JR. AND MRS. REDUCING PLAN Start Protective Plan To Insure Life Expectancy By IDA JEAN KAIN How many years have you been married and how many pounds have the pair of you piled on? Is it 10, 20 or more? There's a gen. |eralization that married couples | grow to look alike as the years gu by, particularly on the sil- houette side, Family food habits are to blame, | Pounds sneak on so gradually i las to lull you into complacency. | [Fact is, added poundage can go |almost unnoticed until close to 10 |extra have accumulated, Eating (as usual, 10 pounds can ease up |to 20 or 25, Statistics reveal that between the ages of 45 and 50, B pounds of excess fat can cut | can take to Insure celebrating |your Golden Wedding Anniver. |Sary. | | | FIRST DAY Breakfast Chilled orange juice, 4 oz B55 Poached egg on 80 Thin slice toast 50 | Mr: Second slice toast 50 | Jelly, 1 rounded tsp, 30 Coffee, black 0 Luncheon Cream of tomato soup, 1 bouillon cup Mr.: Made of whole milk 140 Mrs: Made of skin milk 1 Career Girl: Cup of bouillon, plus glass of When the head of your house be the most important step you " Irish Lord Mayor, _ | Catherine Byrne il i | | ll Visitiner in Canada WOODSTOCK (CP)=The lord mayor of Dublin, Mrs, Catherine Byrne, stopped off here to pay an unofficial visit to Canada and spend the Easter weekend with her sister, Mrs, J, Everett Mc whom she hadn't seen in 40 ye Mrs, Byrne and her daughter, Clare, currently on a four-week good - will tour of the United States, slipped Into Woodstock Saturday night, Before she leaves Canada, Mrs, Byrne hopes to visit' Toronto and O'iawa where she Is to meet anciner sister within the next few days, Easter Sunday was fairly quiet at the McGinnes home, The two sisters, accompanied by former Woodstock mayor Bernadette Smith, attended mass at St, Mary's Roman Catholic Church, | | | TOKYO (AP) -- For Japanese police it's the biggest 'headache of the decade, | Prince Akihito and his commoner |bride, Miss Michiko Shoda, has {went tions for handling celebrating throng o {1,000,000 people | Ten thousand officers have been mobilized. They are particularly |worried about the route the prince and Michiko will ride in an open carriage drawn by al horses after the ceremony in the Imperial Palace, "Hoodlums have already tried to reserve and sell space,' spokesman sald, our colls filled, mostly by The April 10 marriage of Crown their celebrating," the * poll them into frantic prepara. heavy sales an expected watch at home, Makers of flags, { more than paper flowers and Japanese lage, | x Prince's marriage, We" ® Michiko dolls resemblin i We're A1%0/i,ve empress are on sale in de- afraid politicians may seize the! nartment stores, Tennis : THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, April 6, 1959 1% Bibi ra poi demerit Expect 1,000,000 to Participate In Royal Wedding Celebration ! 3 it A "We expect to havé most of sald, Television set makers report' to those who want fo who have gone a little too far terns are working overtime, Wedding halls have shared in the boom, Thousands of couples plan to marry during the month, to share the good luck of the The Michiki boom, touched off when the tennis . Playing Miss. Shoda was announce 11] prince's bride, is In full the The last time the sisters were opportunity to electioneer, OF pnd equipment have been nam: life expectancy by 25 per cent, (APN Sich as fa DOLL This darling baby girl is Jan | Andrew Hruska and Mr, and Lorraine, seven - month - old | Mrs. James C. Mclsaac and daughter of Mr, and Mrs, John | great grandmother, Mrs, Thom. Hruska, Bedford avenue. Her as G. Farrow, all of Oshawa, grandparents are Mr, and Mrs, --Photo by Ireland 'MARY HAWORTH MAIL Divorced Man Is Confused By Girl Friend's Demands Dear Mary Haworth: T am ajwife? T haven't seen her in a divorced man, 35, with a son 12,/week and miss her very much, in his mother's care. I have been. Thanks for your advice, W.W, going steady for 18 months with| FFE a girl (around 30) from Belgium. © "RS WARNING I have wished to marry her, but| Dear W.W.: Your letter has desire pulls one way and intellect been a long time in transit; and another. by now you may be back in Alimony payments would make Berthe's _lutches, And possibly it difficult to start another fam. even married to her, on the heels goes to the doctor with some minor ailment, if his weight is too high he is quite likely to come [home with an injured air and in. form you that the doctor has or- dered hm to take off 20 pounds and keep them off, BIG PROBLEM The blunt truth is that