Flt 54 a ~. EE ian iE ------ TODAY' TORONTO By. The Canadian Press toronte Stock Exchange-=April Fin 5 850 oul utation In cents unless marked 8, fr Can 4 1011 dd lot, 8d ~~ Exdividend, xr rights, swe-Exswarrants,) Industrials Sales High Low 11 a.m, S114 300 300 235 235 40. 323% 8364, $268 400 s2 50% is 11% 8% 464° 5 Shh 5 837% 879% 37% + 62 80 + 25% 29% + 50 $82 25% 85! 58% 58% 205 200 28 28 9% 40 97 0m 0 7 7 830% 30% 9h $39 30 2 $41 41 4 $45h 434 40% $400, 49% 40% s164h 16 16% $37% 3TH ATH 310 844 M4 0M 3% $13. 13 13 20 $0015 99 09 0 § 101 /] 9" 106 Cdn Ol Ci Cdn Wall B Chart Trust $387 384 5 $102 102 $19 19 832 319% $2214.22 S47 ATW 20 210 ) 400% 460 310 400 8 33 100 3 Dist Seag D Bridge Dom Elect D Elec rts 7% 210 Wy 514 Dom Stores 90 1] Do. Ta 16% 167 816% si 11 $38 38% 224 Fanny F Ford US Fod A Gal.uean $ 41 41 G Dev $48'4 404 Gi ares S164 161% 16% | $42 "2 2 23° $39 304% $6 6 $6 6% S110 11% Sess 88 $26 26 GL Paper GN Gas [3 GW Coal A 2 Gr Wpg G Great West Guar Tr 11% La 3344 2% 7% $94 LC] 2 853% $724 $34 Slik $43 oh 100 100 560 100 Hur krie Imp Bank Imp Flo Imp Inv A Imp Ol Imp Tob pr Ind Accep Inland Gas Inter PL Inv Syn A Jeiierson Kelvinator Labatt Latarge A Laura Sec LobCo B $40 0 $46 $41% 82 23 5 S14 14M 60 30 LIED} CNY » 14% 9 60 700 170 170 135 841 4 41 . 130 $108 107% 107% North Star pr 45 $424 24 44 NO ~NGas 255 S144 1d 14% te cf Hh Pl mone 3 HR Pembing NR 00 Pres Elect lo Q N Gas Roe AV Roe AV 3% Russell St. Corp 100 Salada § nn 620 Salada wis n 180 900 Shawin xd 110 Shawn A pr 28 Silverwd A Lo] Simpsons 150 SKU Mig 600 s 25 $21% 100 $494 85 $13 B30 S14% 200 870 2130 $574 LobCo pr MacMill B M f Gal M0 8 215 1000 St av Ste... Can § Propane Texaco Can TT Tailors EYAVINE (4) 2% + 36s 36%4 20% 26% 2. 4+ 0 + 3914 - - 6% 88% + 5 $103% 10344 10314 ~ 53 ~ 2h ~ S TORONTO, MONTREAL Net Sales High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 200 #26 25 25 1% 280 $38% 38 38 a fe fe $12% 14h 12% $54 54 Sock Stock "a Int Nickel Thier A in 1" T " Exe Trans Mt n th Tw C Gas 100 Un Steel 300 Un Te 6700 Walnwr 100 Net x h i 00 # Cn'ge Wood J A 5 528 120 $20 100 841 4 125 326 50 $2 210 $162 Oils - 8 1000 300 166 71 200 300 515 C West Pete C ce wis Dev-Pal Dome Pet Gr Plains 2000 300 it 1 nx N Goldvue N Hosco N Kelore Ne. lund N Jdylama N + MS Pe 010 pr Peruv Oils Pe.vol Place Gas Prairie oll Povo Gas S..ur Free Sarcee Pete ' Tex Cal utoinl wis Tidal ' I lad Lo ast 4 + Crow Ore 4 4ton 0 ox Ascot Cop W Decalta Curb Dalhousie Lith Q nt Rualore Ruyiock Roche Ruckwin Rowan Cony Sand Riv Shue Shen Slocan VR Staniegh Stanigh wis Stanrck Starratt St:ep R 100 500 865 3000 Advocate M0 30 Agnico 50 30 $16% 16% 41 4 -Y% - i la - Bordulac Bralorne Buffad ( » Chib Cc i Astoria C Nw Candore Can Erin 2300 00 5 64720 1000 1000 350 2000 1700 235000 1000 2000 M11 Young HG Zeumae Yih J var Coldstrm Pend Ore Co gas C Callinan C Denison C Den wts C Discovery 300 + 4 C Halliwell 5450 + Con Howey 200 420 + 2% Con M and § 315 Con Nichol 5000 C Nrthind 2000 3 Red Pop 14000 Sales to 11 Montreal § (Quotations ~--0dd lot, x +h -W Conwest Man Coprand! % Cowlch Crain RL Cusco stdok Abitinl Abit 100 Alumin " 3500 Alum 2 pr 1000 3000 4000 Daering D'Aragon De Cour Deer Horn Duvan East Sull El Sol 1000 425 3500 300 123 Frobisher Gunnar wis H of Lakes 8000 Heath 300 Hoyle 130 180 300 300 800 Hud Bay $304 36M 6M 0 Sales High Low 1] a.m, Ch'ge 325 a0 MH 700 295 24100 2000 4000 MONTREAL By The Cansdian Prem rights, sw--Kx-warranis.) Industrials Marple 11130 Neb High Low am, Ob'ge $13% 13% 00 #% » Stoek Sales 7% 1% ~ % 145 3% MM 315 200 16 16 28 8 nw 19 1» 330 33 i 3 " © 180 18] 5 25 21 ih 186 tig Yu 