WHITBY and DISTRICT ATTERSLEY INJURED Chevies Score O'time Win To Even Series By CLIFF GORDON Cornwall Chevies, who are making it a real rough road for the Dunnies in the Eastern On- ario Sr. A playdowns, edged the Dunnies 3-2 in overtime last night m Cornwall. This ties the best of )even semi-finals at one win each with the third game here on Sat- srday night. 8id Smith and Bobby Attersley scored for the Dunnles. Bryan McLay, Ron Muir and Aggie Kukulowicz scored for the win- pers, the latter named player get. ling the big overtime goal at the ! 12 mark. Bobby Attersley, the little blond bomb shell of the Dunnies, ° was cut for six stitches in the : second period, and no penalty was handed out on the play. The Dunnies, gunning for their then Brodie and Kennedy will fly home right after the game and join the Dunnies for the Sat- urday night game. However should the Blues lose they have to play again on Saturday night and then the two players would join the Dunnies in Cornwall for the game on Sunday. , . Gordie Myles missed the game last night as he had to work. . . . Attersley received a six - stitch cut in the second period as a result of a high stick by Kukulowicz, and there was no penalty handed out on the play. . , . The game here tomorrow night should be a scorcher. . .-. The Chevies are really fired up for the playoffs and have high hopes of knocking off the Dunnies. They have the wherewith to do it too if they get the breaks. On the other hand manager Blair and Coach Sid second win in a row over the fired up Chevies built up a 290 lead by the end of the second oii period, on a first period goal by playing coach Sid Smith and a jecond period tally by scoringitrye. An indication of the power shamp Bobby Attersley. However the Chevies are fight-(is the fact that the locals only BOBBY ATTERSLEY : Smith will be working hard to % keep their charges fired up for} : the gruelling battles ahead with the Seaway club. SUMMARY 1st Period that lies in the Cornwall line up| 1, Whitby: Smith, Samolenko, Sinden lng mad and they stormed backilead 1-0 at the end of the second| Penalties -- Chasczewski 1.08, with a pair of goals to knot the here on Saturday night before Henri 14.03, Tom O'Connor 14.03, pount and send the game into|they finally clicked for a trio of Ted O'Connor 14.13. pvertime. The Dunnies were the third period goals. Once again victims of a goal by Kukulo- last night they held a 2-0 lead at wicz and were unable to get {it{the end of the second but the pack. And so the series is now|dead game Chevies came back| all tied up at one win each. ICE CHIPS . . , We talked with manager Wren Blair after the game last night and he said it "the Dunnies are really in for a mighty tough battle with the Chevies". . , . Many of the local for . 2nd Period | 2, Whitby: Attersley, | Air, Babando Penalties -- Crowdis, slashing, {and took the game on the, 5 MacMillan 14.48. | tally by Kukulowicz. . . . ithe third period and an overtime] It is was a terrific game. He says that|hoped that Dunc Brodie and Billy| Kennedy will join the Dunnies| for the game here on Saturday| . . There is one stickler |strength of a two-goal rally in| Srd Period 8. Cornwall: McLay ....... 4.18 4. Cornwall: Muir, Burke, Ernst ft Penalties -- Ted O'Connor. Overtime fans are of the opinion that the however. The Varsity Blues play| 5. Cornwall: Kukulowicz, Dunnies have a walk away with|Laval University in Montreal on| the Cornwall team but this is not'Friday night. If the Blues win] Muir, Grigg Penalties -- None. House Of Windsor Has Fashion Show Mrs. John Vickery, Regent of he House of Windsor Chapter JODE, welcomed a capacity audi-|tesy Jury and Lovell, DuBarry| Mrs. John Burtinski, Florist, shoes by Startite shoe store, favors cour- On Tuesday evening the Te] JIOOF meeting was held in the Oddfellows Hall, Whitby, with Noble Grand Garnet Craw- ford presiding. Rui and attend Four new members, ers Lorne Kemp, Jack Reader, Axel and Ben Ander- sen, who recently received their third degree, were present and officially welcomed by the Noble Grand. The membership committee re- norted several membership ap- lications were still in abeyance awaiting further review. The visting committee has been favored with