The Oshawa Times, 1 Apr 1959, p. 2

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2 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1959 INDIANS VISIT RIDEAU HALL in Ottawa. The shy youngsters, school children from Lans- downe House in North Central Ontario, examine a portrait of Governor - General - Vincent Massey conducted four young | Ojibway Indians, visiting | Southern Canada for the first time, on a tour of Rideau Hall | Queen Victoria, Left to right | CAPSULE NEWS Water Supply To Be Boiled MORRISBURG, Ont. (CP)-- Mrs. Ivan Stefanovich, honey The 800 residents of this St. Law- mooning employees of the city rence River town have been architect's office here, were un warned to boil all water before|injured Tuesday when a Haitian using it for consumption after a airlines DC-3 made a forced land- standby chlorinator was found to ing outside Port au Prince, Haiti. be faulty, The regular chlorina-| They were the only Canadians tor, which broke down last week, aboard i ired. » being repa WANT BETTER SERVICE TAKES IT EASY AT 102 HANOVER (CP)--Town coun- PETERBOROUGH (CP)--¢jl has authorized a brief to the "pis city's oldest resident, Board of Railway Commissioners Charles Morgan, celebrated hif urging better CNR service to this 102nd birthday quietly Tuesday. area south of Owen Sound. The baseball player in Renfrew railway has announced plans to arly 80 years ago, Mr, Morgan reduce passenger and express s been a keen sports fan since trips to one a day. boy. He raised a family of 14./ PEOPLE FISHING GOOD % Two Statues of ---- STRATFORD (CP) Fran «#prafangander has been having a busy time fishing people out of the Avon River. Tuesday he saved his third, Nancy Gibbing, t ®. Monday he pulled out an 11-' CHATHAM, Eng. (Reuters) | year-old girl after another man Statues of Lord . Kitchener held the girl's head above water Gen, Charles Gordon, the British until he arrived ashore here Tuesday on way to their final resting place The bronze statues formerly SHIPYARD LAYOFFS PORT ARTHUR (CP Port + Shipbuilding Company hithey iy 3 10 " BN Na stood in the main squares of as laid of J 5 . Khartoum but were removed DriRing Ju 35106 total Jal ON from their sites last December at BT Che near-completion of con the order of the Sudanese gov tract work on the British Ameri ernment, ; ean tanker Peerless and a gov THe = on Stitue vt orton i ehreaker go to the Gordon boys' school a erament icebreaker Working, Surrey. which was HUNGARIANS DO WELL founded as a memorial to him by VANCOUVER (CP Eight public donation in 1885, the year members of the Sopron forestry f h's death faculty at the University of Brit Kitchener's statue, weighing ish . Columbia, who fled from five tons, will go tothe School Sopron. University in Hungary of Military Engineering at after the October, 1936, revolu- Chatham. Kitchener was colongl tion, are among the 399 winners commandant of the Royal Engin of National Research Council gers scholarships announced this week. CITY AND DISTRICT ADMIT DRUNKENNESS An Oshawa man and a transient were each fined $10 and costs or three in jail Tuesday by Magistrate A. S. Mitchell on charges of being intoxicated in a yublic place, Richard Clemmen- sen, 322 French street and Ray- mond M, Moore, no fixed address, pleaded guilty to the separate charges of intoxication. ASK DEPARTMENT AID PETROLIA, Ont. (CP)---Strik ing employees of Detroit Gasket and Manufacturing (Canada Ltd. voted Tuesday to ask for de- partment of labor help in settling their six-day-old walkout Local 880 of the teamsters' union struck last Thursday in a contract dis pute, days HONEYMOONERS SAFE HAMILTON (CP) -- Mr. and Court Adsd To Revoke Board Verdict OTTAWA (CP)--The seafarers' International Union (CLC) has asked the Supreme Court of On. tario to revoke an order of the Canada Labor Relations Board directing a shipping Sompany to ain with another union. he SIU contends the board had no jurisdiction to order Gulf and Lake Navigation Co. to nego- tiate with the National Associa- {tion of Marine Engineers (CLC) on behalf of engine-room officers It has asked the court for a writ of certiorari The application 'will be heard here Friday \ The SIU signed a contract with 'the company last fall for engin. 