the tolls to pay for the ceaway. Seaway Booms, :Y4 THE OSHAWA TIMIS, Mendey, April 27, 1989 TODAY'S TORONTO, MONTREAL STOCKS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued from Page 17) development built 11130 Net 95:30 Net Sales High Low s.m. Oh'ge Stock TORONTO By The Oanadian Press Toronto Stock Exchange--April $7 Dupont MO Paper 25 $21 3 (10 82 1B B» -h" 50---Articles For Sale ZENITH television sets are now sold Lawrence Seaway, MONTREAL (CP) -- The St. dreamed of On Weekend fs att tof Co Officials at the three key lock positions -- Montreal, Massena, in Canada, before buying any TV be sure and see the many exclusive Joa for 50 years | tures in Zenith, Street West, RA 3.3425, PAINT, interior, exterior, $2.95 gallon, all colors. Guar , flat, gloss. Osh. awa Hardware and Electric. 8 Church Street, RA 3.7624. and built in five, thly through its first of operation. From Montreal to Kingston, lake, ocean and canal ships bustled today through the 135 16 ONTBOARD cabin cruiser, equipp-|miles of canals, locks and chan- ed, quick sale, $950, Phone BA 85-3159. nels that form one of the world's/laker, moved into the seaway : %f| great maritime highways. Saturday at Iroquois and ended LARGEST trade in allowance " Yous Its opening Saturday made the the limiting of huge lakers, im- He ee hie Lh a Great Lakes accessible for the mensely efficient carriers of bulk Thursdays and Fridays 9 p.m. first time to all but very large|cargo, to the Great Lakes. Sportsman's Corner, 103 Byron Street ocean-going ships. Some of the big lake ships can South, Whitby. pi The icebreakers D'Iberville/carry 25,000 tons of grain. In the rane very clean tike ow. Phone For; and Ernest Lapointe, loaded with |past, it had to be unloaded and Perry, YU 52504, : 93 | gover: t, shipping and sea-|reloaded at ports like Kingston SEASON'S Special: 11 ft, Fibre-giass Way authority officials, per- and Prescott into small canal boat a 3 ip Scott-Atwaler miotat, formed the opening ceremonies boats. he a str] at, - i By and trailor, These As all new Saturday. BY. Suuday he ie 00D OUTLOOK for only $589, Ajax Marine, No. 2 High-| 00, seaway was going The combined impact on in- blast, draining the large pool of dustry of an: ships being able ships that gatliered in the St. Suey o pr Tops sing phe Lawrence River at and below, 4 (Quotations in cents unless marked §. : 0il #-0dd lot, xd -- Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- ! 118 rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) 865 965 965 821% 21% 21% m 2 2 152 Industrials Net Stock Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge N.Y., and Iroquois--reported all movements going smoothly, At Iroquois, a dispatcher said, ships were locked through at the rate of three an hour during the peak traffic period. The Mohawk Deer, a 452-foot band sesEsuusizgsuy § 1325 300 MAE Seas a ==B58388e +++ FER way at Ajax. Phone 1266. GE refrigerator, Gurney stove, suit- able for home; iron, toaster, bedroom 2suEE zu BERIEE +1 seeduedulE Se. dF EMER. FF SEER EEE sErsund suite, mattress, springs, good, clean, | ships being able to reach at least wedged Sgguszaycagasyeglogyn nny sud FF ++ iit #=8 zzz sex 25 365 355 365 +10 $14 14% 14% -- % 95 W5 95 144 44 42 167 +10 -3 +7 +15 +44 193 10% -- % W Decalta Yan Can -1 4 Bn S12% 13% 12% + W Nn NN NS HEE HE EH EH 233F Bidcop Black Bay Bralorne Brnhrst Cable Cadamet EE PETRI EET) EH Chester Chib Jae Chib-Kay 1000 Coch Will 300 Fit Coldstrm 7! Colomac C Callinan Zenmae 2100 Sales fo 11 m.m.: 04,000. MONTREAL 'anadian Press tock Exchange--April 37 cents unless marked §. , xd -- Exdividend, xr--Ex- rights, xw--Ex-warrants.) C Halliwell C Marben Con M and § 460 C Mogul 2020 ConSud Conwest Cop-Man By Montreal (Quotations in =--0dd lot, 120 120 120 10% 10% 10% + % $28 8 Bn 0 10 10 60 60 60 321 0 $80 wl 80 ih 20% + 30 735 720 7 +10 500 11% UW 11% -- 0 1 1» "w Mylama 44250 3600 00° 17 The ©: Ll suitable for cottage; boy's Schwinn bi- cycle, perfect conditi RA 8-6755. 95( BOATS and outboard motors, new and used, bought and sold. Boat kits, all sizes, from 8-foot prams to 21-foot Eozeruircub==NREIERe; 55 proxy paint, Free information on your outboard motor and boat Ee + Street South, RA 3.2263, FINE foods for. less at Glecoff Super Market, Ritson Road South, Oshawa. g3-BusBzlozene & &F m 8 am. 10 p.m. every night. Glecoff's. if $50 to $150 allowance for your old tele- vision on any new Electrohome, Ad: miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park- way Television, 918 Simcoe Street North, {SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re. frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, etc, For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. | 2828Bude Ee EE FganncEE dition. One spring and frame bed. Als three shacks. Phone RA 8-8063, BABY carriage, reasonable. RA 