In Blood Kiwanis To Aid THE OSMAWA TIMES, Fridey, Meren o, 175% J Minor Leagues Tourney Plans Keen Teens Lead School Bowls Race COBOURG -- The second week Drive ance of 1959, until elections for officers for next year are held. [of High School bowling at Co- The club's father and child ban-|bourg bowling lanes saw Keen quet will definitely be held March|(Teens take over sole possession 12, according to a report from the|of first place in the standings as boys and girls committee. The re-|they swept all three games from indiacted all ons La Bombas. Team standing to date is: Keen Teens 14; Big Boppers 12; Strays 10; Wildcats 9; Sputniks 9; Frankensteins 7; Strikers 7; La Bombas 5; Dead End Kids 5; Chipmunks 4; Dennis' Menaces 2; Stagger Lees. Bowlers bettering 200 were: Carl West 261; Larry Quigley 282;. Bill Dodge 273; Don Brooks 217; Fred Elliott 212; Glen Cooey 204; Brian Edwards 243; Allan Ruggles 241; Art Lescard 229; Peter Moskaluk 209; Carolyn Haight. PORT HOPE -- Port Hope Ki- wanis president Chris Hagerman Thursday announced his service club would participate in this year's Red Cross Blood Bank drive for town hospital. Donor application forms were distributed among members, who were asked vo fill them out a turn them in as soon as possibl | |to welfare committee chairman Vic Burke, Many members filled out their' cards on the spot, it was report- ed. Mr. Hagerman referred to the : [project later, first of its kind in Port Hope, and expressed the hope that with all local service clubs participating, the Red Cross drive would be assured suc- cess. . PORT HOPE -- Playd in Zone of Jr. "A" games will be com- prised of two 20-minute straight time periods with time out the last five minutes in the g American and NHL of three 15-minute dnterclub visit to South Peterbor- ough, which visited Port Hope last Thursday. Club bers are organizing a "Gasorama'", to be held in town sometime in the near future. The club will take over service at gas stations for a day, publicize the station, and raise funds from profits during the day. Following the regular meeting, a special executive meeting was g§ manville. At 1.05 p.m. the Amer- ican League will take over as Trenton meets Cobourg, Bow- manville and Port Hope will fol- low. NHL playdowns commence at 3.20 p.m. as Bowmanville hits Trenton, followed by Port Hope and Cobourg. CF py ing $x He WELCOME SCHOOL E 8 New School To Cost $77,000 PORT HOPE -- Only interior board last year rented for a work remai rio be g i d/$1 per year grant the Port Hope on He mew 3 Conia West Primany school. schon boing ull 2 Sot un the Total cost of the school after a Rabi, he i furnishing and fees to architects €xomel-an.on Toad, [Barnett and Rieder, Port Hope, With four rooms, the new called for issue of $87,000 deben- school should house about 140 eg ts, said school board chair- Sages Cel Thursday night.| There are double aluminum It will replace an aged two- Windows, terrazzo floors in cor- room building at Welcome now ridors and tile in classrooms. and Bios old three room| and hot water heating. The new school at Morrish. The Welcome school will bring to five the building is to be sold for scrap, [number of elementary schools the Morrish to be retained until operated by South Hope school needed again | board. Other sehools are located Crowding in the township/at Pinegrove, Canton, Bunker schools is now so bad that the Hill, and Zion. Denies Rumor | Red Cross Rirport Sold Plans For Big Blitz Bewdley airport was about to be sold were denied yesterday by William Sandham, owner of the company which uses the field as Council Will Discuss Roads PORT HOPE -- Hope township Reeve Victor Wilson Thursday night said he expected township} roads to occupy most of the busi- ness in Friday's township coun- cil session. Mr. Wilson said that road liability insurance and roads appropriation bylaw would be main items of business for the day-long meeting. The instirance policy covers the municipality for accidents occur- ring due to faults in road condi- tions. Since this year no large claims have been presented, said TIMES BUREAUS COBOURG G. MeAuliffe FR. 2-5349 PORT HOPE Iain Macdonald TU. 5-5737 Dept. Fetes