a i Alaa = Colored Slides Describe Tour Mrs. Murray Speirs, of Picker-|In England, Scotland and Ire- ing, was the guest speaker at a/land, where the speaker was on large gathering of the Oshawa home ground, more floral beauty THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1959 3 Safety Lane Will Operate In Ma Two Accidents Are Reported Two accidents were investigat- ed Tuesday by the Oshawa Po- lice Department, with one being of the hit and run variety, and the other, a two-car collision. the citizens of Oshawa when the safety lane will be held and Oshawa motorists will again this year receive the benefits of Oshawa Boy Scouts Promise Co-operation uel Plum, 851 Myers street, The first occurred at the inter-|a "safety lane" during May. section of Ritson road and Wolfe Members of the Oshawa Safety street about 1 p.m. April 7. The League were told at a regular drivers were Gordon E. Hornby, meeting Tuesday night, that the 1158 Ritson road south and Sam- [lane will be operated by the Osh- {awa Police Department, the Jun- where it is, and also give the Boy Scouts mottos, He said that the poster will have a hole in it, gullible for fitting on a door nob, "The idea," he stated, "is to MOTHER OF LLOYD CHADBURN VISITS AIR CADET 'SQUADRON was the occasion for a visit | from Mrs. Frank Allen, mother | of Lloyd Chadburn, Second | World War air ace after whom | the squadron is named. Mrs, The parade held by the Osh- awa (Chadburn) Air Cadet Squadron, No. 151, at Rotary Hall Tuesday night, was of more than usual interest as it Kiwanians Review Plans For Auction Members of the Oshawa Kiwa-|that he bids. In other words, a nis Club, at their weekly lunch-|$15 bid will entitle a bidder to TE, od two tickets in the draw while a EE fant raking arojert, [$20 bid or $24.50 bid, will entitle rib bins "5: [the bidder to three their aywal h Kiwamle Radio Bids will open tonight at six Auction," which will b LL o'clock and, as listed in yester- might, over radio Siation § for day's issue of The Oshawa Times, Harting 8 WE gol ipii ii each separate group of items, : 1 t idnight will be sold, every hour, on the tion closes at mi ET hour, starting at eight o'clock. After some lively "'pep-up"| Any person interested in any stunts and other enthusiastic jtem or willing to boost the Osh- "rousers" -- the members heard| awa Kiwanis Club's money-rais- Chairman Walt Famme explain|jng project, has merely got to the details pick up the telephone and dial The big attraction this year, is any of the various numbers list- a "deep freezer" which will go ed (in Tuesday's issue of The to the lucky winner in a draw, Times) and place a bid on the to be held next Tuesday at the obiect they wish to purchase Kiwanis Club meeting. In order| Actually, it's real fun--it's like to be eligible for the draw, any|going to an auction sale back on i Oshawa or district citizen (other the farm, in ye olde days -- but than a Kiwanis Club member) under this system, you only have has only to be a successful bid- to use your own telephone. der on Wednesday night's auc- A staff of over 60 members of tion. Each successful bidder re- the Oshawa and Westmount Ki- ceives a ticket for the special wanis Clubs will be on duty at draw. If the article on which he all times tomorrow night, to ans- bids costs more than $10, he will wer phone calls, with others receive an additional ticket for broadcasting over Station CKLB the draw, for every $5 (or $10)/the items to be auctioned. Allen is caught by the camer showing the medal her son wo during his distinguished air ca reer. Flight - Lieutenant R. E Gilbank (right), commandin officer of the squadron is hold ing a framed picture of the Chadburn Trophy given annual- ly to RCAF personnel serving in France for the best marksmanship. Others in the picture, from left, are: WO 2. a n n- a i- aerial | Flight Sergeant G. Flight Sergeant R. D. Jeyes, | Bohaker, | Smith, Flight Sergeant L. Gal- [street east, driver of the vehicle service clubs and garages for lagher