The Oshawa Times, 6 Mar 1959, p. 6

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ONTARIO COUNTY 4H CLUB LEADERS MEET Holliday, Brooklin, R No. 1; H. L. Fair, agricultural repre- sentative, Uxbridge; second | row: Maustyn McKnight, Ux- bridge, R No. 2; Cloyne Stear- man, Uxbridge, R No. 2 ;Dun- McTavish, Uxbridge, R 1; E. A. Linton, Little ng 17 groups, 4H Club leaders in Ontario county gathered recently for their an- nual convention in Uxbridge, county headquarters for agri- culture. Among those attending were: Front row (left to right): Alvin H. Blades, assistant agri- eultural representative; Ken | | can No. Britain; Gordon Hunt, Picker- ing; Robert Rattray, Uxbridge; third row: Grant Parrott, Ash- burn, R No. 1; Bert Pearson, Uxbridge, R No. 2; Frank Bar- key, Claremont, R No. 3; Ron- ald Werry, Oshawa, R No. 1; Bill Boyes, Pickering; Ted Robert Holliday, Columbus, R No. 1; Alan Ross, Beaverton, R No. 2; Absent were: Leslie Smith, Port Perry, R No. 2; Rae Litt, Port Perry; Archie New- man, Udney; Ron Neale, Whit- by, R No. 1; Mansell Chap- man, Orillia; Frank Honey, Port Perry. Lambe, Cannington, R No. 2; Jack Russ, Pickering; back row: Ross Evans, Uxbridge, R No. 4; Alan Ball, Uxbridge, R No. 2; Walter Kerry, Port Perry, R No. 1; Hugh Baird, Blackwater, R No. 2; Donald Hadden, Blackwater, R No. 2; Concede Irregularities Minors Battle | | UXBRIDGE -- March activity {on the Ontario county farm front is listed in the calendar of events just issued by the depart- ment of agriculture office as fol- lows: March 6, 8.15 p.m., Port Perry -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir presents '1959 Junior Farm- er Revue', March 7, 8.15 p.m.; Harmony Hall, Oshawa -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir presents "1959 Junior Farmer Revue'. March 9, 8.30 p.m., Radio Sta- tion CBL -- Farm Forum: Topic for discussion, "Land Acquisi- tion". March 10, 10 a.m., Manchester ~--Central Ontario Cattle Breed- Will Train Projector Operators AJAX -- The regular meeting {of the Ajax Film Council was {held on Tuesday with President J. Hosinec in the chair. A course to train projectionists | each Monday, Wednesday and Friday evening, beginning at 7 p.m. | Anyone wishing to learn : operate a 16 mm projector can| arrange to take this course by contacting Mrs. Johnson at Ajax 1388. Among the films available at the library for the month of March are: Around This Table; Cadet Holiday; Canadian Note- book; Canada's Awakening North; Chik's Great Adventure; City Sailors; Community Respon- sibilities; Family Outings; From Sociable Six to Noisy Nine; Fur Trade; King of the River; Michael Discovers the "Magnet; Millions of Cats; New South |Asia: One Little Indian; Peni- tentiary; Point Pelee; Red Runs the Fraser; Wing, Claw and Fang; and World at Your Feet, Projectors, screen and films is now in progress, and is held, AT BOWMANVILLE Ontario County Farm Calendar ers' annual meeting; 12.15 p.m., Uxbridge Aberdeen Angus] Breeders' Dinner and annual meeting; 8.30 p.m., Uxbridge -- March meeting of the Uxbridge Junior Farmers. March 11, 1.30 p.m., Uxbridge -- Women's Institute Rug Making Course under the direction of Wilda Gordon, home economist: 2.00 p.m., Brooklin -- Agricultural Committee of Conservation Au-| thority under the direction of chairman Edgar James: 8.15 p.m., Uxbridge -- Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir presents "1959 Junior Farmer Revue". March 12, 1.30 p.m., Black- stock -- Durham-Ontario County Shorthorn Sale. : March 18, 14 and 15, Guelph -- Junior Farmers of Ontario annual