OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1959 THE OSHAWA TIMES WANT ADS 35--Employment Wanted |37--Male WOMAN will care for children in her |IEA' own home, dally, Mond, Friday, i "yom ly, ay til ny ng, ] BAWETME view red. For » WelSALRAMAN "smaliware, or hh slon, Ursinl Viale ord WOMAN wanted to mind 'three small we REQUIRE » 1 3 THE OSH call the Direct Classified Numbe RA 3.3492 22--Radio & Tv. Repairs PROMPT TV service, ears' experience, RAB Oshawa Electron ob, A T.V, AERIALS -- T.V, REPAIRS ; [36--Fomale Wei Help Ay All-channel antenna, part. time, proof material, 20 Fit rd lume $24. 00; 40 ft, 324 00; Rotor | pAWT/TIME girl for weekends, Satine $65.00; Towers | Modern Grill, 345 Rithon Road in ,00, ' LEN & LOU'S TV. Shildron Bama is" mother wo in Bowmarville MA 3-3942 Phone 23--Women' s Column {OLR - Ano, Mortgage and agropments of wale h oral rid | Slice. mortgages arranged, PPECIAL = heat permanents, 0.60; Suing u a ox Box Oshawa .|eold waves, $6.50, Page Hairdressing, ] Drynin and Mur" 505" Pine Avenue, RA 06304 hg responsibie Wo bil % [WPENCER foundation garments, indi. lh Weneral housework, good wi Oshawa, Was 2083, viduntly designed. Registered corset: {dren North flere Murs, I, Hendershot, 208 Park Road Oshawa Time, DENTAL assistant, age 17 to 90, sien: vom-- | XP] necessary, Sate chuoling and references, A wonderful opportun: ity for industrious person with initia. ve, Apply Box 730, Oshawa Times. 77f AITRENS -- experience nol neces| © wary, Must be neat, Moutate at hort (ures, Apply 923 Simcoe Street [after 5 p.m, WE require LX stnographer with LJ hone and shorthand experience, Must Finest quality products 0 neat and i urate wil a good back: All products manufac: {round in general Siliow routine, Oppor- tured 'in our Whitby face 16--Insurance ALLNTATE Auto Insurance to 90 per cent, nine months to pay, Vor iA sang, serviee at your home, onl § 17 y to Loon p' PRIVATE "unde available "for 1 1st, , and rapes, pant | reasonable rates, fixed brokerage fees, 15-2038, | Lyndewood 203, CLIENT monies avaliable for first and second morte Mortgages an and poly 8--Building Trades 00, L TYPES of bullding repairs; rool: Pos King ing and siding; chimney repairs, Phone RA 8:0390, 11---Business Opportunities 1 M wanted for investments In first and second mortgages, some safe, [Home [peculative, varying interest rates, Ly 12--Dressmaking DRESNMAKING, alterations, zippers, button holes, mending, w, shirt collars, eto, Dial R, Sully, shirt LR 13--Gardening & Supplies PLANNING a hedge? We sell and 1----Accountants WERGER TPRANKEL AN | and auditors, Sireet ks, RA 30221, BOR CLANCY'S INDEX TO WANT AD CLASSIFICATION | ==Ageountants 2==Barristers 3=Chiropracter 4==Dantists Se=Nursing Services G==0ptometrists TemSurvevers Ta== Veterinarians Please Note Deadlines now In effect for this column; Births, Memorioms, Cords of 9 AM. SAME DAY Ontario Accounting ROOFING "and siding, eavestrous nd old Iv [Services offer complete' bookkes RA" ihn repairs, new and old wo sorvioe for Smal Puglhans, as Sond W Birect Went, hod ! PLUMBING and heating pipes, fittings, Residence, RA on, | fixtures, new and used, changing from ¥, 1, HOPKINS and Company, Certified septic tanks to sewer a specialty, In| Public Accountants, 172 ing Wt reel |wtallations at Jy asonabie ips, Infor: | ou East, Oshawa, Ontario, RA 5-3 mation and estimate. 3 ap 5 ok 8 free YALE, Friediander, unter and Co, |0f Plumbing, Dial WA Ban, Jn a of 77 (plant cedars, maples, pine, spruce and M. bE Swarts *Barcister and Notary Accountants and auditors, Licensed ROOFING, siding and repairs, Trustee In Bankruptey, 54 Kin; aranteed, free estimates, RA & for|clusters of white birch, Phone 013 Public. 