THE OSHAWA TIMES, 'Monday, April 37, 1959 9 GROUPS, CLUBS AND AUXILIARIES rived - !tioned a bakeless bake sale to HELPING HAND AUX, Maiden" and a French song "La/and the parents all being involv-|raise funds for the group, and The regular meeting of the VOyaguer", after which Barbara ed, he said, {prepared the necessary poems {Helping Hand Auxiliary of Sim.|Cross at the piano, supported by Dr. Langmaid was thanked bylfor same. The group leaders, |coe Street United Church was|Violinists Gail Lynde and Carol |[Mr. Stephen Lailey. {Mrs. F. Cox, Mrs. M. Cook and {held with a good attendance and Green played "The Cradle Song" Mrs, Nicholas Lakas announc- Mrs. P. Johnston to report re- a number of visitors. for the choir, i Bo Meeting ou wi month sults at the May Taecetig- The| Refreshmen! | i . " will be on a ay, due to a|Misses Leone and is GA : Mrs, George Haines presided Wedding gifts were presented yoy 0 oning on the regular, ogi a1 Phy po Has Mre. Allred Stale, |and welcomed the visitors. The to Mrs. K. Van Minden and Mrs. ' ; 5. i meeting night. At that meeting|A, C. Potter accompanied them|ston. [Forship service was led by Mrs.[M. Kylie and best wishes were |; '= 0 G0 0" ot" oreiners will | ik Hal yo Fred Wilson, Mrs. Allen Forbes offered for their happiness. iread the scripture reading. 3 Mis 5, G. Bell introduced Dr. installed . Miss Marilyn Scott played an/Jac angmaid who spoke on 00D! GRO! | accordion solo. "Orthodontics" which means the| Th so WEL tin ue the | A short business period was correcting and preventing of irl ooduwill £ oe ng S el iconducted after which M ss regular teeth and jaws Street United Sou. was held + IT IS | Gladys Edmondson, teacher from A film was shown which il-| tna ch eon parlor. The president |OCVI, took the group on a trip lustrated some of the causes of npc john Dyer "presided 1 4 around the world. crooked teeth. Some of these! Tye reports were read. The sec-| ALWAYS Mrs. Allen Forbes thanked were due to growth, or the early retary reported a very success-| Miss Edmondson and refresh-|loss of baby teeth. Lip or thumb ig, tea was held at the home of | {ments were served by Mrs. sucking, if continued into the pps, Dyer on Wednesday, April WISE 'James Thompson's group. third oe Louth years Sometimes 22. The treasurer, Mrs. Alfred g a caus amage and if this hap- st, y c H CANADIAN CORPS AUX. pened steps should be taken to gs Ay eed Sut iy | The April meeting of the Ladies' break the habit. The success of to England, and Miss Leona ! Auxiliary to the Canadian Corps|orthodontics is a co-operative Stainton was appointed treasurer | (Unit 42 was held in the club venture, the patient, the dentist, until their return in September. ! {rooms on Tuesday, April 21, with RE |president Sister Betty Caverhill ; ant is : : ii] 5% i residi I ST. GEORGE'S CWL JUNIOR AUXILIARY OFFICERS "Ee re eer ne FUR STORAGE | BUY St. George's Catholic Wom- | Seated from left to right are | right are: Mrs. John Wacko, | convener, Mrs Nichls King oy re Munutes of pe 5 I en's League Junior Auxiliary | Mrs. Edward Hyrcanuk, secre- | press secretary: Mrs. Patrick | and Mrs. Alex Korkush. comp- Sister Helen Smithers. Treasur- ( I which 'was inaugurated 'early | tary; Mrs. Frank Baron, presi- Aes i bis : i ' . stop . Store your Furs and Wint ar- this 'ear named its first slate | dent: Mrs. John Rudka, ftrea- MeAve * vice-president; MIS: trollers. es Yead by. Sister Fath nt yo 0 Mod R et 5 d | NEW POTENT Vi { AMINS of officers at its April meeting. ' surer. Standing from left to Stanley Malachowski, social | --Oshawa Times Photo "Five new members were in! Vo It S ¢ v ern Xefrigerate I ' a RR mommies A aults Safe from . . . IL One Marriage: Two Faiths (Ron- BACK IN FASHION [ole aft poi Bogen # p \ FIRE THEFT MOTHS | VITAMIN-MINERAL MARY HAWORTH MA . (cp) President, Sister Betty Caverhill. || (SS A , . SUPPLEMENT IN ald Press), by James H. S.