and Pilot Officer J. Steffen. i | Oshawa Times Photo, | Constable J. Kehoe estimated the total damage at $425. The hit and run accident oc- curred at 7 p.m, Tuesday at the intersection of Simcoe street soouth and Quebec street. The in. cident was reported to the police by Carl Zimmerman, 131 Bloor that was hit, Constable George Miller inves- tiagated. NOTED MUSICIAN PAYS VISIT TO OSHAWA The members of the Oshawa Centre of the Canadian College | of Organists, festival in Simcoe Street Uni- at their hymn | nest MacMillan, [ ted Church Tuesday night, were privileged to have Sir Er- of Toronto, one of Canada's distinguished | musicians as their guest com. mentator. Caught by the cam- era, from left, are: John | Smart, chairman of the Oshawa | Centre; Mrsp George K. Dry- nan, secretary; Sir Ernest MacMillan and Kelvin James, who was organist for the festi- val, Oshawa Times Photo, Horticultural Society, Monday brought a very interesting even- evening, which was held in theling to a close E. A. Lovell School. She took tHe! The members of the Junior gathering on a tour of Europe Garden Club staged a competi- through the use of colored slides. tion for bird houses and posters. | oy | Traffic Artery | Ready This Year Leaving New York the latter The prize winners were awarded| hy y sear, Mrs. Speirs their prizes by Mrs. 0. C. Weeks | pant UE May last yours Pils and her co-chairman, Mrs. Earle Speirs, were taken by luxury Sandford. : liner to Helsinki, Finland, where| In the poster competiton the they were greeted with beautiful| Winners were: Cheryl Hudson of beds of flowers, some which are Ritson road school: Donna Stark common to Canadians and some of Ritson road school and Bob which only Europeans know. A|Mitchell. So visit was taken to the Von Haart- In the Bird House competition: man estate and to outstanding Bob Norton, Ritson road school ; parks. June Suddard Ritson road NAMED DIRECTOR William Newman, of Picker ing, who has been named a di- rector of the Maple Leaf Farm- ers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Oshawa will have a new east- west artery by the end of the t year following completion of the i! | Louisa street-Alice street thor- |oughfare extending from Wilson road to Stevenson road. Alice street is already being extended eastward to Wilson { [road. City Council Monday auth § lorized construction of the re- maining link from the Louisa street - Simcoe street junction through to the western limit of Alice street, This involves the demolition of three city-owned houses on Sim coe, Mary and Kendall streets and pushing through a 900-foot long 44-foot wide road. Second Grass He will serve out the unexpired term of Frank Westney who ha resigned following many in Blaze Fought of faithful service. The rash of grass fires is just CELEBRATING BIRTHDAYS Congratulations and best wishes to the following resi- dents of Oshawa and district who are celebrating birthdays today: Danny Whitmee, 553 Oxford street; Mrs. F. Porter' 368 Welland: Mrs. Frank Smegal, 442 Cromwell avenue; Mrs. Shirley Gettins, Caesarea po.; Karen Lynn Bent, 51 Nasau street; Mel Reeds, 307 Mary street east, Whitby; Allan Sisco, 929 Ritson road north; Stewart A. Sleeman, 155 Rose- hill avenue; Lewry Nantais, 149 Warren avenue; Irank Hruska, 374 Arthur street; Patsy Williams, 750 Cam- bridge avenue; Lana Tur- ner, 434 Eulalie avenue: Bon- nie Smith, 316 Jasper avenue; Ronald Joseph, 787 Gordon street. The first five persons to in- form The Oshawa Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week period. The current attraction is 'Some Came Running". Reports on birthdays will be received only between the hours of 8. am. and 10 am beginning in the city. The Osh |awa Fire Department report the second grass fire of the year This one occurred at 736 Cedar St Fire fighters were called to the intersection of Simcoe St. N. and McLaughlin Blvd. last night to stand by while hydro wires were on fire. The Oshawa PUC was called and little damage was re- ported. GM Is