THE TIMES - TELEPHONE NUMBERS Classified Advertising RA 3-3493 All other calls ...... RA 3-3474 She Oshawa Time WEATHER REPORT Thursday cloudy and cooled, clearing by afternoon, winds light, - i" @ nit' TWENTY PAGES Price Not Over VOL. 88 -- NO. 76 7 Cents Per Copy Authorized As Second C Department, OSHAWA-WHITBY, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 1, 1959 thorized Mall awe unk # d|arrested for drunk driving; vy OP CHARGED WITH MURDER Police laid a charge of mur- | Beaudin, seen with his wife, ap- | the fatal beating of his four- 'Understand Us' ire of stars who never U.S. AIR FORGE 2 SONS ARRESTED Bing Crosby Admits 'Failure As Father' Charles Chaplin Jr, has a police| record for drunkenness. : Barbara Ann Burns, daughter of the late comedian Bob Burns, was sentenced to 90 days for drug addiction, | Chris Crawford, adopted son of| | HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Bing|of Gary and Lindsay have |Crosby has admitted what other brought complaints from neigh- |famous fathers have discovered: bors. {It's not easy to rear children in| Bing is not the only star to be Hollywood. troubled by his children, His Speaking of his four elder sons, brother Bob's son, Chris, 15, once the crooner commented in ar in-| was rested when police said he terview: "I think I've failed them|tried to steal a car. | , by giving them too much work] Edward G. Robinson Jr. ha joan, Crawiond, Wis sitesisd 08 nd discipline, too much money been in the news repeatedly with port, N.Y, after a hooting spree and too little time and attention." [drunk arrests. with an alr rifle. And then there Symptoms of Crosby's "failure'"| John Barrymore Jr. made the| os Cheryl Crave, "dau Bier of |as a father: Two sons have been papers recently with a felony hit-|y ina Titer wio a Ror allland-run, drunk driving charge. niothier's ov * tt solved Fhave haunted the gay world of His half-sister Diana, wrote a of ead er was absolve {Las Vegas (Philip and Denn'gs teary book about her long battle Of cottrse: these neadlined sci- {| married showgirls); the parties with alcoholism. ons of the famous don't tell the hs nr whole story. {MANY ARF. NO TROUBLE There are far more sons and WALLGRY, NTTON Civil Defence Communicatio Proven In Test {have made scandalous news. But there are enough troubled stars) to point a trend. I 30,000 and DEFIES 'RED WARNING IN BERLIN High-Altitude Flights Continue" BERLIN (AP)--The U.S. Air| The dispute came into the open Force served notice on the Sovi:|when the United States and the ets today it will go on flying high-| Soviet Union traded protests over altitude transports to West Berlin|the flight of a U.S. Air Force "if at any time a military require- transport into West Berlin ¥ri- ment is established." |day. An air force spokesman made| ind a ry Here ii . cule this statement shortly after a So I eae! aiitde of a viet Embassy warning that com-| plications would arise if the|20,000 feet--was buzzed by three United States persisted in flying Soviet MIG jets on its in planes to West Berlin at altitudes|and return flight to West above 10,000 feet. | many. The spokesman of the U.S, Air|INSIST ON CEILING Force headquarters in Europe The Russians insist on a 10,000- said that "if at any time a mill-\goot ceiling for' Allied planes, tary requirement is established saying flights at greater heights for use of C-130s in transporting imperil Soviet planes crossing cargo or military personnel in or|the corridor. The United States out of West Berlin it will be|pefuses to recognize the e 3 used." Bedburoy,. the "The most efficient altitude for spokesman in East Berlin, told a carrying cargo over relatively reporter that the United States short runs is between 20,000 and had no right to "'unila feet, depending on winds alter a regulation of years cargo," he added, ling." A guarded statement from the! "If a change in the regulations Soviet Embassy hinted that ex-|is desired then negotiations must {plosive incidents might erupt in be carried out," Beburov added. {the three air corridors used by| (In London, a foreign office der against Royal Beaudin, 22, | peared in court today. Beaudin in the fatal beating of one of his | gave himself up after police be- five children in Ottawa. Mr. | gan looking for him following year-old daughter, Suzanne, in their home. Five Homeless In | Port Hope Blaze PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Five rine and Vivian Bovan, 16 and 14, J malts fnilaw-jand. Bull Duunid, 11, an sidetty a u dwelling. impassable, Joe Bovan, 22, awakened] The dog, Tiny, eoughing about 2 am. to find|ing in a shed at the his bedroom filled with smoke, house, and was seen to leave the and flames on the wall above his burning building then go back in.