N------ rr -------------- 10.30 p.m. Last complete show p.m. "High Society" 12.40, 4.26, starts at 9.05 p.m 8.12 p.m. Last complete sho! Social Fete Brock (Whitby) -- 'The Barbar- 8.12 p.m, ian and the Geisha", 7 and 9 Regent -- The Buccaneer" in " ts i be Technicolor. shown daily at/Plaza -- "Rally Round the Flag p.m, Feature starts at 7.15 and Last] Boys" 1.45, 3.35; 5.20, 7.15, 9:18 9.40 p.m, 1.45, 4.15, 6.45, 9.20 p.m, ¥ : lete show: at 9.00 p.m, es o Is Scheduled Biltmore -- "Andy Hardy Come compile §ho P p.m. Last complete show 8.58 " : ) j b "The Bowery Boys"! p.m, Home" 12.30, 3.20, 6.10, 9.05 Marks -- 16 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, April 1, 1959 AT B RKETON | Pn, alae Tamay Fight i) 1.54, 8.40, 9.26 p.m. Also ' - : = L ; | U | THEATRE GUIDE | Life" ifi color, 1,50 4.40, 7.35,| ecuse My Dust" 2.59, 6.45, 1 y A. R. HUBBARD (William Stephenson and family (1 | BURKETON Plans havelon Sunday, been made to hold the last social! Alan Larmer, Toronto, visited ACTION! |evening on April 3 at 8.15 p.m, pig parents, Mr. and Mrs, at He home i Mes, Bone, Pro- Harold Larmer. - ceeds goto church Work. | Mrs. Celina Lavery and Mr.| There was a Rood attendance nd Mr, James Lavery, Toronto, | at church on Sunday morning, no and Mrs. Allan Werry and! Rey, A Logan delivered aie, \ily, Enniskillen, visited Mrs. (fine Laster sermon - Esther Carnochan. Sunday school at 10.30 a.m, : a and church worship at 11 am, Mr. and Mrs, Howard Lowery, next Sunday as usual, Cherry Valley, visited Mr. and Mr, and Mrs. H, Strutt, Osh. Mrs. Kenneth Roblin. rawa, Mr, Ross Hubbard and Jan- Miss M, Malloy, Scotland, is |ice, Trenton, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Iter Krantz, Oshawa, visited Mr./Smith and family, " i ay , Gd A Remar ------m---- . and Mrs. B. Hubbard. and Mrs, E. R. White, Mc- Ze: . i E 2 i CiNemaScoPE COLOR oy rive Mr, Mr, and Mrs. Murray Abbott paughlin Fisheries, Mr, and Mrs, bh. ' 4 starring and Kathy, Maple Grove, visited ig Bell, Cobourg, visited Mr. OL. IE oT eee 3 ; y iL caoncz MONTGOMERY Mr, and Mrs, Howard Abbott, and Mrs. Roy Bone on Sunday. "wep wen rae oh 9 § wn Mrs, Mary Dean attended the pt funeral of her sister, Mrs, a | LAST LAUREL & HARDY Balmer, at Whitby last Thursday. | VITAL ELEMENT TIMES BOWERY BOYS {| Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Vickery| Milk, cheese and canned TODAY RED SKELTON are spending the Easter holidays salmon are good sources of cal- at Sharbot. Lake? cium, a vital mineral element in Mr, and Mrs. Wayne Weston diet. are spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Lee and family at Nestleton a 3 ¥ TE A i Yr po A Mrs, A. Carter spent the week : . rd id end in Whitby, visiting Mr, and Hey Kids! | CECIL B. DeMILLE priest Mrs, Robert Carter and family, A Se vo 4 i - 4 Mr, and Mrs. Robert Belle, presents TIGERS | Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Oshawa, visit- EASTER | a tremendous sage. CENADIAN HOME IN PARIS |e Mrs. Pearl Avery on Sunday, with a Mr, and Mrs, Frank Allison | This is La Maison Canadien: | elegant mansion on the south A. Lussier (left), Montreal-born | dents, men and women alike, ud fanly, Jstaws, Visited Mr. HOLIDAY tremendous theme! ern outskirts of Paris has 68 Ca- | director of the building, says it | from all over Canada and Mrs. George Allison and ne, 'home' to Canadian stu > 0 . Yh ay t | Pn ny (family on Sunday. y studying Paris. The ! nadians in residence. Charles | is open to post-graduate stu (CP from AP) ) ; E dents ying in 1 P ! Mrs, Donald Archibald and | baby returned home again from TEACHER CONFERENCE Election Drive Mir mi none | gp gTING . Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lane and ° | [family spent the weekend with AT : By Liberals {relatives in Havelock. OV] e 1( a 1 O | 1 | | 'Mrs. Susie Van Valen Oshawa ls . Kburg and Mr. E. Vanluden, Starts Friday [Peterborough visited Mr, James Children's Arena | oh £0 A o | Curran on Sunday A THE TWO eqars - 1 ed { TORONTO (CP)--Ontario Lib- Mr. and Mrs, Dave Gatchell, EVERY AFTERNOON 3 3 TOWERING eral President William J. Hen- Oshawa, visited Mr. and Mrs 1-3 P.M. i OF THE TAN derson of Kingston . announced J COMMANDMENTS"! Tuesday his party will start the . t i t g of communism and Communist] Dr ( 1959 election campaign at its an. a haa Saturdays jucation systems is appearing/not give way to pressures to He said Canada should become pl 4 § ter 12 years) abi ; { "schools into factor-/the "snarling little brother" of "il meeting here Friday What Can You Offer nga a repeatedly at the annual conven-|transform its schools into facto ie "snarling little brother" of "po oo LaF statement decls 2-4PM tion of the Ontario Education As-lies producing technicians Tech-/the U.S., voicing loud disagree ng ; e ar a - M. sociation meeting this week nicians were needed "but weiment whenever it was felt neces I n E | e Almost . 10,000 delegates are t make sure they are mature sary With this meeting we start our 3 Employer r ? FRIDAY & SATURDAY ndir th convention, lai \ a Wings as well, capable of Z. 8S. Phimister. director of campaign. We don't care when ------ 8.10 P.M. ne ria n ¥ as ledge." ed Tor «othe election is called--we are] Ae you qualified to accept Re- . educational gathering in Ce well as knowledge education in Toronto, said more alleg are 10ing \ 1sibility? are is ye Te which lasts until Thursday. The + told educationists to avoid Toney 0 Se nt on 3lcobal in.Cap Ai i be seady And. we are possi 4 bre Bou a ICE TIME FOR RENT manivantion vide nto s ¢ ¢ ha ation is the ada than on education 80Ing nlifia i , Sonve on iy divided in " he 0 ) ou ion} Speaking before the training An Ontario election not re- Dia iag, vane Now For CONTACT Dé: Murray G. Boi vice:pres is: an fliusion.. like alt Uto- and supervising department, he quired under law until June, 1960, BILL SMITH sy ho 'Uulversity" of fi an REY adhe ited 3 sald society finds. it easy to buy is considered a certainty this OSHAWA ident 0 1 v Lk [ Taso i Dian cea Ae d 1 a highly- ew cars and refrigerators be- year with most observers picking ARENA MANAGER ronto. and Professor... Lust man can De danger. cause they are presented in at- a date in late May or early June BUSINESS COLLEGE son of the unis V y 1 tractive terms and can be pur . ul fi op acti and can pur Mr. Henderson said the one- A 1 rtment, indicate : eting , 5s. Sometimes the more educa- nN .pa nels ' - parts ; mes the more dan chased on easy instalments. day meeting of the Ontario Lib-|| 11! SIMCOE ST. S. RA 5-3375 R 5 80 of one sec t the natic d R0¢ ¢ sducatic sre han oe Abadi Roads and education we ha d eral Association will be climaxed rous it ca come by because they needed col- hy provincial Lesder John Win pt TORONTO (CP)--The specter MUST RESIST PRESSURE its British past if it is to survive Owen said Canada must{in the shadow of the U.S = > a] pl Edt J fo - world power may from the West to the East be H oke to the joint luncheon ant Sekt a: spo etive action J A cause of Communist concentra es A ans ton termeyer in an nportant politi- aus n meeting of t} $8 tion on education tion and the Ontario Classical BACKS FLUORIDATION ' 3 Spe h expec te to i the! : NOT ALL LAUDATORY Atcociation Dr Wesley J Dunn told the pal er to is