Canada's Veteran Lady Golfer By JACK SULLIVAN | Canadian Press Stall Writer Ada Mackenzie will tee off in the British women's amateur | golf championship in England this month, This would be common- place news except that Ada is 66 and belts the ball 200 yards off the tee, as far as she did 50 years ago when she won her first tour- v Still Rates With Gam nament, Probably just as amazing is that she has a handicap of five, which means a round of 78 or 79. 8 There aren't many women golf- ¥ ers in the country who can out- drive the stylishly plump Ada or who can shoot in the high 70s. "I'm going over to England just for the fun," Ada said in an interview shortly before she left Montreal with five other Cana- dian women golfers. "I'll be happy if 1 can survive a couple of rounds in the Amateur." The other golfers are members of Canafla's team in the first Commonwealth tournament. They are Mrs. Marlene Stewart Streit of Toronto; Mary Gay, Calgary; Rae Milligan, Jasper, Alta. Roma Neundor{ is the alternate on the team, BIG TOURNAMENTS They will play first in the Wentworth international in- vitation tournament May 19 - 21, the British Amateur at the Berk- shire Golf Club May 25 - 28 and the Commonwealth tournament over the old St. Andrews course in Scotland June 2 - 6. Miss Mack- enzie is entered only in the ama-| teur, Ada, who says she is making| the trip "to boost the kids along," will make her fifth appearance in the Amateur in 30 vears. She has never won it, although her| most gallant bid was. made in| 1953 when she was 60 years old.| "I thought 1 had a real good chance," she recalled. "I got to Name Canada's Bisley Squad OTTAWA (CP)--A 21-member there." Canadian rifle team for the Bis-| py¢ -- ADA MACKENZIE, with an age of 66 and a handicap of five, is one of five Canadian women amateur golfers who are slated to play in the British women's amateur golf tourna- ment in England this month, This will be Ada's fifth try in 30 years for the British title and although she has been Since she first won the Cana- Miss Mackenzie mer was announced Tuesday by|--- ti . muda, o ~ added four more C s Best with silver plate. Since her 1919 triumph she has | Rowing Club Training Plan Is Doubtful VANCOUVER (CP)~--The -Uni- versity of British Columbia and Vi Rowing Club training five Canadian Ontario, two Ber- 10 Toronto and district and last year wom her fourth ¢ consecutive Canadian seniors 4 including Mrs. Streit British Amateur cl p. She has kidded her way around just about every course in Can- ada, has entered the United States amateur championship 10 times and has off sound ad- vice to up-and-coming youngsters in 1953 and the| U.S. Amateur in 1956, the only Canadian to win these titles. about 4 scantily draped in towels when a dian women's open jn 1919, she has picked up four more Cana- | dian open crowns, five Cana- dian closed titles, seven On- tario, two Bermuda and 10 To- ronto and district matches. | Here she is seen receiving one | of the many trophies that dec- | orate her Richmond Hill, Ont., close she has never won it. | -CP Photo |the fourth round and Just missed she first hit the jackpot with vie- {out on a semi-final spot when Iitory in the 1919 Canadian wo- got into trouble on a pardhree men's open tournament. She has hole. I flubbed my chances right heen digging divots in courses of| the world since and the trophy | le te . hasn't| room 'in her home in Richmond | ley matches in England this sum- "flybhed"' many chances since Hill, just north of Toronto, is T comments attributed to 0 won the|th program's fate is doubtful. Coach Dave Helliwell says only 10 of the 24 crew members have found jobs. The B.C. rowers gained promi- nence in the 1954 Empire Games by winning a gold medal, In the 1955 Olympics the fours won a gold medal, the eights a silver. This year, as they prepare for e Pan - Games in Chicago, their training program may be ended because they can't find jobs in Vancouver, 'Most of the fellows are broke and they aren't going to stay around Van- couver much longer," Hellwell of {said Tuesday. FIGHTS LAST NIGHT By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Portland, Ore.