10 10 10 1 Ww W + ow pL ' 3 160 250 1 2 Gatineau Get 8 pr 1 Gen Dynam #95 850% H Smith 175 $40 Hud Bay 50 856% Imp Inv 64 100 $31 Imp OI 1063 2 Imp Tob 200 Ind Accep 1200 Int Nickel 425 Iron Gls pr 238 Labatt 3 I. Woods pr 5 Mass: Fer 1850 Mo'son B #100 $28 Mean pr 150 841% MN Loco Ney Nu 'tnda 05 Mv §oyie 300 842 Page Hers 100 832% Penhmans 250 $34 Pennmans pr z5 $1064 Powell R wh 830M #40 126 25 S44 245 S19% 470 $10% 140 878% S14 #28 0 NM #60 60 250 840% 50 #102 102 IESE 3% 4 u" i 106% 106%% 30% 30% a - HW 14% Price Br rev Tians al Bank + Com A LL C.rp n xd Kons 300 1700 ws 18 17% 3% 36% 14% 17% AU + ING + WN A 72% TN + 30% 30% 2% WH + 406 400 300 300 000 200 25 75 115 78 500 75 Zellers pr 35 Canadian 1600 90 89 100 S6W 900 $6 1000 Abitea Ang Nfld Arcan Catelli A 2000 Coun Paper 140 Couns Gas B 0 4 @® - D Eng 1000 Ford A Meichers pr 200 $15 MR Dairies 240 884 8% Pow Crp 1 pr 76 843% 4% Shop Save rt 645 L 50 Shop Save 230 2 Trans Mt 1845 124 Waterman 500 La] Westeel 300 13% 5000 3600 L 19000 2 sa 265 841 50 $103 100 sis 50 §120 1000 1045 500 813% Mines Algom 25 817 Alta' Mines 25500 38 Anivranm 1000 Aun 3000 Baker Tale 500 B n 4700 000 a ewtr Bnyville Cartler Q Canslar 1 Cent Man Fa I LC) Dolsan 1 2 12 Dome 16% "ab 17 Fundy 13 15 Haitian ™m 7% ie 2% He + W tock Exohange~April 10 10% + W in cents wnless marked 8, 4d -- Exdividend, xr--Ex. Hollinger ran Merrill 11:30 Net Montgary High Low a.m. Oh'ge N Formagq » » N_ Santiago NW Amulet NA Rare M Opemiska Orchan 0 125 8B B Paudish Porcupine Pu tage Qu. Chib Ri re Rou Crest St L River Siscalta § Dufault Steep R 17200 1000 1000 6000 1180 330 27600 171140 2000 Ww 100 x10 23% Tazin Tib Expl Titan U Oils 73 72 -l Ns ae Sales to 11:30 a.m.: Industrials 82,900, mines and oils 41 . "THE ONLY WAY' z.oning Bylaw Mass Must Be Made TORONTO (CP) -- An emer- gency sessicn of the Op oo islature was suggested Thursday as "the only wi: jer thousands of municipal bylaws throughout Ontario The session was called for hy Metropolitan Toronto ehajr aan Frederick Gardiner and sup- ported hy Lorne Covymin: «hai man of the Ontario Municipal Board. It came following confirmation from Queen's Park sources that a recent Supreme Court of Can. ada decision made invalid 20" « bylaw amendments and repeals passed hv oll Ontario memicinali. ties between 1941 and March 21, zoning ONLY FAST WAY "1 must admit, the only fast way | can see to plug the hole would be a special session of the legislature which could pass leg- STOCK MARKET | NET EARNINGS Calgary and Edmonton Cor- poration Ltd., 6 mos. ended Dec.' 31: 1958, $1,044,642, 43 cents a to the Municipal Act in 1941 Medical Association warned to-| share. (Fiscal year-end changed from June 30 to Dec. 31.) Consolidated Discovery Yel. lowknife Mines Ltd.. year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $881,869, 32 cents a share; 1957, $768.633, 29 cents. International Bronze Powders | Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $360,407, $360 a share; 1957,/ $323,619, $3.26. : Kerr-Addison Gold Mines Ltd., ~ numerous appeals in made retroactive. islation making the d ts, Mr. C legal," Mr. Cumming said Original bylaws are not fected by the ruling. Mr. Gardiner said the legisla- is a difficult ture should legalize all zoning one. hylaw amendr "'s which have been made invalid. The situat! Toronto suburbs of Scarborough them, the situation could become who has been 'ightir chaotic. than two years for permission to "One observation I would build two hor vedge- make, is that when an important «""aped piece of property. statute is under attack in the Township counc! .d a zon- highest court, it