A AB Ay TN OTE HGP, Br Wp AT BOWMANVILLE Glen Lander Heads Lions BOWMANVILLE (Staff) --Glen ish, and because a winner had to Lander was elected president of be declared, Hoyte was selected the Lions club for the 195960/D. B. M. Hume, headmaster a club year, at a club meeting|OTS, introduced the bors. = Monday night. Walter Rundle was| Two new members, "Bud elected first vice - president and Moses and "Moe" Preston were Howard Gibson second vice-presi.| introduced into the elub, Alex dent. McGregor conducted the induc. Edwin Hoyte, 15, was chosen|tion service and was assisted by Ontario Training School for Boys'|past presidents Bill Oliver, Wally public speaking champion in a Braiden and Stuart James, contest sponsored by the elub.| 2 |The winner chose as his topic "Boys" and outlined the life of the Young male from the time of fhe envy of all Lions clubs in rth. strict A2 | Runners-up were Leslie Emory, He reminded members of the and John Leonard, both 15 years|*"Bank of Light" campaign which tof age. Emory spoke on the life/lls in operation by all Lions stated the Bowmanville clsb is y {of Einstein, and Leonard on the | clubs across the country. Lion Picture shows the Gordon | their night clothes and were | absolutely destitute. The Pick- ¢ Siggins family whose home | given shelter for the night by a | ering Red Cross has provided genily i Tl a ho at Rosebank was destroyed by | neighbor. The Rouge Hill Lions | a complete set of basic clothing |, = wil Mrs+F. S Heri fire early Monday morning. | Club has started a fund to re- | for the entire family, as well as | perg, Dunbarton, or Edward The family escaped with only | habilitate the family which is ' blankets and sheets. Furniture | Orchard, RR 3, Pickering. Ajax Again Rofuses TEL MM WORLD Liquor Vote Petition AJAX (Staff) -- For the second tion was tossed out because it|"SLOPPY TECHNIQUE" and household utensils are ur- Patricia, Gordon, Fred, Siggins holding Billy, Gordon Siggins, Jack, Linda. Child Reading Front row, from the left, show Mrs, Joseph, and Photo by John Mills | Good Stories For | {life of Sir Winston Churchill, Rickard is a candidate for the Judges for the contest were Deputy district governor's office. | Lions Walter Rundle, Roy Turner| The elections for district offi- and Len Lucas. The judges stated|cers will be held in Oshawa Tues- [the contest ended in a photo fin-iday night. Town Signs New 'Union Contract PORT HOPE (Staff) Six drivers, $1.48 pee wr and ma months of negotiations ended chine operators, $1.55 per hour, Monday night with the signing of Torn J hasds 10 Such go y -- ort Hope between ile ous oh hour, Town caretaker received a {tional Union of »Public Em- Sed Ring A enjoy [Diyas or aining agents 10'fogicial seniority benefits, pension Signing for the town were pian, ncupital as Wedical Jamu: x ance benefits, a 40-hour weel Phin, W. N. Moore and assist-' and overtime schedules. ant town clerk Ted Key. Signing In return the town can install for the union were local presidentfiy time clock whenever it wants Clifford Yeo and secretary Don go, Robinson. The bylaw making the agree- Included in the terms of thejment final was signed early Mon- agreement is voluntary Shevioll day. First reading of Ye bylaw: and an across-thebvard eight shortly before t, cents an hour wage increase, | will be $1.43 per nour; truckibears the date April 28. Brenton Rickard, zone chair-|Street man, congratulated the club andi is dated April 27, Second reading, New rates of pay for laborersistarted immediately after first, time in three years a petition for [contained a number of alleged! Mayor William Parish said, a liquor vote has been rejected forgeries. Citizens whose names "It was a most sloppy technique by the town council. A number of appeared on the list complained used to blitz the town. It is