'eers, though the engineer's union shad been certified by the board 'as bargaining agency for this y of rsonnel. oe RE group since has asked Labor Minister Starr to in- vestigate SIU contracts for en \gineers with other lake and St Lawrence River companies The SIU also Is under charges 'of raiding the name before the Canadian Labor Congress. Sus pension of the union from the Bongreps could result. CUSTOMS COLLECTIONS The Oshawa Customs office re. ported this morning that collec. tions during March totalled $8,. 888.211.91. The total for March of last year was $7,299,589.46. Last month's collections were made p as follows: import duty, $1. 5, 188.73; sales tax, $4,873 767.90; other excise taxes, 2. 686,850.53; excise duty, $M3; sundry collections, $1461.75 STREETS CLOSED The following streets will be closed Thursday for construction: Ritson road south from Bloor street east to Wolfe street: Ross land road east from Ritson road north to Grierson street: Grand View street south. from Bloor street east to King street east; Glenwood crescent from Winona avenue to . Somerville street Emergency conditions, such as bad weather, may require the closing of streets not on the above list FIVE AMBULANCE CALLS Oshawa re Department answered five ambulance calls Tuesday. The only fire call came Tuesday morning. when sparks of a house at 24 Fairbanks street |No damage wap reported, Salesmen board of industrial relations, and dairies and a bakery. |for the brotherhood, said Tues-| day workers voted 17-t0-1 for the new organization. The union ex- [pects to have a membership of | about 650 persons Get New Place were originally members of Winds light today, northerly 15 Hamilton and 1957 conquerors of the Sudan, came teamsters union in Edmonton has|clearing during their lost from a bonfire landed on the roofs OBITUARIES FUNERAL OF ithen at St. Mary's Church Hall| THOMAS P, JOHNS for mass in St. Mary's Church] | The funeral service for Thomas at 9.30 a.m. Friday, April 3. In- P. Johns, who died at the family |terment will be in St, Mary's] residence, 86 Brock 'street east, Cemetery. Rev. Peter Zapary-, last Saturday, was held at the|niuk will conduct the mass, | McIntosh Funeral Chapel at 2/ FRANCIS W. WATKINSON pa Tues uy, Mua min. Very active in Oshawa building| ister of St. Andrew's United circles for many years prior to Church, conducted the services, is retirement, Francis W. Wat- Entombment was in the Oshawa kinson died at the Oshawa Gen- Cemetery Mausoleum {eral Hospital Tuesday, March 31. The pallb : In his 77th year, the deceased pallbearers were W. Lam ed at 92 Church St Plerson, W. A. Dewiand, C. R,/"g9 @ uy : Born at Sheffield, England, White, J. P. Scilley, H. F. Par: 1gp0 Mr. Watkinson 'came to| Toit and J. D. Morrison. |Canada 55 years ago and had| JOHN LUCYK {lived in Oshawa for 40 years. In poor health for the past two| A contractor by trade, he was years, John Lucyk, of Columbus, very active in building circles] died at the Oshawa General Hos. here for many years. Intensely pital Tuesday, March 31. He was| JMEEHIEG 17 ULC BEAL NOY 5 year, ' A son of the late Mr, and Mrs, #6) vue Asoristion during Michael Lucyk, the deceased was| A pr 85 OF Years: " born July 7, 1885, in