Mrs. Alwine Franke, now liv. ing In Cobourg, Ont., is writing | a book telling of ner exper- iences In wartime Europe. A | pative of England, she married a German national, later re- gained her British citizenship and now is a resident of Can- ada. When her German husband | was killed during the war she went to a village aear the Swiss border, She remained there until liberated by the French , then began the long trek back to England with her two children. (ce Photo) | Ford Motor Co. Re-Establishes Dividend Rate 'Ontar.o Taxes 'Force Out Firms | TORONTO (CP)--Higher taxes done by either the federal or On-| lin Ontario force the transfer of|tario government since last year manufacturing to other provincesito deal with this matter, whenever and wherever this is "The result is that companies possible, D. W. Ambridge, pres- in the pulp and paper business ident of Abitibi Power and Paper|in Ontario still pay up to 52 per Co. Ltd, sald today at the com:|cent Income tax compared to 47 pany's annual meeting, per cent in most other provinces "I said last year that we were, of Canada." bearing an altogether unreason-| Since a year ago, Mr, Am able tax burden in respect to our bridge said, most North Ameri: earnings In Ontario," Mr. Am: can indices commonly considered br idge stated. "Nothing | has been) |to be Important have improved. "The steel, automotive and chemical industries are all doing very much better, It is, there- fore, not surprising to find that in some' sections of the pulp and 4 | Distilleries Do Not Use cui: feel bis US. Advertisine the first two months of th |year, for instance, consumption | MONTREAL (CP) -- H, A. 8. 0 newsprint in the United States| | Fraser, secretary of the Associa- increased by nearly four per cent [tion of Canadian Distillers, sald) compared wiih last year. |Wednesday Canadian distillers | «4 is still too early to see wha thave never used United States|ine world picture so far as new: radio or television for advertising print is concerned is likely to be purposes. in 1959, or what the fortunes of Mr, Fraser, who made public| Canadian newsprint mills will be, a letter he wrote to Albert Wren, but it is certainly reasonable to Liberal-Labor member of the On- expect that there will be an im. tario legislature for Kenora, took provement." issue with remarks made by Mr, |-- -- {Wren in the provincia! house two . . week ago Ph ] t t At the time, Mr. Wren said 1 an TODIS | Canadian liquor firms vere, . thumbing their noses at provin. | 0 t D clal ban on liquor advertising by | mn n dl 1e8 using U.S. television to beam pro-. BUFFALO, N.Y. 'AP) -- Dr.| grams they sponsor ato Ontario. Conrad E. Wettlaufer, Ontario He proposed the province ban born politician, dentist, philan. Ithe products of firms advertising thropist and businessman, died DETROIT (AP) -- Ford Motor|in such a manner from liquor Wednesday after a brief illness. Co. re-established its $2.40 annual store shelves, dividend rate Wednesday. |He was 91, Mr. Fraser said i his letter, Wettlaufer served as Erie Directors declared a dividend |that distillers-- as distinet from County chairman of the Republi. iof 60 cents a share payable June breweries and wineries--were in-lcan party from 1916 until 1920 Hl to shareholders of record May nocent of such charges, "a re-lwhen he was the party's un- 12. Three previous quarterly pay- striction self-imposed by the dis- successful candidate for mayor ments have been made at 40 tillers themselves ang! scrupulou-|of Buffalo, He was a native of sly observed." CANADA DRY "KIN G SIZE cents a share. GET-ACQUAINTED NOW! buy 5 bottles of King Size Canada Dry Ginger Ale and get the 6th bottle Red Rose Black Tea vABRL ie: |Wilmont, Ont, eo LOBLAW QUALITY MEATS eo SPECIAL! ALWAYS TENDER FRESH GRADE 'A" Pre-dressed Frying or 'Roasting Chickens i + 29° | e CHOICE CHICKEN CUTS °¢ uw 97° uw 39° FRESH FROZEN FISH SPECIAL! CHOICE Chicken Legs or Breasts SPECIAL! MEATY Pork Side Spare Ribs | SPECIAL! LEAN PEAMEALED | Cottage Rolls .. 