a healthy membership so far this term, Brothers Burdge and Northam being the only members on the report. All dart players of the past and present were reminded to be in attendance for the final league game on. Tuesday even- ing, March 10, against Pickering Lodge. In order to retain the shield won last year the dart haseball captain must soon nick the more consistent placement throwers towards moulding inte shape the strongest possible team for the league play-offs. Some of last year's regulars have failed to show the same accuracy as previously displayed and are causing concern to the captain. The co-operation of all was small. Broth IOOF Dart Teams Enter Playdowns date has been st fr April 11, and will be open to all members, their families and friends. Upon closing of Lodge two dart teams were picked and 2 spirited contest resulted, with the scrubs winning over the regulars by a smsll margin, DART BASEBALL 'Dart baseball was the high- light of the evening, in Brooklin on Monday, when Whitby was victorious in two games each by 12 run margize, with Brooklin winning also. The first game between Corinthian and Whitby showed a 12-point difference in the final result with Whitby being the winners by 3! to 19. In the second game Brooklin were the winners over Corin- thian, The 'third game was vigorously contested from the start with neither team making much headway until midway through, Whitby then - forging ahead to win over Brooklin by 18 to 6. The big consistent thrower of the evening was Whitby baseball captain Brother McLean who came through in most cases when runs were needed. Other members of the Whitby team were not too" consistent however did come through periodically. Withone more game rem=ining in the regular schedule Whitby appears certain to remain at the head 'of the league accord- m-mbers is vita' and essential The dart play-offs and banquet inl» receive a bye in the first round of the play-offs. WA Plans Bakeless Sale St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church WA held its regular monthly meeting on Tuesday, afternoon in the Sunday school hall. The president, Mrs. F. Lawrence, was in the chair. The meeting opened with prayer followed by scripture reading 46th Psalm by Mrs, Frank Mathieson. Reports were given by the secretary, Mrs. D. Mowat, in the absence of Mrs. MacLean. The treasurer's report was given by Mrs. Mathieson. Letters were given to members regarding the "Bakeless Sale", letters to be returned to Mrs, Frank Roberts convener. Final arrangements will be afternoon tea and home baking sale to be held May 15. The meeting closed with the WA be held at the home of Mrs. David Mowat, of Kent street. Presbyteens To Tour Observatory Preshyteens of St. made at a later date for the praver. The April meeting will Last Saturday afternoon the Andrew's Presbyterian Church held their of 900 within five years, for the school which now has a rated capacity of 680 pupils. Have Open House Hilltop School The Four Leaf Cloverlane and Hilltop Home and School Associ- ations held their annual meet- ing last Wednesday evening at Hilltop school. This being educa- tion week the parents visited school rooms and inspected the work being done by their child- ren, The meeting onened with the president, Mrs. W. Hicks, in the chair, The minutes of the pre. vious meeting and executive meeting were red bv Mrs. Horseman and Mrs, Crawford read the treasurer's report. The nts inspected their children's handiwork and spoke with the teachers. Miss Johnson, Miss Snider and Miss Bouch. This was followed by a social evening. Next month, April 8, is "Educational Night" for parents to inspect their child- ren's handiwork and visit the teachers. Parents are requested to show their interest by comin~ out to this open house meeting. Mrs. A. Mitchell Cloverlane school for the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, March 6, 1959 § In a drive to interest pro- pective members in the fellow- ship of the Canadian Legion, Branch 112, Whitby, is planning a special membership t on March 13. All Legion bers Legion To Seek New Members March 20. Besides dancing, the committee in charge is arrang- ing for special entertainment. On April 4, 10 members of the Whitby