meeting, OAC. March 14, 9.00 a.m. -- Ontario County Holstein Club bus trip to York County. | March 16, 17 and 18, 10.00 a.m., Toronto -- Ontario Hog Produc- ers Association annual meeting. March 17, 8.30 p.m., Beaver- ton -- March meeting of the Bea- verton Junior Farmers. March 18, 6.30 p.m., Toronto -- Uxbridge Junior Farmer Execu- tive visit to Riverdale Kiwanis. March 19, 1.30 p.m., Brooklin By DOUGLAS RIGG Bowmanville Recreation Director The Bowmanville recreation de- partment in co-operation with the Southview Golf and Country Club is prepared to give golfing les- sons to beginners and golfers. If enough interest is shown, two classes will be operated under professional instruction, with one class for beginners and one class for golfers. Plans have tentatively been made for an eight week course with the last two weeks on the golf course. The balance of the lessons will be held indoors. We hope to get the classes underway during the first week of April. If you are interested please con- tact the recreation office at MA 3-3335 or Ken Nicks, The East Central Zone of the Society of Directors of Municipal Recreation and the howling pro- prietors in the district have planned a Junior Bowling Tour nament for Saturday, March 21, at the Duffus Recreation Alleys in Peterborough. The tournament is open to each Brooklin Farm Ass'n., meeting; 8.30 p.m., Bea- verton -- Beaverton District Farm Management Association meeting; 8.15 p.m., Cannington, Ontario County Junior Farmer Choir presents "1959 Junior Farm- er Revue". March 21, 10.00 a.m., Uxbridge -- Ontario County Annual Seed Judging Competition; 8.15 p.m., Brooklin -- Ontario County Jun- jor Farmer Choir presents '1959 {Junior Farmer Revue". MIGHT KEEP RAILWAY LONDON, Ont. (CP)--The Lon- don Railway Commission, in an indirect way has decided that |London should retain the London land Port Stanley Railway rather than sell it to the Canadian Na- tional Railways which offered $1,000,000 a year ago. The com- may be obtained at the library by responsible citizens at a rea- mission Thursday instructed Gen- In Town Liquor Vote BOWMANVILLE -- All minor hockey teams swung back into In Playoffs Ron Hooper (Walter Rickard), Gary West and Wayne Down sonable cost. {eral Manager V. A. McKillop to The next meeting of the Film prepare specific figures on the COBOURG -- Hearing of ajfor the consumption on licenced motion of invalidity resulting/premises? Ss Ss called but only a signature wa required by him and no oath wa administered. action Saturday after a week lay- off. The playoff positions for Rangers' goals. |Minor Hockey Night are still] Paul Lucas {Bud Depew) scor- Randy Dewell) accounted for the Council will be held in the ¥ brary April 7 at 7 p.m. most economical basis of continu- ing the railway"s operation. THEATRE GUIDE Biltmore -- "Mademoiselle Strip- tease" (Adult) shown at 12.30, 3.25, 6.45, 10.05 p.m. "Liane Jungle Goddess", in color, shown at 145, 550, 8.30 p.m, Last complete show starts at 8.30 p.m. Brock (Whithy) -- "3.10 to Yuma", 7 p.m. and 9.50 p.m. "Diamond Safari", 8.45 p.m. Last complete show 8.45 p.m. Marks -- "She Gods of Shark Reef", 12.40, 4.00, 7.20, 10.45 p.m. "Night of the Blood Beast", 2.50, 6.10, 9.35 p.m. "Boys of the City", 1.40, 5.00, 8.30 p.m. Last complete show at 8.30 p.m. Plaza -- "Night to Remember", 1.05, 8.10, 5.20, 7.25, 9.35 p.m. Last complete show 9.25 p.m. REGENT -- "Up Periscope" in technicolor, 1.30, 3.30, 5.30, 7.35, 9.35 p.m. Last complete show at 9.25 p.m. CARS IN AUSTRALIA Australia had 1,646,400 motor- Golf Lessons For Beginners community