THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Moy 13, 1959 © picnic was planned for | GROUPS, CLUBS, AUXILIARIES 2. femme ves wet |and Mrs, Thomas Krout. LOUIE HOGARTH AUX. [lunch was planned for fe June| KINETTE CLUB The Loule Hogarth Auxiliary of meeting. | The Oshawa Kinette Club held the WMS of Albert Street United ;5ry gcOUT MOTHERS' AUX. its monthly meeting at the Hotel Clune held its monthly meeting The. regular meeting of the | Genosha. This also was initiation ¥: 15th Oshawa Scout Mothers' Aux- night and the club welcomed a Mrs, Frank Sullivan led in the jjiary was held at Albert Street new 'member, Mrs, Donald Lake. worship service, Miss Bernice ypited Church. | Following dinner reports were form of oil painting in Calgary, Quinn read a poem, The Emmaus "yy. po iqant Mrs, William Ri- (given by the secretary, Mrs, Nor. using aluminum sheets instead of Road, Mars, William Graham sang | .;, oq eon, presided, Mrs. Aubrey man Raike, the treasurer, Mrs. canvas. Ned when her 'Someday I'll Understand', {McConkey read the minutes. Roll | James Henderson, and the regi- Ha nated en in husband, Mrs. Wilbur Down Souducted call showed 10 members present. strar, Mrs. Robert Taylor. pi i ee A a Shun mn 4 Be ee orcas elie Mrs. Herbert Dervent gave the| Tne Port Hope Kinette Clublyitable for oil painting. It can : J Work and May 26 - Yo sot treasurer's report which Was nag fnvited the Oshawa Club tobe cleaned and used again. 4-ANTENNA SALES for king a bale: good clean| Ve favorable. attend an Inter-club night in Port| Mrs, Ratledge, who enrolled at TV tned iothing and infants' lay.| Mrs. Richardson read a letter Hope on May 28. Mrs, Earl Field-|the provincial institute of techno- 4 TV SERVICE v from headquarters on camp fees ing is making plans for as many logy and art for her first formal | RPFPVASDVIE de 874 AND SAVE YOUR MOVE v R= EIR. 58 metal primer then is applied to give a base for the paint. } Two weeks after the first sheet | was prepared Mrs. Ratledge had three paintings completed, | FUR STORAGE 3 kh Store your Furs and Winter Gar-: 3 ments in Our Modern Refrigesated" Vaults Safe from. . . al FIRE . THEFT « MOTHS : + STORAGE * CLEANING: * SHINERIZING _ cur OSHAWA FUR and Replaces Canvas With Aluminum For Oil Painting CALGARY (CP) -- Mrs. Kay Ratledge is pioneering a new Age reported thatand the report on the rights to Oshawa members as possible to art education last year, was anx- Mrs, Walter Tippett had formed | the swimming pool and the mem: | gtond, ious to try it. a mission circle. Mrs, Kemp of{Pessiip fee od rome. gave the| MIS. Thomas Russell was the| The aluminum sheet is first hitby, ' rs. Kenne 0sse e a v 4 Jus Present at the in- report on a card party held fu|eiESiciument chairman for the igural service. retary has a|APTil Which netted a good profit. . { - iro eratiire Secrelary has 2), hazaar date was set for Oc-| Following business meeting ber of ovis ou hand for the tober 21 the club went to the Oshawa di y bers. u ing i i ire for an hour of ok he June meeting is to be in Shopping Cenire for | The study book for this month " a a pot Tuck supper at bowling, Refreshmeats were en- was in the charge of Mrs. 8. 0, IL. the home of Mrs. Richardson, joyed at the home of Mrs. Rus- | Assign wid Mis. William Gra on the regular meeting night. 'sell, were enlightening on Christian- gone over with emery paper then cleaned with pumice. Al Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service CHERYL SUSAN This lovely Mttle lady is | danghter of Mrs. Alfred Mec- King Street United Church was - old | Luhan, Centre Street Whitby, |held recently in the church par- Cheryl Susan, two . year daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har- | and Mrs. Percy Brown, Oak- old McLuhan, Hallett avenue, | wood, Ontario. Whitby. Cheryl is the grand- | : Installs Officers For 1953-60 The annual meeting of the Ger- trude Colpus