Engineer PORT HOPE -- Port Hope De- of board of directors, replacing Kiwanian Al King, transferred to Mr. Wilson, rates should not be raised much, if at all... Mr. Wilson declined to guess an amount for this year's roads ap-| propriations, However, he reveal-| ed that cost last year had totalled, over $55,000. "We can't increase that much," said Mr. Wilson, "much as we'd partment of Highways employees held a going-away party in the Queen's Hotel for Jim Davidson, 34-year-old maintenance engineer, transferred after eight years here to highway operations in Sudbury. A University of Toronto gradu- ate in civil engineering in 1951, Mr. Davidson made his home in like to. The taxpayer just wouldn't stand for an extra load| now." | Roadbuilding expenditures will be small, as the township usually only paves a few stretches of gravel road during the summer. | These are designed to eliminate| {bad snow traps or water flood | Port Hope at 15 Ralston drive. His first job after graduation was with Port Hope DHO, and since then worked his way up from party chief on construction work to engineer responsible for maintenance for all Queen's high- ways in Port Hope district, an area extending as far as Oshawa Town engineer Kiwanian Ross i was elected a b an out of town position. Mr. Sim- mons will hold office for the bal- projects. ii SENTENCE WAR CRIMINAL ATHENS, Greece (AP) -- The former Nazi boss of Salonika was| sentenced by a special military tribunal Thursday to 25 years in prison for war crimes of 15 years held at which fund raising prob- lems were discussed and ideas submitted to ways and means committee for increasing club revenues to aid local welfare High Singles -- Men: Larry |Quigley 282; Girls: Carolyn Haight 227, High Triples -- Boys: Larry Quigley 674; Girls: Caro- lyn Haight 558. High Averages -- Boys: Larry Quigley 224; Girls: Carruthers of Port Hope will also 86. be in attendance. Tie With COBOURG -- Hydro and 26 Central Ordnance Depot are fit to be tied. In fact it's the only thing they have been fit for so far in their Mercantile Hockey League playoff. The two teams battled to their second 5-5 draw in less than a week here Wednesday night to set the stage for Friday's crucial clash which amounts to a sud- den death affair. The winner ad- vances to the finals which begin Sunday against the defending champion Grafton Brones. Both teams were minus their regular goaltenders as the game opened and as a result several soft goals were scored on either side. Both Stu Lingard and Gord Grant are expected back tonight. The Depot goalie, "Whitey" Ride- out suffered a gash in his fore- Hydro's Second Carolyn Haight 1 ago. HEAR vi: BOTH EARS Shown is Transistor; invented and made possible by Bell Telephone Laboratories Depot gins. Ken Marsden hit back for) Hydro. In the middle stanza Dave Stewart and Don Ferguson blink- ed the light to put the teams on even terms entering the final canto. Hydro struck for two goals early in the third, Bill Hessin and Dave Stewart the marks- men. The never-say-die Army crew fought back on markers by Brian Kenny and Neil Cane to knot the game up at 5-5 and it stayed that way till the final | buzzer sounded. minor penalties, three to Hydro. | DEPOT: Rideout, Daniels, Smallridge, MacPherson, Hig- gins, Moskaluk, Cane, Dunn, Petry, Barnes, Kenny, Borth- wick, Finkle, Innis, Bruce. HYDRO: W. Marsden, Pearse, UNIVERSAL A 3-D 7 ny : ON, a Yo _MAGIC-EAR, # APY tome 2 ® NO BUTTONS OR CONTROLS TO CONFUSE YOU! @ NEEDS NO TUBES! Ra head, and had to be replaced by a base for crop dusting in the Bill Daniels in the second period. Cavanaugh, W. Hessin, G Me- United Counties. COBOURG (Staff) -- Plans for spots along the roads. "We have to the west. the Red Cross financial campaign some bad hills on our back con- wn Davidson lived in Cobourg J Mr. Saudham said that there, "he held this month were dis- was no truth in the report, an {eussed ot a meeting 'of the: Co- that his company was looking for- bourg branch of the Canadian ward io suotier profitable year Red Cross Society. This year's dei |objective has been set at $5000 The airstrip is located about yyy » special blitz set for Mon- one and a half miles south