TY 'Mayor Will | hl Open New | Hobby Show The Oshawa Kinsmen Club Hobby Show will be opened by Mayor Lyman: A, Gifford on |Thursday, May 7. Detailed plans were announced at the meeting of the Kin men Club at Hote! {Genosha Thursday nicht Project Chairman A, O, Pol- 4 lard told the members that Mayor Gifford would officiate at the 'opening at 7:30 p.m, Members of § the Oshawa Children's Arena E Commission will also attend the opening of the show % The Hobby Show will be held at the Oshawa Children's Arena a 3 lon May 7, 8, and 9 for the show . Mr, Pollard stated that th E. A. WINKLER, HEAD of | OCCI audiforium. More than , orchestra, a brass ensemble | option in Oshawa's three col- {show would he the first of its the music. department at Osh- | 120 students took part in the | and a brass quartet, A plano | legiates was extended to Grade find Odhawa, A yeslth of ex: awa Central Collegiate Insti- | io yird annual Spring | solo and male and female vocal | 12 students. Students from pas pn Tog " it Riis ares fue. is shown ditecting one of | of ie los were featured. For the | Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 took Joi oy 1ats Prospie: several groups who contributed | Musicale. A variety mus 50 : : Among the exhibits will be a to an enjoyable musical pro- | was provided by the junior first time this year the two part, - special show by the Canadian gram Thursday night in the | and senior bands, the school | and one-half hour weekly music i __--Oshawa Times Photo (Legion. Oshawa Branch. A -spec. inl Ontario government exhibit £0 vill also form part of the res : Circu'ation Of o . During each evening entertain / 2 wna' ment will be provided on a con Pring usica Bills Explained tinuous bosls, Live demonstra OTTAWA (CP) Canadian tions will be provided by hobby. 2 banknotes said to bear a likeness| ists, among them radio transmis. of a devil's face in the Queen's|sion hv the Oshawa North Shore hair have never been withdrawn |Radio Club, | from circulation since they were| The meeting of the Kinsmen | EA CVI PRESENTS ANNUAL ART EXHIBITION Is Warmly Received issued in 1954, authorities said|ciub wa; held as 'Initiation] Nera Tce Fegg, left, and | under the direction of Miss D, | and an exhibit of clay modelling | working shop, A special 20. Tuscan, {Night ' Four new m:mbers, Rob-| Mayrene Panton, Grade 12 VanLuven, art ospartment head, Sd. papel Hache work by wi minute British-American Off Ww ntral Collegial . lish Mazurka, My Valentine Walt7qRoy Clarke, Charles Davies, Jack They were commentng on ©|'." Faty, Russ McBride, Eric| art special studen's at Oshawa | will be open to the public from | Fiiches, Jim Minett and Bob | ooo Fo TOL gv stitutes hiod annual Spring. Mo. and Anchors Aweigh. Strawbridge and Jim Anderson statement at Victoria by Alla. |3ice1 and Bruce Williams, were| Cq Tousen and Vocational Ine | 7.30 to 9.30 p.m, today and 2,30 | Flemming, As part of a display --p i in sicale was warmly received] The OCCI senior band played |brovided two trumpet tunes and Klenman a direc or of He { a1 rieially welcomed into the club.| stitute, are pointing out a por | to 4.30 pm, Saturday, The | of Viking art in a project by a la", Thursday night in the school au-|Bjg Bowl March, Dorian Over-|an ayre. The brass ensemble nadian Numismatic As Snkia on The 'Kinsmen Karnival' war| tion of the werk on display at | work shown above is a portion | group of Grade 9 boys, Stewart for the first time in Oshawa as ditorium. lure, Beau Gallant, a medley played Mardi Gras. Mot Jb is dor Ae al thel nnounced for June 5 and 6 at| the OCVI annual Art Exhibi- | of that done by OCVI art spec- Storie will model a Viking cos | part of the show, It will be run The more than 120 students who|from My Fair Lady, "Air and| During intermission the school Bovernment pow is relcas 8 » Oshawa Armouries, tion. The exhibition, set up | fals at the Royal Ontario Mu- | tume, Also included in the dis- | several times tonight and to took part were directed by E. A,|March and Victory Overture, orchestra played the March from = = seum in Toronto during the | play will be Viking masks, | morrow, For the first time, a Winkler, head of the OCCI music| A piano solo was rendered by |Alceste, String Quartet, South -- oy woug | year, Work by students in all | shields and other items asso. | "Tiny Tot Try-it Table" will be department. Robert Walker, Frances Minacs who played the| American Overture and Jazz Piz- wr im Th * || grades is on display, Featured | ciated with that era, An inter- | conducted by Theresa Starr Grade 13 student and a member | Polonaise in C Sharp Minor. | Zicato. 1 $ | Is a demonstration of silk-| esting display of wood-carving | and Judy Zimmerman to pro. of student council, was master of Tom Wright sang "I Believe' SER 5% screen painting by Miss Flegg | by. Grade 12 boys is pari of | vide diversion for the younger ceremonies. land Wilma. Schonberger, "Ah, | #and Miss Branton, an example | the exhibit, The work was done | visitors who might want to see nC i Sweet Mystery of Life", | of lino-block painting by Andy | under the direction of Aldin | how some of the work Is done, H. E, Murphy, OCCI principal, Mystery Hiltz, head of the school wood. ~Oshawa Times Photo, Bohaker and Jerry McAdam Commission To Begin welcomed the audience and out-| A brass quartet made up of lined the MUSIC PrOZram AS CAIs | meee ried out in Oshawa collegiates. | There is a music option inj; » Grades 9, 10, 11 and 12 and any ' interested student can take music two and one-half hours a week Instruments are provided. The junior band, making its Park Elects | Executive Ralph Gulliver elected chairman of the North Oshawa! was *® first public appearance, opened Neighborhood Association at IT the program with O Canada and| a recent meeting of the 'mem- played parts of the All Stars § |bers. Other officers of the asso- , Princess Minuet, Air |ciation include: Mail March, Mission Chorale, Po-| Earl Moore, first vice chair N. G. McDonald and R., G. whether adjustments would have| On a motion by Commissiones man; Bernard Greeley, second 8i of the engineering firm|t0 be made in the program, |r Fleming, the ission de ¥ | vice chairman; Mrs. Earl Moore, scheduled to be completed in|. |secretary: Carson Heard, treas.| of Gore and Storrie, Toronto, at. Soh following city budget ad- cided to extend the Wilson road |water main to the property of L 3 Accidents urer; James Ewart, sports chair. man; Melvin Hodgson Mrs. Car- son Heard and James Ewart, | © 1 | tended Thursday's meeting of thei, stments, |Oshawa Public Utilities Commis-| | sion, to give advice on the com: migsion to carry on with the proj. Keleman, on Taunton road, This Mr, McDonald advised the com- motion came in reply to a let Here Thursda i [i 1 Hive at Iter from the City of Oshawa Y | At an executive meeting this lesion s five-year works pro: bi it 4, xists, a Commi ro Foiniing out ht well oF No injuries were Toponed io week, to organize activities for The I were asked commission with the| Mr. Re une for A con three accidents on Oshawa 8 the summer season, it was de- 1908-1060 gr the sumption, and that Mr, Kelemar has requested main service, cided to have a fireworks displ. | Monday, May 18, ny | The registration for softball |{tearas -- pee wee boys, 12 years {and under bantam and mid- get g\ls -- will be held Thurs. day, May 7 at 6.30 p.m. The ban- tam and midget boys will register| | Friday, May 8, at 6.30 p.m. All registrations will be held at! {North Oshawa Park, Ridinig PC' ' Meet Tonight | The Oshawa Riding Progres. | sive Conservative Association will hold a membership meeting at 8 pm, today in Hotel Gen- osha, Officers will be elected. The association is also holding When completed, the works pro-| The