The Oshawa Times, 7 Apr 1959, p. 12

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"42 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tusdey, April 7, 1959 MINOR BASKETBALL Stratford Cops Title Simcoe Hall Leagues To Decide Titles On Saturday ® * / The team that ended up ined, to end the game, the Biles 5; Garnie Gunn, 14; Don Calder. thfough with some excellent : 'tirst 'ace during the regular|were on the short end of a close! Total 37, shoot! and centre Bob : A lea" hedule is not 87-36 score. | Officials: John Matthews, G.|Reynolds grabbing the SeLotinds, il p team in the playoffs Jim Longley played his best | Nelson. the Mundinger crew looked ¢ Oshawa Bantams missed outa sensational job to hold the Osh- be stunned by this sudden reverse Stratford .back in business with; STRATFORD val, Sanders: was proven Saturday game of the season in this one' nv iop LEAGUE FINALS | their wiy to Vistory., however by an eyelash, in a gallant bid to'awa snipers out. while the Stratford boys took a'the tying goal, then put Oshawa|Neigh, James, Gee, Hart, Nag when the Firefighter '|with Garnie Gunn also a standout I ther thrilling' basketball the fine a ing by Dave ¥ capture the 1959 Ontario Minor, It was still a scoreless dead-'new surge of confidence and they| + jv pucine tooo © ot Burdett, Comfort, Libbet, Petrie, -.ociation team upset the high-|for the Blues. ey I eral ally with DHL Horton fin} Hing ! Hockey Association's All-Ontario|lock after two periods of spine- came right back, almost from|®"" © 58, 8 | Makins, Fitzgeorge, Oliver, Mon-|ly-rated Jaycee Blues bv a 37-36] Stan Dalidowicz and Marcel encounter, os the final them off kept t 8 close. "pr - ended the 1959 season. Itei score, Boivin led the scoring parade|came on very strong in nal In the final five minutes, the |. Bantam "A" championship, when|tingling action and Oshawa open- the faceoff, to make it 2-2, when teith and McGee, minutes of their playoff contest,[*A"s. who ted for the © they dropped a heart - breaking|ed the scoring in the first minute Henry Monteith scored at 17:49! With only 50 seconds left, the| Referees Chas. Wright and The Blues, under coach Walt|While Olav Skotcho did a fine job down the powerful Mundinger i 5 " t ane 3 once again "32 decision in overtime, last of the third period, when Barry|(only 2 seconds apart) with Oshawa lads tried hard to open|Al Taylor, both of Woodstock. Bathe, moved out in front early In the rebound department, club by a 5246 count howed thelr class a3 they moved * wight\in Stratford. The homesters|Furey scored on a pass from Eddie Neigh setting up the play,(a power play and get back on FIRST PERIOD in the game and by the end of The final game of this Ma lv Sod. his pags th al Roa scored two goals within a few|Terry Peters, to climax a gang-lon a defence rush. leven terms but time ran out. No scoring. the first quarter were leading by 8ame, total-point series, wi lL be| As was expec d Ae a victory ; seconds, in the dying minutes of|ing act which the Oshawa team! A p'enalty to Oshawa in the| Monteith, with his tying and| Penalties Peters, 3:18 (trip.;|[2 7-6 score. However John played Wis Studay Jnorn i yas cose a at] The final game this Saturday the game to wipe out Oshawa's|staged, while Jimmie James was final seconds of the last minute, winning goals, was the big lime-|Peters, 7:42 (boarding) and Kole-| F1atti's boys were not letting any- starting at 9:30 and anyone who second game Oo ql " ; "9 4 ) to) tech basket. .point series, which will also/should prove to be a first class 2:0 lead and then Stratford won!finishing out a penalty he had|gave Stratford an edge but againilight hero for the winners but it|snik, 16:21 (tripping). Shing staid in Heir way a they ee palit, be Doves this Saturdav, Is with. exhibition of basketball and with » the game, with only 50 seconds|drawn in the closing minutes of/the Motor City Bantams hung on was Sanders in goal who was the SECOND PERIOD {came Slorming Dac AF ead the! 0 out doubt going to be a hard Mundinger just six points ¢ left to go, in the 10-minute over-|{the second period. | It was obvious in the overtime|pig stumbling block to the Osh-| ) s-(hind, if is 8!!! arvone's cham. + time period. What looked the "insurance" |that a "break" was going to de-lawa forwards, along with de.