20% King East, Oshawa, RA RA Clarke 1 sm. or write C. [3.4607 ¢ Kast, Oshaw ale, CAI F, EWAY and cement gravel nh Tile Sinith, Newtonville, All work guaran THS = 11. AM. SAME DAY DIAL RA 3.3492 BIRTHS ™ Friedlander, "comm, ol a by the yard or load, Phone 8B MONTEITH, Monteith, " 0 ~Vuidra frager Chartered Accountants, licenced Tous uilding tees, Alix, Oshawa Stratford, Toronta: oPAVIES -- To Dr. and Mis. Joh 10=--=Sharpening Service Hone "JW. Month, rea pL | pportunitie onteith, Jom , Davies (hte Anne iia) at Guba HiBuirtts Suberuiiies ioni, Chr RIA RF: ienginor, CAI ted mists, wintod for gen Ll B-3756, OLIENTS' money to loan on first mort. Apply ata Hating Ave wouLn you like to have yoer Muged i house Avatiored, Free estimates Ww. |8-0915 and garden , for LEN Bowlers' HA ing wervice- lawns seeded. sorded Creighton, Fraser, {ised, 4ardans au Covi Bloughoq doch, roto ewalk slabs, patio SIODS. | gig and second mortgage, sala Everything for your garden RA B.5753 agreements purchased and sold, Hen: GLADIOLA bulbs, large assortment nlek and Henniok, Barristors, #1 King of colors to plek from, 00 cents to 75 ireet East, RA 3.721? cents per doven, Discount on large |- quantities; Apply 56 Division Street, -- * NEED CASH? PLANT FOODS [FOR LAWN OR GARDEN See Seaboard | REGISTERED thoroughbred Mexi So-Green Evergreen=--Shur- "Your Lending Neighbor" [Chihuahuas golden ooor, Call RA wn FRAME AND TRIMMING Alterations, kitchen boards and general repairs, Custom built homes, For free estimates phone Christensen Const, RA 5.6328, HAYNES BUILDING CONTRACTOR Floor expert., Old floors mode like new, Hardwood or tiling, Carpenter work al- terations, Kitchen cabinets our specialty RA 3-7196 SALESMAN ik Colonial Aluminum Industries' offer a future to you In awa's leuding soles organizes tion with 'many advontages.. Hospital and group insur ance. Selary plus commission, Full training course, a Hospital on April 6, 108 a ; George W, Tratheway, CA, Anughter, Wan 195 imoos Hiveet North, BATTEN =~ To Bob and Joan (neel| '3--Pressmaking Whitby Mo 571, Dalby) a son, stillborn, on-April 8, 1959, || |3=--Gordening & Supplies LEO GOODMAN at the Oshawa General Hospital [| | 4==HMousehold Repairs CHARTERED Mother doing fine, 18 Instruction ACCOUNTANT HAWKSHAW = Mr, and Mis, Gordon || |6= Insurance Hawkshaw (nee Sandra ason) are (l |7==Money to Loon | E | 8 Colleye View Avenue, Toronto HUdson 5-612] Ra thy Oshawa, uy 24.--Market ot POTATOES = 81.00 per 76h, ba Rips ang pies, Joo Kt. Thom 82020, Ritson Road North, cup Five Point hn! 25--Pets and Livestock fo cuss UJ Bonafide appointments supplied, Experience Is not necessary, all you need is a neot op- pearance and the desire to get ohead, For confidential in- terview: COLONIAL ALUMINUM INDUSTRIES \ RA 8-8571 134 SIMCOE ST. 8. 8b 41--Room and Board GENTLEMAN fo fo share large room with single beds, i he of ROOM and ey _. roARONATIT JACK C MacDONALD PAINTER & DECORATOR Paperhunging and Painting Gyptex Free Estimates All Work Guaranteed 50 Nassau St. © RA 3.7080 Barrister, Office, | RA 8-0092) local to DODDNK, Barister | King Street Kast RA 558015 Resi: HENDERSON CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED | | Concrete, cinder, Maydite | blocks, CHIMNEY BLOCKS. 1089 Nelson St | Corner Wellington RA 3.4412 . RA 5.7041 : . . . - - a - a , mE wo . " oe y in " Custom Built Homes Additions, Alterations, Rec-rooms, Kitchen Cupboards, Tile and Hardwood Floors HUGH CROSSBY | BUILDER RA 5-3937 GREEN DOOR | GIFT AND PAINT SHOP Painting and Decorating Commercial = Residential | Free Estimates -- Call | BROOKLIN 240 | Evenings-- Call BROOKLIN 6 | NEW OIL SINGLE room or room a domieman, ulet at Nome, ON interview, Colonial Homes, RA bath 134 Simcoe Street if on conc | ROOM or m CLERK . TYPINT for general office men. on ooh ahd board | for work, figures, neat appear. 363 Bimeoe Aiovenson ance. oe fil details in own writin Highway. [to Oshawa Times, Box 746 sl S10 EXPERIENCED office log "single © | married, for sales office of estab! ished |company, Permanent position, Must be. accurate In figures, good typist and | welf-rellant worker, Five-day week, wel: fare benefits, Apply Box 748, Oshawa Times, #30 GIRL wanted to housekeep and watoh children, Apply 84 Farewell Avenue be. twoen 7,908.30 p.m, 800 Sh RELIABLE woman or girl for light general housework, lve in, privat L! room with TV, $35 weekly, MO 8.47 i | Garden Special==C.I.L, Triple [REGISTERED Puy puppies sie Dukt bios iy [] mmensurate with F ry. i Ten--C,|.L, 4:12:10--~Milor- LOANS UP TO $3,000 [ums plants, whith worms, frosen ubitity. 