two-year agreement be fram will provide added water tween the PUC and the Inter |facilities in the city, particularly national Brotherhood of Elec |in the north-east and south-west | trical Workers Local 2028 has no! areas, at present under develop-|yet heen signed, A suggested ment, agreement, drawn up with the The commission agreed to go|@ssistance of a conciliation offi ahead immediately with install. Cer, Was presented to (Ne com ing street lights on a number of Mission at Thursday's meeting "short blocks" in the city-short|/and was returned, with a few connecting streets between pairs amendments, for the union's ap of pra streets, This decision Provel. |followed requests from a number| The commission passed March of householders in these areas. accounts totalling $528,939.37, Ajax PC's Will Hold Discussion OML PRESIDENT Kenneth Wayling, 812 Cadillac| J. Norval Willson, president avenue south, and Willlam E.| of Ontario Motor Sales Limited, Woods, 468 Simcoe street north.| Oshawa, was elected president were the drivers of cars involved of the Ontario Motor League at in an accident on Oshawa boule: a meeting of the directors vard south. Damage was esti-| Thursday in Toronto. Mr. Will- mated at $750. son has been a valued director A car driven by James B. of the OML for many years, Milton, 199 Nassau street, was in-| He succeeds Roy G. Cole, of volved in an accident with a park-| Hamilton. OML vice-presidents ed car owned by David Gatchell,| named at the meeting are Col. RR 1, Oshawa. The accident oc-| John F. Ellis, Toronto; J. B. curred on Park road south, Dam-| Lillico, Peterborough and age totalled $500. | Frank E. Wood, Toronto. COMING EVENTS Sale Saturday ST. STEPHEN'S WA Spring tea and RUMMAGE May 2, 1 A oy reloe od pet South 0S eting Wednesday, May 20, i | gals, Srey, May's, 33 pn. Ton osionn.' Simone striel South, ospose;a meeting Wednesday, May 20. in wWAX -- A panel discussion on] Mr. Marks Is & prominent Osh ing, candy. 1 candidate for the next provincial J REV, JOHN M, SMITH Yow Jon Jrovincial Sovers awa lawyer, an alderman of that Se | THE SUNSHINE GROUP |clection. eX lod. By ih Sasi 2 present. city, secretary of the federa IAL REQUEST Wish to announce' that Guest speaker at the May 20 : | [tive Women's Association of Ajax 'iding PC Association and for BY SPECIAL R ' tickets are completely' |meeting will'be Honorable Dr | May 5 many years was secretary of the cx y * Ek he § a J | ridi 5 sold t for the Smor- M. B. Dymond, minister of health wo Ies ytery Members of the panel will be, provincial riding association, GARRARD RD. 30 Hy 0 ud Sot for Ontario. Dr. Dymond is a BR py ---l i [William Newman, BSc.: Thomas The panel Will discuss Stats gasbord supper, on >at- Canadian by choice. He was born| y N | Graham, MPP, York Centre and 'S J vay construction rem berdeenshive, Scotia and} Ernest Marks, QC. The moder | compared to grants for educa: V JUNTEER urday May 2nd 102a Ia Ahbchieenshite. Seoriand. Sod SAFETY LANE OPENE AT OON TODAY | Names New ator will be Ww. J. Thompson ton, It will also discuss health : He EE rao Sgt. Harry King of the Osh- | which will be in operation | such as the wheel alignment solicitor for the Town of Ajax, insurance welfare programs and FIRE DEPT. Ut Bis a Y Rduate of Queen's: ,y, police Department 4s | throughout the month of May, | machine will be operated by | president of the Progressive Con. Progress made towards conser BINGO Svea, a aston and Ja = hown supervising workmen in | was donated by the Oshawa | police officers, Bill Anger | . [servative Association of Ajax, |vation. TAKE PLEASURE IN PRE- aed A" medicine in 1941 Mel setting up a wheel aligument | Junior Chamber of Commerce. | (left) and Albert Kellet (right) | allman Mr, Newman is the PC candl:| An invitation is extended to SENTING THE WELL- Coronation Orange Temple Army Medical Corn in Canad Machine