Awarded | Defence Contract OTTAWA (Special) -- General Motors Ltd., of Oshawa have re- ceived a $80,000 contract from the | Department of Defence Produc- tion for the repair of armed ser- vice vehicles during 'the year ending March 31, 1960. The contract is specified as | "repair and overhaul of standard {commercial vehicles." General Mtors' contract was one of 64 awarded to Canadian firms during the first half of | March by the Defence Production Department and Defence Con- struction Limited Total value of all contracts of $10,000 and over was $3,307,906 | Psychiatrist Of Toronto Dies In travelling the speaker com- school; Bobby Lepp, Adelaide ae wiih 3 : .c|simcoe Hall and Harold Silver, | Ontario with its beautiful Jakes Centre street school. ling through the streets and School and Simcoe Hall parks the speaker was much im- The first prize winners in both adorned them. i petition in the early autumn at Travelling on to Stockholm. lio qicirint meeting. Milles Gardens where beautiful ¢, plan a bus trip for the society landscaped grounds greeted them inp will take place in the early was a fascinating beauty spot.ijna1 Gardens. The door prizes which were do-| COMING EVENTS were won by Mrs. Chas. Rose, Mrs. F. R. Stephens and Mrs IMMAGE sale St RE or Simcoe Friday. Chai nated the prize won by Mrs. A. V y Oshawa Chapter Sweet Adelines - om RUMMAGE sale Northminster Church, NGO, Bathe Park, Thursday, 2 p.m H T Hy iar games, specials, two Jack. mn une ee iin | . Attention Ladies! | Xp alne CHURCH W.A A congregation and choir were i$_sponsonng 0 under the direction of Sir Ernest| MacMillan at Simcoe Street Unit- AND TEA Sir Ernest MacMill | Sir Ern MacMillan was WED. APRIL 29 AT 2:30 once conductor of the Toronto lalso directed the Mendelssohn CHURCH BASEMENT Choir. | 50 Tuesday night, he commented ROUND AND briefly on the period in history mentioned a couple of hymns that came from secular tunes. APRIL 1 1, 1959 {the evening. He started the pro- M 5 {gram with an organ prelude, usic by land", by Johan Sebastian Bach. ORCHESTRA {The Organ Postlude at the end| 8:30 p.m. till midnight Prelude on Saint Ann" by Charles Parry. | OSHAWA AIRPORT Centre, Canadian College of or-| Tickets $3.00 per couple, gave a short welcome| RA 5.5682. Proceeds in aid of the 17th Oshawa Cubs pared the scenery with that of McLaughlin school: Henry Reki, and surrounding woods. Travel| =p "Tor ace Harmony #: 1 thie pressed with the sculpture which classes will be entered for com- Sweden, they visited the Carl By popular vote it was decided and in Holland the Texel Island go 00 ine Hamilton Botan- nated by the Douglas Seed Co.,| John's Hall, cor- Ed Kitchen. Lloyd Johnston do 10, 1.30 p.m. Sponsored 82a Connors. Thursday, April 9, at 1.30 sharp. 82a pots. COLUMBUS UNITED treated to the pleasure of singing| SPRING BAZAAR ed Church, Tuesday night. in the Symphony Orchestra and has| At the beginning of each hymn, the hymn came from. He also Kelvin James was organist for | {Nun Komm Der Hieden Hei- BRYCE BROWN {of the program was "Chorale| RECREATION HALL John Smart, chairman, Oshawa |ganists available ot the door or phone and. Scouts. nated to their headquarters build- E 82a'ing fund. + MONSTER PUSSYCAT WYMONDHAM, England (CP) neuro-psychiatrist |talk. This event was completely! A cat named Tiddles .s claimed years, died Tuesday {planned and sponsored by the col-'by lege. Money, collected will be do- community this Norfo the large weighs its owner in » be ngland. Tiddles I pounds. TORONTO (CP)--Dr. Archbald McLarty, Gordon 66, Toronto for almost 40 Tk im man A Dr. McLarty, a brother of Nor- McLarty, former secre- 32 tary of state in Ottawa who died 'in 1945, was born in St. Thomas. | » Occupants of the three houses are to receive notice to vacate by May 31. Board of Works Chairman Ald, Walter R. Branch said work would begin in July or August following the demolition Cost of the new stretch is esti- mated at $49,000 A traffic island similar to the one at the Louisa street-Simcoe street junction will be construct-!