over. welght Is now our number one nutritional problem, Our ease of living is obviously a big cause of our' weight trouble, We've come a nation on wheels, house: {work is in large part push-but. ton, and we take our leisure sit. ting in front of the TV set, With lessened activity, we reouire less fuel to run our hodies. But food tastes so good, it is difficult to cut down, Well, it's not as difficult as it may seem, This two week Mr, and Mrs, plan is not so much a diet as it is a pattern to help you cut fats, cull hidden calories ard change your way of eating, This change from overly rich fare to protective nutrition low in fat and lo®% i calories may well be-| milk Grilled Cube Steak, 3% oz, cooked On thin slice toast Mr: Fresh fruit Tea or coffee Pick-up: Late afternoon Glass of skim milk or buttermilk | er Meat loaf (beef and veal) 2 thin slices, 4"'x2%x% 230 280, Cholee of: Broccoli | (Jaree stalk) or spinach 30 30 Peed pototo Mr: 1 medinm 100 Mrs.: % medium Butter or margarine, 1% pat Grapefruit sections and | green nenner rings on lettuce For Mr,: French dress. ing 1 thsp, Mrs: French dressing, 1 thsn. 30 Tea or coffee 6 0 | Use non-nutritive sweetener in 'tea or coffee, if desired Total calories for day: | 25 CHILD GUIDANCE ily; vet I would have tried, [of a siege of suffering estrange- gladly, if it weren't for Berthe's ment--plotted by her to put you instability. She has been married in the mood to accept her con-| twice, once in Belgium and once scienceless terms, But here's here. Two children by her first hoping you are still in the clear, marriage, and one by the second, (In view of the facts as I see have been turned over to others|them. | for adoption. | Using your head, there is no| With little business experience,(Way to convince yourself she is always looking for the per-/Would be a good wife, because fect job, and never holds any job her past history and present be-| longer than a few weeks. I've havior, towards your son and as had to help her financially as/a wage-earner, show that she best I could, which puts me in a hasn't the heart or the charac-| bad way, as my funds are lim. ter for it, | ited. | What one is before marriage. | She wants to be married very or outside of marriage, one will| badly, it seems, as she has talked be in marriage. So don't imagine| of nothing else from the start./that a legal ceremony is going| Also she wants a child right away|to work a magic difference in| and I would like to make her|Berthe's customarily jealous, dis- happy, but I don't want another orderly, Irresponsible mode marital failure, as I fog kngw fhe: behaviol and her Sesirustive de.! Vi Vv. nal 0 Ww ur son he Su 08 gut of Your Wi. » us that Donald has far more than average ability, and is out-| By G. CLEVELAND MYERS More than a thousand mothers, perhaps, could write the same letter as the following one from an Ohio mother: "My husband and I have a she problem with our 12 - year « old teachers seem son, Ever since the first year of school, each new teacher has had the same complaint about Don- ald. We see now he is not im. proving with age and we are worried. "Each new teacher requests us to discuss Donald with her--his inattentiveness, his failure to be- gin and finish his work on time, tically all 'a of|derly manner in his work, his lack of a neat and or- 'However, the teachers assure WOMAN DEMANDS ESN'T ALTER She is extremely jealous An ideal young husband I know, expects me to give up anything happy with a wonderful wife says and everything not connected that fortunately for him, he stud. with her, including my son |led for the ministry before though I've explained that I love switching to the social welfare him and need him, and have to field. And, in his seminary stud. see him when he wants to see|les in the teens, he encountered me, every month or six weeks, (a relgious instructor who taught! 