el -- PETRA Seventh Annual Ra oC eat phat THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 7, 1959 KIWANIS RADIO AUCTION BID SHEE JOIN THE FUN... IT'S ENTERTAINING IT'S EXCITING READ THESE INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY 1. You can start bidding at 6:00 p.m. The Radio Auction will go on the air at 6:30 P.M. First Auction 8:00 P.M. The Oshaw a Ki iwanis Ci ub Sincerel y Thank All Donors 2. All successful bidders will bé announced over the air and alse notified by mail receiving a card. Who Have Made This Auction Possible Successful bidders must pick up their merchandise or voucher between the hours of 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday, April 10th o7 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. on Saturday, April 11th at the W, B, White Building, 110 King St. East (Next to Plaza Theatre). 4. You can only identify yourself as the rightful purchaset by presenting your card when you pay for the article. This card is your chance for the Frigidaire Home Freezer which will be drawn for on April 14th. RA 5.7351 @ RA 5-7361 @ RA 5-7301 @ % RADIO AUCTION PHONE NUMBERS ARE: GROUP "A"--No. 1 to 100 SOLD AT 8 P.M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER 51--1 Gol. House Paint (White) A-A Surplus Store, 86 Simcoe St. N, .... $2---~Westinghouse Electric Fry Pan ond Glass -- Large Size : Meagher Appliances, Simcoe St. N, ..., )--Edwords Front and Back Door Electric Chi mes Hill-Cornish Electric, Prince St. 2--One Pair Smoking Stonds (unpainted) Kohen Box (Oshawa) Ltd, 36 William St. W 3-----Voucher for Ore Case Oranges Oke Produce, 110 Court St. oh 4--Two Cor Lubrication Jobs and Two (4-qt) Qil Changes, and No. | Grade Gasoline Worth $3.00 Frank Simpson, White Rose Service Sration, Columbus, Ont. 5 50 Milk Tokens Beaton's Dairy Prod. Ltd., 245 King St. W. 6--3$15.00 Voucher for Cleoning Acadian Cleaners, Bloor St. 5 Park Regd West . 7--1 Framed Portrait -- Size [) x 10 Ireland Studio, 21 Athol St. W. 8-35.00 Voucher for A The Hat Box, 77 King St 9--1 Gol. of yo 'Outside House Paint. Color: Envy Green Hort D. Wilson's Hardware, 3 Ring St. West R. hi View Fender Mirrors, fit any car (Installed) Bramley Motor Sales, 1271 Simcoe N. 11==A Voucher for | Cold Wave Permanent MHuyck's Heimtyling Studio, 83 Simcoe St. N. 12-=Voucher for Smoked Ham Buehler Bros. Ltd, 12 King St. E. 13--Sunbeom Electric Floor Polisher Coulter Mfg. Co. Ltd. l4=--Ansco ""Cadet" Camera, complete with Flash, Film ond Flash Bulbs Oshawa Camera Centre, Oshawa Shopping Centre 15---Earrings and Necklace Set (Peacock Color) Fairweather Co. Ltd, Oshawa Shopping Centre 16--Voucher Model Shoe, 32 Simcoe St. § 17--=Hair Color Cocktoil Hall's Beauty Parlor, 15 King St. E. Ai Sunodo Service, 925 Simcoe St. N. 191 Sheet 34" Poplar Plywood, 48 w 96. Lofthouse Pattern Co. Ltd. King St. W, 20-----Food Voucher, Choice of Groceries Dominion Stores Ltd., King St. W. 211 Man's Van Heusen Corduroy Shirt, choice of size and color People's Clothing Store, 36 Simcoe St. N. 22--Voucher for | "'Realistic"" Personalized Cold Wave LuElle's Beauty World, 42% Simcoe St. N sl Season Tickets to 1959-60 Travelogue ries Kiwenis Club of Oshawa 