LE TT WOR pat, Wigs 0 SOU SSO IDEN SEALS EE es. "won THE OSHAWA TIMES, Monday, Aprdl 6, 1959 § HELPS PRCIDE FOR HEALTHFUL HOLIDAYS AT KEDRON KIWANIS CAMP ~ Ti 3 ow 2 _T---- EE fd aw = EAT £2 82 ---_-- IT HE & 1 W yy 4 2 ALTHOUGH IT TAKES a | principle activities of the Osh- | near Kedron, Here Thomas Co- | the camera with soine of the | healthful holiday last summer, ONE OF THE MOST popular | swimming pool. Instruction in | At the end of each two-week | of boys who attended last year's * features of both the boy's and | swimming and life saving is | camping period a swim meet | camp preparing to plunge into girl's camps, at Kedron during | given under the direction of | is held in which all the camp- | the cooling water. prominent part in many com- | awa Kiwanis Club is the opera- tie, camp director, is caught by | girl campers who enjoyed a --Oshawa Times Photo the summer months is the | specially trained supervisors, | ers participate. Here is a group --Oshawa Times Photo : munity projects, one of the | tion of its camp for children To | ------------ -- as doit - | | é : rn tion of 32 Canadian musicians') "The trust fund money has/of music-hungry audiences to see . 1 rust Money {locals with the MPIF and its been spent wisely and judiciously|and hear living musicians play. |predecessor, the Recording and'to promote the cause of live/both symphonic and popular mu. {Transcription Funds. music, by stimulating the desire|sic." Brownies Tell Of Kicki | ips ' | non 'Wisely Spent | | 1 vtner TORONTO (CP) -- Herman D.| Bl TORONTO (CP) -- Two young Kenin, president of the American girls' description of a bit of nis. Federation of Musicians, says chief at a girl guide and brownie allocations from the Music Per-| |ceremony was the impromptu formance Trust Funds of the re- . * . | highlight of the Nativnal News. cording industries nave helped distinctively persona paper Awards dinner Saturday Provide employment for musi night, |clans through free public music | Ron Laytner, whose Toronto Programs, Hd Telegram photo of the brownie] He addressed meinbers of the playfully kicking the guide won Toronto Musicians' Association H the award for feature photogra- during his first official visit to See the Kassinger phy, took the girls lo the dinner Canada since his election as to prove a point, AFM international president last approach to modern building "When the picture was pub- June. | in Va lished and later when it won the He said that in the last 10} Beau ley award, other newspapers fellows years, $1,671,567 has been spent| wanted to know how much I'd in Canada for free public music| paid the brownie to do it," he programs through the co-opera- said, Y The girls told the audience of 200 how it happened. HEAVY BLOW - oy ' -- pram \ is = NE | Brownie Peggy VColthart, 11, WASHINGTON (AP) -- An - 4 3 Sh a. 5 a SR, R - he said: "Joanne kicked me so I orange thaws Hom an opstrys: ul Vv ; 4 . f Se 4 EP, tous iki or back." tion window near the top of the ; i IN PREPARATION FOR its | fod widows at Bie Oshawa Mn the grand phigt v8 foo p.m. to midnight Wednesday, kicked he: back 555 - foot Washington Be Ba x A pi annual Radio Auction, the Osh- ublic ilities uilding am reezer -- occupying th = | anni 8. Guide J Ai 14. re- Saturday struck a nine-year-old ; awa Kiwanis Club is displaying | Burns Shoe Co. Seen here is | tre of interest. The auction will | Pp = . as anne 5 age Bi pe tov. standing. below, but. he ese CONSTRUCTION LIMITED q a wealth of fine articles in the | the display in the PUC window | be held over CKLB from 6.30 : --Oshawa limes Photo Kicked me Thon I Kicked her |caped serious injury. Stephen R. \ngmint* Jones, of Utica, N.Y., received leer again, H | irls w t the back only a bruise on his right side. : | World Inhumanity esl prod om An Tso [The orange had weight equiva- ed T1Z ys) or | . tion at the award ceremony. |lent to 50 pounds whne it struck | Is Crisis: Reuther | Joanne said her. father, who the boy. works in scouting, later scolded, * * oy i P . . od BRANTFORD (CP) -- The per gver the episode. "It made 1 a 10 uc 10 rea! crisis facing the world today him even madder when he saw n is man's growing inhumanity to in the picture that I was wearing 4 Miss ; 4 0d (4 -r it \i i ----------.