1 have tried to induce her to the boys that their character--if meet him and like him, but she and when they entered the min- refuses; and I've even felt guilty istry--would be precisely what it| seeing him, knowing her.views as had been, in thelr preparatory| 1 do. Well, a few days ago she years, i blew up and sald 1 would have, Responsive to the professor's to choose between her and him: teaching, this chap started then' that she won't see me again if and there to bring his character I see my son any more. I can't/into good repair and under ha. agree to this: but how can I get bitual self-control; and looking, her to be more reasonable? back, he calls it the best con-| Also, how can I convince my- ditioning for marriage a man self now that she would be a good'could have, But he also finds it |a form of learning that the aver- |age youngster, in the average Tells Housewives To Try Politics OTTAWA (CP) -- For house- wives who might yearn to take a plunge into polities, posed to, In your situation, facing |Berthe's ultimatum, your alle {glance belongs to your son ab- solutely, as against her, since a Sy choice , required. And it is to Mure Fergung in effect says i ig that 3 Jie Hume of "go ahead." |ing firm after a week's "war of Government on any level is/erves," unleashed by her igh really housekeeping and home: dermine your morale and making on a larger scale." Sen- strengthen her hand (she hopes) ator Fergusson told a women's ry, : yg ie from Fredericton | Mary: Haworth counsels b ! through her column, not by mail who has been a Liberal member 2 of the Senate since 1983. sald = or personal interview, Write her woman's point of view is neces." care of this newspaper. educational routine, is seldom ex:| Model Reform atory. Has Pastel 'Cells' VANCOUVER (CP)--The new Girl' Industrial School just'correctness, If it has been done ont medium, onened in nearby Burnaby looks/in a slovenly way, require him DON'T RUSH {like a smart finishing school. The|to do it over, acceptably, jspacious erounds laced with con: pARENTS' light. h crete walks and ornamental ing will soon be planted wit lawns and trees, The huildings are divided into a main unit and smaller res. idences where the eirls will live under "house mothers." The main building costaine ad- {ministration quarters, vocational classrooms and an auditorium that would be Little Theatre eroun, There's a swimming noo! too, and a roller-skating rink. | The classrooms are set with | tvnewr iters, domestic science other Firenlaces equinment, sewine and handicraft machines. Child's Poor Reading Ability May Hinder School Worth |tanding in a couple of subjects, Yet, he doesn't open his books at home nor use his full ability, They reassure us that Donald does not distract other children, show off or get in trouble, and he 1s well-liked and sociable, The annoyed at his | strange behavior." THE REPLY My reply in part: My guess is that his biggest problem is poor reading skill, When a child can't read well, he can't keep up easily with his classmates nor pay strict atten. tion in class, At his age, prac. his lessons require good reading ability, It will do no good to exhort him at home to i attention at school and to nish, his work there, home chores he can't escape but must finish promptly, Set a dally period when he must do his les. sons, with the radio and TV silent, (ten work for school, to make sure it is done with mechanical QUESTIONS Q. When our doctor orders [quiet for some days, we can't [Keep her there. What should we | A. Prepare her while she is well so that she will understand the need for and respect the doc- tor's orders. ol | ig 3 kd 50 BR See that he has a few| * SENORITA IN LACE Black Chantilly lace often | and yards of the lace form the | creates the Spanish feeling | fitted bodice and full, tiered | found in many of the clothes in | skirt of this ankle « length | the recent Paris collections, | dress. To carry out the Span. Here Yves St, Laurent of the | ish flavor there is a matching House of Dior uses it for a ro- | Chantilly lace mantilla, | mantic evening gown, Yorde | By TRACY ADRIAN Prepare In Ldvance For Baby's Bathtime By ELEANOR ROSS Babies are aquatic creatures-- jor so it seems when they are in the bath, All mother needs to furnish is the soap and water,|WKR @ damp washcloth, don't want to spoil it by being ORGANIZE SUPPLIES {tense and hurried, by allowing baby time to kick and cloth and with taleum and dressed in clean, lesson, sweet-smelling clothes |around, set up the bathineffe next that it's best not to {to baby's crib so that any Im- baby in an overheated state is a little extra time $0 the tub, that bab this differ aby can enjoy this differ oom LonGER Be leisurely when you're giving |ures of his day, you certainly {be done before baby reaches the slithery stage when he can so quickly slip from loving hands, This way, you can shampoo, rinse and dry baby's hair while he is still on a rubber sheet, in his and fastest ways to is, or could be, jerib or on your lap, before he {actually takes to the tub, You can also pre-suds, rinse, and dry his ears and wipe ofi his face Before popping baby into the Add to the feeling of leisure bathinette, have the towels, wash. soap