poor trregularities reduced the num-/that they had never seen the pysiness. There is an obligation ber of names on the petition be-|document on the part of the petitioner to low the 25 per cent required. A few weeks ago a group of provide us with a good petition." There are 3432 names on the giudents from Toronto carried out| Deputy-reeve Mrs, Mary Reid voters' list. The petition contain-|a blitz campaign to obtain signa- said: "This is the second time ed 1013 names. Twenty-five pertyres. Council has received an/we have had this kind of thing cent would be 858, but 198 were application from 11 persons ask- deleted for various reasons, re-|jng that their names be removed ducing the petitioners to 824 |because of misrepresentation repo ek phon © FA | ter irreguaities noted by ysaid he was unable to certify the he 10h Fler Were douple sign: document. A resolution was pass-|""** sue By Hur. wish : ed. unanimously that the petition| Councillor Elwyn Smyth said be not accepted, due to irregu- that the checking of the petition larities and an insufficient num-| had meant a great deal of extra ber of names. work for the staff and was a Three years ago a similar peti-/costly process for the town Warn Gas Co. Repair Roads PORT HOPE Lakeland Nat. caused the road to sag dwing ural Gas Company was given winter. Three people had fallen seven days by Port Hope councillin another such hole, he said rules be set up to avoid all this work?" It was suggested that Liquor Control Act could be amended to provide rules that must be followed in the organ ization of a petition At a recent council meeting a complaint was registered that under age students had been em ploved to obtain signatures. The complaint was sent on to the {Crown Attorney, who in turn sent {the complaint on to the chairman of the Liquor Control Board. Council was informed {there was nothing illegal in em ploying minors, but it was agreed the of the petitioner. | it was not good policy on the part) COBOURG TEEN TOPICS The following reviews were written by a member of the | Children's Department of the McLaughlin Public Library BEN AND ME By Robert Lawson Amos was the mouse who lived Every Couldn't we suggest that certain where Franklin went Amos went, | in Franklin's fur cap His diary tells a humorou of Benjamin Franklin wit! too life all the well-known episodes seen from the view-point of Amos The sophisticated and clever story xd by even more and clever line draw is illust phi-ticated Ings MOUNTAIN BORN By Elizabeth Yates $0 This is the story of a little boy and his pet, a black lamb, To gether they helped Benj, a wise and Rollo, the whole a dog flock o old 'shepherd, to care for that sheep. A very beautifully written mind. Aware of all the suffering and gentle story DOWNRIGHT N By C. D. Snedeker girl threw a stone at a friendless boy and the troubles she had be- fore she was fully forgiven, Told with sympathy, charm and in the full spirit of the place and time Nantucket, over a hundred years ago. A fine story for girls/ of 12 and over. | GOD'S TROUBADOUR By Sophie Jewett This book tells you the story of Francis, saint of Assisi. Francis| -'Bernadone lived as a child in the Italian village of Assisi, He al- ways had plenty of money to spend and splendid clothes to wear. His friends belonged to Ss h The writer of this sketch of Liu Shao-chi is one of the few Western newspaper men ever to interview the new president of Communist China. By JOHN RODERICK TOKYO (AP) New Tough Era For Red Chinese? The election of | at home and abroad, particu- larly in Asia. The Chinese could have pick a figurehead, such as 72-yeai 4) Tse-tung. d Marshal Chu Teh, for the presi- dency, held for a decade by Mao Instead, they chose to give it|at 8.00 p.m. He CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 16) 50--Articles For Sale |S0--Articles For Sale TWO subieen spring coats, §0od con. FRONT wheel alignment equipment, tion, reasonable, Phone RA 5.3919|good condition, portable, ideal for serv. oy . uf 9c ice station, Phone Whitby MO oun, TWO only repossessed sewing m i Bi Vacuum cleaner; also be: tiful Melmac dinnerware at I | ECECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, free prices, Come in and see our showroom (warranty, from $69.50. Irvine Appl at 539 Albert Street, Call RA 5.8603 or ances, 50 Bond East. RA 3.3085 for home demonstration. 