fa 8 a i LAE a Sd THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 27, 1959 iii i? ORDAINED AT IMPRES Saturday | ald Ousten, of Toronto; Bishop G. B. Snell, of Toronto; Rev. service, from left, | Dr. C. R. Fielding, dean of di- , Trant; Rev. Ron- | vinity, Trinity College, Toron- THREE SCOUTS PRESENTED WITH QUEEN SCOUT BADGES Three members of the First | Scout badges at the troops an- | hall at Camp Samac. Shown | jock William Wittick, Oshawa Boy Scout Troop were | nual father and son banquet | here are the three recipients presented with thelr Queen | Saturday night in the council | with their fathers -- Earl Wit. | Jones, Clarence Jones, Richard to and Rev, C. D. Cross, reo. tor of St. George's Church. --Oshawa Times Photo Rev, Peter E Trant, assist- | ant curate of St. George's An. Askew and Willlam Askew, Ben on Shave Was ON --Oshawa Times Photo following dained at an impressive service | are Rev. Burketon Resident Is Street Crash Victim Edgar Strutt, 77, of Burketon|ynko,11, of 193 Cadillac avenue|Mollen, of Port Perry; Mrs. Pearl Post Office, died at Oshawa Gen- 'south. The boy was unhurt, |Avery, of Burketon, and Mrs. eral Hospital Sundgy morning| ¥t was Oshawa's second traffic Maude Brown, of Port Perry. from injuries he received in a|fatality this year. Funeral services will take place traffic accident at the junction] Mr, Strutt, a handyman, had Tuesday, April 28, at Northcutt of Athol and Albert streets, Osh- lived in the Burketon district for and Smith Funeral Home, Bow awa, less than 24 hours previous- 70 years. He was formerly a manville, followed by interment ly. |farmer, |in Bethesda cemetery, near Ty- Mr, Strutt was a front seat| He is survived by a brother, rone. passenger ih a car driven by his|Everett, of Burketon, and four] Rev. W. A. Logan, of Eanis- nephew, Norman Edward Glen-|sisters: Mrs. R. (Nell) Dickey, killen United Church, will of nie, 38. Another nephew, James of Hampton; Mrs. E. (Edith) ficiate. Glennie, was a p in the rear seat, Neither of them was "ne wes wert 13 Churches Plan nie"s car, going east on Athol Involved were cars driven by Charles F. Thomas, 64, of Owen Sound; Alfred William Overy, 21, of Nonquon road, Oshawa, Eric G. Greene, 18, of RR 2, Oshawa, and a truck driven by Gordon Charles Richardson, 34, of Mont- gomery drive, Brooklin. "'amage to Mr. Thomas's and Mr. Overy's cars was $25 and $225 respectively. An accident earlier the same day on Athol street west caused $100 damages to each of the two cars involved. They were driven by Alex J. Paulin, 26, of 235 Eu- lalie avenue and Frederick G. Shane, 37, of 739 Lakeview) avenue, | Mr. Shane was making a left turn into the municipal parking lot while Mr. Paulin was travell-| ing west on Athol street at the time. 252 DIFFERENT STAMPS $1 - 1 H A R 1 eavy Area Rainstorm Weather conditions during the when his engine ran into a wash-| The dam at Guelph was washed first part of this spring have been|out at Gibson's siding, three out and highways throughout pletely devoid of floods or heavy| According to The Times report under several feet of water. rainfalls. Such, unfortunately, has Mr, Kennedy died a hero's death.| In The Times of that day it not always been the case. |As the train hit the washout,/Was reported that during the that in April, 1929, the district of the track, the engine became|barns were struck by lightning was visited with the worst rain|derailed but continued on ajand burned, hundreds of cellars storm in the history of Oshawa.