The Oshawa Times, 1 May 1959, p. 11

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I tee : wr ee Articles F EH] nd Barter 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Pridey, Mey 1, 1959 47 --Automobiles For Sale 47--Automobiles For Sale |49--Automobile Repairs [S0--Articles For Sale 50---~Articles For Sale ~Swep and Barter a | Exuber ance iif FORD Customiine sedan, Green and |'88 '(M" OLD, hydramatic, power §OLID mahogany four poster bed, WE pay highest price in Wika, Wires, new motor guar |sieering, radio, ele, Dnmacunle BEV BRAMLEY MOTORS mar. poth Tha: Bow A re Bimeos South. or Cypemria dane ing' ADVERTISING terior, $1095, Le piring sale, wo' ¥ 9001, Whithy May 2 i tulsa mt Es Shou d ot West Motors, opposite Shopping Contre. | ij3 PONTIAC, nl "shape, Binek. " SALES LTD. GIRLH Bieyels, 914 "Gail WA 1400 be. A TWA | fixtures and = a ( ad McCall RA SHI. o mat : : outin WWE ie, Tadlo, i a ioe, 1271 SIMCOE NORTH [GWoRE Waster garden trasior, excel: . S 1 A oA rk Fan arranged. JON0 Gavi e an, im- PHONE RA 3 467 an etn Cot ex aod tt. i Notices nar ctors #8---Real Estate For Sole |45--Real Estate For Sale RA 8.5179, eve ings RA 3.7970, bd Maculsw intesiot, Jou | sapere aye Ire = 5 Iadder; also space heper. wheel, y a ddoor ing West Motors, lease expiring sale 10ie dual WRECKING KITCHENER (CP) Actors lent condition, power glide, ' Contre, ; Spaciolists In Ford service and TARGE size winegiece manogsny din ($38 'tanks batier) Hehe, terpaviin, should not become snarled in J. Van Nest F LE OFIgIN: | FEWRITE WC 16 Tong wheel base, ports, Whee! alignment, ling room site $430; walnut secretary piece, $1000. Dial RA' 5.2600, their own exuberance," adjudica- 44 - RAB, ae built motor, good condition. Phone na| wheel balance, with latest desk $50. RA 5.54 I ED Tires most all sites, 93 57. B. 7. Tenders ore requested for [tor William Needles advised Real Estate Broker is METEOR ved 1B -| 8.8539, ! 100f| type egipment Newest iy TWO lawn re and one "| Goodrich Stores, BA 54543. wrecking of building located Thursday night as he judged iged Ye ; 2, \ : i mm . sarod / equi tor, RA 5-887 118 KING E. BUY THE BEST asks, 1190 eenar Drive. 90f |W CHEY, deine tune-up asic? Held chairs in §00d on: ase at 45 Richmond Street West, fourth night's CALL $1500, will trade, Phone 0 ¢ lied sus the Western Ontario one-act act play MA 3 3230 4 FORD eustomiine fordor, yellow | Brooklin 645 R 14 ater 6. 1000 dition, "Phone R. A 5-0048. X removal from property oll in- festival. . i Lo $16.50; continental prown NEST Tg rr ] 3 595 A owl motor new tires "Take| #1 MONARCH hard top madum bie REPAIR SERVICE 7 en og oe orambey tools 'and to: oounental] flammable materials, all ex- | Eichten groups are competi er payments, $33.62 per month, King | Son Fo Col TLL boo akes.| FORD - RENAULT - CHR (SLER ator rticles, hone RA 53030 or RA i 80; beds,| cavations to be filled with |for $200 in prizes to be awar Odell Street ~ Duplex, 9 'opposite Shoppi rooms of brick construction, Noten, " ny Contre: 18 spotless inside and out, PRODUCTS = TRY (4377, __. 1015 complete with rubble, oll voids with sand |Saturday. rail $56 OVER 1075 FT ; towns, like new, 22 miles per sailon, DEW wor x guard ; Mr, Needles' remarks were Bdicll Avenue, elmost new 0. FT. [4 AA ud Toh Tn Motors. oppose' Shopping. Conte. 