The Oshawa Times, 2 Apr 1959, p. 10

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ISponge Cakes Come"... YT"! AWA TIME, Yheriey Son 3, 199 9 [From England Canadians As Readers Rank The custom of celebrating the . principal evens in or hes wits Par Below Other Nations English practice of celebratit = gy CAROLYN WILLETT [Canadians as readers rank far fits Tt be VES O8 comm Fre So Woker [Sia chr rs man land, cakes bearing the image of] OTTAWA (CP)--Canadians are| In PL ie although library eir- two sisters who gave the money being challenged to crack more|cylations increased near! : + '" early 42 per to build Biddenden Church in hooks, |cent during 1951-56 fo indicate Ke i» fie welith sentisy aye 'For the first time, Canada this|that Canadians are reading more a ive. and the custom go|year Will have a Library Week. than ever before, they are being the li A ane n of Henry 1 The week, April 12-16 is aimed urged to read more and to read eX to the reig 4 at young and old alike. The theme more widely. ge pak ve. had diet], the week is: Wake Up and| "Limited horizons are danger- discovered that well beaten eggs| {ous to a free people; so, as we | The theme is backed up by have discovered, is the mindless : i such data as that furnished by assumption of supericrity and in- A would raise a mixture of flour and sugar if enough eggs were| used. An old recipe reads "sep-| the bureau of statistics which, i | vulnerability," said a Library t for 5a 1954-56 survey of libraries,|Week statement urging a "better- arate your efgs aud hig way| found: that in 1956 there were read, better-informed Canada." in cake baking technique since Public library facilities for 61 per |ypow nag . » cakes today are cent of the population. ji) hen i, ithout| But only 15.2 per cent of the 'Though it can be an unparal- five hours hard labour. At Gen.|Population five years old and over leled source of entertainment, ding is not a tranquilizer, but itchens, we like to|took advantage of the facilities rea y 013) ponds Buh Et frost-/and borrowed books. Of these, 8 channel to new ideas and view- ing i 28.5 per cent were in the five- Pols tual Su help Canadians : to-14-year-old category. respo e challenge of lei- SPONGE CAKE i (Basic sponge cake) GROWING ALARM we, in a creative, satisfying Preparations: Have ready an| Ajthough the bureau of statis-| Probably the busy mother ungreased 10-inch tube pan, Stantisies figures don't tell the whole views the read-more challenge as oven for moderate Beat 375 de-|gtory of reading in Canada--read-|something commendable in prin- grees F.). Sift flour before meas-| e.g "oan buy books from news- ciple but not so easy in practice. uring. stands, bookstores and even su-|When do busy people get time to [1 1-3 cups sifted cake Jour Kking|Permarkets as well as borrow read? % teaspoon double acting baking fr, "libraries--the organizations| Perhaps it is a case of snatch- Powder |sponsoring the special week felt ing a few minutes and a book. teaspoon salt a growing alarm over Canadian|It has been said that an average cups sifted sugar reading habits reader can read an aver book (6) egg whites iit . verage boo sup f tartar The week's sponsors--the Cana- at the rate of 300 words a min- Jeaspoon cream io] ants dian Library Association, the ute, 4,500 words in a quarter of sini 0) Soe Yolis Book Publishers' Association and an hour, At this rate you could teaspoon vanilla |La Societe de Editeurs Cana- read 20 average-lengt! books in t 1 tract |diens des Livres Francais--in ala year if you could just snatch Epspon emon extras spot f homes found that|15 reading minutes each d , The Mixing Method: Measure SPO! Survey of homes that|15 reading minutes each day. ' § TN, > sifted flour, add baking ponder, ------------------------------------ A 5 ; . * E75 i salt and 1 cup of the sugar an I i : Cl 4 sift into smut mixing bowl. | CHILD GUIDANCE Sey ion di, "| KAA" Cae Combine egg whites and creamy -- LL ----------" . kof tartar in large mixing bowl. : = g ! Beat until soft mounds begin to Many Factors Shape CREATED BY A £ £ R [3 4) il AND NOW AT REITMAN S i : | form. (Beat with sturdy egg Real: ' | Him | ler, flat wire whip, or at hig a speed of electric mixer.) Then Child S Future Career add remaining % eup of the sugar as o : Designed especially for the small, average and "in-between" size bosom . . . three exclusive models for PRETTY PARTY DRES |gradually, by sprinkling 2 table-! By G. CLEVELAND MYERS [vocational plans at least once or . , i i , " 4 this little lady. Is off 1 lar and sleeves, a self |SP0ONS at a time over whites