|course parallel to the roadbed for| were flooded and scores of cul- railed two trains and isolated| The fireman and the brakeman WORKERS HAMPERED Oshawa by rail from the rest of both jumped clear but true to tra-/ The edition of The Times pub- the province for three days. |dition, Enginner Kennedv stayed|jished Monday, April 8, of that|§ early morning hours of Saturday,|Was said to have died instantly jsolated by rail and that a sub street east, April 6, 1929. It swept away When the engine toppled. sequent storm had hampered bridges on both branches of the| Robert Milne, engineer of a workers attempting to restore bk son road north, travelling south | WwW . i i bp Albert street. sections of both the CNR and fateful night when his engine/ The paper estimated the dam- i « . on . CPR tracks. shed into a huge mud slide,/age to city property at several] fu... a PL 0 ee Rn ns The impact of the collision Boi, nd soulstence a og 00 Moy, at 8 Bali p mi { anville ands of dollars. They said x a Lf » i OWNED {one mile west of Bowmanville, thousands ol \ 0 VO D2 that jf appeared that the Sor, ST. ANDREW'S SOCETY ELECTS EXECUTIVE fide Wilh a ieyclist, William Kal- {vict of the Peniecostal Ass in|Bible Schools, will be speaking Helen Wright were both drowned hig 2nd the bridges over Har. ince, had centrad and done it's! Sitting at the head table at | 1959; Alec Auld, new chairman | dent, Robert Crawford; sec- |the Simcoe Street Pentecostal in the public service, . when the automobile in which TF, PREC EOSUONEE DSUAWA| Go le damage around the Osh-| the annual meeting of the Osh- | Of finance; John MacGregor | ond vice - president, Barkley {Church in Oshawa, May 5 to 7. *dnesday at 8 p.m. Rev: Geo, they were riding plunged into the winding | An- | 0Ca e | Rev, Jas. 8. Pierce, host pastor "Workers 'Together With [ It was not until the following Swe Ei o ; | man for the eveni ald; secretary, Archie Craig; [to the conference, estimates that Thureds fel oF ol 4 God of They were approaching the Har| The city was completely iso- day that train service returned to| drew's Society, Saturday night, | sence of past president, J. B. | chairman of finance, Alec Auld the nc will 'be ee! ug o mony bridge on the Kingston|lated from the rest. of Ontario'normal and temporary bridges are, from left to right: Dr. | Reid. Other members of this | and chairman of entertainment, gates will be in attendance. : 4 0 2 road, but apparently Mr. North-| uo, rail for three days. H to The conference theme will be Raymer, Superintendant of the | president of the society for | meeting are: first vice-presi- --Oshawa Times Photo "Workers Together in God's Vine- ¢ able to see tha* the bridge had province had been badly hit by! Older residents of the city will|- -- i - -- Mi stimes District will be speak. been washed out because of the(the storm. At Painswick, one boy remember the terrible storm and 2 : torrential downpour of rain. |was drowned when a dam burst. perhaps be thankful that this L . T [] * egree or Ine acta ot 10 ae So ] will continue throughout the day|in Toronto f CPR freight train, lost his life/waters at Bradford. comparison. Sg egion eam Ordan l i riest At view sol : 8 ig gay in Toronto jor ie Sraduation et thian Lodge, No. 61, JOOF, ini.|ference. Bible College, hicl Wildlife I Be ies br RG: - ehicles | ceLesraTING |Wildlife Is Officers Of |LastOfLine y Three, 10-man teains from the Chaties Toe; Jr., and' Gilbert = = Collid Oshawa Post of the Canadian| A large congregation filled 51. tat rondh of Ajax 1d the rector he y of w Dies-In Sy : Legion competed in Port Hope in fs il Church here|of St. George's, . C. D Cross, brothers were reminded ae SH HALIF. ; - i e grad lol $e Pet al 7 n LH ries. Anglican Church here laying on-of hands hunch pirwda; du Th Anglican Unfacke, last of a line of male dents of iguing desl Oshawa' Naturalists' Club|with Team No. 2 ng the tro-| pater Edwin Trant to the office the Veni Creator Spiritus which Oshawa and . e serv- and all those interested in wild-|phy and Teams No, 2 and No. 3|of a priest in the Church of God.