--...,-Soar § 353d HIRE g git man, Walter Reuther interna- pis socks." i In order to finance its com- annual event. Thousands of Osh-land they helped award scholar-| gong) president tof the United | welfare aptivities for thelaws' boys and girls have benefit-/ships to the students of OCVI and 5,10 "Workers (AFL-CIO), said "1 coming year, the Oshawa Ki- tedffrom this eamp in its 25 years|OCCL Saturday. wanis Ciub Will hold its seventh of operation. proven hth he Junior Farmer Classes at| Mr. Reuther told a gathering Love Hustles annual radio auction, at 8 p.m. Over ihe years 1 d |t shawa Fair are sponsored marking the mortgage-burning of 2 Wednesday, April 8. (have been added. There Were'by the Kiwanis club. Sponsorship UAW Local 435. (hat "if we en To Beat T For Profitable Fun for a Worthy Cause in the Comfort of Your Home In this event, every citizen in new dormitories, an artificial' ang financial aid are given to the tend the hand of friendship and 0 bea axes 5 1:88 2 shawa and district will have the SWimming pool, a modern head: |4.H Dairy Calf Club and the 4-H|gellowship to free men every- x i" ' : it to bid on a list of some quarters building and other facil-\Grain Club for junior farmers of| where, Pe unlimited faith in iy ne Woy i -- JOIN THE --- $00 articles and services ities necessary for the successful the Oshawa area. the capacity of free men to win| jector all over Britain Satur- : : i These have been donated to the OPeration of a summer camp. | paop fall they entertain the through." day . club by Joeal and outside hos} OUTDOOR HOLIDAY prize winners, in these agricul: - me--r---------- | The average bridegroom HW ANS ness men and industries, and by mach year, with the co-opera- tural activities, at a banquet. | * | stood to gain about £42 in : . ' {individual citizens tion of the Oshawa Board ofl The Get-Together Club for teen: Influenza Spreads repaid income tax by marry- i Bids will be received by tele: yo ih 950 to 300 boys and girls'agers, in OCVI auditorium on . ing on the last day of the > | {phones set up in Hotel Genosha. are taken for a two-week outdoor Saturday evenings, is also spon- In Nova Scotia fiscal year. Many brides thus | The fesulis of he bidding vill be holiday. sored by the Kiwanis club. found it the easiest time of b | ig ig nhl voy Another activity which has far] Each year the club sponsors| HALIFAX (CP) -- Hospitals in| year to coax her betrothed R end of each hour a group will be reaching results is the Tubercu- the campaign for the Oshawa and many Nova Scotia and Prince to the altar. 3 closed to the bidding losis. Prevention and Rehabilita. District Cancer Society. |Edward Island centres remained Churches and register of- highest bidder will he tion project. During its several, yt js hoped that this year's|closed to visitors during the fices reported a record turn. i There will be a two-page list of Years of untiring work the com- yadio auction will provide more weekend as a defence against, over with one wedding party N . - y "goods and services listed in The Mittee has sponsored many coun: funds for these activities than|spreading influenza plowing through each other's i {1 0shawa 'Times previous to the try-wide TB surveys. lany auction has done previously.| Health officials reported the, confetti, { {auction These have resulted in the hardest-hit area, Nova Scotia's Treasury rules are that a an liagnosis of many cases of tuber- Halifax County, as returning man is entitled to husband's | 30TH ANNIVERSARY culosis still in the early stages, STOCK MARKET slowly to normal. Hospitals were allowance for the whole fiscal il 1ST AUCTION -- 8 P.M. Last fall, the Oshawa Kiwanis enablin beneficial treatment. closed at Bridoevatm Yarm year if he marries before it | lil Club celebrated its 30th anniver- This project has now been tuprn- New Glasgow, Pictou, Truro, Syd- ends. ! 