99 § pg CRIB OUTFIT -- Only $326.66, BARC r se (eribs, | This inctudes full size erib, 3 BARGAINS for baby. }Hlaxtone eribs, | This dor 13 hin h "ering, size, prings, ralls, regular $49.95, hall-price clear |llevable lua! Baro ome Furn- out, $24.50, Six-way baby carriages, can | ishings, 24 Siincoe St. § a n very low|B, ¥. GOODRICH Stores, fires, baiter- orators, , Kelvinator refrigerators, television. fty budget plan, RA 54543. Bs ONE Gurney electric heavy ity pa" rr es | FADGO, $33, Dertect Jonditions ehiid's hase sale now on -- crib, one spring filled ma le, filled. mative anteed con- one child's rocker. RA 50820. rh struction, all sizes, regular $20.95, tre. MATTRESS SALE -- Smooth top, 283 mendous saving continental | coi) ai] sizes, $59.95 value + flow only s, wingle sizes, regular $49.95, 309 4g erms. Barons' Home Fur smash Sleargut, $27 3; bunk beds, pighi 424 Simcoe St, 8. complete wi springs, mattresses, : - guard ral and ladder, complete $56; AWNINGS, plain, Sotars, LA smooth top, springfilied mattresses, | Stripes, prompt service, re ol ma 8 while they last, $28.50, Wilson Furni. Order now for early delivery, Che ture, 20 Church Street 99a And table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Sim- bp helBaditasrcharuisha bie . coe North HIGH pram, cream, in very good con. "| URED television sets, 17° and 21 com- dition Teasonabis, Avvly 977 Shake !pletely reconditioned. Free 00-day, war- ranty on labor and parts, Ap lo $39.88 pliances, 50 Bond East. ws parts, % HP motors, $8 pe wash: with overs USED washer Re s to all wringer - -------- Guaranteed reconditioned washers, BEDROOM SUITE SALE -- Triple, Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-2055, single and double dresser suites $88 Bowmanville : up. Some suites with smooth top mat | pene "(04s for less at Glecolf Super tresses and box springs Free! Easyinj, ice, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. terms. Barons wHome Furni Open 8 a.m. to 10 p.m, every night. Simcoe St. 8. "Lower prices mple free parking. Shop and save at eed--or your money refund Glecoft's, 00 FINE foods for less at Glecoff Super|conyol and Red Pine and small Market, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. neil" 80% "edge and omamental Open 8 a.m. to 10 pm. every night. |pianiing, Priced to sult, Phone Harold Ample free parking. Shop and save at Murphy, Tyrone, MA 3.3319. Biv. 1% HP motor, new, $69; portable air LAWN mower $5, man's bicycle $8, compressor, $34: Ford car radio '83- | baby's extension gate $1. 151 La Salle igs push-button, $20: electric greasing Avenus, 985 machines, Alemite, with grease gun. ONE unused set $60: and many other items at very reasonable prices Come in and look around every evening. Apply 897 Sim coe Street South. RA 85-9216 EXTRA!!! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, 'porch railings, pre-fab cottages and gorages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8.4633 , good | Ison's Furniture Co, 20 | BIG {i springfilled mattre: up. Plus free matiress { Barons' Home Furnishings 424 5. guaran: | iy | of stainless steel, waterless cookware. Call at 81 Mec. Millan Drive any evening. 8c {LEAVING Canadas, Wving-room and dining-room furniture, washing and | sewing machine, Hoover vacuum eclean- er with attachments, Sunbeam mix. master, dishes, lamps. Apply 591 Devon | Street. 