'Apply Tox 3 Oshawa nme. rl ums f bri hr Rabbits, budgl . dai lo Gard OSHAWA OFFICE rion Nampaters white ras, Pak Sik MARDREARER. experienced wo . Everyday display advertis- omplete ardening / Supply Co. eline reel {1} clientele prefarve but not ne: Ary, In Supplies at 9V2 SIMCOE ST. S. |yughovenmnin German shepherds, Hebly, mating' age' so Box 269 od COOPER SMITH CO. RA 5-112] ho "Seu, 'dnt Sensomimie Phone WAITRRSNEN, ll gr Gish. MF i nee anytime, ne hy F A Ajax 443 W Ho Campbell, Genosha Hotel, gg [SEABOARD INANCE CO. BE BATTIPY baby buduien, ready lor RELIABLE woman for ong '0 3 training n (rain | time, 0] Ld on «of - 18n- ~Mortaages Broad, ity Elgin Street Ba, y dren; Live in or out, Write Lid le Ey | BEAUTIFUL baby budgies, en "tor Bie A ' raining, faking strain pply | GIRL wan or oe In Ajax, go SPRING ivan att Nina of ale Sovis 3 | Broad, 114 Elgin Street East oral hooking and office work including [awa RA 3404 [rou wale ~ one amall beagle, year old, YPN: #ood working conditions, Write CLEAN-UP |purebred, Apply in writing to Box 84d | io #0 Oshawa Times a tow mone vourod Ooty (Oshawa Times Slo MARRIED woman to manage Fertilizing of Whitby. Write Box -801 Oshaws| PUREBRED English Springer Span. SACK bay armen. prot hari Lawn Power-Rolling Li head ol PR olor var wad while, {Datwoan 30 and 90, NA: 3:0040 {ee ' = 6 and § p.m, Everything Expertly Done! | 6. Formas's Cola OLEMK typi, parClime. 4h ours Yo! 9 Experty on | FIRST AND SECOND |26--Farmer's Column bia oh Shout" on-burning evergreen fertil- | MORTGAGES {DEAD farm stock ploked Up brompt ly, ng shift, Bowmanville resident izer. FREE loan of spreader Bie contr Bow avaie" SA Eber. ahi: Bowmanville: risident pieferable. Patio slabs, compost manure and |Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone Avply Robon Motors Lid, 3491 | Complete nursery stock AGREEMENTS OF SALE RY SALE" 180 bales of hay, Phae! mid fim xine. Coliiiai oltels opportunity for two full| of two 202 King Street East, OSHAWA $1,800 to $100,000. Home 2 F | Ww d | time, and part-time sales assistants to GARDEN SERVICE owners, residuntial property, ==Fuel Woo contact homeowners in the field, sa. . summer cottages, suburban | WOOD cutting by bur saw and chain ery plus commission, Car helpful, 86 TAUNTON ROAD WEST homes, factories and acre. |saw. Snow plowing. Phone RA 8:9787, 3222 age. Quotations by phone or | 280 Trailers mall, Prompt service, -- |FOR BALE Cabin trailer, {Road South, south of 401 I-Mate so 8 unvinen single room room apartment, south Grayburn Avenue, ™wo single furnished room f men, al lary h minu rte RA # Hod id ne ou OSHAWA SOD SUPPLY No, | field and nursery grown sod, Fertilized, {Make an offer TRAILERS Days For carefree family holidays, Nights See the GLENDETTES ot | RA 5.1386 or RA 3-9484 | Cook's Trailer Sales, Osh- rr owa 3 miles East on High- VANZANT-Entered into rest at the| residence of his sondndaw Lawrence | McGovern, Simege St, North, Oshawa on Wednesday, April 8, 1950, Roy Van Zant, beloved husband of the late Mary Elizabeth Glennie in his 73rd year. For further particulars please call the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, RA 85173 OSHAWA ACCEPTANCE CORP, LTD 112 Simcoe Street North Oshawa ~RA 5: 3568 25 words oi 8 Cash Charge 3 CONpECUIIVE INSERT ions 6 CONSECUTIV ; INSERTIONS 37% "13 It not paid within / dave the 228 PEL i cultivated, WINTER « In Oshawa Hospital on Wednesday, April 8th, 195, Norman treated. 12 years Special Free estimates RA 8-8639 | 14--Household Repairs CHESTERFIELD rebuilt, recovered like new, Ly A more? Our rates are rapsonable, atisfaction Jusran. toed, Mattresses rebulll, Oshaw holstering Co, 10 Bond Street Wer, Dial RA 5.0311, FURNITURE repaired and rewphol stered. See our niaterials for recover ing Bruce R, Dalton, 78 Charles East, RA 37212 YOUR local chimney cleaner. Chim: neys built and repaired, linings in stalled, furnaces vacuumed, Free estl mates, RA 3.2007, L CALL JOE, RA 38018 for carpentry, painting and handyman INTERIOR . exterior painting and deo: |orating, For free Satinated: contact | © {Murray's Painting, RA 3.9617 | ROOMS papered, 8 " 00 applied, sealed weed ox w No, 2. Telephone RA 2nd and 3rd 3.9534 or RA 3.9017, | [27=Summer Properties MORTGAGES For Sale or Wanted : LOT 50 x 300 feet on lake $1 Monthly For Every $100 Borrowed |30--Lost and Found COSMOPOLITAN sour rh and ES Open 9:00 to 5:30, Saturday 1:00 p.m, Tuesday, Thursday till 9:00 perience, contract TE I emsssaa Pai h NE x oi HOUSEKEEPER for idowsr. two ohil.