|%38 ice in Oshawa was held in King Nova Scotia name, died in a mile srday, resulted in some damage| today: life and its protection are to have! qualifying to enter the provincial The Suffragan Bishop of Toronto, Molt oo 2 deaf Street United Church Sunday, itary hospital here Sunday. em but in no injur- Mary Ann and George Mit- N Breath | [the Rt. Reverend G. B. Snell| Fe cui d Mr. Uniacke, 79, was the greats 8 Wo of th chell. 565 aed hi Reta in fe fis o Songervation: Dr.|" mhose on the winning No. 2/Ph D, DD, and 30 priests of the divinity at Trinity College, Toron- church parade is on May 3 at Sg eo -- Py Flag Bodh ed how the office of the priest is Blovidin Usted Cointh ot 230} LONDON, Ont (CP) -- Percy acke, a colorful Irish immigrant Brenda Stevens, 312 Wilson [oro Siero Bt [tain; W. F, Beaton, J. Gooding, ticipated in the service. {80 30 ; P pm. The parade forms at thely Muirhead, Windsor, was|who served as Speaker of the road south; Miss Marilyn Public brary at 8 p.m. today. P. Patterson, A. Hatch, E. C.| The Li ras by th the continuation of the redemp- [Nova Scotia legislature from Scott, 107 Kingston rogd |. He Is biologist in charge of palcombe, K. McGregor, K. Rev: Dona a ey me ive work of Christ, in the preach-| "my \ 4au May 7, will see Cor- 1789-1793 and as attorney - gens Wildlife research for the Depart-| yh ion "GF. Grant. N. Knight. dy inthian Lodge confer the firs tof, Huron Brotherhood of Angli- eral from 1797-1830. ment of Lands and Forests at|'Censiom G. =. Grant. ght.ironto. The bishop celebrated stration of the sacraments. Rev. 8 the 1076 Kingston road west; Rob- 3 d | Six new members were taken Holv Communion 'and two dea-/Canon M. T. Newby pr ted (degree while on May 14, Whitby|can Churchmen Saturday at the| Mr. Uniacke was commissioned ert Essex, 65 Second avenue; |Maple. His lecture "Management , William - Rainey| the ordinand. y preven or [served in India aft duati Esther Bellingham, 1847 Min- |(% ing: G, Dawson, J. R. Byrne,|and the Rev. Logan Varey, read| Following th rvice a lunch-|Brother Charlie Stainton asks| ference. served in a after graduating 3 ny Hiustrated with colored} L. Towers, J. Cerctte ,C. V.|the epistle and gospel for the|eon -- Silly on the ion that his team be prepared to con- Others elected to the executive fom t Royal Military College, Highland aveme: Ruth La. Or. | Pomeroy, and E. Reid Feast of St. Mark. The bishop's guild of St. George's for visitors|fer the degree on May 7. ngston. Bey Sr\ilan, Ee ym of Bri tioned that J. H. Brown was|of Toronto. Sd | The bishop and the wardens page tournament aud made a|Wynn, Brantford; secretary, Dr. Taggart, 980 Ritson road |tish Columbia, his work with Bue|gathering war relics for the| During the act of ordination the of St. George's spoke briefly and high score for their series of William Mountain, Harrow; and A Aon Sr [ , {Sportsman Show. This should bishop and 11 priests laid their presentations were made to the|games, are requested to see the|treasurer, Robert Macleod, | 185 College avenue; Edwin H, |riculture land in that province, have been the hobby show Jin ; d ) f He has worked for the Ontarip|colors of the various veterans' cluded Rev. Ronald Sharpe, of Hs All i their name appears, start their| Archd y vice - pr north [Department since 1947 and is organizations in the city have Oshawa; Dr. C. R. Fielding, of Mr. Trant will continue as the playoff series as soon as pos-lare: B Orville B. Patt : . i |special lecturer in the Depart-|been asked for the ioan of their | Trinity College: Rev, George Ni-|assistant-carate at St. George's. | ible. | Brantford: | E Ch apergon, The first five persons to in: | FOR Zoology, University of colors to add to the Legion booth, |cholson, of Port Whitby: Rev. J. This was the first ordination to be|®2S (Brantford; Essex, Charles E. form The Oshawa Times of | ' ) The branch was advised and it Roney, of Toronto; Rev. Canon|held in the parish church and a Brother Lloyd Brown, NG, re- Baxter yilison: Lambton, John Y . ? re