§ to the traffic ed at the entrance stretch. Eastbound follow a slight northerly new will curve | from Louisa street into the new road Oshawa Planning Board consider whether the extension should be named Louisa street or Alice street. NOMA Plans Its Election The Oshawa chapter of Nation- | al Office Management Associa- tion will hold its annual meeting in the Paccadilly Room of Hotel Genosha this Thursday evening, Officers will be elected for the coming year. The nominating| committee consists of S. T, Hop- kins, W. G. Bunker and H. M. Sparkes. A special program for the eve- ning will be provided by the re-| search committee of the Toronto chapter, with Gordo: Sheppard as chairman. | At least seven members from the Toronto chapter will take part in this program. They will pre-| } sent a play with office cost re- duction as a theme. The story is based on a dream taking the form of a court case. It is entitled "The Case of the Disappearing Dollar", This program will be presented i to the more than 500 members of {the Toronte chapter, next week. HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST «-- HOURS --- 9 AM.--6 P.M. Wed. Until 12:30 P.M. Sat. Until 2:30 P.M. will George L. Roberts, principal at Oshawa Collegiate and Voca- tional Institute, was honored by the Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation, in Saskatoon, dur- ing the Easter vacation. Along ! y Betty Haydl with Dr. W. P. Thompson, pres- ident of the University of Sas- katchewan, Mr. Roberts was made an honorary member of the STF. He was cited for "Contribution to the growth and | teaching | development of the profession." Mr. Roberts ad- dressed the annual joint ban- quet of the STF and Saskatche- wan Department of Education on "Our International Respon- sibilities on Education". 9¢SALE BANANA SPLITS § Buy one at the regular price -get another for only 19¢ This Thurs. & Fri. only PHONE RA 3-4811 For en appointment 1347 SIMCOE ST. N. AT TAUNTON RD. i ert Flett, { [United Church; James Skinner, ' [president | [John Stead, secretary of the ser- ior Chamber of Commerce and |the Oshawa Safety League, | May is the safety month in On-| Mr, Richardson commented tario. Plans are now being made that this will take a lot of work have the Scouts deliver a poster to each house in the city," {by Keith Buchanan, representing on behalf of the Oshawa Boy |Jaycees and Steve Marion, of|Scouts, however, he added that |Civitans, for operation of the they were glad to do their part {lane, The committee will ask|in the community and for the |safety league, More than 2000 co-operation in erecting equip-/Boy Scouts in Oshawa will take ment, {part n the project, Mr. Buchanan said that "weather permitting, the lane there are certain people who feel {will be in operation by May 1." [the Scouts of today are not doing {This year the safety lane will|what their founder intended them |continue for the whole month. tg do, "We are only too willing |He also commented that the ty do what the people expect of | Junior Chamber of Commerce ys" he said. {will endeavor to have three members on duty at the safety | SCOUTS MAY HELP lane each day. { I as suggested by Mr Rie |ardson that the Boy Scouts also $300 BUDGET {help during safety month by be- The safety league budgeted ing posted on the four corners, [$300 for the safety lane to cover |or any other busy intersection to |advertising costs and whatever | give helpful reminders to pedes- {other costs which might occur. |trians while crossing the street. One of the members commented | He said that he was not suggest- {that the biggest hold-up created ing that the Scouts take the place in the lane last year was the|of a police officer, but merely inspection of headlights. work in conjunction with the Stanley Richardson, represent-| police. 