99 Van Huesen Motors |, 5%. 5 verdes nest. thie» ont $30.50, Wilson Puen: " lot to be left perfectly | dressed particularly to the modem brick bungalow. | sop BRICK BUNGALOWS |iMeen. 8s 2 CURY Lucerne we : 149 King West 0. WIGGINS, A, threewpeed Bicycle: Re ; Cameo Players of T Trensferred, Anxious to sell, L WHAT YOU GET i] JONTIAC sani atl, i" white, inane "a asin. RA i Py Bi res, tres, paint, 4 sont, ote, Phone sED J 3 - Property may be inspected Jresenied ren Chekov's The O0K hy " 3 r steering, power brakes, radio, m. fe FY arT aw VN Proposa udic recom- Bosch Avenue, to close RA 5.2002. padded Sash, tnied 4 sam. back-up or AE w ar = lek by procuring keys from ven- |r ended a pd prin of Rus. -l L " " J estate, large 12-r0om brick, , Stone front 3% DECUXE Chavivie ef wedi h, Bwotone Tens bene, i tin ng_Centre. out Mooi BUCK'S BODY SHOP |¥ind power arinissd 0ie| dor of Liquor Store, 88 Sim- |sian pronunciation although" the Business block en King St. . Sodded lowns Washer, turn signals, 480 Bader Avenus (iii VANGUARD, one owner, reason: Expert collision work = ; Hn wo iis boa and 36 foot| €00 St. 'N., Oshawa. group was 'fairly good, three "stores, twe , Alum, storms end screens |e a Pim: 101¢ | able. Phone RA 5.9385, 190) Welding, Painting, Towing |ENGLISH Fam, with 6anopy, in very rmason trailer, price #388. Phone Yordors dus. 3 Hood OF He sald 3 Douglas race ot apartments e and 700m ad- 2 alum, storm doors Rt wn EY 4 pack ets IT gobi, ond Storage. Cam bought #0 Phone RA SOW. 0% tn Gr on fice, Propert 4 at Bre rongiom was, moaded 9 or Join 4 : y eo, Propertes rtment, ~ io host + Colored bathroom Vous ster 4pm, Bho, ca toi Bo cwEY. a . Jos, ond oe ARLYN. Pr it] LE A up. Plus free mattress with Liquor Shera Rovy of show the character of the Rus igh way, - kr NE ------------------ "w sor, alls, hy . J AWN, Lad "to 3, For s Sovicdiided Wav ROAR i cit a i i Wren 361 BLOOR ST. E. Bite, myton covering wih ou iad fa, Simeon 81.5. tario, $8 Fleet Strest East, |" 'piavers in Strattord Regh : a a vil trade for older model. Whitby, MO ATR ar PM 101) po 5.4513 or RA 5:7456 (aise mae s double bed bai te Bg Tofonto, May 11th, 100c Club's production of The Valiant : thas ; h ri aay clear. c Reasonable. , Schools end bus et door |8 PONTIAC, Tow n Ahce mie erzn Kroenier sirfoam hes. Ln fin wt smoot top were generally stiff and awk. g, low mi TO ] -- i |ward, said the adjudicator. Sali- (J) PONTIAC "Laurentian; , two tone, 10. Many other Items dono, ol ell oar Sh i directional signals, good eond!. DKW & FIAT Fld ha, Srl mer, #24 Eo Home 'Furnishing £24 ent ints of 'the rather trite * call In end talk it ever. 101 50687, 130 Warren Avenue, 1010 ton. '50 Chevrolet coach, good eondl. save on this luxurious suite, only $188, needed exploiting more 1, y "MODEL IS READY" 885 fo 8205 -- Bixteen oars fo choose tion, mew tires, RA 3.9686, 10a SALES & SERVICE Wilson Fumiture, 30 Chureh Street CEE fi Se i Budge Plax" and in some cases opera from, various makes and models, We'll '54 PONTIAC hardtop, Suiomatie, 01h " Ay Ma Road Sanith ¥ |tive words were lost to the audi CO.0P 087 LOCATION