seems to me ing amendment in September, there is a moral obligation on the 19%" which applied only to Mr. part of the province to take part Bondi"s property and prohibited'in the proceedings. him from building more than one "Little Scarborough was left to house. The municipal board ap- fight this alone and no matter proved the amendment. how mueh the case may have When the case reached the meant to Mr, Bondi, it meant in- Sunreme Court of Canada after finitely more to the municipali- lower ties of Ontario." courts, it was decided the council -- sh should not have given the bylaw . vo third and final reading until after RUA FE Radioactivity To ard. NEED APPROVAL FIRST Stay After Death The court ruled that a revision. LONDON (AP) -- The British brought zoning amendments un- day that cremation of patients der the section requiring the treated with radioactivity might board to approve then before sometimes be dangerous -- be- they are passed by council. Queen's Park, noting the line radioactive. of argument presented by Mr. | lation in March, 1958, which en. disease it is possible that regula- sured that the practice followed! tions will have to be devised to thereafter was legal. It was not deal with the problem," | Mr, I said the Sug preme Court ruling came "as al cattle met a broad d tl af- sort of surprise" and that the sit. enand 4 uation facing municipal councils and unfortunate short end of the supply and sold "These amendments have be- ast 0 PIs in Bh hid of | 128 week's close. Heavy numbers 15: light sows 17: ose when the protection to many people in this y | Supreme Court of Canada ruled province, If it proves possible tg Prices. Cows _aded actively at in favor of Frank S. Bordi of "> drive a horse and wagon through hologna bulls were steady. Heavy {cause their ashes would stay|Yearlings 26.50-27 with odd fancy : "In view of the increasing use(18.50-19 with good light heifery Bondi's counsel, brought in legis- of radioactivity in treatment of cows to 20; mediums 17-18; com- its an-| Steers, Yearlings, Bulls Trade At Steady Prices TORONTO (CP) *~ Slaughter bulls 21-22 ;common and medium Steers, Jeastings and bulls, traded 16-20. at steady prices this week at the| §iockers: Good stockers 25-27 Ontario public stockyards. {with one load of westerns at Heifers and cows sold actively 27.50; common and mediums 20- strong prices. Replacement 24. Calves: G firm prices. Veal calf prices were choice id Good vaalaty Na with uneven. Top grades made up the|96.39; commons 22-25; boners 16. {$1-2 a hundredweight higher than Hogs: Grade A 25; heavy sows of lower grades sold at easier | hundredweight weight basis, Sheep and lambs:Good handy- fat beef bulls sol? at a discount NOE. ge kines ie Sone of $24 a hundredweight. 20-22; sheep 4 - 9 sccording to Hog prices were steady. Sows quality. were 30 cents a hundredweight, - |lower and stags were $1 lower. | Lambs 50 cents to $1 a hundred. | yaigt higher on a meagre sup- ply. on a dressed prices. Good hoavy SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES OSHAWA FOR MISSED PAPERS AND OSHAWA'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE UNITED TAXI RA 5.3541 it vou have aor received your 50-24; 20-|| Times, shone vour carrier boy 22; good heifers 22.50 - 23 with|| fires, [sales to 2850; mediums 2150. | seus mre ry youl to co 22.50: commons 19-21; choice fod | i 3 00 p.m. TELEPHONE UNITED TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7.7:30 p.m. Only Cattle receipts were some 1,500 head more than last week and about 600 head more than the| same week in 1958. Western cat. | tle receipts totalled 61 head, 36 [fewer