'This way," he comment- ing the Oshawa Boy Scouts Asso-|ed, "the Scouts would be help- Iciation, reported that a poster is|ing you protect yourself," being planned which will inform| The Safety League decided that 'Rotary Club Mr, Richardson claimed th a t| i 5 AZ isiati 7 F - ---- gd the Oshawa Civitan Club and thei: "Jaycee bicycle road-eo," sored by the Junior Chamber pr Commerce. Phi Mr, Buchanan commented - this year, the Jaycees are ning to add something different to the bicycle road-eo. They plan to promote a special competition involving students from the three, collegiates, Donevan Coll te ] Institute, Collegiate Vocational _ Institute and Central Collegiate Institute, (CONSIDER TROPHY A committee was set up for the purpose of deciding whether [or not a trophy which will cost $25 should be purchased by the league for annual competition, Mr. Buchanan sald he felt this would stimulate more interest in the road-eo, Sgt. Ernest Barker reported that last month the Oshawa Traf- fic Clinic had an attendance of 42, Chairman Ron Wilson com mented that he had been in cone tact with Hon, John Yaremko, Ontario M'nister of Transport, in connection with the driving ade ministration centre. Mr, Wilson said that it had previously been the practice of the driving ine structors who conduct the test, not to recommend any driving school, He said that according to this rule, the instructor could not recommend anyone who failed the test or barely passed to the Oshawa Traffic Clinic, However, he sald he was sure that those people in the position of Rarely passing or failing the test now be directed to the elinic, Mr, Wilson said he felt that this '» would boost the attendance of the clinie, | Entertained Police Herbert Flintoff to get his Always one of the features of opinion of the idea. Other events planned for the "safety month" are the "teenage safe driving week sponsored by the social season, the annual dinner tendered to the members of the Rotary Club of Oshawa by the Oshawa District Sodbusters' Association again touched new heights Tuesday night at Har- mony United Church Hall, The dinner, served by the la dies the was that | coul as s While a sparkling program of entertain. ment was accorded rounds of The Time Is GOING - GOING - GONE IT'S HERE applause by the large and ap- preciative audience. The event was also notable for the fact that the head table was graced by the presence of War- den Garnet Rickard of the United TONIGHT Counties of Durham and North- umberland; Warden Walter Beath of Ontario County and Reeve Roy W. Nicholls of Darlington Town- ship. Others at the head table at which Glenn Pickell, president of the Oshawa District Sodbusters' Association, presided were: Rob- Wilbur Down, Rev. N. T. Holmes, pastor of Harmony of the Rotary Club; vice club and E, C. Warne, sec- retary of the Sodbusters, The head table was introduced by Robert Flett; while the thanks to the ladies was voiced by Wil- bur Down. President Skinner ex- tended appreciation on behalf of the Rotarians. The program, which featured |Vince Mountford as master of {ceremonies and vocalist, included Miss Barbara Barlow, dances; Jack Ayre, pianist; Charles Mountford and Terry Weldon, mu- sical novelties and the Videoettes, KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION OVER CKLB-OSHAWA (1350) YOU Can Stay At HOME But Still ATTEND REMEMBER, if you are a successful bidder you receive @ FREE chance on the 15 cu. ft. Frigidoire Home Freezer donated by Home Appliances (Oshawa) Ltd. & Frigidaire Products of Canada Ltd. AND if you bid on larger articles, then each $10.00 spent entitles you to extra FREE chances, bell ringers. | | Re AN PRE IN SENTS HE™ NEW SPRING PATTERNS DRAPERY In order to acquaint you with our CUSTOM MADE DRAPES, we are offering FRER MAKING on all our materials in stock. This price includes material, lining, hooks, weights, making on drapes up to 95" finished length. RANGE RANGE RANGE 2 PANELS 4-ft, Wall 23.88 35.82 a15 71.50 95.50 21.00 40.50 54.00 81.00 3 PANELS 6-ft. Wall 4 PANELS 8-ft. Wall 6 PANELS 12-ft. Wall 8 PANELS 16-ft. Wall 29.75 44.62 §9.50 Betty Haydl Interior Decorator RA 5-2686 15 KING STREET EAST RA 5-2686