THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, April 7, 1959 ] WHITBY SPORTS SPOTLIGHT By WREN A. BLAIR | WHITBY DAY-BY-DAY CREDIT UNIO.V The meeting of the Oshawa and District Credit Union Chan- dismissed by His Worship, (ter was well attended. Mr. Magistrate A. S. Mitchel, Mon. Homer of the Ontario Credit day afternoon when Robert Ed- Union League gave a most in. , wards, 75. of Toronto, appeared spiring tell, The theme was) WAM in Whitby traffic court and|'"Not for profit, not The fourth game of the All-Ontario Senior "A final between|;joaded not quilt: to the charee, (but services to our members", Driving Count Is Dismissed A charge of making a left] turn - without giving another driver the right of way was IN PARLIAMENT 'A-Bomb Make Urged In Canada For Peace OTTAWA (CP)--J. W. Murphy, to get the project launched before the difficult and pernaps unwhie chairman of the Commons minesthe Alberta oil sands explosion, position of operating its own committee, has hinted in the depending on use of « bomb from oratories for research and at the Sotnumons that he favors Cana-{the U.S,, gets under way, jae me Ha kia q handel an production of atomic bombs grants to universities for for peaceful purposes RESEARCH PROPOSAL tific research. The atomic question arose as, The proposed committee should private consider whether these two func. a sharlty; | rR Connty the orain 11 207; Carter . Stevi 0: Twp! WED IN SPRING CEREMONY Mr. and Mrs, Frederick daughter of Mr. and Mrs John Waddell are pictured fol- Norval G. Fleming, of Whitby, lowing their marriage held in and the bridegroom is the son Whitby Baptist Church, For. of \! nd Mrs. Earl Waddell, by Ireland a. Calin al'p 4d SID However, he any definite statement in regard until he talked Manager Blair again, SMITH would not n would have to be really up for this game. And that they had to win this one to take a 3-1 lead in the series. If the Dunnies were to lose the" would have the odds against them as the next game would be on the rifle club resumes the Kitchener-Waterloo Dutchmen and the Whitby Dunlops goes to-'" Congtable Jack Mason told the' Attending this meeting from I night at 8.30 in Toronto's Maple Leaf Gardens. The series NOW court that it was Aifiault to whith i Mr. * hg stands at 2 games to 1 for the "Dunnies'" following Kitchener s| ascertain exactly where the Mr, A, Reardon, Mr. Bakka, 18-1 win up In the twin cities Saturday night. The officials handed maint of contact we . but that My. Davi and Mrs, L. Munns, Whitby 5 penalties to 1 in the first period Saturday (most of them did appear to be In the centre Refreshments were served at called by referee Hugh McLean) and the period ended 2-0 for the'n' the Intersection, ithe close of the meeting. "Dutchies." Killing off penalties took it's toll and jie second Kueh Duncan Phillips, ator for ener goal was scored while Whitby were two men short. There isthe acrused ~rrss examined hoth The Progressive Ccnservative [no doubt about the fact that penalties put the local squad out of |prinicipals in the case and from BOWLING NEWS MP for Lambton West suggested | ine Comm ons debates 4 by Mr (the game early, although Whitby themselves failed to rally very {h~ testimonv that was received, in debate Monday on research on ho Ores " oi tions might be separated in fue | strongly the rest of the game. We don't exactly know what Mc. His Worship judged that it ap] TRY that 'a Canadian bomb might Mary y. calling 0 pecial tyre, Lean is trying to prove, but he certainly gives the Dunlops a hard peared to be a case of the acl WHITBY LADIES CANDY |. "0 = projects as the he ee to The ittee also might si time. Two years ago he piled a number of penalties onto the local cuser not practicing common BOWLING LEAGUE planned underground atomic ex.