Bi Nag > THE OTRAWA THI. vay 13, 1993 ! ' - ® | {Brown's title although the cham: YAP a, Yip sme a) ; D WwW J ne Boost Lave Charney pion is scheduled to meet Paolo £7 n= Is ¢ % | ea er bruins ' {Rosi, Italian-born New Yorker, Plas ers To Iiami =n sports MENU LJOQAJEYS 1X) ore ns, KO's Toweel ies == Plazes To Mami : By Geo. H. Campbell oa rock Rangers defeated Bos-| LONDON (AP)--Dave Cham Charnley weighed 139%, To- ington Senators have sold fhe j €0. I. > hock in Dortmund's| ? ; Westfalenhatle Tuexiny Nght. of Sout Alcea by. te oh oy Wegh, 15, \Zauchin 'and pitcher Vito Valen- {ton Bruins 4-2 in an exhibition if ol : : ro old. British south weel, who had difficulty. making contracts of first baseman Norm SPORTS EDITOR ' te 2 aielte 50 Europes of a scheduled 15 - round fight| The knockout punch was a vi-!tinett! to "lami Marlins of the y . (pour, ow {Tuesday night for the British cious left to the head which sent International League. 'Everything From Soup To Nuts - oo |Bruins seven victories to five. {Eiltbire lightweight Shamiin ones down on one knee. The, Zauchin, 28, was obtained by? (ship. the Senctors from Boston early" ; South African seemed to be only s . MEMB WHE It wa ' {in 1958 in a trade. He was 211 y CENTRAL SOLEOIATE, Se To Lig gens " BE THE BER WH N2. weel, 2, rn Sr. TY resting, ready to spring up when in '19 games this year. * 8.00 o'clock--that's the time place e pul ng } } ithe Mist of conte the count reached eight or nine.| vn i J which His Worship, Mayor Lyman Gifford has called, to give thel | BY ED TLRS rir Jo ag 0), The Braves Jost 74 ih shout 1nd the olfilh \vuind!. George Stallings, the "miracle world Draglade po wooo Mh wooo SB oh e . y \id seball d Jew Or! | . diiizens of this eily the OPpOFITIY (0 learn 2 omy A four - game winning streak St. Louls kept Cincinnati from|hit his seventh home run, Me- by = ot ond Ga, He New Orleans and he held a 15-/51leq the end as Toweel sought In # Wade for Biicher a1 Cicotte. , [This season, -had appeared. steps taken so far, towards securing a new hockey arena for Osh-| A {round decision over Charnl a. Incidentally, it was reported in this column in yesterday's|isn't much, but in the National making it a virtual three-way tie[Devitt walked none, fanned six.| managed the Boston Braves who ove arnley| vot himself to his feet, Many aw : t first place. by bea the Reds 7-4, Pitts- {from the latter's challenge July| |in seven games, had a 0-2 ree League it means pl y ting the It was McDevitt who singled|in 1914 came from last place in 9, 1987, fans thought he had beaten the, id one py Fi 4 % | McLish 50 Perry (8) and Ni- issue that the meeting was to be at the OCVI Auditorium--this was in error---the meeting tomorrow night is at Central Collegi.| The Los Angeles Dodgers won|burgh defeated San Francisco ¢5{home the ry' first run njthe National League in July to % 'WT. = ate, which (for the benefit of some few folk who may not be foo|thelr fourth in 8 row Tuesday in 12 innings. the fifth after Gene Conley capture the pennant and then de-| Charley may get a shot at'count. age. certain) is located on the west side of Simcoe Street South at/night, beating Philadelphia 3-1 The now have won/(1-1) had Pitoeddy passed Don feat Philadelphia Athletics in four| = 5% 4 a Gibb Street. From a sports writer's viewpoint, this meeting may [behind the five-hit pitc of seven of their last 10, and Me-|2Zimmer, Dodgers scored Rraight es in the World Ser-| decide whether or not this city