The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1959, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1959 § Erno 'Vows Frost Wrath | WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West atc go EN ED GH AEA: Tel. MO. 8-8703 On Whitby Police Manager: Lloyd Robertson A 44-year-old Whitby man who(Mason, "and sald we were going Ua A Joe Tremblay, 70-vear-old of ficial physiotherapist and mas seur on Parllament Hill, has been at his job since 1041, He says members of Parilament as a group are a healthy lot and HE CHASES ACHES [threatened to call down the(to lose our jobs and all that sort wrath of Premier Frost on twolof thing." Whithy police officers, was sen] In his own defence, Campbell tenced on Tuesday to seven days|sald that he had been attendin in jail for driving while Intoxi- a bowling banquet at the Clul cated, Bruce Maurice Campbell, Bayview and had consumed only (0) eo ona 2) of the Ontario Hospital, was con-{two shots of whisky and one Vietod Magateate Frank Ebbs dalle of | peer, Ho deiled belt in- iin the thy police court, oxicated and sn e could not Two of Whithy's most ardent He noted that Mrs, Jermyn is an 4 ' hockey fans will Srovide a trophy ardent hockey fan, seidom misw|. PC Morley Nicholson, of the remember making way oateniont for the winners of the Eastern|ing a home game and attending Whieov Police JDeparyment, ssdid, iy "ot Ontario Senfor A Hockey Loaguo, many of the away games during|that he an PC' Jack Mason had "EON oo ooo said it 3 you Mayor and Mrs. Hacry Jermyn|the season, He added that be too heen on patrol on Brock street =F llO Jo bind pd recolved word last night from the has found that the Dunlops and Sout, ho i am. Feb, 28,200 Call asked him. Ontario Hockey - Association that|the other teams of the Eastern W)oH i me 3 Sa procteding The accused sald he would not thelr offer to provide such a tro-|circuit have provided many hours Jor, ney Zot ' Heat ¢ 9 in. Ted Van Der Wall, another phy has been accepted, of enjoyment and entertainment, |N¢¢ to the centre of the roid, Aer, boo Witness, sald he had ob- A i ; The docision to provide the|#eld, and turned to follow it, Onto " Mayor Jermyn say' that he the way north, before the car wag served Campbell leaving the club hopes the new trophy wil be trophy was spurred last week) oo Bot Ly Ty dod abut had noticed nothing wrong ready for presentation at the|when the Dunnios won the cham. MORPEC, he RHE © CESWCEC 8) ith him, Chamber of Ci ce Sports plonship of thelr league for the ou ound vehicle to. the shoul-[ ye wis. Villenouve, another Banquet, on April 23. The trophy second time, After he game In/"Gr 0 0 hol hoy took member of the group at the club, "#1 Eastern Trophy (CP Photo) WHITBY COUNCIL BRIEFS LONG COUNCIL MEETING Whitby council meeting did no adjourn this week until shortly calling for an additional expendi before midnight. Despite the length of the meeting, only one item of general business was at tended to, Council decided te grant the request "of Emmanue Reformed Church for free use of dation that parking be banned on ) , at | the town hall on April 10 and 11/the north side of Ontario St. be flowed over the intersection but cleared ! |denied that it had halted traffic, | highway property and he suggest-|yisiting the for a play to be presented by the young people's union FOR DOG POUND Councillor Harry Inkpen, chair man of the health and welfare committee, received permission to spend up to $300 for portable cages for the town dog pound There was no comment about the lack of a dog catcher, T0 SELL FIRE TRUCK The finance committee recom mended the town accept an offer of $3500 for a 1M&.model fire . truck, The truck will be deliver. ~ vives In Whitby for the town's| use. NEW TOWN HALL ty committee report: and | od ad inspected given tentative approval to floor plans for the new town hall, The plans were not shown at Mon: day's council meeting Miss L. Pellow Is WMS Hoste The Senlor Evening Auxiliary WMS of the United Church met at the home of Miss Laura Pellow with the president in the chair Miss Marian