45° SPECIAL! LOBLAWS PURE PORK Sausage . 39° AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS SPECIAL! CHOPPED Veal Cutlets .. 75° SPECIAL! TASTY CHIP BEEF Stoakees m 29 ® PAN-READY eo SPECIAL! CHOICE BOOTH SPECIAL! SWIM'S GOLDEN Haddie SPECIAL HUNT'S CATCHUP | SPECIAL-=STANDARD SLICED | QUEEN'S ROYAL PEACHES 2 'yi. 28° 2" 29° SPECIAL FANCY STOKELY'S TOMATO JUICE 2 "7. §7¢ 2 of Tis 37: BTL, LS NV babe ir Pillsbury Pineapple Cake Mix | AVAILABLE AT DAIRY COUNTER ' Redi-Maid Orange Drink i Summer Pride Corn CREAM STYLE FREE News s the time to fill the pantry with cartons and cartons of "KING SIZE" Canada Dry! ACT NOW--OFFER GOOD FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY, IN OSHAWA AREA WITH PORK IN TOMATO SAUCE Libby's Beans: ie IMPORTED OLD ENGLISH Chivers Orange Marmalade kas 29: Pepsi Cola 5°... ale 5 OFF REGULAR PRICE Mother Parker's Instant Coffee ii 44c NEILSON'S Jersey Brand Cocoa it 37c Wh 6c York Choice Beans "5 2 .i'th: 29¢ Rose Sweet Mixed Pickles ii: 33¢ Kraft Salad Dressing "WW ot% 47¢ Stokely's Green Beans "i" 2 oi 37¢ Allen's Apple Juice vids 2h 3c Crown Brand Corn Syrup 3% Jewel Shortening .... Hi: 33¢ Monarch Margarine «our 2 A 57c Hi-€ Drinks i stt™ 2 hs 63¢ 59% 35: 43: 2 he 25¢ Aylmer Tomato Soup 3. 37¢ Green Valley Pes STANDARD 2 of Tins 25: Majestic Peaches STANDARD .. LOE TIN 29¢ Koon LUNCHEON MEAT or 49 Lynn Valley Pears! iin of Tis 39: Oak Leaf Mandarin Oranges of hw 2% Kellogg's Special "'K" Cereal ':¢ 28 Aylmer Vegetable Juice 2. 27 Johnson's Glo-Coat of Th 50 of th 98: Scotties Face Tissues 2 "52 39c2 % 69¢ Glide Liquid Starch ard Price of BR 43¢c Glide Liquid Starch ARG. PRICE OF BFL. 24c Nugget Scuff Cover \ 35: Nugget Shoe Polish totouns 2 TINS 35¢ SPECIAL! KITCHEN PRIDE BLUEBERRY REGULAR Sepia wer 49 wn GG Sole Fillets AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS 1V4-L8, 6 2¢ PKG, 45* PRICES EFFECTIVE APRIL 9, 10, 11 LOBLAWS NOW OFFER NEW DANIA Stainless Steel, Satin Finish FLATWARE BUTTER SPREADERS $1.19 Watch for Other Beautiful Pieces which will be offered in succeeding weeks, ENTER THE BIG $15,000 CONTEST Entry Form in Mailed Folder And in All Loblaw Stores SPECIAL! HOSTESS JACK and JILL PEANUT BUTTER COOKIES 2.8IscUIT PACKAGE 3 5: SPECIAL! WESTON'S BUTTER PECAN CREAMS 35 seiscuir PACKAGE SPECIAL! LOBLAWS VALENCIA CAKE we Se LOBLAWS FRESHLY ROASTED Pride of Arabia Coffee :: 67: 1.95 Two So Coffee THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, April 9, 1959 1744 NOW AVAILABLE AT LOBLAWS GOLDEN BOOK ENCYCLOPEDIA VOLUME ONE STILL AVAILABLE AT 49¢c. COMPLETE YOUR SET ON THE BOOK-A-WEEK PLAN, 99: COMPLETE DETAILS ON $1500.00 CONTEST AVAILABLE IN All LOBLAW STORES VOLUME FOUR NOW ON SALE LOBLAWS GARDEN FRESH * ¢ Fruits and Vegetables ¢ THE FINEST QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES | 1 VEGETABLE BUY! EXCELLENT QUALITY! NO. | GRADE! ENDER ALL-OREEN SPEARS! TASTY AND DELICIOUSI FRESH ASPARAGUS .. , ANOTHER LOBLAW natn NEW Lg THE FINEST PB BEST FOR JUICE! = FULL OF SWEET FRESH FLA oul cALIFORMIA CALIFORNIA 2 169 VALENCIA ORANGES OUTSTANDING VALUR! GARDEN FRESH FROM CALIFORNIA! RICH IN VITAMINS; TENDER, CRISP AND SWEET! CARROTS ith Qe KING OF THE SALADS! NO. | GRADE! FIRM, PLUMP AND TASTY! CELLO ams JO TOMATOES ... i einidin vgaa Len 1 5 : CELERY HEARTS oe SUPER SAVINGS CHATEAU CHEESE... a CUDNEY RED RASPBERRIES YORK BEEF STEW FIVE ROSES FLOUR BLUE BONNET MARGARINE SPECIAL! TIDE... i