is going to have a worthy hockey|young \ danny McDevitt, Devitt has two of the three[twice in that frame, getting the|les. lings also revived Inter-| arena, in the near future and of course, all persons interested in|8ave the dodgers a half-game complete games the pitching staff|other on an error. Duke national League baseball in Mont. | skating, figure-skating, organized hockey, etc. whether as a|lead over Milwaukee although the has produced in that. span, The{singled home the final run in the real in 1038 after a 16-year lapse. : prospective performer or a spectator, will consider this project,[two clubs are tied percentage-|26-year-old lefty (2-) had a two- eighth ee a Meyer. ! CHEVROLET 6 & STANDARD V-8 (1954-59) mainly in that light. 3 % 1 | LY . winner Lew Burdette his second | However, this first building, to be known as an Auditorium, BASEBALL SCORES, STANDINGS [ios in a row, scoring five in the ' DODGE 6 (1954-59) will actually be much more than merely an arena, It will pro- : ninth at Chicago on a home run y/4 al vide all the facilities expected and necessary in an artificial By THE CANADIAN PRESS American League by Walt Moryn and pincl-hitter MEN'S WEAR LTD | you nme one FORD-METEOR ; (1854-59) ice arena, but alse, the Auditorium will have many other fac. American League Chi 020 000 000 002--4 12 1|Earl Averill's first grand-slam. a | lities, most important of which is that, by means of a heating W L Pet. GBL|Boston 010 000 100 001-3 9 o|Lony Taylor also homered off of these Cars PLYMOUTH 6 & V-8 (1954-59) system, the ice made possible by a freezing unit, can he melt- |Ceveland 9.640 Donovan, Staley (7), Lown (8) Burdette. Don Elston (1-1) won it by ed and within 24 hours--the Auditorium will be available as a Chicago 11.577 1% |Arias 2- (11) and Lollar: De- with one inning of scoreless re. PONTIAC 6 CANADIAN (1954-59) concert hall, an auditorium where huge dances may be held, [Baltimore 12 556 2 |lock, Monbouquette (5) Wall 1.1 lief. Starter Bob Anderson was ( large public meetings, plays, etc., and of course, such indoor |Washington 14 517 3 |(8) and White. HR: Chi-Donovan|t288ed for homers by Del Cran- activities as circus presentations, carnivals, indoor sports, ete. |Boston 18 480 4 |(1) Smith (1); Bos-Jensen (8), |dall, Johnny Logan and Ed Math- : RAMBLER (1954-59) 3 will have ultra-modern design, seating, dressing ross, (Kansas City 14 440 5 [Cleveland 015 010 0007 11 0|*Ws: Who leads the majors with JE 7 G sound system, etc. But two e features, a covple of items 14 440 5 |New York 013 000 200-6 11 37° ; EBA of sume i of course, have been Plauged with a great deal New pork 17 348 7 A A $TUD KER (1954-59) : of thought to the future. The artificial ice-freezing plant, located Today's Games xon; Ditmar 1-2 Maas (3) Shantz T | 7 p in the auditorium, will be large enough to also supply artificial y # (4) Coates (7) Duren (9) and| C ] 1 i i ice for an outdoor rink--which when the time comes, will be | Ana Probable Plichiers Score Berra. HR: Cle - Colavito (8), ast eman '8 i Cusiom B en e B ue UnRocCo 200 built right up next to the main building, while on the opposite a ac a (3-4) > {Held (6): NY.-Mantle (5) Howard . % uo L side, also when funds are available, it is planned to have an |". id pl Wynn (4-2) (2) @Berra (2), | Man Behind ) 1 i : \ Spen-air EY mag poo), but with walls around it--and the wa. ve ah Bon 4 National League : 'g a ; ' w 1] ® ter for the pool will be heated by the heating system, located | "goo "Cito at Baltimore (N)|phit 000 000 010--1 5. 