than last week. Two car {loads were shipped to eastern! | Canadian slaughterers. and there were no exports to the United [States | Slaughter cattle:Choice steers 22.50-26 with a few top quality [lots at 26.50; good 24.50-25.50; dlums 22.50.24 0.28; good 24 - 26: good cows STOCKS | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT stags 14 a £4 > THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, April 10, 1959 in, { capital supplied. by subsidiary companies. = Gas development was {by construction of the $90, Westcoast Transmission pl from the Fort St. John {which now supplies natural gas {to various communities ri Petroleum Industry | In B.C. Grows Fast [oars ' tastically-rich oil - gas industry, By H. L. JONES [tural gas, remembers the day/March brought the treasury $2. B.C. just isn't in the same lea; 3 Canadian Press Staff Writer ("they were lined up at the door" 850,000, with one parcel going for pyr we're growing fas they" VICTORIA (CP) ~ By most|seeking development permits and/a record of more than $800 an oy i healthy baby, ; economic standards British Col.-|leases after the 1951 discovery. |acre, This was In the oil - rich ~~ ih umbia's petroleum and natural] Exploration and development Milligan Creek area north of Foi gas industry is a mere infant,|by a total of 58 companies now!8t. John. but one that is growing fast stretches from the Yukon bound. yer souTH Some day it may become a glant, (ary down a whole 50.000,000-acre|™ myjc jg jugt south of the ares 1t is only seven years old but slice of the central and eastern yon Guif States Oil Company already 18 pouring millions into/part of the province practically yecently blew in two new wells, the economy of the province. Its to the International border, {One of which was reported cap-| nourishment Is a gas and oil] They operate under a permitianie "of producing 3,000,000,000' potential the extent of which is as and lease system patterned after| ii. feet of gas a day--enough yet unknown, [that of Alberta and requiring aly, supply more than all the pre. For interior towns like Fort St. certain amount of work each soni day' needs of the province. John, Dawson Creek and Fort year. The government takes a Government officials decline to Nelson it has meant mushroom |12%-per-cent royalty on oil and eonfirm the reported capacity, development, For the provincial gas production, |saying it is not their job to take treasury, it has meant more thaniyeoypp 74 PERMITS part in speculation, $30,000,000 in royalties and Joes) Since January this year the| Most of the millions being Hints the Uns on well Of Fort | Fovernment has Issued 74 permits poured into exploration and de- « A, LK covering 4,590,000 acres and 56 velopment is American money, or 7 St Jom. ow Xepnund as the 100505 covering 172,000 acres, In| -- - ol. capitsl 'of the province, fall 1,560 permits and leases have Tn 108 BC. produced 168. poo iucuad with some companies | FITTINGS LIMITED 551.000. Suble teu: of Siyunal Satin olding vast acreages. Pan| Dividend Notice ant BY 1aStamerican Corporation, for inst-| ol year gas production had 8kY- ance has = Doral of 13,000,000" Notice is hereby given that @ roceted to 64,081 705.000 cubic acres. under permit in the north: semi-annual dividend of thirty feet and ofl to 517506 barrels, ooo nwt of the province cents (30c) per share hos been |with a combined value of close to In the southwest Fernle-Cran- declored on the outstanding | 85 000,000. brook area. close ' to 2.500.000 Convertsle Clan A Shares, | : $ ! p n |ONLY USE PART OF IT acres are boing explored on the § No Fer Yelue of Jog COMBETs | And only