| Lon coring. oa Once again in the third quar. , At the conclusion of the game, fought game and one every bas-| lot or 1956-1 ' es 3 awa forwards, along with de-| penalties Monteith, 1:05 : s trophies and crests will be pre-|ketball enthusiast should ser, |plonship for 1958-1959, | MISSED EARLY CHANCE |80al" needed to clinch the gamecide the 1959 Ontario Bantam fenceman Ed Neigh and James. |(trip,); Fitzgeorge, 4:46 (major, Lc" complete reversal was seen|ganieq to the Biddy and Minor; In Saturday morning's thrilling' MUNDINGER: Mal Longley, 6; ow jand championship, came at the/championship and it wasn't Osh-| | ig A !|as the Jaycees hit a hot streak i fe g.! th Mundi boy 1 . Bob Worsl + The Oshawa youngsters gave it(13:17 mark of the third period awa's night | Every member of the Oshawa 5 mins., high-sticking); Kolesnik: |, 4" 1ioved out in front by a 26-24! League champions for the 1956. game. the Mundinger bovs Bob Reynolds, 7; Bob Worsley, ! everything they had in a great|when Doug Pascos scored on al Penalties "to Furey of Oshawall€am tried hard but they didn't|10:58 (tripping) and James, 18:20! margin, 1959 season, moved out in front early in the 6; Bob Winter, 12: Wes Misiazek; "try for the top honors but they pass from Neil Armstrong, to at 4:12 followed he to Nick seem to have any luck when|(tripping). The final stanza was one of the eo" SICEE SLU 5 oily Skoicoibakt hut ihe Hy Jere wot going Don Andry, B aoa Xs D €had to fight an uphill battleimake it 20 for Oshawa. |Libbett at 4:25, left\room for the!fccacd: In this game. for both THIRD PERIOD 'best seen this year In the IInor| moos 1300 Waal Rasot Bien played Hard and Jed 1817 at the|Kelly 9: Gil Graham, 8: Bill Hore § throughout the first period, kill: joie players to open up their at. 'AMS, it was the lads on thel ji Oghawa, Furey (Peters) 1:02(league, with first one team, then Dulldowics. 13: Carlos Felix: half 10: Jin DARI, coorte Vou ing off three minor penalties,[TWO QUICK GOALS tack but both elected to check s¢cond and third lines who ap-| 3, Oshawa, Pascoe the other, coming up with excel Kaite Heo. 3 Toll 0 A the first halt George Fullerilor 17: Chack Toscon Hon tal ? While the homesters put on thel Meanwhile, Bob Kemp, in the hard and play it close. [peared to have the most drive (Armstrong) .... 18:17 lent offensive and defensive gi PE eX Bom paced the An iach nile Don! 12. Lauel Toston, i 10 3 pressure, Oshawa goal, was doing yoeman| "he clock stood at 19:10 of the du in no small way of course to| 3, stratford, Fitzgeorge .. 17:23 moves. bino; Jim Longley, 18: Dave An. Andry scored well for Mundinger. | "Officials: Bill Miklas and G, ¥ In the second stanza, it was work to hold the Stratford attack-|19.minut rti iod when ihe fact that the ace lines of the| 4, Stratford, Monteith i A ' { Stratford who drew three penal- ers off, As the minutes ticked by, Ho dime period Psi two clubs were too busy checking (Naigh)... 1: #) But when the horn had sound-/derson; Butch Mann; Walt Rudy,| With Bob Winter comingiNelson, ties, one of them a major penalty|the large and enthusiastic band hero 'of Stratford. leach other, to get much done in| penalties Gee, 6:45 (trip- # and it was in this frame, when of Oshawa rooters were thinking 'the way of scoring. ping) and Supryka, 19:48 (trip- [ § they failed to take advantage of of the championship but Doug MONTEITH AGAIN OSHAWA goal, Kemp; Sup- ping). N t P St G B t § extra manpower that the Oshawa Fitzgeorge broke in on a defence; It came on a deserved three- ryka, Kolesnik, Cover, Bradley, OVERTIME pee y (0) ower . Ie 0 S an ams lads missed their big opportu-that was partially out of posi- man rush, with Johnny Makins Lutton, Furey, MacDonald, Arm-| 5. Stratford, Monteith § nity Three fine scoring chances tion and beat Kemp with a shot,'and Gerry Burdett combining strong, Peters, Gibbens, Vernon, (Mackins, Burdett) .... 19:10 ° ° K | : a } were missed, with Gary Sand-{to make it 2-1, at 17:23. Iwith Monteith and when he got Ryan, Pascoe and Braiden, sub-| Penalties Furey, 4:12 (hook- | egis er one 1 ory sy ers, in the Stratford goal, doing/ The Oshawa lads appeared tolhis chance, the lad who had put goal, ing) and Libbet, 4:25 (tripping). 2 1 1S or - ---- - mm-- ------ -- Toronto OLPH Bears took a 3-0| bv downing Long Branch 2:1, The FORT MYERS, Fla. (AP)-- gess) more than he needed Frank lead in the fir t game over Osh.|Oshawa bovs took command of 1 ] | ns [ J - : | aks | Remember Pittsburgh's Bi11y/ Thomas' %5 homers and 109 RBIs.