The Oshawa Times, 23 Apr 1959, p. 22

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumday, April 23, 1959 OFFICE 'HOURS i=) THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS [EE 11--Business Opportunities| 13--Gardening & Supplies |17---Money te Loan 23--Women's Column |32--Articles Wanted I tale Help Wanted [ I and SPEGIAL = heal" permanenis, $030: TWO storm doors, 3 ft., 10 in. by A APPLIANCE serviceman, experienced 1d $5.50, Halrdressing. [10 in, rs dooss, 6 ft. on washers, ranges, 396 Pine Avenue, RA 55363. a 3 a: § fu 948 ors. Give ve ll pectin xs as to i " experience, Write » 25--Pets. and 'Livestock of it. 8 Garrard Deeded. Fill and lots ya Times. 1--Accountants |8--Building Trades WERGER VEANKEL AND 00, ac. DODD and Struthers, lightning rod ipstalled aired. Write |plant cedars, maples, and Please Note. [fuwn, i oh gn, en SL i eT Tate HOME OWNERS ! ti conan ee La CHA ee Ron rite EE la, or Bm' KE {1s your fine or second mon s column: Services offer com . able rent for right pasty, nl ; 4 - MAN to drive truck Saturdays, must Patines, Brothers, ® Hilleourt Dr. Why. Ogawa Times o due? 50 hampin blocs I [Ca "WANTED -- Bedroom wile, Tarse know city. Write Box 12, services for small Births, Memoriams, Cards of J|street West, Room 1. Office RA 5-037; yous and gage grouping of 3-pleces or more RA 37 ghing, roto-tilling, sical Do you need extra money? -|silve of or oak of recent "7 5 Td = BUTORS ed rd ee om . ge . but essen: | WANTED ~ Organist and 9 AM. SAME DAY 7. NOPKING ind Compas. Certified ing and siding; ehimney repairs. Phone DISTRI delivered. Whitby MO| Are your monthly poyments BAS: ¥ odie for or ls. Vid dating preferred, but, Write or phone 86. John's RA too high? Br FANG = Ay piaike or sine, saliable| CHUrch, Port Whitby. Phone MO tL DEATHS -- East, Oshawa, Ontario. 53509. ROOFING and siding, at Tors Aw sve pay |THE, Erde, Bou we By, Rs SO \WANTED rid, ah | Col us for ade! Ent Rin, Ph Hous i ma ns DIAL RA 3.3492 Trustee in Bankruptey, $4 King Street TERT CLA ae Se opsiEh ) hed,| We have private funds evall- BEAUTIFUL bat b ads ads jor Tor | 140 Times. Kast, ae 3. Com: BL Xue CAi Fils basements plastered. ial RA for RA 63783.) able ot reasonable rotes. (raining, talking "strain; ai, App a Tie Re. SALESMAN hy , CPA. 5.870. TREE MONTEITH, Sn Riehl and Co. ST WErYY EN TY TT v EE eno al and SHmuing, wed BOXER pup, male 10 weeks, Tawi stoves, eto. F s Sontast BIRTHS Cuanared Accountants, leanced Trus. Ea STROUGHING and, Tamig| Naw AUTOMOTIVE [Sa chain saw, tree estimates LY NDEWOR white markings. 11 gy Swill A Th Fon al om. DUTCH LANGUAGE Hon. J. W, Monteith, FCA, Mp: Lr. wns _roto-tiled, made . [fied Ad: Dial RA 33480. A trained Ad-| Young man under 35 to sell Riehl, CA, Rik R. F. ihitost, CAI oni Sarotiog g. Spe a ie xa. Product RA : Brooklin 303 A EE Saar. rt viser wil take t from thers, --emee| ©nd service Insurance In HOWARD -- Bill and Mieke W. Trstheway, CA. RA $3527: toning. RA 32977, after 6 p.m. i te = Oshawa ond District. An : pS tock i Noordman) are happy to announce the me Soke Wo. orth, Oshawa; PRIVEW. ¥ vel for| i Birth of a daughter, Cindy, ¢ bs. 6%| Whitby MO ST D iy A a Finavelclly Tinaltle oN Je COURTICE MONEY AVAILABLE [su 4 WANTED Wpertanity wid youl Todd. Pr | 3-- Barristers sae tribute our exclusive safety G MALE Trish water a Ee ULTRY = iser, Soliel-| CEMENT work, driveways, sidewalks, re th roduct with LANDSCAPIN TO HOME OWNERS Well bred, pers. Call RA 5-3710, SCRAP IRON, PO il trol EE oi wd Dirty _se{BOWNAK. David oi i. RA 59908. Resi: bademe Cie opi, Wepi, yatiol, 40. limited. rio pili un Weed treoted, field nursery Up to $3,000 for any good - 3% AD Fe URMER Von od ho ful ind k= a awa RA 8-0264, , top ravel, . purpose, includiny n poy- (SETTER, English, female, 18 ths, ' ALL plum supplie Size of territories on ud " 0 cha! stock. . lors of yourselé to Box 827, General Hospital, a brother for Glen. |g HREYS and Boychyn, Baris and heating pedigreed Reason Phone RA 5 oat, Harold S. Stark, ( td. capital investment. nts lete service. Contract rates. ment on home, payment of m| ~ ree estimates, existing mortgage, consolida- | 3516 te Sood home. A. E, Miller, Valley RA 3-2043 Oshawa: Times, STACEY « Allan and Glynes (nee } 5 plum ting and eng! the company Pabington) are harpy to ann the y'im, ) imcoe Sireet Sout. ppo! tion of debts hoses of 2 irth of thelr daughter, Jule' Ann, on 8 Wort. 4604; "os | FREE ssfimates on all Winds of bull and pron by s Notlna ED KNOWLTON hte Kind. No od Bo ino : 90f (collect) 934 en, April 23, 1959 at the Osh. Whitby, MO 82761. Money to loan. ing and repairs, new Joies, SUmIRET) all pertinent item ion wu RA 5 60 47 3a Auction Sa Sales awa General Hospital, JORN A. OAMERON, Solici | 284 and industrial work, first letter. - Boyents it call PICKERING AUCTION SALE --- Holstein eatile, REQUIRED tor jad Notary 5 Public, 18% King Street an ming ng. eguiracts or sub- hogs, implements, hay, grain DEATHS gl NC BOX 820 SPRING os SEABOARD | DOG SCHOOL Bt hai Aig a! OR THE FOLLOWING 's. BA. and Thoma ERING, teh =i stucco, Hs JR yd Le foundation, Free estimates. OSHAWA TIMES 291% Simcoe Street South Ohedlience is, for ol Sale starts at one orelock with furn|@Shawa - 5, Bowmanville -3, CLEAN UP 121 0gs. For Information ca ture, Terms er Ted Jackson, ue. Port Hope G - Liettors, 130 King Street East. RA General repairs. RA 34071. - RA 5.1 GOYNE oy into rest in To-|lieiors . 901 (Formerly Bellvue) PICKERING 240M4 |tioneer, Port Pe T & Surrounding Areas 4, yonto lor Siek Wednesday, Apri 32, 1980, Anita Louise | THOMAS M. FSTADLE; : Barner, 'Bo | AURIER McKENNA 12Dresemeking Fertilizing J, TEMPLE 9-1656 Goyne, beloved daughter of Mr. and el citor and Notary | Public, King hi 4 4 exe kins "at Lawn Power. Rotting 10a WWorlgages 26--Farmer's Column AUCTION SALE | Whitby-3, Pickering. 1, Hs lian Pho ind and sister of Street East. iahdra VE clients' monies for 10ans on DEAD farm stock picked ul P prompi. of And Ajax - 1, her ninth year. Rest: | BaRTON. FRASER, DRYNAN and| For expert paperhanging; | expertly Tad. Cail RA $1870, Everything Expertly Done! ing at the Armstrong Funeral Home, eito! Ni . 2 . i ps Bile Maggisiiiiic Bhi alae 13 gg bidding Tig We painting; gyptexing; plastic, MAKING, ai Non-burning evergreen fertils first Haye second mortgages and nd pur: Phone eollget, Bowmanville, chapel on Friday, Set Mu, at 3pm, ing, § Simcoe Street Nort, BA sus: . mastic, lino tiling. sipers, button os, mending mending. van! izer. FREE loan of spreader. §hate of Afresmalits of Jal of sale, Joma 8 Fur Farm, Tyrone, FARM STOCK . $400 per month plus bonuses oF Cusiahton, QC; N, C. Fraser, Phone RA 5.2851 air