THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 23, 1959 7 | Re-elect Powers To [+ ran | | FiroPosts litre: 2 mie Head Cobourg C. Of C. Established a 2mm : . posure to radiation and at the COBOUR" (Stall) P. F. which made the foun famous. merchants' division: Mrs. L. For Radiation same time protect the public he A manager and One was the Victoria College N' v 4 4 puuiic reiations director of the|that now standg on University are: s Saunas 9 We tours] TORONTO (CP) -- Attorney.) my. Roberts fold a fire chats Cobourg division of Canadian|avenue, now used as an Ontario vision; Joe Richardson, chair- general Roberts has announced 8 training course here that the General Electric, was appointed Mental Hospital. Another was the|man of the industrial committee; network of specially - equipped province already has had three |president of the Cobourg cham-|fact that Cobourg once had the/Mayor J. D. Burnet; O. Taylor, |fire posts to handle blazes involy- fires in which radioactive mater. ber of ce for the d|finest horse show on the North director of the Ontario ehamber ing radioactive material: will be/lals were involved, : |consecutive year. American continent, of commerce; Irwin 7, Hasket, Set up across Ontario within the, He said 'many more" similar ott ted to the board| Mr. Hasket said that the On- president of the Ontario chamber next month fires could be expected with the were, Dr. TOV Hawke. 1st vice.|tarlo chamber was studying a|of commerce; P. R. Mallory, sec-| He sald Wednesday radiation increasing use of radioactive ma- . 'Peter Cortesis, 2nd|Program of farm safely and rec- retary - manager of the Cobourg detection instruments, already terials in hospitals, laboratories vice - president; J. H. Richard-(ommendations had been made to chamber; Jack Allan, secretary- purchased by the fire marshal's/and in industry, and the spring: won. executive 'secretary, an d|the provincial minister of agri-|treasurer; C. Grimshaw, past office, will be located at nine!ing-up of nuclear reactors, Tack or treasurer. |culture, the Hon, W. A. Good-|president; J, Redmond, vice-pres- strategic points and trained men! The fire posts will be at To. Allin, etary * ltellow. lident; Major E. Drope; and Hon, will be on call to any local fire ronto, Ottawa, Belleville, Hamil- y Direct are 2 Hy Rising Head table guests were: PW. A, Goodfellow, Ontario's min. department fighting a blaze ton, London, North Bay, Tim- Mrs. L i Serwan, LD het, Cortesis, chairman of the retail ister of agriculture, where radioactive material has mins, Port Arthur and Graven. been stored or used. hurst, {lin, Ed Haynes, Car! Fabricius, ---- ds nig H. Lang and Sey-| S U N H gow. there is no such thing as| He said typical problems which | Irwin Hasket, president of the ays . » as ee Ztatnst modern might effect crystallization of at- ERRICO KARSTOZOLOVICH| banquet at the Church of The | Canada in June. One the left 1s | OWASCO District Commission. {Ontario chamber of commerce, Mr, Phelps said "Canadians|fifudes were policy problems second from the left, was | Holy Trinity. He may have an | Acting District Commissioner | oo pont Hunt told the meeting he could remem- are rather dependable, dull, Over international issues awarded his Queen's Scout | opportunity to meet Queen | Bill Johnson; Errio, former " ber the days when Cobourg was Ke (0) eqace stolid, quiet and uninteresting|/Suez and recognition badge at a "Father and Son" | Elizabeth during her visit to | Scouter Fredexick Hooson, and | ~Photo by John Mills ott for its L3t Sere Socks and compared to our neighbors to the|China. TR r-------- "round ervice, south, the 'USonians', added that because the ferry bus-| PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Free-| Arthur L. Phelps, former pro-| 'We should stop accepting Canadian Micra AJAX CEREMONY : Labor Aw ards iness had dropped off, it Was 10|dom from war lies with the Unit. fessor of English at McGill Uni-/things from the past because|said that literature reason to forget about the fine ed Nations, sald a Canadian Club versity and former head of the they are from the past," he said.