i I | \ + 52--Legal Notices IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF CHUNG GET CHOW, LATE OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA, IN THE COUNTY OF ONTARIO, CHEF, DECEASED. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL PERSONS having cloims against the Estate of CHUNG GET CHOW, Chef, who died on or about the 22nd day of December, A.D. 1958, are required to send full porticu- lars to the undersigned, on or before the 31st day of March, A.D. 1959, after which date the Estate will be distributed, with regard only to claims of which the undersigned shall then have had notice. : EXTRA!!! 178 LOUISA ST., DATED ot Oshawa this 17" Admiral console, '53 model, 10th day of March, A.D. 8006 Phone RA 5-914. 58c| For o better buy on aluminum KITCHENER, ONY. 1959. THREE - piece chesterfield suite, In| storm-screen windows, flair- By his Solicitor, good RA 68-5004. 58¢ VICE RING JOSEPH P. MANGAN, NEW YORK (AP) -- Vice raid- QC, ers claim to have cracked a 14% King Street East, $100,000-a-week call girl ring that Oshawa, Ontario, listed among its attractions half a dozen married women, some _JBO--Articles For Sole 50--Articles For Sale (51 ap and Barter BEDROOM bargains, four piece sea NEW wood paneled overhead garage SUMP pumps, pressure systems, 3- mist bedroom suites, bookcase bed, door, size 7 x 8, reasonable. RA 8-0489. piece bath sets, steel sinks and cab- By MRS, FRANK T. SMITH dresser, ks 3 » chest, modern styling and spacious, rear $219, save $100, only at Ed Wilson's, $119. Sprin; mattresses, high quality. Values to $29.95, all sizes, $18, Wilson Furniture, 20 Church Sprect. Wednesday evening at the hom ONE single and three-quarter bed, one man's bicycle. Apply 223 McNaughton Smith presided. 5 Avenue KROEHLER Red Tag Sale -- Chester- fi suites, and USED tires, most all sizes $3 up. B. F. drich Store. RA 5-4543, ONE UNUSED set of steel waterless cookware. Phone RA 3-4162 after 5 p.m, or . 8c USED tires, $3, up, Terms, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. Mrs, Harry Mounteuay for th Explorers. sliding dor panels, large match- |i. HP = nets, pop cooler; hamburg grill, roto- chest "a H motoky Sew, 309; J7 able 25 |tiner, copper, steel, plastic pipe, and rioatilied mates, ng Sihon slat) ss, push-button, 829; electric greasing fittings, Chinn's, RA 3-708, , regular , two , while hines, Al e A they last, complete, $139, Lovely honey $60; pot Alcuites, With Saas ov, 52--Legal Notices ~ walnut bedroom sults, Mr. and Mrs. | reasonable prices. Come in and look around every evening, Apply 597 Sim- coe Street South. RA 54016 TENDERS ENGLISH radios, AM-FM. Limited quantity, wooden cabinets, Normally $99.95, below wholesale, $59.50, RA for Sub Trades Re Oshowa 2 Federal Building, Tenders will be received by the under- signed unfil Monday, March the 16th, for all sub trade elds, prices required in the con- chairs, Brand vew styles at lower than struction of a new Federal ever prices § elive) roeh- di 7 § Jor 'chesterfield or bedroom wuite fo| Building in the City of Osh- 4 STEREO, Expert conversion of your Jour home! On display now at Barony awa, . Owner Depart- present Hi-Fi or tape rd ome Fur 424 Simcoe Street! ment of Public W stereo. Sales and service on all Ger |South, "Where prices are lower and] OTTAWA Lowest ons, man and Domustie Hi-F' and Maree quality higher -- or your money back!" tender. not navessarily any equipment. For information phone D your ih good i i quip mata ny EXPAND your a ness we oud cepted. vited to attend. RA 85-1469 mo! s or evenings. Fern wpe, wanted" ad today. DUNKER CONSTRUCTION LTD. Electronics, 423 Yonge Streei, Toronto. EWING mac! 1959 portables, ex- (hibition models, ces greatly reduced. MO 85-4493 Whitby. ler and Mrs. ments. Tv, good year. vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone: tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St, RA- 5.2431 ONE Beatty sump pump with pipes, ractically new; also large dog house, hone RA 3-7913. 