OPPOSITE ST. [sanz fo somehow. dente the Son rd, ime, tne, ik sor wete "snl ANDY NAGY'S [women Ek open" wm to 16 pn overs leh ence, CHRISTOPHER'S ~~ SCHOOL and they must go. King West igyey™picideon motor cyels with mattress; twin strollers baby bathin. of I B f He praised Tony Parsonage for Rooms ily Tors rocroton | Soo "WisT or GIBBON ode hd at Toy cn ied ANG, Judie bud. Butost| op Wai TiO 17132 | iar a' chrnge, i Fe tems Belore 3 Temarkable velco, vu sade room, hot water oll heating, ST -- OR C equipped, Baap dion, Can be fi | dition, $150 & drapes, uitable for -d room in the bY the week or the ET that it was muffled in parts. H ed. RA 10¢| White Iv 8 King Street West. RA 3 | Carlo Perratta show t voi fo vai Jioodieow, lorge Vv NT oo ONEVROUET ati Twolomw; bp ll nas | 30 50--Articles For Sale | aE Ls elt 17 and 21" pecdh i PC CRIB OUTFIT = Only Wi. Control Board gerety 8 'the Dries and sus modern kitchen, many other EXCLUSIY . Age custom leather upholstery, radio, very (terior, lent transportation, 1. | LARGEST i ction of used TV, -- pletely econditioned. Free 90-day war. This includes full size erid, spring, Nester had a genuine naivety, he extras, Reasonably priced good condition. Apply 70 Warren AV: cenced, Ca A 5.8019, 102 | with pew ntee at Parkway Tele: 'anty on labor and Darts Irvine Ap: fan and: bumper pads. Umsbe:| mop yma added. i aE brakes, power steering, power windows. [older car part payment. Finance ar. Market, Nitwon Ros South, Oshawa. | lately reconditioned. 90-day free |r os for le Giecolf Super|® Special meeting of board of was lauded for its intelligent od oth tran, $1080 cash. RA d. After. § A 8.0844, Apart: | | completely Market, Ritson Rosd South, Oshawa. | end paid *for, lot 40 x LIMITED REALTORS 4 tor Tm between 1% 4 pm, Ion in Tear ot ito Ritson South. hoa 1 ree' RR Shop ¥ na a $0 Bond oo W, lrvivs - Avpl- to SPbrove ftems in the'of settings in Nosl 14812. Price $4,500. aaa 3 METEOR, perfect "condition, vii | Gecott's on FOTRIO Skene: Fri v Poh w RA 5.6544 57 RUIOK, two-door hard-top, hl company car. Best offer, od FINE Toodn; "for less at Giscoll Buper |B Bins mo Controllers Allen and Summer Glecot ob | RESTAURANT squipment for sale: 38 out, $94.5. Bixway Baby carriages, ¢ et in Joe ats absenc ; 02h Soarin dition, $350 downp ent and take of tor, | A i . mn DIAL RA 5.6402 ] ton, payments, Phane MR 33436, After | --"" - er oe Sov. TV, Mion Tor BV. pal RICH Stores, tires, yu "er | Earni gs g | rea will trad JOHN A. J. for ms: i an he RA 9041 | 1001 | MATTRENS SALE ~ -- Smooth gr op, 352 LEAVING Canads, Uving- to $40,567,301 or $1.06 a Kent's Service Station, corner of ---------- LIMITED REALTORS BUYERS I Alor and Albert Streets 1028 ove, suitable for coftage; also saxo: AWNINGS, plain. colors. ar fay Sirest. #isne, Imps. Apply'893 'Duver : would Directors declared a dividend #1 CHEVROLET. good condition, bar LTD. Phone, RA 3.7478 1000 | airipes, prompt service. Free estima of 60 cents a common share, pay- LEE oral B 0 L "A H 0 0 D puns Liat a sewer 0 oo 7 Dodie conch, fans [aon 8 Simcoe Street North [pliances, 50 Bond © ish 2% Sime Barons Home Pars mayor Jean Ne has A Burlington Little Theatre group to 10 pm. every night capital budget. |Ways and Means. Robert S. McCallum 02¢ | Market, 'Ritson Roud South, Oshawa peta Teco ition bon By 50" Dood | BARGAINS for Plextone cribs, |ville, however, said Th ursday i 521 ROSSLAND RD. W. [46--Real Estate Wanted |, TACXAAL rat fo 8 GMC Tian es ore Ph ove fie Re fe Wen. Pose rer Sih 2 hit ey tree" current on 4 ih Spring Is Here [sx D. 6. SPENCER and gas te wilh propane lank Je% Kelottvtrraegeratars, television. 