tt, TAA J. i BC SP nin wi Rf L] (dd ti ness was the most listed three tests of discipline, loyalty to Jesus Christ and doctrine. May Mrs. Jack Perry|who spoke on "Theology" and the GROUPS, CLUBS FE aang ole that it dul SH a ps. is believed and H Refreshments were IMrs. C. J. Wray and her DONT PUT UP ALY, | ; \ Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor. Dial RA 3-3474 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 27, 1959 Coronation H&S Association Nominates Officers For "59-60 At the April meeting of Cor-, At the next meeting all con- onation Home and School Asso- veners should hand in their re- ciation, Mrs R A. Donald pre-|ports. This meeting will be a pot- sided in the absence of Mrs J.|luck supper May 19. H. Kauffman. TALK ON IRELAND Mrs. D. S. Sugden read the| The religious education conven- minutes of the previous meeting.ler, Mrs. W. T. , intro- Mrs. Norman Raike presented/duced the guest ker, the treasurer's report. Miss Joan Reverend Derek Allen of St. Luxton's room won the atten- Paul's Presbyterian Church who dance prize. Mr. R. H 1} | #® Hi THOSE OLD CANVAS AWNINGS ! "Investigate" . THIS OFFER FROM [{OOLVENT ALUMINUM AWNINGS Don't Wait... An Unseasonably Cold Spring Forces Us To Make This Special Offer !! ; ORDERS RECEIVED ON OR BEFORE APRIL 30TH 10% Discount LY pith ef JF parents and students with Mr. fifth century to the oe velied cross Canada 2 Norman Sisco, principal of Done- After St. Patrick's zealous cru- back from Monterey, Mexico | van Collegiate, to discuss the sading, Ireland reached an edu-|told about her visit ¢ methods of choosing wisely the cational zenith which lasted till done there. Mrs. Gibb showed |the seventh Fouury Yen it was slides that Miss McKenzie had torn by civil war. During the church The reports of the delegates to Dark Ages of Europe, Ireland re- ken 18 exioe of their 4 | Beige bh ge» ROBERT, JOHN AND ELAINE [methods of choosing wisel In this happy birthday pic- | ert is celebrating his first birth- | Claude Keating, Guelph, former- IDELEGATES REPORTS ture are Robert Ernest, John | day today, John is four years | ly of Oshawa, and' their great- Marshall and Elaine Lynn, chil- | old and Elaine is six. Their | grandmother is Edith (the annual convention in Toronto, mained free from invasion and dren of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest | grandparents are Mrs. F. Ford, | Latta of Oshawa. {were brief oo interesting. men a haven of safety 'for . C. E. Meclnroy's group i Ford, Eastmount street. Rob- | Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. --Photo by Hornsby NOMINATIONS students and priests of the con.|Served rel eshments. = : 3 > : "| Mrs. R. I. Mark presented the tinent. LLOWSHIP la locket presented bv her hus- port of the nominating commitiee In the fifteenth century waves FE GRoUP band. Both Brother and Sister|as follows: past president, Mrs. of immigrants from England, at April meeting of the Fel- Barton are 15-year members. |W. H. Dempsey; president, Mrs. Scotland and Wales brought the ied 2 ing Sues urch held recently with the president, Mrs. Seymour| presiding. Mrs. : Oshawa Rebekah Lodge No. 3 Sister Ada Tonkin was present-|J. H. Kauffman; vice-presidents,|Anglican (now Church of Ire- ed with a gift in appreciation of Mrs. R. A. Donald, Mrs. R. L{land) and the Presbyterian| her work in making a special Mark; secretary, Mrs. D. R. Sug-|Churches to the country. These Celebrates 78th Birthday ~~ | " Rebekah Lodge dng, Bowmanville, Whitby and 'Brooklin. No. 8 cele-|lines, wash tubs and drain pipes. brated its 78th birthday recently | Their dress of the 90's was made|rie Home Board when guests were present from| modern by a Port Hope, Port Perry, Picker-|and there. {angel gown. touch through the Home and refresh Sister Lena Harper, noble nantes will be served. grand presided at the meeting Sister Evelyn Fickes, PDD, in-|assisted by the vice-grand, Sister troduced Sister Meta Priestley,(Agnes Kirk. Sister Viola Keeler past president of the assembly./gave the sick report. Sister Eva Hastings PDD intro- Sisters Shirley Terwilligar, ¥ duced Sister Isabel Carr, pastinella Rogers and Corsina Samis, president; Sister Mae Bunker|were presented with gold lockets PDD introduced Sister Mabel Disney, past president; Sister| Gladys Blythe, PNG, introduced Sister Violet Pearce, past assem- received the usual lodge pin also/Peever centered the table. bly secretary; Sister Alice Hay- ton, PNG, introduced Sister Luel- la Kennedy, district deputy president. Sister Viola Keeler was con- vener of the program for the spe- cial occasion. Gregory Peyton played an accordion solo. Several solos were sung by Miss Marlene Barton. Sister Annie Lee gave readings entitled 'Ma and Her Cheque Book", "When Father Shakes the Stove" and "The Lit- tle Church of Long