|th¢ advisability of providing in- yey the research done by. ig [side of the scoresheet, and we will always recall that Whitby took/¢ 11"tesy of the road as well ac| Gladys, Wiles relied the high Ciosion to separate oi! from oijifucements to promote and ae-utzy, " 8 penalties to 3 in that final game, yet somehow managed to win driving like a "bull in a china|762 triple this week. {sands in ortho Allsorts celerate research in Canada. james A. McBain PC--Elght) [it "8.9 ! hon". He nointed out that this, Other High Triples (over 550): . Hazen Argue, CCF House favored research into uses of soy it 3-2, mainly through a great deal of fight. That night some of | the Whitby players saved a few choice words for McLean, some. sort of driving was quite pos: Mothersill 690; H. Bastarache Mr. Murphy sald Canada, as u leader, said Canada must do beans and skim milk, possi thing to the effect that he should be real proud of his effort, but! #/hlv the eaves af the neeident. 1675; T*, Creenley 850: F. Moore producer of 30 per cent of the more research in the Arctic to finding uses other than for food. even in the face of that we had still won On the strength of this theory, 628; E. Mason 620; M. McKim world's uranium ore, faces un- preserve its national integrity.| g th magistrate dismisead the 619; M. Bilida 597; L. Chizen certainty of marketing it in three Canada was dependent on re- OTHER SUGGESTIONS It appears that Hughle hasn't forgotten this episode, It's charges against Robertt Walker. 593; A. Mickicel 593; N. McCar-jor four years when contracts with ports of Russian scientists for Wallace Nesbitt (PC--Oxfo also quite evident that since he referees in that Slredlt all jal LM Labanovich 557; D. the United States end. knowledge of this country's north. said matters low greater reser year, (he gets practically no games in the eastern circuit) he Moore , He indicated that a Canadian|ern regions. ' are seasonal unemployment, intends to reward those who pay the shot during the regular ORI T UARIES High Singles (over 200): G. bomb project, together with re-| Support for the motion was agricultural surpluses and loss of schedule. We got quite a bang out of the Canadian Press story Wiles 316, 289; E, Greenley 258, quirements for uranium for nu- unanimous from all speakers but export markets because of high of the game, filed by Kitchener Sports ¥ditor Len Taylor. TAOS Me ATIET AND 200: A.' Mic"icel 25: 2" clear power, cobalt therapy units the Commons reached no deci. costs. Adequate research t Among other things, he sald that, "Whithy Manager Wren The death occurred on March arche 249, 240; 1 Mothersill 249, and isotopes, would provide an/sion on it by the udjournment scon solve these problems, A Blair strode to centre ice at the game's end and challenged 98. 1930. of Whos MeCaus'and. ls ; 216; A cKim 2. 230; M. outlet for uranium production. [hour despite the indignant ac- said. the officials, the fans and the entire world to do battle" . .. |of O'Brien Drive, Chatham, On: lida 2%, 207; L. hs faep 226, SUGGEST U.K. HELP cusation of W. H. McMillan (L-- Alfred D. Hales (PC--Welling. unquote . . . Now isn't that something. One little insienificant [tay 06: F. oore 225, 215; G. Sand- bidosdins vile - Welland) that government sup- ton South) who was hockey manager stands in an arena of sli~hily more than 4.000 | He was born 92 years ago in oD. Moore 221; IL! Mr. Murohy suegcsted that to porters were deliberately talking the 10 p.m. adjournment hour pernle and is canable of challenging the whole world. Well , , . [Piskparine Township, where Ajay "D0 £0n 2 Rr Peleshol 218; help pay the required millions of out the motion. was rea"hed was frequently ip- well, The real truth Is that we didn't challenge anvbedy. Also is now situated. 