TE ETE EE ---- » 18 THE OoMAWA TIES Toney apt ws mers woes o, wirppy | Gives Origin Of game, Bob Miller of Army Navy 'Juveniles Lose, [mg >" _DAT-BY-DAY |IOOF At Meet | mained the same, | lat By og the nal PRESBYTEENS MEETING | The regular Tuesday meetingithe Rebekah Branch. ies | i of the Independent Order of Odd-| --- game of the best of three series! The weekly mectiog of the eriows Ped in the 100F Ww CTU To Att d . LJ riday night in| ? Clancy Series Tied E35 nus riers prem a 8" ors ati, ile Gon Ochawa Mesting SUMMARY {tional service led by Shielah Bar- : : | Army Navy Juveniles tied up net but couldn't seem to get their 1st Period ter, president. Bonnie Townsend], The Yisiiing somitiee epare. | "The Women's Claritian [the THL King Clancy Series with combination working just right,| Goal by Mike Palmer of Army was at the piano. jing op OT el a 2-1 victory over Jerry's Men's with the result that Army Navy Navy. A business meeting followed at ¥- ace: E Burg, Rell oe ay |Wear, Juveniles from Whitby, came back with a second goal by! Penalty to Ken Ross, Jerry's/which the group discussed going Sham cB ge, bey Tuesd Tuesday evening in a hard check- Bill Reck. Men's Wear. to Niagara Palle aM Ol Tot Va iawg an Sy oughain mem es ing game that saw the local boys! Moments later Ken Ross of 2nd Period York, dates jo be sof al r pug Be Rig Mla staggering at times, in the East'whithy received a very hard, Goals by: Bill Reck, Army meetings. Following the business Qovery. Harold Mice, Sie uy York Arena, Toronto cross check that knocked him|Navy; Tom Tushingham, Jerry's meeting games were played. ithy ie hospl | prayer. : ; s Men's Wear. tal, is expected to be releas . ; i [ . W. Richardson was in In the first period the Army cold. With players of both teams gar, i DUPLICATE BRIDCE shortly. Vice Grand Brother Ste-| Mrs. A. W od Navy team kept the puck sizzling grouped" around the prostrate) Phin ol Ph Cy The following are the top venms, chairman of the visiting Sharge of De gevetianal reports around the Whitby net with thel/form of the local boy, Art Be Airy Bd 'Bob Miller, [scores at Tuesday's Duplicate ittee. 'thanked his it rol ovis. a by the treasurer an d Whitby team hard pressed to|nicks, Whitby coach, finally man-|*00 Navy (game penalty) Bridge: North and South -- Mrs. tee members for the able manner | oo iino secretary. / This being clear it. It was only the off centre aged to get him on his feet Army Navy game POUT'. |g. on"2nd Mrs. McMahon 78;|in which their efforts have taken the annual meeting, various con shooing of Army Navy that kept where he was helped to the dress- [Mr. and Mrs. Baker 72%; Mrs./care of the visiting during the|ieners gave their annual reports. the game from blowing up at this!/ing room by a St. John's Ambu-| P 1 [Bowman and Mrs. Freeman 65; first half of the term, | Plans were made to attend the stage. lance attendant. 3 oung eop e | Miss Lawler and Mrs, Frost 53%. The first phase of reviewing|remperance Convention to be A penalty to Bob Miller of The local boys seemed to pick East and West -- Mrs. McIntyre|lodge procedures weekly got|neld at the N n United | seemed to demoralize the up some steam at this point and h h and Mrs. Pringle 73; Mrs. Win-\underway with Past Grand Broth-| Church, Oshawa, on April 29. The local hove for a moment. and at retaliated for the loss of their] [Vl@@F At CRICK fer and'srs. MacLeod 72: Mrs. er Wickett outtining the origin of meeting closed and a social balf- this point the Army Navy team|team mate by firing a hard shot] ; tel thie Chubb and Mrs. Maundrell 66;|Oddfellowship which started inhour was enjoyed with Mrs. A. cashed in with a smooth goal by past the Army Navy goalie that 'On Tuesizy Svening, the YOUDE irs. Bovay and Mrs. Heron, 65.1119 in America and, from a w, Richardson as hostess. {Mike Palmer. had him beat all the way. Jools of 3 ny nia ures - Mess {group of five members, has ME The Nui tem raed The gos) vas on A Jun Tetin o£ eet with a sing-|Green led in prayer. A quiz was grown to world - wide ber- a Ca Ei following the goal and but| Tushingham in the dying min- ng Ze .; Ing. | joyed and then Mr. Knudsen|ship. for the excellent goal tending of utes of the game. Penalties jo song led we orge Tey sfiar ens ed the young people how to| There was very little general GET OFFICE EXPERIENCE Bol Yoshiki 8 Ic sry Navy Join Sitio of Witty am Jot -~ le Phd bed ye "sword make a corsage and bouquet. He business to be finalized, however STUDENTS net would have tied it up. |ndaon of Army Navy shoo Up YOUNE oop Hs Dy el by a continued with the message for special mention was made of the Two students from the Osh- | ter of the National Office Man- | Roberts and Marion Breen, of ome oy john Pid Why Bah Art Rennicks duet by Mr. and Mrs. Gunnerithe evening. Monster Euchre to be held in we RA e501 awa Collegiate and Vocational | t Association and dur- | OCVI and Mrs. Ruth Fitz [somewhat keening the Army|pulled out his goalie in favor of Knudsen entitled "Standing in the The meeting was dismissed fn new hall at 211 Brock siveet south ' Institute got their first taste of | yo the day they had an oppor- | gerald, of the Dunlop office Navy team off the score sheet at|an additional forward but it was need of Prayer". prayer. The group was reminded ilfe "ia "Talon AURY L1a0el bi PCO SERVICES Li actual office experience in the the lessons they | staff. |first. Working hard the localno use, with the Army Navy| The announcements were given that smelt fishing is planned for|the evening y 1, BaanattsrcotroL ounatons uy > apply in their' class: --Oshawa Times Photo 'boys poured in on the Army Navy! team breaking up every rush be-land the offering received. Ruth'next week. _brate taking possession of their : rooms. Shown awe, as they | --_-- work experience program or- | learn the intricacies of a comp- | ganized by the Lakeland Chap- tometer, are left to right, Gwen | Name Officers At] < 1] BIG SAVING WI Annual Meet | @4 annual meeting of Whitby! Mrs. Heron wished the mem- Women's Institute was held in the bers the best for the coming year , EASY ACTION SWIVEL HOSE il on April 17/and hoped the officers will con- ¢ Cleans all over from 1 position > ___ with the president, Mrs, W. E.|tinue to give their support to the Zz Pellow, in the chair. The meet- president, Mrs. Pellow thanked - ing opened with the 'Queen' fol-/Mrs. Heron for her help and A lowed by Mary Stewart Collect. [capable manner in which she , y Mrs, Pellow welcomed th e/ conducted the election. j ests, district president Mrs. Members please note that the Complete with 7-piece . E. Honey of Seagrave, WI district annual meeting will be set of cleaning tools members from Myrtle and Ajax held at Claremont United Church S d N N T d & N Ti also past district president, in on Wednesday, May 