245 Coses of "Orange Crush" Orange Crush Ltd., O'Connor Drive, Toronto 251 Delta Power Lomp ond Batteries Bryce Cook's Body Shop, 175 King St. 26--Voucher for Upholstering to the Value of $10.00 Dalton Upholstering, 75 Charles St. 27----Parke, Davis New Potent Vitamin-Mineral Supplement (100 Pardec Capsules) Parke, Davis & Co. Ltd., Toronto, Ontario 281 Pair Men's Safety Shoes (to be fitted in Oshawa) Collins Safety Shoes Ltd, Peterboro, Ont, 29--"My Buddy J Tackle Box, Grey. Two Tray, "x Bolahood's Sports Haven, 61 King St. E 30---Merchandise or Repair for Shoes Kuch Bros, 138 Simcoe St. S. . 311 Ottawa Valley Blanket, Size 72" x 84", Color Polar' Alger Press Limited, 61 Charles St. . 32--4 Cases (24 bottles each) Wishing Well Assorted Drinks Country Club Beverages, 193 Bloor St. E. . 33-1 Cubic Yard of 2,000 Ib. Concrete (delivered within 5 mile rodius of Oshawa free of charge) Cuiion & Briggs a, Mix Ltd., 991 Simcoe St. 5 34--Voucher for Cleaning ond Pressing ugeg Cleaners, 524 Cromwell Ave. 35--One Scatter Rug, 30" x 40", Color. Wine and Grey Howard Draperies, 926 Simcoe St. N. 36--C.G.E. Automatic 11" Covered ny Pan Coulter Mfg. Co. Ltd. * 37--Women's Clothing Voucher Varsity Sports Wear, 104 King St. i. 38-100 Gals. Furnace Fuel Oil Horry O. Perry Petroleum Co, 285 Bloor St. W, 39--T.V. il Lamp, 3-gallon 5 size, Plostic, with Red Trim Pet Stock Supply, 9 Celina St. 40-- Voucher for 10 Gols. Gasoline Sargont's Garage, 278 Park Rd. S. 41--Bedspread, baby chenille, light blue, double bed size Sabat's Dry oGods, 24 Simcoe St. N. .. 42--One "Strow Hat" Shower Kit (Cologne, Soap and Bath Powder Fobergé Perfumes (Canada) Ltd. 30 Queen Elizabeth Bivd., Toronto, Ont. 43--300k of Car Wash Tickets Auto Magic Car Wash Ltd, Bond St. W. 44--Table Lamp, Green Base -- Greer Shade -- Ceramic Zeller's Ltd, Oshawa Shopping Centre 45--Ten Dollar. Credit Voucher Aldsworth Cleoners, 36 Athol St. E. 46--) Keg Noils w Merce, 357 Richmond St. E. 47--Deb-Waoit Rug 6' x 9° (for Recreation Room or Cottage) : : Nu-Way Rug orn Sales, 174 Mary St 48-- One 3-month Subscription to the Toronto Telegram The Telegrom, Bay & Melinda Streets, Toronto, Ontario ; 49-1 Yeor Voucher for Locker Oshawa Fur & Cold Storage Ltd., 81 Williom St. E. tesa sse $0-Ten Dollar Credit Voucher for Grovel Oshawa Sond & Gravel, 877 King St. E. 10.00 10. 00 5.00 | 10.80 | 11.50 15.00 15.00 5.00 9.00 | 16.00 | 20.00 | 8.00, 51.50 | 5.00] 7.00 10.0013 10.80 | 15.00] | hid 1] 10.00 10.00, v35| 13.25] 10.00 9.85 | 12.50 8.50 5.00 53~--Sherwin-Williams, One Gal. House Point, First Grade "One Coot' White -- Value $10.00 Sherwin-Williams Co. Ltd, 16 Bond St. E. $54--Vouc' -r -- Imported Italian Foods ond Gi _ceries (Customer's c)icice) Frank Ferrera, 502 Simcoe St. S. 55--Leather Case for 5 Cigars Palm Cigar Store, 14 Simcoe St, N # 56---Boy's Red Windbreaker and Charcoal Siccks (Exchangeable for correct size) Jack Fraser, Oshowa Shopping Centre ... 57---Merchandise Voucher (Choice of Any Merchandise in the Store) Zeiler's Limited, 21 Simcoe St. S. (Downtown) ' 5835.00 Worth of Gas -- First Grade soline Columbus Geroge, Columbus, Ontario . ... 