to be used in the safe- | The Jaycees will assist the of- | are shown putting the final | date for Oshawa riding, in the all interested in atlending this KNOWN HYPNOTHERA- |Army Medical Corps in Canada ty )aye set on the parking lot, | ficers of the police department | touches to the assembly of the | coming provincial election, He meeting, Tuesday, May 5, 8:18 S d 2 and overseas during the second AE . bos » | j A) sts iver acl : | y inis- | i ied and v re in the Conitl PIST EDWIN HEATH aturday May y : west side of the police station, | in the various tests to be given | machine. | Rev, John M, Smith, BA, minis. is married and has two children, |p.m. in the Conith building at : ' world war ter of Whitby United Church, was Bor in Toronto in 1927, he grad. the Ajax Shopping Centre, Machines WITH A The equipment for the lane, | to Oshawa motorists, FULL DEMON- | Oshawa Times Photo. | Twenty Regular Game In 1946 . , of elected chair 'a Pres-|uated f rl ral| res RATION OF n 1946, Dr. Dymond set up . 'elected chairman of Oshawa Pres-|ua rom Ontario Agricultural! Refreshments will : STRATION © Shore the "Wealth general practice In tic village of | hytery of the United Church of College, Guelph, |= Sments ¥ be soved. HYPNOTISM 4--$40.00 Jackpots to go Port Perry whe.e he still resides. . . NY . Catada a is Teetig in New| The Newman family reside in . 4 g . ji 3 His only hobby has been public I 2) WE S S ff E t onvide Wednesday. {Dunbarton and are members of At Thornton's Corners 1--$150.00 Special to gt service through politics. He has onl ul 1 ta nter ans Mr. Smith will succeed Rev. St. Paul'sOn.The-Hill Anglican VENETIAN BLINDS Mervin A, Bury, minister of King Church, Mr, Newman, at age 24, 102b served as a member of council Street United Church, Oshawa, served as a councillor in Pick: Community Centre "Xin ach hid | in Port Perry and a member of ) Libr B d ) ; | | FRIDAY & SATURDAY | BINGO yl ey F S ary OATA [June 30. which is the end of the ering township. Later, he served VERTICAL BLINDS MAY 1st and 2nd Harman Park Association, In 1955 he was elected. conser- air uccecess "" |conterende year: [a3 deputy Toove and reeve of the Friday. 8 p.m. St John's |Vative member for the provincial ; The staff of the McLaughlin] Rev. N. T. Holmes, BA, BD. | e P. "The latest in blind styling" Commencing 8:30 p.m Iosislatire. for Ontrcit Ri : rary entertained the library Minister of Harmony United| Mr. Graham was born in alse all Hall. comer of Bloor and Two years later, he was appoint- With the singing voice of Juli-|ing at the fair are: Alsco Prod hoard at their annual party,|/Church, was appointed secretar Toronto, August 1, 1914 and was Admission: | Simcoe. 20 games at $6 and ad to the Ontario cabinet oe min.|CU¢: CBC television singing star, ucls of Canada Lid, Chambers Wednesday evening, There were[0f the presbytery when Rev. educated at Toronto Separate Kirsch Traverse Rods Adults 75¢ Children 50¢ $8, five $40 jackpots, Jister of reform institutions and in paging Yaroughout pe Stinouries Peed op, County Sports, i wives, husbands and guests also|M. eS Fisher, of Neweasle, * SShools ng $i. Michael's College, ? . ' " | Thursday ni t," the Oshatwa|by, Cook's Electric, Cook Trai BEE) ned after four years service in/He is marr 5 fi 8 S 100¢ 101b| April, 1958, was moved to the g p present, that office. ; Fon the RCAF from HOWARD He served in the RCAF from | 1941 to 1845, Later he became deputy reeve of North York, chairman of the police and fire| committee of North York and a| member of North York Planning | { Home Builders' Fair, sponsored ers, Don Armstrong, Don Sugden by the Oshawa Junior Chir of| Trailer, N. H. Edgar and Sons| Several of the staff remarked Commerce got off to a success-|Ltd, Fox Cartage and Storage it was the best party they have ful start. Ltd , Hambly Concrete Products, had. The fair which lasted for three Kelly TV, Knit King Corp. 1td..