20. Arrange- Not econ S of ew rea S ut ew ires W. A. Heron, of Brooklin, 'and the ments will be made later. Mrs. guest speaker, Mrs. Muriel Pellow then called on Mrs. E. E DISCONTINUED TREAD DESIGNS Coates. Honey who gave a very nice talk. Reports of standing committees She thanked the group for invit- were given and business attend-/ing her to this Institute meeting. y ed to. Mrs. W. A. Heron was/She mentioned how she enjoyed ; 600/16 4 ply Black asked to conduct the election of her three years as district presi. J y N Defi MFO'S ORIGINAL WAS $99.95 officers which are as follows: dent. 2M efiance president, Mrs. .W E. Pellow; 1st| Mrs. Curl, home economics con- 5 F300 ) 7 4 vice - president, Mrs. C. G. Mc- vener, took over the meeting and 870/15 4 ply-Bleck . Powerful % h.p. motor Lean; 2nd vice - president, Mrs. |introduced Mrs. Muriel Coates, v " Defiance h © Gilbert Drevwry; secretary-treas- Superintendent of Fairview Lodge $71 \ paper dust bag © light e quiet urer, Mrs. H. H. Wickeit; dis-\who spoke on health. Her talk ; vi o clip-on tools trict director, Mrs. Harley was enjoyed by all. The meeting i PLUS YOUR RETREADABLE TIRE inyl SHITE Wile pe i pianist, Mrs. A ladjourned and a salad plate was Ne \ MOUNTING CHARGE .50 EACH . Standing eommittees: agricul. ple, This. wae iy Bln X See Live demonstration in our store at once or Bar Ears Bir Teehlk. moa aie social half hour RNIN PHONE FOR 10 DAY HOME TRIAL! ; citizenship and education, 3 ; Sins 5 Trompaon: Home eco WHITBY SAE TUBELESS TIRES EASY BUDGET TERMS flower convener, Mrs. & Drewry| PERSONALS |= Suisse 09S 5.00 DOWN Deluxe Guest speaker at the daffodil 77 ncheon to be held at the United / TNS i Church Assembly Hail on May 8 NAS SY 750/14 4 Ply Black 2273 Plans Wind-Up [os 88 "nis. en Oblate [rs o My World ia ¥ / PLUS YOUR RETREADABLE TIRE or wee 3 ve, Mr. 3. Adi to Mary wre | [EAE A), FREE MOUNTING ONLY SIMPLICITY GIVES YOU TWO YEARS FREE 3 |is leaving on Monday from Mal-| with an evening of entertainment Airport for Wigtonshir ] Scotland, where she will rei Bl \Y 2 USED TIRE SPECIALS | SERVICE PLUS A 10-YEAR MECHANISM WARRANTY president of] Mr. and Mrs. Charles Nauils, of | ANS , : 670/15-710/15 Black or that the|Toronto, were bal, A 750/14-800/14 White 9.00 and up » { § SOUND CLEAN TIRES WITH MANY Mrs. John Vander Pluyn andl] BUY NOW=SAVE NOW THOUSANDS OF MILES LEFT, N daughter Joyce left for Tilburg, - i CER | AS 00 PUTS ANY ONE OF EEE a pee wmavoworar| WASHER How to save BUY BEFORE PRICE INCREASES | © LARGE 9-LB. PORCELAIN TUB construction dollars | TAKE EFFECT © FINGERTIP AGITATOR CONTROL and still get best looking CLEARANCE SPECIALS ® FULL SKIRT business buildings in town AUTO owss. ST Or wh. e HEAVY DUTY WRINGER Reg. 7.95. AUTO DIRECTIONALS. F Reg. 12.95. For ... Just call AVenue 5-3351 Ee For TRUCK DIRECTIONALS, x bof 4g ro BRIVeRS. Res. 199%, Po0D Sizes ONLY THIS IS) 9 5 and got complete facts | SPECIAL PRICED A WONDERFUL 1 1 y . POWER LAWN MOWERS AND GARDEN TOOLS, WHEEL BARROWS, ETC. POWER LAWN MOWERS, 44.95 and up | GOODRICH SPECIAL WHEEL BARROWS, reg. 12.95, sale 7.99 EASY BUDGET TERMS --- Free Parking at Side of Store FT "a ll 1 = m1 | WE HAVE A COMPLETE LINE OF GARDEN TOOLS AND HOSES ETC. <3 ard Aathorized ealer ARMCO STEEL BUILDINGS @ hor a Destecon Steel Building Sales Limited msn --svensn | 88 KING ST. WEST Open Friday till 9 pm. RA 5-4543 RA 5.0706 Thornhill, Ontarie