5" hugh redevel oo NEW YORK (AP)--Bethlehem BOLAHOOD WE HAVE ed | CAR MARKET [Bair Bassler Bf Somber i, ig rma ators whee Fr. trv, eg He rE ti yr EE 82 dood nis, EAM baths, Blenderiving treatments, 169 SIMCOE ST. S. in 8173, or best otfer. R S017. Wb| 144 BROCK ST. N. SHOE repair Snipa Compiete, | O14 A Tate rentals. Clove Fon, 413 Sim: i] ven. at Homewood ; able June 1 to shareholders or Health {788 CWEVROLET deluxe, futons pain, . Highe sh offer. | oe North. , 304 King Street East. RA Sait "\record May 11, This was the same W N D [good condition, $380 cash. wi WHITBY, ONTARIO Apply 74 Bond Street East. toof coe NO rom A Aa RA 5-6544 E EE Bowmanville, MO 8.4851 moter. 196% ¥73 De 1} he pur; Terme . as pa previous quarters, [os Rrrantaed reconditioned washers. scuttle . First quarter net income com- two-galion tank, $50, RA 3.3330. 100 Pia ran eet, "ryconditioned ghar. Ea po reposses --_-- ny | WAITING FOR PROPERTIES! | SABYAN MOTOR | ANNUAL [rio cmb: sem gua sis bio torre EE, SEE] Wa aid he man re he or ns 4. hare, of | |! Lidl 'ome in see our jowroom ie Yo BARGA alow, HOUSES, FARMS, SMALL SALES LTD. USED CAR storms and screen windows, very | Conditioned. TV. 3Linch {able mode JA or gud. Come in snd dee out showroom would be back Monday. last Year. | cheap. RA 8.5207 100f | oth odels to choose from, Meagh- RA 3.3085 for home demonstration. 90 2 yrs, old is located In north- HOLDINGS | STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN | CLEARANCE RY hardwood _Gattins, 80 and "5io or 3 King 1020 | {ip Piyorat hk boat. BL ade. Also used lumber. RA 52621. |iz5 JOMNAON 15 WP motor, Miso - motor Ra in west area on large lot with SALES ond SERVICE SALE ° leami hardwood and tile 4 RITSON RD. SOUTH ZENITH television sels are now sold| hp. Alto, both excellent condition; re-|Strest aus ig floors. with tile bath, large LIST NOW WITH aid OSHAWA, ONT | The Home of Bonded Used in Canada, before buying any TV be {rigerator, suitable for cottage; $30. JA | rive furniture? We'll buy it. a er in Oo =] | { | cont Lot, all services in foods for less ai Glecofl Super ELECTRIC al ail maken, | Open 8 Ample | hi parking. Shop and save at id trade. Phone RA; m. | large size, , testhin REALTOR 169 SIMCOE S. ey, Vidar ar oF rade. [ome i | 10 PONTIAC conch, dood shape. Phone Armpe re ree" paring. 