8 Ma on 31s, 21; 8. Kerrin dol'ars for a Canadian bomb pro-| "One would susper! that they terrupted from opposition rahRs the only person we were Involved with was refor-e McLean, a Nuat tw "ig 208: N. MeCrrro ma Ject, Britain be approached now have orders from higher up to by shouts to permit a vote on We had no a'gument with the fans. nor the world, We (¢"ain. 69 years engraing in i A r to share in it. ~~ 'ieep this debate going on." he the motion, ly do have a real argument with M~Lean, Move than that, if LA ] w Labanovich 200, His statements were made In aid as he made an unsuccessful Mr, Taylor wasn't such a biased writer, he mirht have come ro. McC aus and Served on the Polrls for the dav: Telly B guarded terms without any ref- aifempt shortly before adjourn- . . down to find out exactly what had happened at the gam's {Fun municing rom| 4 day: Jelly Beans erence to the declaration earlier ment to bring about a decision Budget Discussion conclusion, This is what actually happened, When the final 1006 to Jy, He was warden in ali " Peppermints 3 this session by Prime Minister on the resolution. . . buzzer went, yours trulv took a few steps out on the ice to . X ~Hended =" afe w-ryers Ji L71IN0DS uiipjefenbaker that his govern: pa Tn John Hnederson (who Ps 4 played a good United Church, Maple Buds 1; Gumdrops 2: ent's policy is pn oar URGED FREE VOTE Starts April 13 3 game), as he came off the ice. Henderson, like everyone else wr J evived id h Jauger, Humbugs 2 - ___ take the production of nuclear| Mr, Argue urged (hat a free OTTAWA (CP)--Works Minis. on the Whitby clrh, was plenty cheesed off at McLean and as (NF © © fans of Chatham , |weapons in Canada. though we vote be allowed on the resolution, ter Green, government House he passed the official, he made a remark fo him. Naturally, gud ive gralndehildvey, and a ~_ Ibl'eve Canadian scicmists- and remarking that the government!leader, announced Monday hight John was quite hot, But McLean couldn't let it go, knwing that jr he Er be Ws af i" of er n technicians are quite capable of seems to pay no attention to pri- the budget debate will begin Man- : the player was upset, He had to start chipping back at Hen. 190 p h en & {producing them." vate members' resolutions and day, April 13, and continue until merly Miss Nora Marv Agnes of Whithy . derson, At this moment we suggested to McLean that he had Bérial. took Place al Groen 2 Chi Mr. Murphy suggested $750,- allows them to he talked to Wednesday, April 22. " Fleming, the bride is the | Photo given our guys a tough enough time for one night. and he "Wo 0 lls Teo o Lnreren 000,000--a figure "drawn out of death. Finance Minister Fleming 'is 0G Re might do well to proceed to the Feleteey foun sug leave the | --~ a a hat" --as the possible cost of a C. A. Best (PC--Halwon), scien- scheduled to bring down his ° guys alone, Of course, this he couldn't let go either. (He'd only . \ Canadian bomb project. But he|tist-farmer and son, of insulin's/1959-60 budget Thursday night. Dunnies Seen | given us 5 penalties to 1, plus bench penalties and what have atler n Stop, '4 amaces was sure the uranium industry co-discoverer, Dr, Charles Best, Under Commons rules, sight you.) { 4 would support the idea and he|said during the debate that the sitting days are devoted to. the | | TORONTO (CP) Mrs. Pas: inister CI i SOATC » i ve Once we said something, McLean continued his remarks as Te Fined 4 |qualina Macri, 51, and her three urged Trade Minister Churchill National Research Council is n budget debate. =~ C ] he left the ice, turning to yell things back. Since he was skating ms children, were awarded damages . f |away from us, we followed toward him, asking him to return (0 por fail to st of $45,000 Monday as the result a Too omp ac ent | the ice, if he had something to say, because we also had a few ihyoueh ne 2 iin of an auto accident on Highway ommitta u 1n | al 1 ates things we would like to have him hear at close range. At no time wiel, 31, of 811 High St.. Whitby, 2 near Brantford in December, By CLIFF GORDON were there any challenges thrown at McLean, and certainly the vag fined £35 and co te or 10 1957, in which Mr. Macri was . Sid Smith, the colourful play- fans or the whole world had nothing lv fo with 2. Re felt be iw days in jail He pleaded guilty killed ay e 1r ! 