y. 8 H esex, Peter| receive double tickets to The | The club has had several pro. approved of the SIH SHidren's) od Hunt, of New Toronto; Rev. [supported the ordinand by their tive attend the blood donor com- Regent Theatre good for a Dutings this month. All'l Ced Pa kat. Hampton, y= E. R. Fairweather, Ven. H, John-|interest, attendance and pray- mittee meeting on Monday night| Matthew Carr, Preston; S four-week period. The current |those who are free on Wednesday in Cedar Park a any A S|con, of Toronto: Rev. R. Arm-lers. and this lodge was asked to have|Guy Gibbons, Owen Sound. ovine The Rt. Rev. G. N. Luxton, fairly quiet. They have been com- miles east of Bowmanville, manv parts of the province were Back issues of The Times show| which had destroyed about 15 feet course of the fierce storm, two The storm took four lives, de-/over 50 feet. {verts were washed out, The storm occurred during the|With his engine to the last. He year said that Oshawa was still § os Inrcivad In 3 . . collision with a car driven by | Di in: i R 11 Roy Bruce Wilson, 33, of 921 Rit-| S C a Y Harmony creek and washed out|CNR train, also lost his life that conditions to normal. ATA Sated Mr, Nine sai Sol |& t of th | secretary for Home Missi nd : jo Yo i 8 =] 8 r Home ssions a Walter Northrop and Miss| With the railroad tracks wash- that it appeared that the storm, rict of the Pentecostal Assem L were Fill loshawA woLATED lawa area. awa chapter of the St. | and John Houston, acting chair. Law; treasurer, John MacDon- Griffin will speak on the niblest, arm about 200 official registered dele- ». over Harmony creek had been] Walter Bapty, newly elected | vear's executive, elected at the | William Dalgleish. Bus With ton service, in which Rev. Ivan rop, who was driving, was un-| Meanwhile, other parts of the erected. | yard", Engineer John Kennedy, of a/Two boys were drowned in flood spring has been so "tame" in ference will move to Massey Hall for the three days of the con- Wins Trophy S dav Servi fa | The fol brothers were ini- Wins lrophy Saturday Service [mips swim wes Talk Theme _ Oshaw The wt |saturdy Tor the Srdibation of descendants to bear a historic n eS mbae street north Sat. Who are celebrating birthdays was sung by the bishop and the the pleasure of hearing an expert to nament in St. Mary's. April 26, at 7 p.m. The Brooklin rother 00 " : n AA ; rid Ito, was the preacher and explain- grandson of Richard John Unis Dillon, 124 Grenfell avenue; {Team were: H. E. Bathe, cap-|diocese were present and par- lodge hall at 2. p.m. |elected president of the Diocese| K. Rev. Donald Hunt of New To-|ing of the word and the admini- west; Mrs, Clarence Scott, i . , conf d ization' ./In the King's Regiment an of Ontario Wildlife Resourses" into the branch at its last meet- cons, the Rev. will confer the degree. n's ninth annual con g 8 d den street; W, Patterson, 295 Fowle's qualifications for" y, "5 "ast report it was men-|chaplain was the Rev. R. Owsten|and friends of the ordinand. Brothers who were in the crib-|"TS: Vicepresident, J. Arthur 702 Emerson avenue; Kerry grouse aud game animals on ag: The hands on the ordinand. They in-lordinand hy W. Hart and N.|jit on the bulletin board and if Kitchener, Walker, 399 Simcoe street their birthdays each day will [Fora Boulden, of Port Hope; Rev. Don-|large number of Anglican people ported that he had a representa- | Alec MacIntyre, Parkhill; Perth, | fitable outings attraction is Walt Disney's |mdtnings leave the public libranv has been the custom a draw will five brothers donate blood at the I --------SE F.D.R. at his favourite hobby COMING EVENTS | "The Shaggy Dog". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 am. COLUMBUS United Church WA.| "Spring Bazaar and Tea". April 29 at 2.30 p.m, Church basement. 7c RUMMAGE sale in the basement of Knox Presbyterian Church Wednesday, April 29. 