592 Gals. Pliodek Masonry Coating (any color) -- Pick up at Potte's Mitchell Colour & Chemical, 336 Birchmount Rd 60--English Bone China Flora! Centre Piece Fairwe:sher Co, Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre 61--Table Lamp, Gold and Bleck Base -- Goid Shade -- Ceremic Zeller's Ltd, Oshawa Shopping Centre 62--Any Dress in Store Up to Value of 16.95 Family Fair, Oshawa Shopping Centre 63--50 Milk Tokens Beaton's Don' Prod. Ltd., 245 King St i his 64--50 Cigars omni or White Owl Pop's Variety Bar, 335 Mary St 65--Picnic Kit (Two 30.0z. Thermos Bottles and Plastic Sandwich Box in an Insulated Red Tartan Carrying Bag) Flintoff Hardware Ltd., 13 King St. W 66--Three Marfok Lubrications Cooper's Service Station, 56 Bruce St 67--0ne Ten Dollar Cold Wave Permanent The Vogue Beauty Shop, 3 Simcoe S 68--O0ne Pair Smoking Stands (Unpainted) Kohen Box (Oshawa) Ltd., 36 William St. W, 69--1 Copy Publication "Bible Speaks" Kingsway Publishing Assoc, ,. 1156 King St. E. 70--2 Season A%, to 1959-60 Srrivelogie Series Kiwanis Club of Oshawa 71--"2 Ton Anthracite Coal McLaughlir. Coal & Supplies Ltd * 110 King St. W 72--One Cose (24 Packages) Puf Magic Popcorn Ltd., 76 Simcc. 73--0ne Venetian Blind (Vertical Type) Geo. M. Reid (Awnings), Bond St. W. .... 74---15.00 Credit Voucher Andy Nagy Body Shop, 408 King W 75--) Somerset Sport Shirt, iedium Size -- Pink and Block Dunn's Tailors, 16 Simcoe St. S. .e 76---One Metal Work Bench with Adiunble: Legs -- Color: Olive Green The Pedlar People Ltd, Oshawe, Ont. .... 77--Dry Cleaning Voucher Sibby Cleaners, 181 Bond St. 78--Voucher for Cleaning and Pressing Scugog Cleoners, 524 Cromwell Ave, 79--Food Voucher (Sproule's, King & Ritson) W. B. White Ins. Ltd., 110 King E 80--Voucher for 2 Gals. Flo-Glaze "Dura-Hide" Outside Paint John Swan Hardware, Oshawa Shopping Centre .. 81---Yardley Beauty Kit Yardley of Canada Ltd., Toronto 82--Voucher for Man's Car Coat Lining, 42" -- by Ballin Family Fiar, Oshawa Shopping Centre .... 83--Voucher for 1 Front Door (Unpainted) Price Yards, Whitby 84--Child's Red Metal Wagon (Ages 2 - 9 vo) Suddard's, 593 Simcoe St. S. 85-1 Set of Seven Simms Paint Brushes (17, to 47) Brunt Mfg. Co. Ltd. 462 Bathurst St. ... 86--T.V. kamp (Duck Figurine) Chartreuse shade, On White and Black Base . Barons' Home Furnishings, 426 Simcoe St. S 87--Voucher for One Gallon Pli-Tone Plastic Paint (any color), Sheet Preston Decorating Supplies, 19 Bond St. W. 88--1 Only 'BORG' Bathroom Scale, White Finish, Model No. 8124C Powell's Drug Store, 35 Simcoe St. N. 89--A Voucher for Any Dress or Coat or Suit Franklin-Simon, Oshawa Shipping Centre . . One 9 x 12 Plastic Crop 90--~London Briar Pipe United Cigar Stores Ltd., 8 Simcoe St. S. vo 91-~Table Lamp, Tripod Wrought Iron: Stand, | Qak Insert, Fibreglass and Parchment Shade 25.00 | Religble Furniture Co., 96 King St. E. | 92--Handbag -- White Calf Leather Fairweather Co. Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre ". 