The Oshawa Times, 1 Apr 1959, p. 3

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CHILDREN GUESTS OF LIONS CLUB To Decide Money Helps County Title Refugee Family Daturday Europe, brought little peace toldo hard, heavy farm work. The annual Ontario County (jo sands of Europeans. Al-| Anita's parents were married [Checker Tournament will be held i,,01 they no longer live in ter- at the end of the war and through | |at the CRA building on Saturday, yor of hombs and shells, daily|the years that followed, Mr. Las- {April 4. The winner of this eventlyqy are faced with the more in- kowski always managed to work [wil receive the Sinclair Trophy, |sidious foes of poverty, disease,land support his family, even donated by the late W. E. N. Sin-lp 00 and unemployment. Be-|though he was handicapped by clair. The trophy is presently| sce they chose freedom rather'his war injury (shell splinters in {held by Cecil Wood, of Oshawa. {than return to Communist-dom-|his leg and arm). For more than Play Is scheduled to start ati, ...q pomelands, they live in'a year, his health has grown pro 10 a.m, and entries cannot be ac-|, 0. crowded lodgings with only gressively worse and he can now cepted after 11 a.m, All play- the minimum of the most essen- only work for a few weeks at a| fers of the county can enter his, jtemg for decent living. time and light work is almost im- event, Three move openings Will! "Anita 1,askowski, 4, who has possible to find, especially for al be youl ju tis owner. game _is been_adopted by a resident of foreigner. Life has indeed be-| 40 Pres' $ : 8 Ostfawa~under the Foster Par-lcome a struggle for mere exis- {keen and additional players ar ig is a good example of tence and i assistance | expected to enter this annual|y,."ooody' children of Europe. would be a blessing to this hon- gual, The CRA Jot Ai vivey Anita is 38 inches tall has 3 est, decent but destitute family, | ac S 3 lwais sasuring 22 inches leach player may bring a lunch iS, MISTI, i MU TE LIVE IN BARRACK {to save time. It is hoped a Wih-|yipo oe with straight blond hair| They live in a dreary barrack |ner will be declared after a one- and black eyes, She is an obed- located in one of West Germany's day tournament. lient child, quite lively and adored refugee settlements in incredible = " by her sisters and brothers. Like/poverty and despair, 'Home' con-| | C t Fi d fmost children of refugee parents, siste of two rooms and a kitchen |she speaks Ukrainian, Russian |that are poorly furnished, but in and German. The Foster Par- spite of the mother's ill health, Giuseppe Maiurano, 208 Mon- vitamin - enriched food, warm on a monthly income amounting | trave avenue, was fined $10 and clothing, shoes and any neces- to $71.60 derived in part from| guilty to the charge. kind assistance will be the onejand fuel. With so little money An interpreter, James Gan-| bright spot in the otherwise-bleak and such poverty in the home, it intersection of Bond and Division future. : : (9%) and Nina (2). streets. Feb. 19, Driver of the| Anita's father, while serving in| The youngsters are all under- The accused sated to police, at|deported to Germany and shortly perate plight of the Laskowskis the time of the accident, that after put to work on a farm as|came to the attention of Foster The armistice, which termin- 15. Even though she was a deli- ated the Second World War in|cate child she was compelled to | lents' Plan provides a monthly everything is kept clean and| cash grant to her welfare of $8., neat. | ESSENTIALS NEEDED The family of seven per- The money provides parcels of sons are now wholly dependent costs on a charge of failing to sary medical care. Equally im- Welfare Unemployment Assis-| bring his vehicle to a full stop, portant in the heartwarming tance and Children's Money. Out| Tuesday, by Magistrate A. S.|knowledge that someone cares of this meager sum, they must Mitchell. Maiurano pleaded not and wants to help. Interest and pay 22.25 a month for rent, light gemi, translated the accused's/lives of Anita and her hard-/is no wonder that Peter has de-| testimony from Italian to English.