | wl a ™ : : T 'Speed Limit wr 2) 50 0 0 Engineer lo roe no azet 1G . y 4, g ra reed to Fi a speed limit 7 oy r Rd y< / 9 of 30 mph for a half mile strip 7 > of ; en A232) east of Altona road on No. 2 Con- oA. |oslon. The mater, was eter ill $A AN, | PLUMP YOUNG and BROUGHAM (Staff) --» Picker- Campbell stated. to the township police chief for : - 3 ios. Si : ecommendations. ing township council voted Mon-| "From dealings we have al-|™ Councillor Harry Ashton said| 7, & 3 > ARN \ day to give T. O. Jefferson, town-{ready had with -the railway,, 1ithe chief of police did not relish : J 4 . a : . . permission to at-|feel that this is to be the case. I/the thought of placing a speed | ship engineer, he E | ) . tend a meeting between South-|don't feel we should have to/sign in an area which could not %. : , West Pickering Township Rate-|finance both the railroad and an|be policed. i. i 4 7 0) 4 payers' Association and CNR offi-|independent engineer's findings| It was pointed out that the 4 Vode 0) yr clals, as an observer and to re-lof alternate routes, when the area concerned 14 homeowners. 5 v port back to council. railroad has possibly drawn up alThis did not warrant erection of i 4 Cs pr 7) J WAY P The move was made after a|set of these routes," Mr. Camp-[a sign and imposition of a speed | ) : 2 a: W 4 t by John C. bell, pres- bell stated. limit, 4 0 5 . 7 : 3 ident of the association appeared|™ Ee | g 2 : Ry ba before council. . . Pi i Ex , aie. compe saa aner roa] SCIENCE Now Shrinks Piles | ; (SS y 0 kx ng letters received from the rail- my so prises vonss| Without Pain Or Discomfort | a A 4 POWER SUPER SPECIAL! GOVT. GRADE 'A' Gordon, he felt the letters did not 74 ' . 3 : Va Za actually indicate the railway's Finds Healing Substance That Relieves Pain 3 ir : 2 IN desire to make public its engi- And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids a Ting i meer's set of alternative routes. . - qa . "We don't want to send our Toronto, Ont. (Special)--For | that sufferers were able 10 make . . as 74 4 f men down to that meeting, not| the first time science has found a | such statements as "Piles have ly I BL Y knowing exactly what the other | pew healing substance with the | ceased 10 be a problem!' And Go Bide | ' 4 fellows are talking about," Mr.| ability to shrink hemorrhoids and | among these sufferers were a very oy RARER wale « 3 -- -- | to relieve pain and itching | wide variety of hemorrhoid con- | < ", . i : | Thousands have been relieved | ditions, some of even 10 10 20 years' | with this inexpensive substance | standing A ge an | right in the privacy of their own All this, without the use of nar : ph . | home without any discomfort or | cotics, anesthetics or astringents of oN ® 5 JA inconvenience any kind. The secret is a new heal- x TNE i 4 LB TO 8 LB Rent Reduced | iso tenors cum ner |e bsnrs, Bio Bros te 4 | : : | another, "very striking improve- : ie a yo | ment" was reported and verified | stitute. Already, Bio-Dyne is in AVERAGE SEO sa or) Sl SE | A 2 | BER use of Pickering town hall for| _ Pain was promptly relieved. And re hewn Substance i | : 4 " { OVEN READY Joy Rebekah lodge meetings was while gently relieving pam, aviual offered in pli. or oiniment heard by the township Sogneil Fin ih or retraction (shrinking) | (0, called Preparation H. Ask for 4 Monday. S. Scott t 8. dividual venient pe IL Pailios. the matter oil a And most amazing of all--this a uve or | Wk ib. turned over to Counc, E. R.| improvement was maintained in | Preparation H ointment with James for further study. cases where doctors' observations special applicator. Preparation H Mrs. Phillips said the lodge was| "ere continued over 8 period of | js sold at all drug stores | got too wealthy end would appre-| ™2% months! Sausfaction guaranteed or money | : having the rent reduced to| In fact, results were so 1" ~rough | refunded | | eee - : Jeu -- -- MAPLE LEAF @ SHANKLESS SMOKED PICNICS .39° SHOPSY'S SWEET PICKLED SP EN D Rik | | SN Daramount'« saver th SOCKEYE BEEF TONGUES « 49° : MAPLE LEAF REALLY BIG | [ITIONREY |smoese paconcer Jn 2 Pu WIENERS cc 42¢| Liver Rolis 5% 25¢ - Meat Prices Effective to Saturday, May 16th. | Save 20; MAXWELL HOUSE 4 OLl DA J | INSTANT COFFEE > 09° SCC IEILLRRSIIIEL PAs | Save 5¢ HUNT'S TOMATO CATSUP 2 wns29° Save 3p MONARCH M BRG BRINE pe) 25¢ THURSDAY « FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY wow | 'E'PEACH HALVES => 2-2 a3 | Save bc nd e TIN | = GIUPELIull JUICE AND SAVE | SAVE 2c -- JEWEL , GOLDEN RIPE NO. 1 GRADE | | SHORTENING 27 IT WITH STRAWBERRY JAM "43° SAVE 6c -- HELLMAN'S MAYONNAISE oe 49° SAVE 4c -- ROSE BRAND very To0L PICKLES i 29° SAVE 6c -- CLARK'S 15.02 BEANS with PORK ms 29° Kodak Verichrome {;: er eer | pind CRISP TENDER © IMPORTED NO. 1 GRADE Pan Film gives you better black-and-white co ] SPAGHETTI 2 15-02. 2 7° pictures in any light. i 4 z i TINS Sunny-day snaps are AH . cs Va i more natural . . . i i ; i SAVE 2c Bs a 1 Bots ; crun. | | PET POWDERED MILK .. 37¢ SWEET MILKY ® FLORIDA ® FANCY GRADE . . . flash shots are better detailed. i : i nid | SAVE 2c -- RED ROSE | .. | bimini A BAGS 10c OFF DEAL 67: i, a i IE PKG. OF 60 5 SAVE 2c -- LYONS e CHICKEN ALPHABET SOUP MIX WY ~ CRISP SOLID HEAD ® IMPORTED NO. 1 GRA DE PKGS. : Worm SIZE Kodacolor Film HOME FOR ONLY For further information HEADS 74 ¢ gives you big, beauti- ful, full-color prints, enquire aot the cigarette Bx | DELIVERY @hBe i dt rind 4# Can be processed : locally, or by Kodak. Your dealer will look OPEN Mh ONLY 15 DAYS LEF | FRIDAY NIGHT i FRIDAY NIGHT FRUIT PRICES EFFFECTIVE TO SATURDAY MAY 16TH. TO P.M. Power Free Gift Plan will be discontinued on May 30th. Redeem your accumulated Power 4 'Bonus-Gold' Cash Register Slips now while it is still possible for you to receive the free gift of your choice. Below are listed the free gifts still available at your friendly Power-Oshawa Market. 'LADY GALT' TOWELS © 'ROSE ROYALE' DINNERWARE eo TEX- MADE' SHEETS and PILLOW SLIPS e CUTTING BOARD e BATH BRUSH e SILHOUETTE PICTURES KING at WILSON MISHWAY Pick up enough film for the whole long weekend at your Kodak dealer's today! CANADIAN KODAK CO., LIMITED Toronto 15, Ontario gy