3 : Wl sary. During these years it has ed over to the South Ontario Tu- NET EARNINGS ney, North Sydney and Sydney cr filj carried out a widespread pro-'herculosis Society { Mines. - gram of community activities GENEROUS OF TIME | By THE CANADIAN PRESS = ---- S---- il signed to make Oshawa a hetter 3 = 3 Bi place in which to live y Oshawa Kiwanians have Bulolo Gold Dredging Ltd., 9 2 | \ : : START YOUR BIDS AT é P.M. 1" Since beginning. it has been ac-{been generous in donating. their JRO: Sudo yb 28: 1959; $325.- | ~ -- \ . NNN \ Rl tively interested in the welfare time and talents to many com a Sd N i Thev Canadian Petrofina Ltd., year . A ha N NL \ ° land healt} f nderprivileged munity activities. They operated 5 SON. | \ AN \ \ ih irs ue of tho pid id ni a minor softball league for boys i 1990, 9655.20, 3 Styl | ng . ] N \ NN Ld Over 500 new articles | La ® Valued at over $7,500 | | | AEE EEE ft " chase a camp| They ponsore: 5 ke: i ects was the purchase of a camp ponsored minor hockey jefferson' Lake Petrochemicals You get superiority in both iE a \ - . A 15 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE g p i \ | FREE HOME FREEZER 0th HOME APPLIANCE (OSHAWA) LTD. with the I 90 SIMCOE ST. S. -- OSHAWA | NEW i] | i I J --ande-- Challenger A Look! Free! Frigidaire Products of Canada Ltd. ASCII) \ To One of the Successful Bidders ! LL SCARBOROUGH, ONTARIO sot |TV RL | RAT ion "e Successful Bidders get chances on Grand Prize. One chance for every $10.00 worth of pur- resilient | chases. : ® Lightweight . . . no dangling Zenith makes a complete Hine cords! Plastic tube carries sound of quality eyeglass hearing © 1 to may ont for use no che er md ame | HERE'S HOW RADIO AUCTION IS OPERATED! oth temple tar o your choice from yowr owm Ss to i eglass alist, of stereophonic us Teal y So -- { SR bid on eny article or group of articles, phone the listed numbers. State the number of the article, give your name * Vavisty of colors? Zaman Hearing Aid Dester Deater end end your bid. BE BRIEF, PLEASE. * 10-Day Money-Back Guarantee. Me's listed in the "Yellow Pages™ . Highest bid on any article may be learned by phoning either of our listed numbers, | site at Kedron teams of Canada Ltd., year ended Dec. ! » | A summer holiday camn fo They also assisted. with the 31: 1958, net loss $477,394 (U.S.) m Nn | | boys and girls was started as an'YWCA summer camp for girls (First year of operation). J r a ce » mt ik a - en | *| | 8 Fe=m==eeA DOCTOR REPORTS ON HEARING LOSS! == =mmws items 1 to 100 will be sold at 8 p.m. to the highest bidder. 101 to 200 will be sold ot p.m, to the highest bidder. : F Bo ki "Wearing, Lows and tha # 201 to 300 will be sold ot 10 p.m. to the highest bidder. 301 to 400 will be sold at 11 p.m. to the highest bidder. |}, Free Booklet iw to od we rents Doce win dew And 401 on will be sold at 12 p.m. to the highest bidder. {1 Written by o famous physician and published by Zenith Bodie Corporation oh [] + Plus descriptive literoture on Zenith Hearing Aids, is yours fren. Just write . AN ful purch will be d over the sir and also notified by mail. Successful bidders must pick up Zenith Radio Corp, of Canede their merchandise or vouchers between the hour of 7 p.m. and 10 p.m. on Friday, April 10 or 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (7.0114 4 1419 HThe Quathiway" Dept. CADB on Saturday, April 11 et the W. B. White Building, 110 King Street East (Next to Plaza Theatre). To identify yourself as @ highest bidder and rightful purchaser you must hond in the card you will receive through the moil following yolir success in bidding os © purchaser. This MUST be presented when claiming the article. VING SOUND . These cards will be used in the draw for the winner of the Frigidaire Home Freezer. f HEARING AIDS Salim cot, 3 jr . ¥ ; Prone e BIDDING STARTS AT 6.00 PM. eo make Cat's Paw your best buy! ry you x Sho Ropar a IMPERI AL OPTIC AL C0. LTD. Komplete io of articles to be auctioned, giving number, retail value and name of donor will appear in next lifts, and Cat's Paw twin-gripper soles uesdays Vimes By the makers of CAT-TEX ateniite SoLse | 222 SIMCOE ST, S. RA 5-174) ® TOTAL PROCEEDS FOR KIWANIS WORK IN THIS COMMUNITY ®