|pressed parents and will bring|veloped TB of the lungs and| | Constable A. Hobbs stated that them hope and courage with|glands. The other children are he investigated an accident at the which to face the still uncertain/Erika (12), Johannes (7), Peter other vehicle was William Fred- the Russian Army during the Sec-| nourished and little Johannes is erick Coulter, King street east./ond World War, was badly in- such a weak little chap that the Total damage in the accident was! jured on the battlefield and taken doctor would not let him start estimated at approximately $850. POW by the' Germans. He was|school this year. When the des- # when he tried to apply his brakes slave labor. There he met his fu-/ Parents' PLAN, Anita and her A mechanic tyre wife who had been deported brother Peter were taken under er age ofits kindly wing. they did not work told his worship that the master from Poland at the tend THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1959 ORATORICAL CONTEST WINNER RECEIVES TROPHY Contest last weekend. Making | tario representatives in Toron- Terence V. Kelly, left, of the | Oshawa Toastmasters Club is shown at Convocation Hall, Victoria College, Toronto, about to receive a trophy for having won the Eastern Ontario Speech | Good Report A statistical report given at the presentation is J. Cudlip, | district governor of the Toast- | masters. To the rear is one of the five competitors Mr. Kelly | defeated. The Oshawa man will | compete against Western On- | to May 2. If successful he will | enter competition with Amer ican representatives .at Buffalo, N.Y., later, Mr. Kelly won with an address on 'The Case for Fluoridation." CAS Hears | Arrest Pair I {i | 1 For Break-In Two Oshawa youths are in|jand two screwdrivers. A second custody on charges of breaking youth was arrested across the and entering, following a break-|street, near a restaurant. in at the Alto Music Studio, 447| Mr, Kupnicki told police that Simcoe street south, Tuesday|$30 cash was missing from the night till, and that a number of in- Michael Clancey, 16, of 33 strument parts were missing. Toui a street and Michael Lee| Entry to the store was gained Wesley, 16, of 474 Fairlawn street, bv prying open a back door. were arrested by constables| Police say that Tuesday's ar. Dwight Smith and Charles Hiltz, rests will probably assist them in The officers went to the music|solving a previous break-in at the store, owned by Mike Kupnicki,|same store, when a guitar and in answer to a call, and found a|amplifier, valued at more than youth in the store. On his person|$300 were taken. were a quantity of money, some| Detectives John Powell and guitar parts, two pairs of pliers/Ken Young are investigating. Customs Union Pact Seen 'Between Canada And U.S. |the regular monthly meeting of {the Children's Aid Society of On- tario County and Oshawa showed : (that 435 children were in the . [care of the society at the end of : February. Of these 13 were in residence, 204 in boarding homes, 78 in free homes, 129 in adoption |homes and 11 in institutions. The society is also presently working with 166 families involv- ing 540 children in their own homes. It is also working with {83 unmarried mothers and 32 putative fathers. During Febru-| ary, five adoptions were com-| [pleted and there were 35 court attendances at court in connec- tion with wardships and affiliation orders. B. Lewis expressed his pleasure at the appointment to the staff of Miss Sylvia Goldring, BA. Miss Goldring is a graduate of Univer- sity of Toronto and has three years experience as a social worker with CAS in Durham| OTTAWA (CP) -- Tariff au-lcustoms union would have over: county and one year in St. John, thority Hector B. McKinnon said|all benefits for us. It could be N. Tuesday a customs ufilon or free-|accomplished with a period of --~ vas also TEE onc rade pact with the United States|gradual readjustment," sideration was [ee D | formation of a welfare council oo Magid yd such a bad thing a eR mt, Doard chair Pickering township and that the yy gof.gpoken, friendly Mr.