'hitby Dunl Ss, called a lousy game ajainst Whitby and were only interested that|to the rhovge hefars Magletretn Defendants wer t Law- t I (0) t Jj svash gf the Whisky Dusleps: he should know this. In our opinion, it's still a free country, and|A, 8. Mitchell, in Whither traffic Rn rig ere Rone Sale nn ur oa INNIPED, cp) -- The Bree over an hour of strenuous providing you keep ycur remarks free from profanity, this can|conrt ~» "tapdny, Transport. Ltd. Glenn E. Mac- ng Jars > arge Dus ess practice at the local arena last be done. Also McLean and all other officlals are well paid for| A charge of careless driving|kellar and Lowes Transport Ltd, TORONTO (CP) Attorney. The discussion arose during, ms Pn IER D ave tol Mi night as they make ready fo ; their work and when tie Dunlops take the bad end of the stick. was with? Wee THA Wanehin Mr. Macii died: after truck General Roberts should take a preliminary consideration of Mr. |Povees at Hey Tin Be Sen jo the big fourth game of the All a we're going to yell loud and often, A few minutes after the contest at the suggestion of the Crown. Hl I we look at a recent court ruling Justice Ferguson's 97-page Judg-| dates "ih . MR di tithe Ontario Sr. - A Championship ! we went to the referee's room to get a scoring summary of the PC Cent ®ahipens of tha OPC le Transnort made eo 0. Which challenges Ontario's legis: ment against Magistrate McCle. €l¢Ction they will be dismissed. against the K.-W Dutchies to game. Yes, you guessed It. Our knock at the door was answered Whitby Police Denartment told| PY, SVE [Hanspoté mace a o> lation covering committal of in- vis, Mr. Kennedy's wife Isabel,|, Te newspaper says two night at Maple Leaf Gardens by Mr. McLean, He grinned a wee bit, and said, "OK Wren come the cour! tho' tha ancuged had arn Blo, ply ane ob Atay yi sane persons, an Appeal Court Port Elgin lawyer William Tom.|liad been lined up io seek Game time is .30 on in, you've got a lot you want to get off your chest." Not me, been Proceeding east on Walnut A ar | Mackeilar Judge has suggested, limson, provincial police Con- Eee te he Somiiba. OBO thie, we re! Bein gave it to us early in the game and I £'. on the marnipg af Manah 01 rT wri Mh tm 9 yg . stable Ivan Wade and Crown 'At. d » Sn phy (a ith Hu i in the. Be As Yr a I'm concerned it's over, ns SY tat the. social log ad Se es Transport Bh. gg ER torney JE. Freeborn 2 je Ja the draw un pery d 3 : " Re . I'm pian ha hod PL came volved, J § ¥ : of losin, eir jobs. night and asked him his views all I want is the official report. If you can sleep peacefully tonight : > i 4d _ Toronto lawyer John J. Robinette Final argument is not expected =, go up and coming game, as so can I. Nevertheless, I still think you called a bud Some. With 8 Euclid Sia, through Nivel. ar) veel, yg My appealed a decision by Mr. Jus- until later this week, with Tor- oe ganpaies. invaived ated well as the series that we left. And 0 tonight it's on to Toronto for t e Gurth Same. iin a sounthbound car or 15. ant Mans 19 thould get tice R. I. Ferguson assessing onto lawyer Lewis Duncan ap: iNeither War aware the other He said "I feel the team is | Who the officials will be, we don't know. But this Ne do. Kitchen-| old Adjven he Peter $13,500 of the award damages of $5,153 against five pearing for Mr. Kennedy. Law-| King th But both ) aving er is going to be tough from here on in and the 'Dunnies" need, . » Jy . oe er C bell Grant of Walkerton Va making the move. Bul too complacent and is playing Wilde of Hillcrest Drive persons sued by farmer William'y ampbell Grant of Walkerton th tions: 2 aa ; > have to get playing better hockey if they hope to dispose of them, The ; * ¢ 4 , i isting M binette' _|had the same explanations: the next series before they have gel