of day evening March 16. A special Bewdley, and is equipped with meeting of the campaign com- 2000-foot grass runways. Three| ii. will be held shortly to planes ate stored 3 hanger Jace complete plans. there, all own y Mr. Sand-| ; ham and are used for summer It was also decided to stage a cessions," said Mr. Wilson, "but|¢hree years until moving to Port we're geting our roads system|gope in 1953. He is married and into fine shape. {he and his wife, Evelyn, have two MACHINE TOOLS Japan exports machine tools to| Middle East and central and | South America. | Depot opened up a 3-1 first period lead on goals by Gary Dunn, Neil Cane and Ron Hig- daughters, Jane, 5, and Cather-| ine, 1. | His responsibilities in pn countries in southeast Asia, Joe Slsough falling in a much larger highway area, are believed to be| much the same as they were here. | custom crop spraying and dusting | Plood donors campaign during work. : Established in 1955, the field is primarily a commercial base, al- though Mr. Sandham said some American tourists use the strip as a Rice Lake base during sum- mer months. During the winter there is almost no activity at all. |the month of April. The first] clinic will cover industry only. | Madeline Rooney, secretary, | To Napa read a lefter from the Toronto office on the subject of artificial respiration, which states the Ca- nadian Red Cross will not en- courage the use of mouth-to-lspring for the Cobourg Inter- mouth or mouth-to-airway meth- mediate Hockey Club. The local Combines Lose COBOURG -- It's another early nee Douglas and Ed Maracle wreck- ed any faint Combine hopes of staging an upset. Jim Freeman od of artificial iration in its Cobourg - Port Hope Combines|scored at the halfway mark of | water safety and first aid classes. practical involved formed the basis of a statement of policy made by Red Cross officials at a press confer- ence in Toronto yesterday. was app The decision was based on opin- ant District Commissioner to|ions expressed by more than 20 Commissioner PORT HOPE (Staff) -- Ron Th 5 inted Assist- make the score 6-4 dropped a 9-6 decisi to the d 'Nep Conny ets at Cobourg Arena Wed night before a slim crowd to be {eliminated from the Eastern On- |tario Hockey League semi-final da home in the last period, outscoring Cobourg 3-2. Bud McDougall fired both Combine markers, McKeown, ito |Bride, McLaren, Ferguson, K. [Marsden, Mottershead, Stewart, ICollins. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION AT B.C. Minister Fined, Speeder NANAIMO, B.C. (CP)--Educa- tion Minister Peterson was con- victed in police court Wedne lay of speeding and was fined $10 and $3.50 costs. Another member of the provincial cabinet, High- by a committee of members .of the highways department, RCMP and the B.C. Automobile Associ- ation. "We have checked some areas with 60 mile-an-hour speed limits and found their records have not become worse," Mr. Gaglardi THE GENOSHA HOTEL, OSHAWA, ONTARIO Friday and Saturday March 6 and 7 Only V AUDIOMETER TEST AND DEMONSTRATION BY FREE ) UNIVERSAL AUDIOLOGIST. said. The minister said he believes ways Minister P. A. Gaglardi, has been ticketed three times for speeding and had his driver's li- Seice suspended for a brief per- Mr. Gaglardi says he is plan- to increase the speed miles an hour from 50 on some stretches of British Colum- bia's highways. The stretches are being chosen limit| more 80 per cent of accidents are d by hol rather than speed. 10 MORE EXECUTED HAVANA (AP) -- Revolution- ary firing squads cut down 10 former Batista soldiers Thursday, raising to 377 the un- official execution 'toll since the rebel victory Jan. 1. The 10 were accused of war crimes. Free Demonstration PHONE RA 3-4641, EXTENSION 233 Universal 3-Dimensional Electronic Hearing Aid Co. Lid. The Genosha Hotel, Oshawe, Ont. If you cannot arrange to come in for the Demonstration, phone the Genosha Hotel, Ext. 233 ond arrange for a Free Demonstration in your home. ) {playoffs in the minimum four games. Gerow and Douglas netting sin- gles for Comets, Just seven pen- David Ford at a meeting of Port|promi dical au- Hope Boy Scouts A Association|thorities at an ad hoc conference executive