2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April ¥, T95Y MANY DISTRICT FARMERS ¥ whether or not he will take a RIDGE, four-year-old son of | taste of the fresh sap, or not, Mr and Mrs. Hector Short- | Hesitatingly, he reaches his ridge, Blackstock, is dubious | tongue for the sweet substance. | It was his first trip to the bush | to see the Maple syrup produc- tion, BILLY ARTHUR SHORT- [i FEEDING THE "ARCH" stove, Mr. Nesbitt insures the evaporating process to be a success. He said that last year OBITUARIES JOHN E, C. BOLTON | he burned about 25 cord of | off the liquid. It is this evap- | wood in the boiling process, | orating process that changes | The evaporator is shown above | the liquid from sap into maple . syrup | the stove, with steam rising | | | " --Oshawa Times Photos | |terment will be in Bloomington | Cemetery, The members of Corinthian Lodge will hold a memorial ser- {member of Parkwood Lodge, AF Vice at the funeral home at 7 foreman of the Osh./and AM, Oshawa, and was a tyler P-m. Thursday. awa office of the Bell Telephone | for the lodge at the time of his FUNERAL OF Oo. since February, 1957, John death. Mr. Winter was & mem: MARVIN WESLEY COULTER E. C. Bolton died at the family P€ 2 UShawa deollls Rl "he memorial service Mar- Reliance 13 Oakes avenue Goh Cub and. the Tornia Lodge of The memorial sevice fo Mat | awa, this morning. ren. aetion. 3 St., who died at the Oshawa Gen- Mr, Bolton started work for the| The deceased was also a highly ¢15 Hospital last Sunday in his Hell Telephone Co. as a coin box respected member of the Oshawa 54, year, was held at the Arm- collector at St. Thomas on Oct, 1, Lawn Bowling Club where he; ong Funeral Chapel at 1 p.m. 1927. In September, 1939, he went took an active part in the club Wednesday, April 8. td London as a lineman and in activities, With his wife he was Rev. H. A. Mellow; minister of 1940 was promoted to cable splic-|the donor of one of the club ou) incre United Church, con- er. | trophies. 5 _ |ducted the services. Interment In 1043 he was transferred to| He leaves his mother and hisiy.s in Riverside Cemetery Chatham as a storekeeper and in wife, the former Ellen Allin and [indsay, ' 1955 was promoted to the position one son Larry. The pallbearers were Walter A Slorekeeper. i Also surviving are five sisters, pee] Melvin Peel, William Por- r. Bolton was active in sports| Mrs. F. 0. Cooper (Vina), Mrs .|jer Bruce Sonley Bert Calvert circles having played rugby with w, Irwin (Ettie), Mrs J. Cornish! snd Elmer Parks. the St. Thomas ORFU club and|(Annie) and Mrs. F. Lycett 34 acted as coach of the AKO Foot-| (Ethel), all of Orono and Mrs. J. FUNERAL OF ball Club at Chatham, Leaman (Hazel), of Scarboro and, MRS. MABEL V. KENNEDY Whe remains are resting at the four brothers, Harvey, of Whithy| A private service was held at Intosh Funeral Chapel. Fun-and Clifford, Roy and Gordon, of the family dence, 97 Alexan- eval arrangements have not been Orono. |dra St., at p.m. Wednesday, | The funeral service will be held| April 8, for Mrs, Mabel V. Ken-| completed. " MRS. EDITH ORMISTON at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel nedy w ho died last Sunday in Th RS: occurred at Bowman- at 2 p.m. Friday, April 10. Rev. her 87th year, ville. March 31. of Mrs. Edith John K. Moffat, minister of Sim-| The service was conducted by Ormiston Mrs : Ormiston, who C%¢ Street United Church, will Rey. C. D. Cross, rector. of St. y re had Interment George's Anglican Ohurch. Inter- conduct the service: year, had been ; : 2 Se will be in Orono Cemetery. ment was in the family plot in The former Edith Riggs, the] A masonic memorial service the Oshawa Union Cemetery. degeased was a daughter of the will be held at the funeral chapel! The pallbearers were David] late Alexander and Jane Riggs. at 7.30 p.m. Thursday. |Stalter, Jack Warriner, Douglas| ge was born at Enniskillen and | ROY VAN ZANT { Rutherford, Harold Armstrdng, rried there. Charles K. Anderson and Albert Joa The death occurred at z Church, Mrs. Ormiston had lived|home of his son-in-law member of the Presbyterian the Wedgery. Lawrence » vi for 15 vears. McGovern, Simcoe St. N., Osha- in Howmanille Pheri Mrs. | wa, Wednesday, April 8, of Roy George Simpson, of Edmonton; {Van Zant. The deceased, who was a Brother, George A. Riggs and |in his 73rd year, had been in poor two nieces, Mrs. D. E. Gray and | health since last