|take a local Cobourg harbor. He sald some-|gpeaker in Port Hope last night, English department at United One. national problem is to re- work through a For P H Boys thing should be done to re-estab- Canada should support UN ac-| College, University of Manitoba,|concile youth -- which he novel, poem, or drama LJ LJ lish what was once a great lake tion and policy in the realization addressed the Canadian Club in!designated "pup-comers" -- tolat the climax truth | : onor ueen cou PORT HOPE (Staff)--Two Port shipping port. {that there is no other real hope Dr, Powers school here. national hypocrisies about re- enough that it will Hope boys attending courses at Cobourg has many features 'of freedom from war. | "Defence is .an empty word ligion, politics and business. Ipeople for all time. the Toronto-Provineial Institute of Trades have been awarded de- J nt of lak izes a At Father-Son Event [iciinmvh Antony Beauchamp, class "A" AJAX (Staff) -- Highlight of other Queen's Scouts in Ontario[Dunn said, "In 1954, the first advanced was top student In| by 2nd Ajax Boy Scouts|will later be placed in a draw to|leader of this group was Bill Slectrica) Wades, SW i be sha " " ul i " + | ployec own by Jolce-Swe p and Cub "Father and Son" ban-| i. 14 which one will meet Her Johnson, At one time he alone Ployed i guet was the award of a Queen's yoo" Queen Elizabeth during| looked after both cubs and Electric Topcoat Prices Are Marked Down badge to Errio Karstozolo-| "15, |scouts, Fortunately now other| Alex Porter, class "C" basic, eh, The banquet was held at "®" Vii {leaders have come forward to was top student in plumbing " . Church of the Holy Trinity.| Mayor William Parish address: share the work." trades, and will be employed in For a Quick Clearance The award was made by Owasco|ed the parents and boys, saying: | District Commissioner Frank Port Hope by Millwood's Plumb- District Commissioner Frank|"This is one of the most Impor-gyunt made an appeal to fathers ers, io Xe 1 Hunt, assisted w Acting District/tant organizations In the townito assist scout leaders in their| Announcement of both stand- C issi illlam Joh and I have nothing but praise for|work, He sald he considered the|ings and prizes was made at the and former Scoutmaster Fred. |the fine work of the leaders, I|2nd Ajax Troop one of the best conclusion of the 10-week courses. Hooson. can assure them that the town|in the Owasco District, | The names of the three Queen's July appreciates all that they are Mr. Hunt made special men.| SI'NRING CLE A 14 A N or Scouts in the Owasco District doing." tion of the wide area covered I » i CE § MEN were placed in a hat and by| Group committee secretary Owasco District, It extends from| TIMES BUREAUS . - au &p strange coincidence, the name of (George Dunn presented a scout the Rouge in the west, the Errio, the new Queen's Scout was|parka to acting Pigiriet Commis. Whithy-Pickering Townline in the| COBOURG . Hi , with 60 si Will son, Mr, east and north to Claremont, . : drawn, s name, wit over 0 sloner am i _vo nson. Mr. eas! and « nN C G. McAuliffe FR. 2.5349 : . Primeau Takes | Youth Killed lain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 Including Harris Tweed -- English Whipcord -- All-Wool Velours Bantam Title In Scooter- | Coboure Wits Ee COBOURG -- John Primeau W. Couvier, OTS .... 7 | C C h coats-- topcoats designed for Spring, yet wearable thwoughout ar Lras |P. Dawe, St. A. .... footeteps to Cobourg district, gen won A... 5 6120 way just north The = Cobourg had won all five games became the second St. Michael's) Emmery, OTS .. t the entire year! season, Primeau topped - [ In er-lown Bast 304 pr oA OD Sayers, T. a... COBOURG (Staff) Robert key . Burnham, T. .... 