and What does your child want to Sluring their last three years in, every figure preference. "The Hidden Treasure" Bra gives you a fuller, Son ect line. There are no This little lady is off to a | on the collar and sleeves, a self 1,,,jn 6 beating until very stiff be when he grows up? igh school. --- an eo {or yours fod very important partv, in her | belt and a full skirt. The fabric |n oy are eal Do not under-| Your son or daughter may have| Sixty per cent of the college pads, no puffs -- because the Somteurs o bull fight in! Ask for yours yl Conve Wolo) checked taffeta shirtwaist | is woven in an acetate fiber : : named his or her choice of pro-|students switched vocational] All styles in white cotton broadcloth, with circle-stitched cups for firm "uplift" and every comfort also available dress. With such a frock she | that will keep its crisp texture | "combine yolks, water, and|fession at eight, 12 or 16. The|choices within two vears, accord-| feature. Sizes 32 to 36, A or B cup. in black, should draw her share of atten- | and bright colors through many |favorings. Add to sifted dry in-|choice may have changed several |ing 10. BN EXiensive Corie Gg a oo t tion in the lollipop set. Of navy | a festive gathering gredients and beat '% minute, times during his public school versity study. There is some r mr "i ; and white, it has lace trimming | ~By TRACY ADRIAN yust to blend (about 75 beating|life a" "1e or more times again|hope of help, of course, through od , : ER % strokes). Then fold egg yolk mix- in college. . | adequate school and college coun- - . ture into stiffly beaten egg whites| Now ..d then a child may ex- seling. 5 Home Sewers Advised luntil blended (about 40 folding press a preference even before| We parents can do something 7 : [strokes). (To fold, cut down entering the teens and stick to itjand we do, whether we know it ; 4 [through mixture with a large thereafter, especially if his par-ior not -- by our expressed atti- ! How To Choose Fabrics [spoon, flat wire whip, or rubber ents and others encourage him | tudes in the family, by our dinner | scraper, lift up, and fold over. Do b his Geeiglon, Having Seeh aland fireside conversation with N ISS | A heavy-duty detergent plus a not stir or beat.) |choice so long, the ch may each other and with guests. By ELEANOR ROS needle| chlorine bleach 'in bead oo is| Baking: Pour batter into pan. have a driving purpose which We should not press our wishes. + To be handy wil tter|the combination recommended in|Cut gently through batter to re-|could stimulate his school efforts This can be very séMfish. We : hag once agam ber one rie {modern laundering techniques. move large air bubbles. Bake injin this direction. ' should consider the child's wishes of homemaking skill and price: [To eliminate worry about harm- moderate oven (375 degrees F.)| Of course, the school would and abilities in terms of his de- Fabrics are as colorfully terip: ing clothes, chlorine bleach in/about 35 minutes. Cool cake inlsoon try to dissuade the child sire to seek abiding satisfaction , ting as the apple was 0 bd bead form does its job conscien- pan, upside down, 1 to 2 hours.|from choosing a vocation re-in his work and his desire to be + Patterns are as simple to follow tiously, going to work on the in-/Then loosen from sides and cen-| quiring more ability and success useful in the world. as they are beguiling to Dennold, grained soil but not harming or|ter tube with knife and gently|at reading and other school sub-| For the child's early years, we What's more, the budget savings weakening fabrics. |pull out cake. Serve plain or top jects than he possessed. can help prepare him to choose fF ; involved In sew-it-yourself pro- |with whipped cream and berries/ For instance, the school would wisely and make good in his final > i > : jects have, enticed Bin 3 Young PREVENT GRAY LOOK to garnish. discourage him from [Seine lo choice if we cultivate in him self- I i d 2 50 h p " I b 3 mothers into makin Reuglar use of the recom-| Sponge Cake {enter any profession if, at reliance, responsibility and habits 5 : spring and summer clothing that) |, , technique in every Taun-{1 or vi Bh 16, he ranked very low in science, of hard work. Ow priced at . the true piunge ra - . ¥ the children will wear, | | oti . mathematics and other *solid"| (My bulletins, "Parents Can BUY WITH CARE dering, including the first, pre. 1 teaspoon d ouble acting bak peers Help Child Succeed at School" 29 SIMCOE ST. 8. -- RA 5.6221 Home sewing, however, Is truly vents the accumulated grayness| 1, teaspoon salt But what choices could he then| and "Educating Your Child in 3 Wein ® ny ide economical and worth the time|that so detracts from pretty(s eggs be encouraged to make? Responsibility," may be had hy STORE HOURS: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Mon. Tues. Thurs. & Sat; 9 em. to 1 p.m. i; 9 am. p.m. Friday ' i Ba that clothes. At the end of the season, 1 'eup sugar Well, his long - time interests sanding a self - addressed, U.S. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE -- King St. West & Stevenson Rd. -- RA 5-4361 por 2 forethought. that/white clothes are smartly white uice and skills offer some suggestions. stamped envelope to me in care URS: 9:30 a.m. fo 6 p.m. Mon, Tues. & Thurs.) 9:30 a.m. fe 12:30 p.m. Wed.; 9:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Fri; 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday + wear during the warm and colorfast clothes arty bright % jeaspoons Jmol Jie rind |Then, too, there are aptitude tests of this newspaper.) STORE HO Pp ; ' be durable, color-|and the children's garments ate! (optional) that yield some guidance as to a Spap 'washable. ready to be worn aghin or|6 tablespoons milk career choice. step, them, 1s reading|handed down to the next in line| Measure sifted flour, add bak-| Fven so, his choice may ' tags on the bolts of fabrics toifor the following year. ling powder and salt, and sift to- change. | make sure designs, weaves and|__________~ __ |gother three times. | A recent study of Minnesota , finishes are not only sudsable but 1 |" Beat eggs in deep bowl until high school graduates revealed also bleachable. The same atten- HOUSEHOLD HINT tvery 'thick and light (about 5 that only a small percentage tion should be given to threads,| Get rid of burned-out fluores- minutes). Add sugar gradually, from six to 11 per cent--had gone trimmings and facings. After cent light tubes promptly if heating constantly. Add lemon| into the kind of work they hoped youngsters have sat In mud pud-|there are children in your house. juice and rind. Fold in flour/to enter at the time of gradua- dles, turned themselves upside They may be tempted to play gradually. Heat milk. When hot-- tion. . y down on gym swings and with them. This is dangerous, not'not hoiling--add to batter and stir] An Investigation in Wisconsin whizzed down backyard slides, only because the glass tends to in quickly. showed that two - thirds of the their underwear and outerwear chatter easily, but also because] Baking: Pour batter at once Youths studied had changed their need a through laundering. some of these tubes have an into an ungreased 9-inch tube pan|™ ELIMINATE WORRY inside coating of a substance or 10 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan. Bake|side down, 1 hour. Then loosen No one product will do the which, if it gets into cuts, pre-in moderate oven (350 degrees F.)|from sides and center tube with 'vents them from healing. | about 35 minutes. Cool in pan, up-| knife; gently pull out cake. STOCK HER Co BORE = PHE HAT BOX AMAZING MOVIE VALUE! SALE CONTINUES : FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd, 9 am. WITH | GUAT: UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT TURRET Be OT I | The Latest PE SEE YESTERDAY'S AD FOR ADDED TREMENDOUS SAVINGS MEN'S o es | N ® Dresses ® Suits ® Car Coats WHITE SHIRTS ]98 8 IFT. IN THE STORE Sanforized shrunk with new styled short J Blouses J Skirts @ Slacks collar. In sizes 14'2 to 17. Regular . : 1 ® ® Dusters ® Lingerie ® Gloves l/a Price = BAN-LON & LANSEA SWEATERS T-SHIRTS SOCKS K-26 8mm MOVIE CAMERA We have a SPECIAL COUNTER with some Short sleeves, crew neck, B Clearance of bett ELECTRIC EYE LIGH ! * 1c) ideal for work or play. Navy ll lines with values up ol SAVE $12.00 ET, SYE Liou? NER Very Special Values PE Be Sure to Visit It or Grey in sizes sml., med., M Irg. Reguler 1.00 1.50 per pair. Preserye those precisus moments forever ALL BEAUTIFULLY GIFT BOXED SPECIAL SPECIAL «+ « in brilliant color . . . with this complete movie-taking outfit. You get the hanasome K-26 3-lens turret Movie Camera with fast 12.3 normal, wide-angle LALCRREAT and telephoto lenses; lock-on Electric Eye Light Meter and genuine leather - carrying case; all boxed fot giving. J 8 \ | -- ny TO THE FIRST 200 LADIES Sheer eas THE HAT BOX Wa37sas OSHAWA *QEMGEEsTs : 498 SIMCOE ST. S. opposite S. Simcoe St. School. EI AT PI I Pe Yer | 77 KING ST. E. OSHAWA RA 5-4561 ® PLENTY OF FREE PARKING o (OPPOSITE THE GENOSHA HOTEL) (317 BROCK ST. S. WHITBY PLAZA MO 8-2338,

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