year. He lived . Mes. C. Coutts. at 114 Warren Ave. Pl D The funeral service was held at| A son of the late Mr. and Mrs ans Iive the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- Henry Van Zant, the deceased | manville, at 2 p.m. Thursday, was born Nov. 7, 1886, at Brook-| A campaign drive for the Cana- April 2. Capt. Norman Cole, of lin and was married Sept. 5, 1923 [dian Cancer Society will begin the Salvation Army conducted the|at Elora. {here April 28, The drive will be| sefvices. Interment was in Bow! A resident of Oshawa for 28 sponsored by the Kiwanis Club, manville Cemetery. years, Mr. Van Zant lived at Col-/it was announced Wednesday| The pallbearers were W. Perry, lingwood for 20 years before com. Right at a regular meeting of the Z.'Adams, E. Werry, J. McKeen-|ing here. Before his retirement Cancer Society. ery. H. McGill and E. Trewin. |in 1956, he was an employee of It was Tejolied that ing "i i are well under way in e 1CK- = NORMAN E. WINTER |e Maintenance department ati, , Ajax district, Bowmanville The death occurred at the Osh- m . The deceased was a member of (and Uxbridge branches. The so- afd General Hospital Wednes- | Corinthian py a ol, OOF | Clety is planning to establish a| day morning, April 8, of Norman | . branch which will cover Rama Edward Winter, 30 Central Park| and of the Oshawa brauch of the and Scott: townships. When this evard. The deceased, who! A veteran of the First World Project is completed, the objec-| wal In his 52nd year, had been war he enlisted with the 134th tive of the Cancer Society to have seriously ill for the past month. |gattalion and later served in @ branch in every township in the A son of Mrs. Emma Winter France with the 48th Highlanders, county will be realized anfl the late Isaac Winter, the He was also a member of the Charters from the Ontario Di-| degeased was born at Orono and (army of occupation following the|Vision of the Canadian Cancer| was married at Bowmanville in| yar' Society have been received for 1987. He was a resident of Bow-| Predeceased by his wife, the/most of the branches and when| mapville for a year and for the former Mary Elizabeth Glennie, [all have been received, past 31 years had lived in Osh-|in 1929, he leaves two daughters (De dispersed to each awit. Mrs. M. C. Glecoff (Margaret) the county. | . Winter was an employee of and Mrs. Lawrence McGovern A cheque was received from thescosts department al General|(Helen), of Oshawa. the Canadian Order of Forresters Motors and was a devoted mem- Also surviving are a sister, lodge for $100. bef; of Simcoe Strcet United Mrs. Flora McLaughlin of Moose! Church and of the session of the Jaw, Sask.; two brothers, Ross, church. : of Creemore and Clarence, of Prominent in masonic circles, Oshawa and three grandchildren. |stole an undetermined quantity of| Mr, Winter was a past master off Rev. H. A. Mellow, minister of|goods from the home o° Albert Oremo Lodge, No. 325, AF and Northminster United Church, will| (Junior) Langlois, de --eman AM; and was an affiliated past conduct the memorial service at!/for the Montreal Canar who magler of Cedar Lodge, AF and the Armstrong Funeral Chapel at/was-at practice when burgl AMy Oshawa. He was a charter'1.30 p.m. Saturday, April 11. In-lary was committed, | | | Cancer Unit | CUP SOUVENIRS? MONTREAL (CP) « Thieves| |T ARE IN THE MIDST OF THEIR MAPLE SYRUP PRODUCTION i ; | 4 43 { that has to be conducted In the k Das ? eo Th tree where each pail of sap is production of maple syrup. e tractor dravn gathering tank | deposited. It is then hauled to goes around the bush to each | the sap house for evaporation. oRERBuRSe KESSSEE5S OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Rai ABOVE CANADIAN TIRE CORP. APPROX. 2,200 SQ. FT., WILL DIVIDE APPLY TO MR. EARL SMITH CANADIAN TIRE CORP. ASSOCIATE STORE 115 SIMCOE ST. S. RA 8-6272 aed FOOD MARKET 54 SIMCOE ST. NORTH HIGHEST QUALITY MEATS | fi Tomatoes. Government Graded -- Red and Blue Brand Beef T-Bone Steaks : i= un. 79 (for Potatoes MEATY LEAN BONELESS, ROLLED ¢ LB. 5 a 23° 31 BLADE .59+| BRISKET rn eo 'POT ROAST.. 59° DOZEN 47+ BUTTER .67° SHDRY.RIB..O8- | SiSier 2 te LEAN MEATY SHOULDER .. 39° v Spare Ribs REGULAR 29¢ FRESH PORK EXTRA FEATURE BISCUITS ... 23° BUTT .49 Ib. 39- EL. PKG. LONDON (CP) -- Unnecessary removal of tonsils and adenoids, {kills more children than the op-| tion is worth, says Dr. Maur- ice Smith, a surgeon, writing in| the medical publication Lancet. 