47--Automobiles For Sale 50--Articles For Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 6, 1959 TT |'ss PLYMOUTH two-door hardtop a roe, (Dumps "in good e Sondith Cl ' tutone green and white, custom ra PPly coe Street | This Is » popular model, priced right. nw Srir=t to | 50---Articles For Sale | H M open 'ti [BU Van Hetsm Motos, 9 i completely reconditioned, 90-day free USED 40" Beach gas range. pertect 50, Irvine ~Appli- 80816 |45--Real Estate For Sale 45--Real Estate For Sale -Real Estate For Sale |46--Real Estate Wanted UR - "room, OWNER going into business must sell | OWNER needs cash, will sell excellent NEW brick bungalow, with six acres of "ng PoE i ot ished, upstairs Jus wi Join brick and stone ranchilo. 76 x 200. wor " +1900 for 51650. In garden land in Courtice. Phone BA lent ) we to high No. 80194, WO and one-half room alow in north-west, Storms «ad excellent loca hway No. apartment firepla and other extras. 2, between Oshay Ay on Whitby. Joseph wiy decorated, Jurished, basin in serene eo all Joseph Bosco, Broke:. Bosco Broker, RA 5.9670 9870, Insurance Associates Ltd. garage uvallabl bstainers, RA 5. 77e| between 5 and 8 p.m, 7 LIVE rent free, Thiee-year-oM, 50 % 113, corner Floyd and Rost GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS $3,000 down -- new modern five HREE rooms, sink and cupboards in room brick bungalow, completely dec. PI*d: $2800. RA 5.2162. ltchen, stove and refrigerator. immed: orated and landscaped, centrally or FOR sale -- Family plot of four: Mount te possession, reasonable rent. RA cated with schools, churches and shop- Laws Cemetery. Terms. Box 630 Osh 9200. 494 Bloor East, ping centre, This spacious home con- awa_ Times. 6-room bungalow with car- port. Large living room with stone fireplace, dining oreo, large modern kitchen, 3 . apartment which vENRuLY dow ™ vir, nly Aging monthly payment SEVEN rivileges to young men, preferably Of the house (568 including principal, 8 1720, fice workers. Very central, 77¢ interest and taxes). $4000° down. No BUY of a lifetime, five rpom iin DNE of two fooms and kitchen, aiso AHePts: RA 57019 after 6:30 p.m. 7 ip gf furnishings in Apple Hill Sub- lovely bedrooms, 4-pc. tiled bathroom with vanity. One of Kassinger's well built homes, Coll. Henry Stinson, evenings, RA 5-0243. arage. Apply 208 Clark Street, eine ~Real Estate For Sole | 4. BEDROOMS 7-room brick 1V2-storey and half, clapboard, hot! six large rooms, built. a lot, near [Laneiowie sion, Sow down payment, Phone. "RA 5.5011 001 home with garoge, located in the vicinity of Oshawe Blvd. N. Oil heated, ex- tra shower in basement. Owner leaving country. Low down payment, full price $9,200. This will sell quick- ly, so call now ond ask for Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5-1726. TOP VALUE FOR YOUR DOLLAR Exceptionally well built 5- room bungalow located in the North End of the city below Rossland Road. Complete in every detail, Stone front, garage, fenced rear yord. Beautifully landscaped, 2 bed- rooms on main floor with spore bedroom or den up- stairs Finished rec-room plus den and washroom in basement. For further de- tails, please call Bob Davis, evenings, RA 8.6326. -- Spring Is Here -- WE HAVE BUYERS WE NEED PROPERTIES ! Houses, Farms, Small Holdings LIST NOW WITH Merv. Bird BROOKLIN PHONE 255W J. A WILLOUGHBY SCMS LTD. REALTORS 46 EGLINTON E., TORONTO Spring Catalogue Sent Free HAVE YOU BEEN THINKING OF SELLING YOUR HOME warranty, ion $69.50, $110 cash. RA Lie Dog Trainers - room, moders house. nA division. Private mortgage, Imm possession, RA 58484. | INCOME home, six-room modern bun-| galow with basement apartment, fully serviced, heavy duty wiring, fenced in lot, , $2500 down. RA 3.2870, ( JOHN A. J. BOLAHOOD LIMITED REALTORS 169 SIMCOE S. RA 5-6544 CENTRAL PK. BLVD. N. 6-room brick, storey and half, 10 year old home in excellent condition, oil furnace, finish- ed room in 'basement, 16 cubic foot freezer; built-in bookcase, asking $2,000 down with low monthly poy- ments on existing mortgage. To inspect call Jack Appleby ot RA 5.6544, SACRIFICE 7-room home with large mod- ern kitchen, oll large light rooms, situated on large lot with private drive ond gor- oge, just steps to schools, shops ond bus right at door, only $10,500 full price with low down payment. Call now for appointment and ask for rlelgh | ;utomatic rollers, pump, 18 months old, Family moving out of country. 