Home and School Association was held recently with Mrs. Ross Edmunds presid- ing. Mrs. B. C, Colpus installed the new officers as follows: Presi dent, Mrs. Ross Edmunds; vice. presidents, Mrs. Mervyn Ander- son and Mr. Earl Brown; record- ing secretary, Mrs.' Robert Be- harrell; treasurer, Mrs. Robert Sheffield; corresponding secre tary, Mrs. William Jeffs; execu tive members, Mrs. A, H. Gle coff, Mrs. Cecil Step, Mrs. Ru dolph Fiala, Mrs. Victor Mazar. Committee chairmen: Reporter, Mrs. M. C. Glecoff; program, Mrs. George Lutala; publications, Mrs. George McCabe* social con- --De Joseph Studio, Ajax |worship service. Miss Beth Miller Gertrude Colpus H-S Association fi | treasurer's report ity's Second Chance, It was announced that June 3 will be a supper meeting at 6.30 J. Green, special music will be a feature of the meeting. ALICE JACKSON AUX. The May meeting of the Alice Jockson Evening Auxiliary of lor, ' | Mrs, Oswald Cornish led in the [read the Scripture lesson and | meditation, Miss Mary McLean introduced |§ the Misses Joan Weir and Judy| | McDonald, recent music festival | prize winners at Lindsay who played a piano duet which was| {their winning number and Joan also had won out in her solo class. Miss McLean then gave the fi- nal chapter and summary of the study book for this year, The president, Mrs. Bryce Brown, {conducted a short business per- & [lod. The WMS bale is being pack- ed the end of May. Miss Beth Miller read a letter from the | Presbyterial supply secretary re- | garding the year's supply. Miss @ Muriel Wilson reported as litera # [ture sccretary. Mrs. Kenneth Proctor gave the secretary's re- @ port and Mrs, P. A. Tresise the Plans were made for the rum- [] .. p.m, The speaker will be KE Painting Decorating Interior and Exterior PAINTING PAPERHANGING GYPTEX WORK and ROXATONE WORK Etc. Free Estimates and Color Scheming PAYTTE'S PAINT & WALLPAPER OVER 85 YEARS AT 85 SIMCOE NORTH RA 5-3529 Special Values and Reminders Effective All This Week Money-Saving Values! ILA.D. BRAND -- REG. 98¢c, 1.89, IDOL-AGAR 79¢, 1.49 I.D.A. BRAND -- 7's REG. 29c SEIDLITZ POWDERS . . . 23c TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE - 1 POUND CONTAINER WASHING COMPOUND. . 19¢ PALMOLIVE RAPID SHAVE plus SCHICK SAFETY RAZOR LIQUID LANOLIN PLUS 2 OUNCE SIZE PLUS 7%: TRIAL SIZE After Colds, Flu, Sore Throat FEEL STRONGER FAST Build-up Tired Blood" Speed-up Recovery! Buildup Tired Blood", Speed-up Recovery! If you feel weok and run down after illness, it may be due to iron-poor, Tired Blood. To feel stronged fost, try GERITOL. just 24 hours! Get GERITOL liquid the fast-acting iron tonic that be- gins to strengthen Tired Blood in or tablets, Feel stronger fast -- in 7 days or your money back! * Due to iron-deficiency anemia FAST RELIEF FROM STOMACH UPSETS ACID INDIGESTION Sparkling Good Tasting 12-0z. . 24-0z. . 5.49 Tablets 14's 1.35 40's .. 3.29 80's .. 5.49 0 ENO wartime aMACH "FRUIT SALT" sn ag package Regular Large Tg ommaro | Modess SANITARY NAPKINS because Modess is designed for greater -omfort and security. REGULAR MODESS 2.29 VALUE 1.50 1.89 VALUE 1.19 J&)J BABY SOAP :~ « 3for39¢ WHITE RAIN DUCHESS Crystal Clear PICNIC KIT 6 x 8" embossed plates 6 serviettes, 6 forks, & 1.25 SIZE .... 98 29: GLEEM TOOTHPASTE 63c VINYL RAIN COAT ONLY 1.25 WITH CARTON mage sale in May, A dessert Sale With A Purpose | NESBITT'S 33KING ST.E., OSHAWA 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. | to hold a commercial post in her AT TAUNTON RD. profession as dietitian in Canada. 