1 Mi 1 M li L ; | R j (+ e off Ta the main audiorivm, ~Herbert (1-9) vs O'Dell (1.1) Los Anceles 000 020 01e--s 7 of dvaldaiml Iviariins | @ eguiar as pric ers you AN "ARENA" is Oshawa's greatest need at the moment. There| Detroit at Washington (N)--| Conley 1-1 Meyer (8) and He-| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS '& / . are several other very important and valuable features to the Au-|Mossi (1-1) vs Griggs (2-0). gan; McDevitt 2-1 and Roseboro.| More and more, the story be- , , ditorium that is planned--all of which will be outlined at the meet- National League HR: Pha-Jones (7). hind the Miami Marlins' rise to . | a e ctane our car can use ifig tomorrow night, And the Auditorium, it should be remembered, W L Pet. GBPgh 000 000 210 003-6 16 4|the top of the International y is considered the most important need at the moment, but it is|Los Angeles 18 600 S, Fran 001 000 020 002--5 11 0|,eague is infielder Foster Castle- 4 actually only the first big step in what is proposed to finally be- Milwaukee 15 600 Law, Face, (8) Daniels 1:1 (10) man, i Blue Sunoco 200 gives you come a Community Centre, covering 35 acres and embracing, |Cincinnati 14 538 and Burgess, Foiles (8); Anto-| The former Baltimore Orioles i , big new power at "regular" price. as well as an outdoor rink and swimming pool, also tennis courts,|San Francisco 14 519 nelli, Worthington (8) Miller (8) (and New York Giants utilityman bowling greens, a ball diamond, football field and a quarter-mile|Chicago 15 500 G. Jones 1-2 (12) Zanai (12) Ship- fave Miami its 19th victory Tues-| ; You'll enjoy the best performance track with a grandstand. The Citizens' Committee, organized a|Pittsburgh 12 462 ley (12) and Schmidt, Landrith|day night with two spectacular! A ago, met and named a special executive and these men have|Phila 1 423 (8). HR: SF-Davenport (2). fielding plays and drove in the your car 1s capable of, for past year. The meeting tomorrow night, we hope, will be] ' Today's Games Chicago 000 101 005--7 8 Oishg Marlins defeated Columbus,|] appointment of Mr. Doug Wil. Pie Blue Sunoco 200 offers higher jam-packed. A huge turnout is desired and for that matter, the And Probable Plichers Burdette 8-2 and Crandall; An-|3.5 son to their sales staff as store pa ; octane than most "regular" full attendance. It's a grand idea and if the people of this city|Spahn (3-4) vs Jackson (1-4), |lor. HR: Mil-Crandall (3), Logan|ieagye batting leadership with a , want, they have their chance torhorrow night, to either turn i Ce vcinmat! at Chicago--Purkey (3), Mathews (13); Chi-T. Taylor hefty 383 average. He has 44 hits|] loch's Mens Wear, he will be other brands! are Pittsburgh at Los Angeles (N)|Cincinnati 000 002 200--4 7 3)points ahead of his nearest rival, | friends and customers at hi / BRIGHT BITS; -- That's quite a rhubarb they've got going| g)i="Ve€) 5! Drysdale (32). |St. Louis 211 120 00x~7 12 2/1ave Pope of Toronto. i Minky 4 SLENDED L u élled their homes last week--to make way for a new $12,000,000 |(5) Rudolph (7) and Bailey; i . " Stadium and park--home of the L.A. Dodgers . .. THE STORY of aj --00" (01) v8 §. Jones (2). py, oq) 1-1 W, Smith (7) and HT. two une in the Sli inning B L A Cc K' S AM It ack duck, that has flown into Lake Coniston, in northern Internal bo gue Smith. HR: StL-Cunningham (1)(Montreal Royals before 2,785 To- , NOC ' race and then leaves when Campbell leaves, Tlerratiual Layee at Pot 8 DY. MEN'S WEAR LTD. by . Montreal S517 4 Miami 000 100 100 1--8 9 1(lefty Hal Woodeshick, struck out| ; hnessy, for his scrap with Rochester pitch. Montre { Green, Williams (8) Swanson [eight Royals while allowing 11] OSHAWA Made bn Conode by tn OF Company tt Columbus 44 Baich (7); Anderson and Bucha. season. He has no defeats. | .