in the town hall Thurs-{on artificial respiration convened day night. by the canadian Red Cross a Mr. Thompson has over 16/short time ago under the chair- years scouting experience, and is|manship of Dr. John T. Phair, an employee of Ontario Depart-|honorary advisor in public health ment of Highways here. His wife for the society. assists with St. Paul's Presbyter-| ------ Two Men Held In Bond Theft Fourth Port Hope Rover scouts will hold their hobby show in St. John's Anglican Church April 17. Dates were announced for alties were needed to keep the players in line, Combines get- ting four of those. Leading the Combines in their final appearance of the season were Scotty Dowle, Bud McDou- gall and Jim Munro, Douglas and McKeown potted a pair of goals each to pace the visitors who outs the locals 47-30. NAPANEE -- Parrish, Good- fellow, Londry, Green, Jones, Brady, Gerow, Martin, Combi weren't good enough |{in any of the four games as the powerful Napanee club seemed to exert themselves only when the occasion demanded it. Locals gave it the old college try but were obviously outclassed by Walt Gerow's potent squad. Combines roared to a 340 first period lead on three goals in 41 seconds -- two by a sensational Scotty Dowle, and one by a per- sistent Paul Doris. Before the period closed Jack McKeown tal- lied for Napanee. las, Maracle, Jacklin. Me- | Keown, McAlister, White, Doug: | If You's e building this Spring! Port Hope cub camp weeks, which this year to be held at Beaver The winners took over in the] COBOURG -- Kemp, Turland, | second frame and rapped in five|Munro, A. McKeen, Fisher, | allow us to help you MONTREAL. (CP) Peter Meadows, conveniently near Gar- den Hill recreation centre which is expected to be open by that time. St. Mark's cubs leave June 26, with 5th United Church cubs leav- ing July 5. It was announced town boy scouts are now still filling sand-| bags with 20 boys expected to be on the job Saturday. Senior scouts have also been made available in event of flood emergency. Ajax Church Celebrates Anniversary By GRACE MILLS AJAX -- The fifth anniversary of ®. Paul's United Church, Ajax, and the ninth anniversary of the congregation will be cele- brated Sunday next. Special serv- ices will be held both morning and evening. At the morning service, the speaker will be Rev. H. A. Bat- stone, who will speak on the topic "The Holy Catho lie Church" and at 7 p.m. Rev. R. E. Armstrong, rector of the Church of the Holy Trinity, will speak on 'The Last Chance." An anniverssry supper will be served in the basement auditor- ium at 5 pm. Rev. H. A. Bat- stone is from Grace United Church, Newburg, Ontario. He is a graduate of Emmanuel Col- lege, Toronto, and Mount Allison University, Saskville, N.B. He also served as a sergeant for 'hree years in the RCAF, and was stationed for some time in India following World War II. WAGONS NORTH DETROIT (AP)--A 20th cen- lury wagon train took to the road 'oday for homesteads in Alaska. I'wenty families who call them- selves "the 59ers" set out in a motor caravan to pioneer new tomes in the newest state. 25 DIE IN BUS MATTAIELE, South Africa (Reuters) -- Twenty - five Afri- rans were killed and 23 were in- lured Thursday when their bus tes Stepanoff, 39, and Moe Yacknin, 40, Thursday were ordered |bourg voluntary statement March 12 On (rock White, Pete Jones, or | Straight markers before a Co-|Campbell, | reply. Tom Goodfellow, | Doris, McDougall, Finlay, H. Me- | Le siKeen, Weiss, Parnall. Dowle, charges of possession of $9,600 worth of bonds. alleged to be part of the $800,000 loot from the Premier Trust Co. burglary in | INTERPRETING THE NEWS |St. Catharines. | Judge Rene Theberge denied a request for bail for Stepanoff, but postponed until today a decision on bail for Yacknin, He is also to rule today on a request by police for detention of both ac- cused for three days pending con- clusion of police investigations. At the hearing, George Hall, {accountant for the Ontario Trust |Co., and Dorothy Dewey, book- Adenau By JOSEPH MacSWEEN Canadian Press Staff Writer tain bonds and certificates as major stumble in domestic polit- [boxes at Premier Trust. than 10 years