| NEWTON ABBOT, Eng. Bossard and Eleanor Stoker Boll.| Underclothiag or greai-grandma's A successful penny sale was ¢ i * STORAGE * CLEANING . a" i Was Ag held after the meeting followed F Your problem at psesent is how day was spanned un he hin 1 elf- Al { 1 d S t livered from ovil--th il girls at a sale in this Devon PY 2 social hour .% SHINERIZING (FUR (o] oo 1eNd e om on to be delivered from evil te sud BE A oo iy is Of The next regular meeting will CLEANING) Y UR of jealous frustration in Sh, ar emis. be held in the club rooms on 2 ASK ABOUT » . heart, that makes ycu balefully : y Widow Asks For Guidance ose i new deveiopmens. in pantaloons. set of save and Tuesday. Mav 18. at 8 oicock | REE DRUG Earls life. The answer is sim-|Combinations and even Smbrold |p. a, LOVELL H AND 8 Assn. SHAWA FUR and yo A R E Dear Mary Haworth: I made a buliying--for which I honor him. |ple: learn to love. But the effort, boys. The ancient undies came The April meeting of E. A. Lov- move last week which 1 am re-/And his bride has been magnani- due to your egoistic rigidity, may oo ell Home and School Association '1 gretting. For several months my mous and humble too, above and seem colossal. For detailed help from a batch of bankrupt Hock. opened with reports of secretary i IN Y y son kept company with a local beyond the call of duty, in offering read Other People (Sheed and and treasurer The roll call vx OUR girl--of another faith 1 soon dis- filial courtesies (for his sake) that' Ward) by Wingfield Hope; and in through her column, not by mail showed Miss Ruth Robinson's iss covered you trample on particular study Chapter 10: On op. oorsonal interview Write her Cass to be the winner. Several 81 WILLIAM ST. W.--OSHAWA--Ph. RA 3-3012 DRUG STORE Five months ago. Earl in-! Now for a final point: Your agi- being a Mother-in-Law M.H 1 tare of 'this ewsbaper boys and girls from Grade 6 sang qs ' formed me that he and the girl|tation against the inter-faith angle] Mary Haworth counsels = 3 Jewapaper a Czech folk song "The Timid were planning to be married. I!'is malicious rather than solicitous. | _- -- a I PS tried to point out the disastrous It is a projection of implacable results of mixed marriages and bigotry, not Christian concern life of misery he wou For education on this score, read Instead of being reasonable, he - simply said they had discussed all the implications with clergy- men of both faiths and had reached full understanding I thought the "shock treatment' would bring him to his senses and told him if he married the girl, I was no longer his mother %. 4, ] made it clear that he must 3 i 2 choose--between her or me. He by Ronald Bilsky, D.C. N p W S | d I p I " was visibly shaken but said he Chiropractor wanted both; and I would always FA have a home with them Specialist in Palmer Specific The following week the girl Upper Cervical Method i telephoned, asking 'if we might|} | a talk. I said I didn't want to see ARE YOU AIDING her under any circumstances. / YOUR ENEMY Perhaps 1 was rude but I fire . | ferred being disliked to seeing Give your Fime is your worst enemy when || my son's faith undermined, He is it comes to matters concerning ; only 23, and has his life ahead of foot the comfort your own health, Time can con- po him vert a curable concer into a 4 y 4 deserves fatal growth. The possing of 4 ¢ 3 - : HOW BACK DOWN? only a day or two can make the 5 Finally, last month, Earl told| difference between a sore throat ' t é ; a » | ond ao for advanced diphtheria. me he was being married in a yi short time ¢ ~nsform pri yithat | functional heart «on into and_asked g 1 tL ae Send the @ serious organic disease. and suggested that he not