--Pat McMurtry, 188, Tacoma, Garvin Sawyer, 190, New York, 10. Yuma, Ariz, -- Art Aragon, 152%, Los Angeles, knocked out Bobcat Terrance, 158, Chicago, 2. Caribou, Maine--Yvon Durelle, 175, Baie St. Anne, N.B., knocked out Teddy Buins, 176%, Boston, 3. Richmond, Calif. -- Billy Mus- ray, 152, Stockton, outpointed Chico Cirino, 154, San Francisco, 10. San Jose, Calif.--Louie Molina, 188, San Jose, knocked out Kildo Nunez, 137, Tijuana, Mexico, 5. London, England--Dave Charn- ley, 133%, England, knocked out Willie Toweel, 135, South Africa, 10 (Charpley wins British Em. pire lightweight title). deep voice bellowed: "Where the hell's the soap?" WE MANUFACTURE fon Women squealed and ducked for cover. It was only the forth- right Miss Mackenzie having fun, NOTICE Stephenson's Garage 15 CHURCH ST. We are sorry to inconven- | ience our customers while we ore renovating our pre- mises. We expect to re- open for alignment work during the week of May if 18 to 23, Our services will be expanded at this time with the oddition of a second alignment mach- ine. PRECAST CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Designed for the approval of all municipal and township by-laws. Quality is unconditionally guar- anteed. Deliveries are made ON TIME, Capacities Available: ® 500 GALLON ® 600 GALLON ® 750 GALLON ALL IN SINGLE OR DOUBLE CHAMBER | & 400 GALLON | Brooklin COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS ARRANGED PHONE 155 BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED the Dominion of Canada Rifle Association | The list, made up entirely of CREDIT _ regular and reserve military per-| sonnel, includes several Bisley) veterans, among them are WO Norm Beckett of Ancaster, and Maj. R. W. Hampton of Alliston, Ont. | Team newcomers include Capt. H. F. Axam, Picton, Staff Ser- geant R, M, McKay, Camp Bor- den, and Cpl. L. B. Rhodenizer, Trenton. It. Eric Tandrup, Ed- monton; and Maj. A. H. Smed- mor, Ottawa. Other Canadian teams in the | Bisley shoot July 1 to Aug. 6 will/ be set by the army, army cadets, and military personnel serving in Europe. Regiment, Kingston, and | J Capt. H. Russell Gardner, RCR, | Arnprior. | HE KNOWS WHEN TO DUCK TOO! CONISTON, Eng. (AP)--A Jittle black duck who likes to live dangerously has flown in for the fourth year in a row So watch Donald Campbell gry for a world speedboat rec- ord The duck has arrived each il USE YOUR CREDIT |i . SPORT "year shortly beforc Campbell brought his speedboat Blue- to' Coniston, where he Jnakes his record attempts, Last year Campbell boosted his mark to 248.62 miles an hour. + The duck stays out of the boat's way until it has sped past. Then he bobs up and down in its wake. When Campbell leaves Con- iston, 'so does the duck Y GOOD FOOD BUSINESS MEN'S 12 NOON TO 2 P.M. HOTEL LANCASTER WITH THE PURCHASE OF A SUIT OR SPORTS COAT... Here's your opportunity to get a SUN COT for-your back yard for practically nothing. YES! It's a $35.00 value and with the purchase of a suit or sport coat you get this wonderful SUN COT for only $4.88. Remember, if you're in the market for a new suit or sportcoat then don't miss this great value! JACKETS and 2 PAIR SLACKS