3 [oar positrons Wednbad PE . oral al ear) ) ; Rusaw, G. ....... "after the motor scoot. COBOURG ---- Cobourg Cobras : cso, Shervin topped, gomhend Sack by ou. He died al 11 ionship this. weak by defeating] s. Records follow: pm, from head injuries. Peterborough DeCarlos in the un » 1 . 'Henry, St. A. 0. 8 1.38|gcooter collided with a car mak-|the week previous in Col | to a : Howe aeawo oo i player to win a scoring title in| A Cc ht ~ Rr ut wld. Davis, G, oi & Sree hton} Bo 1 Tilt REGULARLY $49.50, $55 AND $65 th of their ten-game} id Team GP GA Ave. | oilS,, A0pident, occurred at the| i ta clinch the file. 5 of Cobourg, . St. Louds, St. M, .. bourg, Ting a left hand turn to proceed journeying to the Liftlock City { g a ky 1 2.40 north. The car was driven by needing but one win, They drop- 2.50|George Turner, a Cobourg con- ped the opening game 1117 to 3.00!tractor. 1063, but roared back in the sec- r x Choose a hand-woven HARRIS 8.20 An inquest has been ordered ond game with a 1273 to out. 3 8.57 for oy next, distance DeCarlos who ran up a } ou, hes Jr finn Ontario provincial police are 1226 score . perhaps you'd prefer 3 - EE | 17 | still investigating. | Final scores for the 3 seven y the elegant look of ENGLISH WHIP. u Chambe H d . | games showed Cobras with 804, CORD, ALL-WOOL VELOURS, er 1" I a finished 1038 with bank bal. and Peterborough with 7642, 402 14 fa Snead $158. 8 at pins in arrears. On points Co- GABARDINES? Several tailoring styles, 18 | A Good Y | There was a great improve. bourg held a 13-2 edge ' "se sling «Sige 13 | ear {ment in finances due to a $1000) Stars for the winners were \ 34 to 46 in short, regular, and tell 13 {increase in paid up membership Chub Mclvor with 215 and 279 models. (Not every colour avery 12 , COBOURG (Staff) -- Jack fees. In 1958, glvenin col-| for 4M and Harry Livingston who J swe.) n |{Allin, secretary-treasurer of the lected $3226.34 in fees and signed bounced the pins into the pit for : 10 Cobourg chamber of commerce, (20 new members in a recent 146 and 339. Walter Wright chim- : said at the annual dinner meeting campaign. ed In with 436 double, Bill Wood: in Cobourg Wednesday that 1958 Receipts for the year totalled ward with 433, Frank Mclvor with 4 {was a very successful year for $9964.14. Largest expenditures for(300 and Gord Facey with 408, M the organization. the year were: wages, $4750.70 High man on both sides was Leo At the end of 1957 the chamber and stationery and supplies,| English of DeCarlos with a 591 7 had a bank overdraft of $908, It|$1116.71, double. is i I M>EUP ANP IEE - PURO R =D DED PE dal oll hf [i | moagaae 1 MEAT MARKET 53 KING ST. E. ; Shop at ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT! Oshawa"s Newest Butcher Shop Suit Sale Ends Saturday Where You Buy The "BEST F OR LESS" It's zero hour for a remarkable value . . . choose yourself am all-wool worsted suit, | . complete with two pairs of pants--only $55. SIRL T-B OIN : ONE : ib C Striking patterns m richly muted fabrics, WING . including new cluster stripes, reat fancy ROUND designs, beautiful solid shades BONELESS RUMP ROAST Ih. 79c YOU SAVE 320 HOME MADE We Con Bt You--Sizes 35 to ror ron SAUSAGES -- 69: |} =: 2 SUS FOR S100 PORK LIVER Ib. 27: Theresa Shop at JACK FRASER'S Today! Jack Fraser OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. EVERY FRIDAY - We also have a wide selection of German, Italian and Hungarian Salami's, NOTE: krakowska, Polish kobosa, hurke, liver sausage, hams, bologna, weiners, Store near you oekwaret and e grand selection of cheese unsurpassed by European stond- ° ® AMPLE FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE eo