colar, oh Patio slabs, compost manure, | Hyman, GC 37 King Street East, and commissions, and advan- pa Qc 3 Lp ee T5--Gordening & Supple. | 70 he Sk rtm & IMPLEMENTS | Smt Hie i to on (NHA_ matted Fre EE Sd Emp Pr Fig cone Saris, ESTIMATES FR GARDENS and Towas plowed, Toto OSHAWA FIRST AND SECOND [best offer. BA Bit. ______ 8). Shorthorn and Hereford company profit shoring. etc rari ie Gane Mh DI ASTERING [Fil vis, = 0 fame 5a GARDEN SERVICE MORTGAGES |B mmups 3a & oie Cou on eof a stp, of advance. bon, GC; Edgar ¥, Bastedo, QC. RACY 25 2 WEST ond 27--Fuel Wood Machinery the property of |NO INVESTMENTS OR EX. For Fi I Fl T F TT RTE TI TTY rT P JOSEPH T. MANGAN. aC, Bars, : . Hd nee or id JOSEPH P hang GA New ond repairs, cement OLLAND NURSERY AGREEMENTS OF SALE WOOD ca By bus saw abd chal® JL l ONG ERIENCE REQUIRED. rangements Sol Mone: H RA : i : A joan. Office, o . LEWINGTON'S King Biiee Baxi, Oshawa. RA $4331) plastering, water proofing, & LANDSCAPING 8 Phone RA 89727, : FLOWERS a -- PLASTERING| SPRING CLEANOUT ious hold Reveirs il Sr) Tien, tems ft Lot 18, Con. 5 Whitby Twp. | These are permanent : Phone Helepbone 3 "Business, Soon Rest: Fertilizing & Rolling, Garden |feerg, Bee out meters Aor Cover. umes coltages, suburban 115 wiles cust ond 14 mile positions. RA gant A & 6212 RA 8-1311 Mointencnes, Col us now 37212, spies Sacriins, ad acreage: keeping cottages. complete with thres- out 0 rooklin on Apply MANNING ¥. BW. 3 3 © Te- 4 f : doors from Kom's Drug Kame. LAE Si . Sod ing, seeding, plant. vera er nee: po th sat Hr Prompt service. i ving gleture win. M N., APRIL 27 Friday Apr. 24, at 7.30 P.M, Store), glate, Bruce V.' Mackey, BA; Henry HAYNES RA 5.7442 at Modern Uphoistering, Form sold. No reserve. Terms reduce, dr 3A Lo BUILDING CONTRACTOR . ame i 2A SUSTTr Vie) OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE Iai "sii om EL, oo, Sole wr 1.30, Blue Room 3 xpert.. . y bh I] nson GERROW FUNERAL [£, shiumee, J Sli roo oer. 04 fon | wire precy (ib ait ws) | CORP. [TOL gh Bp "Hi HE Ue Auctioneer HOTEL GENOSHA CHAPEL rh i ye ) or tiling. Carpenter work al- SPECIAL SALE GWESTERFIELDS rebulll, recovered | Oshawa CoTrAdE Jor Feat Sires LL er ged rooms: | 35--Employment Wanted Please bring your wife with iP i Ake new. Why pay more? Our rates The fi i JOWN A. CAMERON, Barrister, Solici-| ferations. Kitchen cabinets nd elum reasonable. Satisfaction guaran. Days--RA 5- fishing, (Bancroft area), $35 8 finest services of tor and Notary Public, 184 King Street| our specialty. Tingle ong o a a teed. Mattresses rebuilt, Oshawa Up. RA 3-368 Write Box' 825, Oshawa Times. © 91i| Ons; fobs: #35 pe. Call RA an ot moderate prices. % ¥ NHA and private mort. J Co., 10 Bond Street West. Nights: ry RA 8.6226 og. CALL RA 3.7196 Oshawa rn, Service (Dial RA BOL Co | RA 5.1386 or RA 3.9484 |DoNELY, soltaes mies trom ous: ETE UNIV yo re Far Ser Th po Spray Painter GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, 86 Taunton Rd. W. YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim- on safe, the seasom or half-season, Bar. i blic, . 390 Kig Street Wen [fr eis 18 Ns BB, Cigtom Bilt Homes RASS Teh el 5 personel Ea oi ar' I [3 Murphy and James A. MacDonald, Additions, Alterations SPRING CLEAN-UP mates. RA' 3-2997, BEAUTIFUL ar Cr Lindsay, Phone FA 4-5308, WOHAN Glo work ae housekeope per, AUTOMOTIVE ¥ W. BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister| 3 i] 4 La] ROOMS papered, #8 up, painting, up. Hats remodelled, #3 WEWCASTLE, = firnis furnished eofiage fo cook, live in, Whitby, Oshawa, or . Ux.| Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, RA 5.7908, JH, t| Bowmanville. Call' New toile moar If you ere a qualified qute- N MEMORIAM Jmia_scliotor, * Provan: Oles-Vs- Rep aos, Et Fro Power Rolling 7oc applied, sealed seamless. RA 5- ee oor ibibo A Row spray | painter and HAVE Fertilizing coholics Ano and CR Hl we Et | room, dcr Sov ind Te aes! Sai 36--Female Help Wanted | would like to eam upwords ; Wer, Aleoho yoom I Re RX yg 7s fi A A J cr HUGH . CROSSBY May fl Raving FURNACE CE ava mes a Yor Enos "rounds: five. minutes| HOUSEKEEPER, Canadian or Britian, OF 3100 per week and run vis, who passed away April 23, 1987, Dial : BUILDER . CLEANOUT SERVI WYGIENIO supplies (rubber REIS nadine your own department, come mailed post a pI ed oa whi om le wd Why oder se, ou "bested.| and ses Dave Spence at 'ears ago today. Ie ar he ots: pus pe v, Keliy, BA Bolg BA Sey RA 5-3937 "LANGSEAPING $7.50 Lebour, plus parts [lobes Ww hy hot of famples 2550 gr unairmianed J. F. Loosemore, 2 mone Toronso, BEimont. 3.0385 chet ROBSON MOTORS ncan to re a om + rT pony 1518 Ag HARRY PERRY HEATING [Bert Ads,"Nov "Rubber en. Box' 0. : es SRL I Harmison, Ont FAT ah Rms BOWMANVILLE on NEW OIL 3-3443 fF YOU are not living a full and oy EXECUTIVE'S be Jost and se iis or OSHAWA Nights--RA 3-7944 ie HSS a hg SUMMER HOME Open evenings appointment. 25 A Street South. Phone RA 5-2323. reduce weight, sap sm oking, 3 Simos FU RNACES BLOOR DECORATING [lieve nervous pains, confidence July er August, Balsom Phone Res. phone RA 8-0159 on pans - George | §eeN Williams, hb Jemors ol pis ursing Services Buy it wholesale and have It SOD SUPPLY AND FLOORING Elinical Hyvoous, nim etn: oa o* Lake, good shore, three bed- insto'led by experts. Easy 11 Onfarie Street. RA on. One block rooms ond oll modem con- ANDEN NURSING HOME | terms Fue! oll, oil bumers, Neo. 1 cultivated, field ond Painting.' Decorating. Wards Sant of tous eornecs. Daly trom 1 veniences. FIRST glass closing x i Wiconced KING ST. WEST, | fomaces. © 0 amar grown sod Portland, | ond Resuriocin Fir, Wol PHONE RA 5-3187 [mova sot ti ome mee e| ~~ SALESMEN a i or , . 8 sework, an a are, hie dag, De er vo HEATING weed treqted. 12 years ex- | Tiling. Estimates, ELECTROLYSIS [28e--Trailers fond oh fren ou dave Sor wes: New man guranteed $50 Just first day out, le. (Men and Women). RA 3.3443, Nights RA 3.7944 perience. Speciol controct RA 3-9206 Removal of superfluous hair, TRAILERS GIRLS required for fine assembly ! work, soldering and wiring experience WITH rses ond dieticians in CARD OF THANKS | simi fir "onic i fon pial Electr tare Mr wl by Jn | fo cre fou eto, redio. 