638 Bloor Street East. RA 8-60¢ 8-6088. 79¢ 12-FOOT cedar boat and "3.5 ho horsepower motor, both $125. Blackstock 57 R 13. $11,900, Tidy 5-room n bung galow, p paved drive and garage, Excellent terms. Warren Avenue, Call Walter Kocoj, RA Youre, loseph Boscoe Broker, RA| c #9000 DOWN. Ritson and Eulalie io din | friet, solid brick, six rooms, modern kitchen, good renting area. Call RA 81773, soLip Suk ni yanch sivie A aYle hom, args jot iduntior stveet. 9 Froder. a von "Phone Bowmanville MA LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM INSURANCE REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS ONLY $8,800 BUYS room bungalow with modern conveniences. Low monthly payments, Clese to St. Chrisptopher's | ond Woodcrest Schools. A gocd start for a young couple. Coll Bill Millar--RA 8-5123. INCOME $1,000 DOWN é-room brick home with gar- age, with 2 self-contained apartments Centrally lo- cated, convenient to schools, bus, G.M. North Plant and downtown is just @ S-minute walk, Investigate this good buy. Full price $11,300. Call Doug. Hurst -- RA 8-5123. b50 hers, 1 natural gas space heater pipes, 840, RA 5.3560. 7af[R HYDRO | forty 4 gallon adil; wa two 0, ght FOUR - room bung ow oll heating, | modern throughou rage, Steven- son's Road North, on L 8. Snelgrove Co. Ltd, RA 784 | $12,000 ~~ full tiful three-| located on of large Seteins, ane 7adio. 3000 S000 miles, 2 good uy 41 De eu on, Many lovely patterns and colors, oat! i Ch 7 ed With 1036 FORD hali-ton pickiip, SUOmatic, |The pan ooo mition ada warranty. or Tn. Lon uit Toon arg ! J 3 8, cks, } S3022 Whey condition. Phone MO East. A bright colors, | latte, 6 x 9, only $18.88. a mats, rge 3 HIGHEST 8% Yrices Daa for lees furs: Sear sw an tpn | WW t C 1 SSEATE diy na Re Tye ture, also sell and ¢ Contact| Congowall clearouts while they last, 29¢ an on rue personal service at your home call RA [Community Fup tre. Blot: 19 Prince per oor, Wilson Furniture, Church 52802 Sereet. Phove RA 0.3131. Street 4] NORTH BAY (CP)--Mrs. H. J. '53 FORD half-ton pick up, A ES, furaiture? Wel buy I We (GREY baby poarriage, steel bunk bed Wright, president of North Bay Aria anion, most Bow. moiop, To oo as, Ziouos, | and Bg bag. BA 2008. cats, branch of the Society of the Pre. cas 8-0816. ATR cor runner", 1 bere us do Sa RA 81131. Ty v. 22 om. 175 ibs. vention of Cruelty to animals, a UNGE Crisder, uly duu inbed H gal. tank. Fully guranteed. Also 2 says some Ontario dog trainers Avenue. Als Sowpessory 3 Hp, am isp Ihe | Are committing wanton cruelties 1955 OLDSMOBILE, Super "85" sedan, Vertical. Cash register for Service sta-(f0 a species of small hybrid pover oquipped, Perfect ition, iy tion eit Comma', Sand Sasting » ma. [black duck while training re. mileage, can ance, chine ", ane" nay pm, " {Compressor Webster. Spray Gun Web. trievers and other hunting yA 9 CHEVROLET pick 00d [ster Mod:AC. Ford car radio. Philips) Mrs. Wright said Saturday 4 Re pie oy. ved am radio and three speed record player. society had discovered two ning Sond RA Ho paint inside yg and Remington Rand Bookeeping machine| 4, 1c" ona of them badly injured, hs . Mod: 123. 5 HP. electric motor, 3 phase y BLACK 1950 Ch 550 v. and many other small items. in a city backyard, She said the visor, radio, heater, whit walls, $375. 78 | Very als, Apply Oshawa Ma-lgwner of the ducks told her they RA Soi Miers ym. Wis Oxford 87 Simcoe Street South. were to have heen used as live HEAVY 4 tota-sond combination range, i ece Shestertied and corner eountall a UE ATE Tot perp RE, itl home or cottage BA . nL. chided Lr 308. (wave. '58 Jang Cian Tg Phone | dogs. 58 BUICK Special, two-door. | SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re-|RA 5.8888 between 6 - 7 pm. 76 She said no action will be automatic, fully equipped. Ajax Fg 3 asl oHer Pianos, WE pav highest price in the city for taken by the society. Street, Phone RA 8.1131, .. used bi Th Used Furniture) Mrs, Wright said the ducks 3 FARGO threeton dump. Vi, holst