Branch will take part in ey in are asked to bring a prospec- tive member that evening. Robert Adams, reporting to a general meeting of the branch this week, said that there will be special entertainment pro- vided and free refreshments later for members and their guests, \ INTER-CLUB DINNER On the previous evening, March 12, the branch will be host to the Rotary. Kinsmen and Kiwanis Clubs of Whitby at a joint service club banquet. Dinner will be served by the Ladies Auxiliary and a special speaker and films will provide entertainment for the remainder of the evening. Other activities in the coming weeks include a ladies night on BRITISH METHODISTS the Oshawa. er tournament Four new members were in- ducted into the branch by president Harry Inkpen, vice. president Vernon MacCarl and Steve Brag. They sre Douglas Taylor, Hugh Madden and Charles Lintner. regular weekly meeting at the Church Hall. A short devotional was held with prayers and hvmn singing. the by Miss Mary Elms. Of Theft A former Oshawa resident, Mrs. Gertrude Carpenter, now re- siding in Toronto, was on Thurs- day acquitted of a charge of stealing $2697.92 from a former employer in Oshawa. Mrs. Car- penter, sole support of an ailing husband and two small children, broke down and sobbed in the court in Whitby when Judge John E. Pritchard ruled that WHITBY PERSONALS The Park Vista Ratepayers' Ascociation is sponsoring a {spring dance to be held at the [Legion Hall this coming Satur- |day. Committee in charge are Len Cunningham, chair- ence to the Parade of Spring courtesy Snelgrove Druggist and man, Mrs. Bob Wilkes, Mrs. Jim there was insufficient evidence against her to warrant a convie- tion. The trial, heard in Ontario County Court, lasted all day. Mrs. Carpenter was charged with stealing the money from Pea- cock - Boyd Insurance Ltd., Osh- awa, between Sept. 23, 1957 and Jan. 30, 1958. She had been em- ployed as bookkeeper with the firm during that time. Lorne T. Boyd, president of Acquit Mother Charge end of the month and Mr. Boyd had found names on the list of persons who had already paid their accounts to him but had not been entered in the book. She said that on other occa- sions, he had asked for receipts for clients in his office and she had made them out although Boyd had received the money. She also admitted to the court that she had been convicted of conversion seven years ago and had, since this charge was laid, taken money from her present employer. She said that she is paying off a judgment of $2000 to settle that incident. In reply to cross - examination by Crown Attorney Alex. Hall, she was unable to show where a cheque for $540 had ever been en- tered in the cash book although ided during the business ses- sion that the group would visit Dunlap Observatory on May 2. Miss Bonnie Townsend showed the group the proper manner to set up an aquarium which proved to be most interesting. Plans were discussed for the formation of a drama group. Social games were played following the business session. This coming Saturday the group will attend a skating party at the arena They will afterwards Miss Bonnie Townsend. See Need For New High School the Whithwy High School Board Wednesday evening at regular meeting. A business period followed with Miss Shielah Barter in the chair. Reports were given by secretary Gary Maidlow. The treasurer's report was given It was be entertained at the home of Too little, for too many. was the theme brought forward by their Is Group Hostess The Whitby Baptist Church Women's Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting at the heme of Mrs. A. Mitchell, Colborne street west. Mrs. E. A. MacMillan, nresident, opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. G. Glenney was in charge of the devotional. Her theme was "Faith", The members answered the roll call with a scripture verse on Faith, A prayer circle was held for the youth work. Mrs. J. Ward gave a topic from the study book, the subject is '"The Colored People's Work", Plans were made for the April meeting which will be in the the form of an affiliation service of the CGIT. The meeting closed with prayer and refreshments were served by the hostess. Thanks were expressed from the group to