6 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 12, 1959 Bowmanville Hikes Mill Rate By 2.5 EAT .BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- At|$61,311; for a total revenue with- education is $179,188 96, with $56,- the chair, assisted by Sister D. a special budget meeting preced-|out taxes of $187,813.77 The total 000 for the high schocl, and $123,- Robins, VG. ing a Board of Works meeting|from taxes of $511,907 will make (188.96 for public schouls. These| Presenting the sick report, Sis- Tuesday night, it was learned|up the balance of the $699,720.77|amounts will be less debentures. ter Robins said "get-well cards the town mill rate has been in-|1959 budget. A sum of $10,000 is budgeted had been sent to Sisters Thom, creased 2.5 mills. Current rate is] Expenditures for 1959 will in-ifor a special relief program and|Norman, King and Brennan, 68.35 mills for residential and|clude $11,190 for public buildings,|with other welfare costs totalling] A card was sent to Sister Ada 73.00 mills for industrial. $3700 for office expenses, $8500|$11,100. | Wicket, Whitby, on the occasion Total amount of the town's 1959/for cemetery mainterance, Bow-| Recreation and community|of her birthday, March 9. budget will be $699,720.77. Antici-|manville volunteer fire brigade|services which include the pub-| Sister Browning reminded pated revenue from residential{expenses $9000, police expenses|lic library and the recreation de<\members of the birthday visit to taxes is $5,128,440 and industrial|$44,788.30. partment are asking for $16,335, | Fairview Lodge March 23 by tax revenue is expected to total] Board of Works expenditures of which $6035 will go to the li-|Pickering and Ajax lodges. White Dove Meet In Ajax By GRACE MILLS RED & THERE'S A WHITE AJAX -- The monthly meeting STORES REDsWHITET FOOD STORE of White Dove Rebekah Lodge No. / Gane oI wney. DOT YOURSELF iM ENCYCLOPEDIA wy one POPULAR SCIENCE EASY TO BUDGET Luts 4h dint) BOOK A WEEK PLAN = m------t TER --- . FRESH ROASTED Supreme PEANUTS 43 ce 33° BLANCHED 1-18. CELLO $2,154,995. will include $78,400 on roads and brary and the remaining $10,300| Sister A, Woods and Sister E. Balance of the budget will be|street maintenance costs, office{to go to the recreation depart-| Williams are convening a euchre bentures totalling $60,288.77, pro-|amounting to $9000, and 'garage, The 1958 mill rate was 70.50|p.m. vincial grants totalling $66,214|expenses totalling $1250. jmills for industrial taxes and| Sister Slugg reported on the and other revenues amounting to| The total amount budgeted for|$66.35 for residential. = dance planned at the UAW Hall, . | Sister I. Mackness announced Service Clubs {that she will hold an afternoon {tea and penny"sale at her home, |5 Beatty road, April 15 from 2.30 : hd Get Together Lunch was served by Sister 1 TOO Woods and her committee and a By MRS. ARTHUR ELLIOTT | Lunch was served by the host-|local service clubs, Ki | ess and committee. Lions and Rotarians, were guests| Heron was hostess for the March FAITHFUL WORKERS |a dinner in the Genosha Hotel, | meeting of the ABC Group of the] The Faithful Workers group of Oshawa, Wednesday. | S [PL Woman's Association, Thursday|the WA met Wednesday after-| Kin President Wally Henwood tatistics evening. man Alves for the March meet- | Committee in charge was Alice/ing. Mrs. H. McCool presided President robert Millvsen ap keting General Hospital for| Save 3c Olver, Mrs. John Medland and over the devotional exercises and|gqcicting ' Y| February are as follows: | Jessie Webber. Mrs. Medland and|read an article. Leader Mrs. bi Total in-patients admitted, 