Bromel! led in the worship service and also in the study on "Trinidad" Some very interesting Informa: tion was given and a discussion period followed. A committee, {held their "Social Evening" last : * [Monday at the parish hall, Mh New School Site, ) NO PARKING AREA 1 Council approved a recommer approach culverts | Father Austin and Father [Quesnelle addressed the gather: ing briefly, Mrs, H. T. Cook {spoke on her attendance at the goes this year to the Whitby 1 un-| Kingston, in a hard-fought series, y Y "sald that Campbell appeared fit lops, who have twice won the|it seemed only natura' that a tro- fe drives, Campbell, to the su drive a car when fe left, He Eastern Le a g ue champlonship phy should be presented but none wt "obo sand of Col. Moore Said that 90 per cent of the 260 which up to now has had no{has been provided for this new|. 4 puemier Frost in Lindsay, People at the party had their own trophy. |league. bottles with them although there The Idea of providing such a Just three years ago the league WOULD LOSE JOBS was a bar, He explained that ! |trophy has been in Mayor Jor: turned Sr, A, prior to that being| 'He told us that PC Mason and most brought thelr own liquor in | |myn's mind for some time now.'a Sr. B league for many years: [I would be looking for new jobs case the bar ran out before the p N | ; ----- ; in the morning," sald PC Nichol- evening was over, . ° . |son, Defence counsel R. M, Heffer | Later at the Jalil, he sald, |asked the court to reduce the Sel u 1v1isions Oe {Campbell attempted to strike him|charge to impaired driving, |with an empty bottle he drew, In handing down the conviction, | from his pocket, Magistrate Ebhs sald that if] The bottle must have bee n|there was all the liquor on hand Roa ettermentis empty or he would not have talk- that was said to be there, there led like that," observed Magis would be too much and "it ap- trate Ehhs, "the bottle was em parently was all consumed, | Road conditions In three sub. complied with Whitby's zoning pty but he was full." In addition to the seven days divisions brought large deputa:jand building by-laws, PC Jack Mason also told of in jall, Campbell was ordered to [tions to Whitby council this week! The spokesman sald that resi: watching the car driving along pay court costs or serve an addi and promises that the town would dents of the two Ido Its utmost to get the situations had objected to recent adveriis-|Campbell was Intoxicated, [impounded for three months and, rectified, ing by the Vondette Realty, for| "He told us he knew Mr. Moore his licence to drive suspended for | most of his business Is with Speaking for the ratepayers as-low rental homes, He sald that|and Premier Frost," sald PClsix months, | sore limbs, Incidentally, he |soclation in Westview Helghts and|they did not want to see such - - ---------- wren re -- | doesn't talk politics with his [the Newman Subdivision was Rav buildings in the west end of the | G id B . | oustomers but sticks to sports |Bibeau and representing the Parkitown, P b t T wn and the weather, Vista Ratepayers Association was! Councillor Jack McAvoy, Slat res A eens 0 uides. bro les Mal Femia, president of the man of the applications commit-| | group tee, reported that no application] Vi it M Have Banquet |" Replying to questions about/had yet come before council or 181 useum The 3rd Whitby Girl Guides road conditions In the western the planning board seeking per- . and the 5th Brownle Pack of St, subdivisions, Charles Hoag, town mission to construct such dwell.