98( STEAM baths. Sienderiding treatments, {best results given at Homewood Health {Studio, 204 King Street East, RA 8-051. USED tires, $3, up, Terms. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. PORTABLE (television sets for rent, by the week or the month. Meaghers, 5 King Street West. RA 3.3428, | Safety Theme | At Service | AJAX -- "Traffic Safety" was the theme for the service at St.| Paul's United Church, Ajax. De: | puty Police Chief George Dunn of} Ajax was guest speaker. He Jifeased the gravity of the prob- em and asked the co-operation of drivers in handling cars, and Nader Ssseworing Shop, | parents in teaching their children) {the importance of safety rules |51--Swap and Barter There will be a meeting of the| ey] -- ee | Ajax Safety Council at the COM: wewe finer (rotteners. Seapeners won: {munity centre Wednesday, May, 6 er, Jypewriter, adding aching, tyvek, trailer, shotgun, m ack, mbing sald more volun pina) poi iB dt piping of all The finest Canadian made aluminum combination win- dows end prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum awnings. Remember sold only by your local deoler. ALEX VAJDA, the greatest and richest families. yi Shao-chi as president of Com-|new stature by reaching for one|teers are needed to provide help, | iy "cine "Ra 3.7080. merriest of them all. He loved to go; the West. sing the songs of the wandering troubadours and dreamed , someday becoming a knight. f Some years later he changed his Will Seek P.C. in the world he gave away his, warm cloak and his money a Y nd| decided to help the poor, As - : In How an impulsive little Quaker soon as his father heard of hia Nomination last night to start doing some- A threat of action from the thing about promised repairs to/town solicitor was suggested by| roads. The gas company Is ac-council. "It's not enough that cused of neglecting its promise they repair the dar ed spot," to leave town streets and roads said Mr. Wladyka. "They have in their original condition, and to|to repair the entire road area to Will Choos? plans, he disowned him. friends laughed. However, a short time there were friends asking to join him, {live as he lived, His after new to] PORT HOPE (Staff) slept under the called themselves Poor Men of God". LIBRARY BRIEFS and Little open sky 'The nomination , Durham County With in a dusty robe, | ral |bare footed and bareheaded. They Mal Joka Foote, VC. 0 longer) ty Conservative party provincial! at least one member lof the party from the east end Francis was always the very munist China may spell bad news of the sharpest, ablest minds they suggestions the Communist port, could find in It could presage a new, tougher hierarchy. of era of Chinese communism, both China speaks with two voices drawn from the public e work on the pressing nist party. TOUGH TEAM | Liu, lle at the summit. Long a man of con personal mystery, The object is to make sure that the direct strong! -- Liu's and Premier Chou| En-lai's -- after Mao has Whi] 0 lems | lof the party and the country as | chairman of the Chinese Commu- Mao and Chou form a re-|W& man was remanded in cus- ntlessly tough, shrewd team, a| {match for any nation in future international horse-trading, either on the foreign minister level or siderable no fixed address, Ottawa, appear- Liu willled in connection with a break-in and moral su P- T {52---Legal Notices The choir provided music under|---- - lon of Mrs. G. Mills, | NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ELBERT JOSEPH BOWMAN, Creditors of the: deceased, who died at Oshawe Ontarle, February 2, 1959, ore re- quested to send particulars of their claim to the undersigned on or before June 1, 1959, after which date the estote will be distributed. Dated ot Oshawa, this 