HGOVER ses and service. New or Sore, B mene were raised at a special farm and box, in excellent condition, Very BOATS, motors and trailers. New and 0) a used, guoranteed, vacuums. Nu-Way BOOTS. at Dominion Tire the Niagara Peninsula. Their ae a Td ret] n Rugs, Sales ] Servies. RA 51202 Store, 5 Bons "Street West, Oshawa. wings were clipped. alr | "They cannot fly and the dogs EE filled mattress with pdb) vy, Hass ne Bg he Fees a, Free mattress with in training are set unon them to d, lop condition, 11,000 miles. Terme|machines, Alemite, with grease gun, every carriage. Hichsirs, $177 SrSli return them," Mrs. Wricht sald. avalable: UA 33030 after 3 pm. _TH,860: and many other items at very|Sih, SIF EOYPLCS Spat ilo ti onl eA voung untrained dog will Church Street. 77d bite them." $95 full price, 51 Meteor, Studebaker, reasonable prices. Come in and look CHESTERFIELD and two chairs, like, Mrs. Wright said the Niagara '50 Morris, Mercury, J Oldsmobile, [around every evening. Apply 597 Sim. Plymouth, Meteor, Chevrolet. (cos Street South. RA 5-9216. King | es new. Phone RA 55410. 7%| farm supplied ducks to dog train. Eleven to choose ron 11 ft. Fibre. centre. 5 HP Scott-Atwater motor, BEDDING bargains, spring filled 'mat. '\-|ers throughont the province. Diefenbaker Urges Unity '55 FARGO, % "ton pick up, p, very "good motor and trailer, These are all new Wilson special $18.88, Continental a: condition; or trade for older car as part for only $589. Ajax Marine, No. 2 High- better quality spring filled units with Food and freezer plant. | Grrawa (CP)--Prime Minis $15.40 a week per family ter Diefenbaker says he sees payment. Apply 214 Celina Street. 78¢ |way at Ajax. Phone 1266. hed covers p with six of four, includes approxi- [nothing on the world scene to a me Val t "54 FORD Mainline, real sharp, 8650. FOR free delivery on Southern Fried Ly 50. Jiwood Jes ly he sg mately 90 per cent gro- [suggest or to permit "the luxury ii ig oT ey gre of a slackening in the prepared. ' ; 547 Stevenson Road North, RA 3970, Chicken, fish and chips 'or sandwiches, t in i phone RA 80771, delivery on week COTES, and ladder. $56. Wilson Fur: ness of the free nations." down payment, for ap "The need for vigilance and pointment. No obligation. WAITING FOR i" " 5i FORD half-ton panel, good tires, d2¥6. § p.m. fo. 10 p.m., all day Satur: niture, 20 Church Street. 77d (unity is as imperative now, if not Phone RA 5-3709. bedroom brick bungalow, Mary Street North, plenty closets, oll oats storms nd and Just minutes to down For ment call Bil Swarbriek ut RA , John A J. Bolahood Ltd, Real at any ne: FM short| specimensg while training his black, 4) stoves, ete, 76e|o Prince iy FOUR acres on Wilson Road North, For further particulars RA 8.8029. FOURTEEN acres of land, axl for sub Sivision, for sale in south Osh-| awa, 5:1577 between 6 and 8 even- ings. | LLOYD REALTY OSHAWA'S BUSIEST REAL ESTATE FIRM INSURANCE REALTORS OPEN EVENINGS CEDARDALE 7 rooms, modern throughout. New forced air oil furnace, large lot, perfect financing. Could be duplexed or for large fomily, Only $9,200 full price, low down payment, ments, one mortgage for the balance. Many other extras. This one is for you, Call Doug Gower, RA 8.5123. GOING, GOING FOR $10,900 Four year old bungalow in Southmeod oreo, with L- shaped living teom, Par tially completed recreation room Forced air oil heated, Situated on large lot 50 x 160. One mortgage for the balance at 5%. Call Bill Mil- lor, RA 8.512 $400 DOWN $400 Situated on nice lot, 4-room clopboard bungalw on quiet 1% HP motor, new, 869; portable terms. lal: Neat four - Bill Swarkrick ot RA 5-6544, | RITSON ROAD NORTH 5 rooms, 4.pc. bath, $1,200 | down, $8,500 full price, call Fred Fairhart at RA 5-6544, after 6 p.m. 8 VAN HEUSEN fi: WILSON AT KING 5.room brick, good condition, garage, furnace, large lot, $1,000 down, full asking price $10,500. If you want a nice cleun home in a g area, school, shopping, etc., very handy, phone Jack Ap- pleby at RA 5.6544, $500 DOWN $500 S5-room house, Wilson Road at King East, must be sold ot once, asking $5,900 - full price, large lot, needs some repairs, make an offer, call Jack Appleby at RA 5.6544, DARLINGTON AREA NEW N.H.A. HOMES $12,495 -- oil heated, 6 room brick bungalow feotur. ing: 1--Walk-out basements; 2--Hollywood kitchens; 3-- colored ceramic tile bath. room; 4--3 bedrooms; S5-- divided basements, where attend homes (1) Duplexes, or large homes private sale. Phone RA 3.4945. 