The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1959, p. 7

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CL wah TORONTO Reg By >. 8 i yg i = seEanEd ig 1 E E Hi i £ : H Px =3 ¥ 2: Seen 2 333 3 EoESISTETEeen QQ H ++] 1+ Sess 3 wii] 3 Si es o sesssseotiisionnete Tunas ial EE SH HL LEH $5-gEafgmungnousggeny ayn fun nondonpnily 8 32533 sguEREEE HH z& 8 + «11+ 5 sSssE Eusisszusesill - : = > = 8 Yi >35% si 1+ se=Ses tS fis 3Prove Gas Ranger South U Stanwell Triad Ol Un Olls Wayne W_Decalta Curb Dalhousie sesggegysuse; tan uggs peiiy hl Ty -1 +++] =F EEEFE FF x 833302 i S$ Lies si¥iiun,ss.nline LL tC) > Cw >3 : SsEEESsEuets 00 17 Mines 1000 000 2 2 i -gEatzrey Acad Uran Advocate NAgnico Alba Expl F 350 13) 9% 50 816% " 19 2929 % 1 70 Wh 38% 38% -- Fo NY --~ W 47 +1 +18 10% 18% Aumaque 15 Aunor. Bankeno Belleterre Bethim Beveon Colstrm C Bellekno C Denison ' 4375 C Den wis 845 300 385 CG Aarrow 500 C Halliwell 4700 Con Howey 1100 435 Con M and 8 70 Con Negus 1500 C Sannorm 2000 0 600 C Discov Conwest Coprand Craigmnt 100 1000 1500 1000 52858 1-1 z 38 ++ aa gts : sstilsues HE segfs 2000 500 130 1500 2000 800 1300 500 800 | 6380 380 300 1000 778 2300 300 200 1160 1700 1000 g : t u3 : ] ] =F FF ie 8 gy 5 Hollinger nt Nickel Int Ran 11500 irish Cop = FE z & + ¥ E | - - I ® Sales Low 11 a.m, ON in "sd 2% a) 125 1 W% Not 'ge Stock Bales oh -- Iso Uran Fea : it = $F +* L S338 SR br Ra + mm 9 Obaska 8 Ogama O'Leary Opem Osisko Pamour Parbec Pardee Patino M wt Pat Paymast Pee Expl Pick Crow Pioneer Pitch Ore Pronto Purdex MM M+ WH 16% 16% a uu + 9» 28 138 14% 4% 100% 10% 18% 18% 15 15 + Que Chib Que Lith Qunston Qiemont Radiore Rix Athab 8! Si Miller Stdcona Stanleigh Stanigh wis Stanrck 1 Starratt Steep R Sturgeon Sud Cont Sullivan Sylvanite Taurcanis Teck-H Temag Tombill Ult-Shaw U Asbestos Upp Can Vandoo Ventures Viciam Fenmae ~-- vir pai Wh velo A TAP TN RS AIT UN RUA A TP High Low 11 a.m, Ch'ge 7" BSuBustzeiuBoniuile Bezels ESxzseizudsicn . satel £3 Sxoecssesesl FEF > = £3 Sul Bre i BEES 1000 300 1000 ue Ascot $2000 650 14000 Sales to 11 a.m. 1,000,000, MONTREAL By The Canadisn Press real Stock Exchange--April 8 (Gutations in cents unless marked 8, »0dd lof, 34 -- Exdividend, ar--Ex- wx warrants.) 2108 mn Bowater a te Le SE Hu 100 C Celan 480 C Convert A 200 CIL 5 Cc on 25 CPR 255 Con M and 6 135 $30% 630 852% 28% $42 42 225 814% $52 B52 $67 50 845 830% Roe AV C 230 810% Royal Shawin i 320 833% Simpsons 100 $37 Steel Can 830 $7244 Steinbg A $31 3 Walk GW Iplained their children soon lost interest in crafts and hobbl Report Kids Bored With Arts, Crafts PORT HOPE (Staff) Be- --cause "Kids get tired of the rou- tine," Port Hope playgrounds may offer softball games and track teams to oceupy local chil dren at town playgrounds during holidays this summer. Criticism of routine was report ed to the town recreation commis- sion Tuesday by chairman George Sneyd, who said parents com es usually taught at playgrounds. Even small children eventually lose interest in craft work with- out games and exercise, agreed the commissioners. Also discussed was a, leader- ship training course available for directors at Camp Quinmilac, The board sald no representatives had been sent for two years. Ti. FS BUREAUS COBOURG G. McAuliffe FR. 72-5349 PORT HOPE Iain Macdonald TU, 5-5737 500 Trans C PL 160 $204 G 275 833% Knap 1000 400 4 . Canadian 3700 85 88 450 450 450 24% 24% 2% 5 832% 32% 32% 5 $34 34% 34K 100 6h 6 250 $414 41k 41% 100 812194 121% 121% 50 $106 106 106 5 14 2% 22 1% 6 Webb Abitea C Marcon! Cons Paper Ford A Moore Shop Sv rts 410 148 Shop Save 5 822% Trans Mt 1100 $12 Waterman 500 86% : Mines 2000 4000 100 6700 7000 1600 300 2200 61 Augustus Au 17 Baker Tale 3 Bateman Bichasse Bnyville C Collieries Canorama Canuba Cent Man Chipman Cleveland C C Cad C Denison C Den wis Cop Rand Fab Fundy Futurity Gold Age Gunnar Gunnar wt Hollinger Uj 61 18% 3 83 nn 17% 580 580 $3234 32% 32% -- W % TB MB -1 $18 19 1» --W 18 17% 18 6 66 3% 3 8 ™ TH ™ 85 85 800 161 160 5 98 182 173 6 161 75 17 6 a" 7 [] 185 695 EL) Que. Lit Que Smelt 2500 A.V.Roe Man Resigns Posts TORONTO (CP)---Walter Row- and McLachlan, executive vice- Jresidun of A. V. Roe Canada . and president of Orenda Engines Ltd, has resigned both offices and severed his connec- tions with the two firms. He declined to give reasons Tuesday, saying he had no im- mediate pians beyond fishing and resting. Dinner Marks S.A. Birthday PORT HOPE -- Brig and Mrs. (Ham. Other evening services Stanley Gennery, divisional com-|ayerage atten dances of about 45. guests of } Monday ot Fob Port Hope citadel was formed quet in Port Hope Salvation In 1004 ala Sadyad, I Army citadel, Hector street, : A 78th anniv *|David McNeilly. Little other his- ho anniversary tory is known other than that More than 60 of the[ i ding officers were moved b out of Port Hope with otal cutifred atid) SHERI, oe some frequency in those days. crusade tadel. Service Capt. McNeilly is the 100th offi- held i" a week ry cer to hold the post. Jed by Capt. John Ham, late of Extent of Army activities in Port Hope, now of Brampton, |Port Hope was shown last week . Ham is the son of Lt.