| meals, ounge, home pri dren, farm, full chan close to South GM. RA 3.3992, Sie | YU 5:3018 between 1 na i L] Ys ana Soom Room 4 board i , ions four SALESLADY for wr dowsliery 'wore, he tty or '3 Bi icin gabe n Street heals, Must have pleas |p A neat appearance, hy Ab N n poten "to Bas. [tr sponsibility, Apply pe setts, Oshawa Shopping Contre, 800/31 Loe dot 4 Pox rates sale or | residential sub-divided, Rg trade for summer cottage within 70 5.0624, and bell when . last n, DISCOUNT 3.3309 after § p.m. ¢ Good re Yonge Street, Toronto miles of Oshawa, time, WA 3.0939 ve In or Times, "hot water \ Deas. RA Sato; oo FURNACES Buy it wholesale and have it insta'led by experts. Easy terms Fue' oil, "oil burners, furnaces. HARRY O. PERRY HEATING 641 AVON CALLING = Busi ness Girls, sell where you work, income ailing Avon Cosmetics to your fe low employees on lunch and rest peri Year-round ex- tra -- Contact Miss E. Outerbridge, 42 Saranac Blvd., oronte 19, RU 2.7567, between 8-9 a.m, CASHIER - TYPIST Permanent position, offering excellent salary and benefits, Interesting work, Good typ- ing required, some bookkeep- ing ond shorthand training preferred, Pacific Finance pleased to announce the birth of their wante son, Bruce Gordon, on Tuesday, April|] '&=to9n A 7, 1050 at the Oshawa General Hospital, || |8e--Morigage |9==Parsonal JOSE « Frederick and Yvonne (nee 20=-Cart age Barrie) ave happy to announce the | Pp « arrival of twins, Roger Scott weighing || ¢' -- Personal Service 5 lbs, 15 oss, and Rosemary Husan|| (2--Radie Repairs weighing § Ibs, 10 ozs, on Suturday, 23 Women's Column | 2----Barristers | March 26, 1059 at the Oshawa Genera 1 if Hospital, A brother and sister for Bare Marke! Basket [RALPH §, JONES, BA, and 'Thomas bara and Barrie Pets and Livestock H, Greer, Associate Barvisters and So han a "ong Li) Loitors, 190 King Street East, RA Farmers Column 06246, Mortgage loans available ~Fuel. Wood THOMAN M, RUNDLE, Barrister, Holi DEATHS «8 -Summer Resorts oltor and Notary Publie, 204 King I| 280 Hunting Ntreet Kast, Phone RA #:1763, 0summer Properties For Sale CREIGHTON, FRASER, DRYNAN and BURR Entered into rest in the] w Waniee ri rd DY core, No: family residence, 402 Beverly St, Osh 0=-Lost ang Found | ing, 8 Simooe Street North, RA 3-9446; Ava " Mondays Avil ho vid, ole] 3 =Arngles For Rent T, K, Creighton, QCi N. C, Fraser] enry Burr, beloved husband of Kath wl K. Drynan, G, L. Murdoch. leen Naylor and father of Mrs, George || 2==Articles Wanted [Nia by a Oi furdoe | MoGreggor (Ivy), Reginald, Vietor and [| 44 Auction Sales Albert, of Oshawa, and John of Wind J-Employment Wanted | JOREPH P, MANGAN, QC, sor, In his 78th year, Resting at the --r 6 Help Wanted Holleitor, Money to loan, ; ; do--Female Help King Btreet Fast, Oshawa, Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, Ww \ be: RA Bod with memorial service in the chapel, |] 37=--Male Help Wanteo Residence, LLL Thursday April 9, 2 p.m, Interment || J8~~Maie or Female Help Wanted IIDONALD BLAKE Mount Lawn Cemetery Mb 39.-Agents Wanted and solicitor, 26\y 40--C\oportunities Telephone" Bubiness, ELLICOTT, William HW Entered dence, #-53 | into rest at the family residence, || 4! =~Room ana Board MANNING ¥F, SWARTZ Barrister, Brougham, Ontario, on Monday, April|l 42--Reom ana Board Wanted Solicitor, Notary, Money to loan, Asso 6, 1950, Willlam H. Ellicott, in his Bnd | 43. wantea Te Rent olate, Bruce V, Mackey, BA, Hohry| year, beloved husband of Maud Bar 2 Block, 26% King Street Fast, RA 3.4607, rett- of Brougham, Ontario, and dear Heber Re i Sale residence, dial RA 3.4020 father of Wallace, of Toronto, Audrey|| 45-~Real Este ir $ - . hrougham, Myrtle (Mrs. R. Forde) of | 46..Real Estate Wanted [Dial 'office RA 59741; residence, RA| Highland Creek, Mr, Ellicott is resting | 5-548 | at MoEachnie Funeral Home, Picker: || 4/==Automobiles For Sole pnd ing, Funeral service on Thursday, (| 48-~--Automaobiies Wanted [MeGIBION ut, Bhstcdo, Hurtin April 9, in Brougham United Church, at AL | Rolleltor A » e 3 pom, Interment Brougham cater: | 49-=--Automobile Repairy | first mortgages. 