The Oshawa Times, 8 Apr 1959, p. 10

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Cl Te hl i TR Ni SST I a < wes wa wey a cause they involved TTC policy. A motion by Mr, Lamport last week to have the negotiations transferred and a request that he be kept info about such matters ' was quashed by the committee. Tuesday's motion was de- feated by a similar vote. Mr. Lamport then made a mo- 10 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 8, 1959 r---------- Quick Wit Endears | CHILD GUIDANCE Dublin's First Lady How To Handle A Child OTTAWA (CP) -- Dublin's Who Won't Drink Milk mayor is a witty woman on a goodwill tour with s word for By G, CLEVELAND MYERS other essential food, and of more TORONTO Toronto! i lord, wmost ehildren and adults don't foods later. If he falters or says Transit Commissioner Ala) Hou Salling for the TIC Jog pod 4 || Worried Matron Concerned } | . ' everyone from at fallectors to ! 2 |over-domesticated husbands. Over Sister 5 I1l-Bred Children | i Fis lg told he doesn't want the milk, don't/Lamport has launched a move to 4 | {mayor since last June, told a re- / A H 2 d I y ale the pattern of what Is per- porter Thursday Dublin's art drink enough milk, p most OASeN- oll him he must drink ff. unseat W. E. P. Duncan, TTC[.O" "8% necessary ppain a tial food, | 1 mitted in her bailiwick. llery has no morey to bu: , Tell him what he may have general manager, from his post , gallery has ney YA few children don't consuine next after he has emptied the a8 president of Gray Coach Lines 1% bib tompany. The T7C has 8 If the family. relationship is/paintings. But it's open for dona! 0 op "iii because it is not pro- sound, between you sisters and|tions, vided for wg Most children, CUP ar glam, If he apil indicates Lee. Aki Jubuidiary |company, now worth about $14, brothers, why doesn't Macduff or "If the experts say a picture, "wooo. pave not heen educated | doesn't want the milk, have ave. port made move 10/400 000, Mrs, Macduff, .at the head of the{isn't good we put it down in the; "on ios' Susicient milk aed meal end regardless of how ive Poon missioner take over table, speak out warmly when 3- basement and then when the art- Cu i by Gus i 0 shildhood Much he cries orp ety (] Jos Mier Io un- year-old Delia or 2-year-old Dor- ist is famous we trot fi out," she' Loy hardly do so when adult See that he has no other food fhe ¢ Hh he empt ave Wiie JOLing Hash on 8 : cag Is grabbing at the serving|added, Usually the pattern of milk [n. except. perhaps, fruit juice until) Som salon handle negotia:| h 8 Dn og wu: 9 a for bowl; or make a pass at some: As for wash-and-wear shirts | uot Cot OR ReT about the the next regular meal |r. A ew provincial hd yA in the center, Rub the Bodv's Plate, ray doesnt Lhgithat Jubby can launder himself, ine 1 begins to eal ai the fam: DON'T INCREASE MILK He argued such negotiations, [the peak with chalk and press it And then, in kindly language, ex.| "Who wants a man to wash a ily board. Nobody cise at the A¢ the next regular meal pro- sneking a reduction In the $123.