1.v, lounge. ctri shawa May 12-13. . e the at |Avply Stark Electronle Instruments, }'y sincere thanks to Dr. O. G. Mills, CUSTOM-BUILT RA 8-8639 M e T ¢ bl Genosha Hotel on these dotes Cook's Trailer Sales, Osh- |Adax. ec i quality leds Noed from Bosnia r "he of Oshawa (Senersi 6--Optometrists otor lrouble for appointment owa 3 miles East on High- |WAITRESSES nid = Hill" or part. | oil a navel are Tay nas, ond 08 EW YOOK, WO, Ovlomei Piensa HOMES COMPLETE REWIND _SER- oh Woy No.2. Telephone RA [Wms Ava Mo. Compeel, Gessebs| Information. If you con recd frends, Relghhors 15d eiaivey lor Bomialen Bank: 74. Burk Teor Additions, tex rows, alters GRAVEL Vict JO. ALL MARES OF: 121~Personal Service 3.9834 0r RA 39017. WOUERFEFER varied or Brgo Gos | the order this may be Just im United | Zions RA 5:47. tions, panelling, cabinets, PUMPS. BLOWERS, POWER [io i sakee: Eine. RA taste "10 29--Summer Properties (ass people. Write Box $8 whims what you have been looking 7--Surveyors counter tops. Experienced Pit run 90% stone. Good TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS. hte a i For Sale or Wanted TL for. offer salories plug Thompeen. [DONALD , TROULOPE, Oilaria Lagd| <orpentens. for mud driveway. . enced women for babysitting oF | GB 50 x 30 Take in Oshawa, | eel lf Se commission plus bonuses plus Surveyor, 318 Alice Street, RA 5-6881. G REYNOLDS STAR ome making. Mrs. B. §, Disney. mA residential b-X A, for sale or|or a cashier. Camp-| special cor allowence. G. ¥. HORTON and Associates, On- . AFTER 6 P.M. s 34921. Closed Thursday' afternoon. |{rade for summer cottage within 70 (bell, Redashian Of tarle Land Surveyors, Professional Ex- and SON Phone RA 8.1845 Repair Centre miles of Oshawa, RA 35-0624. ShusiADE Tor Indies" oad a Call fast. JT Ave BUILDERS Fo Rs ST O. OLAN |30--Lost and Found |i" sures i" Coli' ahd dies. 8% Teletype 8--Building Yerodes ___| RA 5-3376 AJAX AOE oe VINE ine mead. pti fer as Re ur pumet > 3 MR KABBAZ ATEN TION Ne fa > an 15--Instruction ; other eizabies of rons importa, tg RT RL I : Huts and references. bulding and ob Authorized Clinton service on Yow BARVEY Dance Academy. Eaton, Tap, # [Rowird. Plea ot Rates Asked tree esi Toni BA 8 visi. Foi PRE-C AST SOD SUPPLY Roya) BRI Tn new and wed lawnmowers, ton. Write ai iar Times. Me RA 5-2591 . Sod dalivere od ond loved. ster now. 424 King West. TT pickup and delivery. » two douTER Seip eqiliad. Ape 5 Bim. FLUSBING and hosting vives, SHES, vered and loyed. Top (Fir riin-sios tiaras Bans Buesiori| 81 CENTRAL PARK BLVD, S. _ [sears remity of Windsor Street' |c00 Street North, No phone calls, RA after § p.m. 94f please. ged ELNA WASHINGTON (AP) -- The, fixtures, new and used, changing from Dancing School, ballet, tap, baton, Ame In- i Adsociation 1s wing a em alton at essossis Tie, Tae CONCRETE PICKERING BBY phe sernaic Feats bia Suirdss | ANE BLACK lendoriing mt, Crna ma | Shay tam han Oaves murs] SEWING CENTRE eral communications commission of plumbing. Dial RA 5-4241, J. Foley. 'Evenings Ajex 431 PRIVATE teacher, student counselior,| Studio. Slenderizing, Redue- ad, Phone RA 8-1338 between 5 and | 3.00 HI Pm Sut Jan aye & week, eat: OSHAWA 95, that there should be a reduction [CARPENTER work, framing, trim- SEP : 15 years' Sxperience, Appointment only. of rates for private-line teletype. ming. kitehen cabinets, custom work TIC TANKS Call RA 5-1054 Ing, Steam Bath end Mes- [Corer Ao TE a Wilieations & and exvertence Beltane whiter service in' the interest of 2nd repairs. Mortgages arranged. All WALK SLABS G R A Vv E L sage. 451 Simcos Street |Eaton's or vicinity at Shopping Centre, tant FWEA, 100 Contre Brest. RA wens on pla, a. Y with blue stones and red |3.7625, 3 38---Male or Female providing * the public with the wid.