play ) od oro: this di He said meade oar Wi |Lyle Kennedy of Arran Township is assisting Mr. Robinette's ap-| "Polit won this one. The fellows are advance ticket sale indicated another good crowd from 8 dis- cick on the left side. pf (H near Owen: Sound. peal on behalf of all five appel- olitics was a controversial not taking Kitchener seriously trict tonight. Of course, you can still get good seats at the Gard. 4.0 an tant fapthan engt afta: ar et NS, | Mr. K dy clai lants, |feid and ¥ thelr gin > enough." ens box-office at game time. the crash, and came to rest " v | for malicious prosecution and! = A les themselves pains i i I fi may be He also said that 'the Dutch. THE TOWN AND COUNTRY . . . Line changes may be made ingt a tree in the conth diteh d 1 |false arrest after he was con 1 ill with on and' this men have a young hard tonight in an effort to get more scoring punch up front. Playing. Of Walnut St. He estimated total Industrials vistas oF vadruuey last Ney: tod ege W1 ih ie Suioversien and in a o Ee ah oy 4 |coach Sid Smith may 2o torleft wing with Bobby Attersley, and|{92mave to both vehicle" at | 3 amination i the companies' public relations." Dunc Brodie to right, Ne'ther Fred Etcher nor George S len M | d a in the Olympics next year gives who have been on the - 'igs with Attersley, are scoring. Neither! WHTTRY aor S€YS sup macisTRATE WRONG ele! rate De ewspajel says Rion them that added zip, ed Hey is Bobby for that matter. Can't for the life of me figure out what's| | TORONTO (CP) -- Industrials, Mr. Justice W. F Schroeder Io whip soninmed [8 pasty want to make a good showing make wrong with "Etch" and "Sammy," but part of it is the fact that| shecially Ew \uary judgment said Magistrate : against a team of the class of . : { especially steels, were the major | cellent candidates and said that the Eastern Champs." that neither of them is busting out on the wings or trying to beat the, a . losers as the stock market/O: C. McClevis--one of the six nniversary [he did not believe the companies RAE are IY, wus th with| opposition defence , Joie June wie vot dtens tought, He ey -- lipped Monday in moderate JeTSONS Sed "wil rou Mr. TORONTO (CP)--F~ontier Col.|attitude was in the public in. Western-NOHA group polished shaken up . . . The fifth game in the series will be played in to o ooh, guests hea. G oe oro ti x Kennedy because he had been ar-|lege will celebrate its 60th an. terest. ---- off the Ato ub BNE . Guelph on Friday night. There is no ice in the Kitchener arenalwedding held at Whitby Baptist inde 8 Vere the only gana ON rested under the federal Criminal hiversary this year by simple h games, winning three and tying Rifle Club T owing to the sportsman's show . . . The Clinton Comets won the U.S. cp 11" vara: Aly. and Mp lindex, ahead 40 to 90.11. ndus- code and not a provincial sta. ceremonies across its 3,000-mile Di t ib ti Pl k- one. A Saturday night in the seventh) : : and rs. trials dipped 1.20 to 527.54 and| campus. Lpistripution an : Eastern league championship on y night in Harold Fleming, Mr. and Mrs. western oils lost .78 to 132.86, tute: \ Srutty aise Jemitded 80 She . and final game of their series with the Johnstown Jets. Plaving: Ken Lewis. Toronto, Mr. and|hase metals wore off AL 4. Section 35 of Ontario's Mental During the college's life, nearly| A ed B C players on the team that they Resume Action Coach Billy Watson called us at the Kitchener arena immediately Mrs. Jack 'Fleming. Drayton, 178 7. meals: were of. Hospitals Act says 60-day com- 3,000 laborer-teachers have intro- nnounc y s0. following the game, and were they a happy gang. Watson and/nie. and Mrs T. 0. MeGill " mittal for mental examination duced education into mining, | TORONTO (CP)--General De The activi-| Yours truly conferred by telephone for almost a. half-hour before Omemee, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Final volume was 4,606,000 can be ordered for any person'lumbering and construction velopment Corp. has annouhced, bi : activi the game discussing line-ups, dressing room talks, etc. It was all|Shoehan, Peterborough. Mr. and|Shares. slightly less than Fri-if he is arrested "with or without camps in some of Canada's more subject to shareholders' appro. ties on. Wednesday, April 8, at or nothing, since it was the final game of the year in that league. Mrs, J Campbell, Port Hope, day's 4,982,000. Can-Erin feat warrant and charged with any isolated spots. 