whole forthcom- a "THE i ARLTON : Other speakers Tuesday -also pr. B. C. Diltz, dean of the On Romie eal} Section tt the : Ontario 1 iberals have 14 mem. TYRONE. POWER S i Ju DLAIRE PUARLES | I o mentioned Communist equeation tario Co lege of Education, na paign to get public support be- bers in the House compared with T ; WY | » M L BRYNNER BLOOM BOYER \ Ui! HESTON vost of Trinity College of the ajled for "insighted \ : < University of Toronto, told the which would inspire creative, Dr. Dunn, secretary of Ontario OFA's classics section that the thinking in schools. He said stu-/branch of the Royal College of HOUSEHOLD HINT Dental Surgeons, said fluorida- Soviet type of education tends to dents must concentrate on know- U gs) rl Clean silver spoons that have > a" the Individual human beings |edge and not perfection of phy- tion "has become a hot political Been. discolored by ong by vibe & 5 wate Bk : NEW COLOR CARTOON resulting liberal educa- ¢ r ss. social gifts or gall, Issue ' i fore Vv. Rye ing from a libe It] prowess: $0, hs! and you He said studies have proven bing ther ing - he fore Jou haw Kk liscussed end with a mob that needs lead- that fluorides prevent two-thirds ) 3 em '0 M04, soapy wale LINDA DARNELL Swagga: 4 4 Mur Knaus hott | Other Pl : re : ie ation in ers ip. supervision and manage of the tooth decay in children and ' on =. LL FEATURE DAILY - P y Y 3 R S T H 3 A T R 3 Toeans 0. Improy] hia nit: in with essential know- he called it "the most important Sault Ste. Marie, George Roberts 1:45-4:15-6:45-9:20 A FA M Oo u S L i Ontario and one warned against ment: be it AT Yes lado i vou may end with in health measure ever developed." f Oshawa and Robson Bowman TR; ) E THUR " . A elir 0 nostalgic memor- ledge wn oo of the British past lividuals possessed of Initiative pANEL DISCUSSION of Barrie along with William ; 1 to be free." A Yd Stewart, assistant superintendent } ' " " Ross cent returned and determinec panel . discussion recom Hey 4 r Life" Andy Hardy Comes Home re a stud of the | ng oh LIVING WITH U.S mended that students in all parts of secondary: schools LAST DAY: "Tarzan's Fight Fol e" & ly y cational system and er wi lson prof. A. R Lower head of the of the province be given a single] John R. McCarthy, assistant toured Communist China history department. of Queen's Set of standards for promotion to|superintendent of curriculum for P Wilson sald in 20 years University, told a history section grade 13 from grade 12. It asked Ontario aid text books of a dis- rof ilson salc ars iver a special study of this proposal. tinctive nadian flavor are re- here will be : st meeting Canada must learn the & speci proposal. tin Canadian e is C ® B Emo TN and art of living next to the United Taking part in the panel were placing text books published in Initial Concert by the n si Eat trialized than ever States "for this giant could role Princip als George Cameron ofthe U.S, in Ontario schools 10re r istriail é at before. they will be a very power- over on us in his sleep without OSHAWA SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA ful people--much more powerful knowing it.' Canada must stop than Russia." clinging to nostalgic memories of Wednesday, Apr. 8 - 8:15 p.m. AT KEDRON D | S C S i {! i Oy "Fos ster Rites ® OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE e Conductor FRANCIS J. FRANCIS Assisting Artists Are Conducted RECORDS MARY LOU BAKER--Soprano ited in the W. 1, Mou! -- --.