ago. Voluntary statement is a stage| Adenauer has failed in his ap- of legal procedure in Quebec at parent attempt to kick upstairs which the defence may present the formidable Ludwig Erhard, its case, minister of the economy and his LIVESTOCK REVIEW Prices Decrease For All Grades TORONTO (CP)--Top grades 24.50-25 with a truck lot of 1,000- of lightweight steers and heifers|pound herefords at 25.75; good were fully 50 cents lower than 23.50-24.25; mediums 21-23; com- last week with lower grades sell- | mons 18-20.50; good heifers 20- ing about $1 a hundredweight be-|22.50 with a few choice 23-23.50; low last week at the Ontario mediums 20-2150; commons 18- public stockyards this week. |19.50; choice fed yearlings 27-28; Choice fed yearlings were 800d 24.50-26.50; good cows 17.50- steady with last week with. the 18; With tops at 18.50; and light good kinds a little lower. Good |heifery cows at 19; mediums cows were $1 lower with canners|16:50-17.50; commons 16 - 16.50; and cutters steady. Bulls were |C20N€rs and cutters 14-16; good generally 50 cents lower with the |1€avy bologna bulls 20 - 21.50; supply ample for the demand. |COoMmon and mediums 16-20. Replacements, veal calves, hogs, |, Replacements: Good stockers sheep and lambs were steady |24:50-27; common and mediums ith Sows $1 a hundredweight 2 ives: Good calves 34-37 with ower. . C 5 04-37 wi choice to a top of 39.50; medi- Cattle receipts were about 1,- 29 . 100 head more than last week and ime 28; SOuIion; 239; bom; about equal to the same week . ; , Hogs: Grade A 25; last year. | Bevaipts | from West- 17, light sows 19; ig LA id nada tota 152 head. |gredwei re se i There were two loads shipped 0 basis: 0 2Njressed weight eastern Canadian slaughterers Sheep and lambs: Good handy- plunged down a cliff near Ma-| pussa mission station about 15 miles from hers. | 244 Wo shipments to the United |weight lambs 22-23. medium and S. £ H PRICES heavies 17-20; commons sold hts down to 14; Slaughter eattle: Choice steers Ito quality. Konrad Adenauer, the ageless, keeper for a St. Catharines stony-faced chancellor of West brokerage house, identified cer- Germany, has suffered his first |those stolen from safety deposit|ics since he took power more sheep 49 according | popular er Makes First Big Boob most likely successor as leader of the Christian Democratic party. The situation has nothing to do with the current Berlin crisis but is nevertheless of important sig- nificance to Europe. It's known that Erhard has been inclined to give a fishy eye to some of Adenauer's most cherished poli- cies for European integration. It must have been particularly galling to Adenauer that the de- feat coincided with his meeting in Paris with President de Gaulle. The two leaders have been care- fully nourishing a new Franco- German friendship, and the eco- nomic integration formula Er- hard views with misgivings. The issue was Adenauer's at- tempt to draft Erhard as the party's nominee for the West Ger- man presidency--a position that would have removed him from active politics. It would also have taken Erhard, 62, out of the run- ning for eventual succession to the post of Adenauer, who al- though still strong and vigorous, was 83 in January. Erhard at first indicated he would accept the nomination, but then staged a polite rebellion when it developed that the move was unpopular among the 271 members of the party's parlia- mentary group. | It was at a meeting of this group that Adenauer finally threw in the towel after Erhard laid down sweeping conditions for ac- ceptance. Among other things, he asked the right of intervention in economic affairs to ensure con- tinuation of the policies that are widely credited for West Ger many's sensational industrial suc- cess since the war. Adenauer had insistéd that the Christian Democrats needed a |top-flight candidate for the pres- idency lest they lose the office to the Social Democratic party's candidate, Carlo Schmidt | Freeman, | | RB? w "an now! We have what you need for any type of Building or Home Improvement. """Oshawa"s Complete Supply House" ILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LIMITED 1279 Simcoe St. North TT RA 3-4694