'Shop Wha pave a | ust bi he ait or yy ear will refuse to dacuss Re] Bethlehem Steel . alecirie, stoves RA 5-167 TAKE over pa: ments and $100 cash sn v Phone fl [¥ Thrifty budget plan. RA 5.4543 posite the new cit, ie reports earnings Tord T ret, 8686 or RA 34097. rope, prone he y 5 GWEVROLET deluxe, futone, $1205, motor, ideal for canoki heavy duty Dishings, 424 Simeos St. § "|oF with sitachinents, Sunbeam mix. the ma; Jet yeu sure and see the many exclusive fea. 53-1534 -- frigerators, , planos, madam kitchen, oi heat, pro! MERV. BIRD TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 tures tn Zenith. Moaghers, 8 King BOY'S bicycle. Phone RA 51304 7038 | stoves, tc. For top cash offer, contact Cars LOW DOWN PAYMENT Street West, RA 3.3435 a 19 Prince Street. Phone RA | SLL bus, Owner will take os low BROOKLIN EASY TERMS Fo ieetivon ria, Gopi V TL LOUD ear {op Dost i SEE th "new een rema ure as $1,000 down -- open to Robinson Motors | Check With Us Today! by 12. 'rosswood." excellent condi. good drapes. Apply 100 Wilson Road |3 to tg Hg Bh offers, For additional infor. Phone 255-W . tion, Phone RA 8.974% 101¢| North or phone RA 3.3 1024 models Come in and choose yours| .. mation call Mr. Bill Swar- (OSHAWA) LTD THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL [SEASON'S Special 11 fi. Fibreglass 1s FT. outboard eruiser, custom built, ei Trade and terms. Cy Preece! UNITED NATIONS, N.Y. (AP)|first talk with the new U.S sec. brick at RA 5.6544, » dA 874 Ritson Rd. $ 5] METEOR SEDAN boat and 3 HP Scott-Atwater motor, suitable for skiing or overnight trips, | Garage. Gliddon at Verdun road. Secretary - General Dag Ham:|retary of state, Christian A. Her- 1 == only $365..13 ft. cedar strip boat, § HP | §745. 124 Wilson Road South L102f| bsep a "340 and up, for |marskjoid is authoritatively re- [ter, in Washington a week RITSON RD. N DODGE - DESOTO . SIMCA Custom, radio, ate. |motor and irailer. These are 'ail new) ONE cedar sirip boat, 14% feet i GE TV, 835, needs repair ported to be against using a was exceedingly useful and most LN, pod a | | Live almost rent-free, in this WILLOUGHBY Soles -- Parts -- Service Only $25.00 Down -- [Wr oaV, 00 Aa ae © as hp motor, Otake trailer. Phone RA (Ihe Dutch Merchant, in Bond Sires! | United Nations military force to/ welcome. income home located on Rit: SONS LTD., REALTORS RA 5.6518 Balance $30.00 month | S53 and outboard motors, new a Le % | nail down any new arrangements| Asked if he had found a will and ors and son, Rood North, geed . 46 Eglimen E. Pliage ---------------- m---- oy NT AC CUSTOM Used, bought Jd wold. Boat Kits. 2 DRESS akiris gic ke naw, w, wise 10 = mower. Apply 148 fo Lo Salle Avante, je Big Four may make for Ber- b Jegutiate in Jasniugion - he ntial eree, semen Spring atologue Sent F | , $38 o ad in Moscow earlier, Ham. epartment now occupied, 3- rT] pid BUYING OR SELLING | Jute, 0 radio, power ng hy ples OE a n RR i used Hi and | USED Firniture "Som "Targe furnished He Is expected to deal with the marskjold asked his questioner, room bungalow with base. ~Automobiles For Sale See | brakes uns and looks [outboard motor and boat problems. [camping equipment. dew worms and |[oming hudse Bg or me: "| gublect | in a speech Saturday in|*"Do you for a moment doubt ment opartment (3 rooms | GWEV. conch, new tires, brakes ike new Jatons' Maine and Shorts, 434 Simcoe bait. Open TRurMRy rar, ibs EVOryiIDg must go. MO 83606 Whitby. (C [sucha will is "present in 'Wash ond both). Paved drive, gore TED CAMPIN | '87 OLDS SUPER 88 4-DR, i Bl Barr ko 3 og iy "No 0 . told 'a Dheqs conference {ington?" age, this home is very clean, \ best offer. 