'val, plans for a stock distribution 7 pm. when the local Juniors It's been a wonderful year for us at Clinton, culminated with a Mr. and Mrs. Ken Hardie and ured speculatives, up 12 cents at|offence." At the annual oth (in the ratio of 1% sh f » 3 A : i . y ? . $2.02. on a turnover of 575.743 a nnual meeting Monday in ratio of shares for eac will try thelr skill against the championship, and the friendship of many fine people. Most of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Glen $2.02. 3 When Mr. Robinette challenged iy ) R : hates. Radiore had the big 1 y plans were made to dedicate alshare held. Adax bot of Comet players arrive home today, and they will be at the Gar- Fleming, Oshawa. shares. Radiore ha e big loss, the judge's ruling Monday, Mr.| Shareholders of record April 24 Kitchener ice (which is Guelph on Friday 'night since. the Kitchener arena is not avall The last meeting these two teams was a closely affair, locals contested ind the dens tonight backing the "Dunnies' as they fight to bring further laurels to this community off 16 cents at $1.48. Mr. Paul Tran celebrated his| -- | birthday on Sundar. Hi Justice Aside from steels, refining oils "That's a constitutional question. friends|and banks were softer, Among I think the attorney-general of| 5 .|cairn at Steep Rock early in July Schroeder declared: commemorating the work of Dr. will receive one additional share E. W. Bradwin, principal of the|for each four shares held plus a {wish him many college from 1933 to 1954, [further distribution of ene share happy returns of steels, Steel Co. of Canada, Al- Ontario should be interested in! goma and Atlas lost at least 1 that." Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Freek Point. Atlas announced a price' Mr. Robinette agreed and said able) ; We asked Sid about the pos- are hopeful of holding their own sibility of some player changes Principal E. W. Robinson re. for each share. Thus a share (ported the number of teachers holder with one share would re. (last year rose to 94 from 89 in ceive one-quarter share on "the the day Careless Driving home senior teams in the posted range He said, 'df Way have to make some in an effort to get more fire up front. Right now there is only one line that i: really holding their weight in the scor ine way." When questioned in regard to the Bredie Attersley he said, "It could be that this would be one of the changes." Smith line, b: The ! is holding first and third with Deep River second, with Cameron Falls' two teams and Porcupine all close behind. On April 22, the elub Senior and Junior championships will be hel ind 0 the regular to summer meeting schedule arrange NTN PLAYI MAN AGAIN 3"IA ANDREWS CURSE OF THE "WERION =~ PEGGY CUMMINS os NIALL MacGINNIS DICK EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M. Last Complete Show 8:20 WHITBY Phone MO 8-3618 ST DEMON! ANAL CNISTER Production A COLUMBIA PICTURE Motorcyclist Is Fined $40 Whitby motoreyelist, who was thrown from his machine when it co'lided with a car, was fined a total of $40 when he pleaded guilty to three charges in Whitby traffic court. Donald Munroe, 18, of 13 Brock St. S., was fined by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell! on Monday He was fined $10 and costs for to change the address on a motor vehicle ownership card; £0 for driving a motor vehicle without an operator's