Ago". Pam- ela Burke danced a lively tap dance and Sister Florence Jen- kins sang "Mother MecCree". | The Sweet Adeline quartet! was a delight with its barber- shop type of singing. Everyone enjoyed the "Kitchen Tune Bus- Kinoven Lodge . They played many favorite old tunes as well as the new on instruments which were] made up of scrub boards, clothes | NEWS BRIEFS COSTLY CALLS NEWARK, England (CP) -- It was so expensive telephoning his| wife in Dublin every Sundav | evening (3s 3d for three minutes) that Jim McGlynn, 37, filed down halfpennies to the size of shilling coins, it was stated in court in| this Nottinghamshire town. He| was fined £25 for unlawfully al- tering ' coins. SHORT REPRIEVE | CASTLE BROMWICH, England | (CP)--Five-year-olds who were to| start school in this Warwickshire] town got a postponement because | someone forgot to deliver thes classroom. Parents of 31 children were told the prefabricated build- ing had not turned up. It was delivered three weeks later, | FLIES AT 82 | SR AE HL BH Mr. and Mrs. David Michael | awa and- the bridegroom is. the Disney wire Tupriod recently | son of Mrs. R. J. Mackie, Osh in King § ni urch. Formerly Lilla Marie Fulton, | zea, wn the. late Mr. Fverey the bride is the niece of Mr. | and Mrs, Gordon White of Osh- ' It was announced that the Bar- Raike; corresponding secretary, would hold airs Patrick Milosh; executive, here! "'Open House" on Saturday, May |\irs. Norman Winter, Mrs, John %0, from 2 p.m. on for a tour ypaithews, Mrs. G. R. Gage, Mrs. "IR..B. Field, Mrs, John Chmara. ~Photo by Ireland | |den; treasurer, Mrs. Norman|people assumed responsibility for! the religion and education of the the devotional period. Mrs. Neil Irish which remained 'until the Graham government took over education/C. J. Wray led in prayer. Mrs. in the early twentieth century. Ivan Morrison assisted at e 18 Colors ® Free Installation ® Free Estimates NOTHING DOWN . . . 24 MONTHS TO PAY DON CROSSMAN "ee ™ SALES PHONE RA 3-2219 FACTORY AND SHOWROOM Mrs. Ross Duncanson led in a story and Mrs. the 94 BRUCE ST. OSHAWA Under the Fashion Sun By ELEANOR ROSS to know she looks attractive, but | Isn't it wonderful to have it also lightens the spirits of | happy clothes for gray, rainy everyone who sees her tripping days! jalong the street. If you must be | Some of the prettiest fashions, Dudged by an open umbrella, it| these days, are the various rain- Might as well be a pretty one! |togs, including the delightful rain.| Such . bejeweled finery cer. | |or-shine coats. One of the new tainly deserves the best care you | {promotions centers on beautiful can possibly giv it. |coats of floral print cotton in ex-| Here are a few helpful sugges- | quisite , New finishes 3 and new processes do a fine job| Never put any rainwear away| lof shower-proofing to keep the Until it is completely dry. {fabric wrinkle-free. When you take off your rain |SIMPLE STYLES wear and put down your um-| The coats are simply styled, brella, take them both to the {many on Chesterfield lines, with bathtub. And don't forget your| Inylon velvet collars. Or there's boots! the glitter group, guaranteed to, Hang the coat from the shower shine on the dullest day. Rain. Tod and go over it with a sudsy |coats, rainboots, and umbrellas|SPonge. Pay special attention to| | glitter too. hemline and sleeve edges. |" Clear plastic coats with hoods| Remember to clean the inside have a spatter of sparkling rhine- as Well as the outside of the hood |stones scattered around the turn because all the natural hair oils {back cuff of the hood, and around an dim the beauty of the clear |the hemline. Matching boots and | Plastic, {umbrellas have the same rhine- CLEANING BOOTS |stone embellishment. | Go over boots with a light | Little daughters can have rain- touch of suds. Be sure to look {wear exactly to match--a bright for any smudges inside boots. mother-and-daughter rainy day You don't want to risk soiling | notion! {your shoes and hose next time | Many of these coals are made you have to don the rain boots. ito be worn with or without belts., Good care takes little time and The idea of dressing up for a|effort, yet it does so much for rainy day is a decidedly pleasant |any item of the wardrobe--par. one. It not only cheers up a gal|ticularly rainwear. | edical Mirror BLANDFORD, England (CP)--! Mrs. Mary Farquharson at age 82 | has achieved a long - held am- bition, a trip in a helicopter MOBILE MEALS LONDON (CP) -- A meals-on- | wheels service run by the Ealing | branch of the Red Cross provided | more. than 13,000 meals for the) aged and sick last year. I ED. WILSON FURNITURE 20 Church St. RA 3-321 where DEAL A DEAL EVER HEAR OF A DRESS RELAXING? What am 1 talking about? Well that's a good question, so I'l explain. There are many conditions singly or in combination