1.30 p.m. | BINGO St. John's Hall, corner of Sim. | coe and Bloor Monday, April 27 8 p.m Share the Wealth. L) 2 Grass Fires Are Quelled Two grass fires, which broke 20 games $6 and $8, five $40 dackpots: | put within 90 minutes of each lat 9.30 a.m. for promising spots/be made for a girl's bicycle and {to study birds, trees and botany.|a boy's bicycle. {Last week's outing netted a list, M, B. Proctor of the sick com- lof 30 species of birds including mittee, reported visiting the local a caspian tern, towhee, white- hospital accompanied by C. Oke throated sparrow, and myrtle ang Chas. Wells, They called on warbler. Ski Edmundson, A. Lavender, A special committee is prepar- Bert Weir, Art Hollman, Sid |ing a display for the forthco! ing | Hobbs, Geo. Timmins and W. hobby show. | Thomp At the time the re-| port was made to the member-| Speed Limits mins were home and W. Thomp- |son had passed away. Lack Of Radio Hinders Exercise 1 A E Lt.-Col. F. S. Wotton, civil de- He commended his staff on the ship, Sid Hobbs and Geo. Tim-\go0e coordinator for the County|fine job they did considering the of Ontario and the City of Osh-{small amount of preparation they wa, today criticized the federal had received. 'month donate blood. |W. A. Townshend, next clinic; and also to see if there could be five brothers a Bishop of Huron, was named hon- orary president; the Rt. Rev. Suffragan Bishop of Huron, honorary vice- president; and Archdeacon C. J. Queen, Chaplain. Plans are now being made for the second annual picnic to be held later this year. It is ex- pected that the picnic will more| Claude Walker, of Galt, was or less follow the pattern of last|appointed historian of the broth- year's. The time and place will|erhood. The movement, founded If your quest be discovery--you'll find this world wide collection a veritable treasure | Catalog value is well over $11 ...and -- not a Jingle duplicate! Stamps honoring ROOSEVELT and UE ELIZABETH plus the Kelly Wedding Set ond the locals of LUNDY ISLAND are all included! This fine collection has been awarded PAR« NT'S MAGAZINE COMMENDATION SEAL and has delighted thousands of collectors. It is offered to introduce our approval service--write today be announced later, in Windsor in 1951, has since The CPT Commiftee reported|spread from the Huron diocese! on its work. It might be of inter-{to 23 of the 28 Anglican diocese est to the readers to know that/in Canada. you'll surel ELM find the thrill of discovery Is worth $1. DEPT, 189 NT STAMP, oy 61 WwW. 35 ST, beside the hospital beds, wheel- a A bus load will be attending|gepartment of transport for re-| 14 bs ! I! v Motrd |dep ans .-Col. Wotton did note the lack chairs and crutches that they Simcoe Hall, Wednesday, April 29 at wie by Oshawa Fire Depart. the Sisirios rally in Trenton on fusing to allot proper radio fre lot sufficient technical service per-|joan free of charge, they have 130 pum. ssp ment. PARIS (Reuters) -- Speed lim-| Vay 2. quencies and call letters to civil sonnel at the county headquarters|in the past few years donated . | The first fire -- at Harmony (its--unknown in France-- will bel: The branch also learned that gjefence organizations. to compile weather reports and|three oxygen tents and they have oud south - was at 3.10 pm. introduced on about 1,250 miles of Dominion Secretaty TD. dvie The colonel said that a lack of plot radiation fall-out patterns. |also Pri wh one isoletion room he second -- at the weste! i ¢ ing s reek-| S. C or x . Osha of Louisa street a Tr, om The" ie a alu. has held for 15 years and has | PLOPCE Freie ne ip pan He sald that because of thelat the Wa General Hospital. [road -- broke out at 440 p.m. to 5 miles an hour for cars, 53 been appointed chairman of the iy Pages a Seu | Overall, shortage of peronnel to ¥ The department also answered miles an hour for buses and 