13th day of April, A.D. 1959. ' Broke Window Stole Shoes PORT HOPE (Staff)--An Otta- tody for one week in Port Hope magistrate"s court Monday after- noon after he pleaded guilty to smash-and-grab charge, Henry Thomas Walters, 38, of | | maintain that condition for ajprevent further damage." stipulated period of time "Give them 15 days," suggest- Deputy - Reeve Mike Wladykaled Councillor Carl Smith | said one man had already hurt] "I suggest we prevent them| his knee when he fell after trip-/from putting in further serv-| ping in a hole where pipeline ex-|ices," said Councillor Robert cavations last summer h ad Everson. on display in Cortesis' window be an election of TELEVISION LOG: zu: tome vai 2 CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto|l1¢5¢ llems have been donated ~The Air cadet WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester| , poo. Cortesis. To runners. Wednesday night {up for the crown will be givenitended WGR-TV Channel 2----Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale gift certificates and all three Armourics and paraded to the Le- auditorium |girls will receive a bouquet of gion Hall, where the banquet was Country roses held. Guest speaker was Trenton gz) NY Fifth formers will begin writ. Squadron Leader Arriot {ing exams in two weeks. The rest. This Saturday the Cadets are lof the high-school will commence holding their tag dav. The boys | writing final exams June 8. There|will get a real treat May 2 when lis some controversy as to whe-'Sabre Squadron 598 will go to {ther they will be let out the week Trenton. The boys will probably jexams are over or wether they be treated to fights will be kept in school until June TARY TRAY Abs cs 26. Naturally, 'both studengs and TEEN TOWN PROJECTS teachers are hoping school At an important {finish on the earlier date Teen Town Thursday night, it ! The date of the graduation ban- was decided that the club will quet has been changed to May 13,'rent a booth at the Trade Fair when fifth forms will have fin- and sell tickets on a $50 bond |ished writing i They hope to raise $800 for the Friday 17th, the Student Coun- purpose of installing a new heat leil held a spur-of-the-moment ing system at Teen Town \ " |dance called Unexpected. The af- Two members of the council conviction last [February of po |fair was a great success. The have had to resi and they will Sessing $4,000 in Canadian idress was casual and music was certainly be missed. The two/IN8S hands stolen in a $1 {supplied by records. hard-working councilors are Jane! robbery of a Quebec bank |OUTSIDE ACTIVITIES Goody and' Audrey Giddings Graham, a former This week CDCI began to hold Presbyterian Young Peoples metallurgist at Ford of On display in the auditoriu 'Queen Of Prom' By BEV HARP COBOURG CDIC's spring prom "Aloha" | one week away. This "Queen of the Prom' will re- to meetings ceive a beautiful watch which is up the club's progress. There will by the KEY CLUB TROUBLE The Key Club this year is hav only ing trouble with its member by Cezanne, Corot, Manet, casso and Renoir The Eskimo carvings annual 1s in pupils of the next|Schools are on display in lobby of the Boy's and Girl's I held brary at- officers banquet was well will include: TUESDAY E 5.00 P.M, ll-Theatre, Sports 6=--Whistle ows S--Playhouse 4~Fun To Learn 2 Three Ftooges 515 PM 4---Cartoon Storyback 53% PM 7-Disney Time 6. Sky King 4-Dinner Date 2-Woody Woodpecker 0 PM News: Theatre; Weather 7~ Early Show 6--News 2 Sky ENING 4----Popeye's Playhouse ; 3=Rumpus Room 0:15 AM, 7--Devotions | 9:30 AM 3-2-County Fair | & Edge wu ent | WEDNESDAY P.M | 5:00 P.M, 11--Theatre; Sports 6--Dancing Storybook 5--Playhouse 4--Fun To Learn 2-Three Stooges 5:15 P.M 4--Cartoon Storybook 5:30 P.M Concert; Goofy Golfer, Ontario Court Dismisses Bond Appeal TORONTO | 