|Havana 10 19 345 9 |HR: Col-McDaniel. year A iia done a tremendous amount of research work and investigation in|St. Louls 10 357 Milwaukee 010 110 000-8 9 1|yinning run in the 10th inning as|] Are pleased to announce the work that these men have done, in their own time, warrants a| Milwaukee at St. Louis (N)--|derson, Elston 1-1 (9) and 8. Tay-| Castleman still maintains hie : u : manager. Previously of Kin- > i I Is! buyers are now getting from down or indicate that they are ready to "foot the bill." (42) vs Hobbie (3-3). |(1), Moryn (4), Averill (3). and scored 23 runs in staying 20] very hoppy to serve his many down Los Angeles way, as families protest, after bulldozers lev- Philadelphia at San Francisco Lawrence 3-2 Pena (3) O'Toole! mynongy Maple Leafs broke a tie and, four years in a row, each time Donald Campbell tries| L, Pet GBLIBoyer (8) Blaylock (1). ronto fans. Donald Duck--but Donald and The Duck --|Buffalo 551 3 ' 3% [Columbus 000 000 101 0--2 4 3|with one-batter relief help from Richmond 538 3% | Colum rareml 74 SIMCOE ST. N. Friday . . . PALAIS des SPORTS, Paris, Toronto Al 3 i h , 4 (10) O'Donnell (10) and Hall, [hits for his second victory of the| | ' Rochester io 10 nh | | CANADA'S QUALITY GASOLINE AT "REGULAR™ PRICE! Wednesday's Games Montreal 001 002 000--3 11 © Ef Montreal at Toronto Toronto 201 002 00x--5 12 1 |Columbus at Miami Negray, Gray (6) Collum (6) Rochester at Buffalo Rakow (7) and Teed; Scantle. Richmond at Havana bury, Woodeshick (9) and King, { . in Thursday's Games [Hatthalh 9); Hit: MR. Yison, o while Montreal at Toronto oche: 000-0 regarded a6 ono of the Dect "easier one Lake Niples-| Gotumbus 'at Miami Buffalo 050 000 01x--6 13 0 reminded that around Pelee Island, pickerel are as usual this year, nor for about three|/of Travel and Publicity will send travel literature and data to YOU KNOW that if you have relatives living else-|these relatives or friends, # you request it. Just write the Divis- States, who might like to visit Ontario|ion of Publicity, Dept. of Travel and Publicity, 67 College Street, for fishing, camping, etc., the Ontario Dept. Toronto 2, Ont. HOLIDAY SPECIALS GENERA] FECAPPING SALE ot 4 he g3Fay i i R 10 DAYS ONLY sons wi 15.43 Recap your 14" Tires Plus Class 'A' Trade in a proven summer design. Comparable Savings On AN Other Sizes 750/14 . . . . only 12.49 = Wheel Alignment 230 ----- =v 82% | Jt's spring . .. time for fun outdoors - CHECK YOUR STEERING It's time to appreciate the magnificent scenery of beautiful, bountiful Ontario. open the At Oshawa's | cottage... to leave the city at the weekends and revel in the sunshine and fresh air... to go BEFORE THE HOLIDAY Only Recapping Shop Phone RA 3-788] 24 FR. SERVICE boating on the rivers and lakes with a picnic lunch. If you don't have a cottage follow the Molson map to FOR YOUR APPOINTMENT OPEN FRIDAY 'TIL 9 PM. Ase plesic growads The location indicated is | within easy driving distance , of your home and will provide - a pleasant place to enjoy YS 3 I Spring's enchantment. & / pe -- 534 RITSON RD. §. "Safety Through Quality" RA 3-7881 BREWERY LIMITES TORONTO