10.00 93~One a Day Multiple Vitamins | 250 Apothecary Jar | Miles Laboratcries, Toronto, Cnt. 10.00 9°=12 Cement Sidewalk Slabs, 24" x 30" S C 'cred or Picin Forbly's Crncrete Products, Kingston Rd, West un Lemp Bulb, General Electric (will operate in regular socket) Ruddy Electric, 96 Richmond St. 96--'.eather Gadget Bag (Pigskin Tun) "For the Photo Fan' 15 00| Kingsway Film Equipment Ltd, { Toronto, Ont | 97-1 Doz. Red Roses 5.00 Clara Lee Flower Shop, 14 Albert St. .... : | 98--0ne Dress Length, Navy Taffeta 6.00 | 95° 12.90 | Fabric Town, Oshawa Shopping Centre . .. | 99--6C Tablets -- Optilets-M (Vitamin Mineral Tablets) Abbott Laboratories, Toronto, Ont. 1100 Kalimer "A" 35mm, Camere Kit -- 12.95 Camera, Leather Case, B-C Flash Gun | Anglo Pheto Ltd., 1 Phoebe Se, Toronto, Cnt. 16.80 9.98 [1271 Stainiess Steel Sink & Taps for Kitchen 5.00 (18 x 20) Mette Piumbing, 23 Celine St. 128--Set of Sofety Seat Beits Seaway Motors Lta., } Dundas St., Whitby ...... | 129--Voucher for Zasoline 13.95 Bill Moring's Garage, 1313 Simcoe St, N. 130--1 only -- Beauty Case «-- Stardust White Werner Lombert Co. Ltd. 755 (Flue "ut Livisien), 727 King St. W., Tc.cnto 131--Merchanc ce Voucher--Choice of any merchanc se in the store Zellers Lim ted 21 Simcoe St. 5. (D.vintown) 132--N:zn-Electric Font Door Chimes Tozer Eleciric, 56 Prince St. 133--Vecucher fcr White Shirt { Jewell Men's Wear, 16 King St. E. {134--Dsb Wait Rug (6' x 9'), Multicolored, Grey background (for recreration room or cct.cge) Nu Way Rug & Carpet Sales, 174 Mary St. 135--0ne Pair Smoking Siands -(onpginted) Kohen Box (Oshawa) Ltd, 36 William St. W. 'ia 5.00 | Iron Frame; Lacquered Black, i x 8 overall, capacity 312* Jackson & Rake Hardware, 948 Simcoe St. N 137--0il Chonge, Grease Job, 4.00 Gas--Voucher a. os | Tommy Goch, 437 Simcoe St. S. | 138--0ne Case -- 24 Packages -- Puffy Pop- Pon Corn my Magic Popcorn Ltd., 76 Simcoe St. S. 16.95 GROUP B --No 101 to 200 139--Voucher--1 Pair Fender Mirrors for any car . Central Auto Body, 181 Albert St. ...... 11.50 SOLD AT 9 P.M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER | | 140--Step Ladder (wooden) -- 6' Bednarek Hardware, 450 Simcoe St. S. 101--=""Jitty Jet' Universe: Windshield Washer Robinson Motors, 574 Ritson Rd. S. 102--12 Rubber Stair Treads. Color: Alvi Rug Co., 34 Siracoe St. S. 103-3 Cartons Du Maurier Cigerettes ""Hap" Appleton 104-100 Gallons Furnace Fuel Oil McLaughlin Heating, 104 King St. W 105--2 Season Tickets to 1959-60 Travelogue Series Kiwonis Club of Oshawa 106--Smiles 'n' Chuckles Foursome 4-lb 3 Smiles 'n' Chuckles Ltd., Kitchener, Ontario 6.75 107--1 Case (24 Qts.) Texaco Outboard Motor | Oil (SAE 30 Garde) { Herb. Mackie, 79 Wilkinson Ave. ..... 10.00 108---O0ne (3 months) Subscription to the Toronto | Telegram ! The Telegram, 15 50 Bay & Melinda Streets, Toronto 109---One Pair Men s Siacks (any cclour or size Dovers Ltd, Shopping Centre, Oshawa ' 110=-Cleaning Voucher Motor City Cleaners, ; 184 Simcoe St. S 15.00 1 111--50 Milk Tokens { Oshawa Dairy Ltd, 431 Simcoe St. S. . 5.95 | 112--1 Pair Women's Safety Shoes (to be fitted in Oshawa) | oe Collins Safety Shoes Ltd., Peterboro .. 39.00 | 1¥3--One Straw Hat Shower Kits (cologre,, soap and bath powder) 10.00 Faberge' Perfumes (Canada) Ltd., 30 Queen Elizabeth Blvd., Toronto ; 12. 50 114--One Presto Automatic Electric Skillet--with glass cover Frank McCallum, Oshawe . .. 