20 Bimeoe Street Casket will be open in the church from | 50-~Articles For Sale North, §:9566, Charles C MeGib: | 1,30 pom, until time of service 81 ~Swap ana Barter (bon, QC; Adyar ¥, Bastedo, QC §2--Legal Notices HU Mrig ¥8 a Borehyi Badin . [ore Solioitors; ), Humphreys: QC CLASSIFIFD AD RATES G, [. Boyehyn, BAI A. Hillman, LLB, 6 King Street West, Phones: Office, RA 51177: Res, RA 5.4604; or |Whithy, MO 8.2761, Money to loan JOHN A, MacDONALD, BA, Barristg land Solicitor, 101 Simeoe Street North | Phone RA 8.8311 JOHN A CAMERON, Barrister, Solel tor and Notary Public, 184% King Street East, RA 3.2209 NHA and private mort: Edward Winter, (30 Central Park Charge rate will apply gages arranged Boulevard), beloved husband of Ellen Above rates apply enly te or GREER AND KELLY, Rarisiors| Allin, and loving father of Larry, in|] ginal orders for consecutive inser Solicitors, e TW Bimceoe Street South his 33nd year. The late Mr, Winter is ||] tions. Subsequent insertions ordered | Dial RA 3 Residence phones: J resting at Molntosh Funeral Home. || of o later date constitute o new Greer, BA, Sc, RA 53368: Terence Service in the chapel on Friday, April|] enginal orae: V. Kelly, BA, BCL, RA #5892; Duncan | 10 at 2 p.m, Interment Orono Ceme- | Protessional ang Business Listings |R Phillips, B, Comm, RA 8.1074 | tery, Masonic service on Thursday (| $7.50 per month for 3 lines daily, GREER, Murphy and MacDonald, Bar| evening at 7:3 p.m 82 (| Each additional line $1.00 per | risters, Solicitors and Notaries Jub | I] month, 6 King Street East, RA 54717, Russe I &aen initial etter, evoreviation, |[¥: Murphy and James A. MacDonald For Funeral Flower Il § and & wgn, figure, count 98 © lw. BRUCE AFFLECK, BA, Barrister Arrangements See word, Box charged (56 additional [lana Solicitor, Phones, Office UN LEWINGTON'S All Classitiea Advertisements |ibridge 20, Res. ~ RA 8:8704 MUST be in by ® am. the day of [liiwaAN, David L. Barrister. Solici FLOWERS ublication, Office hours: Dally fla, 314 Simeoe South, RA 5:9592, Res: Saturday 3- dence RA 8:0264, hone REGULA | IONS | RA sez - RA 34212 The Daily Times shall not be [| @===Dentists ing St, East, showa responsible for errors in advertise: Prt ff ry | (2 doors from Karn's Drug ments submitted otherwise than in BR. GT. Seiuk, Office hours § x) ur Store), writing, nor for more han one |Simcoe Street South, Phone RA $3383, Straight incorrect insertion y vertisement, no! Deyena 'ne pre S--Nursim Services | ANDEN NURSING HOME | | (Licenced) KING ST, WEST, ELNA rentals, RA wR stitch and wig sag. ~ GERROW FUNERAL CHAPEL The finest service at moderate prices RA 8-6226 390 King Street West me on piv vate Rar. un Park pom, RA 89071, ee Ba2 LY room in for gentlemen, hate, Rr one cellent North Oshawa, Phone RA s-11 Evenings: Webbing's Rental Service TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT FOR RENT charged for o single wertion of the advertisements in which error occurs, And glso reserves the right to clossify advertising according to its own classification In thy case of display advertise: ments The Times will not be held responsible for more space then that in which the actual error oc cupies, The publishers endeavour to advertisement are contained there: any inaccuracies in any form eof | reproduc. all advertising matte al IN MEMORIAM [| correctly but assumes ne Tiability if KLIZUK -- In loving memory of IN MEMORIAM [) dear father, William Ellsuk, who pass. | ed away April 8, 1 on. what would 1 give to clasp his --8 Mi Sg kind # YUSKIW In lovit of 7 urveyer 8 dear, kind face to see J = In loving memory y To h ; DONALD H, TROLLOPE, Ontario Land. FOR FREE ESTIMAT A hear his voice, to see his smile, dear husband, Samual Yuskiw, Surveyor, 316 Alice Street, RA 5.0881. | ES ES CALL passed away April 8, 1958 G. T, HORTON and Associates, on RA S-7181 He W soho, but no forgotten And, as dawns another year ar veyors, Professional Eineerian 10 Nareasd: rome Sonn. COMBUSTION CONTROL silent 1s Whe Voice Wo loved to Rear {Ada Prone 2A sou SERVICES awn for Sight ar speech. at HARRY PERRY HEATING RA 3.3443 In my lonely hours of thinking But not to ofar for thought to. re '8--Building Trades | PRE-CAST Nights--RA 3.7944 4 | | "and hand-made Exclusive nursing home for UTIFU vidal aang hula, 85 up. Hata remodelled, 2 wp . RA |RA 5.7808, convalescent and elderly peo- ple (Men and Women), Nurses and dieticians * in attendance, Tray service, radio, T.V, lounge LE Ontometritts CO, W,. TUCK, optometrist, Aneclalizing | {In muscle anomalties, eyesight and! | glasses, Evenings, Mon,, Wed, vo | Tnvalids examined at home, RA an EVERYTHING IN HEATING All parts for warm air, hot water and steam heating, coal, oil and gas. Expert ser- vice repairs. Enjoy the com. fort of moder automatic heating now with no money down, 5 yeurs to pay on oil and gas burners, furnaces and boilers. 