| head, By the time Port Hope firemen He aroused the other occupants could get to the scene, flames of the house, his cousins Cathe-|were already on the roef and the wm |fire out of control, Chair Of PM ay could. be done igh said Canada's Gift into ERG ri ritish Columbia youth onvieted is brother's murder {to save had been sleep- man, { back of the April 28, evidently is gathering! | ST. JOHN'S, Nfid. (CP)--Jo- |seph R. Smallwood Tuesday night {marked his 10th anniversary as premier, and Newfoundland's first decade as a Canadian prov- ince, with a plea for better un. B.C. Residents 'Smallwood Pleads In his hour-long speech he said ¢ Newfoundlanders believe th ey|jeaves little time for family mat- have the richest province in Can-|ters, ada, but need money to develop reared by strangers or shunted| it. A little money wisely spent|q ow would pay big dividends. | derstanding from the mainl "We have been bitterly hurt by the lack of understanding we have received from the rest of Canada," he told about " people ho attended a dinner of R led New- Plead For Lif~ Of Youth OTTAWA (CP) -- Appeals are on. Mainland Canadians did not seem 0 realize that 52 per of the on ¥ t, a effort in B.C. the life of Robert Chap- sentenced to be hanged|"unreasonably proud." It was "just a little mental, just a little| momentum. unnatural," They were proud of | Justice department officials es- timated that up to Tuesday night|P! about 200 missives of mercy had Of been received--far more than the Years an the hardships they had overcome, roud of their British ties, proud their island, independent 460 d a province only 10. honor publicity, lost. He said Newfoundlanders are blame be "always on They want to contribute." s did not want toto bear a noted name. | the receiving end.| Bob Crosby has observed: "t's|deputy civil defence co-ordinator a natural urge for all kids to|for Canada, There appear to be two big reasons: 1. The position of a movie star an be an overpowering one ff to boarding schools. 2. It can be hard for Recently P 8S ACTOSS Canada had given ~ IP Newfoundland |the father is fa (A time when comes in Ad I Many film children are anyone) with their fathers. When mous, the urge to the form of | OTTAWA (CP) -- A civil de-|wegtern planes into the isolated spokesman said today that Beit |fence communications system us- city unless there is a settlement|ain has never considered that® (ing existing long distance facill-|of "the dispute which becameair corridor to West Berlin [ties and linking 29 civil defence pyplic Tuesday. |any ceiling. He denied there was offices and five air defence con-|" The U.S, state department has any tacit agreement with the So- {trol centres was successfully|qeclared that the United States|viet authorities that Wester tested Tuesday and will be turned |i) continue to fly planes into| flights to West Berlin should. over to civil defence authorities Berlin at whatever altitude it between 2,500 feet and | today. |deems necessary. called Tuesday's tests "another milestone in our oa] te ve a wel built, sound i olvil defence organ- He was | JAM INTO CAR ister Diefenb a k er's announce- ment that Newfoundland would receive only $8,000,000 a year for five years, as a result of the Me: Nair royal commission report." "What one man has done may| yet be undone. I hope 10 years usual interest shown in the fate ol a person facing the death pen- 3 N : No Grudge Against Nfld. Premier: PM Among the letters received was one addressed to Justice Minister Fulton from the youth's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Chapman of Rosedale, B.C. Robert was convicted of shoot- ing his older brother John, 23, from tonight there will be less uncertainty than there is tonight. | 1 hope then none will have any reason to doubt the success of Confederation." | The premier gave added weffht| to his persistent hints of retire-| Twenty. LONG BEACH, cane. (AP) -one school teachers-- all female--crammed into a little foreign car Tuesday. Why? To discredit "those silly young college students' who try to get the biggest crowds into telephone booths, The high school and grade school teachers thronged into the hood and trunk, as well as inside the tiny DKW, a German car, They were at- tending functions at Long Beach State College when somebody got the bright idea. ment, and set next year as a Steaving tu Stuf dgtence auhor Sovi back to the centre. et new network. Maj.