44/Canadian Pension Commision ie] re os in ao duplicate jobs he veal - {five ambulance calls Sunday. {miles an hour for trucks. which is an important position di 3 i 3 e organization was ance calls Sunday. hour for trucks ava. | nomewnat Tehiced. | WHOLESALE PRICES fm x 5 TY --_-- Jug he i 0 Je Songagated ou He said that taney had been al-| My. Wotton said that th --__liotted amateur frequencies and evacuation Yo worked well but| TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE} ther S , Wer | RUMMAGE Sale Junior Garden Club, rid unday were quickly dealt Start In France KINSMEN BING Tuesday, April 28 JUBILEE PAVILION FREE ADMISSION EXTRA BUSES Jackpot Nos. 56 ond 5 EET n #: SY WOODVIEW COMMUNITY CENTRE MONSTER BINGO (54-59) Meat Specials! Tues. & Wed. MEATY PORK HOCKS 2 .. 29° (SLICED) PORK LIVER 2 . 49° VEAL CHOPS . 59° VEAL STEW 3.- 1.00 AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY Three new trucks and drivers for Delivery Contracts and Routes in the Oshawa Area. '¥ SPEE-DEE DELIVERY -- $1,300 CASH PRIZES |§ INCLUDING $100 FREE § CASH DOOR PRIZES RED BARN $1.00 admission gives you 1 cord plus free chance on a --_-- pr -------- (BONE-IN) OSHAWA LTD. PH. RA 8-6222 BONDED CARRIERS ¥ . amateur call letters and that in that it did lead to a small amount Le 10n Ba trying to relay their messages to | of overcrowding. g Barrie they "'encountered consid- He noted that the HQ control R d E H "It is evident from my exper- ciently t I A "ciently th hout the Y e nsign Jhon ver the Wee Remi that the alert with only a few minor mal-|j 2%° Alben uv RA 3031) ! S| sho i i y - BRANTFORD (CP) hel SoDartmen ic. functions. He said also that the Open Thurs, Fri, Sat. 3 . {tance transmission [rom county the county was generally reli {convention Sunday passed resol-|y, pone headquarters to facilitate y g y zeliable. | {utions asking that the Red En-| y and efficient oc + Isign be adopted as Canada's of-| ion * 3 brance Day be made a public, Other than this, he noted, the N N _-- § | holiday. operation went quite smoothly. | o \ Sl \ - Jack Challies of Grimsby, Ont,,| -------------------- TONIGHT : BL . ¢ | new Canadian flag "the insidious Bi . AE . \ [propaganda" of those who "di.| PORT ARTHUR, Ont. (CP)--| i " ot We "\V vide and rule." Forty years ago a public school! || The Ontario Legion convention teacher here refused a school dorse the two resolutions. to her students. Noted on a scrap John Sullivan of St. Catharines of paper recently found in the was re-elected chairman: others board's archives was the com-| | Woodstock, district commander; | "¢% and pigheadedness. | Hugh Lamb, Streetsville, deputy| --_ I Able Seaman David Glen Bar- | Sucrament School in Chatham, ~~ ! " rette, son of Mrs, Alda Bar- | Ont. before joining the Navy LOBSTER CARNIVAL Jou can buy a aol retie, Nash road, O<hawa, is | in October, 1951. He is serving | SUMMERSIDE, 'P.EL (CP)- Yor To only 4.95 hia This erable confusion", equipment had performed effi. Canadian Legion's District {assign a frequency for long dis-|¢ ication equi t within {ficial flag and that Remem-| * he said. called a recent campaign for a| REVEALING NOTE i next August will be asked to en- board request to sell thrift stamps elected were Gordon Wakefield, | ment: "Real reason--pure cussed- SERVING IN THE NAVY | Commander; James Hall, Dundas| - sports officer. Did You Know? || | serving in HMCS Galineau, a | as a cook and is shown baking $100.00 cash door prize BUS SERVICE TO DOOR 98a' dian Navy. He attended Blessed | destroyer escort in the Atlantic | Command of the Royal Cana- | ley. a monster pie in the ship's gal- | 7 (Net. Defence Photo) This Prince Edward Island town 40 miles west of Chaelrtettown is making plans for its annual lob- {ster carnival to be held July 15-18. week only. NU-WAY RUG & CARPET SALES, 174 Mery. RA 5.0433. : BOX 53 OPEN ALL DAY WEDNESDAY