790 4 day and Sunday. would more so, than at any time dur. which can be duplexed, |; |ITHREE . piece chesterfield suite and ; J 1 CURY. , two.-to in the area of King St. fou. deer Exceriont: condiiion. ® Brand Sue. Wikon pot. veh Jetign, Sie E., Athol St. ond Arthur [new cluten and transmission, 37.000 Reellent value 5 90:1 ine the last decade," he said Sat- {urday during a Parliament Hill ceremony marking the 10th ane St. original miles, Very clean. This car has nn d been driven with care. Phone RA 3-9066 BOAT outfit, Musko a Flyer or (2) Bungalows in the Cadil- niversay of the North Atlantie Treaty Organization. | length 14 feet, 58-inch Lh with 30 hp lac, 'Highland, LaSalle "There is no room for cleav- motor, electric statring, includ. (ing Teenee arratier with 3 wheel, area, (3) 2-storey 'ages within the (NATO) alli- |ance." he said, "no place for ontrols, dual gas |tanks, children MOTORS LTD. half-hearted co - operation, 'no battery, lights, tarpaulin, skis, Jacket, North Simcoe School, Your Local Ford, Edsel going it alone' much as that ete. etc. Price complete. $1000. Dial RA 5-2609. 761 FOR COURTEOUS APPRAISAL Monarch, Renault Dealer WITH NO OBLIGATION | Sales and Service | course might appeal to national. istic spirit and sentiment." USED television sets, 17" and 21" com. pletely reconditioned. Free 90-day war. PLEASE CALL 149 KING ST. W. DAYTIME--RA 3-2265 RA 5.3557 The flags of the 15 NATO part. ners were unfurled in front of ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap- EVENINGS 48--Automobles Wanted the Parliament Building as the pliances, 50 Bond East. | vacuum cleaner repairs, all makes, parts, attachments, brushes, guaran. Bob Davis . ... Henry Stinson . . RA 5.0243 [WILL pay cash for used car, Bill McFecters RA 5.1726 [condition. 'S5 Chev. preferred. eT Fir, en {RCAF Central fommand band plaved a special medley of their respective national anthems. | teed rebullt machines. Estimates free, Reg. Aker .... RA 5.0201 | orcionE mle Wicker want cars| SUMP Pumps 310; 3-piece bath se, Mr. Diefenbaker took the sal. The finest Canadian made oluminum combination win- dows ond prime windows, self-storing doors. Very low price, only $49.50 installed. Finest aluminum! awnings. Remembe: sold only by your local deoler. ALEX VAJDA, Modern Woodworking Shop, RA 3-9851. BEFORE 5 P.M.--RA 3.2265 BETWEEN 5 & 6 PM. -- | RA B-1624 | 800] |46--Real Estate Wanted | WANTED BUILDINGS FOR DEMOLISHING SECURITY $800 DOWN $800 Only one mortgage for the balance for this 6V2-room brick home with two kitchens and two baths, plus good gar- age, private drive, aluminum storms ond screens and oil heating For information, call Irwin Cruikshanks, RA RA 8-6326 918 Simcoe Street | Rentals. Vacuum Cleaner Repair Ser- |vice. RA 8-1081 anytime. |550 TO $150 allowance for your old !television on any new Electrohome, Ad: for wrecking. Highen prices paid. RA SCHOFIELD INSURANCE $1161 or RA 31183 wer cabinets, $49.50; cow bowls, $5; | FINGERNAIL saver -- Don't bite | a % 4 i ASSOCIATES LIMITED [ni Secause that ot rent. op a usy, 6 SIMCOE ST. N, 12 PRINCE STREET BUY NOW AND SAVE | good miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Pork- property's n pry Bon rp gif hd ten Hills ants! Dial RA 3.3492, ha | AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay stripes, rde: rompt service. Free estimates. street, Easy monthly poy ments, immediate possession, $9,000 full price, $1,500 down payment; for this 5. room bungalow, 4-pc, bath, 8.5123 Any type of building or Lloyd Realty Ltd, house. Highest prices paid. 75¢f 47 --Automobiles For Sale MACKIE MOTORS 'p now for early delivery, Chair and table rentals, Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North. YOU break them, we fix them, at Bill Peterborough boats, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms. Free ute and march past of a 100-man guard of honor made up of mem- bers of Canada's three armed Full price $5,000. This could ideal for anyone who wants a start for their own home. Call Doug Gower for further information ond ap- pointment, RA 8.5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N RA 8-5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER winter storage on motors, Boat storage. Factory. ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs, Open evenings ond weekends. MARINE STORAGE & SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKLIN, ONT. PHONE 87 BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with @ moldea hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See forced air oil heating, modern throughout, good small family home, call Fred Fairhart ot RA 5.6544, LOT $2,500 LOT Wilson Rd. ot King, size 50 x 120; all serviced, good cen- tral areo, close to everything, call Jack Appleby right now ot RA 5.6544, 800 Will puy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell on consigi Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-In RA 5-5743 HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cors. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §, RA 3-9421 49--Automobile Repairs BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Specialists in Ford service and parts, Wheel alignment, wheel balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment. DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W.--RA 3.7132 50--Articles For Sale TV -- 17" Admiral, eight months old, {sre cash or $8 monthly. Phone RA 7606, 80¢ SUNBEAM "Talbot § 9, ES "sedan, Excel. lent condition, $800 or and take over terms, Barry, RA 3-3085 or 6:30 on Sunday. 80b |'88 CHEVROLET Bel Ai hardtop, fully equipped, terme available, RA 5.727. after 5.30 p.m, 85 BUICK i standard shift, wood condition, $1300. RA 5. 2 MERCURY phd i ui} $565; '52 Chev. sedan $245; By sa deluxe sedaii $305; '50 Austin $95; '49 Ford 5-p ; RA A 8-6037. 57. ™ services. Adder Bites British Man LONDON (Reuters) -- Polina made a 20 - mile ¢ wey dn North London Sundays ean Serum to save the life of a 26-year old man bitten by an adder, Britain's only poisonous snake. Alan Quy, one of three men working near a railwoad em- |bankment, collapsed seconds after being bitten on the right index finger. A truck took him to hospital at Romford, nearly 20 miles away. Doctors sent an appea! for anti. SUMP pumps, pressure systems, 3. Snakebite serum eos bath sets, atec} (inks and ceb- police who called Seatiand Yard. nets, pop cooler, hamburg grill, roto- Less than an hour later the serum [Fitters copper, steel, plastic pipe, and|\uag handed over in time to save used bicycle. Smelt nets $1.95; ors ittings. Chinn's, RA | |the man. $4.50; bargains in all tackle. Open 52--Legal Notices Thursdays and Fridays till 9p 0 I WILL NOT be responsible for any South, Whitby 105, Byroa» ~slreei debts Fa acted in my name by my| xs, annamaker, on or after CHESTERFIELD, good as new, 828 ER date, April 2, 1959. -- Floyd C. x sale. Apply 766 C BA 7c HHI stove, chesterfield, many other articles. RA 3-4134, 366 Division Street. 78¢ LARGEST selection of used TV, many with new guarantee at Parkway Tele- vision. 918 Simcoe Street North STEAM baths. Slenderizing treatments, best results given at Homewood Health Studlo. 204 | King Street East. RA 8-0511. BF. G H Stores, tires, batter- {es, Kelotivnfrraegerators, television. fes, Kelvinator refrigerators, islevision, Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4543 USED tires, most all sizes, $3 up. B, F. Goodrich Stores. RA 5-4543. NW Crulseis, sin ana up, CCM RACER, three-speed, cable See the Scotts for '59. Ajax Marine, brakes, lights, new tires. Also ice box No. 3 Highway at Ajax. Phone 1266. and four windows 20 x 27, one 40 X|COST is forgotten. End tables, blond 57. All good condition. RA 5-6141. 80c and walnut finishes, fancy carved. legs, PORTABLE television sets for rent,| Jhives 10 328.0. ol they 30 below soit: by the week or the month. Meaghers, | s t King '|electrie refrigerators, brand new, store $ Strast West. RA 3. 342. models, apartment size, unbelievable ZENITH television sets are now sold {low price, $98. Kitchen chrome sets, in Canada, before buying any TV be'clearouts of odds and ends, extension sure and see the many exclusive fea- table and four chairs, $39.95. Wilson tures in Zenith. ing | F 20 Church Street. 