WEATHER REPORT THE TIMES Wednesday cloudy with a few TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3492 All other calls ....... RA 3-3474 showers clearing late in the afternoon. Cooler. ¢ Oshawa Times Authorized As Second Class Mail Post Office Department, Ottawa EIGHTEEN PAGES Price Not Over 7 Cents Per Copy VOL. 88 -- NO. 81 OSHAWA-WHITBY, TUESDAY, APRIL 7, 1959 | INEW REVOLT HITS IRAQ AGAINST PRO-RED RULE | . Gold Scheme Boss Red Guerrillas Earned $12,000 | | J | + Reported On Way LONDON (Reuters) Cairo| tribesmen, backbone of the abor- VICTORIA (CP)--The man be- many of them members of the radio said today a new revolt has|tive revolt in northern Iraq last hind the unsicsessil mining yeu Baptist Siren, invested thou- a blokes out . i Trey aud Rand mont, fled id Bo 25d_have ture in British Columbia which sands of dollars. 3 i oo gr , , | ; rder jcost about $400,000 made a total! Mr, Smith said in an interview i: i i 7 The Xadio is comiviled by Pres. eS vy he 2 wisn salary of $12.00 in eight years of that Mr, McKee may be asked to |ident Nasser's United Arab Re-| y 'placer mining. ifornia| { ' : 4 public, at odds with Premier Gen|ernment. Maj.-Gen. Kassem gave ten eamith, superintend: return to Canada from California] § Jubkis, at odds with Premier Gon Srument. Mal.Gen. Nasu save ent of brokers in the attorney- tO eh the i for the ven- Iragi regime. Observers at Port Said re- general's department, announced tyre, now being investigated by| | = = Earlier, Egyptian newspapers ported the tribesmen passing this Monday night in comments ine Ontario Securities Commis ; hk ; 7 under huge red banner headlines| through t he canal were Soviet concerning James Harris McKee. (sion went through Baptist min- ? reported Russian '"'volunteers"|citizens of Kurdish origin. The Mr. McKee, now living in Santa|ister Rev. Leslie Millin, director are being hurried to Iraq to de-|United Arab Republic's Middle Rosa, Calif., promoted a scheme of the anti-Communist Freedom ; : t. 'East News Agency said the So- to extract gold from sands of the Foundation of Canada. Profits| Cairo radio claimed "a fierce viet Kurds were trained in guers {Fraser River at Lillooet, B.C.|ywere to have been used for a '| battle" is going on in the oil town rilla fighting, [Residents in Ontario and B.C.|radio station at Prince George, of Kirkuk In northern Iraq. Rebel| qe agency, without giving a | B.C., to broadcast freedom mess-| forces were said to control the source, said more Soviet ships | lages to Communist China. | northern part of the town. {carrying groups of Communists TWELVE ROMANS Mr. Smith said "the gross fig-| ? | | WITHOUT HAIR REPORT MUTINIES are expected at Port Said en- ure speculated with Mr. McKee| ROME (Reuters)--Twelve The radio said Iraqi refugees|route to Iraq. appears to have been $800,000 of | arriving in Syria, a part of the! There was no foreign confirma. which $400,000 was contributed di- United Arab Republic, reportedition of the Egyptian reports. Nas- rectly toc ®r. McKee and the shamefaced Romans today carefully covered their "Yul Brynner" heads with hats or balance through Mr. Millin "a revolutionary movement has/ser has been waging a bitter gh Mr. in. caps. $12, q ki : r P : inte lo : : Fg ential Tag el broken out against Prime Minis- campaign against Kassem, ac- On Sunday a man pulled up (NO BOOKS IN TORONTO S¢ | ter Kassem and mutinies in the|cusing the Iraqi premier of let i A from 1951 to 1959 was only army are widespread." ting the Communists get the up- in an impressive American | qu. one0no Securities Commis- car and announced, "I am a | ;.n ult oan find no books in| "Certain army forces have|Per hand in Iraq. joined the rebels and the tribes| Cairo papers say the mission of of Shammar and Jabbour with|{the Communist-trained Kurds is " their equipment and armor." [to opp Arab nationalist: movie it lavers for |Toremto relating to the scheme. Cairo radio said government|Iraq who want to swing their . J 4 Bo My HA %0) a |The commission launched an in| planes attacked one northern Iraq country closer to the U.A.R. and ' . tigation Monday to determine day. But they will have to [YS . shave off their hair. I shall wish happened 10 the MioBey.: od k tonight." said that of the 410,000 raise be bac in Ontario Mr. McKee accounted village with rockets. | Nasser. It said a "great number" of |MYSTERIOUS REMARK Twelve hopefuls went to Je 5 i "300,000 and $350,000 work on thelr heads at once. np "ny gai 'in a Vancouver] MONTREAL (CP) -- Irrepress- | | rebels and government troops have been Kinod, P AP correspondent Stan Carter which | reported from Bagh in a Sn The - director never Came |i. view he can account for alllible Joey Smallwood landed in back. the money. Ottawa today, leaving the city's STARRY EVENING Kassem's government, a | Promissory notes signed by|reporters just as baitied as his nd The controversial 58-year - old overthrew the Iraqi monarchy aywar | i lve i 1 politician is to make an appear-|last July, crushed an earlier re-|Kassem predicted . { Mr. MeRes ete given persons Political Pp t of:« who contributed to the plan. and, 4 4 a W h Mr. McKee has The bouncy littl will_be Koing, to the. a if a on "tha 'pay on Soh "| When he walked off the TCA ars 600000 people. condemied ALR io salq 4 LJ fend the Kassem government. Smallwood Starts Talks In Ottawa MILLION DOL Firemen battle $1,000,000 fire , LaBelle Building in downtown | and a restaurant. 