-'against the material. The re- plain that "in the house each shirt for himself, voor devil? able may be drinking wh, His ceed as hefore When he chooses 674 is bi, should not be carried sultant mark will show where to must eat from his own plate, and Hasn't he got a woman to do it inverest is A oe de ei ot drink the milk be sure not to|0ut by the management staff be-'sew the other half of the snap. walt until he is served." And solfor him?" NC De talk more|lacrease the amount for several yi 0 Ol ie ite than Mote meals. and then ouly when he ate alone, or they may ni Mig! dls id ok See Be rr ee ram. loud Yo oe had veleeted. be ' 4 "very stingy. fly to mind their own business Don't kid yourself about sub at the dinner table, Discipline iytes or cook more foods con-| Far i ld oe et ie Manage your emotions. Don't let | SOUS Tie Lamport Wants To Kick Out TTC Manager (CP) -- FUR STORAGE Store your Furs and Winter Gar- ments in Our Modern Refrigerated Vaults Safe from . , . FIRE - THEFT - MOTHS * STORAGE * CLEANING * SHINERIZING fre OSHAWA FUR and COLD STORAGE 81 WILLIAM ST. W.--OSHAWA--Ph. RA 3-3012 i { A Dear Mary Haworth: I am. a mother of two children. My sis ter, whom I love very much, also has two children. I wouldn't like to have her feelings hurt, but | am afrald this will happen if something Isn't done soon, All her friends and relatives have stopped asking her and her family to dinner, or even to visit, because of the way her two little girls behave. One is age three; the other, two. The minute these children are in the house they start rearrang- ing all the knickknacks, At table they eat the entire meal with HOUSEHOLD HINT ' Edinburgh-born and educate: their hands. That is sufficient hint to Mama| Mrs. Byrne and her sports writer to exert a restraining hand or re. husband were active in public PAD TABLE MANNERS move them from table, perhaps|life until his death in 1949. She J they want more food they - the kitchen to finish their!took over his Dublin council seat Just dig Hele Bands into the neal, if they can't conform, {and stayed on to become Jord serving bowls. They take bic. wi n mayor, it's a job that often keeps meat and pickle, then put the un- AS LAST RESORT her up until three o'clock in the eaten portion back in the bowl. As for knickknacks -- they morning, she said, They even reach into the person's|Should be thoughtfully placed out! ™ wi "be. aa chier Clare she ur = | '§' QUESTIONS late next to them, and help|of reach, when the youngest gen-\y o'visitad several United States YOU insides get stirred up about PARENTS' QU Ives. eration Is paying a visit, te the child's eating. © What should we emphasize enigsves | As to whether you ought to tel Cities. Have se aisitjug hor WHAT TO DO in teaching our children, seven, They also do mean things too, ir sister what the family feel d nine, good table manners? the other children, like Ricki ER Tht te patter Tien Winipes 3 ihe Ottawa home of 1f, after this tot has heen eat") A net relaxed mealtime, Mrs. McKenzie's son, ' ' and biting. 5 [to try the educational tactics |g with the family for a fow ith all the world shut out and My sister feels that these a sketched above, So why don' you|™ weeks, yon find him refusing .ompamonshle conversation with dren are behaving as all children|jead out in the experiment? | NEVER TOO OLD milk, do this: place before his ipa whole family taking part do. She even goes so far as Ya If this doesn't succeed, then STOKE. England (CP) An 80. plate at the beginnivz of dinner : . say how grown-up and sweetidll be time enough to tip her year-old grandmother, Mrs. Mar |& cup or glass with a few table they are. She chooses to ignore/off-"as I think vou should. M.H. garct Farm has joined . needle.'spoonfuls of milk in it--nothing all their faults, when it would he| Mary Haworth counsels work class In this Staffordshire else. Iced tea In tall glasses has so simple for her to correct them. through her column, not by mall