come y I| Every minute that passes after hack What else could I say, after / | the beginning of disease in- my earlier threats? The girl's crease the odds which the doc- parents evidently shared my sen- / I| tor must fight. There are numer- timents and boycotted the wed- . ous methods of diagnosis and ding too treatment available today which Last week 1 received a letter were unknown a few years qgo. from my son and "'daughter-in- i Yet well equipped as he is, with law," telling me the welcome malt all these newer methods of was out. I answered that I might fighting disease, your doctor is like to see my son again, but not . often handicapped by his worst py AY I A A ' radia kh his wife. The final blow came enemy, time i when my son telephoned to in- : form me that he and his wife Your spine does much more. than hy J were *'a team' and one didn't go help you hold upright. Its most § / i i where the other wasn't wanted. | valuable - function is the pro- } y ; (? 2 He asked if 1 would talk to his tection of a vital part of your wife and I just hung up. too hurt = nerve system. That's why even 3 £ 5 - / a slight spine failure is to be ; . 199 ww to speak What should i do? | love my J most corefully guarded againer son and he is all I have. My hus- When Jere s ony dagree of . s . spine failure the result is band died two years ago and our Spine body tissues are being ha J? { ari daughter died in childnood. When Member of prived of the nécessary nerve : g I made those threats I never control or influence they need to thought that I would have to back function normally them up. I've seen a iot of inter- * faith marriages break up and Are you or anyone in your didn't want the calamity to hit family aiding your worst enemy, my son. Can you give me any TIME by saying. "I'll wait and advice? B.R see how | feel tomorrow." For 3 Td tomorrow or next week or next ISN'T LOVING month, TIME may have piled Dear B.R:: It is a lie to say up tragic obstacles to your re- that you love your son You don't | covery Your conduct subsequent to his [ I o marriage proves it. Read 1 Corin- | one of a series of articles published A the public interest to thians 13 to get the pitch of love. iNustrate. re plo nd " " d i cbhiropractic, written by Ronald W. love suffereth wong and is 18 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Bilshy, doctor of IE ose kind . . it dealeth not per- office is located at 10 versely seeketh not her own, RA 5-1833 East (Plaza Theatre Baliding, Toler is not provoked to anger, thinketh phone RA 8-5156. no evil. Love beareti all things, believeth all things, hopeth all|~ things, endureth all things. Love never falleth away In relation to your son, you've | coasted with the idea that he is vours. And the fact that he be- longs to himself is & truth you LS he has be- can't tolerate. Actuaily €O0.LTD haved: with streng and integ- rity, in taking a wife whom you disapprove--in the sense that he identifies himself with her ab- solutely, against your would-be 3 'S divisive wrath See Ephesians 5:31-- For this 80 SIMCOE N. cause (marriage) shall a man leave his father and mother, and 8-6 2 18 shall be joined unto his wife, and they two shall be one flesh." (Or '""a team,' as your son pits it, that acts in unison) Wall-to-wall MORE MALICIOUS Your son's deportment, I may add, is that of a loving son, who | the modern way is able nonetheless tc be a man, in reaching decisions 'hat a man|| With Smoothedge by must maké--and indeed that only | OUT Own a real man can makc, He shows] himself humble yet steadfast, in|] mechanics, withstanding the assaults of your | BUYING A RUG? Oiiwspsh, worlbwide mows . err women (he Globe and Mail MIGHER QUALITY | | CANADA'S NATIONAL NEWSPAPER NU-WAY RUG AND CARPET SALES 174 MARY 87. RA 5.1202 Broadloom installed