173. ¢ Miss Webber read a history of kalph Hunter presided for the| Tail-twisters and sergeants-at:i Number of babies born, 23. f LBS. | ing the dinner collecting fines for l : Mrs. C. S. Thompson sang a rangements were made to enter| coldeciing Li Total discharges, 196. | solo and Miss Olver closed thelan exhibit at Brooklin Spring|real and fancied infractions of In-patient X-rays, 114. { Save 8c worship service. Fair. {Imaginary rules. The Red Cross| Out-patient X-rays, 195. INSTANT PE 12.QUART 1 0 for the business session and 19|discussed to raise funds and jrjaitain, wich hy likely to develop| ments, 544. T MILK SIZE ° 5 members responded to roll call. |was decided to donate a blanket : annual event. ; Laboratory out-patient treat. : It was decided to purchase for Korean relief bale. li a the absence of Mayor Wil- ments 20, ; 'H Save 4c YORK HOMOGENIZED cards for sale as a means of rais- MISSION BAND iam Parish, Reeve John Mills| Blood transfusions. 6. | ing 'funds { i ._ (brought greetings and congratu-| Minor operations, 30. IVANHOR 9-02. 4 . . The March meeting of the Mis- lations to the service clubs. He, Majo tions, 15 | od Mis. ©. 5 Tismpson listed ar-|sion Band was held in the Sun- the clupr ar tho). maior operatipus, 15. TUMBLER JAR ticles needed for the bale forday School room of Brooklin Unit-| > were doi : Korean relief and requested|ed Church. President Pat Mitchell "aoe Work they were doing. lations, 5. TRAY OF 12 members to send donations be-/gccupied the chair and Janis ONLY 39 John Medland entertained the utes. LAYER CAKE MIXE 18-0Z. group by showing slides of his| Leader Mrs. Don Mitchell con- trip to the west last summer. ducted the worship service with| Wil of Mr. and Mrs. Alan Mackey, scripture lesson, and Phyllis 1 Attend Save Ge Calgary. Mr. Mackey was a for-| Mackey, the closing prayer. . SUCCESS PASTE WAX HEAVY DUTY 3c moved a vote of thanks to Mr. roups for the study period, with| ( onvention 1-48. TIN 6 Medland. Sh bv tied Mrs. Michael Wood supervising| Lunch was serv y the host-/the junior group and Mrs. Caro-| There will i -IFi . " ess assisted by the committee. (lyn Wilson the senior group. Mow 7 be 3 big represen Ba Field Crop Production", Dr.| , | "The next meeting will be theltari i e| >, N- Huntley, OAC SUNSHINE GROUP e ne 3 *1€ tario and Durham counties at the| i | The Sunshine Group of the WA annual Easter thank offering/annual meeting and provincial] 315 Pm. -- Educational pro-| beld its March er at the meeting April 4 at 3 p.m. in the convention of the Junior Farm. |8ram in new soils building I s 2 Sunday School room. |ers' Association of Ontario at| Girls -- 1.15 p.m.: Junior Girls| with 19 members present. CHURCH SERVICE | Sunday. : : I {Panel Discussion -- chairman, | % j ce STEA NO. 1 GRADE BEEF: X made up from recoverable de-(and engineering expenses ment. at the IOOF Hall March 14 at 8 Cedar street, April 23. 'WA Meetings . o 5 p.m. AJAX (Staff) -- Members of|social half-hour followed. - - BROOKLIN -- Mrs. Robert] of the Kinsmen Club of Ajax at| Ajax Hospital noon at the home of Mrs. Nor-|chaired th i ion! | in e Lote with Lien AJAX -- Statistics for Ajax and | the apostles Andrew and Peter. [business session and tentative ar-|arms were much in evidence dur-| moa] out-patients, 253. POWDERED Leader Mrs. W. Heron presided] Money making projects were Campaign will benefit from the [ahoratory in-patient treat. commended on the, Ear, eye, nose and throat oper-| | -- > Save 10c PILLSBURY fore April. ird, tary, th in-! T p Bird, secretary, read the min COUNTIES JUNIOR FARMERS . PKGS. These included wedding pictures Stewart Rashley reading