16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, May 13, 1959 BOWLING NEWS ory standings: 1886, Jordan's Florist 1818, Peo ;. ) s Clothing 1700 and Motor Cit 1562, & Lovell 1861. 400 Soutisw M. Poch 468 (20 for by ps, Happy , Sputniks and the rs. May the best team win! gh triples were rolled by Isabelle 766 (241-268-257), Barb McFeeters (345-204), Myrtle Hickson 654 (270- y King 654 (232.206-216), Mar) Vaughn 628 (217.217), Blanche Norton 634 (225-312) and Lois Shaw 608 (208-207) les: Edna Anderson 249, Marg Esiit Freeman 213, VI Taylor 213, Muriel Hainer 211, Alice Lanning 209, Bert 207, Eton Fagan 207, Madeline , Irene gue held its Annual Banquet on| I Saturday, May 2nd at the Whitby Legion Hall. A vote of thanks was extended to the women of the Whitby Legion Marie Horne, Don Leach, Marion Her- , Garry Patton, Donna Robinson, Alex Ferries, Olive Penney, George Tresise Ferries, Tom Horne, as new a Mowbray was elected secretary, Mabel Mason as treasurer and Lloyd Bal four as the statistician. George Tresise was elected as organizer spares | snd Bob Jones as chairman of next) s ot. | An enjoyable evening of round and are dancing 'completed the A any thanks to Harold Bell, Tom and Marie Home and Val Harvey for the work to make the banquet - success and fo the Rythm Ranch for supplying the muste. CANADIAN ORDER OF FORESTERS The fo the 'ens | in, by Matt Kotelko of | Lanes. Stark | * high single, scratch, Barb Pisani 347; Men's Art . Trophies for the most im. evga bowlers were won by Jean ard and Steve Artym. les for the section winners ware given fo the "Hoolas", "Goofers"" and "Sarcks." A pin was given to all those who had bowled a "300" game during the season: Arn Greene, Norm O'Rellly, 3 Boorse Scott, Art , Wes Stata, Lan Barker, "Lucky" Wills, Joe Ward, Flo Tippett, Len Dervent, Helen Hir. eock, Barb Pisani, Allen Smith, Win. fle Killen and Aubrey Hircovk. Bob Spiers gave the. treasurer's re Jott od next year's executive was | ced. President, Walt Tippett; Secretary Evelyn Stata; Treasurer Bob Spiers; Executive Bard Pisani, Arn Greene, Norm O'Reilly and Wes Stata. The remainder of the evening was pent In dancing to music provided | by the Club orchestra, 20 Telephone Operators Go On Strik. TIMMINS (CP) -- The patience of 20 telephone operators in deal- i ing with the bilingua' traffic over } Northern Telephone Company wires wore thin Tuesday after- noon and they abandoned their Jwitchioards for more than an Emergency calls were handled | by a few who refused to join the | B walkout, The public was advised by ra- | do broadcasts to restrict itself to | SHieTgeney calls during the walk- | Both bilingual and just English. Next December their voices will no longer be heard when the Hal system goes into effect. company officials ONTARIO'S LARGEST HOME FURNISHERS ADAMS OSHAWA 40 KING STREET WEST TELEPHONE: RANDOLPH 5-6535 WHITBY 103 Byron Street Tel. MO 8-2033 ADAMS the GIANT of the Furniture Business Brings You for the First Time in Over 78 Years the... | BRING THIS AD WITH YOU 78 YEARS IN BUSINESS AND STILL GROWING! and get your share of our practical FREE gifts. with any purchas Table Lamp & Shade ose. "Fibs ing with porcelain Brass gyn v Full "** Worth 5.95 20" high. ing water poctly for storage. Worth 6. Eel) NOPORVNSS, 3 I i SRN with any Sturdy Ba all-steel ou ideal for your ¢ Worth 9.95 tdoor barbecus Sturdy, ountry house: stand. with any purchase 52-Pe. t Direct fram the foméus or) Staffordshire, Eng. ces gold trim of maroon Worth CONFIDENCE! | : / 7, A) 78 Years of Satisfied Customers! For more than 4 generations ADAMS, the 11/1 S 1[1)4 4 GIANT of the furniture business, with more than 32 stores throughout Ontario (On- tario's Largest Home Furnishers) have set the pace for honest furniture values. For 1:13.11) more than 4 generations, ADAMS have grown and is still growing thanks to you. This spells confidence . . . confidence built over the years (78 to be exact) on 11,/] AY G. I [| 118 ADAMS steadfast policy of name brand merchandise, in the widest selection at competitive prices . . . coupled with the full range of services; courteous, well- 1) 3 S. y. | i ES trained salespeople, terms to suit any budget and an iron-clad guarantee of satis faction. All spelling TOP-DOLLAR VALUE ALWAYS AT ADAMS ! Here are just a few items of Hundreds of .Giant Values! Every Item in the Store Sale-Priced at GIANT Savings! 5.PCE. CHROME and a BOOKCASE BED or DAVENPORT SUITE DINETTE SUITE ws 11900 2" QQ88 [5 30.88 1.25 WEEKLY 1.00 WEEKLY 40c WEEKLY IMMEDIATE FREE DELIVERY PLEASE--NO PHONE, MAIL OR C.0.D. anywhere in Ontario % FREE insured storage until orders accepted during this GIANT SALE [St 1390 |r 15.120 [Tati 2590 Efficient Electric COFFEE Reliable' Electrio my ean 14-88 |pencoaron 12s 1098 | won i 6-88 Reg.59.95 ' AXMINSTER %:2:%° 40.95 | MAGAZINE 99¢ HOSTESS 0.88 TWEED RUGS 3%'7>" gg. gs | RACK by CHAIR 13% SMOOTH-TOP Res, Westinghouse} ss, MARCONI STEREQ _Srecie! SPRING MATTRESS 888 Washer with Pump 1 09. RADIO-PHONO 2 1 995 2-Pce. Chesterfield MARCONI 4-TUBE "|B OUBIC FOOTZ:., or DAVENPORT, 1 69% |wanvee mano 91.95 | nermicenaron ~~ 19990 PAY WEEKLY OR NO DOWN PAYMENT omw.ws Ee 8 BE ¥