ciy. The education commitiee Is; Call the milk to hie attention. gained popilarity as a warm She keeps asking me why they or personal interview. Write her considering making her an hon. If he chooses to drink it, give weather drink in Canada In the aren't invited out anymore, |In care of this newspaper, lorary life member (him a very small portion of ongllast few years, Should I te} her? Or let time r= he hid i en ---- - a mam change things? D.B | NEEDS SYMPATHY Dear D.B.: It strikes me that the family's buzz-buzz about your) glster isn't exactly fair play. Her| oss of perspective on how young children should be curbed, fo make them acceptable in other) le's homes, may be due to e fact that she gets out too) little since she's been a mother. | Maybe she has a harder row to hoe than the rest of you: less money, fewer social opportuni. ties, little relief from baby tend-| ing. Competitive Prices Plus Personal Service SPUCIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS EFFECTIVE ALL THIS WEEK! Moray Saving CPECIALS! 1.D.A, BRAND "EASI.GLOSS" FLOOR WAX ' 5 tin TEA ON THE ROCKS SFRING TONICS and BLOOD PURIFIERS Dr. Chase Nerve Food . ... 89¢, 2.23 TEXTILE MILL CLEARANCE 75 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DIAL RA 5-1611 After. faster Sale (Continues STARTS TOMORROW -- THURSDAY -- 9.30 A.M. i =| DRAPERIES & PIECE GOODS © BARGAINS BY THEYARD || won miracle | Due to popular demand we are repeating the following Thursday Specials. BALL POINT aspects of the growing child's in- ereasing Awaretiess of life and re. | | P E M fess | Thursday 9.30 a.m. Special | Thursday 10 a.m. Special | 75 y \ 36" Washable Cotton Prints 54" WOOLLENS BUFFERIN 080 Actually, the little girls' enter. prise in rearranging their host. Regular values up to $3.98 yd. 9.30 A.M. SPECIAL 39 10 A.M. SPECIAL 4 98 ei -- YARD ..... ¢ PY HALO SHAMPOO | WHITE RAIN Thursday 11 a.m. Special ess's knickknacks, and in using YARD ..... Lotion Shampoo Friday 7 p.m. Special 45, 2 = 89. L.D.A. BRAND WAX PAPER coi wi 28:, 2 rr 55 16-02, 32.02 29, 49 Fellows Syrup I.D.A. BRANDS Beef, Iron and Wine 1.D.A. BRAND -- Reg. 35¢, 60¢ MILK of MAGNESIA 1.D.A. BRAND -- 100's, 300's, reg. 39¢, 89¢ MILK of MAGNESIA TABLETS 29, 59 NORTH-RITE CANADIAN ceeees 1.50 2.00 Idafer Liquid . ... Idafer Capsules ....... Hard - pressed young mothers ¢an get so bogged down in child| rearing, and so dependent upon | the children's companionship as their principal human contact, that they lose sight of the fact that not everyone shares their| 63¢ Size COLGATE DENTAL CREAM Plus 45¢ size liquid LUSTRE-CREME SHAMPOO [=F \ Wampole's Phospholecithin ... 1.50 Dr Chase's } 1EAvE FOOD i Wampole's Phospho-Plex Liquid . 2.50; Tablets . 2.50, 4.25 1.35, 3.29, 5.89 vous 49¢, 79 sensane 169 69¢, 1.09 Reg. 1.00 ... Soi ter Andrews Liver Salt . .. Burdock Blood Bitters . For fost relief from pain. 1.23 size Eno Fruit Salt .. .... I.D.A. Health Salts duione ... fairly normal home . front be-| havior, according to the present] day pattern of letting toddlers| feel comfortable rather than| anxiously overstrained -- in the fumbling use of their faculties. In the early rounds of getting acclimated to surroundings, 1 thean, However, T grant that it Is in- appropriate performance in other le's homes. But my exper. | 65¢ 4 75 U... A a2 098° 79% Size their fists as feeding utensils, is or Re 09 mee of children, my own and others, leads me to think that the Hostess herself is the person who ought to gently but firmly delin.