60c FOUR - burner electric stove, with side table, 36 inches long, in good working order. Phone RA 3-2007. 60c SEWING machine, automatic, famous make, almost new, embroiders, button- holer, zigag, appliques, new reverse, fancy stitch. Take over payments, $11.50 presented the Bible Study. bands' suspicions. They were Donald Cochrane were in charg well-to-do. Police said the mar-|among some 20 call girls who po- ried women managed up to five lice said worked for Betty Wil- "dates" a day without, ap-'liams, 58, arrested Tuesday night Iparently, arousing their hus-|as madam of the vice ring. which dealt with immigration an ada. WMS Meeting At Columbus COLUMBUS -- The Evening|Scott and Mrs. Frank Smith, ac-| Group of the Columbus WMS met of Mrs. Ronald Love. Mrs. Frank ol During the business period re- ports were given by Mrs, Harold h Hiemstra for the Baby Band and) "yy c™ 00 ited served Tunch| "Mes, D. Barnett led in an Irish, Serving lunch were A Baby Band party is planned for 'Saturday, April 4, all moth- ers with young children are in-| | A committee of Mrs. Hiemstra, | Mrs. Alan Scott, Mrs. Robert Mil-| Webber. | Kenneth Powell PERSONALS was appointed to make arrange-| Mrs. Ronald Love was appoint: Huntsville, were weekend guests| mittee, Mr. and Mrs. Ray ed literature secretary for the'at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Mr, and Mrs. D. Barnett, Mr, the service Sunday. Mrs. M.| The worship period was led by| Mrs. Harold Hayes attended the Mrs. F. Hancock, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mountenay who also funeral of the late Mrs. Harry| Mrs. W. Werry. Mrs. Harold Hiemstra and Mrs. of the mission study for March,land Mrs, John Miller while his| unemployment problems in Can- Rico. THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, Merch 12, 1959 19 WA was prepared by Mrs. E | Irish Night : At Kedron [este ics NEWSINBRIEF KE Mrs. Yy : Tregunna, moderator; DRON -- The Irish Night of Hopkims, Mrs. R_ Dale and Mus. A duet was sung by Mrs. Alanithe Doubles Club was held in the| er H Saturda; venin, companied by Mrs. Love at the when members of the adult Bible class were guests. VOTE HIGHER TAX i Crosman. | ALBANY, N.Y. (AP)--The Re- publican - controlled legislature President Mrs. W. Woodward, bcceq the trimmed $2,000,577,797 conducted the business period. [version of Governor Nelson A. Monday, March 16 was the Rockefeller's budget Wednesday An Easter worship service to Mrs. Donald Watt, Past opened the meeting with mem-|date set for the ineeting of the|and voted a $112,000,000 increase of in income taxes. The budget, president, who recently moved t0'hers of the committee taking tis d the conve Oshawa, Mrs, Ken Powell made|part, and Frank Hancock san 2| exec Ye an © convensrs highest in New York's history, € 2 the May 14 bazaar. a approved by comfortable the presentation. hy Mrs. B.imargins in both houses. |and a social hour followed. sing-song with Mrs. L. Noble as Starr, Mrs. W. * Mountjoy and |ELDER INSTALLED | pianist, prior to the crokinole Mrs, W. Werry. | FICTION. WRITER DIES A special installation service) game. PERSONALS oid PLATA. Mo. ar Bester was conducted at Coiumbus Unit-| Mr. and Mrs. R. Down were ed Church by the Kev. Ronald high scorers for the crokinole| Beryl Mountjoy, London, spent and former newspaper man, died |Love for the mew elder, Grant' ame. |the weekend at home with her, Wednesday. Dent was the author Sylvia Wood and W. Snowden parents. Mr. and Mrs. E, Norton|of 280 "Doc Savage" adventure |received prizes for low scores. and boys, of Markham, were novels under his own name from Mr. and Mrs. V Rai deh couple was Mr. and Mrs. | visitors on Sunday. 