| when fire destroyed the house Phas issioner Frank Ham, now and belongings of a family west retired, who was once in charge Of town. of Salvation Army affairs in Cen-| By next day the local citadel tral America and South Amer- had organized clothing gifts for fea, Earlier he was field secre- members of the family who were {forced to flee in pyjamas. Now the citadel reports it has ar ranged for donations of furniture for the family, tary for Canada. A special ladies' service last Tuesday afternoon brought an at- tendance of about 30 to hear Mrs. Monthly Party Held For Aged PORT HOPE -- Port Hope sen- recreation commission which sponsors senior citizens' activi. ities, and member of the man- aging committee which adminis- trates the hall. The committee reports an addi- FOR SUBDIVISIONS BROUGHAM (Staff)--Plagued with deputations demanding ac- tion on flooding in various parts of Pickering township, council may bring in a bylaw d di that subdivision developers put in storm sewers. sion to get writs of t Plan Storm Sewer Bylaw on the roxd allowance. To drain the land effectively, owners would have to co-operate and hand 'over small portions of land for ditching purposes. Ui Bow law will require peo- ple developing land in future to Council passed a motion to this put in storm sewers to meet with effect Monday following a decl-| township specifications. property 'Funeral Held Of Port Hope Man WINNIPEG (CP) -- Funeral services will be held today for, James MacLean, 73, former clerk of Queen's Court and chief Liberal organizer in Manitoba, who died Saturday. Mr. MacLean was born in Port Hope, Ont. He worked in Toronto with the Liberal party and as- sisted campaigns by Sir Wilfrid Laurier. EASTERN CARPETS Indian carpets, like the tradi- tional Persian carpets, are woven by hand in the centuries. old fashion. from property - owners in the Rosebank road area to allow ditching. The writs® were necessary be- cause the topography of the sec- Octopus Bait Tariff Eased OTTAWA (CP) -- Here's one budget tip--some purchasers of octopus may get tax relief, | The Fisheries Council of Can-| ada was told Tuesday that Fi. nance Minister Fleming's Thurs-/ day night budget likely will pro- pose abolition of a 17%-per-cent tariff on Japanese octopus bait used in the British Columbia hali- but-fishing industry. The statement was made by C. Gordon O'Brien, manager of the council, after B.C. delegates at the council's annual convention | Ko» When you ~ ssociates 1 Clean up Old Bills | tion made it impossible to ditch | va-C" LOAN! from | w---- IT'S EASIER TO REPAY THE 'Forests Minister Spooner said op Mom Va TSAR AE ol ; THE OSHAWA TIMES, Youth Fined Wednesday, April 8, 1959 J AT CANTON No Plan Loses License BOWMANVILLE (Staff) = Having reserved judgment for a month on a charge of criminal negligence speeding, Magis- trate R, B, Baxter Tuesday an- nounced a verdict of guilty against Peter Donnely, 17, of To- ronto, Donnely was fined $100 and costs or two months on the charge, and was prohibited from driving anywhere in Canada for a period of oné year. At an earlier hearing, Donnely was stated to have led town po- lice on a wild chase through town at speeds up to 75 miles an hour, before coming to rest PORT HOPE No~ planning has started yet among members of St. Mark's Anglican Church for the visit by HM Queen Eliza- beth and Prince Philip July 26. Rev. Gerald Moffatt, St. dens would first have to meet to make plans which would be sub- mitted to Ottawa authorities for approval or Mark's rector, said church war- bs For .Royal Visit y amend: | Pe at a dead end. Magistrate Baxter told accus- ed, "your conduct shows you have not yet reached the age where you should be allowed to drive. (ative when His Excellency visits You have offered no explanation his farm, Batterwood, later this for your behaviour, therefore