| The weekly meetine of 8t. An-| John The Evangelist Church held engidoer, sald that the contrac:|ings. Until that time, he said |drew's Presbyterian Church 3 mother and daughter banquet | $00.030 FOR STREETS for had been notified and work|councll could take no action. ~~ [Presbyteens opened with a devo-jon April 4 at St, Bernard's school tl A up ement Ay atre ot "bylaw/On repairs had alreadv started. Mavor Jermyn reported that|tional service led by Shiclah Bar auditorium, The banquet opened A Suppiementiiy §C038 NC AY1SAYS ROAD FLOODED the firm had conducted only alter, president and Bennie Town-|with a color party of Girl Guides [ture of $60.00 was given three|. Mr. Bibeau claimed that water survey to ascertain if there was send "at the plano. A business consisting of Susan Miller, Kathy [readings bi nad washed across the intersec:/an adequate market for such meeting followed at which the|Kahn, Bonnie Allan, The Queen n tion of Marla and Annis street homes, group discussed thelr future visitiwag sung and Rev, L, J. Austin to such an extent that traffic] Speaking for the Park Vista/to the Dunlap Observatory on gaid the grace. ..|could not use the street, Council: Ratepayers, Mal Fomia claimed| April 25. A very delicious sunper was en. lor Inkpen agreed that water that the Department of Highways, There will he no meeting on joyed by a very good attendance, onApril 11 as the geoup will be Head table guests were: Rev, tween Green and Athol St, Toronto Museum. |L, J, Austin, Rev. A Quesnelle, | | Mayor Harry Jermyn sald thatied the town might do likewise pollowing the business meeting, Mrs, H, T, Cook, District Com. HALL CARETAKER there was no authority which|with approach eulverts in the sub: games were played under the missioner, Mrs. F, Weaver, Guide Councillor Jack MeAvoy, of the forced council to clear private en- division. All of them are frozen. [supervision of J. Harvey. Captain, Mrs. P, Kowalski, Guide applications committee, reported trance culverts In the town, |he sald, causing large pools of| Bonnie Townsend instructed the Lieutenant, Mrs. Hamson, Brown that 20 had applied for the posi: Mr. Bibeau asked that the town water to form. group with their fish hobby. Owl, Mrs. B, Hazelton, Brown tion of town hall caretaker. Helurge the subdivider to put the Councillor Correll told him it - ee e---- NOW] |sald that the group has now heen Yond in flood haps but Mayor wind take Months of Yaw at . narrowed to three who are yet/Jermyn claimed there was ea e frozen culverts in the » to he 0 Shes by -- en.| they could do. until the frost came town, Mr. Hoag said that the Driving Counts gineer Charles Hoag, out, |works department had thawed Correll, only the culverts which caused Sidney | Councillor " . th Girl [ PAID TO COUNTY [chairman of the streets commit: water to flood travelled streets. Bring $100 Fines mu meeting AR Jyuides i On recommendation of the fi./tee, assured Bibean and his dele- He noted that the town rents a |mentioned that in 1960, Girl committee, supplementary gation that the department was|steam jenny when it is available, | A 22.year-old Whitby man, Abel Guides will be 50 years in exis nance ; | to $10.218 wii) keeping a close watch on all roads|It has been rented nine days this nranuel of 130 Cedar street, was/tence. faxes amounting be paid to the County of Ontario and promised that as soon as the year, ER ET 0 v0 fr these peor RAY 3 HIZhL to be mi charges in W . weeks yet, __[vevad but he added that he was|ipeank Ebbs fined him $75 and|Miller who acted as convener, A Guild Holds oe gp alk De or ele "A costs for driving while his licence short program was put. on by a 10-apartment unit being bulltition to their problems until the/\was under suspension and $25 and|Guides and Brownies Q . 1 E » on Dunlop street west, I's was|weatherman removes the frost In| costy for possessing an ownership|------ : advised that the apartment house'the course of time, ---- : The All Salnts® Anglican Church : | Evening Guild Branch, instead of | Arbitrate On { thelr regular business meeting| WHITBY in Whitby police support Magistrate ing this supper and Mrs. A, J. permit while prohibited. Manuel had pleaded guilty pre-| {viously and was remanded unt Tuesday for sentence. Last week | : d 25 he told the court he planned on Is Fine being married later this month A N ) »/ A Whitby man, who sald he |and His Worship advised him he vgot panicky and frose™ when his PERSONALS may have to alter his wedding car collided with a parked car, The Whithy Distrlet Wigh py Yo The Kinettes' Club held its/plans until about June, A an Some