the mer Brooklin boy. Mrs. W. Heron| Members divided into two Save 10c INGERSOLL--4c OFF PACK | Mrs. 3 Steve, ; home of Mrs. Elwood Stevenson Guelph Friday, Saturday and and FWIO -- Mrs, J. Haggerty) Mrs. Fred Young read the] The Sunday morning worship at EY : gcripture lesson, Mrs. Elwood Brooklin United Church was con-| The conference is one of the Mary Whale, Overseas Missions, Stevenson read an article, and|ducted by Rev. S. J. Hillier. The highlights of the year, and is of br eshyterian Church of Canada; 2 y . hei ticular interest because at the Mrs. Robert Young read a story. senior choir rendered the, anthem|par { x 'People in Today's World in! y i directed by organist Mrs. Fred|annugl dinner, Saturday the os y's World in ~ Mrs. Stevenson presided for the y Org: {names of winners of the travel. Other Lands : i | Brown. | iness_period. In the absence ling scholarships to Great Brit-| 6.30 p.m. -- Annual Banquet-- the J. Connell, . o. {RECEPTION SERVICE dls. are ansonnced. . Ele tion ker, 'J. Gen, See. mint were read Ts. During the morning worship| officers for 1959 takes place rol Witchoner - Waterloo YMCA Au. ¥red Young. od th Sunday, March 22, a reception'day afternoon. nouncement -- Travelling Schol- # Mrs. D. 'Coates presented the/service will be held, for anyone, Complete program is as $réasurer's report, Mrs. Robert wishing to join the church. lows: P prog Weir, peace secretary, rendered) A fier report and Mrs. Les Hall re- WMS MEETING FRIDAY, MARCH 13 rs PREMIUM SWIFT'S P K VEAL F ROL. " Waste fol- arships to Britain l SUNDAY, MARCH 15 11.00 a.m. -- Address, D. W. F. | E to sick and be- The Afternoon Auxiliary of the| ih ) __|Coughlan, Director, Probation gorted cards sent to sick a 3.00 p.m.--Annual Meeting Servives, Depl. of AHOFAcr Gor $eaved members of the group. (WMS will meet Wednesday, ,o.. "0. i s 3! son i {March 18 at 2.30 p.m. at the ; Mrss Stevenso) introduced Mrs. home of Mrs. Charles Wilson. 8.30 p.m. -- Debating finals, 2090 pm -- Annual Church J.|Kent vs. Peterborough. [Service Speaker, Howard 3. Lawrence of Myrtle, who show- i i EM s i sli f cent tri ommittee will be Mrs. S. 0 ice Ses Toren ? Hillier, Mrs. W. G. Doidge and SATURDAY, MARCH 14 Herrle, Waterloo County s | Mrs. Mowbray. 8.55 a.m.--Eye Opener Dr. Boneless -- Ne m Grade A Pre-Dressed LB. 49° 4k KS coionee 39° NEW GREE we. PREMIUM FRAN 12 LINKS CABBAGE SWIFT'S "'N Serve Sausage ye. 37° i 12s No.1 Size-- DELICIOUS, JUICY. Ne wen 29° {ll Brown Swift's Premiu Butierball TURKEY VG. BROILERS 4 10 8 LB. A N--NO. 1 GRADE A PEFRUIT 5 = 29° |AFTERNOON TEA N. H. High, OAC Bagot street. \ Agriculture and Its Challenge to! BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST | PPLES idget Family Size ¢ f ular Midg 37 TAXI SERVICE PHONE | PINEA SWIFT'S -- Pop A oS in the basement of Township Halll 909 sm "The Latest in| The annual afternoon tea and| 9.20 a.m.--President's Address Mrs. Levi Arksey will open the Rural Young People" -- Prof. R. FOR MISSED PAPERS AND I] - BO FOBOURC (Stall) --. No blame for its weekly game with the fol- STEVEN S TAXI Premium 63° March 14, at the Masonic Hall,| 10.40 a.m. -- "The Future of | BOWMANVILLE I : C, D | sate. | 3 t |BROOKLIN BRIDGE CLUB hy of Farming" 'Crash Dea hsimoonm mpcz an py of Fen Times, phone your carrier boy % . will be held Saturday afternoon|Farmer programs THE TIMES .Car-Train Boys -- 1.15 p.m. -- "My Philo- J. M. oner's jury Wednesday 'during an| ye odwin, 53%: 2. Mrs. D. TI S BUREAUS inquest into the death of twoigwicoran Ted Heron, 42; 3. Mrs. ME B: 15: you: trove: wot: received yout i 2 aS Ju. Port Hope men, instantly killed) yordan, Mrs. W. A. Heron, 39; AJAX when their car struck a fast mov-|4 pave Coates, Jack Patterson, dng CPR passenger train on No.