Make your sport jacket and slacks purchase . . . and for only $4.88 additional you get this $35.00 Sun Cot as a Bonus Special! Jackets newly arrived for spring and summer wear include Cheviots, Flannels, Cashmeres. SLACKS--there are hundreds of them . . . so don't miss this great Bonus Sale. SPORT JACKETS SLACKS SIZES MONTHS TO PAY Illini SHOP AT DUNN'S Mm USE YOUR This SUNCOT is YOURS. {or cnly S weeds, Twists, 33.48 TOP QUALITY SUITS Make your suit purchase, then for only $4.88 get this quality Sun Cot. This is our way of saying thanks for your patronage. All new HOW LONG SINCE YOU ' CHECKED YOUR CAR WHEELS? TE The best insurance against bad tire wear, vibration and shimmy 8 © check wheel alignment MEN'S DRESS TROUSERS 4.99 Flannels . . spring stocks of high quality DUNN'S suits in this great event . . . choose from a great array of Tweeds, Twists, Worsteds, Worsted . styled rightup-to-the-minute. Tailored to perfection. Sizes 33-52. Short, Regular and Tall. 99.30 - 69.50 MEN'S WHITE every 5,000 miles. The John Bean Visualiner checks and corrects faster and more acco rately than other methods. come in for o VISUALINER check-up HAMBLY TIRE LTD. SAFETY THOUGH QUALITY Come in or phone for an DRILL PANTS I USE YOUR CREDIT Jilin" SHOP AT DUNN'S "mm MONTHS TO PAY TH IDEAL FOR SUMMER WEAR .99 39¢ T-SHIRTS WORK SHIRTS 1.99 MEN'S WORK SOCKS "Windbreakers LOW LOW PRICE Appointment 16 SIMCOE ST. S. OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M. For Baseball's Records Book? CINCINNATI (AP) -- Dave ational League, thinks there was a record set in last Sum. day's Chicago-St, double- headér. At least fhe record keepers in the National League office haven't been able to find anything like it.' The Cubs and the Cards split a doubleheader. § Elmer Singleton of the Cubs was a relief pitcher in both games, He was the winning pitcher in the first and the loser in the second. Y Lindy McDaniel of the Cards also was a relief pitcher in both games. He was the losing pitcher in the first game and the winner in the second. Grote sald Lou Krems, who keeps such odd records in the National League office, hasn't been able to find any such like situation in previous years and is hundesng whether it ever DOLLARS OFF The safe-sational | Original Equipment DOMINION ROYAL 14 Safe; 8 Three times the skid- resisting edges to the tread, plus the most perfect tubeless gir container yet, DOLLARS OFF DOMINION. ROYAL Safe-Way OSHAWA §34 RITSON RD. 5. RA 3.7881 MONTHS TO PAY [lll SHOP AT DUNN'S lili) USE YOUR CREDIT dn LIaIed EnoX asa mmm A¥d OL SHLNOW HH s.NNOQ LY dOHS Illi Liazgd wnoXx Isa lili | Unitized strength body. For all 14" wheels. % ¥ 8 DOLLA La J The first extra-low Pressure tire to be sold wt such q Jou price. Dominion Rubber DOMINION TIRE STORES 48 BOND ST. WEST, OSHAWA RA 5.6511 'OSHAWA | WOooD DEMONSTRATION | a i a lat NOW beautiful spatter effects you can DO YOURSELF! \ © a new kind of spatter decorating effect e won't fade, streak or peel o amazing one-coat spray coverage even over rough surfaces © can be scrubbed time after time Ideal for wall, ceiling, woodwork, furniture. Reg. 2.50 qt. LPiTaL-10% pole DEMONSTRATION on how to apply [ial-one PAINT FRIDAY, MAY 15th 1.00 P.M. DOWNTOWN SHOWROOM ) PN ~ Holiday Special! 2 (Qis. Petal Tone ALL FOR ONLY 1 Qi. Primer 1 Qi. Solvent $ 95 1 Spray Attachment Headquarters For All Your Painting Needs OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom Main Office and Showroom 84 Simcoe St, S. RA 8.1617 Courtice -- RA 8.1617 9 Telephones To Serve You Bowmanville -- MA 3-2130 Ajox -- ZEnith 2-9600 DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPEN FRIDAY TILL 9 P.M.