-Gen. George S. Hatton, Lad Rang! HE ploma panies of the Trans-Canada Tele- ne System. Its centre is at St. bert, Que. and it can be put into operation Whangvar neces- sary, connecting all civil defence co-ordinators at provincial capi- were reported marked to go. inion | Sho '; ./last three nal ra tals and air defence control cen- oh Oficial soiree sald the Em.|He was arrested Sunday To tres. |bassy, Nicolai M. Remisov, and Ported to have talked to author At the capitals other circuits|a military-naval attache, Nicolai ities but the Soviets' role in the |would be established to connect|y, Asenov, were given until Fri-| Walkout. | civil defence offices In other cities day to get out of Mexico. They| Official sources said the activ - of the provinces. | were reported planning to take a(ity of the two Russians was "not | Once the network is set up the Trans-Canada Air Lines plane to|consistent with' the democratie {control officer at St. Hubert can Toronto Friday morning en route regime which Mexico observes." |give out information to all or any home. Fi " ive Children {one of the points of the network. | Tw ol 5 \ | . " 'wo members of a diplomatic Information can also be relayed mission from an unidentified So- viet satellite also were reported| tentative date, declared persona non grata--no| longer welcome in Mexico. There was speculation they are Czecho- {vent the blaze spreading. she stood To Jerusalem with a shotgun last October at| slovakian or Polish. ' Burn To Death Chilliwack. Robert is the only son| the. Chapmans have left now They live on a 47-acre farm, The minister who handles all death-penalty cases is Solicitfr- General Balcer, although most of the letters and petitions are ar- riving at Mr. Fulton's office. OTTAWA (CP) -- Prime Min- ister Diefenbaker, arriving from | Burglars Ransack | African Dancers Saskatoon early today, dismissed Churchill's House é ® . ' as "imagination" the sugge Cry Injustice by Premier Smallwood that the| LONDON (AP)--Burglars who i more than first estimated. MONTREAL (CP)--The mana-| premier. federal government's decisions ransacked Sir Winston Churchill's "He is an imaginative man,""| Some prized mementos were 8er of the North American tour) "We lost everything," Catherine Bovan as | shivering in pyjamas and dress- {lng gown. "All we have left is JERUSALEM (CP A chair which once sat in the private {what we're wearing." | | Present at the fire was Salva- {tion Army Capt. David McNeilly, {who made immediate arrange- ments for new clothes for the people. library of Sir John A. Macdonald, The four spent the night with first Canadian prime minister, will hold a place of honor in the board room of the faculty of law building at Hebrew University The announcement 'was made Monday, officially Cana» Day in neighbors. Jerael, as the new building the » The strike fizzled Monday after| 'SYDNEY MINES, N.S. CP) the government rounded up an Five children in one family were estimated 3,000 leftist union lead: burned to death early today whea ers and followers. The govern- fire destroyed a two-storey, two- {ment said it had evidence the family home in nearby Black strike was a Communist plot, |Point, The children's parents and : Workers flocked to their jobs'one child escaped the flames, as "The Montreal Museum of Fine Tuesday and officials said 140 did seven members of the Arts doesn't have Lieut, Quintal trains were back on the run. family in the house. Many of the workers said they| Dead are John Joseph, 18; 'mated damage at about $3000. The building belongs to W. Frank- lin, of Ward street, Port Hope. 1$28,000 worth of jewels and furs-- __ based on a grudge toward the] affecting Newfoundland w e r e|town house made off with nearly [taken in the Monday night theft,(of Les Ballets Africaincs says the come in to judge every nude Fire Chief Jack Record esti: gift of Canadian Jewry was ded. 