in the East Central Zone including Bowmanville, Osh- awa, Lindsay, Cobourg, Trenton, Belleville, Colborne and Peter- borough, Ea~h bowling establish- ment will be allowed one entry consisting of five boys and five girls. The age limit for the tour- nament is 15 years and under, as of September 1, 1658. A trophy will be presented to the winning team along with ine dividual awards. There will also be awards for boys' high single, girls' high single, boys' three- game total score and girls' three game total score. SENIOR CITIZENS' MEETING The next meeting of the Senior Citizens' Club, sponsored by Club 15 will be held Tuesday, March 19, at 8.00 p.m. at the Lions Community Centre. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Marti will be guests and will tell something of life in Jamaica and show a film. Don Williams will be guest soloist. Mrs. Ida Goddard will be {taking the reading group. There will be a senior citizens' matinee at the Royal Theatre Wednesday, March 18, at 2.00 p.m. Through the generosity of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Gill this matinee will be free to all senior citizens. Tickets for the matinee will be available at the meting, but can be picked up at the theatre Mar, 18. PLAYGROUND SUPERVISORS The Bowmanville recreation de- partment requires personnel to act as playground supervisors on Bowmanville playgrounds this summer, Successful applicants must at. tend a playground leaders train- dng course to be held June 21 to LITTLE NHL Saturday, March 7, the Eastern Ontario Little NHL Championship Tournament will be held at the Trenton Arena, starting at 11.00 am. Twelve teams esent! Bowmanville (3), Port Hope ri Cobourg (3) and Trenton (3) will {be in action in the three differ- |ent categories. The age groupings |are: Junior A (Atom) under 10, American League (Pee Wee) un- and National League under 14. der 12 (Bantam) from a liquor vote held in the| Representing the affirmative 'as/much in doubt. The next few Sat-| v town of Bowmanville November(in the case was Kenneth Ross, led that there was|Mues if CON nex Iw ed the Hawks lone goal. It was revea | rgd ] 19, 1958, was presented to County(Belleville, and Glenholme|lv Bible at the advance polls to| urday inofaings Should feature MIDGET LEAGUE [ ., |ad th ths by the/some very good hockey as the| In the first Midget game Satur- Court Judge J. F. Kennedy inHughes, campaign manager for|3 aninjstes Te i the poll|Doys fight for the right to play|day Orphans scored twice in the Thursday. More than 9 the "wets." For the negative, CEULY TERRIER Bl Fer: fon" Minor Hockey Night, March first period to defeat Raiders 2-1 infringements of the Election|A, C. A. Strike, town solicitor for clerk, and the agents. 25. |and move into a first place tie Act, 1951 and of Liquor Licence Bowmanville, and Captain Nor-| ADVERTISEMENT QUERRIED [BANTAM LEAGUE |with Comets > Act 1950, were registered and 81/man Coles of the Salvation Army| Statements in a local news| 1p the first Bantam League! Jim McKnight (Larry Jamie- of these were conceded. Former in Bowmanville appeared. paper advertisement on Novem- game Saturday the Lions came son) and Sam Gould (Bruce Og- Town Clerk Alick Lyle of Bow.