hrs were played under the super vision of Mrs, C Watson and subdivisions! Brock street, He, too, said that/tional seven days, His car was \ fined 1 of $100 on two driv-| Mrs, W. Allan, Guide Captain, Artin thanked the mothers for | Left Accident, [= Mrs, F. Whale School Board's plans for the ex: «Games Night" on April § at the| By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Dunlops jumped into a 3-1 lead In the all Ontario Sr, A finals with a close hard fought 32 win over the Maple Leaf Gardens. game of the series is slated for Guelph arena on Friday night, goals with Geo, Bamolenko com Ing up with his first goal of the and was scored at the 16,156 mark way phasing play with Babando a Alr, Bill Wylie and Dick Matulssi scored for the losing Dutchmen, The both teams were really pepped up for this game as they realized the vast importance of a Kitchener having the advantage of the odd home game would be all out for this one, decided to take what should be a strangle hold on the series. Brodie, of the Dunnies was ban- ished at the 2.01 mark and while he was off the locals did a good fob of fending off the best the Dutehles could muster, Saunders, of the lorers, was sent off at the 4.01 mark and while he was off| the Dunnies really turned on the power, FIRST GOAL [ The locals were pressing deep in the Dutchies' end zone when 4 O'Connor fed a pass to Attersley In the corner to the left of Hurley in the losers' cage, Attersley, the Eastern league scoring champ, made no mistake as he fired the disk over to Smith about a foot off the ice. Smitty in turn slapped the puck into the corner of the net giving Hurley no chance to make a play, The fans, mostly Whitby, cheer- ed to the highest at this effort. The locals kept up the attack and scored again at the 7.46 mark as Smith was once again the trigger man, This was the locals' third shot on goal and they registered two goals, From here in for the balance of 3-2 Win Gives Dunlops Strong Lead In Seried! were not getting Kitchener | Waterloo Dutchmen last night at * The fifth | Playing coach Sid Smith led | the Whitby attack with a pair of series, It proved the game winner © of the second period on a three: ¥ win, The Dunnies knowing that © Ph, / -- GEORGE SAMOLENK were easily turned aside by the towering local custodian, McBeth of the Dunnles got the gate at the 10.16 mark but no damage was done, The Dutchies held a 12:10 edge In shots on goal but were not as accurate as the locals and trailed 20 at the end of the first 20 minutes of play. The second period was a close hard fought affair with not too much action, Both teams man- aged a mere five shots on goal as the checking was very close. The locals did manage to get a goal as Samolenko scored on a pass out from the corner by Babando| and Alr. Sammy did a good job of getting the play in front of the losers cage before he drilled it by Turley. The locals took the long end of the 4-2 in penalties in the second erlod, DESPERATE BID The Dutchmen made a desper- ate bid to tie the count in the final period. Wylle cut the local lead to a pair at the 2.15 mark. This one sparked the Dunnies on and they had several near misses. They held an edge in play but BOWLING NEWS FRIDAY-NITERS LEAGUE Eleanor Stevenson rolled the {ladies high single last week with |248 and Ruby Spanner the high triple 599. Bill Grylls, who holds the men's high triple, rolled three nice games including a 345 single, and increased his high triple to 600 Triples: Robert Simpson, 008; Dink Bye, 618; Robert Beam- ish, 616; Ross Spencer, 638; Fred |701; Bill Grylls, 865; Al Fry, 645: Over 200: Barbara Sherman, 204; Eleanor Stevenson, 248; Rol ert Simpson, 210, 233; Dink Bye, 241, 214; Bill Fulton, 206; Chris Receive Infants In Baptism The following were received in the Sacrament of Infant Baptism on Sunday at the Whitby United Church: David Leslie, son of Mr. and Mrs, H, L, Clarke; Robert, son of Mr. and Mrs, Mr. and Mrs, A, BE, rge, Ma Timothy |S. Kitchener: H. F. Elliott; Brian Albert, son of 3 Wil liam John, son of Mr, \W. A. Waves; Penny