'UNWANTED GIFT' Cancer Seells Lurk In Body EXCELSIOR SPRINGS, Mo., Dr. Gross feels that much in- (AP)--The seeds of cancer may direct evidence supports his Bronfman Montreal, president of the Canadian Friends of Hebrew University, announced the gift of Sir John's chair, which comes from John Bassett, pub- lisher of the Toronto Telegram. Mr. Bronfman said it would re- main in the university "'not only as a sign of the friendshin exist- ing between the two countries but in recognition of the ideals of a free society they hold in com. mon." Canadian flags were every- where in the Israeli capital. Mr. Bronfman's group cam- paigned in 39 centres across Can- ada and raised $750,000 for the law building, which was carved from Jerusalem stone. He led a delegation of 35 to Jerusalem and, after Monday's ceremonies, they left to travel throughout the lurk in your body--an unwanted theory, He has succeeded in fol- gift planted perhaps 100,000 years low ing inherited leukemia through iy the cells of {OF only a few generations of mice. ago in the cells of an ancestor. |o¢ noice - Only a few such seeds' among put he feels the theory ex- the trillions of cells of your body plains why cancer seems to strike could start deadly, uncontrolled so often within certain families Cancer. of both humans and animals. country and survey higher edu- As these seeds--perhaps sleep- | Mr. Diefenbaker said in an inter- [view as he stepped from the |RCAF Comet jet returning him| {to Ottawa. He declined further, icomment. | The prime minister had been| asked about a statement by Mr. Smallwood last Saturday. Mr. |Smallwood said then that "if Mr.! | Diefenbaker is acting toward us the way he is because of a grudge against me," he would resign as {premier provided Ottawa treats Newfoundland "fairly and dec- ently." Mr. Smallwood had been crit ical of the federal government's decision last week on a financial settlement with Newfoundland un-| der the 1949 terms of union, and including Lady Churchill's jew- show has been discriminated painting or statue they are going elled symbol as a Dame of the against by a Montreal police offl- to exhibit," Mr. Xusell said. | British Empire. Also stolen were cer's ruling that bosoms of its|"This ballet is also art and should | boxes of the former prime min. female dancers must be covered. | be judged in the same light. ister's king-size cigars. No one, "We'll obey, but we're being] "Because it has not been| was home, discriminated against," manager| viewed in this way, we are being Harold Kusell said Tuesday night discriminated against." NATO Big 4 in an interview. Lieut. Quintal said: "A Mont-| - » Discussion "This is the worst treatment of real bylaw forbids thai type of [the whole North American tour," dancing. . , ." i he said. "I did not find the show ob- | "Even in New York they let scene or suggestive. In fact I was us put on the show properly for absolutely bored by all that sav- three days before demanding age mumbo-jumbo." changes. And even then, their - [Marcilla, 14; Charlotte, 11; Came THOUGHT FOR TODAY |illus, 13, and Margaret, 4, all {children of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Getting what you want out of lif these two Harrietha. Mr, and Mrs, Harrietha .es- e presents tough problems: deciding Suped through a second-floor win- what you want; working hard | The fire was believed caused enough to obtain it. 'by an overheated stove. On Germany WASHINGTON (AP) -- The [hand was forced." SAW THE SHOW Lieut. Lucien Quintal, head of on the dispute over RCMP rein- NATO Big Four--Britain, France, Montreal's morality squad, made forcements during the loggers' /the United States and West Ger-\his ruling after seeing the firs! many--hope today to find com- half of Tuesday night's opening strike, Mr. Diefenbal bi said «ation and glentifie research ns IDE viruses -- were passed on N early IS who were in Israel joined in the generation to generation they dedication ceremonies. may have awakened from time to Mr. Justice Ivan C. Rand of the time bringing a sudden and un- and the smouldering crisis over West Berlin. Their foreign ministers meet at the state department in the a timon ground for an approach to|performance before a packed the- 'meeting is scheduled later today. the general problem of Germany | ntre. b Reds Blasted y Indian The show depicts the sativel Top Official dances of Africa, and the first hall included two dances per- NEW DELH ) - ia's formed by African women unclad 1 (ap India's LATE NEWS