| mye hearing was based on the ber 6 placed by the "Drys |from behind to hand the Pirates|den) accounted for the Orphans' manville was named as respond- invalidity of questions 4 and 5 on were questioned. their first defeat in the playoff|goals. Larry Piper (Larry Welsh) ithe ballot. Strike, counsel for the| Captain Norman Coles, mana- schedule. Taullie Thompson, Bob|socred the Raiders' lone goal. Most of the breaches of the two|negative, asked that if questions ger of the 'Drys" committee, ffellam (Wayne Wray) and Rod | In the second Midget. game acts were, failure to swear in|4 and 5 of the vote were found|was called and was asked to ex-|Taylor (Brian Bradley) . were/Comets defeated Generals 2-0 to election officers, faflure to to ad-|invalid, that the three other|plain the reason for the adver-igos) getters for the Lions. John|move into a first place tie. Paul minister the oath of s to|questions would also be invalid, |tisement. He told the court he gyghes (Bill Depew) accounted|Mutton (Jon Hancock) and David workers, failure to post elec- and the whole vote should be held|believed the contents came from gor the Pirates' lone markers. [Thompson (George Kennedy) ac- for posters, failure to seal ballot again. an editorial in the Globe and| wayne Wray of the Lions pick-|counted for the Comets' two goals. boxes, lateness in opening ad-| The first witness ealled by|Mail. ed up the only penalty of the ATOM LEAGUE vance poll, shortage of election|counsel for the affirmative was| He said he had not read it in| game for hooking. In the only Atom league playoff supplies, presence of unauthor-|H. Westaway, deputy returning the paper himself. In the second Bantam game|game Monday Rams defeated ized people in polls, overcrowd-|officer, South Ward, A and B. | Counsel Ken Ross then asked Huskies scored five goals in the Barons 1-0 to assure themselves ing of polls, failure to destroy|,, THS ADMINISTERED lhow he knew it was authentic. final period to defeat the Braves|of a place Minor Hockey Night counterfolls, in the presence of| NO OATHS Yrs Tiy ta |He replied it was confirmed by|8-2 and move into a first place March 25. Paul Charbonneau (Don the voter, failing to check names| Mr. Westaway stated there wasithe Ontario Temperance Federa- tie in the playoff standings. Keith| Jamieson) accounted for the of voters against lists, improper-{no Bible present at the polls to tion, {Ball and David Woolner led the Rams' winning goal. ly received votes, improper meth.|administer oaths until almost! «yr. gles, 1 suggest to you Huskies attack with three goals prAYOFF STANDINGS od in counting of ballots, and|6.00 p.m., and that none of thely,.¢ this advertisement was|and an assist each. Atom League breaches of proper security in|officers or agents present were|,j...q in thé paper to influence| Bill Embrugh and James Finn| w polling stations, and under in- sworn in verbally. They were|i,. voters: is that not right?" collected the Huskies' other goals. pamg fluence. |just asked jo Sign a Jor. Sef "No." |John Depew, Tames Fin a Barons also stated that the colors o el « ' Brvce Adams an ndre Schaaf-| The questions on the ballots In pallot cards were so close, it Ly a for also picked up assists for Indiany the election were: [was hard to distinguish between «It was a plain statement ofthe Huskies. PEE WEZ 1. Are you in favor of the es-|them. fact." | Fred Shackleton (Albert Good-|™ ™ gi tablishment of government stores| Mr. Westaway further testified| «y g,000st to you, Mr. Coles, win) ahd Brian Down (Bob Val-| for the sale of liquor? that about 4 p.m., his ballot box | «shat your own magazine "War lieres) accounted for the Braves cars registered in March, 1958, compared with 1,569,000 the pre- vious year, TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Chanel 11--Hamiltos CBLT-TV Channel 6---Toronie WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Ch 1 S5--Rochester WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffale SUBSCRIBERS THE TIMES BOWMANVILLE FOR MISSED PAPERS AND BOWMANVILLE'S FINEST TAXI SERVICE PHONE STEVEN'S TAXI Flo BF om a MA 3-5822 If you have mot received your AJAX TAXI | fms sums oct, vee ! first. PHONE If you are unable to con AJAX 333 tact him by 7:00 p.m. All calls me be placed before WGR-TV Channel 2--Buffale FOR MISSED PAPERS IN AJAX 3-~Western Round-UP 12:00 Noom 11--Thig Is The Life 7--Bishop Pike 6--Music 5--Texas Rangers 4--News: Weather 12:15 P.M. 5--Feature Movie 4--Film Featurette 2:00 P.M. 7--Theatre 2:30 P.M, 11--8hock 6--Feature Film 4--Pro Hockey 8:00 P.M, 7--Playhouse 2--Basketball A 3:30 P.M, 11--Wrestling 5--Bowling 4:00 P.M. 6--Bowling 5--Wrestling 4:30 P.M FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 P.M, 11--Theatre Sports 6--Hidden Pages 5--Playboase 4--~Fun to Learn 2---Three Stooges 5:15 P.M. &--Cartoon Storybook 5:30 P.M. 7-6--Mighty Mouse 4--Dinner Date Theatre 2-Wild Bil Hickock 6:00 P.M | 11--Theatre: News; Weather 7--Early Show S5--Little Rascals 4--Playhouse 2--Technical Institute 1:00 P.M. Calls Accepted Between 7 -7:30 p.m. Only 11--Popeye 7--This Is Alice 45 PM, $--Industry On Parade SATURDAY EVE, 5:00 P.M 11-86--Zorro 7-8--All Star Golf 4--Beat the Champ 2-Women"s Bowling 5:30 P.M. 11-6--Rin Tin Tin 2---Twilight Theatre 6:00 P.M 11--Bravo Theatre 7--This is the Answer 6--Focus on Physics 5--Three Stooges 2--World Affairs 7--Catholic Charities 6-Country Calendar S5--Bowling 2--Playhouse 2:00 P.M, T--Bowling 6--Junior Magazine 4--The Law and You 2:30 P.M, 11--The Living Word 6--Commonwealth Tele. views 8--Pro Basketball 4--Talk Back 3:00 P.M. 6--News | 2--Abbott and Costello 6:15 P. TELEPHONE STEVEN'S TAXI 6--Colonel Flack :30 p.m. 8--Name 4.2---News: Sports 6:45 P.M é--T1abio0 5--Real McCoys 4--Colonel Flack 2--Rescue 8 Yo ome po OO iy NRAD,, ...a home of (1 oh 11--Provincial Affairs 7--Early Show 6--Trade Fair 8--Dick Clark 4--Wrestling 6:30 P. 25 EX =] = Giants ; Rangers 4 |73-Rin Tin Tin 4 | 6--Leave It To Beaver 3 4--Hit Parade 2--Northwest Passage 2 100 P.M. 0 11--Tennessee Ernie S5--Lawrence Welk 6--Mr. Fixit 6:45 P.M. 6-4--News: Sports 7:00 P.M, 11-6--Citizens Forum 7-Billy Graham 4--The Last Word 3:30 P.M, 11--Cowboy Theatre 6-Day of Decision 4--World Of Ideas 2--Sea Hunt 4:00 P.M, 7--Canisius Forum 620th Century 4--Face The Nation 2--Kingdom of the Sea :30 P.M. et vt pe 80 00 OF nd » 11-8--Talent Caravan | 7--Disney Presents | 5-2--Ellery Queen 4--Rawhide 8:30 P.M. 11-6--Plouffe Family 9:00 P.M. OmomoODY Sonwaanm, 11--Rifleman 6~Ivanhoe 4-U of B Round Table 2--African Patrol 7:30 P.M. oc) MONLY OuNasnuy NAAR, ER THe I TTT FE 11.6--Oldsmobile Show 7--Man With a Camera 52--~M Squad 4--Phil Silvers 9:30 P.M, 6--Country Hoedown 7--77 Sunset Strip 5-2--Thin Man 4--Playhouse 100 P.M, 11-6-3-2--Cavalcade of Sports 4--The Line-up 10:30 P.M. 11--The Vise 7---Dick Clark Show 6--sSaturday Date 5,2--People Are Funny 4--Perry Mason 8:00 P. 1 So oD iy SEE 11--Rev. Roberts 7--Bowling Stars 6--Lassie 5--Ask Washington 4--Behind the News LEA Q c = 11,6,5,2--Perry Come 7--Jubilee U.S.A, - - P.M LPH, HOME No. 8 ? We know it might be hard to believe, but it's true! This charming, comfortable home can be yours at this small daily sum. Visit us soon and let us show you how it is possible. :30 P.M. 4-Wanted, Dead or Alive | 2--Tactie 9:00 P.M, H 5:00 P.M. 11,6--News Magazine 7--Paul Winchell 5-2-NBC Opera 4--College Bowl 11,6--NHL Hockey 7--Lawrence Welk 5-2---Black Saddle 4--Gale Storm 9:30 P.M. §-2--Cimarron City 4--Have Gun Will Travel 10:00 P.M. A bi [COTY | ROMs -- RE EE DOD 7--John Daly 4--Person to Person 10:45 P.M. 116--Jim Coleman 7--News; Weather: $5-2--Jackpot Bowling 11:00 P. 11-6-5-4-2--News; 7--Playhouse L11:15 P.M, 6--Viewpoint 8--~Movie 11:30 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--Premiere Jerform- HOUAME [0 RISIUINDIUPNE[A} AT) INS] [Riolo]T| [UME] EN [N 11--Lassie 7--Lone Ranger 6--Frontiers 4--Amateur Hour 6:00 P.M, 11-6--Bob Cummings 7--Sergeant Preston 4--Small World 6:30 P.M, 11-6--Father Knows Best 7--Marry a Millionaire 420th. C AH 2. Oil-produe- ing country (var) . 8. Gov. Almond's state (abbr.) * 4. Muse of 1 lyrie poetry 8. Flowed 6. Pigpen 7. Unrolls, as a flag 8. Reclined 9. Not fallen inte disuse 10. Mr. Levenson 17. Corrosive 18, Letter 20. Pro. noun 21. Near 23. Vipers 24. Military (3 BIAINIAIL ERG) 31a iy = 7--Playhouse VIR] CIE] 4--~Gunsmoke 10:15 P.M, 11,6--King Whyte 10:30 P.M, 5 . Sports | RIA E[T]A] dq 03 lolT AIL IRIO[BIOIT] . Plecing [TIUMITIEIRIRIAL NI EISMSITIEIAICTS] shaders Yesterday's Answer 32. Crown 43, Previously 33, Biblical eity (archaic) 34. Music note 44. Genus of 38. Exudes moisture 40. Not windward 42. Pieces of land 4 11--Frontier 7--Walter Winchell 6--Naked City 5-Pat Boone 4--Silent Service 2--Flight 11:00 P.M. 11-6-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 7--Playhouse 5--Rescue 8 11:15 P.M, 11--Late Show 6--Juliette 2--Just Music 11:30 P.M, 6--Wrestling $--Movie 4--Playhouse 2---NY Confidential 12:00, Midnight 2--Late Watch SUNDAY 8:30 A.M. 2-Cartoons 9:00 AM, 7--Test Pattern 5--Christian Science 4--Let's Open The Door H M. 'entury 00 P.M, 11-1 Love Lucy 7--You Asked For It 6--December Bride 5--All Star Theatre 4--Lassie 2--Saber of London 7:30 P.M. 11-6--Showtime 7--Maverick 5-U.S. Marshal 4--Jack Benny 2-D.A's Man 8:00 P.M. 11--Loretta Young 64 Ed Spllivan 5, 2-Steve Allen 8:30 QUALITY MATERIALS . . . GOOD CONSTRUCTION... EXCELLENT PLANNING. Other home plans The best of materials, construction and planning goes into this home, The desirable characteristics of the ranch or rambler have been com= bined with colonial lines to pre= duce a home that will keep its charm as the years pass. The front bedroom is large and will accom= modate twin beds. The living room has a picture window and natural fireplace. This home is available with or without basement. grass 45. Nourished 46. Evening (poet.) 80. Nickel (sym.) 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Rumpus Room 9:00 AM 7--Test Pattern | 5--Ten For, Survival | 4--Science Museum 2--Farmer Alfalfa \ cage 4 26. Blind Ly " 28. Greedy 30. Twistede straw beehive 31. A little 30, Fish (poss.) 36. Greek letter 37. The Swamp Fox 39. Moist 41. Eye 44. Heap 45, Turkish hat 47. Conjunction 48, Extraordi- We have many other plans in our library. Come in and look them over. 5--Off To Adventure 4--Capt. Kangaroo 2--Rumpus Room 11--The Naked City 7--Lawman 9:00 P.M, 11.6---World's Stage 7--Colt 45 5.2--Chevy Show 4--G.E. Theatre 130 P.M. 11,6--G.M. Presents 7--Frontier 4--Alfred Hitchcock 00 P.M, s--Cartoon Theatre EE ey Ay Jur home planning 10:30 A.M. department will be glad to give you information on financing and building. See us NOW! 5,2--Ruff and Ready 4---Mighty Mouse | 11:00 AM, . | 7--Uncle Al | 5-2--Fury 5--Man to Man 9:30 AM 5This 1s the Life 2--Simple Science 10:00 AM, 5-Chnistophers +-Lamp Unto My 7--Crusader 5-2--Loretta Young 4--Private Detective 10:30 P.M, 11,6--Fighting Words 7-Playhouse 5-4--What's My Line 2--Boots and Saddles | Ce : *Price includes materials and labor after Down Povment, SEAWAY CELEBRATIONS TORONTO (CP) Seaway Week celebrations will begin here markers 2. Are you in favor of the sale was full So he opened it and re-icpy j i s|two goals. : | Haw! y e s. [a a a Hanes of Cry" is sold in liquor outlets, is In the third Bantam game Ti- Hawks of beer only under a public house that not right ed bs 4-1 to chalk Bruins lcence for the consumption of li- ballots and placed them on the! Witness agreed. ; gers defeat Ce -1 to Se Canadians cenced premises to which women|floor in the corner of the room.