282 King St, RA 3.4873 Ample Parking 32--Articles Wanted West good cooked one lady, Phone RA RA S300. yes re 1"~Wanted to Rent stores and APARTMENTS, forma: ood tenants, Wo "NeAuy, Raat oa , five to. six-room tor, noe Street, R. Heri or By two ah you a drinking problem? Alcoholios Anonymous, Box 349, awa Times | HYGIENIC Supplies (tubber goods), a post paid in plain sealed. enve. - lopes with price list, 6 samples DESPERATELY needed. Fill Jota [oents; MM samples 81,00, alr Order | of It. 30 Garrard Road North, evenings, [Dept, Ad, Nov Rubber Co. Box 81,(SELLING furniture. We'll buy it, Hamilton, Ont frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, Credit Limited, 13 Simcoe IF YOU are not living a full and ha stoves, ete, For top cash offer, contact A [life "because of Tension, Fear, Frus. 1? Prince Street, Phone RA 1131, : OSHAWA or Whitt St. S, RA 5.657 |tration, a Complex, Hypnotism can help, WANTED «-- girl's juvenile bike, in| 81d| modern partion Aw reduce Welght, stop smoking, Te: | good condition, RA 59383, Su, 008, love nervous pains, gain confidence we MA ote, Consult Edwin Heath, Institute of 57 ale Help yamied ------ ---- pm House, ORG year (00D summer buy, Oshawa oF Ethnical Hypnosis, now located at employment, on (acy 11 Ontario Street, RA 80171, One block] , to work ail or least of four corners, Dally from 1 till [ne gE iH Saturdays, re vei "Box 81 08 Oshawa Times, Sle § pam. Saturday from 10 1 pow, {have car. For furhter information| WANTED TO RENT -- Apartment or - - write Box Ll _Oshaw, i pies itkin 10 minutes of Four Cor ar | ROIS, 57700 after 7 p.m. ELECTROLYSIS CLOTHING salesman OF Detter | nih BY © 44--For Rent for class men's wear store. Experience but not essential, Ase 25-40. Removal of superfluous hair, need apply, Marie Murduff will be in LARGE modern | fo ambitions person Box Oshawa Aprii 21 + 22, Phone [Oshawa Times. : 8le |DRAUGHTSMAN, junior; Sxperienced Genosha Hote. on these dates | for appointment, | | in slacerie al layout work preferred. ah April 22| RA 3.7333 ply Box 747; Oshawa ye refer [27 --Persomal Se [wna ea -brr w-| | CEDARDALE SCRAP to all makes, Elna, RA 33391 IRON METAL LTD, [LIVE MODERN! Old upright planes | {modernized and made smaller, re-finish: IRON : : METALS PAPERS : : RAGS Write Osh. DONT GAMBLE GET THE BEST FOR LESS Chestertields recovered and rebuilt better than new. Sat- isfaction guaranteed, Call Johnny Poch at Modern Up. holstering, 9264 Simcoe Street North, RA 8.8645) Evenings RA 3 4131, FURNACE CLEANOUT SERVICE $7.50 Labour, plus parts E Hi Rdg. 31 King East, | WANTED -- Bedroom sulle, large grouping of 3-pieces or more and mattress, walnut or oak recent dating preferred, but essen: tial, Phone RA a. !! CASH FOR SCRAP | ! WE METALS ATTERIES, PAPER, RAGS, Ete, Open All SER Soturda M. GREENBER G & SONS ve Bloor St, E, That meant %0 much to me His spirit has fled, his suffering o'er, At the fireside he will join us. no more Gone is the face we loved so dear, eo 7 Th rar STEEL, om. Thoughts of him are always near Lovingly remembered by wife Annie Swee to remember him who She CARD OF THANKS CARPENTER work, framing. trim] was here {ming kitchen cabinets, custom work | though absent, is just as land repairs. Mortgages artanged Al! RA 3am m---------- ol CONCRETE And whe, dear He had a cheery smile, WE would like to thank the neighbors |YOIX_Suaranteed way, and friends for their cards and flowers; |ALL plumbing and heatl A helping hand to all he knew, our thanks to Dr, Mills and the nursing | Phone RA 33321, Harold 8, Stark, Lud, o He was so fine, so generous and true, Safi of Oshawa General Hospital for PIMMbINE, heating and engineering. 