part of the potential fs NAsls ons Jena 8 pute . Hel holders of record ot the close (beng vsed. Trane Phi Sh Just on the] cy ciness on June 4, 1959. | other side of the Rockies. I | 4 | Of 148 gas wells capable of nro- : 000.000 i By order of the Board, A new area, 2, acres in D. D. STORIE, Vice-President and , only 65 were In produc- nig vear and only 28 or 29 extent, is being probed west of Secretary-Treasurer. hawa, Ontario, ofl producers were flowing, The Quesnel in the heart of the prov- Os! April 2, 1959. «fo pay all your bills? ofor the down payment on a home? «to do home repairs? «for any purpose? : If so, visit Superior Finance, the fastest growing rest were capped, waiting for a ince. market--particularly an ofl mar-| The government's latest sale of ket, lofl and gas exploration rights in' Robert Moss, deputy chief com- N.Y. Opera Sions L awake Al missioner for petroleum and na-| ase || o" arabe Cini a Canadian Tenor NIGHTS {Ai DAYS Jil NEW YORK (CP)~The Metro-| Lab politan Opera says tenor Jon| Many people never seem to geta good Healthy kidneys filter poisons and Nickars 7 gullce Athen}, Sock night's rest, They toss and turn in excess acids from the blood. If they Aas been Sig Tana CNTACE DEB bedwand then are dull and listless slow down and impurities stay in the . The Bo Vo Thurs- throughout the day. system, disturbed rest, tired feeling Y Dodds All of which may be and backache often follow. If you IH | | SUPERIOR FINANCE, 17 SIMCOE 5T. NRA 5-654} Open Friday till y Open Saturday till i noon Offices throughout Onterle Sy d A nine: policy iy give due to a temporary don't rest well at night--if you any deta a contract -- or| | probably baa the x) toxic condition which haven't that sprightly step of health gagement actually begins. But it J calls for the use of in the daytime--use Dodd's Kidney was reported in Toroato the con-| £2." Dodd's Kidney Pills. Pills. You can depend on Dodd's! tract will run from Jan. 6 to| 62 March 8. People who know are turning to Volkswagen The spirited and eager Volkswagen ¢haniged the world's concept of economy, road performance and staming, This is the car that Won top acclaim from North American engineers) the coveted Sperry Award, | ; "for advancing the art of transportation Ask any Volkswagen owner, He will enthusiastically tell you why more and more people who know are turning fo Volkswagen, | VOLKSWAGEN CANADA LTD, Golden Mile, Toronto 16, Ontario Efficient service coast to coast with central S-million dollar Paits Depot. mons 15.50-17; canners and cut- ters 13-15; good heavy bok nual report said. year ended Dec. 31: 1958, $4,761, 026, $1.00 a share; 1957, $4,589, 908, 97 cents. i Mid - Western Industrial Gas | Ltd., year ended Dec. 31: 1958! $195,840, 7.7 cents a share: 18 mos. ended Dec. 31: 1957, $95. 562, four cents Royalite Oil Co. Lid., year ended Dec. 31: 1958, net loss $1, 633,285: 1957 net profit $577,964. Hiram Walker-Gooderham and | Worts Ltd., 6 mos. ended Feb. 28, 1059, $12,332,320, $1.43 a share; 1958, $11,838,032, $1.38, three mos. e Feb. 28: 1959, $4,634,725, 54 celts a share; 1958, $4,394,943, 51 FOR "The. Journey" You ARE PLANNING VISIT DONALD TRAVEL AGENCY 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST, WHITBY Phone MO 8-3304 or RA 5-4831 COMPLETE TRAVEL ARRANGEMENTS AIRLINE--STEAMSHIP--TOURS--HOTELS CRUISES ® NO SERVIUE CHARGE eo cents. nt 10 PIN 2 F sowie INSTRUCTION AMERICAN BOWLING CONGRESS (INSTRUCTORS) Tomorrow Sat., April 11 -- 1:30 p.m. OSHAWA BOWLING LANES KING & STEVENSON RD. RA 3.260 FREE BOWLING e FREE SOFT DRINKS e DOOR PRIZE SABYAN MOTORS 334 RITSON ROAD SOUTH TELEPHONE RA 5.6233