3 hot ; wow T8 rpm vecords, regular $110 SX cui [ONE Norge automatic washer. 3 ¥ there ina Jousibility of of| Hammarskjold sald if the' Ber. Lat'viae 4.70 x 130. Must AATATE Po EPL MOTORS over steer Prado [HAP our for 100. Tl iio "hei i ue a wo SE it ou role in er --' "LT erisis bicame. be seen fo be appreciated. 30 per Six mooths to pay. For| 607 KING ST, -- OSHAWA | ete, Truly Pine cor. trie, § Kin Street West. iT porate air | ONE Amana Troewat' SRAghL Wor for uri |to speculate on any guaran. |g ny UN | isthe fay it be- oll Fred Foirhart at RA perusal servies of your home call RA| (ust Eest of Wilson Road) 3 WP motor, new, A | ther part Shues. 02 | tee there. Secretary. genera Fam 8.6544 fry | per repairs, all Maken, compressor, $341 Ford cer radio us fore the Security Cowell . ee -- RA 3.4494, Res. 5.5574 CHEV, w= 2.door Sta (parts, attachments, brushes, guran:|'ss, push-button, $39: electri pol SIX. drafting able He d establishment of a 4 , fordor hardiop, me remem | tion Wagon A very [teed rebuilt machines. Estimates free.' machines, Alemite, with grease gun, 835. Chrome suite, Piling | rmanent UN military force to! 8 big power then could $10,500 FULL PRICE | scarce model. This car |Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser 960; and many other items at ve {$10 FM tuner $60. RAS 39. 103) sent to various world trouble {of the UN. Brick home with private drive | i BARGAIN | shows: the bast. of vice. RA 8.1081 anytime reasonable prices. Come in and look STONES Hi Frey Tor The TADS. . end goroge, close to shops, a = it "Hh ne bes Nd Kno CRESTENFIELD and around every evening. Apply 897 Sim: RA 5.0437. Ios. spots as needed. But in this con.| But he said he was 'not at all Schools ond transportation, |desired. Apply 808 TE needea| 54 DODGE, immaculate condi: [ | | | | 7559 hs abst chalr -- Brand new, wool frieze $239 coe Street South. RA 38316 REFOSRERIED and used Teirigerators, Deetion he did not mention Ber-'keen to be on the stage" in the only $75.00 a month, large |37091. tion, tu-tone, with radio end MONARCH -- 2 . door Porm ; Home F. bor ge Pg OTC and ne i and ° xi oa To 17 "TR Bond 8 io Bast. Big Four foreign ministers' talks Ten . » urnishings, ornamen ree oe Jow dawn payment Tha "8 PONTIAC hardio _ ae lata. 3700 # maple trees for hedge a Hero Duton Merchant, 171 sat.| The secretarygeneral said his'to start in Geneva May 1. won os long, call now an condition inside and Price o - ask for Bill Sworbrick ot RA 2) Phone RA 57808 © 1b| best offer. Phone RA 3.3474 RANG share, 318 up. i 5.6544, ARLEY Davidson motor eycle, wood| Ext, 12 during business hours, model 8.6081. [vision on any new Electrohome, Ad: | 95, The West Oi 11 F d d= EER a ol rs i a 5 ETE EETE Bina 2 Western il Issues Forwar ¥ N FIRST At beoutiful little ear. COLONIAL Notte cL a | colors, Guaranteed fb om. Osh. b JOH WACKO 1956 PALMER MOTOR SALES Black with red leather | ALUMINUM COMBINATION Sireet, RA 3-080 - | SALES AND SERVICE | interior WINDOWS, DOORS AND SCHNEIDER' S WIGREST pri ana ian Iu e em t REAL ESTATE Dealers for 5d M AWNINGS ture, also bell [ and INSURANCE CADILLAC 8 Chrylur @ Plymouth @ Simca) EYE0R NIAGARA 9 rinse o Cities' Service Products TRIPLEX on commercial | has been thoroughly re. h 134 