|sgi,. 5 Mrs. Robert Heron, Mrs. # Highway, two miles east of | cyril Davies, 37; 6. Mrs. Bovey, first. If you are unable to con- tact him by 7:00 p.m. {John Mills Ajax 426 SWEET No. | Cello IPS No Blame In. bake sale, sponsored by the-- Kay Homan SUBSCRIBERS 3 [Evening Auxiliary of the WMS,| 9.30 a.m. -- Successful Junior |Campbell, OAC was attached to anyone by a cor- lowing results: 1. Mr. and Mrs. MA 3.5822 Te a abe lest wv 1-LB. TIN H 7 ¢ TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Calls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only Port Hope. |fFe Bovey, 34. The men, Harold Hugh and J William Horner, both died of KINOVEN 1ODGE Hall, Bagot y skull injuries as well as leg injur-! The Oddfel ows all for Eo! Rae Hopkins ies and other bone fractures. street, will be the venue 3 annual bazaar and afternoon tea. The accident occurred at 1.10 sponsored by the Kinoven Re- am. during a heavy snow storm. |p cpap Lodge No. 353, Brooklin, When Provincial police arrived, Saturday afternoon, March 21. they found Hugh still in the car| apd Horner. lying on the side of| the road, about 90 feet from the) point of impact I Constable John Manning told the court that due to poner visibility the wig-wags could oniy be seen at a distance of 400 to 500 feet PAPERS from the crossing. IN AJAX The train engineer, L. Dume- ruaque of Toronto, testified thell If you have not received your | train was travelling at a speed of || Tines by 7 p.m. call about 55 miles per hour. Ap- proaching the crossing he gave AJAX TAXI the regular signal on the whistle. | He saw the Horner car. "It blew | PHONE the horn with short blasts and] when I saw he was not going to stop, I put the brakes on." AJAX 333 He thought the car was stopped | All calls must be placed before when the train hit it which meant | 7:30 p.m. that Horner did not seem to know | Where. the tracks lay. hd T-BONE SIRLOIN ROUND ° | STEAKS .79 AJAX AND PICKERING GENERAL HOSPITAL BLADE ROAST ». 99¢ AJAX, ONTARIO ANNUAL CORPORATION MEETING Notice is hereby given that a general meeting of the share- holders of Ajax and Pickering General Hospital will be held at 8 p.m., on Tuesdey, March 24th, 1959, in the Nurses' Residence. BOWMANVILLE Ma. 3-7282) FRANK'S MEAT MARKET AND DELICATESSAN 53 KING ST. EAST BRODER'S MIXED FOR MISSED AYLMER--Stuffed Manzeonilla -- Place Pack OLIVES «wi. 41° PABLUM BUY 3 BARS -- GET 1 BAR AT HALF PRICE BABY CEREAL '. 25° Get The Best For Less! VEGETABLES SO BRP on SIFTO SALT .< 26° 0 CUT OF BEEF OVER 79¢ Ib. pely Bog DS CHRISTIES' PREMIUM LIBBY'S STRAWBERRIES CRACKERS PKG. 37¢ CALIFORNIA BREAKFAST ig 39¢ Melmac Juice Tumbler in Every Package . PRUNES hie 37¢ i] 67° PKG. . gly SUPER SUDS i 43 Sunbeam Bakery Features GREEN PEAS FLORIENT on RASPBERRY 722 | Air Deodorant 'ow 89° DANISH PASTRY... 35° BIRDSEVE RED & WHITE -- LIME MAPLE WALNUT EACH 55¢ HE ae | Jelly Powders 3 no 25° LAYER CAKE ne 27° THERE'S A RED & WHITE FOOD STORE NEAR YOU! McKENNA'S SPROULE'S KINGSWAY BROWN'S SUPER MARKET CORNER SIMCOE | SUPER MARKET MARKETERIA KING ST. EAST 948 SIMCOE ST. N. AT MILL OF TOWNLINE RD. BROOKLIN Frozen Foods BOILING FOWL PORK SHOULDER |, 37 PORK BUTTS ». 49° oi > by invited to || © HOME MADE SAUSAGES and SMOKED MEATS attend. ® IMPORTED EUROPEAN DELICACIES K. D. MORLEY, J. SHERMAN SCOTT, ® ASSORTED COLD CUTS President ond Secretory, | AMPLE FREE PARKING AT REAR OF STORE ». 39¢ MAPLE GROVE SUPER MARKET MAPLE GROVE SPROULE'S CORNER KING AT RITSON Chairmen of the Board. a ra Cth Marie ME A SRT 0 SRI BLE POTS