20 TH OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdoy, Aprfl 1, 1959 ATON Spring's patterned wool worsteds in new lighter 1959 shades... at a seldom offered saving of 30.00! Men's, Young Men's Two-Trouser Suits Ordinarily 75.00 EATON Special 00 Price, two- ® trouser suit Each EATON'S Budget Plan Terms with NO DOWN PAYMENT may be arranged, if desired. ' Handsome glen checks! Neat houndstooth checks! Stripes of almost every description! Im- pressive choice of this season's most-wanted patterns in new medium-to-lighter tones for Spring . . . interesting blues, browns and greys, in addition to subtle colour blends! RICH, HARDY WOOL WORSTEDS . .. firm, yarn-dyed cloths with the shape-retaining qual- ities found in fine woollen suitings ! NEAT, UP-TO-DATE STYLING. . . comfort- able slim-line single-breasted suits with two or three buttons, centre vent, flapped pockets ! CAREFULLY TAILORED SUITS . . . smartly tailored by noted Canadian maker. They are being cleared only because of broken size and colour ranges ! AN UNUSUALLY LOW PRICE . . . seldom will you find two-trouser suits of such good qual- ity, at this unusually low price! Come in early Wednesday! Mony are one-of-a-kind, but the overell choice is excellent. Sizes in the group are 36 to 46 -- with models for regular, tall end short builds included. EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 229 PHONE RA 5.7373 Manulachuer Clears Beautifully Styled "Fibreglas"-reinfoiced Luggage STYLED FOR WOMEN ... Lightweight, streamlined, sophisticated ah Jesstully styled in scuff - heat - and - cold resistant, wipe- clean "Koroseal"' covering... with "fibreglas"-reinforced foundation. Luxurious matching interiors are roomy, lined with Celanese rayon -- all cases fitted with exclusive Skyway' chromium-plated locks. Two fashion shades: Rhapsody blue, charcoal or grey. D -- 21" Waekend Cases, Ordinarily 32.95 21 EATON Special Price, each E -- Train Cases with jar loops and mirrors, Qutnety 2053 19-50 ELEN EY A -- 26" Pullmen Cases, Ordinarily 49.95 EATON Special Price, each B -- 21" Deluxe Hanger Wardrobes. Ordinarily 49.95 EATON Special Price, each € -- 24" Pullman Cases. Ordinarily 44.95 EATON Special Price, each EATON'S MALL LEVEL, DEPT. 264 PHONE RA 5.7378 You can achieve this fine textured effect with Colourful "Gyptex" Paint For the look of tapestry, or a plaster-like surfoce on wells er back-drops, etc., just mix this powder paint with vater and apply, creating designs with a sponge, crump- ed newspoper or whisk-broom, Bosides its decorative ossibllities, "'Gyptex helps hide small cracks end satches, ond dries quickly, leaving a hard, odourless inish, Comes in horizon blue, silvery-grey, shell pink, vhite, aqua green, tusk ivory, desert buff. 10-Ib. package 25-1b. bag, .80 4.00 EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 278 PHONE RA 5.7373 A great favourite with little girls . . . Merod Doll Sulky Reg. 1.29 An end-of-line clearance of a very populor toy, This allsmetal sulky is approx. 11" high; handle is approx, 17" long. Outside is attractively decorated with teddy beors; seat is lithographed with the appearance of © quilted cushion; end there's @ strap and buckle to hold dolly safely. in her seat! This is 0 well- constructed toy with smooth turn- ng metal wheels, EATON Special Price, eoch . .. y CATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT. 227 PHONE RA 35-7373 m---------- ----r New "Straight Line" styling in VIKING Deluxe Refrigerators It's roomy 9 cu. ft. refrigerator . . . with the square- ut, straight-line styling that leaves you with a feeling * »f spaciousness even in a smaller kitchen. A well-in- ulated, compact unit with « full-width freezer, plenty : of door storage space, separate egg container and butter .. keeper, plastic juic: container, and a full width Crisper =~ for fruit and vegetables, ' Model 959M. EATON Price es 229.00 | EATON'S Budget Fo Toms may be arranged NO Down PAYMENT GATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 259 PHONE RA 5.7373