11932 to 1950, and also wrote sev- Mr. Mrs. Vernon Ratz an a |B. Starr. { CHURCH SERVICE eral hundred books under the pen |girls and Tommy Buckley, all off Lunch was served by the com- inames of Kenneth Robeson and Scott,l Rev. R. H. Love presided over Tim Ryan. nd Mrs. W. Rosnak, Mr. and|Mountjoy and Mrs, L. Tregunna,, HEADS MINEWORKERS accompanied by Mrs. R. Lee, or' LONDON (Reuters) will |ganist, sang a duet. {Paynier, 55-year-old Communist | Allen in Lambeth, Ont., Thursday.| WA MEETING ; | Harold Werry thanked the offi- leader of the South Wales min. | Scott McMillan is spending two| Worship and the panel discus- cers who had assisted him during ers, has been elected' secretary e weeks with his grandparents, Mr. sion for the March meeting of his term ot Superintendent of the|of Britain's National Union of | Sunday . |Mineworkers, it was announced from Huntsville were Sunday, Ralph Barnett and Jimmy Wednesday. Paynter succeeds [night callers at the home of Mr. Jones received the offering, dur- Arthur Horner, a Communist, ling the Sunday school hour. {who retires in April. e|Piano, A cup and saucer was presént- Wilfred Sanderson, | a d| parents are on vacation in Puerlo | Mr, and Mrs. George Buckleyland Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. Whitby, MO 8-4633 a month, full balance $164.76. Phone RA 53422. fang 80c DINING room suite, nine piece, m hogany, excellent condition. RA 507, ic SCHUBERT piano, $160; also child's [| tricycle, 85. All in good conditiin. RA | 5-1354. oo 7% HORSEPOWER Mercury motor, | with quicksilver lower unit, and racing prop; 3 point hydroplane racing boat, | must sell immediately. Best offer. Dial RA 3-4256. a _60c| FAMOUS English auto-knitter, 10,000 stitches per minute, clearance on three only, salesman's samples, regular $189.50, now $119.50, Payments to suit. | RA 5-3422 SMITH Corona adding machine, port- able typewriter, very reasonable. Also National cash register, like new, $40. RA- 3-434. 718 | USED TV and appliances, the Dutch | Merchant, 633 Albert Street. Phone RA 8-6051 open tl mine. | BARGAINS ~-- Crome chairs, $4.95; space saver, $14; chesterfield and | chair, $29; 4-burner HD stove, $39; dresser, $14.50; wardrobe, $15; sewing| machine, $12 and $17; bed and spring, | $9; 21" TV, $89; rangette, $9 and $17; | tape recorder, 2-speed, $69; accordion, $18 and $65; refrigerator $49; washing [I machine, $25. Also many more bar-| gains, see them at Community Furi ture Store, 19 Prince Street Phone RA 8-1131 14-FOOT Acecraft mahogany boat, il | h,p. Evinrude electric trailer controls, | steering, lights, complete, $600. RA' 50702 after 6 p.m. 581 | STORE equipment; Birkel slicer, $150; Birkel scales, $150; General Electric| two-door freezer and 'frig. $300; cash register, coke cooler. All like new. Pick- | ering, TEmple 9-1566. oor ff GUNS, ammunition and ting plies new and used, For the best deal in town see Dominion Tire Store, 43 Bond Street West. RA 5-6511. | WE pay highest price in the city or ll used furniture. Pretty's Used Furniture | Store. RA 3-3371. 444 Simcoe South. ! ONE Knit King, lke new. RA 3-336 | en 1 knitting machine, §, Albert Street, or ONE_ cylinder can be seen at 476 , call RA 8-0616. " ' 35 HP Johnston motor excellent condi- ! ation. RA 57713 after § p.m. 1201 King 3 "8. F. GOODRICH Stores, tres, batter- i les, e Thrifty budget plan. RA 5-4343. STEREOPHONIC pia: 47 NATIONAI yery good condition, $65. 