which may couse shrinkage in a garment. And it's not only woollens or cottons that are affected, but fabrics of other fibers or mixtures may also suffer from shrinkage. fabrics the yarns may may be stretched in bleach- , the fabric shrinks when the s g, dry cleani or even just by wearing the garment. This is known as relaxation shrink- age. : Another cause is that the tension ip the fibers is some- times held Jomperarily by a sizing which dissolves during the : Li rhe 0 they For in be stretched in the loom, ing or in finishi Later 1 4 bi g Pp! ously, this, as in other cases of reloxa- tion shrinkage, is due to the construction of the fabric and NOT to the cleaning process. That's why it is so important thet you choose the material from which your garments are made with such care. If you buy a gorment that is liable to suffer from rel ion shrinkage, you lly will not get the length of service from thot item as you would from a pre-shrunk item. So chobse your garments carefully if you expect them to last. VACUUM CLEANERS ani POLISHERS MEAGHER'S 92 SIMCOE STREET NORTH RA 5-471 In the some spirit, you should choose your cleaner care- fully because In many "border-line'"' fabrics, the skill and attention lavished upon that garment by the cleaner can lengthen the useable life of the garment. At GILLARD'S we pride ourselves on the personal attention we give to all cleans ing problems. That's why we feel that you'll find us the most reliable cleaner in this neighborhood, WHAT DOCTORS SAY ABOUT Note to readers: Thanks for all the nice letters. As many questions as possible will be d in this col but for obvious replies must be brief. Q. "Is it unusual for menstrue- tion to be deloyed many months after a miscarriage? Will the cycle m to normal without treatment? What does D & C mean?--A Minn. reader. A. "Strep" is short for strepro- coccus, a germ which causes in- fections in various parts of the body, the throat included. Bell's palsy, in which the muscles of one side of the face are partially paralyzed due to involvement of the facial nerve, con follow in- fections but the true cause of the condition is very often unknown. The paralysis of Bell's palsy usu- ally starts to clear up within one to several months. A. A considerable delay in re- establishing the cycle after mis- carriage or full-term delivery is not unusual. Special treatment is not often required. "D & C" refers to dilatation and curettage (pronounced Cure'i-tahzh'). This precedure consists of widening the cervical opening just enough to permit the scraping or cleans- (ing of the inner cavity of the organ. D and C is performed for various reasons and under vgri- ous circumstances, Q. "This may sound Hke e silly question but it doesn't feel funny. | am 21 end for several months | have had. a tickle in my throat that mokes me cough | also sneeze « lot. Whet de you) suggest?' --Miss T. A. The only suggestion is to see a physicion ond let him find out what's. wrong. Constant throot tickle with cough might be due to ony unmber of things, from nose or throat irritation to en elongated uvula (the little finger- like projection thant hangs from | the soft palate) [| |Q. My skin breaks out every [time | wear nylon s'sckings er |other pieces of cloihing con- |taining nylon. Is there any way to overcome this other than by avoiding nylon clothing? A. No. So for as is known, there is no really effective way to de- sensitize against nylon. Just avoid nylon elothing, | Q. "Will you please tell me whet causes strep throat followed by Bell's palsy?"'-- Mrs. C | Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors, The diagnosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's | personal physician. Questions directed to Science | 97, Terminal "A" Toronto, Ontario will be incorporated in these | columns when possible Always ready to give you Prescription Servies with the accent on Service 9. Kain Druga #28 King St. E RA 3-462) Oshawa OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS "What a Pleasant surprise!" That's what most people say when they find out about Oshawa Wood. Products many Plus Services. HOME CONSTRUCTION DIVISION. Complete home remodelling, additions, and repairs including all .sub- trades. Available aot olf times, QUALITY MATERIALS AT REASONABLE PRICES. An unsurpassable FREE HOME PLAN- NING-and ESTI- MATING SERVICE. ¢ MORTGAGES ARRANGED eo HEADQUARTERS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING NEEDS! OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS oom woo LIMITED 84 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH--RA 8-1617 9 Telephones To Serve You BOWMANVILLE--MA 3-2130 AJAX--ZEnith 2-9600 © DOWNTOWN OFFICE OPFN FRIDAY TILL 9:00 P.M. © At your convenience . +» TWO MODERN SHOWROOMS TO Ai SERVE YOU. Main Office and Showroom COURTICE--RA 8-1611