10.00 1151,000 'Sucaryl Sodium Tablets -- 16-oz. | Sucaryl Sodium Liquid Abbott Laboratories, Montreal, 116--2 Gollons Pittsburgh Outside (White) Paint Bathe & McLellan, 81 King St. W, . 117---Merchandise Voucher Burns Shoe Store, King & Simcoe Sts. .... | 118-25 sq. ft. Precast Stone (any colour) -- for 5.00 "Turquoise" 14.95 5.25 10.00 10.00 7.00 10.00 20.00 7.50 or house Marbo yl Co., 1437 King St. E 119--%" Crushed Stone LH Paving Ltd. , 120---2 Cartons Cigarettes--Vouche: 6.00 | Ron Rowdete=~Confectionar, 293 Mary St. 121--+--Cold Wave Permonent Aileen's Beauty Shop, 18%2 King St. E. .. {122--1 Keg 22 Common Nails Wm. Ridgely Const.,, 1026 King St. E. ... 123--Voucher for Records Meagher's Appliances, King St. W. 1 124--Set of 5 Blue Point Open End Wrenches-- | 3/16" - 9716" -- in plastic kit 18.95! 30.00 24.00 9.95 George Dignem--Snap-on Tools, 466 Colborne E. 125--Gasoline to the Value of Ter Dollars | John Beaupre Vigor Gas Station, 9 | King St. 10-95 | {360i Filter : Vent Signal -- Standard -- Fits oll type of oil installations. 10.00 Modern Sheet Metal, 313 Olive Ave. 8.45 141--" Self-storing Aluminum Storm-Screen Window Les Eviniss Sales Ltd., 15 Prince St. .... 5 142--Focd Voucher--~Fish and Chips (may be taken h out) Rose Bowl, 12.00 24 Bond St. W. 9.86 143--' (any color or type) Scarfe & Co. Limited, 128 Simcoe St., Toronto 144--Dry Cleaning Voucher Central and New Service Cleaners, 16 Ontario St. : 145--Co'd Wave Permanent Voi-Mae Beauty Sclon, 29% Simcoe St.' South 146--Assortment of Automotive end Household Chemicals including twenty different items. These car and household labour-saving pros duts are manufactured by R. 'M. Hollings- head Co. at Bowmanville, Ont, R. M. Hollingshead of Canada Limited, No. 1 Mobile Drive, Toronto 16 .. Avie 147--'"Neo-Chemical" Focd Capsules (100° s); "Neo-Chemical" Food (144-day size) Chas. E. Frosst & Co, Montreal 148--ld Spice Men's Set (7-piece)--contains | Old Spice Smooth Shave, After-Shave Lotion, 11.50 Tale., Deodorant, Body Tale, Shower Soap | and Cologne Stick | Shulton Canada Ltd., Don Mills, Ontario .. 7.95 | 149--Voucher--8 Lubrications i Chas. Foote Shell Station, | King Street East 150--7ne Thermo Keep Bog -- Green "Canada Dry" Dutfell Style Canada Dry Ltd., 153 Sherbourne St., 151--Enough Wallpaper for One Room -- to be selected at Patte's Store Canadion Wallpaper Mfg., 939 Eglinton Ave., E., Toronto . 152--6 Cellar Window Fromes Price Yards, Whitby 153 Svar plated Sandwich Tray (16" round) Henry Birks ond Sons (Ont.) Ltd, Oshawa Shopping Centre 154--2 Cartons Cigarettes Butch's Bar, 467 Richmond St. . .. 155--Voucher for Merchandise Seigneurs, Oshawa Shopping Centre 156--Brownie Movie Camera (Mcdel 2, 2.3 lens) | Kern Drugs Ltd., 28 King St. E. . 157--Beauty Supplies tor the Hair Oshawa Beauty Supply, 15. King St. E. 10.00 | | 158--0ne Dominion Royal Tire (7:10 x 14) | Charlton Transport Ltd, 14.00 | 159--Voucher for 6 Theatre Tickets to "Mois Theatre Oshawa Theatre Mgrs. Assoc,, Oshawa [1607 only -- E & S Currie Mans Sport Shirt {choice of' size and color) Maurice Berg's Men's Wear, 38 Simcoe St. N. ... | 161--Credit Voucher for Groceries | Landsdowne 1.G.A., Landsdowne Shopping Centre, Oshawa. - .. j1e2-= unbeam Steom Iron