| judge Kennedy adjoined the UP their third straig| t A "| Wings are admitted? | Asked if anyone had touched|court at 4 pm. to resume at gut a Jos? 18 fhe pleyolle ali] Leafs 0 3. Are you in favor of the sale|the ballots on the floor, he an-110.30 a.m., Friday. farere only able To Win ode game BANTAM LEAGU of beer only under a public house|swered "No." He also added that inst the same teams | WL Heence: for the consumption on|the ballot box was unsealed. agains ne ane (Pat Vinish), |Huskies 2 lMeenced premises to which men| A polling agent for the affirm- eter yv ey DAD own Thre y only are admitted ? ative, Mrs. Nyhl Sheehan, told n . oun Y Brae and Pat Vinish scored Pirate 2 : {the court she spoke to the deputy Phillins) and Pat Vinish scored): 3 4. Are you in favor of the sale i i i for Tigers. {Cubs 4 returning officer, Mrs. Madeline . : of liquor under a dining lounge|Gerry, about the procedure of Art Foran scored the Cubs' lone Lions licence for the consumption with taking the oath of secrecy, but u S goal in the last minute of Yia¥. (Blaves 0 meals on licenced premises? |Mrs. Gerry said she had never| The win moved Tigers in a first |L ONS MIDGET 3 Are you in favor of the sale sworn in a scrutineer. The re-| . pace as cen [Somers of liquor under a lounge licence'turning officer, Alick Lyle, was PEE WEE LEAGUE 4 rowing In the first Pee Wee game Sat. /Reidery urday Red Wings and Bruins] DAILY CROSSWORD played to a scoreless tie. The tie | Generals' ¢ UXBRIDGE -- The organiza- moved the Bruins to within one tion of 4H clubs in Ontario/point of the league leaders. | . Across |County for 1959 is making good In the second Pee Wee game Hospital Aux. . Sundry progress at the present time. Alljof the morning the Giants won a] 7. Eskima of the 17 4-H agricultural clubs|close one from Canadians by 1 . knives have a good number of boys and|3-2 'score. Brian Armstrong (2) Pl M ti 11. Biblical " girls already signed up. There is/and Gerald McDonald scored for| ans ee ng mount still room in these clubs for boys|Giants, with assists going to By GRACE MILLS NA grag, and girls who have not already George Moore, Lockie McNair ATA The roviar tng not ier applied. and John Conners. | A w=] lar mee! 18. Masurium | Brian Forsey and Gary Butler of the Hospital Auxiliary will be (abbr.) The 4-H clubs are sponsored... the goal getters for the Ca-hcld in the nurses' residence 14. Some jointly by the Canada department |W *1e 1€ goa' B {Monday, March 9 at 8 p.m. The ance ®, I 4) S. Wy, a Yr M-G-M Theat 15. Cobweb oF cltre, he ontario de "1h the third Pee Wee game Ran-| quest speaker will be S. W. Poin-| 3 30c pyar ~~ thread re ar ure and a lo-1,..5 seored twice in the last five|ton, clerk of the Juvenile and 1:00 AM. 16. Three-hand. 02 2 rioy lua organization OF|minyts to hand Hawks their|Family Court, City of Oshawa.