7--Romper Room | S--District Attorney 4~Topper | 2-My Little Margie | | 10:00 AM H 4-On The Go $.2-Dough He Mi 10:30 AM | 7---~Morning Show | S2-TIreasure Hunt 4-Arthur Godfrey 1:00 AM 5.2 Price Is Right 41 Love Lucy 11:30 AM, 4--~Top Oollar 8,2 Concentration 1:45 AM Storytime 12:00 Noon 11--Popeye; Bugs Bunny | 7--George Hamilton IV 4--News and Weather 5.2---Tic Tac Dough 12:15 P.M + Speaker of the House 12:30 P.M 11--News 7--Play Your Hunch 3,2-1t Could Be You 4--8earch for tomorrow 12:45 P.M, 11-=All Star Theatre Guiding Ligh Ba RE 1:00 P.M. | 4=Union Pacifie 7--Music Bingo { 8:00 P.M 6--Matinee 11--Leave It To Beaver Keep Talking | 8:30 P.M. 11.6-One of a Kind | 7-Ossie and Harriet | 4--Trackdown | 82-Price Is Right 00 PM, 1 | 7--Mickey Mouse will meeting at 6--Huckleberry Hound | 4=Dinmer Date 2-Bengal Lancers 6:00 P. M 11--Theatre News; Weather 7--Early Show 6--~News 2--Jet Jackson n CP)--The appeal hy King ham, 41, of Windsor, against h 6 6-5-4.2-~ News 7.00 PM. fabio S=Zorro 4 Annie Oakley 2-Masquerade Party 18 PM 6 11--Family 6--Tabloid 5--Rifleman and the 4--Mackenzie's Raiders started. 2-Special Agent 7 -- TPM | 7---News: Weather 7:30 P.) Hie Theatre baseball has the Presbyterian Hall May 16, The "Y" has been having itsimonths indeterminate = Saturday dances in the Orange Hall while the old floor in the|.,.t of Chie "y" building is being replaced [ter and Mr The construction should be com-| pleted soon | 1 ] . Police Discuss a ET f "hrist Club Magazine Plans ..: 2c fa Ween 84 ram at its last meeting and NEWCASTLE (Staff) -- Mem-|the change in the format was an bers of the Ontario - Northumber-| enjoyable novelty. land - Durham police association SPRING FEVER discussed plans for the forthcom- The warm weather of the past | t ing issue of "Siren" at a meeting|two weeks has brought out sum- here Monday. "Siren" is season year determinate and 7-News; Weather ji 7.30 PM. 7--Sugarfoot 6--Donna Reed 5. 3---Dragnet 4 Whirlybirds Lawrence Welk Disney Presents 100 P.M. 11.6---Front Page Chal . lenge 5, 3-Steve Canyon 4 Ann Sothern R:30 P.M 11.6--Chevy Show 5-8-Jimmy Rodgers 7«Wyatt Earp 4=To Tel The Truth 2:00 P.M. 7=Rifleman 5, 3-Californians 4~Arthur Godfrey 9:30 P.M. 11, 6, 5, 2-"Ah Wilderness' 7~Naked City 4~Red Skelton 10:00 P.M, T=Alcoa Theatre |tence 3--Feature Movie 4 Meet the Millers 2-Mid Day Matinee 15 P.M, 11--Movie Matinee 1:3 PM | estified the For the Ladies ~The World Turns 2:00 P.M, 7--Day In Court 4~Jimmy Dean 3--Helen Neville 2:30 P.M. 7--Gale Storm 6--~News $--~Home Cooking 4--House Party 1---This Week 7--Donna Reed | 65.2--Music Hall | 4--The Millionaire | {1 Century Stories | 7--San Francisco Beat 6-5-2--Bat Masterson | 4~I've Got a 10:00 P.M, the combined counties' police as- away for another year could cash {sociation. A new fad has caught on in Co-| in the off the press some time in Sep-| will be the first to sport a panama explanation tember. hat with a purple hat-band. -- ! the grapevine' year's ship. The boys aren't turning out main lobby are on display until would retire this year and this is holding May 5. Models of 'animals made The cadets met at the day, May 2, at 2.30 p.m. in the from overseas service with Ca-| 3 ¥ Fur nadian Infantry troops of -the sec-|cember. " 1 Sailing in Canada; Chor- ond division in Germany, Holland, capital of Yenan in nor Ontario Court of Appeal has dismissed an William Clayton Gra. sav 250.000 board of trade for three years. assistant Canada the gymnasium classes outside. will hold their spring dance in'in Windsor, was sentenced to one three In dismissing the appeal, the ge special property committee f Justice Dana Por-! i sed ite laid Justices F. G. Mae. lich Jarshases a site a5 kay and A. M. LeBel ruled Mon- /manvi day that time served in custody Bow ville. by Graham count toward his sen- Conservative