|awa St. Gregory's in ths Atomthe game in the first period, with . § SPORTS MENU ! 1Xe ur ers 0 Conn, the fancy boxer who al- That was why the Pirates made division of Ontario CYO playoffs, | goals by Wayne Dittmar, assisted wn most beat Joe Louis? Pittsburgh|the deal with Cincinnati. at The Children's Arena Sunday by John Bourrie and Dave John- ; 1 4 Pirates are built along the same| "The power has to come from €VeNing. son, assisted by Charles Love. - 5 | in | Li B 1 in pe » r By Geo. H. Campbell lines. They have the speed, dar- first base' he said. "We should! The first period went scoreless Long Branch led in penalties ® J 2 ! with Cuddy and Warren in for an ", |ing and finesse to win on points get 25 or 30 home runs from that|With Burry of OLPH receiving" ig v SPORTS EDITOR Closing Bonsp 1el from the suggers but they'll position Dick Stuart (263 and!the onlv penalty for interference. Pieh-atickink and Cate = for | never knock out anybody in thelig homers in half a season) is In the second stanze. the To-'went to Linton for Holding nd to ig i : ; first round. he likely starter although 34. ronto lads took the initiative with 'E 3 i wurli i | , of i; 4 "Do" b Kay Di : the ely starter althoug | Dittmar for kneeing. ve thin From Sou To Nuts The mixed curling enthusiasts Whiteley, Ef Hezzelwood and Do' Robins ay Deramaux The youthful Pirates are tail- year. (202) Bob Amell scori f Brian! Wy ry g P |of The Oshawa Curling Club, held Dean Patte, skip while the run- Ji Robins, Ror "WYer | lored for the vast acres of Forbes oy Suge 4) ar Dun, , Te om ea! In the second half, Brian Cuddy : A y 10; skip "i7/their annual '"'closing bonspiel"' ners-up were Jean Edwards, Tom peth Kk Mabel - Whit Field whi utfielders have alg; J . Mik: {hit for Long Branch on a solo THE 1050 BASE T Tmajor leagues version) will y ie ; eth. Kemp Mave] White {Field where o ! candidate is Rocky Nelson (.326 pair with assist from Sl effort. St. Gregory's held t + officially ope history, |0n Saturday with a full entry of Pollitt, "Fran" Pollitt and Len Reg. Smith Chas. White chance to catch long fly balls. a ). i Grant on one, and from Amell| « 3 (aregory on to be officially opened on Thursday, their eatliest start in {0/32 rinks participating on a double Edwards, skip. 2. sicker Marion: Jack [And where every pitcher's mis- fw Yeremnial nw and Burry on the other. OLPH the ler 1 with some fine goal. The fact that the National and American Leagues are going to iy 7 ay i inl : 3 : .._ Cec, Sproule, Bill Jack, ! tending by Paul Jubenville, wing into schedule action is going to make it seem as if summer|draw, two-game competition, con-| Third highest in the two-win "ip, a.take does wer eost Wim a home "gy woserosis (15. and JINCCOIVEd Toth pemalties of the i skip, : {ducted by chairman "Ab" Robins section was Bert Brown's rink, Joy Lancaster Helen Broadbent - is really ay. therman does seem some-| ! (se ow Ky . . ron. 3 lly du the DE ven if ie Neale ball' time again and|and: his committee. with a total score of six while Char. Lancaster = Bob Coppin | The defence is sound but the homers) J outed by Murtaugh| fl and the other to Owens for or, hooking, Walley fol Hashing, once more the N.Y Yankees and Milwaukee Braves age favored Prizes were awarded on theBill Ridgley's rink had two Wins req Fordham, Chas, Peacock, [Pirates often need three hits and the second baseman. Dick Groat| Interference. Smith for id sida gp once nore | Solr. Te tive league champions and so qualify for point system with "Ab" Robins and a score of 4, to take fourth! skip, 6: skip, 3./a walk to get a run, [tag Is hy | The St. Gregory's boys were a . 8, to repeat as their respective league ciampiops 'o/and his rink, consisting of "Till" prizes. Fifth prizes, for high one- Jean Bradley Marg Malloy 4 {(.300), a castly underrated short. Y St. Gregory's penalties went to : . " , h g p p , : i little too timid all through the the world series classic. But a lot of shrewd observers, who have TR La i i. Pete Simmons Fred Malloy MANAGER OF YEAR stop, and Hoak (.261 at Cincin- a |Bourrie for hooking and to John. been watching spring training camps, exhibition game results; |Stephens, Roy Stephens, Po wn wlio, Nett to Sieve Pipers Jean Renwick "Brodie" Marshall pao Arua uoh was named nati) round out the infield. |game, but with » ute more ag. or. Reet Tere EEE' abieai : ca A ns . S, § , Tink, WwW v "S| é Fred Ashworth, Newton Richards, iN in 10% | | gressiveness ey Ss " players' statistics and individual Jocords, Je also ng that copping the top prizes, with three by eight. skip, 6 skip, 4.