Mrs. Mitchell for open- ing her home. More than 25,000 people joined the Methodist Church in Britain . SUNDAY SMORGASBORD Swedish Style Meal Under auspices of the Catholic Women's League SUNDAY, MARCH 8th Serving 5 pm. to 7 pm. ot ST. BERNARD'S SCHOOL AUDITORIUM Centre and Dundos Sts. ADULTS $1.00 ¢ CHILDREN 50¢ in 1958, bringing total member- ship there to 736,781. o WEST HILL AT 2-0961 WHITBY : MO 8-3559 Chas. A. Bradley & Son DECORATING CONTRACTORS AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAS Wallpaper A Specialty 3 PHONES TO SERVE YOU BROOKLIN 323) | LR LL CTT I CL CL CT MERRY MAC'S SCHOOL OF DANCING The total population for town and township in 1952, as a survey made by the Board showed, an increase of 600 over the following six years. Using this as a scale, it was estimated that by 1958 there would be a total of 11,200 persons living in PRESENTS . . "STAR SPANGLED REVUE" e WHITBY TOWN HALL e Saturday, March 7th, 8 p.m. ADULTS 50¢ . CHILDREN 25¢ Hill, Mrs. Ernie Kent and Mrs. | Donnithorne, master of |ceremonies, Bert Wilson and Tamblyn Bob White. There will be door. Courtice Prizes, spot prizes and booby, | prizes. the cheque was deposited at the bank. In dismissing the charge, His Honor sald that professional men are notorious for receiving payments for services and then forgetting to report to their sec- retaries. He sald that although Wola to the he was exceedingly vapicions of {claim put forth by Board! e 'accused's part trans- facilities jactions, there was nal fons are) doubt not only as to who re.| It was further pointed out that, ceived the missing money but|2584 elementary pupil | also as to when and how much. "produce a high school the area. The actual figures showed a much steeper incline, as there is now a population of 15,898, showing an increase over the estimated amount of some 4,000 persons. : These facts lend Fashions '59 held at Whitby Dis-|Avon products, door prizes trict High School last Wednesday donated by T. Eaton Company, | evening. She then Introduced the i; i104 Cigar Store, commentator for the evening, ~ Mrs. Sophie Brownlee of Oshawa, Pru8s Lid, Rigler's, who in turn introduced each/Pharmacy, MacCarl Hardware, model and fully described the/J. M, Hicks Jeweller, Whitby _ various garments displayed, Hardware, C. F, Mesher, Jewel- gpne he t at 8 i i Edna Henning, Westmount, or a er in th ' f wana Oshawa. Prize winners Empire effect. Some of the colors|a2d Wallpaper, David's Drive-In| were: i, Edna Henning; 2, Mrs sre vivid and various shades of| Restaurant, Jury and Lovell, Wil-| Howard Bartley: low " prize reds are blended with contrast-|S0's Food Market, Exquisite| Edna Sawyer. A delicious lunch ing eolors, bows and bows are form, Robert Simpson Co., Slen-|was served by Mrs. Godding and worn on dresses, skirts , suits, (derizing Course from Beauty Mrs. Henning. Those friendly Ungerie and 'bathing suits; in|Clinic, Permanent and Hair Styl-| get-togethers include members other words, bows on nearly he Novi Beawdy. Shale ad Biso| irom Oshawa, Whitby and Brook- y 8 Thompson. i bu At the first intermission the! Mr. and Mrs. John Vander- raffle for hats by Miss Davey pluyn, of 318 Chestnut street east, was won by Mrs. Marion Jamie- received their citizenship papers son and Mrs. Marion Blair. |on Wednesday in Toronto. At the second intermission Mrs. | Mrs. Harold Wickett left f Clarence E. Freek, fashion show | Brantford where she is ating convener, assisted by Mrs. E. C.|the funeral of her uncle, Charles Hughes of La Boutique, drew the Muir, who passed away at winners of the door prizes as fol-| Brantford Hospital. owe: Lorraine Foole, Mrs, Bi " Morrisson, Mrs. F. Carr, L. John-| The Catholic Women' Silver, Miss Anne Correll, Mrs.|son, Mrs, McAdams, Joan Ham- of St. John I Baath. Ross Sawdon, Mrs, J. D. Suther- | mill, Mrs. Tushingham, Mrs. A. holding a smorgasbord supper . land, Mrs. Gordon Mifflin and Robertson, Hazel Pick, Mrs. S.|this coming Sunday at St. Ber- At H 11 t San houiiD perionned in|Riley, A. Brooke, Mrs. D. Fill-|nard's school auditorium under 1 cres I nal way, seeming- more, Mrs. Adeline Vallee, Kathy the convemership of Mrs. J. M.