3 which destroyed the four-storey | Windsor along with three stores AP Wirephoto. ; night and will address the Ot-|in northern Iraq last ma ance on television in Ottawa to-|volt led by Shammar tribesmen ips, then departed have long dreamed of carving out|jects as : of , then depa ircraft here M . ave lon, of carving ou A owenet; be- alas onda, be re. their own nation of the areas of Which Western companies have f wi {been carrying on for Iraq might porters, all of whom wanted to(northern Iraq, western Iran and TY development. know whether he would meet eastern Turkey which they in- be turned over fo the direction of He and his companion, Gordon|Prime Minister Diefenbaker in|habit. Russian experts. Alli 1 "I'm a little nervous about Sal; In Baghdad today, Kassem Kassem demand a bigger share ing on him," the premier replied, promised a pardon to any mem-'of the profits from the foreign Nous vesulis mignt prove fatal tober of the powerful Shammar companies which control her oil tribe who seeks it. The Shammar, industry. "I met him in January and the ---- {results were pretty disastrous' sts wood on Buddhists Flock on a round pp -- [lieved to concern Newfoundland | Honored. D R-- ET Miri Phage an Oscar, got it on her|to Hive! ~ 8 Hain Monday night. David "the picturd was being|lorn hotel manager RP k an, after 25 years of pleasing wade, she told a reporter, *'After| tables. movie audiences, won the Oscar|/fo ur disappointments I'm no| "All you could see of me in for best actor. {longer in the business for Oscars.|the picture," she had said, "was The Brooklyn-born redhead and Just say that I do it now for the/the back of my head." the debonair Scotsman received money and the joy of doing a| One of the most popular awards the Academy Awards for actus good part." was 3, Special one given to Mau- before an audience filled with} x ce Chevalier. J most of the big names in the] WOMAN MOLESTER ROLE | The Irving G. Tha'berg award| entertainment industry. They, Niven won his award for play-for outstanding production over shared honors with the move|ing a pathetic woman-molester inthe years was given to Jack L.| Gigi. which won in every one of Separate Tables. Warner, i thi | Gigi got Oscars for best pic- -- the nine categories for which it a he aS Teil co TOKYO (CP)--A maroon, 29- |year-old sedan Friday will carry Michiko Shoda to the Imperial Palace to become the first com- moner in 2,000 years to join apan's royal family. # Officially, the 24-year-old bridef: of Crown Prince Akihito will be- come a princess as soon as she arises on her wedding morning. When tke car taking her to the ince, could not be reached during|; the rest of the day and evening! at the Montreal hotel where they ill were registered. |contracts and breached the con- | stitution." [TWO SUITS LAUNCHED Contestant -- __ To -- was nominated--including best| picture. Burl Ives and British actress Wendy Hiller won Oscars . for material from another medium, best directing for Vimcente Min- {nelli, best art direction, best {color photography, best song| S ti fi ances. . Rvs | best supporting perform |(the title number), film editing, | Unemployment: palace rolls out the driveway of her father's Tokyo home at 6:30 m., it will mark the beginning of the greatest display of pagean- Gets Burns In TV Show The references to "broken con- tracts" were to Newfoundland's claims, in suits against the fed-| eral government, that Ottawa vio-| To Adore Lama try Japan has seen since the war. lated the contract under whichi NEW DELHI (AP) -- Tibet's, bless followers who flock in from Benefits May The girl who met Japan's fu- ture emperor on a tennis court not only will get a new name and a new title but even the rec- jars of her birth will be affected. As soon as convenient, local of- ficials will remove the name Michikosan from her family rec- SHOW ENDED EARLY costume design and best scoring] More than 100 big namesof a musical picture, The music from Ingrid Bergman to Eddie/for Gigi was wriften by Fred-| B E d Fisher -- showed up for Holly-| erick Lowew and Alan J. Lerner. e xten e wood's biggest night of the year.