ready. You won't play in the crib after he's been have time for reaching or search. |thoroughly lathered, rinsed, ing for essential supplies when dried, anointed with oil or patted baby begins his first swimming | See to it that the room is To make things easier all warm before you start, It's true | have the, ro portant preliminary sudsing can he's fully clad and om, ian |The only addition required to several blankets, but he needs You should check on his writ. keep your offspring in this happy warm air when he's fresh from If you're going to give baby a bottle after the bath , make sure him his bath, If vou rush, he'll that it's ready fairly soon. After our feel it instinctively, Since bath. a pleasant sudsing and playtime daughter to remain in bed and Ing 's one of the greatest pleas. gossion, you don't want to ruin the whole effect by letting him go hungry, This is one of the surest turn 'him into a bath-hater inwead of the bath-loving creature he naturally together was in Scotland in 1919 when Mrs, Byrne was mald of {honor at her sister's marriage, | Mra, Byrne, born in Edinburgh, {went to Dublin after her mar. riage, She was elected to the 45. member council of Dublin in 1950, following the death of her husband who had been a council member for 14 years Mrs. John Newstead Re-Elected by WM PETERBOROUGH (CP)~The three-day annual meting of the Toronto and Kingston synodical of the Presbyterlan Church ended Thursday with a closing address by president Mrs, John Newstead of Toronto Mrs, Newstead is starting her second term as president, Other officers were re-elected Wednes:| il day except for three new secre- taries, all of Toronto, the crowd." Preparations have been elabo- rate, including plans for 62 tem. porary toilets along the way. Workmen have been repairing streets for weeks, Officers have been assigned to keep traffic out of the area, |" Lodging is a major problem. Hundreds of thousands, taking advantage of the national hol dav, are expected to pour into the eity from outlying districts, Ho tels are booked solid, Cabarets, nightclubs and gelsha houses are sold out for the night it advanced prices, | For A CK. he £ HE Rheumatic Pains, Getting Up Nights, strong cloudy urine, irritating passages, Lew Pains, and loss of energy due to Kids ney and Bladder troubles, try OYSTEX, Quick, complete aatisfaciion or money back, Over 900 million CYSTEX tablets used prove safety, success, Don't suffer another day without asking your drugs #lst for OV even solicit contributions from gree her and so have thou ] of new baby girls, | | CA BY ENTERING [ | | | | Submit @ name that can be WIN 5100.00 THE "PROCESS" CONTEST HERE'S ALL YOU DO: RINKER'S NAME applied to our NEW PROCESS ts aft leani All ge oils to g r by Renold Bilsky, D.C. Chiropractor Specialist in Palmer Specifie Upper Cervical Method GERIATRICS = .. PH Is old age really a disease? Or a state of the mind? Or just a natural condition? Old age should be the best part of life. Family responsibili- ties have ceased to exist and many old people have acs quired an Independence. and are free from financial wor. ries. Still many are unhappy, suffering pain and discoms fort, and time hangs heavily nthe handy, aed. hie elping those In n Ing more interest in children, | following the latest discover. los of science, becoming ine | terested in people, civies, religion, politics, ete, all are of great assistance in ward. ing off \ most prominent old is a senility Perhaps the symptom of settling of the spinal column, It actually decreases in length from one to several || due to the thinning of cartilagenous cushions (discs) nal bones. between the spi This condition tly, ins | terferes with and shuts of the flow of vital nerve sherk that br and | originates in the after d ge of the oils in natural fibres, ! Hers the faethe 1) Role dome of ot @ wil 0 material, , Gives a nice harsh, dry fee! 9 ° We are looking for a name th cess for replacing these naturel oils, PROCESS emmy I. Replaces most of the natural oils removed In dry cleaning that your garment has a FEEL like new, , Helps your garment retain its. DRAPE for a longer period, . Adds a LUSTRE instead of @ dull finish to ell kinds of , Brightens COLOURS so that they sparkle like new, L TIKTURE to vour garments instead of @ ot best describes this new pre- bout finish . SRI at eV- Seine fee | f 51 BURK "The Bes NOTHING TO BUY «ALL ENTRIES BECOME THE PROPERTY OF RINKER'S CLEANERS t In Town" RA 5-1191 may put down to "old rheumatism," Painless spinal || manipulation and || are of great assistance In freeing these pinched nerves and returning the flow of nerve energy to 100% normal, Plain, easily digested mall ag i more em avold taxing digestive organs, induce being and promote sleep. Keep planning and look. ing into the future, That is the way to postpone old age. ne of a series of articles lustre he etter" of hiropractie, w R I Bian, ¢ Se Chiro 4 is located ot | Plaze Thea! RA 8-313 0 font ( phone | envied by any WHAT DOCTORS §. in the spacious lounces .are of ired brick and ceramic tile Did You Know? For only $1.50 you can buy o 27" x 18" All-Weol Hard- twist Scatter Mot at NU.