policies and activi- At his trial, Graham testified Mike says he has been interested he was given the bonds last June jn the party since he was old by a man in a Detroit bar. He anough to know politics man said he was {having difficulties with immigra- jis wife Mary and their three the| mer clothes and several students tion officials, and offered Gra-| i magazine published annually bv have packed the winter woollens/ham $100 for each $1,000 bond he Queen's Hotel, a limited It was argued before the ap- Circulation of the publication is/bourg in the shape of pink shoe- peal court that Judge.J. A. Le- three counties. It is due/laces. We're waiting to see who gris should have accepted this| of the county is letting i merge from the shadows m known he intends to run. e 8 Seman C at for several! that Major { responsible positions in' Ag president, 4- town and counties councils, better known to He settled in Port Hope in only know him as a self-effacing, Films to be shown on Satur-|1950, a few years after returning quiet man. This writer first met Liu in De- 1945, in the Communist th China. lg France ingland. |MEEK IMPRESSION ng Prue ded Enslant ni Dressed in-a wrinkled. cloth council, Mr. Wladyka spent three cap and padded blue cof a, ue years chairi rhe © _| form patched at the elbows, Liu years chairing the worke commit- | fo U i 5 |at that time gave the impression tee, one year heading the sanita-| n i n y "lof being an almost meek person. tion committee, and is now chair (¢ During an interview, his eres fn a Ye town: property, ony were downcast Ri he hardly : ve rhisper. In addition to these duties, this | sPOKe dy yr Commu+ year he heads the Salvation Army i a wanted friendly rela- Red Spield campaigs, 3 flood | i0 with all the world and would control committee in council and) ile no particular preference to a civic flood emergency commits Soviet Russia i tee; is past - president of town "ayo ininression he left was of al Kiwanis club; is on the board of not-particularly brilliant individ. management at SL. paul' Pres. ual, but one endowed wins more} byterian church; and has been|iyq, the usual courage, doggec:| on the board of directors of the cc and singleness of purpose. |His toughness emerged later| In his three years as deputy- when in 1951 he directed a blood reeve serving in counties council|pyrge of the regime's enemies. he has been on the agricultural| -------- = --""""""" | committee, the roads and bridges History Teacher { committee, and coun'ies property Appointed Editor committee, Last year he was chairman of TORONTO (CP) -- John Web- ster Grant, prwesior of history is s- plang for a new registry office at at Union College, University of British Columbia, has been ap- pointed editor-in-chief of the Ry- erson Press, the United Church publishing house. The appoint. ment is effective July 1. Dr. Grant, 39, will succeed Dr. Lorne Pierce who retires next A well known supporter of ties nationally as wel! as locally, of the|through a front show window at party ters tothe Brodie Thompson shoe store are figure studies of the 19th and| Mike Wladyka, deputy-reeve of| ava a more prominent public|in downtown Port Hope early 20th centuries, including works/ Port Hope, said Moaday he has ;jace in China. Pi- been electioneering This is im line with his now- days since he heard "through the go lidified position as heir-appar-received a call from a waitress Foote ant to Mao, whose chairmanship of the party makes him still mas- Born and educated in Oshawa, ter of the world's most populous Public |the 42-year-old politician has held pation. the many Lin will become the scene. y the millions who| The youth later identified Wal DAVID L, BOWMAN, Executor, by his solicitors, PARKHILL & YANCH, 26 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, Ontario. April 