|down at a Mifl 0] CAS will have representa McKinnon, stepping: down. as tar|vice-ch TW. that council. ihe meeting that If board chairman, said also that/and F. J. Leduc, also were leav- it ai ind titi on one While the 34 - country General ing. He said there were no links fon to act under a rarely | Agreement on Tariffs and Trade between the moves. NG go of the Child Welfare| has been "of inestimable value to| The 10-year terms eof the twe to enter premises and world trade," it may be "too| vice-chairmen, both appointed by {the former Liberal administra- cylinder had to be replaced in the Maiurano car is worship stated that he was 1 with failing to stop was evident that he did therefore, imposed the Karen Nicki (left), 7, some of the songs in the Lions Son Book. The children were treat ed to a banquet followed by an exhibition magic by magician Joseph Domonik lowed by some cartoon films. Everyone, except the fathers, received presents to round out the evening. Although the chil dren could not make up their minds whether they LION E. J. WILSON and his son Johnny, 3'2 their glasses (filled with milk) in a toast to each other at the annual Lions Father, Son and Daughter Banquet held Tyes- day evening at Hotel Genosha. In the top picture Third) Vice President John intern shows his two daughters, Jonne Leslie (right), 10, and CRA Plans For New Boxing Club Officials of the CRA announced Any physically handicapped today that an amateur boxing children wishing instruction may elub will be formed phone Mr. Pyle at the CRA and The boxing instructor will be he will arrange for transporta- Herman "Tiger" Pyle who is/tion to and from classes. ; presently the third ranking pro- Mr. Pyle urged parents and The federation is holding its fessional featherweight contender businessmen interested in further- annual meeting here in connec-| in Canada. ling this work to get in contact tion with the Ontario ¥.ducational Mr. Pyle announced that awith him por attend the meetings Association's convention, ) meeting will. be held this Thurs-'and classes to get an idea of the Mrs. John Coope: 0! $t. Cathar- at 7.30 p.m, All those inter- nature of the work being done|ines was elected executive vice- day mn the club are by the club. president. Area vice - presidents he of the meeting will profit or "The club include Mrs. A. Thingstad, Fort William: Mrs. R. 8S, Pitt, Sud- be to determine a schedule of wishing to donate equipment may/bury: Mrs. W. D. Evans, Water- ass for the lub fest assured that it will be used|loo; Mrs. L. Courtice, Bowman- The ages of the boys now be- for a worthy cause," he said. Do- Ville; Mrs. A. Belson, Brantford the feats of magic raise IAPA Delegates Are Anpointed Oshawa industry will be repre- sented at Canada's 'number one" Industrial Safety Conference -- at the Roval York Hotel, Toronto, on April 6 and 7 coed ents the that the) most, of local had an fol- | evening, so much sq announced youngster he to accompany his fat going \ v Lion meetings Fcted Smart With The Law Among those present will be A Myrtle vouth. Larry F. A E. Roach and Mr. D, S. Low, Hamer. was fined $10 and costs Cereral Motors of Canada Ttd., Tuesday on a charge of failing Oshawa; B. Whiteway, Safety to come to a'full stop before en- Stnnly Co., Orhawa tering an intersection, by Magis-| The event, the biggest of its trate A. S. Mitchell. He pleaded kind in Canada and orobablv the| not guilty to the charge. second biggest in the world, is Constable Charles Legere testi-|snonsored bv the Industrial Acci. fied that he stooped the accused dent Prevention Associations of] after he saw him make a right! Ontario. It will be attended by turn on Athol street rom Drew delegates and visitors from ac- street without coming to a full ros: Canada and parts of the stop. He said the accused ad-/U.S.A. mitted to him that he had not (CFIFRR BTING A. W. JEWELL "Sie" Worship stated: "1 don't BIRTHDAYS Js Moved To 'The U.S.A. {think you stopped. You may have| slowed down, but the law requires) wishes to the following resi- | dents of Oshawa and district | The appointment of a former _ to all the Oshawa Times Pho | Bowmanville Woman Elected OFHSA Officer