-WAY RUG and CARPET SALES, 174 Mary St. -- RA 5.0433, i ® Mumps ® Pacifiers @ Fish Eye Injections ® Skin Stripes sary in the affairs of the nation! She is one of six women who have been appointed tn the Sen. ate over the years. There are still too few women in the Hovee of Commons, she said. There now are three women in the 265-seat Commrns Senator Wergvsson sald she does not believe the lack of feminine participation in nolitics is dune to any male opposition. "I have found tha men are most anxions and willing to ac- cent heln if von are willing to work," she said. Carpets RA Waell-to-wall ; LESS CHEDDAR Canadian dairy factories pro- duced 995.610 000 pounds of ched- dar cheese in 1938, a drop of eight per cent from 1957. SLIM a-d TRIM a new series of 10 Weekly Classes Starts Tuesday, April 7 21 3 pm Plicne RA 3-7625 (Afternoons) For information Broadloom installed the modem way with Smoothedge by our own mechanics, | Nursery for Pre School Children Y.W.C.A. 199 CENTRE ST, Ross 3.vhills and 80 SIMCOE N -8-62I18 Rugs iQ. "Should children, especially (little boys, be deliberately ex. posed to a case of mumps se they won't have it later ond" A reader, (A. The idea of getting it over with springs up because children (rarely have complications with mumps whereas adults, especjally men, often develop serious | trouble during and after the dis- (ease. While it may be desirable to have mumps early, deliberate |exposure is another matter; ser- ious complications are indeed un | common but they do occur, Also, | the exposed child may bring mumps home and give it to [adults who could have a severe cose of the disease and perhaps be left with permanent damage. |Q. Dear Dr. Ralston: De doe |tors object to use of pacifiers | and teething rings for babies? A. Some do and probably on Igood grounds. Others have no objections, Baby specialists have even suggested use of pacifiers, land for colic, of all things. Sev eral years ago two physicians | gave pacifiers to 28 coliky babies | when Wey eried, All but 3 were [colic doesn't always yield to 'pacifiers becouse other physicians | | personal physician, | columns when possible. Kain A edical Mirror (8%. Through (I Arowiedge, | Answers do not necessarily reflect the opinion of all doctors. diognosis and treatment of disease is the function of the patient's Questions directed to Science Editors, P.O. Box | 97, Terminal "A", Toronto, Ontario, will be incorporated in these Digi { Te - | Y ABOUT have tried this method without much luck, Q. "I have heard that eye cots aracts con be' cured by injee- tions made from fish eyes, What can you tell me about this?" '=A faithful reader, A. Various nonsurgical treat. ments, including use of fish lens extract, have been tried in cata. racts. Such treatments, according to two New York specialists, have not been very successful, There is no really good medical treatment for cataract, When an operation does become nec: mary, the" cataract patient can take! comfort in knowing that in most cases surgery will provide useful, even excellent, vision Q. "l am 13 ond my busts have developed pinkish stripes. What is the couse end what can be done to clear this wp?" Worried, A. This sort of thing is mot so rare in young girls who more or, less suddenly begin to move rapidly toward womanhood. The! stripes, as wou call them, are due to stretching of the skin. In all| probability they will disappear | in time. Youngsters whose busts | are so large as to be discom- | moding would do well to contact the family physician. I The | 3-461 Oshawa Choice Top Floor Excellent bright office space is now being arranged for rent in the new Times Build- ing--modern passenger elevator service, Ap @ the offices can be arranged in various footages almost as required @ all new construction @ extremely moderate rates including heat @ long leases arranged if desired. ply OSHAWA TIMES -- T. L. WILSON OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT