The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 22

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xplorers Hold | Shmushcev Sees | P Year Of Peace | Premier Khrushchev said 1959 could become a year of leaviig MRS. R. C. 'Mrs. 8. F d girl re cold war for the rcad of peace gd » B,C. WL Mos 5 ho ape. yrs Were and friendship between nations, ting program was presented by i f few Ported Monday. e Explorers Thursday night at Kars Lee remained for a few =n a message to the All-India n upon entering was greeted guiyis Kozub spent the weekend the way to an agreement on Len- one of the girls and presented i windsor and Detroit. ning nuclear weapons tests would Meeting opened with thelr jig her daughter, Mrs. Ronald sia's interests into account and xplorer purpose, hymn, motto|prinkwater, in' Ottawa. dropped - groundless demands Van Camp at the piano. have moved into the home of the Position. The Chief Explorer told ofijate Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Parr. ; ure presented the treasure chest/pay have purchased Mrs. Me- of $25 to Mrs. Edgar Leask; Port | au ghlin's farm, and are moving H R bb d Perry. Presbyterial Secretary of iy there now. We welcome the ome noone ing. thanked the girls and lead-| "vr." pioparg Bowles, Kirkland . i Vr. y robbed Sir Winston Churchill's ers, commended them highly. ; 0' spent the weekend with the noice of £10,000 In oa, ay good work and led In praver. | iho megchers' Federation in To- ' was th who broke the code of the crooks. Follows Facts n {itshell." Tonto. Scotland Yard men and crime . y jef summary I I A: skit. "The son and children, Oshawa. Mr. always had believed the elder followed by a German Bump Jean, and Miss Ethel Thompson Gate was protected by some kind dance. and Calypso verses the were Sunday guests of Mr. and of gentleman's agreement among Explorer. A film, "Peter Flying ily. | - Wealthy dwellings nearby were Erne," was then shown Mr. and Mrs. M. Hanlan spent pillaged so often that residents [ M LONDON (Reuters) -- Soviet] t lackstock ee the road of the arms race and BLACKSTOCK -- A most inter-|Riecell Mountjoy. Sharma and the Soviet news agency Tass re- heir affiliation service. Each per: jicees Aileen Van Camp and Peace Council, Khrushchev said ith a Hawaiian lel. Mrs. W. W. Van Camp is vis- be opened if the West took Rus. nd Friendship song, with Mrs.!" neo" Carl McLaughlin and boys Which put Russia in an unequal Soe cour of the True movie and ives oy, CRAATChill's Explorers, Mrs. Leask, in affiliat- gjeepg to this vicinity. LONDON (AP)--The man who and offered hope for continued goyioq"ramilies after attending have been an underworld outcast presented: "Facts in a Nutshel anil Nv, Harvey THOmD: Son Wo ard ime Japanese Doll," was then put on, and Mrs. Lorne Thompson and stat 's house on Hyde Park girls had composed about each Mrs. Ivan Thompson and fam: London criminals. Rev. Tomeril exnr~<sed the the holiday weekend with Cooks-|came to accept housebreakers as appreciation of the avdionce and ville friends. {something that came along with told the girls the story of Maundy, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul mice. Money. : and Carol, visited Mr. and Mrs. "But somehow no one ever SAY PRAYER A. Rahm, Tyrone, Friday. raided the house at No. 28," one inging "Children Who Mr. and Mrs. Don Sinclair, policeman mused. After singing Woy" and the Oshawa, and Mr. Ralph Strong, ------ AHIR Yah 2 Jn Hi irls sery-1 Toronto, visited the Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wright, Don, ng] Hearne pineapple ane Strongs Sunday. |Leslie Ann, Cheryl and Harold: lunch of Hawailan pmeAPRe BE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ferguson, !Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hill: Mr. and nig go - Hy 'sn and Mary: Mr. and Mrs. Mrs, Stan Rahm, Paul and Carol, folie i) do vy : M . "Butt ano _ cOrge Dunbar and Denise; Rev.|visited with Messrs. Roy and Bill, wen A us well as all |"d Mrs. Merrill Ferguson, Mir-jand Miss Sandra Ferguson Sun- the girls deserve great credit for 'A™ Pauline and Jaye, Toronto: day. much time and work spent, "inion mie ones TELEVISION LOG home from Winnipeg Tuesday, biinging her daugnier, Mrs Cer. CHCH.-TV Cbannel 11--Hamliiton CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronte Hamilton Warne, With her 0 a WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffale WROC-TV Channel 5--Rochester two weeks' visit hey wi hen » i : v to Victoria to join Mr. Warne,! WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale " has | d ger of who has been made manager the restaurant division of the THURSDAY EVENING | 6- Mystery [heatre 430 P.M. Hudson Bay store in Victoria 5:00 P.M, 4~Film Festival | 11- Popeye Mr 1 Mrs. John Hamilton. 'L_hheatre: Sports #--Jack Paar | 6--Howdy Doody a : {Wh isllelows FRIDAY | 52--County Fair Mr. and Mrs. W. Taylor. Mrs. K. s--Playhouse 8:00 AM t-Edge of Nigh Minshell and Mrs. J. Ballingal &=Fun To Learn $.2-Today y | FRIDAY attended the funeral of Mrs, 1, 3-Three Stooges Capt Kangaroo | 5:00 P.} A 5:15 P.M. : Theatre; Sports Crews (Lottie McBrien), in To- t=Cartoon Storybook 9:00 AM, Hidden Pages ronto Thursday. 5:30 P.M, ¥--Morning Devotions 8--Burns and Playhouse Fun To Lears Allan SUPER-RIGHT TRIM BEEF ROASTS MEATY SHORT or 59 CROSS RIB ROAST Full Cut , SHOULDER ROAST -49: Short Cut PRIME RIB ROAST 69: Maple Leaf, Pure PORK SAUSAGE 47: Shopsy's SALAMI CHUB vor +69: All Good, Smoked Rindless +b pkg 5 Q. SIDE BACON WHOLE CANNED CHICKEN rum suas 35.600 99 Banquet Brand--Turkey, Chicken or Beef MER] DAS oS" S2 2-49: SMELTS HALIBUT STEAKS +53: Fancy Quality Mn 100th Anniversary Specials! Success Heavy Duty Reg. tin 69c--8AVE 4e PASTE WAX Hein @ Se Ogilvie Angel Food Reg. pkg 55¢c--SAVE 6e CAKE MIX 16-0z pkg 49 Skim Milk Powder Reg. box 99c--SAVE 10e A&P 100th Anniversary Baked In A&P's Own Bakery By Master Bakers Jane Parker (87, 24.0x Pie) Reg. #9c--8AVE 108 RECORD RAISIN PIE 39 | BARGAIN Jane Parker (8", 24.0z Pie) Save over $40.00 on a Complete Get of BLUEBERRY PIE och 5 5¢ Stock Up Your Freezer At These Low Prices! 16 Classic L.P. Records with Free Giant Album. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Marlow and g_pisney Time Ann and Mr. and i Neil &- Woody Woodpecker ou Bailey spent the weekend with nner Date umpus Room Dr. and Mrs. Jack Marlow and 2--Huckleberry Hound 9:13 AM . 5:30 P.M, ivaly 6:00 P.M. 7--Romper Room 76--Mighty Mouse family, Lively, Ont. - I1--Theatre: News: S--District Attorney 4--Dinner Date Theatre Gordon Paisley and Jack Berry Weather 4--You and Your Family | 2---Wild Bill Hickock flew to New York for the holi- ot A Show My Lite Margie | days. Mets ews ! M, Mr. Merlin Bafley, Montreal, 2/8 Colle $3, Dough Resa y_Nosther spent a few days with his moth. ¢ i Married Joas 10:30 A.M, Nay er, Mrs. H. Bailey and Catherine. s--Early News JR]sviivise direy 3--Abbott and Costello Mrs. Harold Wheeler, Hast: 6:30 P.M, rani A 6:15 P.M, ings, spent a few days last week 3--The Rifleman roa with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wheeler $3-Newei Livan 7--For The Ladies ls Sn 2 and family. e-News | 3-Name THA Teme | i Sports Mr. and Mrs. Leith Byers vis- ir Ng 50 AM, ia Po. {ted Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Byers, ,,_r.mily Theatre 7--Peter Lind Hayes | 6-4-2--News Bowmanville, on Wednesday. 6~Tabloid 8,2--Concentration | 7:00 J Mrs. Elmer Archer S5--The Lawmas Top Dollar | HThantre family, Whitby, spent Good $--jiete Trost 11-Popere; Bugs Bumny | 5--Real McCoys Friday with his parents, Mr, and| » 83-Tie Tac Dough 4--Colonel Flack rs. W. Archer, and Mr. Dener. the New 3-Resue 8 Mary remained for the week.| 7:90 P.M, 11---News i 7--News; Weather "Mr. and Mrs. Hammell, Ralph J=Lasve a 7--Play Your Munch | 7:30 P.M. Wind Dianne, Montreal, spent the S--Renind Tlostd Doors | 5,2-It could be You 7.5-Rin Tin Tin : 4--Search for Tomorrow 6----Leave It To Beaver Weekend with the Blackstock 4-1 Love Lucy 10:45 P.M, | 4--Hit Parade Slanilands. Mr, and Mrs. George 3--Jeiferson Drum {1=All Star Theatre T-DAS Staniland went home with them 8:00 P.M. 4Guiding Light 8:00 P.M, Sunday for a visit 11,6----Music Makers 1:00 P.M, 11.6--Talent Caravan AS VISIT . | 7--Zorro 7--Liberace 7--Disney Presents H 5-2-8teve Canyon 6--Matinee 5-2--Ellery Queen Mrs. Cecil Ferguson, Mr. and ¢--December Bride > -Feature Movie 4--Rawhide ft M, 4--Meet the Millers 11,6--=The Unforseen 1 6 5 4 2--Three Stooges 4 | | | & Popeve's Play: | | M. | Cartoon Storybook P.M 6:00 3 | 11~Theatre; News; | 8~Colonel Flack 5--News 8:30 P.M, 2-Mid Day Matinee 11.6--Plouffe Family | 7=Real MeCoy's 1:15 P.M 9:00 P.M, CLASSIFIED 8-3--Music Theatre 11--Movie Matinee 11--Musie Theatre 4--Yancy Derringer 1:90 P.M. 7-Tombstone Territory 9:00 P.M, 7--Our Miss Brooks A ADVERTISING {31--Top Movie 4 The World Turns BS Saami i 3» Boone 2:00 P.M. rm) gy 6--~Wyatt Earp 30 P.M. (Continued from Page 31) f= Closed Doors 11-8--Country Hoedown Continued fro; 1 ane Grey Thastre =n HEL Sue [2 130 P.M. 2:30 P.M. 1 7--Rough Riders 7--Musie: 4--Playhouse 50--Articles For Sale 6--Loretta Young be LL 52-~Ford Show 5--Home Cooking Sorts fu , 4--Playhouse %0 4--House Party Rorts rniture 10 your home! This includes 10:00 P.M. 3 Haggls Baggls 4-The Line. S-plece chesterfield, 3-plece bedroom g_ nan Without a Gun 2:45 P.M. 10:15 P.M. suite Spiece kitchen wet, spring-filled 8--Explorations 11,6--Nursery School Nim Solna 3:00 P.M John Daly' mattress, steel spring, breakfast set, so vo, Bet Your Life 0 P 130 P.M, 116--Miram Holiday 4--Person To Person 10:45 P.M, fatice table, two end tables, two table 0 mps, two pillows, two boudoir lamps, | 31. ' ete. Barons' Home Furnishings, HSE eres Dusty Te Ky a Simcoe Street South, "Where prices are 5 co.cia) Agent ¥ 37h Bis Payee 7-News: Weather and quality higher -- or your 3 ou sen Pt 6--Jim Coleman money back!" | 10:48 P.M 4 M, 5-2-Ja GIRL'S CCM three.speed racing bl-| 7--News: Weath 7---Who Do You Trust News: eycle, Bell Howell 8 mm movie cam:| ; 5,2--From These Roots 18342 News: Sports era, new condition, pair girl's tap| : M, 4--The Verdict is Yours 1:18 P.M dancing shoes, size §, new RA 3.3780. News Sports "00 P.M, 6--Viewpoint SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re.| 7--Flayhouse 11--Bugs Bunny | 8--Movie frigerators, TV's, washers, pianos, 1:18 P.M, 7--American Bandstand 11:50 P.M. stoves, etc. For tep cash offer, contact S--Viewpoint 8PM. Party 11--Late Show 9 Prince_Street. Phone RA 81131. S--Feature Movie 5~Truth or Consequen: 8---Premier Perform. HOOVER sales and service. New or od {ance used, guoranteed, vacuums. Nu-Way fein Dramas | 4~M.G-M_ Theatre Rugs. Sales and Service. RA 51202. | Trouble With Father ' 2-Jack Paar * ] 11,6---Open House Bt ing iW mp motor, ew, $65; portable alr | compressor, 4: Fo car radio '53- '8S, push-button, $29: electric greasing| DAILY CROSSWORD machines, Alemite, with grease gun, $60; and many other items at very Teasonatle prices. Come in and Fini around every evening. Apply m. . VIEIRIV eon Street South. RA 5.9216. Ordinary, LE Sy WIGHEST prices paid for used furni- (1 [RIY] ture, als well and exchange. Contact essel 2. 8 [A [DJ A munity Furniture Store, nee B cover. R SINE] Street. Phone RA 8.1131. Cal iy , hoshini ie am------ [CIALIS WE pay highest in the city f p BAIR] od ara. Prous Coed Pawns An GEA Store. RA 3.3271. 444 Simcoe South, SINE [EIR IWAN) BOATS, motors and trailers. New and ho [EINIAC[TIMIEINIT] used. Easy terms at Dominion Tire A IDIRIE[AIDIEIR] Store, 48 Bond Street West, Oshawa, models, 17 - 21", Re.conditioned. Bud. get terms, B. F. Goodrich Stores, RA SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- TV's, washers, pianos, stoves, ete. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-131. SPECIAL -- Johnson's Car polish, 0 cents per can. Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West 72 SUMP pumps, $35; 3.piece bath set, ij pressure systems, $59; stainless steel sinks, $9.50; kitchen cabinets, $39; shower cabinets, $49.50; cow bowls, $8; copper, plastic, steel pipe and fittings. wash basins 88. Chinn's, corner of Hillside and Park South. RA 3.7088. BARGAINS -- Crome chairs, $4.95; pr saver, S14; «¢ and | ir, $29: 4-burner HD stove, $39; dresser, $14.50; wardrobe, $15; sewing machine, $12 and $17; bed and spring, $9; 21" TV, $89; rangette, $9 and $17; recorder, 2-speed, $69; accordion,| $18 and $65; refrigerator $49: washing machine, $35. Also many more bar. | gains, see them at Community Furni. ture Store, 19 Prince Street Phone RA sus | a-- 51--Swap and Barter SUMP pumps. Pressure systems, 3- piece bath sets, steel sinks and cad-| nets, pop cooler, hamburg grill, roto. tiller, copper, steel, plastic pipe, and! Chinn's, RA 3-7088. 52---Legal Notices § Will Bot be responsible for any debts B my name from this date, March 31, Signed -- Ross E. Stevenson NOT be responsible for any | ae tn my name by my 44. Lixiviums V. Wannamaker, on or after 45. White cted Jia Sete. April 8. 19%. -- Floyd c. poplars A&P INSTANT MILK 3-lb box 89: HE Reg. 69c--8AVE 10s Monarch Reg. pkg 530--SAVE 4o Square White Cake with Chocolate er Orange leing TEA-BISK zr 49c LAYER CAKE wh 59 Purex Reg. pack 27 AVE 20 Jane Parker Cinnamon Reg. pkg 300--SAVE Ge TOILET TISSUE ~nwt25¢ BREAKFAST ROLLS rs33c Blue Package Reg. 2-1bs 850--S8AVE 11e Jane Parker Reg. loaf 180--8AVE Se NUCOA MARGARINE 4 1b pkgs 99: BREAD Whole Wheat 2 24-0z loaves 3 3c Sunnyfield Blanched . Reg. pkg 29c--8AVE 4e Jane Parker Reg. 530--8AVE 14e SALTED PEANUTS Uozpkg De ANGEL CAKE ue och 39: ® Slavio Theme with Variations Spanish Style Reg. pkg 260--8SAVE 20 ® Czardas ® Nocturne @ Musle of the SUNNYFIELD PEANUTS «1023 Frozen Food Specials PEL Choice Quality Reg. 2 tins 33c--8AVE 7e French Fried . 2 for S310BAVE Te Record No. 1 Still Available for enly P®e | AtP WAX BEANS 4win59c A&P POTATOES seis 55¢ | "ii Livgyigy "= Choice Quality Reg. 3 tins 360--8AVE 4e og. pkg 350--SAVE 10s BUY A RECORD A WEEK UNTIL YOUR A&P PEAS Goons 3c STR AWBERRIES S torrie 9 5¢ MUSIC LIBRARY I8 COMPLETE. Choice Quality Halves Reg. tin 31c--8AVE 7o A&P PEACHES " 2 25a: te 3 3 ¢ Geach Fruit & Nut, ang TLV» NO bar 200--8AVE Se ORANGES 21m35¢ Chocolate Bars 21:49: Fruit & Vegetable Specials! Ontario Grown, Fancy Grade, Controlled Atmosphere, Fresh Picked Flavour, Crisp, Julcy APPLES "=~ 3 5 Golden Ripe, No. 1 Grade BANANAS 2-29: New Spring Crop, No. 1 Grade Fresh Green Texas : CABBAGE 7: Ontarle Grewn, No. 1 Grade, Large Long Slicers CUCUMBERS tot House, king Size 02190 RECORD NO. 4 ON SALE THIS WEEK wa],59 THIS WEEK'S RECORD-- Brahms Symphony No. 1 In 6 Mines, Op. 68 -- Third and Fourth Movements REVERSE SIDE Delibest Suite from the Ballet "Coppeie™ SENSATIONAL VALUE! A:P INSTANT COFFEE zane 3] burn 89 Mild & Mellow $-1b bag $1.09 EIGHT O'CLOCK COFFEE Ib 59¢ Texas, No. 1 Grade, Tender Crisp, Fresh New Crop CARROTS 2200:bu: 25¢ Libby's Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE 2200ztins 35 FANCY PEAS 2180x fins 35¢ ibby's Libby's PINEAPPLE JUICE 480ztin 37 MIXED VEGETABLES 2150ztins 37 100y's Libby's CRUSHED PINEAPPLE 200ztin33c HOME STYLE PICKLES 160zjer 27 Libby's Libby's (in Tomato Sauce) TOMATO JUICE 480z1in33c DEEP BROWN BEANS 2 150z1ins 35¢ THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC TEA COMPANY LTD, NER APPLE JUICE 48-oz tin 81¢ DRY BLEACH 16-oz pkg 43¢ TA BAGE pla of 4073 CREAMETTES 2 8-0z pkgs 21¢ MARGARINE 2 1b pkgs 58¢ CHERRY PIE FILLER 20-oz tin 37¢ a WHOLE CHERRIES 15-02 tin 21e¢ Dare's Family Pack Large Size Heads, No. 1 Grade, California Iceberg Our Own "Oxford Park" Brand ASSORTED LETTUCE 2229 GRASS SEED :::1.99 COOKIES GLADIOLI BULBS fresh from Holland mow available 20 J Qe LOW PRODUCTS NATIONAL & 0 RESEARCH PRICED at AP | sme ROLY Poi GET DETAILS OO AT OUR STORE SAUERKRAUT 2:39: TIDE sorsoe § ces 49. IVORY SNOW vie 87 c ioe 44 DU1 PREMIUM giant ize § 7 large size 44. SPIC « SPAN obo 8c worsen 42 0XYDOL giant size § Te large size CHEER aint sie BF trowsize BQ BONUS jumbo] 39 giant size 87: large size 44 LOOK FOR THE BRANDS WITHTHE VO SEAL PRICES IN THIS AD GUARANTEED THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 4, 1959

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