33| On earth he nobly did his best, Kindness shown during: the loss of our Simcoe Street South and also she HOME owners! The time is now to | STEPS & PORCHES George Telford experienced carpenters to do all the WELL TILE noes iki. Clost Fe now available, $88 a moh, a pleasant FOUR room house, furnished" adh wie only, immediate Sours AA ae, Bowmanville. THREE | rooms for rent ai 3% "Pree Street, Also two rooms Electric Motor Trouble COMPLETE REWIND SER. VICE TO ALL MAKES OF: WASHERS, DRYERS, Sump PUMPS BLOWERS, POWER T. Eaton Co, Lid Oshawa Shopping Centre REQUIRE A SALESMAN with thorough knowledge of boats and outboard motors for @ 'temporary position, Apply at Customer's Ac: counts Office. dear husband and father, clal thanks to Rev, Dr Grant him Jesus, heavenly rest wEver remembered by the family for his consoling words also Arm: building and repair Jobs in your home. | WRIGHT -- In loving memory of a|strong Funeral Home for their kind, Alsg especially deisgned cupboards, For| dear mother, Violet May Wright, who efficient management of the service. free estimates call RA 8.3332 asad awa I 8, 1952 Mrs. Wm, Hayward and family other . oy Lh 33 Men " . . RuunoaIne and excavating Though on earth you are no more extend my sincere (RA 33831. Free estimates. of] SIL in memory you are with us thanks to my neighbors, friends and [rothors, E) Charles Street May 3 As you always were before relatives and Rev. John Smith, for all SHINGLING. chimneys. cement. stone You oft times said I'd miss you the acts of kindness, flowers, cards and|and block work, Carpentry and altera.! visits during my stay in the Oshawa tions. Free estimates RA 83330 Dial Taylor | i vould: Hike to | TOOLS, FANS, MOTORS [ed in fabrics, plastios and leatherette, on | Suitable for living or recreation room, | ST. AR MO 8.4868, ane | BARYSITTING bureau, perionced women for home making. Mrs, R "reliable, ex: babysitting or sney. RA Those words have proved too true, General Hospital, special thanks to the nirses of C3 and Dr. GQ. Lindsey Signed Dick Seaborn, 208 Anderson Street. Whithy 1 lost my best and dearest friend, Dear mether, when 1 lost you Dear God take a message, + To our loved one in heaven above Tell her how much we miss hew, And give her all our love «Sadly missed by daughter Tom and family THE family of the late Mrs Gladys, beth Ward wish te thank all the friends and neighbors for flowers, cards and expressions of sympathy extended «= In loving wemeory of to them at the time of the death of WRIGHT who passed away April the late Mrs, Elizabeth Ward Violet Wright, 8, 1932 Lovingly remembered by and sadly missed hy son Leonard and family WE wish to extend our sincere thanks and appreciation to the many friends and neighbors, for their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful! @ father. 8: A sk ™ floral offerings during our recent sad, Bg pa Py (Wa WhO PASS bereavement, Thanks to Dr, W. Bald | YUSKIW « In loving memory of a YUSKIW ~ In loving dear father, Samuel Yuski od away April 8, 1958 One year has passed, dear Since you were called away: How well 1 do remember That sad and weary day You suffered much, you mirmured! not We watched you day by day: YUSKIW « In loving memory of a dear father, Samuel Yuskiw, whe pa od away April & 1958 Gane, dear father, gone to yest, Away fram sorrow, care and pain: May you rest in peace. dear father, Uptil we meet again ~Lovingly remembered by Victoria, sonindaw Joan, Gl "Rema in and nurses of 3D; special thanks | We life though: the end was pear 10 MI. I Marshall (private nurse) And only those who have lost can tell And also the Melntosh Funeral Home The pain of parting withont tapewell. | Th Arthur Branston and Mrs. Alice More each day we miss you, father, Friends may think the wound is healed ut they little know the 'sorrow il at Nes within our hearts concealed. «Ever remembered by Riding 1 Y ra am Helen, son-in-law Paul and Andrew and Patrick weer +o Speaks To "= 50,000 P ! ersons AUCKLAND, N, 2. (AP)-Ev. angelist Billy Graham addressed a crowd of 50.000 Tuesday night We 4 th : Nuc led and praved that your dear. Lancaster Park in Christ Would not be taken away church. More than 2000 people Always remembered by Sauithter made 'decisions for Christ." Mary, son-in-law Joe, granddaughte: Judy and grandson Stanley Graham has addressed 213,000 people during five nights of his New Zealand crusade and deci "lsions at his meetings now total! about 12,000 Many hundreds more were rec orded in centres throughout the RA aghter country where large audienes and gr heard Graham over telephone [lines into churches and halls Kliea § PLASTERING, remodelling, and archways Abramoff, RA 3.487) RAV RETRO GmNG EK patehing, flashing RA and 3 JT ov 20726. LAURIER McKENNA