J, May Wendy Lee, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, F, Adey; Rita Eleanor utchies were to qualizer with but five 0 ICE fairs The crowd 'way down e previous § ut that was to be ex '@ big seventh game of the pig oon i on + + + Nevertheless the Dunnles 'l right out of it. Manager Wren lalr Jd a substantial guardftee e Ga before the minute of play in Kitchené¥ on Saturday night and it was finally decided to go with Sammy, Blair had a long talk with the t winger and explained that his foal production was away off and that he felt it was time Sammy got on the ball, Sammy came up with one of his best games in some time and scored the. goal that proved the game winner , . , Smith and Brodie played on a line with Attersley as had been planned , , , Manager Blair sald after the game that the mental attitude towards a game can mean more to a player than his actual condition, and it proved out right in last night's game. The fifth game is sla for Guelph on Friday night with the sixth game going in the Gardens either Saturday night or afternoon depending on how Mike's make out against Peter borough, SUMMARY 1st Period 1. Whitby: Smith (Samo- lenko, Ted O'Connor) ,. 5.08 2. Whitby: Smith (Atters- ley, Ted O'Connor) ...., 7.46 Penalties: Brodie 201, Saun- ders 4.10, McBeth 10.16, . 2nd Period 3. Whitby: Samolenko (Babando, Air) ........ 16,1» Penalties: Hassard 4.54, Smith 8.04, Matulssi, McBeth 11,14, Me. Kenzie 12.25, Ted O'Connor 18.40, 3rd Period 4. Kitchener: Wyle (The: berge, Mi Ne 2.8 Yvonne and = Teresa Louise, daughters of Mr, and Mrs, J, I, Robinson, 201; Gene McLean, , 202; Winnona McEwen, 209; Bill Grylls, 345, 216, 304; Robert Brown, 231, 213; Ross Spencer, 209, 233; Fred Stevenson, 220, 208, Lamb; Jane Lenore, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. B, B. Goodfellow; Richard Alan, son of Mr, and Mrs. A. Badgery, Laura Maryanne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. G, Cole. 218; Ruby Spanner, 227; Glen Rorabeck, 223: Jane Myers, 233; Bill Mifflin, 215; Andy Myers, 212; Ed Hutchinson, 217; Al Fry, 48, 212 On Tuesday, His Worship said day for failing to remain at the | Lemon League: Kay Shilling, Refreshments were served Mrs, Whale, Mrs. E. Auent and? Mrs. Luke. The next meeting of April 20 to be held at the parish hall, will be the ammual spring opportunity sale. Members ave urged to attend Anderson street, Whitby, came| up for arbitration before Judge| Court in Whithy, Tuesday morn. {Ing, John Boychyn testified on the [witness stand, that the farm was {now being used for dairy and {mixed farming and that if the school board was able to take Take All Stamps away 11 acres, especially the Safecrackers , propriation of 11 acres of land, [name of Kinette Betty Silver! AR . bY lawned jointly by Messrs. Nat.There were §2 oe Ver. [he was taking into consideration scene of an accident. George Aus: Michael and John Boyehyn, 218/dance, bridge and euchre games would levy the fines rather than east, appeared before Magistrat de N. Kennedy in the Countyidoor prize was won by In atten-(Manuel's wedding plans an d|y, Bentley, of 112 Chestnut street were enjoyed, prizes were distri.'y jail term He also gave the gp, buted to 10 lucky winners, the! \ {Frank KEbbs accused until the end of May to In, Whitby Police! 0 Mrs, Janipay the money into court, No das Lenney, of 310 Gilbert] Wises, Tuy Nt. Were crown Attorney Alex. Hall told street east, Whitby, told the court Javed wider the Souvensrsiip ofihe accused that if he were ever(he had left his car parked on rng th gs TY and mem: nicked up again on a similar|Peel street on the night of March! ! ie Lub, count, he would ask the court to/30 and had been about to go to Mrs. Mabel James Is opening |take iniv consideration "this un: his car when another vehicle her home on Wednesday evening usual break." backed out of a driveway across he a of the Unity Club) = - ~|the street, He said that this ve. (Rebekah), 99: Audrey Parish, 95, Team Standing: Braves, 13: Black Labels, 10; Hoop La's, 8: Pointers, 8; Shamrocks, 8; Peo- ple