| |work guaranteed. RA est possible knowledge of the OULD, Jou lke Be oe Shieh PATIO SLABS Musie Sudo oR Anetra uth, RA 59602 for ap- [ase ag eon mind a Pe Help Wanted world's daily happenings. 8-6315. STEPS & PORCHES Also pointment. Open 10 am. |7osF = Pe »e The ANPA described such = ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES | 10 pm. fun butween Tovpion store Tand CLERK TYPIST Wis: gentlemen oF legsed wires as the lifeline of 's Corners, Finder please leave WE : DODD & SOUTER hl TILE STONE New and Used Pianos 99772 dic & TV Repairs |* Thien store or phone RA 8802, | Required for local business | couples wanted to make news gathering and distribution] PAINTS -- WALLPAPER | CURBING All Sizes LIE TTT Tr office. Full employee benefits, the Saturday evening which keep the publie informed. AINTING & DECORATING I selecti f all inst FREED "Your TV pict jube tested It contended that high rates for| P se Full selection of all instruments your four home, "The Dutch Mer- shopping centre. Please phone RA| and excellent working condi- rance "Spring Time in this kind of service tend to cur. | CONTRACTORS 00 477 Simcoe Street North chant. RA S4081 Seer: Bef tlont tall this flow of informaion. For free estimates call-- BR KLIN LOAM SPECIALEED Indio ahi ssievidion str, i INDUSTRIAL sem, Gime D Fidly Jia bs 31--Articles For Rent with or without costume. The ANPA outlined its position DAYS MO 8-5231 . vice. All makes. Fi ompson, 157 in testimony by its general man-| EVENINGS RA 5.7426 CONCRETE Be satisfied LEARN TO DRIVE a A ali hy ee imal i ACCEPTANCE | A full course meal will ager, Cranston Williams, sub- = 197 St. S., Whitb: M 4 Eat Seeman Torna "A 10 Byrn St. 3, Whity Dial RA 5-5279 | SCHNEIDER'S |p Soins stiu-Sikies of Sih Sof Jub Sin coll 'RA-59951 or 'get tributed to participants in a PRODUCTS LIMITED DRIVING SCHOOL TV TOWERS completely installed, 1|CEMENT mixer, electric, also box CORP. LTD. your tickets at the door ti mo bolts, no|trailer. Phone RA 5-714. lengthy and continu ti i y i Jeagthy ana wontivuing investiga! CLIFF BROWN Phone 155 Brooklin 157 Olive Ave,, Oshawa, Ont, _[Fvstcai in, A fe dl ret WA Sr 37 KING ST. E. of the Hotel Genosha. GARDEN RA 8.5315 [rom sie wd se" wa. OSHAWA | Saturdcy, April 35, at p.m. charges, | GRAVEL & SAND Williams will make a personal EVERYTHING appearance later, probably in Prompt Delive! ; June, for eross-examination on P y SUPPLIES P T.V. AERIALS RENTAL SERVICE 37--Male Help Wanted bie this testimony. 951 IN HEATING For RYAN ToT J Sold and Installed EXPERIENCED hardware clerk for The FCC last Dev.2 perumiiind RA 8-8 All parts for warm gir, hot You Can Actuall ap. 0s) Sa. Repairs 700.5 AD ipmeNT EE mist On, By Ny 31 Room nd Svard both American Teleph f ' t. oeria ond, up P ge, exper.| ROOM and board Telegraph company wig Mh FRNDERSO. CONCREVE bi fj SO DeEting: PLANT FOODS GO DANCING ROLLAND T.V. 282 King St. West He rors Tone single beds, with Buch my. an on Telegraph Company _ to vice repatie. ET FOR After One Lesson At RA 3-4849 RA 3-4873 SALESMAN, full or LX time, to sell o raise their teletypewriter service) PRODUCTS LIMITED fort of modern automatic . ARTHUR MURRAY cessary, ssion. week, 00 "Separate bode, Has OB a i Concrete, cinder, Hoydite =| heating. now with ho' money EVERY NEED 1134 Simeoe St. 5 RA 8.1681 | T.V. AERIALS -- TV. REPAIRS | Amele Parkin Huntley Mann pS ISRO: APY | ply 333 Arthur Street, RA Ta bad blocks, CH 3 wn, 5 years to pay on oi imcoe St. S., - oT tun 32--Articles Wanted Whitby, MO 83505; RA 3.2139. 