| Barrie Police To ~ Sell Its Cruisers BARRIE (CP) -- The police commission here came up Tues-| day with a unique way to bal. ance the budget--they're going to sell the police cars Council decided it would be theaper to dispose of the two ve: s and rent replacements | FOR BEGINNER By ALICE BROOKS Beginners' pride and joy! A year 'round treasure - take this afghan on car trips, vacations Jiffy-knit on large needles Create a rainbow effect with scraps of yarn, alternating solid and lacy strips. Pattern 7105: gi. rections for 3-inch strips Send Thirty-five cents (coins) | for this pattern (stamps cannot accepted! to The Oshawa mes, Household Arts Dept, Oshawa, Ontario. Print plainly NAME, ADDRESS, PATTERN NUMBER Our new 1959 Alice Brooks Needlecraft Catalogue has many | lovely designs to order: Crochet. | Ing. knitting, embroidery, quilts, | ls, weaving. A special gift, in the. catalog to keep a child hap- pily occupied -- a cutout doll and | clothes to color. Send 25 cents for your copy of the book. | 36" Dan River Ginghams 11 AM. SPECIAL YARD ..... iB 7.30 p.m. Friday Special 36" EMBOSSED COTTONS 1.30 P.M SPECIAL 49. YARD . .... 3pm.S 36" EVERGLAZE COTTONS All colors--all designs. Special, YARD 36" CHINO PLAINS All colors. Special, YARD P28. 36" PINWALE CORDUROY All colors--some printed. Special, YARD 5,0 Saturday 48" FORTISANS DRAPERY pecial Regular values up to 3.98 00 YARDS PRINTED DRAPERY FABRICS Florals, Scenics, Abstracts, Regular Values up to $3.98 Yard Be sure and take advantage of this outstanding value. 36" STRIPED BROADCLOTH (Sanforized) 1 P.M. SPECIAL 1.00 3 YDS. FOR 8 p.m. Friday Special 36" PLAIN EVERGLAZE 8 shades a9- 8 P.M. SPECIAL YARD ..... 1.69 3 PM. SPECIAL YARD 36" BORDER PRINTS Special, YARD 36" DOTTED SWISS AND DIMITY All colors. Special, YARD : HO. 54" Celanese Cotton Tweed Suitings Special, YARD SPECIAL, YARD 1.49 45" DRAPERY LINING--Special, yard & © The above are just a few of the outstanding values on sale. So come early while selection is at its best. | LYSOL plus Le both for 79¢ Helene Curtis SUAVE Women's Hair Dressing Makes hair obey the new soft way. Not Greasy. NIVEA CREME As pure as Lenolin, Provides perfect skin care for all the family. Jor LD.A. Brand MOTH KILLER An effective, lasting, safe means of protection 23° MOTH PROOFERS Fly-Tox Mothproofer Bomb Green Cross Moth Blaster Larvex Moth Proofer Bomb ECONOMY MOTH BALLS or FLAKES 1b, box Paradichiorbenzene | MOTH CRYSTALS | 2-pound bag 59¢ 1.09, 1.69, 2.49, 3.69 2, 45 Pink Box 2 for 43¢ Men Sive 33¢, 2 for 65¢ MACDONALD'S EXPORT Plain or Filter Tip 20's 33 25's ale Canada's Finest Cigarette VITAMINS ... 2,00, 3.50, 6.00 cau 270, 4.95, 11.50 Enerjets Capsules ............... 3.98 1.60, 4.25 1.85, 3.95, 6.85 Frosst NCF Capsules 1.95, 3.45, 7.68 Ayerst Paramettes Abdol with C Frosst Beforte Tablets . ..... Frosst NCF Liquid 2.50 Horner's Maltlevol Twelve . . ......... . 3.60 Mead's Mulcin ...... 1.75, 3.00, 5.50 VITA DIET CAPSULES 1.95 4.50 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamin Tablets 1.40, 2.50, 3.95, 7.95 . 1.00, 2.00 Horner's Maltlevel .. ............. Scott's Emulsion Capsules L.D.A. BRANDS Halibut Liver Oil Capsules .... 1.15, 2.29, 4.29 High Test Cod Liver Oil . .... Cod Liver Oil B.P. Standard .......... Cod Liver Oil Capsules ldemalt ...... : 9 Jamieson's 241 King Eost RA 5-1169 y Karns 28 King Eost RA 3-462) 35% Simcoe North | RA 54734 | Mitchell's 9 Simcoe North RA 3.3431 | McCcrdick 128 Wilson South RA 5-87M

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