paperhanging; plastic, For expert painting; gyptexing; mastiy, lino tiling Phone RA 5-2851 ESTIMATES FREE ---------- DODD & SOUTER | PAINTS ~~ WALLPAPER PAINTING & DECORATING CONTRACTORS For free estimates call DAYS MO 8.523) EVENINGS RA 5.7426 107 Byron St. S., Whitby ST BUIL For ultra modern kitchens with from $10,000 to $60,000. Free astimates. George CONTACT GEORGE REYNOLDS & SON beautified with walnut, ook, birch and other decorative woods. In Oshawa area, we have built fine homes ranging in price V.LA, Houses Built to Please You RA 5-3376 CURBING Repair Centre h 49 BURK ST a jnAvE Your fur coat shortened, repair RA 5.7743 | 15=--Instruction WAVE Daa Acade Roya) L Aendemy allel, Mean wt | ~ | » PRIVATE" i oN i 13 yeary Appointment only. | Call RA 8.) { Phone 155 Brooklin im rmsam------t------. |10--Sharpening Service SAAN See a wa | | POWER © Friday and Saturday | and hand mowers, sheers, RA Tass BROOKLIN CONCRETE PRODUCTS LIMITED cho! acrobatie Temple, [ MacDougall, 301 "an afternoon OPEN SATURDAYS ALL DAY Closed Thursday RA 5.3432 RESIDENCE -- RA 5.4159 100 ANNIS STREET FREE PICK-UP or made over before putting in) Brice reasonable. Mrs, Al Gibbons Street, ™ storage, SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants cars tor wrecking, also JANE BLACK Slenderinzing Studio, Slenderizing, Redue- ing, Steam Bath and Mos. LICENSED TWO BODY MAN WANTED ater Good wages. Apply:--- OSHAWA BODY SHOP 109 Bloor St. East RA 5.8332 scrap iron and metals, ete. bought. Open Saturday ell day. Phone: RA 5.2311 89 BLOOR ST. E. soge. 451 Simcoe Street South, RA 5.9602 for op- point, Open 10 a.m.«10 p.m, LEARN TO DRIVE SCHNEIDER'S DRIVING SCHOOL 157 Olive Ave., Oshawa, Ont RA 8-3315 ening that lasts, call Jim Fudge, Church Street, RA 3.7618. | T1----Business Opportunities [awe catering truck, Al condition, stainless steel equipped. RA 33376, TH MAJOR oll company has a high gal Tuas service station to lease, on Rit. Road South, MO 83311 or write Rox Sil. Whitby. ac [8--Building Trades Music Studio for all Instruments Piano Tuning ALTO MUSIC SUPPLIES New and Used Pianos | Full selection of all instruments a7 Simeoe Street North OP DERS |22--Radio ¢ and T.V. Repairs | SPECIALIZED radio and television ser vice. All wakes. Fred Thompson, 157 | I Street. Can ha ai] roar" guarantee, we San FRER! im your own home. chant. R = WOME and car radio service 1807 So | coe North, Phone RA anal WANTED JRE SCRAP IRON, POULTRY all welded chanel aerials AND FEATHER TICKS "1 8 eaxy "0 Kelly TV, RA TURNER RA 3-2043 (collect) | 35--Employment Wanted WILL give day care to children or leave thew with us, while mother shops, Call RA 8.5006. LL MEDICAL receptionist, experienced, wishes full time work, Phone RA 5450 from 10 to 12 am, 3 to 6 pm. Be | YOUNG man desires work of any Kind. Some electrical experience. RA $8907. picture" ibe % | Your TV tested | The Dutch Mer | RA &6081 T.V. AERIALS Sold and Installed Moved and Repaired 20-ft. qerial. $29 ond wp. ROLLAND T.V, de For Fun, Popularity and Success TRY DANCING You Con Actually GO DANCING | After One Lesson At ARTHUR MURRAY DANCE STUDIOS TVA Simene © © BA PY counter top, installations; walls RA 3.4849 a : : c PARKWAY TELEVASION & NY WL five day sale » Shili c RT SONOME AL, | WOMAN will give @ Hien RCA WI R. ADMIRAL, w sive ay care to obi WESTINGHOUSE Muntuy 4h Fadeh The finest in television and service, «NN Lo BANDYMAN -- Washing walls, floors, | ne. Female assistant if required. Rea:| OYE Si RA 2 304 CAREER OPPORTUNITY | For high school graduates, age 21-28. Who are willing for a career dealing with the public. The men selected will be enrolled in a 4 week train. ing programme on full sal ary, These positions offers splendid advancement oppor tunities, and a secured future, Qutstanding employee bene- fits, regular merit increases, APPLY HOUSEHOLD FINANCE CORPORATION 64 KING ST. E OSHAWA This office will remain open until 7 pm. for your con venience. " GAS heated, UPPER Duplex. central Oshawa, immediate RA Sam or Brookiin 16 "Tourroom house, modern i pe garage. Phone Picker * ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT Electrically. equipped LA SALLE COURT RA 5-3815 ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS immedicte possession, eles trically "equipped, best loca tion. Buckingham Manor. ° oR na