95¢ | ATTRACTIVE furnished avail: rust. rooms, Road from this service were substanti- and bu AM Shane! antenna gas burners, furances and ' * |SNATL saliing dinghy or canes. Phons| YOU can earn $35 a week for part.|able in private home, 8 Park roof material. 20 f. SM Jaling dinghy or canes, Prone 4b, time work and $80 aweek for full time, | North: 5-7 p.m. RA 8.8671. ally below levels the FCC had 1069 Nelson St, boilers. CAR OOM ard bored for ee ee previously sanctioned as fair, Comer Wellington ror ree estimates ca. | GARDEN SEEDS | LEARN TO DRIVE $24.00; 30 $34. gg bill 1 EE adie ps Singer vo | OF DI A Ed nats RA 3-4412 - RA 57041 RA 5-7181 FLOWER SEEDS SCHNEIDER'S guivvia - $65,00 Sewing machine. Phone RA bs. WANTED RA 8.5160. Gas Price War FRAME AND COMBUSTION GARDEN TOOLS DRIVING SCHOOL LEN & LOU'S TV, Sg RR EL TRIMMING | CONTROL SERVICES | PEAT MOSS 157 Ofve Ave. Oshawa Ot. | _ Bowmanvile MA 3-3942 SHAW Babi Bdge 08 0 i es S i AUTO WRECKING CO Bece v tudy Alterations, kitchen cup | 10--Sharpening Service BUG KILLERS RA 8-5315 . OTTAWA (CP) --| boards ond | repairs. WE W. LEVISI App! Box 529 ROOM and board for gentlemen. Euro. bines investigators are giving] Custom built iy For ud bedi o-~ ty rere, WEED KILLERS 16--Insurance PARK WAY TeLEVIS oN bid hing ira, vg = Times Fiona RA sare, sos la hy hrist Work tull teed. careful study to the gasoline| estimates phone Ry ristensen (Work tully guaranteed. ani aie BOX PLANTS ALLSTATE Auto Insurance, 8ave wp| R.C.A. VICTOR, ADMIRAL, Eh Open Saturday all V0 RDO oT Sod Tor coaliem * single beds, Bhivate ome, close to oth price war now going on in On-| Const, RA 5-632 ening that lasts, call Jim Fudge, to 20 per cent, nine months to pay. E H taco Justice Minister Fulton in- Church Street, RA 5-7 SHRUBBERY Sh enedadee The hin HO. ond RAS) 89 SI00RE BODY AND Oa Do rd | 3 tl five R a gentleman, five Phone it a was in pi GREEN DOOR TT re Er y ROSES 17--Money to Loan : service. i 'week, abstainer. ertiment has been asked to m.| GIFT AND PAINT SHOP HAND and rotary movers and shears OPEN FRIDAY NIGHTS (FIST and second TE tial 3, Sicon IN. == RA 3-3043 CEDARDALE PAINT MAN [soos ana vesra tor gentismen seven bic hong Lg od gh Painting and Decorating 1362 Simcoe Bireet Ti 3 6. Powm, [eg ice Ba Briers, 3 Ho 123--Women's Column SCRAP High J oth is. lp ---- Single Po et Wy | Cony Resto Suwnee Opparuriies| COOPER-SMITH fete snr wr 0) © NNT IRON © METALS | banat opty [stv pw so Be ers tan oe CALL mame ig i COMPANY [ES ASE" SE 50ers a WEDDINGS | oren saronovs Le oar | HARRY. DONALD [5 fo Seis #5 being "carefully considered | BROOKLIN 240 By wa aaa ry] 16 CELINA ST. Shr Toes Metts tg 1! op ld pte RESIDENCE. #2 54139 | LTD, WHITBY [Bate Suet ii nl a EVENINGS-- pportunity to run your own business, 4 ¥ 4 RA 3 2312 M. E. Swartz, Barrister and Notary| Private parties, 03" ete. 100 ANNIS STREET Chevrolet and Oldsmobile ot rts ieee will be followed up in the usual way," be sald. CALL BROOKLIN 6 ape avis Siu, Rey Box if Fle. ws Bax Eas, duawa, BA RA 3-39 FREE PICK-UP 95c|a3100 or 3 Eigin i Or ------ ar ---------- AR TE el RPA PO be UE

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