8-8679, - | Phone | NV 961 DRY hardwood cuttings, $5 and $10 loads, Also used lumber. RA 5.2621. FRIGIDAIRE, 10 cubic feet, good con- Shop Save dition, ideal for cottage, reasonable. Toko je 0.8. ® Call RA 3-3030. de HOWARD roto-tiller, 3% HP, Perfect Waternan condition. Phone MO 8.3015, Whitby, Maclaren MR Dairies 325 388 Pow Crp 2pr sds ssalezougigessslua gpa. sociisengua By ixkoren HIGH pram, cream, in very good con- dition, reasonable. Apply 577 Shake, § > s ES Montreal to await the opening. REACHES LAKES | erik, a Dutch freighter that was/ cruisers, $56 up. Marine Supplies poly the List een by A Yo emer the The Prins Willem George Fred-| i problems. [ter the Great Lakes Sunday, Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simeoe| completing the run. She then staged a neck-and- neck race with the Prins Johan Opel Willem Frisco to become the Ample free phrking. Shop and save at first ocean ship to reach Toronto, Boy Drowns At Niagara Falls | NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, (AP)| ONE complete full-size bed in §ood con | Three-year-old Thomas Bradbury | 96c | Was swep Bridge, just above the brink of the American Falls, Police said the boy tumbled into the river about a mile above ¢t|the falls, He had been playing on the rocks with his brother, Al- bert, 6, and Michael Founier, 8. the fringes the ocean, is ex- pected to be tremendous. Seaway economists expect about 23,000,000 tons of cargo toh move through annually, slowly building up to 50,000,000 tons by 1965. Every ship using the seaway pays tolls of six cents a ton on the ships's tonnage, plus 95 cents a ton on general cargo and 42 cents a ton on bulk cargo. But it will take 50 years for When | had a lot of unpaid bills and heavy monthly payments I took a friend's advice and visited Superior. They gave me the cash to pay all my bills. Now | have only one monthly pay- mentandit's easy. If you're in the same boat, take my advice. See Superior! "What Not To Say | To Your Husband" | Knowing what not to say to SUPERIOR FINANCE SIMCOE ST. N. RA 5-654) Open Frida y till 8 3 Soturday Hil 12 Noon you to a & Ohne throughout Ontarle Get your copy igest today. | Alscos Alta. Mines Augustus Baker Tale Bate) speare Avenue, GIRLS' new spring coat, length 32", bought in England, never worn. Call RA 57512. 93 LLOYD CARRIAGES -- On sale $39.88 up. Plus free mattress with every carriage! Barons' Home Furnishings 424 Simcoe St. S, FRONT wheel alignment equipment, good condition, portable, ideal for serv. ice station, Phone Whitby MO san F8Exetialnls EEL TTS PY #3 = & Ba B-SEucidfenstistugenala: uggenestuas DRAPES, single and double pairs, light maroon with gold thread, like new, very reasonable, Call RA 8-0364. NEW outboard cruiser 19° by 7° 4", custom-built from American designed prints, 164 Wilson Road South ae J Io Ba 40 118 6 » by the week or the month. Meaghers, 5 King Street West. RA 3-3425. 51--Swap and Barter ROTO-TILLER, electric pop cooler, water filter (softener), Seabreeze iron- writer, adding machine, truek, shotgun, pump jack, plumbing piping of all $3..5888 5.840 g or, trailer, fixtures and supplies, kinds. Chinn's, RA 3.7088. 52--Legal Notices NOTICE TO CREDITORS Persons having claims against the Estate of George Ambrose Hueson, who died at Toronto, on or about the 30th day of November 1958 are required to file such claim with the undersigned not later than the 15th day of May 1959, ofter which date the assets of the said estate will be distrib- uted. F F331 ER at ILL IY CR - » gisggoualusngugey + * $ret FS 3 4 2a82.888 2 F +111 A =F +1 Westville Sales fo 11:30 a. mines and ells 286,900. Castro Urges Canada To Invest In Cuba MONTREAL (CP) --- Prime Minister Fidel Castro of Cuba ; says the time is ripé for Cana-| dian businessmen to invest ! money and experience in the "Caribbean island. He spoke Sunday night to aj £5 of businessmen invited by| Montreal Junior Chamber of| { Commerce, sponsors of his one-| t day visit here. 4 { "We think your spirit of enter-| ;prise will be welcome in our | ; country because now in Cuba we 'are beginning a new era." | * INFORMAL DRESS The 32-year - old leader was dressed in the olive-colored shirt {and fatigue pants he wore when ,he walked off the four-engine , Cuban airliner that brought him * here from Boston after a three-| 'hour delay. He wore no tie. { During the dinner with the bus- i he wore a quilt-lined er but took it off as he Tose to speak. He repeated an earlier state ment about the warmth of the welcome he received from Mont- -- "I thought I was in| press conference that lasted more than an hour. Also on the night schedule were J. F. Dales, Solicitor for Maude Gaston of 63 Harcourt Avenue, Toronto, Administratix of the said No Cure For brief visits to a downtown arm- ory where the Chamber of Com- merce