the Ukraine, | °™ 7 ans neon Was ume A resident of Canada for 56 years Memo aada ge, and AM, Toronto, he cate fh, Outarie or Masi: Twice married, Mr. Watkinson {Columbus for seven years. He was predeceased by his first | |wife, the former Susanna Tur! fas, married at Vita, Manitoba, goose, He leaves his second wife, Mr. Lucyk was a member of fe former Emel Callum, yom Na e marr! n Toronto in 1916, id Mary's Greek Orthodox "of ig first marriage he leaves| Church. three children, Mrs. Walter Lane He leaves his wife, the former (gyelyn), of Montreal; Mrs. War-| Mary Smook; six daughters, Mrs. \ner Williams (Viola), of Oshawa William Cesmystruk (Annie): and Frank, of Toronto. Surviving Miss Lena Lucyk, of British Col-/chiidren of his second marriage umbia; Mrs, Harry Tataryn| are Mrs, Daniel Normoyle (Mae), | (Katie), of Argyle, Manitoba; or Oshawa and Roy, of Napanee, Mrs, Peter Siblock (Olga), of Also surviving are 13 grand. Oshawa; Miss Sonya Lucyk, of children and eight great-grand- Columbus and Mrs, Ray Penny children, He was predeceased by (Helen), of Columbus and six|a son, Harrison. sons, William of West Hill; Mike,| The funeral service will be held of Columbus; Peter, of British at the McIntosh Funeral Chapel Columbia; Morris, of Oshawa; at 2 p.m. Friday, April 3, Arch- Walter and Metro, of Columbus. deacon H. D. Cleverdon, rector of Also surviving are 21 grand- Christ Memorial Anglican children, Church, will conduct the serv- The remains will be at the Arm- ices. Interment will be in Mount strong Funeral Chapel today and'Lawn Cemetery. 4 ad y and Lawn Cemeter | WEATHER FORECAST Cloudy And Cool But Sun To Come TORONTO (CP)---Official fore-| Southern Georgian Bay, Hall casts issued at 5 am.: |burton regions: Mostly cloudy to- Synopsis: A low-pressure area day. Cloudy with a few showers im causing cloudy weather across tonight, Thursday sunny with a i | they are Walter Scakanee, 14 and his cousin, Donald Scak- anee, 13; Etienne Moonias, 12 and his cousin, Tony Moonias, 14, Bakers In = Edmonton most of Ontario. The north coun- few cloudy intervals and little . |try had a few showers and snow-|change In temperature. Winds Leave Unio flurries overnight, Showers and light today, northerly 15 Thurs- thundershowers west of Chicago day. spread wet weather into Ontario] Northern Georgian Bay, Kirk- EDMONTON (CP)-Dairy and during the day. A high pressure/jand Lake regions, North Bay, bakery company employees in area is moving in and should Sudbury: Cloudy with a 'few Edmonton have voted in favor of bring mainly sunny skies Thurs: showers today. Turning cooler to- withdrawing from the Interna- day. night, Thursday sunny and tional Brotherhood of Teamsters! Regional forecasts valid until oooler, Winds southwest 15, be- (CLC) and forming their own midnight Thursday. coming northwest 15 tonight and union, Lake Erie, Lake Huron regions, |ight Thursday. About 500 employees voted| Windsor, London: Partly cloudy) myn ing Kapuskasing: Cloudy Monday on whether the newly. 80d cooler today with a few early |, "5 gay pb a to formed Alberta Brotherhood of|f0R Patches, becoming overcast| .... oq snowflurries this: after Dairy Employees and |this afternoon with showers and noon. Clearing late tonight Driver| should be certified, [chance of thundershowers, end- Thursday sunny, clouding ove: by evening. Turning cooler this The vote was \ ing around midnight. Thursday o as conducted by the sunny with a few cloudy intervals and a little cooler, Winds north- Foreca" temperatures Low toni High Thursday volved east 15 today, northwest 15 Thurs. . 