|manager of the year in 1938 after SpEED IN OUTFIELD 200d chance fo. overcome the|Jim Cudmore of Toronto and Bob the pennant race in both leagues is likely to be much more hectic) "204 "a plus point score of 12.| Following the action on the ice, (May Johnson Epsie Furey leading the Pirates from a last-| ( ; | th | lead and win th a Simcoe of Oshawa, this season. If the National League gets any closer than it has|" °° ) A , ; CC. Ed. Armstrong Gord Furey [place tie to second money. He BoP Skinner (.321) is in left, three-goal lead and win the round "gi "Gregory's teams travel to ' " ot couple. of th Jot of managers are go- Right or. their heels, in runners-|the curlers sat down to a special Marj, Armstrong Merlee Lawrence | x Bill Virdon (.267) in centre and|in Weston on Wednesday night. Ww been for the last couple of years, then a lof H) .1 up position, were May Johnson, |dinner, provided by caterer Dick Don Crothers, Jack Elliott, believes the team that Branch pt. "oe Sel (989) in right. | {Weston Arey this Wednesda ing to have insomnia and tattered nerves. Meanwhile, we still Ed. Armstrong, Marj Armstrong Lee after which dancing and a kip. 8: skip, .!Rickey built finally has come of Virdc 4 Cl who i i PEE WEES LOSE for the second game in eac have a lot of interesting hockey playoffs to hold our attention, up and Don Crotiters skip. with INO Song cornered the sveDing's Second' Game age. ir on ang | Jemente we 3s pe St. Gregory's Pee Wees drop- Series, with the Atoms playing at this side of the border and we don't need to make any world se- Too "0a EY oi tore le IE eS mle EL W. duck, 6; N. Richards, .. "The turning point came after 38 anv outilelders In baseball. 4" ,"'59 Gacision to Blessed 7:00 p.m., the Pee Wees at 7:45, ries reservations for at least a couple of months. |" Wally Butler's rink took third|ing Hier, E. Munday, 8 Elio ithe all-star game last July," he| Hank Foiles (.205)," a right-/gacrament in the second game. and the Bantams at 8:30, Toronto Leafs and Boston Bruins got at it tonight in the prizes in the early section, with FIRST DRAW W. Butler, 7 7 6 3 re te A ------ EI Nb aT rs A SR SR TA N J F. Kella um. 1|said. "We stopped making those handed batter, probably will split ope Oshawa boys picked up a 2-0 seventh and deciding game of their Stanley Cup semi-final se- (two wins and a total score of 9 First Game D: Gothen, Ss . R . Hare, little mistakes that a young club He Catching with Burgess (.283 1ead in the first period on goals | Te +i . Halleran, 3. " at Cincinnati). ries and both teams are vsing a lot of liniment and bandages, (and Fred Ashworth's rink, with Ethel butler Betty Ti) C. Peacock, Ne makes. by Conlin unassisted and by Fair plaster casts and "freezing" in order to dress a semblance of [two wins and seven points, was i Senin Ken Tipney F. Ashworth, 7: C. Sproule normal strength, with the Bruins being in even worse shape [next in line. In the one-win divi- L- - a. "Dot" McTavish SECOND DRAW than the Leafs, Meanwhile, the Montreal Canadiens are hav- |sion, Frank Kellar skipped his "gy, ¢; Fred Moss, First Game 4 Murtaugh is painfully aware of Bob Friend (22-14) is the big from Brady. "ithe club's lack of punch. He fig- man of the pitching staff. Ronnie lessed S. t tied it u ured he needed a lefthanded Kline (13-16), Vern Law (14-12), on sels tallies by Brady and Raf. ing a timely rest--waiting for Leafs and Bruins to clobber the [rink to a win of 8, to cop the "Bootie" Snyder wparvie® Cox Mary Pollard Duta Clem stuffin' out of each other--and then they'll take on the win- |honors here. Jack Snyder Ralph Bemis | May Ridgely Jan Miller ners. That referee incidemt in Chicago has attracted a lot of In the later half of the event, Merle McConnell Marj Tribble |Bill Ridgely, Doug Clemens, attention, It could be denied before the day is out, but mean- |Dean Patte's rink took top prizes, Frank Kellar, =~ Rae Halleran,. [ wp. 8 SP Feu NTS owen BEE while, Bill Westwick, Ottawa Journal sports writer, quotes (With two wins and a point total), "TF. Yreng Gunn Dox Riggs Dove Tan ce, as Wysotski we in y \ ' - . hs SY a |slashing and hool and Con Clarence Campbell as saying that "Storey froze" and that in [of 17 while next in line was the