4 @ Ladies' "Fine Quality" Wearing Apparel Odea! CLOTHING STORE 214 BLOOR ST. EAST SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK OF LADIES' WEAR CHILDREN'S WEAR MEN'S WEAR MUST G TREMENDOUS : \VINGS CHILDREN'S--DRESSES, PYJAM. °, SHOES, WINDBREAKERS, SANDALS, | 2Y'S JEANS WOMEN'S--PYJAMAS, DRESSES, S\ 'EATERS, SHOES, BLOUSES, ETC. MEN'S--BOQTS, PANTS, SHIRTS, PYJAMAS ETC. vener, Mrs. Charles Bolton; as- sistant social convener, Mrs, Alex Repa; membership, Mrs Lloyd Perry; hospitality, Mrs. Norman .Rooke; assistant hospitality, Mrs. Wiliam Oliphant; health, Mrs, Paul Michael; children's reading, Mrs, L. Davey; parent education, Mrs. George Wandless; teachers' representatives, Mr. Reginald Gutsole and Mrs. June Smith. i 1 Ta 12's 24's 48's 49:-2w0T:-94:- 1.86 Johnson's BABY POWDER Chafe-guards baby's delicate skin by neutralizing Irritating moisture. Smoothing -- soothing. 43c 73c 89c HOLIDAY NEEDS 1.25, 1.50 'Bufferin 39¢, 79¢, 1.23, 1.89 Coppertone Cream, 1.50; Lotion 98¢, 1.75 Dixie Cups, 6-0z. 8's It White Shoe Cleaner .... 20¢, 29¢, 35¢ .. 55¢, 1.00, 1.50 Noxzema Suntan Oil 45¢, 75¢ "OFF" Insect Repellent, 89¢; Bomb, 1.39 PICNIC THERMOS JUGS 'Thermos, 128-02, ...e...... 6.25, 7.95 Royal Playboy aves B19 PHOTO SUPPLIES Cameras, Flashholders, Films, Movie Films and other supplies are available at our store. Raid Insect Spray Sea and Ski Tanning Cream, 89¢, 1.50, 2.49 Sta-way Insect Repellent .. 29¢, 69¢, 1.19 SUN GLASSES 1.49, 2.49, 2.99, 3.49 MRS. ROSS EDMUNDS (President) won the attendance prize. A film was shown entitled '*'Answering| § A Child's Why". Mrs. Norman Rooke presented the completed shorts to the prin-| cipal on behalf of the Home and 3 School Association, 5 Members were reminded that the next Home and School Asso- ciation meeting will not be held * until October. id 19°SALE MALTS & SHAKES SAVE 1¥¢ This Thurs. & Fri. only contains SHAMPOO 6 spoons plus NAIL BRUSH Refreshments were served by the executive members, HOUSEHOLD HINT To press slip covers, iron bot-| tom pleats on ironing board. Then put slip cover on chair and finish | ironing with medium-hot iron. Bronztan FROM NOXZEMA SHAVE NOTED DIETITIAN LATHER .. 79¢; INSTANT .. 89c; BRUSHLESS .. Violet Mildred Ryley, who died at Toronto in 1949, was the. first) 89¢ I.D.A. Brand TOILET TISSUE 2 for 27¢ I.D.A. Brand HEALTH SALTS 59¢ MOTHERS! SOFTIE RINSE Prevents and clears up DIAPER RASH [Bm Makes diapers A fluffy soft, 75¢, 1.25 2.00 I.D.A, Brand MOTH KILLER 59 1.D.A. Brand SPOT REMOVER ~ 40¢, 75¢ TWIN-TOTS Sterlized Cotton-tipped eppi- cators for baby care and other uses. 3 GROUPS Noxzema Suntan Lotion AT ONE PRICE pic b 5 EACH 14] LADIES' SPRING COATS k Spring-fresh styles and colors in luxuriously soft fabrics, carefully hand-tailored. into clutch coats, wide collar styles, and button SMARTLY STYLED Regular 19.98 Regular 24.98 DRESSES Regular 29.98 For the woman with a special flair for looking impeccable, at all times. LADIES' SUITS Dressmoker and toilored suits. Walking suits -- Worsteds -- Plains -- Monotones -- Several shades but not in every line, in belted styles, soft classic styles, end button styles. Regular 34.98 Regular 41.98 Regular 49.98 One Low Price 59 LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY DODD'S KIDNEY UILLS For Backache, Tired Feeling, due to Urinary 8 ond LADIES' SHORTIE COATS DUSTER COATS Reg. to 32.98 2 GROUPS front classics, all with newly detailed fashion features. Blue, nude, 8 bamboo, beige, etc. | & All sizes but not in every line. Reg. to f 39.98. f "1 CREDIT TERMS--IF DESIRED SKIRTS low $3 | SLACKS and os 37s : SLIM-JIMS BRASSIERES | SWEATERS] BLOUSES "WONDER BRAS" p AS LOW AS LOW AS LOW #1 25) AL $2.00 Iv $1 50 33 KING ST. EAST OSHAWA ruc' Polaroid Sun Rite "Kiddy" Other Sun Glasses from .. .. 1.00 to 3.98 QUICK HOME PERMANENT CUTS WAVING TIME IN HALF Quick's crystal clear lotion is lan- olized for smooth, springier curls -- never thot frizzy look. New! Make your hair gleam with glorious colour highlights with Nestle GOLORINSE - 2 rinses 6 rinses a7] 15 39: Mitchell's | McCordick 9 Simcoe North RA 3-3431 1-WAVE SIZE 1.25 2-WAVE SIZE 2.00 Jamieson's 241 King St. East RA 5-1169 Powell's 35%2 Simcoe North RA 5-4734 Karns 28 King St. East RA 3-4621 128 Wilson Road South RA 58711