TORONTO (CP)--Mrs, T. N Weatherhead of Toronto has been named president of the Ontario Federation of Home and School Associations for a second term is strictly a non- and y routine check of the car, Hamer |Worship why he acted smart said, "I thought the officer acted the whole world was against! today: with the police officer during a him". | David McCart, |you to stop'. When asked by His| very rude. He acted as though who are celebrating birthdays | 180 Nassau |oshawa resident and militia of- t longing to the club range from nations may be made by cou- and Mrs. John P. Dawson, Dunn- tacting Mr. Pyle at the CRA The new club will be affiliated with the Ontario Amateur Ath- letic Commission. Mr. Pyle was formerly the director of the Monc ton Amateur Athletic Club i Moncton, N.B He said that once the club gets underway they plan to take the boys on trips to other cities to compete, Man Opened Wrong Door | Ronald E. Lovelock, Bagot Brooklin, was fined - $10 and costs on a charge of unlaw- fully opening the door of his vehicle, Tuesday, by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell. He pleaded no suilty to the charge Constable Tom Holmes testified that he investigated an accident on Simcoe street north about 2.17 p.m. Feb. 25. The accident in- volved two trucks which side- swiped. Drivers of the trucks hlamed Lovelock for causing the accident, stating that he opened his door and ran behind it. The driver of the cement mixing truck said he had to swerve to the left to avoid a more serious acci- dent and struck the other truck. Lovelock stated that he was in the habit of running around the back of his car after getting out of it. He sand .he saw the truck, approaching and thought he had time to get out. Lovelock told His Worship that he did not re- main at the scene of the acci- dent because he did not witness the accident and unaware that he had anything to do with it. "This is a very common fault of people getting out of the left hand door on a much travelled I'm glad that it has been brought up," said His Wor- ship 14 to 20 Fine Woman For Improper Stop Mrs. Afleen M. Barkwell, 472 Annapolis avenue, was fined $10 and costs Tuesday on a charge of failing to bring the vehicle she was driving to a full stop before entering an intersection. by Ma gistrate A. S. Mitchell. She plead ed not guilty to the charge Constable alton test fied that he | an dent at the of mond and Ontario st 29. about 11.45 p.m. Driver the other vehicle was Peter Freder ick Gilbert, Hortop street Mrs. Barkwell, conducting own defence. said that she did not see the sign-or the car. She stated that the cars at the service tion were parked right up to ston sign His Worship said there doubt she went through the stop sign, and imposed the fine COMING FVFENTS COMP-Double Club presents Hypnotic Party. featuring Edwin Heath, North minster Friday, April 3 8:15 pm 50¢ 76a RUMMAGE Temple. | 1:30 p.m ; of Jesus Christ of Latter Day § Donald W nvestigatec ace inersectio ¥ eets, March 0 A the vas no United Church Admission sale at the Orange jruce Street Thursday April 2. Sponsored by Church nt NOVEL BINGO THURSDAY EVENING, 8 P.M ot ST. GEORGE'S HALL Albert and Kson > Games $6, $12, $20 May be doubled or tripled anytime br Prize ) D $15 b highway, BINGO Avalon 8 pm shbourhc Thurs doy, Eost- d £ regular 10, six eleven At April 2nd, o view Park Association gomes $6 and $ P te A gome even and f the wealth ANNUAL share ville. FIRST WALTZ BORN 1770 IN GERMANY "Ach Du Lieber Auzustine." composed in 1770 in Germany was the first waltz And you'll waltz when you see easily, economically day problems are through Classified ads in The Oshawa Times To sell, buy, rent. hire recover something you've lost, dial RA 3-3492 for an ad writer, with joy quickly, every how settled or Magistrate Mitchell ordered the vouth to attend the Oshawa Traf- fie Clinic and stated: "If you co- onerate with the police, they will co-operate with you. If there are any hard feelings, it is only be- cause of lack of courtesy". GERMAN SHIP LEADS MONTREAL (CP) The Ger man freighter Volumnia is prac- tically unchallenged in her bid