gran: v Leon Gunn Phyl Bates Selma Aker | Ga I PH t Da 1 ng |snt it out for tri ing. Brady of his (the NHL president's) opinion, Langlois should have drawn [rink skipped by Len Edwards,(Mm Do" Munday Gey, Bates, Reg Ayer, ' I S € es I 1 ' Blessed Sacramen went off for a penalty--just before Canadiens scored the winning goal. This [With two wins and a score of 8. Gordon Hare, gin. Munday. LL ee SL . . . ' gh ie hing hassle could develop into a real verbal rhubarb, if referee |The Patte foursome was COMe «Till Stephens Peggy Phipps | Bob - Wright B. Wilson | His Goals Beat St Mike S interference and cross-checking. . [] defence at third (Don Hoak) and|(8-7 at Cincinnati) are the start- squad ahead with his second goal, a hitting catcher (Smoky Bur-lers. |assisted by Boyle and Brady. 3. Mary Pollard Ruth Clemens [fence (Harvey Haddix), tighter|George Witt (9-2) and Haddix|tes, Raftes then put the Toronto M | Penalties were even at three ------ SE -- "Red" Storey starts to express his personal epini also. [prised of Ev. Patte, "P ~em"Roy Stephens Claude Phipps [Lua wright Er Goank I Blessed - Suorament: took a Meanwhile, Leafs will have Larry Regan back at centre and TT [aan : : I thiee soul lead in the second half, Barry Cullen will dress, as an extra forward, while Rudy Mi- Fran Maroosis Daisy Mercer PETERBOROUGH (CP) Connelly went in alone to blaze| ip goals by Boyle from Brady gay has been returned to Rochester for the AHL playoffs. I Pr J. Marosis. Dave mor | Peterborough Petes are back in|Peterborough's third count past ang McFarlane unassisted. Pen- Boston hopes to have Doug Mohns back in the lineup for to- asey enge S Rev 3 Perey. "Bob" Mercer, the middle of the OHA Junior AManiago. alties went out to Wysotski of St. night's game and if he can stand the gaff, he may go | soa, sip, 73 aE 2. {playoff Picture ad 2 Pinvsized Plager. jeoring Sort i he Gregory's for cross-checking and help to Boston's overworked rearguard, which has a- ° ean Edwards Lileen Hopkins |centre who scored only regu- second came when St. chael's|t, Brady of Blessed Sacrament We mon and Bob Armstrong nursing groin injuries at the moment. om Pll Bl J kine ae | larschedule goals provided the were a man short and he was for tripping and also to Boyle of Sie Jean Beliveau was out skating in Montreal yesterday and he Y 1 Len Edwards, Gord Lofthouse, [big punch that put them there. left unguarded in front of the goal Toronto for holding the puck \ may see action in the cup finals, after all--while Rocket Rich- | : skip, - LF HP imoadsit 2 gary DaNifg. 2 wisry 19) ane Soe i) 3 pass if George p ANTAMS WIN i WHY WAIT FOR A ard is almost certain to play. | bas is "ri "tog as rene crown {pounds on a five-foot-six frame, Montague. Montague gured| v ST: PETERSBURG, Fis, AP) nase. His "REUly" tall 1s 000|fives Reeve Byron kdmondson | otted three goals for Petes Mon- again in the third when his long| St. Gregory's Bantams came up loop. 4 : | . 4 i y ot the Americ "lefty" h J v Hilda Black BRIGHT BITS: -- We would just like to remind all local sports|, he tail Pu So League ify catcher Yogi Sera lined Dat rows: Frank Blick, |day night to help topple Toronto!shot found its way into the net. with the only win of the evening | ) E C K? 3 skip ; led J. = skip, Ww) 8 skip, aw i a or teams, groups, 5-pi% bowling leagues, etc., that we are now OP 10 : 8; skip, St. Michael's Majors 6-1 and! Draper i Car-| hd ; Monday as he named Bob Turley them up: X ; no . ichae's Va virape W! i erating out of the firm's new quarters, (the former Ontario Mo os the New York Yankees' bid "Lefty" --Marv Throneberry on in Slayer Ne " level the series at 2-2 with three on's shutout when he rammed tor Sales building, on King St. East) and all reports, notes to| : 7 : {Marion P} Lor Burkhart ames tied home Gino Rebellato's rebound Biesineld > . d/ing day pitcher against Boston first, McDougald at second, Tony Marion Piper ena Bur 8 4 A ih > 0 Y the sports desk, etc., should be delivered to the new offices an Red Sox Friday at New York. Kubek at short, Jerry Lumpe at Steye Piper. . Fred Kitchen, For Darling it was his 13th goal But Darling and Mahoney OLD C UNTR mot to Simcoe St. South, There is room between the glass doors "ST S% k J A 1 at' kip, skip, lin the playoffs. For Peterborough|weren't finished and the Peter- Contact the friendly 3 hi It will be Turley in the first|third, Norm Siebern Switch-hit- Ev. Patte "Birdie" Vickery |iN the playoils, Io 8 ; at tel Ont (ast Sorvier) to tke Duy Average. Oe cil. game and Whitey Ford in the ting Mickey Mantle and Enos P. Whiteley Ken Braithwaite it crowned a naj comeback borough saplain Sent the sil SOCCER SCORES State Farm agent nearest , this Friday evening, eight o'clock, at Simcoe Hall and all second." said the Yankee mana- Slaughter in the outfield and pean pane'® = Rolo Viekers. pom snp Jhat tes games senire Jn toe another wi oss you. He's listed below: teams wishing to play Juvenile-Junior-Intermediate-Senior softball 8er Whose team finished the Flor-|Berra catching. skip, 13; skip, 0.28 : : tom -- LONDON (Reuters) -- Results jeams wish is/ida phase of its training schedule| "Righty" -- Bill Skowron on Second Game aels win from oblivion. : vrais i GAA Tanks lt sno "shoud Rave 3 repent a fi has of sa tr Nepougaly on vend, 8 vite "TBs, 3" Wane Comet, Bary Pla. pug pe gt sce matcher piv Now| DIRK BRINKMAN week end. saw only one minor change made in either the rules or| "I also think I can play two Bobby Richardson at short, Andy p Rout 3 Ro SREE,, 3 Keb An CCOTEE FORTE E GRO Eddie Bush dom: : Mill" St. North tituti neutral umpires may still be used but they are not|teams if I have to," he continued.|Carey at third, Elston Howard, p. Patte, i 8. Piper, 'home team delighted 4,332 fans | ENGLISH LEAG . a must" in OASA semi-final and final games . . . DELEGATES, 'That is, I can play a right- Mantle and Hank Bauer in the lL. Fdwards, 5: G. Bates, 3 with a lead that rolled 'from 3-0! H T | Divisio AGUE Newcastle, Ont. "rom various provinces will meet at North Bay tomorrow and handed and a lefthauded team." outfield and Berra catching. Le. & & Hon 4 in the first period to 5-0 early in| uits eam, [Preston 0 Lure 1 Phone Newcastle 3671 Mhursday. in a bid to form plans for a Canada-wide women's| Casey was speaking about right' Skowron, sidelined ior a few F. Black, : B. Mercer, 3. the third » : eston uton 0 wurling championship, similar to the "Brier" . . . GORDIE HOWE and lefthanded bacers. The days with a sore back, will be| - : S d d Division 11 "ha turned down' an invitation to accompany the Bruins and Ran-/quickly named a "icity" team able to open the season Friday, DRAPER FOR MAJORS uspenae [Stoke 0 Sunderland 0 ZEN WARENYCIA "gore. when they tour Europe, later this month . . . WHITBY DUN. that had only one righthanded the Yankees' club physician, re- 0 h M Dave Draper put St. Michael's hi Division Til ! LOPS move into Maple Leaf Gardens tonight for the fourth game|batter--Gil McDougald at second ported. S awa en on the score card with a goal late INDIANAPOLIS (AP) -- Eddie Mansfield 1 Norwich 1 203 Oshawa Bivd. N., Wf the All-Ontario senior hockey series and right to proceed in| _ -_ in the final period. Busch. centre on the Indianapo- Division IV Osh. Ont %Allan Cup play, If the "Dunnies" come up with a win tonight, . Put On OASA The series--originally 8 bestof hockey foam a ational «1e28ue Northampton 0 Carlisle 0 Ph : iin 5.5841 "they'll be in an enviable position but a win for a utchmen| Th ks R { M L | seven -- moves Into an e h d Exeter 1 Gateshead 1 one it By nr he Bat ", ve! | Maple Suspended indefinitely Monday 1 en ees avn wins wie md mate ants 1 ILITKS N€leree ivicLean | [fame Meduenday nigh'at Maple 0S Hilal, North?! scormsm LEAGUE . < will be declared this Saturday. They've played the first game | Committees | Majors lacked the drive which Playoffs. Division I THAD McCARTHY | ach case and since they are total-point affairs, Saturday's ac-| 4 carried them this far in the ser- Frank Gallagher, IHL presi-| Raith 3 Celtic 1 ! . n Bell case the 1959 trophy-winners decided . . . MIXED CURL- S aITying I'l ge PRESTON (CP) -- W. C. Per- ies. Attempts to play the Petes dent, said the suspension will|Rangers 3 QueJ nf § eo 1 Conith Bldg., 1S held their final bonspiel of the season here on Saturday and| 'kin, Ontario Amateur Softball!rough piled up their penalty carry over into the 1959-60 sea-|Rangers 3 Queen of § 1 Ajax Shopping Plaza, i: hed up with an informal dance and party. The ladies' section, w 3 Ha : |Association presider!. has ap- count and they drew nine of 12ison if an agr t isn't r 1 ids up competition play today, with their closing dinner this TORONTO (CP)--Whitby Dun-|/trying to make amends with the pointed the associaticns' 1959 ex-|infringements called in the first