FLASHES second phase of talks designed to iron out differences about meth- Supreme Court of Canada said "there Is something fabulous expected cancer attack. about building a great university, ° : : while going through the pains of this week's American Cancer So- immigration unprecedented for ciety seminar on cancer research any country." {and progress by Dr. Ludwik At night, Alexander Brot, Groce cancer. unit chief of the Canadian composer and conduc-lyeterans A d m in istration Hos- tor, led the Kol Israel Orchestra nia) "Bronx, N.Y. in Canadian composition These sleeping viruses some- Rg Villagorn a how hitch-hike a ride through the d his own centuries with the genes of the Gana Champagye wiley with cell getting passed along with Beer ven's Eroica. inherited factors from one gen- eration to the next, Dr. Gross -- suggested. CITY EMERGENCY What awakens the deadly virus. triggering its cancer - PHONE NUMBERS activity? - Radiation--the chance hit of POLICF RA 5.1133 an atomic ray -- might provide FIRE DEPT. RA 5.6574 the trigger. or some chemical [poison unrecognized as danger- ip 4 for the novel. He will published in 1955. LONDON (Reuters) | | to have a cocktail-bar vote, It the Ontario liquor licence bo. city's annexed area to see if outlets, | " Se This is a theory expressed at Aldous Huxley Receives Award NEW YORK (AP)--The American Academy of Arts and Letters selected Aldous Huxley for its 1959 award of merit receive a gold medal and a $1,000 prize, Huxley's latest novel The Genius and the Goddess was U.K. Government Predicts Prosperity N The government, economic survey since it applied a credit squeeze to halt in- flation, today predicted prosperity this year but warned that Britain faces stiffer trade competition, especially in Europe. causing. No Cocktail Bar Vote In Brantford BRANTFORD (CP)--City council turned down a proposal ods of tackling the long-range problem of reunifying East and West Germany and the more im-!| mediate question of avoiding a! {shooting war over Soviet threats) to drive the Western powers out of Berlin. . i TWO MAIN AIMS They want, in their highly sec- from the waist up. Milton Berle And George Burns Unite HOLLYWOOD (AP) -- Milton] {Berle and George Burns have|Statement that the trading town d formation of a new ret day-long disc two things: recommend to their 11 other At.| lantic pact partners when NATO council opens meetings|C: here Thursday to celebrate the| 10th anniversary of their defens- ive alliance. 2, Agree on a unified plan to in the first | ister Andrei Gromyko when the| was decided, however, to ask ard to arrange a vote in the electors want retail beer sales [to lay the ground work for aja 1. Reach a common position to|B Productions. Its first project will be 39 half- the hour filmed shows, Milton Berle omedy Theatre. Berle, after 11 years on live television, will make his debut/cheers of the other members. on the filmed medium as host of} all 39 shows and star of 13. Burns news agency last Friday carried place before Soviet Foreign Min-/will be executive producer. Burns' wife Gracie Allen re- East-West foreign ministers con- tired a year ago from the veteran etan refugees -- as the headquar- [ference opens in Geneva May 1l/comedv team of Burns and Allen ters of the rebellion nd now appears only in re-runs summit conference this summer.iof their show. \ deputy foreign minister today ac- {cused the Communist Chinese Embassy here of challenging] {Prime Minister Nehru's "'integ- rity and honesty" in the Tibetan! |revolt, Mrs. Lakshmi Menon told par- liament it was "highly improper". for. the embassy to distribute a jof Kalimpong in northeast India dol production company, B and Was the "command centre of the Tibetan revolt" after Nehru had denied the allegation, { The Communist minority, sought to shout her down but/B they were drowned out hy the| HEAR DEATH SENTENCE The Communist New China Four Iraqi air force officers hear death sentence agains them prongunced irom de fendants dock In an Iraqi peo: ple's cqurt in Baghdad They were convicted of bombing a Baghdad radio oi dur. \ ing the Mosul revolt earlier this month, Left to right. the con: demned men are: Col. Abdullah Naji, 2nd Lt. Achmed Ashurs 2nd Lt. Fadhil Nasser and Capt, Kassim El Azawi, --ZP Wires ithe original statement describing Kalimpong -- a centre for Tib- Nehru de- |nied the charge in Parliament Monday, 3 | [