77d Street West. RA aun | TELEVISIONS used; | table console PHILLIPS 21-inch TV and rotar aerial.| models, 17" f Offers. Phone RA 5-442, 80c /get terms, B, Goole Stores, Pak BSc: © 5-450, ne COLONIAL dition. Apply 316 Eulalie Avenue, Osh. awa. 80¢ SUMP pump, some pipe and fittings 80a) ALUMINUM COMBINATION WINDOWS, DOORS AND AWNINGS included, $25. Phone RA 8.8746. VIOLIN, old German, full history avail Manufactured in our Whitby plant. Before buying come able, includes forty-five dollar bow, new case. $200 (two hundred oul, into our show room at 134 Simcoe St. S. ond see our lars). RA 5-0187. display or for a home dem- onstration call Oshawa RA 8-8571. FREE ESTIMATES GIVEN COLONIAL ALUMINUM 134 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa 101 Simcoe St. N. Moring's Garage, 1378 Simcoe Street North RA 8.5123 LIST WITH LLOYD THEN CALL YOUR MOVER CALL RA 8-5827 or MA 3-2236 BEAR front end alignment and wheel balancing, Moring's Garage, 1373 Sim- coe Street North, USED TV and appliances, the Dutch Merhant, 633 Albert Street. Phone RA 8-6051. Open till nine. NEW wood paneled overhead garage {dloor, size 7 x 814, reasonable. RA 8-0480. CABIN cruiser, A-1 condition, 24' x 8' double cedar planking, 65 HP, Grey Marine engine, sink, head, fresh wa. ter tank, sleeps four. Will finance, $200 down. Di ture Bradley's Drive-in. LIKE new, chesterfield and chair, 30" electric range, washing machine. Phone MA 3-5800 Bowmanville. 79 LU spruce, 40 pleces approxi. Spruce "0 x ¥ x 1%. RA 5-879 Derore 3p mwf MAKE AN OFEER Builder's opportunity -- parcel of land 158 ft. x 824 ft, equivalent to about 16 lots, Tounton Rd. W. No reasonable offer refused. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3-2254 anytime, WHY PAY RENT? When $55.00 monthly will carry this 7-room home located on Grenfell St., giving you comfortable living, including forced air oll heating, stool and shower on main floor, plus stool in base- ment, low taxes, Full price only $7,100.00 with only $1,900.00 down. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3.2254 anytime. WANT AN INCOME? Then see this spacious 5.room bungalow with 3-room basement opartment (rented). Listed at $11,600.00 and $3,000.00 down ond offering you country living with city conveniences. 1. Lot 75 ft. x 239 ft. 2. Kitchen 16 x 12 ft, with double sink, loads of cupboards. 3. Large ilving room. 4, Master bedroom 16 x 12 ft. plus 2 good size bedrooms. 5. Forced air oil heating. Location-- Eost Whitby Twp. Call Ozzie Addison, RA 3.2254 anytime. LLOYD AYERS REALTOR--RA 3-2254 00 STOP CONTACT GEORGE REYNOLDS & SON | BUILDERS For ultra modern kitchens with counter top, installations; walls | beautified with walnut, oak, birch and other decorative woods. In Oshawa area, we have built fine homes ranging In price from $10,000 to $60,000. V.L.A, Houses Built to Please You RA 5-3376 WHITBY CLASSIFIED yor Alsco Alumina. eo combination win. FOR 'rent = J oursoom apartment, dows and rs, 0c ECT, spacious four - door sedan, powder blue with matching lea. ther interior, for the family, Only $798. V 'ss CHEV. ouch, tu-tone, leather upholstery, radio, very good condition. Avply 70 Warren Avenue or phone RA 7c 56 FEY INOCIN soach deluxe, aback ly beyond criticism r inal turquoise, beautiful. $1145. q West Motors, opposite Shopping Centre, savings! SPATE Aj ) , ( ' Modern two-piece chesterf! reid jax Marine, No. 2 Highway. suite, springfilled construction, lovely modern upholsterings, regular $199.95, PHONE 1266 AJAX $99.95. half-price clearout, e bedroom suites, double |51--Swap and Barter Our 8 Furbitite; 78¢ | 85° PONTIAC sedan, 40,000 miles, owner getting married, $1250, 8.6851 afternoons. 1958 PONTIAC Strato Chief, four d door an, power glide, heater, ete. Execu. tive driven. Finance available. 