licence; and $20 for passing another vehicle within 100 feet of an inter ection PC Morley Nicholson, of the Whithy Police Department, told the court that he had been on patrol on Brock St. S., on March 8 when he observed a car ap- proaching, with a signal light warning that he intended to make a left turn On the left side of the car, he said. was a motorcvele, ridden by the accused, which collided with the left corner of the car as the car made the turn. He sail the accused was tossed from his machine into a ditch. . He added that accused had no driver's licence and the owner hin card for the machine showed that it had not been n ferred to ' Munre through the department . Whitby Driver Gets Jail, Fines For failing driving without a license and for driving while license was unde suspension, Clayton Woods,. Whitby, was fined $25 and costs or 10 days and addi tional 10 days in jail on the first charge and $50 and costs or 10 days and an additional 3 days in jail on the second charge. He pleaded guilty to the charges before Mavistrate A S. Mitchell on Whithy traffic con Monday 'You have quite a record of traffic violations," Magistrate A. S. Mitchell passing sentence, stated, before damage in the crash was estim- he had alpetpd tha Parker car . Nets Fine Of $75 as the guests of Mr. and Mrs, foreign competition. For cereless driving, William George Rae Douglas Bird. RR' Brooklin, was = ¥ : Mr, and Mrs. Walter MacCarl fined $75 and costs or 10 day "r o... , in jri'. He pleaded guiltv hefore ro orie Suet. Jitenced the off % at 59%. Magistrate A. S. Mitchell in jf JAOTRQNIE Sengns. wedding y Whitby traffic court Monday. |e ren Pickering, and si P.C. James .Barter told the guest: at the reception held at/ers were awaiting court the truck driven bv Guild Inn, Scarborough. later this week, Douglas Graham, 202 Palmers. Consolidated Mining had ton Ave, Whitby, had heen. Mr. and Mrs Mel Femia stopped at the intersection of were in Cornwall over the week oils while Bank of Montreal was he best win, up 4 at 156. Palmerston and Brock St. N'end where they attended they, 14. Wa when the car driven br Bird wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Perey( ot CE a pound Sut In its prime crashed into it, eavsing dame~e Baker. The bride and groom are" o> SrA Fine NIONUSY. to the truck amounting to ap-'new the guests of Mr. and Mrs.| Seniors were ahead in golds ex- prox. $150 and damage of $500 Femia for a few days. cept Mcintyre which dipped % at to the accused's car. George : 84%. Dome, Hollinger and Kerr- MeGuire 208 Palmerston Ave, Mrs. C. J. Staples, of Port Addison were ahead in a % to % Whitby, who was a passenger in Hope. spent a day last week at|range. : the Graham truck received an/the home of Mr. and Mrs.! Western oils slipped around arm injury. Walter MacCarl. |noon. Canadian Husky, Hudson's Bird stated that the truck = Winnie Bryge wil Moathor gud Home B lost '. Lower didn't have any tail lights and SNCS Sbeater at the Unitedipriced oils were not activ that there wasn't any signal Church WMS meeting te be held ------------ -- light flashing on the truck. [on Tuesday afternoon. i . His Worship asked Douglas] Ww G Graham if he had anything to! armnq ven add to the case and he stated oC t i 1 that he had been driving trucks Ld Mn Stee 4 for many years and always| - Jade sure that the lights were, mn Q 1 » n working order. He also felt nec t sure that they were working on| For speeding, Kendal Parker, * Cn a 10ns the night of the accident but 496 St. Lawrence Ave., Oshawa,| WASHINGTON (AP)--The gov- that the signal light was defin- Wos fined $15 and costs. Helernment warned investors Mon itely working. pleaded not guilty to the charge day that many stocks apparen*' - ---- [before Magi trate A. S. Vitchell|are heing manipulated on the se Y th I Fi ed in, Whitoy traffic Sout Monday. cyrities markets and advise ! .C. James arter, of the! > outh is fin Whitby