Well known for guaran. property, Bond St. East, FLEETWOOD -- a { into our show room at Canadian crude from im Estate sale. Asking $20,- a conditioned Simcoe St. S. ond see our teed satisfaction, Reasonable BUILD THAT strictions sent western | Lucerne Hardtop." Auto, [cos St. 8, lanting. Priced to suit. Phone Ha radio, w/w tires, new |WAVE your TV tubes (ested in your Rrurphy, Tyrone, MA 3.8319. motor, A fost selling be Re The Dutch Merchant. RA (350 to $130 allowance for your rorgro NWP Pete Rat eondition, m, 110 steering, radio, etc., and plant. Before buying come ® Road. States announcement Semping Community Finite a, I) Ts wor hot power | Manufactured in sur Whitty | DRIVING SCHOOL. [stress Frome Ra. TORONTO (CP) -- 'A Unitediat 20%. Trans gL pinsine 20 King E, Bowmanville . 5487 "pipe. 000. In the heart of Osh | This sedan hes all power CRANFIELD MOTORS MANY 'MORE. CARS TO ~ | duploy or for a home deme | sores. Effective date, May |, line and refining oil issues onstration call Oshawe RA Shargug forward Thursday. vida "ike Hire. | equipment, radio, a USED CARS SEE US TODAY FOR A 3.8571. | 71 ALBERT ST. BOAT NOW ever, pig aa Bis horuk, RA 5-6569, eve, white wall tires, looks B.A. SERVICE REAL DEAL FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN Is easy with @ moldea hull or [CXF 0 rem back from their LAND -- Building lots; dup- | id nso. Troan ond | RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN | 02 COLONIAL RA 8-5315 ra, Ne. ior: Right Jt Jett: the seclion wp vu tex lon; acreage in the city | (ToC pa "s.ue22 MORRIS, MG, WOLSELEY, |48--Automobiles Wanted ALUMINUM PHONE 1266 AJAX | Final volume was 3.461.000 property Oshawa end 101el _ RILEY SALES '& SERVICE. -- ARRON ay Wa EH 134 Simcoe St. S. The finest Conadion made day's 3,617,000, - Whitby. Call William {81181 or RA 5.1183 Oshawa aluminum - combination win- Fialke, RA $-6369. THE SMARTEST PEOPLE TRY THE REST AE SO Gow ond prime. windows, | Food and freezer plant. | in the final minutes, Home B . ac. Will pay cash, RA 33787, 10a self-storing doors. Very low | €15 40 a week per family |op 19. Pacific P ng Jos ins: ind OSHAWA BLVD. N, -- In. THEN BUY, HILLMAN . IT'S THE BEST --- eamaetteemaae---- FOR SALE price, only $49.50 installed. of four, includes approxi- % a ox but Son a 530.46; golds 51 ap Some herme, slcse to shin! LUXURY AND COMFORT HIGHEST PRICES LIONEL Finest © aluminum | awning® | mately 90 per cent gro- [high of I7h. Great Plains was|metals 00 to 177.16; western oils Large garden, Comfortable LEG & HEAD ROOM FOR SIX FOOTERS PAID FOR ELECTRIC TRAIN local dealer. ALEX VAJIDA, ceries and freezer, no , rising 3% to close/1.64 to 138.14. , living quarters. Asking only | R PEED socd clean cars. Tvade 4 AND ACCESSORIES Modern Woodworking Shop, d t, for ap- at on H CHER ISIS S Sou hin ¢ nT or bo In Excellent Condition | 2 : gest. ------ IR Ol obligation. DAILY CROSSWORD 3.9869 | DODD MOTOR SALES $40.00 Phone RA 5-3709. i ALL WELD UNIT CONSTRUCTION | PH, ia en.'s PHONE RA 5-4629 | EXTRA !! ack. wows ipsvel nea Hydraulic clutch--King size hydraulic brakes { RA 3.9421 For e better buy on aluminum SELL YOUR BOAT? 2. Tigers 2. Limit 20. Ro e AISICIOT IMR] ISTEIR | NI RIA 'y AUTO BODY SHOP in Osh. 4 awa. All equipment. Cem- ! n ' ent block building situated 2 and 4 door wagons, deluxe sedan and convertible Food and freezer plant. wii Sowa. widew, Join Boots sold on consignment. soo XL Neu on over an acre of indus i MACKIE MOTORS | $15.40 a week per family | railings, pre-fab cottages and We obtain all cash for you! ©. Bones ocean 21. Tave + triall d land, Open fo! i ie ' h L display area (anat.) 8. Nicholas Iiglly atria. Jone, pen, for $1, 795. 