Investors Syndicete of Canada, #27 Murray Maidlow | 163--Voucher for 1--20 ft. "New Beama" 59 18.10 | 10.00 5.40 12.00 5.00 18.95 7.00 9.25 15.00} 10.00 25.00 5.98 10.00 9.95 see=====To Be Given Away FREE to one of the Successful Bidders FRIGIDAIRE FOOD FREEZER Convenient Storage Basket, Handy Loading Shelf, Feather-Lift Lid, Exclusive Frigidaire Heavy All-around Insulation, Frigidaire Sealed-Tite Construction, Target= Adjustable Cold-Con- trol, Two Removable Dividers (CF 2000 only), Built-in Lock with Two Keys, Safe, Plastic Meter-Miser, Light Safety Signal, Dependable Freon-12 Refrigerant, Frost Remover. DONATED BY HOME APPLIANCES (OSHAWA) LTD. 90 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA : and FRIGIDAIRE PRODUCTS OF CANADA LTD. SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO Oshawa T.V., 361 Gibbon St. 164--2 Grease Jobs and 1 Oil Change Howie's B.A, Station, Simcoe St. N. .. Va5-Houselold Set of Tools: Hand Sow, Hom. Coping Saw, Square, Rule, Brace, 3 bits, 4 Chisels Onterie Wholesale Hardware, 94 Bruce St. | 166--One Pair Smoking Stones Sunpsinied Kohen Box (Oshowa) Ltd. 36 William St. W. | 1671 Mark XII Camera with Flash Unit | Sargent's Garage, 278 Park Rd. S. { 168--1 Pair Back-up Lights for 1958 Pontiac (installed) Clarke's Body Shop, 177 Bond St. W. 169---Pyrex Refrigerator Set (4-pc.)-- Turquoise color Harrison & Kinsman Hardviare, 337 Simcoe St. S. . 170---35choeffers Desk Set | (White Dot)--Black and Geld : Henderson's Book Store, King St. E. ...... | 171--=Voucher for 6 Theotre Tickets to Biltmore Theatre Oshawa. Theatre Mgrs. ASSOC. ...veveees 172--Foos Voucher (Evens, Jarvis St) W. B. White ins, Ltd., 110 King E. 173--One Chanel No. 5 Perfume, for the purse L. M. Parker Co. Ltd. 5800 Monkland Ave., Montreal | All-channel Antenne i | 34.50 17.50 5.00 2.50 | 15.00 7.00 5.00! 174--Sparklet Syphon "Hostmaoster Model L" (for making your own soda water) Anonymous [175-3 Cartons Matinee Cigarettes--200's--20's Bill McKinnon, Imperial Repd., Oshawa ... 176--100 Gallons "Esso" Fuel Oil John A. Maciean ("Esso" Distributor) 130 Court Street 177--Merchandise Voucher Dancey Bros. Lid, 18 Simcoe St. South ,. 178---Cne Metal Coricoclei---Green Cancda Dry Lid., 153 Sherburne Sr., 179--50 Milk Tckens Oshawa Dairy Ltd, 431 S 180--Permanent Wave Isobelle's Beauty Salon, 89 Simcoe St. North Toronto | 181--1 Unfinished Coffce Table 17.50 10.00 5.00 'oucher for 2 Galions Scarfe "Thix" Paint 14.95 10.00 21.95 5.95 35.25 4.50 Brown Lumber Co., Ltd., 436 Ritson Rd. N. 182--2 Gallons C.LL. Trutone White Exterior House Paint (pick up at Patte's Store) Canadion Industries Ltd. Loughton Ave., Toronto 9 183--60 Tablets Optilets-M Tablets) Abbott Laboratories, Toronto 184--1 only -- Stainless Steel Sink (18 x 200 F. O. Gerrard Plumbing & Vedting, Prince Street 185--Choice of o Blouse Blacks Ladies' Weer, Simcoe St... 186----One set of Williams Socket Wrenches, com. plete with case Northern Conada Supply Ltd., Fleck Division, Oshawa 187--Merchandise Voucher Ston's Sports 188--Voucher--Dancing Lessons Arthur Ynay Dance Studio, Simcoe St. SE 189--1 Desk I Goose Neck Lemp, 18" high, flame in color, single lamp Royal House Furniture, Celina St. 190--Survival Kit Field Aviation, Airport, Oshawa ........ (Vitamin Mineral sssssans sessenes 43.68 191--1 Set Chrome "Perfect Circle" Piston Rings | for Chevrolet | Perfect Circle Co., Toronto | 192--Voucher for 6 Theatre Tickets--to Regent | atre Oshowa Theatre Mgrs. Assoc. 193--Automobile Rear Seat Speaker installed - Goodyear. Service Store, 162 King St. E. .. 10.00 194---20 Concrete Sidewalk Slabs S. Jackson & Son Ltd., 288 Arthur St. ... 35.00 195--One "Chanel No. 5" Spray Cologne ET L. M. Parker Co. Ltd., 5800 Monkland Ave., Montreet . . 5.00 196--A Voucher for 14.95 to epply on any mer- chandise .in the store Shoe Circle, Oshawa Shopping Centre .... 1971 Keg 4" Common Nails N. Johansen & Sons, 202 Rosedale Ave. .. 198--Veucher--2 Tubeless Tires 6:70 x 15 Cliff Mills Motors, King St. West ...... 199--Guardian Angel Permanent Cold Wave Woodlyn Beauty Lounge, 81 Simcoe N. .. 200---One Standord "Door Canopy", 4' x 4°, "Fiberglass", im any color Beauty Lite ' Glastic Awning Co. ." GROUP "C"--No. 201 to 300 SOLD AT 10 P.M. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER 22.50 4.50 1 498 14.00 64.90 15.00 49.50 201--Portable Coca-Cola Cooler Hambly's Beverages, 145 King St. W. ... 202--1 Gal. Flo-Glaze Colorizer Flat Paint (any color) 2 Qts. Flo-Glaze Colorizer Semi-Gloss (any color), Pick up at Patte's Imperial Flo-Glaze, 2-20 Morse St., Toronto 203--Voucher for Choice of Sleeveless Cardigan Black's Men's Wear : 16.93 .| 204--Merchandise Voucher Smith Sports, Oshawa, Ont, 205--Unfinished Coffee Table Brown's Lumber Co. Ltd, 436 Ritson Rd. N. a 206---Cole of California Swim Suit ny Size) Cole of California, Ritson Rd. S. 207--100 Gals. of Fuel Oil Lander-Stark Oil Ltd, King St. W. .. 208-1 Goss (Hand) Propane Torch Shorgos Gas Co., Whitby, Ont. 209-1 Gal. Roxatone Multi-Color Paint (any oled Pick up at Patte's Roxalin of Canada, New Toronto ........ 210--One Cold Wave Permanent Jutta Beauty Salons, 2 shops above Kresge's -- Corner King & Celina 211--2-Pce. Luggage Set -- Blue Wardrobe Case Blue Overnight Case (2 pieces) 18. S, Kresge Co. Ltd, 13 Simcoe St. ...... 212--Motor Tune-up for Any 6-cyl. Car including New Plugs and Points Bob Skitch Garage, 83 Ritson S. 213--Leather Handbag -- Bone Shade Fairweather Co. Ltd Oshawa Shopping Centre 214--Voucher for 1 Pr. Men's Shoes Agnew Surpass, Simcoe St. 215--O0ne Pair Smoking Stands onic Kohen Box Osndva) Ltd. 36 Wiliom St, : 216--Two-tone Paint 1958 or 1959 Chev. or Pontiac Marian Aute Ltd., 25 Grenfell St, 217--Merchandise Voucher Bond Clothes, Shopping Centre .... 218--One Tigress Perfume -- é Droms Fabergé Perfumes (Canada) Ltd., 30 Queen Elizabeth Blvd., Toronto 14... 219-1 Cor Wash; 1 Oil Change; 1 Grease Job; 5 Gals. Gasoline Len Wall White Rose Station. Simcoe St. N. 220-6 Theatre Tickets to Plaza Theatre Oshawa Theatre Mgrs, Assoc., Oshawa .. 2211 Record Player -- R.C.A. Victor Rose color, 45 r.p.m. Autometic S. S. Kresge Co. Ltd., Oshawa Shopping Centre 222---One Cold Wave Permanent Collette Beouty Salon, 14)2 King St. E. .. 223~~Merchandise Voucher Franklin's of Oshawa, 64 Simcoe St. N. . sasse 224--One End Table (Walnut finish) Holden Bros. Furniture, King St. E. a a SET