10,000 miles. RA 8.5118 after § p.m. Lo '84 FORD two door, original green, like new, radio interior always slip-cover- ed, used by hospital manager to go home and back, mechanically perfect $895. King West Motors, opposite Sop ping Centre, 78¢ '51 DODGE, good motor and good body, $195 or best offer. RA 3-3094, 7 SABYAN MOTOR SALES LTD. STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN SALES ond SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 and chest, walnut or pond finish. cost is forgotten, $88. Wilsol 20 Church Street. USED fires, $3, up, Terms, Dominion | Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. LARGEST trade in all Church Movement For Universities TORONTO (CP) A eon ference of church and university {leaders has decided to ask the {Canadian Council of Churches to jinitiate a nation-wide Christian movement for Canadian univer sities. A meeting here attended by some 65 representatives of Angli can, Baptist, Disciples, Friends, Presbyterian and United churches issued a statement that said a plan is to be presented to the church courts of all Canadian churches in co-operation with the Canadian Council of churches. TENDERS addressed to the Property ond Maintenance Committee, Women's Welfare League, 387 Simcoe Street, South, Oshawa, will be received up to noon, May 15th, 1958, for painting the House which fronts on Simcoe St. South ond the picket ond the lat- tice fences. The lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Information may be obtanied from H, W. McNeill, 387 Simcoe St. South, Osh- awa. "Doc* Dafoe, | Phone MO 8:3486 MO 8-2350, after 6. ig estimates. ter slots installed, $5. M INVESTMENT HOME Two-apartment house in village. Each apartment has four rooms, modern kitchen, good forced air furnace. This is a splendid buy ot $9,000 with & 500 down payment. Consider this property for an economical home or a good investment, PORT PERRY HOME 2-storey, 7-room white frame house, newly painted, new oil furnace. 4 bedrooms on 2nd floor. Good location, Must be sold as it is an estate. Price is low at $10,500 with $3,000 down, Immediate possession, UXBRIDGE HOME Large ranch-style home with 2 acres. 6 spacious rooms. Living room 30 x 16, dining room 12 x 12, lovely modern kitchen, $ lorge bedrooms, 4.pc. bathroom, oil heating This house is nearly new and located in a thriving town with growing indus- tries. Price $17,000 with good terms. MERV. BIRD -- BROOKLIN PHONE 255-W J. A. WILLOUGHBY & SONS LIMITED, REALTORS Le MODERN DRY Cleaners & Launder. aa "2¥ % ers (formerly Bus Gagnon's) Pickup ROOM for rent, suitable for. young man. and delivery, MO 8.3227, Full board, lau laundry. MO 8 4709. 75 day and Friday until FOR rent -- Warm furnished living HOUSE and bungalow wanted, Good room, bed alcove, kitchenette, 'frig, down payments. W. McAuley Realtor. sink, ri supplied, TV out. MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3.2513. Jot; reabineble to quiet per. , 831 Dundas west, pe = Monday evening, black and white, part spaniel pup, six months. Reward. MO 8.2852, The FOR SALE -- New and used boats, trailers, Scott outboard motors. Used motors--3 4, 5, 10, 30, hp. SPECIAL -- APARTMENT for rent. Main Street, , private bath, Jin room, car park, opposite Stop FIRST At . . PALMER MOTOR SALES SALES AND SERVICE Dealers for ® Chrysler ® Plymouth ® Simca ® Cities' Service Products 20 King E., Bowmanville MA 3.5487 BUYING OR SELLING See TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Uust East of Wilson Road) RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 CRANFIELD MOTORS USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER, METROPOLITAN MORRIS, M.G,, WOLSELEY, RILEY SALES & SERVICE. 2 only, used 14.foot boat, 5 h.p. motor ond troiler . $435 FOR RENT -- Boat box and cabin trailers, chain saws, skill saws, paint sprayers, cement mixers, wheel bar- rows, etc, WILDE RENTAL SERVICE & SALES 110! Hanry St. Wiithy, Ont. ANNOU NCING THE OPENING OF OUR BABIES AND CHILDRENS | WEAR DEPT. Special for this Event FIRST QUALITY CURITY DIAPERS $3.29 per doz. MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE WHITBY THINKING OF NEW DRAPES! Let us come to your home and select from our tremendous range of Spring fabrics. ESTIMATES FREE OR COURSE ROUSSEAU FURNISHINGS 216 MARY STREET EAST WHITBY MO 8-3484 living House. Phone Plokering 160. kL) WOMAN wanted for housework. Phone MO 8.3540 mornings or evenings. 