3-9063 after 6 p.m. 581 [ ] SLECTRIC ranges, com- 90-day warranty, | $39.50. Irvine Appliances, 50 Bond [|| LARGEST selection with new guarantee P vision, 918 Simcoe Street No USED television sets, 17° and 21" co "id reconditioned. Free 90-day on labor and parts. Irvine 50 Bond East. ° SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. | | TV's, pianos, ete, For wp cash offer, contact Street. Phone RA 8-1131. ] MODERN library, latest titles, fictiin and nonfiction. Most reasonable. RA 5-770, st lounge chair with new reclining action smooth-top davenport has 2 end cushions New comfort for your whole family with thi and rocker-action chair. Davenport Por a Loss Sovenpon no centre ridge and two end cushions to use when lounging or sleeping. Converts to a bed for two in 30 seconds. Bed- ding compartment underneath, Lounge chair has new re- lining 9ction for [Slonad lounging. Nylon reinforced r in red, brown i 59 ro fed, brown, blue, beige or green . . . '59s newest REG. 229.95! 4-PCE. SUITE 159° Yours for only 18 Monthly Payments of 10.21 ny FURNITURE OSHAWA SHOPPING 9:30 A.M.--6 P.M. 9.30 A MONDAY, TUESDAY, THURSDAY, SATURDAY 530 A ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, completely reconditioned, 90-day free warranty, from , Irvine Avpii-[§ ances, 50 Bond East. USED washer parts, % HP motors, sa up. Repairs to all wringer type | ers. Guaranteed reconditioned washer Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3-205! Bowmanville. =} S 10 - ELECTRIC razor service, cut | & hile ae pe saving Street West. RA 3.3425, [] Food and freezer plant. il d i $15.40 a week per family | on avenpor of four, includes approxi- L] mately 90 per cent gro- 1 " ® ceries and freezer, no | i th 4 down payment, for ap- [] | Sul (J Wi pointment. No obligation | p Nh d ] \ Phone RA 5-3709. ni haa . ; : COMBINATION ! Hiroe ieces In new WINDOWS : DOORS, AWNINGS, THE f i yl BEST FOR LESS. om or § e CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8° to 26'. See Ajax Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX BUY NOW AND SAVE | Peterborough boots, Evinrude Motors -- budget terms. Free winter storage on motors Boat storage. Foctory ap- proved. Service centre for motor repairs. Open evenings ond weekends. : MARINE STORAGE & | SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKLIN, ONT, PHONE 87 Sh TRC hs ie CA NE RT Ne oe le at of Li BB in | '59 master hedroom suite in sandalwood mahogany finish Semmens beautifully finished hand-rubbed exteriors drawers have snag-free finished interiors bn Sa VIR EA TE PUT UR large double dresser fitted with 6 drawers REG. 249.95! 3-PCE. SUITE 199° Here's a bedroom suite worthy of your master bed- room and you save $50! Solidly built of choice woods with dovetailed drawers, Smoothly finished inside. Double dresser has a big, bevelled tilting mirror. 4- drawer chest and bookcase bed in suite. 21 Monthly Payments of 11.18 TE . Ew WE TE WS EE ES EE EE EE EE EE OE SE EE a EE Wee. STN SE dinette features inlay pattern cn table top and chair hacks bronze-and-brass or chrome frames REG. 99.95! 5-PCE. SUITE Modernize your home with this easy-living suite. Large lam- inated plastic table is both heat and stain resistant. Styled with deep apron and ornate leg brackets. Chairs have spring- filled seats with wrap around front frames and concealed back posts. save 29.55 on Yolles regular 69.50 line! You'll sleep soundly on a tuftless top. 264-coil mattress gives balanced support from top to bottom. Pre-built, quilted border § remains high. White layer felt, Flex-o-Loc construction and ey Sisol pad insulation inside, Belgian rayon damask ticking out- : side. YOLLES FURNITURE CO. LTD. CENTRE M.--1 P.M. WEDNESDAY M.--9 P.M. RIDAY