8 four 'large day. Western Lake Ontario, Niagara| Windsor {regions, Toronto, Hamilton:|St. Thomas [Partly cloudy today with little|London " change in temperature. Cloudy| Wingham ... with showers late this afternoon | Toronto land tonight. Thursday cloudy and Trenton a eas The dairy and bakery workers cooler, clearing by afternoon. St. Catharines Hugh Kennedy, business agent eamsters Local 514 put formed Thursday. Muskoka heir own local 214 in January, Eastern Lake Ontario: Partly Killaloe cloudy today. Cloudy with show- Earlton With the latest withdrawal, the ers tonight. Thursday cloudy, Sudbury the afternoon, North Bay change in temperature. Kapuskasing time about Winds light today, northerly 15 White River 200 members of the teamsters Thursday. |Moosonee union withdrew when business 3 agent Dave Erickson of Local 514 was fired The board of industrial rela-| Miss Selina Galt | Australia To | toms Nibsequeatly rued that Lo. Died Mond . 1 514, } | Vie onaay Hike Imports | was not a local union and it was ry v decertified as a bargaining agent a TOR cu for six Alberta firms Tilloch Galt, one of the Fatherss OTTAWA (CP) Canadian Since then five other compan- of Confederation, died here Mon. trade officials have welcomed a les have applied to have local 514 day. decision by Australia to remove decertified and their applications' Her father was Canada's first/import restrictions on a wide have been granted, finance minister in 1867 and the range of dollar goods Mr, Kennedy said 'we 'have town of Galt, Ont,, was named, A trade department spokesman asked the Canadian Labor Con: after her grandfather, John Galt, said Tuesday Canada welcomes gress for a Canadian charter but who came to Canada in 1820. the action and hopes it will be so far have had no reply." One of 13 children, Miss Galt followed in other Commonwealth |was born in Quebec but had lived countries. |in Victoria 30 years. He was commenting on an an- Ra ------ |{nouncement by Australia's Trade . (charged with breaking and enter- Minister John McEwen that, ef- Threaten Police ing and possession of money or- fective today, dollar imports to ders stolen last July from the that country worth about 170, TORONTO (CP) -- A robbery CPR station at Linwood 13 miles 000.000 Australian ($342,500,000) a suspect was arrested and three northwest of Kitchener. year will be free from licensing other persons were charged with Three detectives who arrested discrimination. being common trunks Tuesday McAfee found themselves cor-l The Canadian spokesman said night as five police cars broke pered by a crowd of beer parlor the action would have to be stud- up a sullen crowd at a downtown patrons they telephoned for help ied before any comment of its hotel and four carloads of police effect on Canadian Austrian Bernard McAfee, 32, was|rushed to the scene. trade. 22252885835 wo > nearly 900 December, At that meimoers since Little n8esL | Beer Bar Patrons PUTS 'ZING' IN APPETI-ZING MEALS! Rushed to our market daily from America's sun-drenched farmlands -- our early Spring produce is fresher when yeu buy it . . . fresher when you serve it! You'll teste the wonderful this: Spring-fresh mokes . . + @® difference the whole family will enjoy. Pep up every mee! with appetite appeal. Serve Spring-fresh produce from SPROULE'S pick-of-the-crop values, STORE FOURS THURSDAY Open Till TAY 10 o'clock SPROULE'S--King at Ritson SPROULE'S--Simcoe at Mill OPEN THURS. end FRI. NIGHTS SPROULE"S--Simcoe at Colborne ® Best volue for your food dollors et SPROULE'S o AMPLE FREE PARKING © DELIVERY AT NOMINAL CHARGE LONG GREEN NO. 1 CUCUMBERS Li66 ¢ ASPARAGUS FRESH TENDER BROCCOLI SPY APPLES LARGE GREEN HEADS LETTUCE LARGE GREEN HEADS uw 29° ACH 2 5 . 3-18. 2 + POLY BAG / ILLUSTRATED ye Time. Co to! DIOR _ENCYCLOPEDIA wou POPUL SciEnGE BOOK A WEEK PLAN 12 YOLUMES Gon fos fat Cie 0 A oe Volume No. 1 -- 25¢ Volume No. 2 to No. 12 29- SHOP AND SAVE AT SPROULE'S YOUR INDIVIDUAL ATTENTION ASSURED IN EACH DEPARTMENT 1-L8. 