10-18. BAG dumping man»lé sap Into the is George Johns, a neighbor | | of a tractor, B 1 Of S M ] (regions, North Bay, Sudbury: arre ap a eS | S . | this afternoon. Winds north 15 to un To Shine In 1 {cooler with wet snowflurries or Mainly clear tonight and Friday. | Synopsis: A storm centre mov-| Regional forecasts Timmins-Kapuskasing: Sunny on the Nesbitt farm. RR 1,/) known as 'tapping', sections and into another siphon. iyo wet snow is falling to the sor, London: Cloudy and cooler Forecast Temperatures The sap is collected in a gath- two sections. The sap has almost prevails and is expected to last 20. | Or os run is the worst in his memory. |a tractor. The sap Is then trans: mined by a maple syrup ther-| mences between March 15 and 20/it is strained and pumped into a reaches 219 degrees run as, 'no frost in the bush, and evaporator is 12 feet long and grees, it will be maple sugar, weather is expected Friday. Georgian Bay, Kirkland Lake Muskoka nave a good sap run. there has plies the heat for the evaporation!is then strained into a container. wind. of wood to evaporate the sap. |nake one gallon of syrup and it in the bush, where certain Maple up one trough of the evaporator has been tapping for two weeks into the trunk of the tree, about|with a hole in one end of each 600. He estimated that -his total N S " it | M i h Milk 200 gallons last year. 'The sea- ew piri uc 1 The finished product, known as {his operation by George Johns, a |dairy products held in the lives that to make good sap, the eva- "Liberalism is really getting|this week by the stal'stics branch (pat is involved in making maple candidate George Drynan. 'Just! The report states that during manual labor is required in its leader, John J. Wintermeyer. cial dairies in the Oshawa zone syrup," a truly Canadian product. convention in many years. of standard fluid and special fluid maple syrup, but their operation ir. Drynan. "To most of us it| It is also shown that during the| oS George Charlton, the new Osh- berland county. obvious that there was a new commercial dairies in the. zone away with the meeting and insist- (iio the dairies sold 164,584 {follow the planned program. 97,600 quarts of buttermilk and {hall of the Royal York it wasi. oc "that a considerable served In anterooms," George .ye in Ontario county totalled at all the entrances for more pounds while the make in North- the theatre queues in Old London, "Mr. Wintermeyer and L. B. tion and distinguished guests Sirloin crowd quite drowned out the speech the attentive quiet of the Mrs. Lewis Munroe, Mr. and has been nothing like if since VE [George Charlton, W M. Fair SHOWN STRAINING THE | operation. The sap is pumped | mile from the sap house and galhering tas. This is one of who helps Mr. Nesbitt in the | house. The bush is about a | | Cloudy and cooler with wet snow 2 Only Gallon Of Syrup Friday Oshawa Tl ay Winds light, becoming north 1 A sure sign that spring y_ fin. hung under the spile to catch thea siphon. It goes from the siphon ing rapidly eastward spread rain|midnight Friday. and cold today and Friday. Wind Nestletoh. "TRACTOR DRAWS TANK Irom the other siphon it travels north of Lake Huron. Over North- ending this morning. Mainly clear| you" ¢onight High Friday annual event. However, accord-|ering tank and must be dumped |turned into maple syrup. [through Friday. Lake Ontario; Niagare regions, pons The sap run usually | ported to the "sap house" where mometer. When the thermometer Central Ontario was expected to cooler with showers ending by| Toronto -. and lasts for three weeks. supply tank. It is tapped to a float|the liquid is maple syrup. If the tions, and during the afternoon sunny Friday. Winds becoming|st. Catharines . few sunny days." three feet wide. Under the tank| Ope gallon of maple syrup weighs a to be frost at night, sun in the ty os Gor Mr. Nesbitt commented|psgrpyr, FOR GALLON An 'automatic feeder gradually | oho an hour to boil 'a barrel of trees are selected for the purpose and down the other. The evapora- |, ic vear. He has 300 trees tap. three feet above the ground, and|of the troughs. The sap is forced take this year would not exceed son was over at this time lag B . i er | "maple syrup" sells for $6 per| t Liberal Sold Here 1 er neighbor, and his wife, who has [of Tesidents of the district was orator must be kept clean. into its stride in Ontario', de. of the Ontario Department ofigyrup, It is a luxury that is too a year ago the Ontario Liberal 1958 23,162,681 pounds of milk operation, plus technical skill. | Last Friday saw the leader ac-|/from district milk producers. Of| The Nesbitt's are only one fam-| "It was an exciting day for the|quality. The dairies spent $1,063,- is typical of any farmer in On| started out as just ancther polit-| year 3,592,513 pounds of cheddar awa riding president, it was a| of interest to residents of the spirit of decision and progressq,q a total of 7,144,870 quarts of | ed on discussing all resolutions quarts of fluid cream, 264,200) "Although the banquet was 10)549,400 quarts of skim milk. oversold and it was announced umount of creamery butter was Drynan reports. 996,161 pounds. The make in than an hour before the doors ymberland county was 2,328,703 and there was the same spirit of Pierson, with the new executive were finally piped into the hall. skirling of the pipes. ed of: Mrs. William Clarke, Mr, huge crowd was repeatedly brok- Mrs, E. C. Warne, Dr. and Mrs. Day," concluded George Drynan.|grieve, H. C. Millen and George | JOHN NESBITT IS shown sap from the gathering tank | yo, © gunnly tank in the sap | the sap is transported by means the manual labor operations | WEATHER FORECAST |ending this morning. Clearing i Haliburton region: Cloudy and {showers ending this afternoon. By ALLAN BAILE |a spile is injected. A pail is then along the troughs until it reaches! valid until this afternoon, ally arrived is the maple sap run|58P: This particular procedureinto another pan which is in two yer Southern Ontario this morn-| Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Wind-'north 15. For 22 year), this has been an |into the last pan which is also inlern Ontario clear, cold weather [tonight and Friday. Winds north Windsor ing to John Nesbitt, this year"s|by hand. The tank is drawn by| The finished product is deter- Precipitation over Southern and|Toronto, Hamilton: Cloudy and|Wingham ep gh Fahrenheit end this morning in western por- noon. Partly cloudy tonight, Trenton . He cited reasons for the poor and into the "evaporator." The|thermometer reaches 240 de-/in eastern parts. Generally cool north 20 this afternocu {Hamilton .... Mr. Nesbitt commented that to is an "arch" or stove, which sup-|13 pounds, two ounces. The syrup daytime, and a warm south-west that last year, he burned 25 cords It takes one barrel of sap to The maple syrup story begins jets the sap through and pushes Heap Mr. Nesbitt stated that Lo of tapping. A small hole is drilled tor is equipped with four troughs ped, while last year he had about TT ---- |15 gallons of syrup, compared to year," d Ni gallon, Mr. Nesbitt is helped in C . The important place Wwhich|ihe cleaning chores. He stressed onventio n n 1 n {emphasized in a report issued!' Few people realize the work clares Oshawa Riding Liberal Agriculture, often taken for granted. Much party convention chose a new were purchased by the commer- Combined, they give us "maple| claimed by the largest Liberallthis total 19,962,690 pounds were|lly in this district who make large Oshawa contingent," said|245 to purchase the product. |tario who taps his bush. N ical convention, although to cheese were made in Northum- first experience. It' soon became! ghawa area is the fact that the| among the delegates. They ran|nyjq milk during 1959. In addi-| although the executive tried 10 quarts of chocolate dairy milk, be held in the main convention The department report also| {that many would have to De .qe in the area. It states the "As a result there were queues Durham county was 552,689 opened. They were reminiscent of excitement and friendliness. of the Ontario Liberal Associa- he cheers and applause of the ™* © During Mr. Wintermeyer's and Mrs. W. M. Alsop, Mr. and en by tumultuous applause. There Claude Vipond, Harry Ashton, The Oshawa delegates consist-|Drynan. GOLDEN RIPE 21:25 CEDAR LODGE, AF. & A.M, 270, OSHAWA PARKWOOD LODGE, AF. & A.M. 695 All d to attend are urgent qQ Masonic Service for our late WOR. BRO. NORMAN EDWARD WINTER who died April 8th, 1959 Mcintosh Funeral Home, King Street East. Thursday, April 9th,--7:30 p.m. Masonic Clothing Parkwood Lodge, AF. & AM. Cedar Lodge, A.F.8A.M, J. W. Lowry, W.M. E. L. Elliott, W.M, A. D. Hele, Secretary, E. F. Farrow, Secretary FRESH PORK--END CUTS LOIN .53