-- REGINALD .G. GEEN--Accompanist on Saturday ET and e Sunday guests. Mis POP S Ny i TICKETS: 75¢ Per Person -- Available from Wilson and Lee, Mountjoy, © London, Miss Alto Music Centre, Henderson's, Meagher's, The Disc Shop, y to, were ek Toro, were wes 1c SAI E Orchestra Members Ho! D VISIT Hubert, Oshawa. visited and not all of them were compli- |ypcheon address to the supervis-i a= goo. o re 1.83 Prog Ve 'Conservatives mentary. Dr. J. R. D. Owen, pro jng and. training department) tor 0 arial on 0 wnicipa Pree e Cons at and ! GETS teaching | a vied y ANTHONY QUINN + Sorsoniay by JESSE L. LASKY Jr. and BERENICE MOSK + 8 Paramount Pure KEDR 1 M S. Hohmann lw Sirdar Irene BUY ONE RECORD FOR onto, was with Mr Snowden for Faste 4 2 RECORDS FOR henhurst, Uxbridge her of Coronation Tis Seen 1) Swine "1000'S OF RECORDS AT : yi 74 Ya -- DAG IR he ot <t time. the to t i the girls and from the Yi vs and A r, Mrs. Harold THE DISC SHOP" \ x | COLOR by DE LUXE IN MEMORY \ « « rsday An Easter lily plac y surprise party visited memor y of M Fletcher err I r Tre x E' RE PE Go F ervice : W ? 7. and presented t 3 at Ce toe. ted Church with f ars, versary cake VV (0) N! 2 Colum eC Werrs. ant a ching come moro Science Now Shrinks Piles bv fhe eri en were Me ana Mrs. : : HERE'S OUR PROGRAM FOR a n the s ie nt r and Mrs, W in the serie etn. pent vere Me ana Ses W Without Pain Or Discomfort ors | Fiwds Hash Substonss Thon Relioves Pei HL OoRNA boone 8 | REX REASON - PATRICE WYMORE - movi os Love, Kec » BE ne Cross as TE at te family, the Jack am st JANES B. CLARK som CHARLES HOFFMAN 'k Doubles meet a rs FE. Love. Osh: " 7a p.m. the CK Doubles m ) 1 we, Oshawa Toronto, Ont. (Special) -- For | that sufferers were able to make ing will be held in the Sunday nds isitors with Mr. the first time science ha ind a | such statements as "Piles have | (13 " [4] School room WL erry ew h substance h the | ceased to be a problem!' And AE of the com m in Mr unng ty te k hemorrhoids and | among these Sufferers were a very in 0 - ianne- « xbridge to re and itehing wide variety of hemorrhoid con- A \ nd vicit Sunday h an en relieved litions, some of even 10 to 20 years' a SE ; ik i +] COME AND SEE OUR n And Itching As It Shrinks Hemorrhoids plus ut the use of nar- oe Migr nt NEW LARGE MODERN aH be , recently when t} ati wor 1051s ind Ment" Was reported : tae. ready, Bite isn s {1 a service at the OAC 3 T Soh ( ; by doct rvatior | © use for healing injured tissue \ il r mn all parts of th body ands hope -she will soo inking) | ¢ \ ds he 3 WR) | form called Preparation H. Ask for SHOW STARTS AT 7:15 P.M. Mrs. Al Spen 1 heating . provement was maintained in | Preparation H ointment with Mrs. H. F Werry and ) ' nice Chapman, many \ A isfaction guaranteed or money Zephyr ; y y ng substar 4 Bio-Dvne the Jack Elliott is now home = . y au it A icved. A3 t R "Hospital| With Mr. : Su oremptly relieved. And | "phic now healing substance is BOX OFFICE OPEN AT 7:00 | 1 PEDRO gd are nd on her feet after trea > an 1 takk: Lee, . Oshawa Go : ; . . individually sealed convenient i 1 oh PALMER . aon td 2 knee I or some i e nday dim ests of Mrs vin yt Go Ore i on 5) cial appli itor. Preparation H 7] COME AS YOU ARE AND RELAX! ¥ | { Y 200 comury Bus seems LEO McCAREY® A. Werry visited the former i ] » Audrey Metcalfe fact, results were so thorough | refunded 5 \ . 7 F. Batty, Brook- Oshawa, Mrs. A. McMaster, Mrs BOE tee © ITS Zion Nea Sey Ken CHILDREN under 12 FREE! ALWAYS A (0LOR (ARTO0 wer T ) f } il 01 Case | 1 I WR Lie were in ey very kin prove, | doves of» uns cence | IR HEATED REFRESHMENT BA Bawmanville a ii ie * GHILDREN 2c ANYTIME ! mer fier. Whose rthday they were cele nost amazmg of allthis | praparation H Suppositories or 0+ IRON SEN « £5C sitate bandage at all drug stores. Hn