22, | Constable A. O'Neill said he |in a restaurant across the street [from the store, A teen - age boy at the scene said he had seen a man leaving (02-11 FS Underwood (o] gH s ) Iters, who was found hitch-hiking | west on the Toronto road. Under- neath his coat were two pairs of {men's black shoes. | Walters sald he had been out lof work all winter. He was remanded one week to allow Crown officials to investi |gate his record. UNDERWOOD TYPEWRITERS STANDARD Sales ELECTRIC Rental PORTABLE Service LJ ADDING MACHINES including the New ADD-MATE { LJ Carbon Paper Ribbons and Supplies Underwood Limited 73 King St. E RA 5-8811 | APPOINT DOG-CATCHER | AJAX (Staff) Council con- firmed the appointment of B. J, Severs as assistant dog contro! officer Monday night, Mr, Severs is a former town councillor and a member of the volunteer fire brigade. Owen Ashley, chairman of the {police committee sald that 15° dog tags had been purchased but he believed that there were 600 dogs in town. He said that Con. stable Lawrence Huol was con- ducting a house-to-house check for unlicenced dogs. earn arr th 'secept this EE Book, Wighly successful alized courses available for fw professional nr eo P.Eng. (Civil) AM,1.C.E. Examination General Civil Engineering He is married, and lives with January after nearly 40 years as editor at Rverson. the pany Mike operates with his brother Bill. | FOR MISSED boys in a house behind SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE 4~Garry Moore 10:30 P.M, 7-«Man Without a Gun 5-«Death Valley Days 1:00 P.M. 11,7,6,5,4.2--News; Weather. Sports 2-Haggls Baggis 2:45 P.M, 11,6--Nursery School 3:00 P.M. 11--8an Francisco Beat | 7--Boxing | | 6~The Unforseen | 2-This Is Your 11-6--Our Miss Brooks | 4 Circle Theatre 7--Beat The Clock 5-2--Doctor Malone | "What Not To Say To Your Husband" Life | 10:30 P.M | | 11.6--Close-Up SALE OF UNCLAIMED GOODS ' | PAPERS | IN AJAX FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAX) SERVICE PHONE 1m:15 P.M, 7--Playhouse 8-Viewpoint $--Movie 11:30 P.M. 1l~Late Show 8~Sportsview 4----Theatre 3-Jack Paar 1.4 6 Boxing WEDNESDAY 5:00 AM §,3-Today &~Captain Kangaroo 9:00 AM PM $--Burns and Allen | 11--~Bugs Bunn 4-The Big Yayolf 3:30 P.M 11,6--Open House 7--Who Do You Trust 5,2--From These 4 Verdict 1s Yours 4:00 P.M. y 7--American Bandstand 6--PM Party §--Truth or Consequen- ces | 3-Trouble with Father ¢--Howdy Doody * 5--Flight | 3-Official Detective | 10:45 P.M. | | A sale of unclaimed goods, such as bicycles, etc., will be held at Stirtevant's Auction Room, 33 Hall Street, Oshawa, on THURSDAY, MAY 7TH, 1959, ot 7 P.M. HERBERT W. FLINTOFF, Chief of Police. 7--Playhouse 8-Viewpoint S--Feature Movie 2-Sports Reel 1:30 P.M | 1=The Late Show 6---Feature Flim 4--Theatre Jack Pas Knowing what not to say to her husband, and when not every 1 May Reader's Digest gives 10 well-tried rules "tested in every home and court" in the country about what you should never say. They'll help you to a sweeter marriage! Get your copy of Reader's Digest today. Tines by 7 p.m. coll PHONE if you have not received your AJAX TAXI AJAX 333 | Al calls must be placed before | 7:30 pom. | STEVEN'S TAXI MA 3-5822 if you have not received your Times, phone your carrier boy first. Mf you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only and Mineralogy and Levelling Engineering and Concrete Design it ail i : SAI} I ng eting Bettrical Installations and rin AM.Brit.LR.E, Examination General Radio Engineer Radio Servicing io Television £. Electron and Stationary Cost Accountants Sales Managers Modern Journalism Servicing and Canadian Institute of Science & chnology Lim 3 $87 Garden Building, 263 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO, Ont. evens send me a copy of your Information guide "Engineering Opportunities". a |]