to be the first overseas vessel into Montreal harbor this_spring. The 5.000-ton Hamburg-Chicago line vessel steamed past Quebec City Tuesday and was due into Mont- real about noon today after an overnight stop at Trois-Rivieres. street was STEAL 28 DOCTORS' KITS HAMILTON (CP) Guards will be placed on all city hospital doctor's parking lots following a wave of thefts by persons seek- ing narcotics. Twenty-eight med- kits have been stolen in the last three weeks. MEETING CANADIAN DIABETIC ASSOCIATION On Thursday: April 2, at 8 p.m. McLAUGHLIN HALL Speaker. DR. H TRENDS IN Coffee end home made cookies will be served. Every 338 SIMCOE ST. N ROY ROWSELL MEDICINE' ne welcome FIRE FIGHTERS PRESENT WHEELCHAIR after 30 dystro- James Andrews, 801 Lakeview Ave vas pre- sented with a wheelchair by Oshawa Fire Fighters, Tues- Crippled suffering vears from muscular phy Mrs. street, Edel Coppin, 324 Highland avenue; Donna Bra- dy, 257 Louisa street; Charles McGuire, 634 Carnegie aven- ue: Joyce Ogden, 91 Celina street; Mrs.. Bruce Galla- gher, Pickering Beach The first five persons to inform The Oshawa 'Times of their birthdays each day will receive double tickets to The Regent Theatre good for a four-week. period. The cur- rent attraction is "The Buc- caneer." Reports on birthdays will he received only between the hours of 8 am. and 10 a.m icer . + Imove children. Mr. Lewis said it Seer, Aubrey _W. Jewell, Vice as only the second time .in 10 | president of manufacturing of the f operation that it was Hussman Refrigerator Co. Ltd., Yar of oP : L *| found necessary to do this. of Brantford, Ont., to the position -- of general manager of the com- on 4 Ojibway Boys | Visit Gov't House | pany's newly opened Haddon-| field, New Jersey, plant was an- OTTAWA (CP)--The guide was al and the four visitors shy, nounced today by officials of the between them there was a firm. Mr. Jewell was employed in the accounting department of the . General Motors of Canada Ltd., 8enl in Oshawa between 1924 and 1930. but He was then transferred to the trail of smiles through Govern: WOULD HURT SOME company's Regina branch where ment House. he stayed until 1933. He returned) Governor-General Massey was U.§, ?Well, it would undoubtedly | to Oshawa in that year to take both host and guide to four 0Ojib- hurt some of our industries. But! up duties in the GM industrial way Indian boys, in the capital we are a great trading nation ¢ other series will be held begin- engineering department where he! Monday for their first look at the and as long as we have our tre- he world outside Lansdowne House, mendous remained until 1940 when moved to Toronto. their isolated home is north cen- [rigia." |added "The time seems to have ar-|lion, were not renewed by the rived for greater flexibility in the| Progressive Conservatives. Re- |GATT, to provide for faster re. Placements for the three senior adjustment in fixed rates" he|officers on the five-man board in an interview as he have not yet been announced: ended a busy 33-year govern-| ment career. | Gift Of Sight : For Two Men The 68-year-old tariff chief had wanted to leave his $16,900-a-year post 19 months ago, but agreed to stay on at the request of Fi- nance Minister Fleming. LITTLE CURRENT (CP)-- Judge A. B. Currie Monday ruled invalid the Jan. 15 election of the reeve and one member of {Rutherford Township and George : + | "A customs union with the resources, I think a During his later years in Osh- tral Ontario. | awa Mr. Jewell was an officer in| NORTH OF LAKEHEAD | the Ontario Regiment. The Scakanee cousins, Walter, The Hussmann Refrigerator Co. 14, and Donald, 13, and the Moon- is the largest manufacturer of ias cousins, Tony, 14, and Etti- food store equipment in the Unit- enne, 12, were top students at] ed States and Canada. The com- the Indian school near Nakina, pany also produces aircraft parts on the CNR main line nearly 200 and refrigerator equipment for miles northeast .of Fort William. | the government, Teacher Brian Guyver, 24-year- Mr. Massey did his part dur- Recreation Association, such in-| explaining about portraits lining ~-------------------------- old native of London, England, | shelled out $250 from his own pay To Exte d to reward the boys for their hard ing a half-hour visit to Govern- Art Classes ment House. After a brief chat |in his study, the governor-gen-| ral showed the boys the dining terest has been shown by mem-|the walls and about the ways of bers of the art class, that an-| photographers. i y "i CHILDRED AWED | Hing Toesay, April 7. "Don't look frightened, look at| studies with a week-long trip. A 30 1B According to the Community room, ballroem and did a lot of Instructor for the CRA is Jim|me " Mr. Massey said as the ¢ Kramer, art instructor at Done- hovs in slacks and Jackets stood| van Collegiate Institute. The awed in 'the long dining room. classes are held every Tuesday|+ smile again and look as if we're| night and the average attendance really enjoying it," he counselled| is 12. |as flash bulbs popped. The new course will consist of, Mr. Guyver said the boys--who HARE OPTICAL JOHN A. OVENS Optometrist 8 BOND ST. EAST -- HOURS -- 9 AM. --6 P.M. Wed. Until 12:30 P.M. Sat. Until 2:30 P.M. PHONE RA 3-4811 For an appointment |Island council, Mrs. Christina Pitfield of Kil- |reeve brought the suit charging T At T see irregularities in the election. wo ennis | Elected reeve in the January brother-in-law of Mrs. Pitfield, Mrs. Pitfield said the election TOKYO (AP) -- Japanese Monday in January, that ne songwriters are turning out |voters list was made available fox trots to celebrate the wed- (qualified persons were allowed fo ding of Crown Prince Akihito vote, a sporting note. Georgian Bay. Record companies report pected to rise as the wedding day--April 10, approaches. orate the fact that 'Akihito and his fiancee used to play tennis larney, defeated candidate for . election was Norman Beauvais, a SetIn M e n usic should have been held the first waltzes, cha-chas and plain. old to. the electorate and that un- and Michiko Shoda. Some have | George Island is in northern sales are good and are ex- Many of the lyrics commem- at a summer resort. One called Two at tennis goes this way: The skies are blue and clear The ball springs high As do two ysuthful hearts The ball do& bounce toward your heart Your crimson cryptic heart Ah, two at tennis, Two at tennis. heart, your landscape painting. The course had never travelled on a train that has just been completed con-|or plane or even seen a car--|-------- sisted oi figure drawing in char-|geemed most intrigued by tele- coal and oil, portrait and still life yision. painting. : : : They had a free flight from _ Any person interested in join-|Lansdowne House to Nakina by ing the art class for this new|Austin Air Services and got spe- series would - be welcome, a|cial rates on the train. The Brooklin Community Club Proudly presents THE WORLD RENOWNED spokesman for the CRA stated. | Tropical Fish {versary of Newfoundland"s be- coming a province, NFLD. ANNIVERSARY April 1, 1959, is the 10th anni- Club Formed | The second meeting of the re-| cently-formed Oshawa Tropical Fish Club will be held Thursday |at Adelaide House at 7.30 p.m. | The club executive has extend-| vet remains unconquered. In 'ed an invitation to anyone inter-| the picture are, left to right: ested in tropical fish. Discussions! Al Prout of the Oshawa Fire will be held on many varieties of Department, Mrs. Andrews, [tropical fish. and Arthur Forsythe of the fire The club expects to affiliate department |with the Toronto Aquarium So-| Oshawa Times Photo. |ciety. ! The fire fighters and the Muscular Dystrophy tion work hand in hand to pro- vide comforts for day Associa- patients well as aiding in against the disease as research which as WHOLESALE PRICES TO THE PUBLIC OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE 290 Albert St., RA 8.0311 Res. RA 3-7550 Open Thurs. Fri, Set. EDWIN HEATH Hypnotist. and Hypno Therapist DEMONSTRATION of HYPNOTISM Amazing--Exciting--Hilarious also HYPNOTIC PARTY Thursday, April 2nd - 8:30 p.m. TOWNSHIP HALL, BROOKLIN Tickets $1.00 ot door . Reservations: Brooklin 297 © ia

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