the|month, court can see no excuse for your| He sald that he had been noti- conduct. fied that Mr. Massey hoped to be home briefly, possibly for a weekend, about the end of April, He would be 'able to discuss MOTHS? PHONE RA 5.8501 ments, Mr. Moffatt sald he expected to hear personally from either the Governor-General or a represen- LICENCE NOT CONSIDERED TORONTO (CP) -- Lands and Tuesday his department has not yet considered introducing a res-| ident fishing licence in Ontario. "We may go Into the matter later," he said. Some spokesmen for fish and game clubs have sald they favor the resident Ii- cence if the revenue could be } PCO SERVICE channelled into a fund for con- } PEST CONTROL OPERATORS servation work. \ Ross A. Jewell, 53, former cial scorer for Detroit Red of the National Hockey died at his home Tuesday an {liness of five months, Worry of FALSE TEETH Slipping or Irritating? toon" iby ropping or wo a EES remarkable added and secur! of | ty by holding plates mone | Fe YO UR genvices 109 ret INSURAY MY oar urriZoos, ONTARIO HOSPITAL INSURANCE CERTIFICATE ce GERRGATE ervecrive SA gun wo! 1 99 it is your means of identification at the hospital HOW TO USE IT eo o o Always keep your Ontario Hospital Insurance Certificate handy, and present it to the hospital Admitting Department if hospital care becomes necessary for you or your eligible dependants. ONLY ONE CERTIFICATE Is issued to each insured Single person and to each insured Family. As a precaution, each member of the family shou note of the Hospital Insurance Number for ready of sudden illness or accident. Id have a separate reference in case WHAT IT DOES . . . vou certificate and paid-up premiums entitle you and your eligible dependants to essential "in-patient" hospital services in standard ward accommodation of approved hospital s only, for as many days as such services are medically necessary. Benefits cease when the physician indicates hospital care is no longer necessary. "Qut-patient" hospital services are not covered EXCEPT in the case of emergency out-patient care received within 24 accident. Hospital services must be medically necessary Ontario Hospital Insurance benefits cannot be provi or 'domiciliary' patients i.e. persons whose medical hours following an ded for 'custodial' conditions do not justify use of hospital accommodation and services, and who. could "be cared for at home or in some facility other than an approved hospital. igh ian lig {have n pla y enabling the senior members to|Protested against the duty. hold card games. Another 22| Se EEE0R SOUR SUNK (CivicRebutf = $0 LIFE On Plaque | LOOKS PUNK HAMILTON (CP)--The Co-Op- erative Union of Canada had a plaque made up for the City of Hamilton, marking the founding of the union there 50 years ago, But the city architect's depart- ment doesn't want the plaque;| 3.' the board of parks management ota wat it ad od library asn't even Mrs. Grace Jordan, president/ply to the CUC. 0 Ye of Port Hope - Cobourg Sorop- Plans for Ontario Agricultural timist club, attended in the ab-| Minister Goodfellow to unveil the| sence of Mrs. Helen Upper. Mrs. plaque at the CUC's annual con- Soper. Hee president of Sorih-(vention this week ware ¢ fs also secretary of thelhacanse of the eivie rebut! need money, get W the Associates "4-C" way-- CASH, COURTESY, CO-OPERATION end CONSIDERATION. Phone or stop in to your nearest Associates Budget Plan office for fast ssociates BUDGET PLAN wa council, W. H. Jordon, pub- lic schools supervising principal, operated a projector for the show- ing Music for a sing- vided by Mrs. Bert who played the piano. Parties for senior citizens are tion Hall, Transportation is provided for members. Fred Barr, member of the hall executive, was driver last Saturdav and for the first party In | Next par, «0 be held May 2, will feature euchre and games. Members are polled at each next pro- ASSOCIATES' BUDGET PLAN WAY! PREPAID PREMIUMS mean PREPAID PRQTECT ION It is important that your Ontario Hospital Insurance premiums be paid on or before the date they are due. This is necessary to maintain a period of prepayment during which your protection will continue if it ever becomes impossible for you to pay your premiums. Was pro- roadbent, MONTHLY PAYMENTS $11.00 17.00 25.00 36.00 65.00 YOU RECEIVE $ 179.09 rw 412.640 860.7 1,525.00 ONTARIO HOSPITAL SERVICES COMMISSION HOSPITAL INSURANCE DIVISION 138 ST. CLAIR AVENUE WEST, TORONTO 7, ONTARIO. WA. 4-3301¢ § i

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