| Lerner also got the award for The acceptance speeches were so the best sereenplay. I OTTAWA (CP)--The maximum] short that the NC-TV show| Burl Ives, the 300-pound folk period for receiving regular un- DR. BEAUCHESNE ended some 20 minutes before!singer, won his Osear for hislemployment insurance benefits its two-hour schedule. part in The Big Country. Imay be extended to 52 weeks ords. ; : ; . Cracked Bob Hope: 'They, Miss Hiller was not in town to|from the present 36 in forthcom.| Like his bride, the prince will time this thing with a sun dial." receive her award. Earlier she ing government legislation, it was travel across Tokyo from his pri- Miss Hawyard got the nod foritold a reporter by long-distance reported Monday. vate residence in one of the an- Adenauer Bid | a As President : | | When it was cut down, the weekly He sets off at 9:10 am. for BONN, West Germany (CP)-- Ex-Commons Clerk Dies OTTAWA (CP) -- Dr. Arthur Beauchesne, prominent former clerk of the Canadian Commons, died today in an Ottawa hospital after a brief illness. He was 82. He was the author of many books of rules and regulations on parliament, including Beau- the 10:15 ceremony--after having Chancellor Konrad Adenauer has Ke The! chesne's Parliamentary Rules and Forms. lant on a nationwide NEW YORK (AP)--A contest-| television| stunt show was reported in good| condition today from burns suf- fered when a stunt backfired. Manfred Weber, 30, a builder, of Tuckahoe, N.Y., was taking, part in a stunt with his wife Mon-| day when he was suddenly wrap- ped in a flash explosion, in view, of the television audience. | The studio was thrown into con-| fusion. It at first appeared that| Weber's clothes had caught fire, but this was not the case. After the incident, master of] ceremonies Bert Parks told the audience, "He's okay, ladies and gentlemen." Another contestant] was brought on and the show con- tinued. Weber was burned on the face, neck and arms. The program was the National Broadcasting Company's County Fair, a half-hour show that be- igins at 4:30 p.m. EST. 'DANCE OF FIRE' Covered TORONTO (CP)--The girls of Les Ballets Africains danced with covered bosoms Monday night, but the producer said he would appeal to morality officers today for permission to unveil them. Producer Luben Vichey said his Irk Producer Bosoms |suggestive about the dances.! However, the troupe didn't want |to risk being tied up in court and missing a Detroit appearance next week. Obscured by the controversy| over bosoms has been the genuine the RCMP police the province and a Central Housing and Mort- gage Corporaiton agreement. The premier also says that a recent decision by the federal government that special grants to Newfoundland, amounting to about $3,000,000 annually, will be continued only until 1962. when they will be reviewed along with all federal-provincial fiscal ar- rangements, is a breach of agree- ment under which Newfoundland entered Confederation in 1949. THOUGHT FOR TODAY Many people try to com- pensate for a slow brain with a fast tongue, and unfortu- nately quite a few of them succeed, 8 pay homage to the fugitive god-| king, who is expected to continue| hi the zone. Dalai Lama prepared to leave|the surrounding countryside. the remote Towang today and push deeper|150 miles south of Towang in As- into India. monastery town off Reliable sources at ' Shillong, sam state denied reports the Da. : i {lai Lama was sick and fatigued. The Buddhist faithful flocked to] P. N. Menon, chief of press re. lations for India's foreign minis- try, headed toward the northeast + (frontier meanwhile to intercept mountainous northeastern), Dalai Lama before foreign reporters reach him. Prime Minister Nehru dis is slow journey today through! e party was reported mov-| ing in two groups--with a largepatched Menon to learn whether advance patrol serving as guard| to the 23-year-old ruler and his aides. With the 80 Tibetans is a/Chinese campaign to subjugate the Tibetan ruler intended to say anything about the Communist state trong guard of Assam his homeland that could endan- riflemen and constabulary in ad- ger relations between New Delhi dition to Indian army units. |and Peiping. Nehru was expected The young ruler, venerated by|to insist that in exchange for ref his people as the reincarnation of uge in India, the Dalai Lama re- Buddha, frequent stops along the route toiwould incur Peiping's wrath. was reported making frain from public statements that i. | pent Yates. were, increased, sent an emissary to escort his |, In addition to the normal bene- (pride to the palace. (fits, seasonal benefits now arel The new princess will need the {payable between Dec. 1 and May extra time at the palace to enable 16, for those whose regular bene-| attendants to dress her jn the tra- fits have been used up. ditional 1d-layer wedding gar- There was speculation Monday | ments. |also that the rates of contribu-| es tions to the Unemployment Insur- ance Fund may be increased by . about 30 per cent. Feashy Trial accepted his party's nomination At present, the maximum per ' for the presidency, which will person. is $1.20 a week, shared . take him out of active politics, {equally by employer and em- Hits Recess the West German news agency ployee. The federal Zovernment| 4 ' DPA said ioday. {contributes 20 per cent of the The Christian Democrats have combined total, als ANCELES oR I heent having 3 great deal of dit- So far Ws could be learned | S12 Tv of Oshawa, charged Ets py Te ly be no cummEnsurate with murder in the death of a date to succeed Theodor Heuss, ncrease in benefit payments for| WIth, mutt a te Sai ua who completes. lis second five isting laste u Soverage. BO recons Mionda Forni of a law year term next July. Under Ger- he government is known to be pdt y - man law a president may serve planning one or perhaps two new ToL ob nem: ovsed W tiellooth only two terms. categories above the present y a wate ceiling of $4,800 a year. [of Charlotte le Trosper, 19, who Adouer. BS only The new ceiling. was reported was stabbed to death. Her body, ¢ special gomeiision of Tanking to be about $5,500, with the top/was found lat¢ last year in aj gage deel Whe henefit going from $30 to about!ravine in the San Gabriel Moun-| lect a candidate for president. benefit 20% Jain " The new president will be elected at a special meeting of the National Assembly in Berlin in July. The assembly is composed of all 516 members of the Bundes- tag, the lower house of parlia- ment, plus an additional 516 members representing the 10 West German states. That Adenauer would be elected is a foregone conclusion despite the fact the Socialists have put up their most popular candidate, writer-scholar Carlo Schmid. The Christian Democratic dep- uties, aware of Schmid's popu- CITY EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBERS POLICE RA 5-1133 FIRE DEPT. RA 5-6574 HOSPITAL RA 3-2211 | KONRAD ADENAUER larity, have been seeking a strong candidate to beat him. There was no immediate an- {nouncement of a possible succes- {sor to Adenauer. | | Doukhobors Deny | Wish To Stay Here NELSON, B.C. (CP) -- British Columbia's radical Sons of Free-| dom Doukhobors have sent al telegram to the Soviet Embassy| at Ottawa branding as false press reports that they intend to aban- don plans to go to Russia, leaders| of the sect said Monday, | | LATE NEWS FLASHES dancers, who usually perform|artistry of the dancers. with bared breats in two of the] In New York and Montreal they, Electricity From Atomic Power? ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP)--A way has been discovered to produce electricity directly from atomic power, a Univer- sity of Michigan scientist said today. Milk With Honey Chosen Budget Drink LONDON (Reuters)--A mixture of milk laced with honey and rum was the drink chosen by Derick Heathcoat Amory, chancellor of the exchequer, today to see him through his marathon budget speech in the House of Commons. Adenauer Will Visit U.K. Soon LONDON (Reuters)--The government is expected to pro- pose a date early next month for the visit to London of West German Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. Adenauer took the initiative in sugg-sting the visit amid reports of a rift between Britain and West Germany over how to approach negotiations with the Soviet Union show's numbers, decided to coveriwere ordered to cover up, but in up after two woman from the Boston and Philadelphia they per- morality squad visited staid formed two numbers without Royal Alexandra Theatre during|bras. | the day. {DANCES TELL STORIES He said they explained that un-| less all bosoms were covered, it| One of the dances normally per- might be necessary to take|formed with some of the girls un- 0 clad from the waist up is the the troupe's representatives into & € court. Thre it preses be up to a|Dance of Fire, a ritual to demand judge to decide whether there repose of the soul of a warrior. | was anything lewd about the per-|The second number, 7 formance, P In some cases the small, filmy| There appeared to be no hint covehings the girls donned did[of disappointment from the first- little more than nov Y= e~~vice to|night audience. The troupe was the law. brought back for several curtair I 'pETROIT NT calls. The superbly rhythmic art- Ernest M. | iznager of istry, which ranged from simpli-| hte theatre, s: ¢ officers did/city to pulsating vivacity, was not suggest there was anythingioften wildly exciting. 's and| © anthers, depicts a jungle battle. WOMAN BATTLES POLICE marked by women and police- | men br: ling an" restling on the ground at I on Park, a Detroit city park. The outburst came as militant residents of Mrs. Gertrude Robinson, 61, struggles as she tries to free herself from g..sp of police hauling her to a paddy wagon following a wild mob scene 4 the area picketed in an attempt to prevent Detroit from build- ing a $390,000 children's centre on six of the park's 90 acres. AP Wirephoto.