Police Department, told Aiatenrs Not {0 speculate op Fir LI ithe court that the accused had 3% i N On Driving Connt been observed proceeding up! The US. Securities and Ex the Highway 12 towards Brook. Change Commission said in A Port, Whitby youth, William lin and his attention had been Statement it is investigating C. Fmmerton, 18 of 1709 Duf-'attracted by the apparent speed |S" A TR U1 SuSper in . " ) manipulations and expects eri ferin St, was fined $35 and Of the accused's car. ~.. [inal prosecution of some case: costs or 10 days in jail on Mon. Constable Barter, with Cor./"py Ti Fel (Ld two war 4 : poral W. Middleton in the pas-!, 3 J day when he pleaded guilty to senger seat. had set out after| RES in the last week by the Ne a charge of failing to stop for althe car at speeds ranging up to York Stock Exchange again' through street. He was sen- 9 mph before they could come speculative stock purchase tenced by Magistrate A. Shear enough te check the Lge a, aullbliee. Mitchell in Whitby traffic court. 2Ccused's speed LE a aaxchan ' fe The car turned off the high.|alSo has warned investors. PC Morley Nicholson, of the|wayv and on t~ 'he 3rd conces.| SEC officials said the commis Whitby Police Department, said sion with the police car In'Slon is disturbed over irrationa' that Emmerton had been pro- pursuit. The ars nroceeded fluctuations in the prices of cer ceeding south on Perry St. onjalong the 3rd concession for|tain issues and suspects the March 1, and his car had been!»nnroximately a mile hefore the|steep rises and declines have re- in collision with a westbound police car could come up with sulted from tips floated by "in car on Mare St driven by Parker's rar siders™ and others intent on en- Claude Pegg, of Brooklin. Total Constable Barter that riching themselves. The SEC @2 not identify any it. of the suspect issues. stated sted at $700. at 7S ooh before overtakine spent last week end in Windsor/ cut in its finished product to meet'he understood 75 per cent of On- tario's mental patients have been| Imperial Oil and Texaco Can. committed under section 35. ada dipped 3% among refining SAID LAW SOUND Loblaw Inc. had provincial legislation is sound and can be applied in arrests un- Observers believed many buy- der the Criminal Code because, the budget'its aim is treatment, not punish- ment. It fell within the province's the Jurisdiction for a mental health major loss in base metals, off 14 [program 'at 19'%%. The company announced ! 1957 but the numbe: enrolled in| first distribution plus one addi classes was smaller because of|tional share and one-quarter of 'reduced immigration |another share, or 1% shares. WIN YOUTH SOCCER SOFIA (AP) -- Bulgaria won the 1959 European youth soccer {our ament Monday by defeating Italy's defending champions, 1-0. |A capacity crowd of 50,000 saw {the final. {ee Mr. Robinette argued that the TIMES SUBSCRIBERS IN WHITBY FOR MISSED PAPERS AND | { | | | WHITBY'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE © BELL TAXI. MO 8-311 If you have not received your Times, phone your carrier first, If you are unable to contdct him by 7:00 p.m. PHONE BELL TAXI CALLS ACCEPTED BETWEEN 7-7:30 P.M. ONLY SPECIALIZING IN To Washing Machines, Automatic Washers Dryers. BUTT RADIO And Appliances 118 Brock St. §,, Whitby MO 38-3707 Created To Individual Requirements a 46E> & | STAFFORD BROS. ' Monumental Works I MO. 8-3552 Need a HAND TRUCK? You get built-in dependability that enables Fairbanks-Morse trucks to stand up under the toughest conditions. Yes get a wide choice of models, including two-wheel hand trucks, four- wheel platform trucks, Colson warehouse, hospital and specialty trucks and a complete line of Colson casters and wheels. And you ger service from a rearby Fairbanks-Morse Branch. For the truck and che Company that give you far more -- see Fairbanks-Morse! IN TORONTO: CAL. EMFIR -8321 OR VISIT 136 - 167 HARBOUI STREET