between Busch and Max Silver-| SET GOLFING DATES Phone Ajox 129 ering The men's playoffs start Wednesday and the seasonlops meet Kitchener - Waterloo Kitchener fans now." + ecutive directors, special con. {Wo periods. Peterborough turned man, general manager of the MONT Sree with the traditional "Plumber's Night" program on Sat Dutchmen here tonight in the Blair said Saturday he walked yeners and standing committees. tWo of these into scoring plays. Chiefs. : M AON REAL (CP)-T. Gordon freddos amd a record turnout of members is expected for this sea-|fourth game of the all-Ontario out to congratulate Whitby goalie py a. Kerr of Hamilton, Glo. . Darling opened Petes' scoring| Silverman said Busch never ry ey 'of the Montreal Kana- JOE PICHORA eo evel Senior A hockey final with|John Henderson who played a er Recd of Toront 4 n, Glo-/i, the third minute of play when said a word to anyone about|Waki Club was elected president 303 Mal Rd ans eve HA . | Whitby's manager Wren Blair|tremendous game despite the de- iM Fo oronto, Tom Sims|ye "\(hinned a Bill Mahoney- leaving after Friday's practice,!of the Province of Quebec Golf alage Rd., 4 . - sail smoking from Saturday's de- foal. Wile Ye was talking Hen. (2, Wea igri H J. gest oflcentred puck past goalie Cesare He Just packed his Jag and re- fo mion a the qual meh Oshawa, Ont. § . eat. erson made a remark to Me- ©} fh 4 'Mani Eleven inut: later turned to his home in atham, f . John :F. Iitzenberoer, Hull Legion Wins | Dunlops, who lead the series Lean. live directors. They'll join elected rifled Shipley of Montreal Whitlock. Phone RA 8-0961 » es - --e ¥y BA ng HO i aan} yy (5, Wi Th Br ) Savies Lean a Ts sect Darling home another, Ont., where he has a summer job Mn IHley ul Hoe -1, lost 3-1 Saturday an ren, "The referees chipped back i = again with an assist by Mahoney. as a golf pro." | pen was set for = - t Allan Cup Opener {Blair had some things to say and I told him he had given our, 'On's 139 executive. or ---- ne Aug. 2128 at the Mount Bruno STATE FARM MUTUAL (= © Po hbv Hull 0 HULL. Que. (CP)--Two third. Pout the refereeing. fellows a hard time all night and' Ten special conveners were| | . Club. The Quebec-Ontario Junior | Automobile Insurance Company & - period goals gave Hull Legion a Kitchener will be going all out should get off to the dressing appointed: Jack Bond, Oshawa; FIGHTS LAST | Cree Indi an team matches are scheduled for, Head Office: Toronto, Ontario (£3 victory over St. Vincent de 0 tie the series tonight. They room now that the game was|Leo Del Villano, Timmins; Earl { the Montreal Summerlea Club) hy? Md - "Tar | i» plan no changes in the lineup. over. McLean still argued with Flower, Brampton; J. J. John-| | ug. 45. To n Tourists Paul in the opening game of their poe on "Raton Hosking, who me and T walked to centre ice son, Ottawa; Jim Kelly, North NIGHT Asks Eoual | East Canada Allan Cup semi- : A Pt : _ CHICAGO (AP) -- Ed Litzen- FE day ae, $ tore a muscle in his right leg,'and invited him to come along Bay; Don Mullau, Preston; RRA rn Mn i |wil in the 1i s ' vi : ; berger and Bobby Hull of Chic- Second game of the best-of will not be in the lineup and may because there were a few more James Nixon, Durham; D. K.| By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS | ' ' i 1 i |be out of hockev for the season.|things I wanted to say, too." |Prescott, Capreol; Lee Rodgers, J ml ! f ago 'k Hawks of the National three series will be played Wed- | yyrs OFFICIATING DUTCHIES HOPEFUI {Sault Ste. apron and H. err [a ew York---Ales Wiens Hite, A | or aws ¥ Hockey League have been given'nesday night in Re yiacent Ze Blair Monday was still angry "poo Teo tL hav Brantford. Eon. opPel aro ar i i Paul, a Montreal suburb. € about the work of referee Hugh! en figure they have a er, 198, Linden, N.J., 2. | SASKATOON (CP)--A Cree In-| 4 sermission to join Boston Bruins wooo." wm A ood cl vi if. Don Lee of Belleville was ap- | ) | play the Ontario yer, f Hamilt v _|good chance to win the series if, I S ap-; MeAllen, Tex.