| Aner the buffet dinner, board \ights, contains an impressive Fort Hope, Les Eveniss Sales members gave short talks re display of new ideas, appliances id. auhews Cottage, Co. 'miniscing on library activities and merchandise that local mer. [Niagara Cycle and Ma:sage anc Chief Librarian Miss Jean Fe! hants have to offer to the Osh.|the Oshawa Public Utilities Com: |terly introduced Miss Enid Wa! |awa public mission. . lace, assistant chief ' librarian Balmy spring weather helped! , Peacock Lumber Co., Oshawawho welcomed the guests, [to ensure a capacity attendance| Aluminum Products, Oshawa TV.| Three films were siown. One {at Thursday evening's opening Ruddy Electric Wholesale Lyd. | - -- - |ceremonies and the crowd ex 3 Sons Antance Association, | ag i Hod y A.W, e Gan entre, | {pressed its delighted approval of Simcoe Hall Settlement House, Juliette' singing party LD meo . H hid inging with hearty Ward's Dry Goods, Water Soften- ministry of transport, a new {branch in the Ontario govern. {ment. He was sworn in as minis- ter of health last December, | D. J. Reid, of Ajax, was re elected presbytery treasurer, DRAPERIES 926 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 3.4272 an award winner called "Queti- Boa. 0", showed the park area north { Lake Superior. Another, 'The ieart Is Highland", was about cotland. The last was about the hakespearean Festival and was alled '"'Stratford Adventure", Monster Bingo SATURDAY, MAY 2 16 PRIZES OF $10 1 EACH OF $20, $30, $40, $50 Decisions On Theft Charges Expected Soon AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Three new trucks and « "PLANT A HEDGE"--"ORDER NOW" SYDNEY, N.S. (CP) -- Magis-| This was Jevision star's INE Equipment Lid., Toronto, On- ---- m-- TTY == Re | drivers for Deliver SHARE THE WEALTH trate John F. Mac agi ht ry te levision Sur's tario Motor Sales and Cliff Mills + CHINESE ELM PRIVET | M5A_WiLTIAOMA | y {hand down decisions May 14 on|vears in Oshawa, each time as/Joters. . ~~ = "AMURENSE" |\otire's Hedge of 3 | Contracts and Routes <4 Easy--Fastest Growing 3 ' | three theft charges against Cmdr. [the feature attraction of the variety, medium Hardy Roses ik | ST. GREGORY S AUDITORIUM |George M. Wadds, former chief|Home Builders' Fair 12-inch size, 100 for growth---the only|for FPR ot | in the Oshawa Area. {of the navy's Point Edward base % & Whitbread, thairaias of WHOLESALE PRICES + $7.95; 18.inch size hardy i Fool per 100. {near here the fair, expresse his satisfac. bb od i *!inch size, or \ SIMCOE STREET NORTH The magistrate reserved deci./!lon With the furnout and said TO THE PUBLIC 1 100 for $12.95; 2.1. $18.98: 18. RD BARSERRY that he felt confident that Fri 4 inch size, 25 Moroon-red all sec - D LIVERY size, 25 for $8.98, or; , $6.45 or © 12-inch size. 28 {sion Thursday on a charge that! | if £ a day and Saturday's crowds would the 54 - year - old officer stole a| ADMISSION 50 CENTS OSHAWA or a Ik W { for $ uy of Scrap metal while| 88 Seed 4 net Better the Jay saz 198 per 100. 1921.98 per 100/332.08 : -- f OSHAWA LTD. PH, RA 8-6222 H w rk for r $l se comm ander. Judgment)... fp fair _ ONE RED SPIRAEA SHRUB (2 fi.) FOR EARLY ORDERS Includes hele fo New York for 2 or $150 to be |\ac "also withheld on marlier| CoS, from the fai wll be used DISCOUNT HOUSE FREF {So CANADA'S FINEST COLORED GARDEN GUIDE BONDED CARRIERS drawn May . |charges of stealing a $450 Pump works such as the cott ge under 290 Albert St., RA 2.031) <x BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERIES and a refrigerator door. Cmdr. {hoi sponsorshin at the Bowman Res RA 3.7550 DOYVANTILLE Syne dey 3t iB: MAID i120 BOX 53 |Wadds pleaded not guilty to all |three counts. Open Thurs, Fri., Sat. 2 EXTRA GAMES AT $25 {ville training school for boys The list of merchants exhibit | "ek se Tek ek desk ke eke dokeke ke de eked ok |