4: 89- MEAT DEPARTMENT FRESH RIB PORTION PORK LOIN ROAST TENDERLOIN PORTION FRESH PORK SHANKLESS SHOULDER ROAST 3-3Va db. Average, Ib, 39¢ INTERPRETING THE NEWS NATO Anniversary Celebrated This Week | by GEORGE KITCHEN of Canada and the United States Canadian Press Staff Writer and verges on the strategic Cau- Statesmen from 15 nations casus Mountains through Turkey. gather in Washington this week QNE.SEVENTH OF EARTH to celebrate the 10th anniversary rar ipl *! The area represents one- of an ZT Eanization that resis us seventh of the earth's surface one of the most unique in the 4" des one-sixth of its in- history of collective self-defence. 2 The ny f ic habitants---456,000,000 people. The birthday they mark is that Despite their diversity, of the North Atlantic Treaty Or- nave much .in common. ganization, the defence alliance , a" {formed in 1949 to defend the At. yey shure uch $e Same ay lantic community against the in- 0 i sta Rg of ho: 1 |ereasing threat of Soviet expan- a 3 stage sion and aggression. velopment, and all adhere to the Never in history has a security husie Jemotratie principles of pact brought together so many!" \ioct™ tnouch mot all. of the and such diverse peoples as this| ost though not ail, of t Atlantic alliance. Never -has a pact members have a seaboard reaty covered such widely dil on the great ocean that gave fering areas their alliance its name--the At- ad lantic. Some, including Greece With Canada and Greenland, i the alliance comes within reach and Turkey, are Mediterranean powers. the North Pole. To the south, . through French colonial posses- VARIED ECONOMIES ns, it touches the great Sahara. Their economic and political on one or more of them shall be United States, Britain, Canada, Germany, France and the Bene- lux and Nordic states. Others, in- cluding Turkey and Portugal, are predominantly agricultural. Some members of NATO are enormous consumers of power. Canada and the U.S. fall in this category. Others, such as Tur key, Greece, France and Nor way, lag behind. In principle, all practise free enterprise on orthodox capitalist lines. Some are "liberals" of the old school. Others incline more strongly towards socialism, as in the case of the Scandinavian countries. Portugal tends to fol- low a corporative system. they One basic principle binds all 15 nations together: 211 are resolved to defend themselves agnir Communist imperialism and all are agreed that an arm~d a's" Desert It reaches the Pacific patterns vary. Some are highly regarded as an' attack agains! BUTT ROAST POT ROAST PORK TENDERLOIN SWIFT'S ORIOLE -- STORE SLICED BREAKFAST BACON SWIFT'S TENDER PORK LIVER *'* PORK SPARE RIBS 45¢ 49 79: 55¢ 23 43 OGILVIE "REAL" CAKE MIX TWIN PACK--ORANGE, CHOCOLATE, WHITE 3 for 1 00 . CHERRY ALMOND---20-o0x. pkg. 2.0m 39° AYLMER TOMATO SOUP 4. 45° PKGS. FANCY RED SOCKEYE SALMON ALB. TIN 39 FACE-ELLE TISSUES STOKELY'S FANCY PEAS CROWN BRAND TEA BAGS APPLEFORD'S FOOD SAVER WAXED PAPER RED AND WHITE FANCY TOMATO JUICE LIBBY'S PINEAPPLE JUICE 2" 53° 3 4g i, 79¢ on 1000. 2g¢ 2% 40° Tins "wr 30r DEL MONTE BRAND CATSUP 10-0Z. TINS FROZEN FOODS LIBBY'S PEAS 2.18. POLY BAG 53° rour 1s D3" 15.01. 39+ PKG. Swift's Quick Mealtime Meats LUNCHEON MEAT a 43¢ CHOPPED HAM To §7e CHOPPED BEEF Vsor. 49¢ | Leos LUNCH TONGUE ze: g1¢ | Mixed Vegetables BEEF STEW on: 4Qe | users IRISH STEW we gg STRAWBERRIES We Are Big Enough To Serve You--Small Enough To Appreciate You A YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET |Qcean through the western Gh states, like theithem all. '

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