Eaters, 8; Simple Simons, 4; Red Caps, 3. Nurses Alumnae Mrs. Ethel Marllu showed slides of her trip to England, Ire- land and Scotland, She accom. panied these with her commen- taries. At the close of the meet. ing refreshments weve served by Miss Pickins and Mrs, Dewsbury. NAPOLEON'S HAIR WORCESTER, England (CP)-- A lock of Napoleon's hair, cut after his death on the island of St. Helena in 1821, sold at aue- SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND WH TAXI ITBY'S FINEST SERVICE PHONE BELL TAXI MO 8-3111 PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY tion here for £100. See Isles Trip The Whitby Ontario Hospital MEET... er ---- consisting of Mrs, L, ¥ Richard:| HAMILTON (CP) ~ Safecrack-|piece that they have chosen, he| ating ot Mr wi bn [Niele trashed into his plrked car! i ntabe son and Mrs, F. Ing, was appoint-|ers got away with over $9.000/felt certain that he would not be MI Jae e, of envy | $800 D In and then drove off although he Nurses Alumnae he eir regu- ed to prepare articles for a bale worth of postage stamps Tuesday able. to operate the "tarm, The Street, is celebrating his brith- amage shouted at him to stop, {lar monthly meeting last Monday to be shipped in June to Plevna, after drilling their way into a expropriated land would = take|day today. His friends wish him | He said he climbed into his/evening at the Sr, Residence. The | A special offering was received to large walk-in type vault at away t that Was us r/many happy returns of the day. | 3 £ h car and gave chase and passed president, Miss Elsie Fernley,| buy linens for Girls' Residence in postal station B, Barton and Stir he ie Jug iy feed we p-1 Mrs. B. B. Whitney and daugh.| Y™ ar ras lthe accused's car three times, | presided. The minutes and the Assiniboia, Saskatchewan ton Streets head of cattle that were cons ters, Elizabeth and Christina, of} A three-car acclde {signalling him to stop, but the treasurer's reports weve given. | Lunch was served hy the hosts] An early estimated placed the!tained on the farm. St. Andrew's - College, Aurora,| 3 phi A hee ent on Brock gecused proceeded on, He gavel During the business session it| ess assisted by Miss M. Price. [loss at $37,000 worth of stamps. | Upon questioning by George J, (spent a day at the home of Mr. Nioth WHERE. thie, lord police a licence number which|was decided to provide new cards| a . Walsh, solicitor for tae claimant, (and Mrs, R, E, Willett, of Brock Yili . sulted in Jal ek "resulted in Bentley being ques-|for announcement of further Boychyn stated that he would|street, north, parents of Mrs, ated dainage of 800, Whithy tioned. [meetings, also a news letter re- have been willing to pay $5000 an| Whitney, {holies YRROIIE. Bentley told the court that he/garding the members of the "Dick, The Amateur Gardener" at the ) WHITBY GARDEN CLUB Thursday, April 9 - 8 p.m. COUNCIL CHAMBERS BROC NOW PLAYIN EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. Last Complete Show 8:20 MAN AGAINST DEMON! WHITBY Phone MO 8.3618 acre or a total of $35,000 to keep/ Mrs. John Wilson, of Annes x 9 Si p , the land that the school board is street, has retutned home from Re bantu, 10; 3 ive sted Bctions thes iy he ot np attempting to exprooriate, when/Barrie where she attended the | Eugene Louise Lambert, of a » oe Ae that he first informed of the expropria./funeral of her father, Mr. Fred jhe came address. crashed nto damage to the D Fay To! . tion plan, Rainey, who passed away at the ------------------------ When Nat Boyehyn was called Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie. Let R28 hs Se | question since 1940 and that he| Out of town relatives who at. 4 had been approached several tended the funeral of Mr. Robert " WIE Wis Jute mg the bach had turned down better offers! Fairview Lodge were: Mr, and n x . than the School Board had made, Mrs. Hugh Alexander, Mr, and| Kt Moin 'Batty, of Sl urned until 10.30 Wednesday Arines: Mrs. Austin Doan, Hamil. outed "fon: Miss Alice Harding, Mr. Her. Police reported an estimated A Ihicles, while Eugene Lambert {ing, Mr. and Mrs. Chester Wood, pene Lambert 7e. Youth Barred | Miss Beryl and Mrs, Elsie Wood [CINe4 # slight injury to her 3 daughter Gail and her sister of i F rom Having Cars Downsview: Mr, and Mrs, Jack] : ve Jailed One Month An 18:yearold Port Perry dis. Gordon, Weston: Mr. Jack Hard:| J& e von trict youth, said to be "car ing} crazy", has been placed on sus./ Mrs. Howard Brown, Oshawa, for stealing a spare tire in Pick.