--Miguel Juarez, |dian, who is an Anglican minis- | # and New York Rangers on a champion in the eastern final. e ean h amilton who Tef-(they can take tonight's game. [Pointed chairman of the sub-com- 128, Reynosa, Mexico, outpointed|ter, says Indians should be " ereed in e Western Hockey Son? b M k § European tour later this month, Defenceman Gilbert Lacelle, League during the regular sea- Fifth game is in Guelph Friday mittee. His commitieemen in-izydella' Garcia, 125, Monterrey, treated as white men in purchace or ve very y elere Tucks § Hawks general-manager Tommy scored the winner for Hull, and son. night. {clude W. M. Alguire St. Cathar-| Mexico, 10. and sale of liquor. : Ivan said Monday lother Legion goals came from| "We took five penalties to one. 1OSKIng's injury broke seven ines, J. G, Brady, Ostawa, R. F.|" ype' chartes, La.--Paul Jor-| Rev. Canon Edward Ahenakew. PHONE . § Ivan said Vion to Gil Chouinard. Pit Richer and|I'm not quarreling with ours, Years of play without missing a|Stewart, Grimsby Beach, A. K. Houst ex., stopped 73. who lives on the Sandy Lake o.oo. We gave them permission 10g, , 'giongin, either, but only about the differ. £2me: He had played more than|Davidson, Stratford, Clare Butler, |r. "Bogilla, Monterrey, Mexico, Reserve and was the first Cre: make the trip but we don't know Jacques St.-Pierre scored twice ential because all those Dutch- 0 SASeetive games % i Wilowdale; and L. G Pickard, |} featherweight. Indian to gain the Anglican Ii- 3 it they have been officially in-itor St Vincent de Paul, and Jean|men players certainly aren't an-, 'Cloni0 doctors say his injury Si. Catharines. Montreal -- Billy Pickett, 158, [centiate in theology degree, was vited"" Ivan added. Desautels got the other. gels." is similar to one suffered by Art Ray of Windsor was re-ap- New York, stopped Bruno Bou.|in Saskatoon to preach in Rughy a liar 4 «ordi : - -- | He said he thinks McLean is S08lie Harry Lumley when with pointed chairman of the rules|cher, 160, Chicoutimi, 2. Robert Chapel, Emmanuel College. Barlier it fonday, Corie Jone 9 carrying a grudge "from two Tirole Maple Leafs of the Na-\committee. His committeemen|Cleroux, 205, Montreal, stopped, In an interview on iiquor prob- down an invitation to make tne REMEMBER WHEN? . . .ivears ago when we defeated the 012 oS i League severaliinciude G. H, Camphel!, Oshawa ,|Chuck Hood, 189, Washington, lems among his own people, he LIMITED ! wild By TH ECANADIAN PRESS |Dutchmen in the seventh game Years aR: The injury sidelined 11, F. Dormer, Peterborough, 0./D.C., 4. said: . ) i voleran star. said Jockey Johnny Adams rode six|of the Allan Cup finals in Kitch- umley five weeks. I. King, Simcoe, and L. G. Pick- San Diego--Nacho Escalante. 'Let Indians have it. I say this | OSHAWA WHITBY he veteran star s consecutive winners at the Bay! ener." Meanwhile Dunlops announced ard, St. Catharines. 119, Mexico City, outpointed because of my many years of life! I talked with my doctors yfeadows track in San Mateo,| "At the time my players gave that anchor man Dunc Brodie, | ---- ~~ Ward Yee, 120, Pasadena, Calif., on Indian reserves. I have seen RA 5 1109 MO 8 3644 my injured ribs," sai {Cal., 21 years ago today. He fin-|Hughie a ribbing after we had Who missed the last game be- 110. ithe evils of niaking home brew. - - owe, "and, we feel I should rest ished third in the opening race,|Wen the game, although he had|cause he was writing university CANADIAN WINS Tokyo -- Larry Pineda, 114% (When Indians can't have it, them as much as possible. Also. /then went ontop for the rest of called eight penalties against, examinations, will be back in the. MIAMI BEACH, Fla. (AP)--|Philippines, outpointed Shigeru/many of them make their own. we have a new baby girl and rd the seven-race card. His winners|Dunlops and only three against lineup. Lesley A. Sparling of Toronto de-'Tto, 111%, Japan, 10. I believe there would he more BROOKLIN AJAX rather spend the time at ome. paid a total of $82.20 on $2 win Dutchmen." Blair says when Brodie, who i« feated Gail Topperman. Fort! Sydney, Austrriia -- Joe Ngidi. moderation and less trouble if In- he Rangers and Bruins wi tickets. Johnny Longden however SAYS MAKING AMENDS dumped on to any line when a Laulerdale, Fla., 6-1, 6-0 Monday 146%, South Africa, outpointed dians were treated as white men 282 550 leave later this month on 8 Was the leading jockey on U.S. He said McLean "has been in player shows signs of tiring, isin the first round of the Good George Barnes, 148%, Australia, in their purchase and drinking of | tour. , tracks in that season. |hot water a lot and I think he's playing Whitby generally wins. Neighbor tennis tournament. |12. |liquor.," |

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