| 2--Boston Blackie service club. The clubs are under got playoff defeat by a 3-1 score. (who will speak on the problems ATy ed card the direction of H. L. Fair, agri Play y brought to the court, and how iy Tn . L. Fair, agri-| Rae Sica shelves Soha da into ; iF A 18. Same fish cultural representative; Alvin . x they are dealt with. ria AM 29, Long, curl- Blades, assistant . representative | C b Wi | Members are urged to attend ing wave Uxbridge, and John Ogilvie, ag-| om ines n [this meeting, as tickets for the 22. Father fTicylture) sngjuger, Newmarket . Stardust Ball to he held in April RE nom ion In Overtime [77.5 «fe soos is leaders. COBOURG Minden Mon-| Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gorman, | The 4-H Clubs are for farm archs and Bowmanville - Orono| Tudor street, have returned from boys and girls from 12 to 20 years Combines were forced into over-|a ften-dav vacation in Mission, of age. The 4-H program is de-|(ime in the third game of an OHA Texas. They reported the weath- signed to give basic knowledge in|intermediate A Eastern Ontariojer was very warm. Visits were general farm practices involving semi-final tilt at Bowmanville/made to several spots in Mexico, Jivestock. grain, potatoes and wednesday night, before Com-|with a day spent at the coast, arm tractor maintenance. bines poured in three unanswered |watching the shrimp-boats come Any farm boys and girls in- goals to win 7-4 and take a 2-1lin, and a visit tn the Falcon terested should get in touch with edge in the best-of-seven series. |Dam, erected jointly by the U.S. I ont orice 3 of ¥ 1 5 nis slate 9 a Mexi rigati py puri Ns Soenliure; Fourth I viagtig Bob Jang | Texico for irrigation pur +=Heckie and Jocks at Bowmanville Saturday Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Gonneau| 5-2--Circus Boy Keith West fired the winner and and Gary, of Deep River, were | 4--Robin Hood Ted Degray and Rave West add-|[weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs 7--off nol ed 'the other clinching overtime Wilton Griffith. Glynn road 5,2--True Story eet 2--Church [Invitation 10:30 AM, 5--Dateline Weekend guest with Mr. and| 4-Cisco Kid 4--Uncie Jerry June 22 and reach a climax June 29 when the royal yacht Britan nia ties ap at the new Qus'n tan Toronto-St. Lawrence Sea way Promotional Council is plan ning dancing bv ethnic store display fire groups vork water. Hvitias front searchlights and other ac it J Minden had scored three times Mrs. John Mills was LAC Ken. | 12:30 P.M. 2--Morning Gospel 11:00 P.M | Brown's Lumber and Supplies later in the third to come from {behind a 4-1 deficit. Jack Ger- ac-| {McGill and Gary Copeland counted for earlier Bowmanville-| Robbie, Lons Me Larry Dan goals while err Bob Growden, Donald and Whit shared Minden's scoring. Orono [i th Quebec Elizabeth Dock. The Metropoli-/ mond, Chuck Armstrong, Ross| Mrs. Mills were Mi P | Formo, RCAF, St. John Also visiting Mr. and and Mrs | m Mills, Kathy, Howard, and Etobicoke Mr. and Mrs. John Edwards ind Douglas, Squires Beach, left 7--Press' and People $5+-Cartoon Theatre 4--Last of the Mohicans 2--Detective's Diary 1: M 7--8cience Theatre 5--Mr. Wizard 4--Lone Ranger 2--Dance Party 1:30 P.M Mousseau Monday by air for a visit with 11 Range Roundup Irelatives in London, England. 7--Highway Holidays 10:45 AM. 5--Look at Congress 2--~Faith of Israel 11:00 AM. 7--Living Word 4--Church Servxice 2--U.N. Dateline : 11:15 AM. TBA 11:30 AM, 7--J. Hopkins File 7 11-6-4-2--News; Weather; Sports 5--News Hilites 11:15 P.M. 11--Late Show 6--This Week 5--Feature Movie 2--Late Watch 11:30 P.M, 4=Theatre 11:45 P.M, 5--Kit Carson 6--Camera Three Dial RA 5-4704 LIMITED 436 RITSON ROAD NORTH ® Help Crippled Children © BUY YOUR EASTER SEALS TODAY OSHAWA, ONTARIO

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