collected a quantity of toys for Cuban children and to a chamber dance at the hotel, Take-off time for the 75-mem- ber party, including Cuban news- paper men, government officials was not definite. Officials sald it likely would be about 7 a.m. Retarded Children Seen SMITH'S FALLS, Ont, (CP) Mentally retarded children have and army and air force officers, |a lifedong handicap for whieh there Is neither prevention nor cure, Estate | tarded children not to expect miracles when they send their youngsters to special schools. "If their child progresses fav- orably," he said, "the parents he has heen told by wsclentists| that "at best the results are not/ are fortunate." Dr, Dymond said | California, "because people are agreed to mofe who pushed in from the pay them." This honesty was a|gireet, overran police rope barri guarantee. to industrialists think-|o. to swarm around him. RCMP ing of Cuba as a market, | 5 "We still have labor problems, |0ficials and local police finally | formed a flying wedge to get him unemployment. BONN (AP) man defence mini three miniature su {undersea experimentation Ale fhe retarded here Airing the These facts cropped wp in al most all addresses before (he - The West Ger. |tinth convention of the Onlarin has ordered Association fr the Retarded In tines for [the provines's 3500: hed hoepiinl fon eneouraging "An awakening public PEACEFUL SUBMARINES In giv ing the retarded Dymond sald heglining to accept him for what but (they) . . . are the result of {through the crowd and on to an! "I tell you these are our prob- elevator to take him to his suite | here to promise something won VISITS HOSPITAL He paused only moments there, become the Canada south of the and television reporters United States." | RECEIVE TRACTOR Then Ralph Charles Tees, viee| The Mafia Brotherhood Of Evil president of She Cockshutt Farm pany, pt a diesel tractor to the Cuban A shocking trme report of an un- government. derworld organised by Capone, | The prime minister kept up a | Luci and A mia thet | torrid pace from the moment he rakes in millions every month | arrived, at 1:54 p.m. After the re- by exploiting human weakness, | ception at the airport by Mayor | Sa Fourni | Read this long 25-page exposé rto Fournier and president in May Reader's Di nr} Claude Dubras of the junior| chamber he sped to the hotel in| this subhuman gang of Sicilians an international network a 20-car caravan escorted by mo-| has torcycle police. | that's more powerful today His bushy beard split by a wide| than ever before. Their secret grin, he shook hands and hugged| code despises all law, holds noth- thousands of well-wishers In front| ing but contempt for 9 the hel and spoke to them | anyhody whe "plays it a e revolution. Security po- | lice fretted but the prime minis-| Phu Di copy " ne May interest. ter stayed with the crowd. I the botel lobby some goo) Debazticles of lasting spectators, joined by hundreds | you or logit"™, dictator Fulgencio Ba- with much of the treasury's pPly. ad Complete financing available. Low payments. Many plans to choose from. For complete details or illus- trated catalogue Phone. COLONIAL HOMES, 134 honesty of the revolution- Simcoe St. South, Oshawa. RA 8-8571. Open till 9 p.m. government, he said, was gesulting Ia more tax revenue' lems so you won't think I come on the 20th floor, [0.00 Sout sat, --- sald the hie 1a Vand are alriving to provide appt iunities which contribute to| Hie hap and hes, n world have nol Owbavis Health Minlster By wie ware parenle of ve Is Life Insura investment? Tt depends on what you want from an investment. Vor example -- if you can afford to take a risk in hopes of spectacular returns, Lite Insurance is not in the picture, But if you must have an investment that will do these thres things -- create an immediate estate for your family in the event of your early death, provide a lifetime source of retirement Incomes, plus liquid funds for emergencies -- then Life Insurance ranks second to none. A permanent Life Insurance contract is the only investment that can guarantee this combination. Even in periods of economic stress, Life Insurance has a record of absolute dependability. Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA, 3220 ) If you would like to learn more about investing in Life Insurance including its tax saving features, call the Man from Manufacturers. You'll find he has af interesting story to tell. Aap MEANS DEPENDABILITY TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY CENTRE CUT phate ie PS LOIN RIB LOIN 59 |-49 F. L. Crossley Supervisor OSHAWA Tel: RA. 3-223] J 13 N Valencia, Fancy Grade, New Crop Sweet Juicy Navel ¢hild a new lense on life, however Hy people are L. G. Corson Representative OSHAWA Tel! RA. 3-2231 R. J. Branch Representative OSHAWA Tel: RA. 3-2231 /.{® INSURA EL 1