00 and up | 'Witkbuy gous then com Roy o four, anciudes Sppron | garages, stone tex siding, call ary disp oy RABE ; gn n, noon Meich, RA 5.448 CHEAPER HERE THAN IN THE STATES off ligns. Sell on, consign. pons i ad Ye 8 HOLODY 4 JUPILY LTD. . Fetio & Pion u i. NMA. Bungalows located in | INCLUDING: HEATER, SIGNALS, TWO-TONE, SERVICE, 5 | ment Trade up or down, down payment for op | ALUMINUM Brooklin, Ont, -- Phone 87 PR ig 3 Feighien " hig RIAIANMIO TRA warious sections of the city TUBELESS TIRES, OIL FILTER, | NEW LOCATION inh t N bli ti | 7. Longtel- nib) EIVIEIS) ARIEL wfiiflicnle. far lvmediate GAS AT BACK NOT IN YOUR LAP OS TDauaton. 1 3° Sule Sto RA $2431 | SEE HOME APPLIANCES "Jows Indian 35. Across Wo SGMLS LS fluswien, Low Joan 27. VOU" oN A SEAT, NOT ON THE FLOOR | KING STREET EAST wen M0 2A -- | 90 SIACOESOUTHFOR | mai Se «RA i by eating $295.00 DOWN--36 MONTHS ON BALANCE | hie ge Drive-In REST AUR ANT EQUIPMENT FRIGIDAIRE yam 11. Drawing - LE AND Service room ". SUMMER RESORT and QUALITY USED CARS | RA 5 5743 oo LLs & wm | measure Malt +" Camp. furnished verage X Ss 12 large tumianed | 49 WLYMOUTH ... $143 'SI CHRYSLER .... $248 | C ASH FOR FOR SALE RAS.533 BN Btn ed A good one, Windsor, custom radio ange ode. goad pump: I. s109s 34 STUDEBAKER $795 GATOR TRAILERS re tah oa Sg many | Toons. Automate, casio 1a: | 1 GILSON SNOWBIRD REFRIGERATOR UARSON BOATS Plaka. RA S656 | '86 FORD $398 gq Chey "ode | YOUR CAR | 1 COFFEE URN, Stainless Steel, 6 Gal. PETERBOROUGH BOATS utomatic, Fairlane, Sound and safe E CORNER § STORE. arocery custom radio, a 86 CHEV $1398 LIENS PAID OFF 1 COUNTER GRILL, Stainless Steel, Electric | USED BOATS & MOTORS A : 'S7 FORD ira A Traded aed: Fi . awa, o very good business. Customiine. or Drive i, 1 NO WAITING, WALK | 1. CORE COOLER Temi. Open ening: ond "erty. Interested parties call '56 DODGE . $1098 One of the best weekends. * John Wacko, RA 5-6569 Two-tone, radio. "5 BUICK s1208 IN YOUR HANDS 2 COCA-COLA BOTTLE VENDING | MARINE STORAGE IF YOU HAVE A vont x '8 Shey ai is Mardten, yao, two Sea M i MACHINES & SUPPLY LTD SELL OR PR --, a way IVIOTOIS | QUANTITY OF GREEN BAND VITRIFIED E87 AROUND OSHAWA, THEN BUYING A CAR? BEFORE YOU DO TRY PHONE 87 CAGE Tok SUvens "HONEST ED" or "IRISH STEW" LIMITED HA LAS SARE ST i 136 SIMCOE ST. S. EASY TERMS, WRITTEN GUARANTEE AND MORE AT { 200 DUNDAS W. Eo ee LY" AND BUILDING WELLMAN MOTORS LIMITED |__o=viltorm | Personriel Department | SOLD Eve. ning must go. Men's, HILLMAN----RAMBLER [5 we a for Sale | FIELD AVIATION CO. LTD. | Dp + wim, Jord quod, NONQUON RD. RA 34431 [= ™ iy Fas = MUNICIPAL AIRPORT ices t5ua 9S Court St. -- RA 5.3693 OPEN TILL 9 P.M. a od ol OSHAWA | 3 0

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