| Mrs. George Munns Jr. of 181) An Oshawa man, Roy Fice, 22, ering. Gordon Richards was sen Hillerest drive, celebrated heriof 1032% Simcoe street north, Ebbs in Whitby police court on dinner was arranged for the oc: he pleaded guilty In Whithy Tuesday casion, Attending were: grand police court to driving while he that he concluded that his son S2® Alax. great . grandparents/Magistrate Frank Ebb: was told had too many cars. He said he Mr. and Mrs, W. J. Byers, Petor that it was his second conviction one roadworthy. He suggested Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Morgan and PC Gerald that the court Tle he could not! So Paul, Ajax, Mr. and Mrs. whithy Police Joti, of ihe Consulting a pre-scatence re Fice on Brock street on the night port, Magistrate Ebbs said that WHITRY tof December 5. He said gry crazy." Crown Attoraey Alex. licence and was gi t Hall suggested that the accused DAY-RY.DAY lo do so Pandy i His Worship agreed and made' Films on Bermuda will de! Crown At S Attorney Alex C. Hall, this one of the terms of prohibi-'shown at the next meeting of the QC, told the court that a and required him to report to/April 13. Showi i i : d 3 § ng em will be duce a licence, two charges of the probation officer every/C S be, BA, whe will careless driving and driving to the stand he testified that he|Interment took place at the Union| yo mes Ross Linton, 57. 990 Byron be prohibited from owning or learned that the accused's 1 tion, In addition, he ordered the Whithy District Hish Scheol 'driving record included conve: month Moe 8 Amana yonder enenancion had been farming the land in/Cemetery. street north, Whitby, whose car! times by prospective buyers and Harding who passed away atij,noc'p Batty, RR 1, Brooklin. The arbitration court was ad-|Mrs. Encas Alexander, St. Cath-| Gat & nome man Harding, Mr, Robert Hard.[!0la! damage of $300 to the ve. Toronto: Mrs. Fred Harding, her knee. Mr. Donald Harding, Mr, and pended sentence for two years Heather, dauchter of Mr. and On Driving Charge tenced hy Magistrate Frank 2nd birthday on April 4, A family was jailed for one month when Accused's father told the court/Parents Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mor licence was under suspension. now owns two of them, neither Dorongh, her aunts and uncles. for driving under suspension, have the cars. Jack Morgan, Whitty the court that he had checked it appeared the bay was "carn cused could produce no driver's driving a car for two years, HIGH SCROOL Hl and § cence was under suspension. boy off the streets at 11 pom. Home and School Association on'tions for speeding, falling to pro A sean owned by Johnathon could offer no explanation for his Alumnae and also the many graduates of the hospital. Their activities and location will be provided in this letter which will Come ond bring your gardening problems. Everyone welcome. be issued not later than June. WANTED YOUNG EXECUTIVE WITH SENSE OF ADVENTURE If you like excitement and have ambition to go places, then here is just the opportunity for you. Qualifications are simply this. You must have a sound business head . . . to appreciate good value and economy. You must like travelling . . in first class style. But most important, you must be adventurous enough to recognize and enjoy the exhilara- tion of things new and different. If you are this kind of man WE WANT YOU... to enjoy a happy driving future. Apply in person to your local Pontiac dealer's . . . drive the beautiful Pontiac model of your choice « + « from that day forth there'll be no holding you back.

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