78c FEMALE Help Wanted -- Woman for full housekeeper (complete motheriess home. Live in es. Whitby NORWAY SCHOOLS Between 1946 and 1958 Norway built 1,200 new elementary 80c schools and enlarged another 200, DAILY CROSSWORD ACROSS 1. Mother * DUTCH Wi hy pr naw he Rov in 0 Wuithy or a Pho ng oe Sng -- Thies" room apartment, with bath, $65 monthly stove and 'frig. included. MO 8-958, 9¢ WANTED ~-- Walters for nights, experienced. Apply R Restaurant, SIE ICTE) RIC TANIA HI} CIEIR! (ElL] OPE! DIEINIY] ClIGIAN TRICANTISH AGIA OlAISITISIPIAITIEN I TIYIE] REIVIEIR RIEISIT] 21, Sun god 22, Exist 25. Sale notice 26.0f a cone. tinent 27. Pek. ingese 29. Some 30. African mammals (collog.) 31, Soapy 33. A thick soup 2. Sandarac tree 8. Obey, 4. Malt beverage 5. Entrust 6. Angry 7. Fortitude 8. Calm 9. A steersman Miss Day 15. Also 17. Jingles 20. Lofty mountain "Sars or J. N. ot, Whitby Plaza. 7% FOR aa ~ welder, Phone MO $3508 daytime; MO 83146 even. ings, ™m FOR SALE - Ladies' spring coat, suits, dresses, otc, size § to 12 Ex. cellent condition. Reasonable. Apply 113 Johnson St. MO 8-363. | HET, hs paid. Phone lect MO 8.3488, Whithy. April hy tanks cleaned "the sanita way, pew tanks installed. yg hi 204 Chestnut West: phone MO ae R service, 300 gallons or 1000 load. MO $4173 before 8.30 x after 3 p.m. _ April FOR C.l. Li PAINT ca DODD & SOUTER Paint & Wallpaper Store 107 Byron Street South MO 8.5231 Oa CUBERT ST. Large 7.rcom, 2-storey home -- Garage, stone front with large sunroom across front of house, hot water with oil heating, storm windows, plus on extra kitchen upstairs for that extra income. Plan to inspect this home soon. Asking only $10,900 with $1,500 down. After 5:30 call Dick Barriage at RA 5.6243. ELGIN ST. E. Within walking distance of downtown -- Family size home in excellent condition, oil heating, gorage, nice landscaped lot, Owner says sell at $10,500. INCOME HOME Another 7-room income home with 2 kitchens, garage, oil heating, storms, screens, close to school, Asking only $10,500. After 5:30 call Joe Maga TRI-PLEX 3 complete modern apartments with stoves, fridges, washer, dryer, paved drive and parking lot, landscaped lot. Apartments well rented. Call this office for further information ond ap- pointment to inspect. $1,073 DOWN Only 2 left -- Riverside Or. N., 5)2-room bungalows. All homes include aluminum storms, screens, storm doors, exhaust fan, Soddnd front lawns, etc, ete. Call this office for early appoint. men LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 3)4 Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-655] After 5:30 Dial Lioyd Meteolf, RA 5.6983 Dick Baorrioge, RA 5.6243 Elliott, RA 3.9290 Jos Moga, RA 919) ce 14. Rendered fat 15. Stagger 16. King of Bashi an 17. Cupola 18. Nickel (sym.) 19. Small restaurant 22. Roman money 28. Loiter 24. Audience 26. Viper 28. Male geese 8foot pra cruisers, $56 up. Marine Eros poly proxy paint. Free information on your outboard motor and boat problems. Barons' Marine and Sports, 426 Simcoe Street South. RA 3.2263. 47 --Automobiles For Sale Saturday's 36. Jupiter 37. Departed 38, Peel 40. Crow's ery Brand new Meteor -- $500 Off List Price. '58 METEOR V-8 -- Radio, heater, 12,000 miles .... $2295 'S57 METEOR Rideou Hardtop -- Fully equipped ..... $1895 '57 METEOR Niagara Sedan -- One owner cesses $1495 '56 MERCURY Sedan -- Automatic and radio ....... $1395 '55 METEOR 4-Door Sedan -- Like new . $1095 'SS CHEV. Coupe -- Radio, heater ..... "sense $1195 '56 PLYMOUTH 2-Door Hardtop -- Radio, heater cove $1395 'S4 CHEV. 2-Doer -- Radio, heater, like new ........ $895 '53 PONTIAC Deluxe Seden . sesssnes $798 'S2 CHEV. Deluxe Sedan -- Like new i $595 'S1 PONTIAC 2.Door Hardtop -- Radio, heater $495 'S1 FORD Canvertible -- Radio, heater And many more. Easy terms ond the best allowange on your trade-in. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. §. RA 3-9421 SEE HOME APPLIANCES OSHAWA LTD. 90 SIMCOE SOUTH FOR FRIGIDAIRE SALES AND SERVICE ic and C RA 5.5332 large lot, a BA Torer 3 BD cases EXTRA!!! For a better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, ' flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fob cottages and garages, stone tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA 5.243) Whitby. MO 8-4633 wl