| « ly enjoying every minute of this|Roddis, Edwine Smith, Mrs. Ira| MacDonald, assisted by members wednesday evening. at od display of fashions. Special men-| Turpin, Mrs. William Winter, of her committee. crest Public School wa: a tion goes to Mrs. Mifflin who Roxena Ledgett, Mrs. G. N. | tremendous success," the princi- paraded in an extremely tight|Irwin. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Lis-|pa) Del. Catherwood, reported. | fitting outfit, of course the pur- combe spent Sunday with her| 5 : 1 "treated. to] pose of this display was to adver- sister and brother-in-law, Mr.| itm ss Bg! pvt d o {and Mrs. Clarence Powell, of ment beginning with songs by . Nearing 90, On 2» H T . » Grade 2. ome iown Visit | Mrs. R. A. Rousseau. of the| Grade 1 Jrovided a reading F: i i : Royal Hotel, left for Montreal|group, whic was very wel Bo Beaton, ARC, wes 31 or rains bis sv) dismay Where she is attending the done, while Cheryl Fenguson, of iat | Toronto came back to his home| funeral of her sister, Mrs. Alban| Grade 6, save an oral composi propriate music while the models| own of Whitby to renew old SECOUr. tion on "Our Queen". paraded on an artistically spring|* i 4 9 acquaintances. A novel arrangement of flute Hower econ Eon ay : The; Mr. Bay, who is now livingi Mrs. James Heffering, of selections was presented by the Jake Sows : y Mrs. Johny, moronto, was born and raised Cochrane street, Whitby, and Grade 4 students, showing more and Mrs. Harry Ash were on "the 3rd concession and| MIs. Arthur O'Connor, of Maple-|than an average amount of most effective. The Eiffel Tower| farmed on the 4th concession. nurst Farm, Pickering, left from|talent. gave a Parisienne atmosphere, yj should be well known .to Malton Airport for an extended| The parents were further en- which added to the show. The many of the older people in the Vacation to be spent at Miami! tertained by Sharon and Jeannie| Beauty Clinic Salon was respon-|area. | Beach, Florida. |Craigin who performed some in-| sible for hair styles by Ken| "Some things have changed| trirate Scottish dances. [ Hardie, jewelery by Hedy Hill,|hereabouts since I wa: here | The many friends of Mr. Sam| A dance of the Flour Maid furs provided by Harry Berman, he remarked, 'but Whitby is Jardine, of 208 Palace street. was very adeptly done hv Eglinton, flower arrangements by still my home town." will be happy to learn that he Shelly Bonnetta, followed by is back home from the Oshawa | some beautiful choral singing by General Hospital. They wish him Grade 3. | |a complete recovery. | The Virgina Reel, an interest- | ing dance, was put on by a (0) C 0 group from Grade 2, ul song i by Grade 4, next on pro- prone mo 8.3618 | Oshawa Group gram. The evening's enjoyment was NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 7 P.M, 1 Visits FBYPA brought to a close by a demon- Last Complete Show at 8:30 p.m. | stration of square daices, to the | tunes of '"Wearin' of the Green", Bvery tick of the olook... = ap Jay evening the, Captain Jenks", ably per- Sivasy Seat of ~ % of Faith Baptist Church! formed by Grade 6 pupils. iy yous eart..o {held their weekly meeting. A brings the big moment closer! | welcome was extended bv Barry Jones to the visting groun from 2nd Place Battle Oshawa, the Ukrainian Baptist Church, | In Dart League | Ed Homes, leader of the] On Wednesda evening the |visting group, led the 30 young Jowertal Shamrocks Some en- | 4 i |trencher eir strangle hold on | POORE Dre: ent in a few choruses p,, , place in the Park Vist2 {a er which the group was led inipart League, with another ~ scripture reading and prayer. game winning streak, putting The boys' trio played *Lord|them 51 points ahead of the | Keep Your Hand On Me", fol-| Black and Tans, their nearest {lowed by the girls' trio singing| val 3 " "] wa | The race for the Championship wll There When It Hap-| yp has gradually developed into Testimonies were given and? One {eam event With the I%i | ini t H] ighting | Rev. Reid played "Safe In The! meamnd place 8 for | Arms Of Jesus" on the cello.| «with only three weeks of | The boys' trio then sang "In competition left the chances of The Sweet By And By", which|oyertaking the Shamrocks are was followed by the announce- very slim," Jim Hill, of the ments and offering. |Rebels, admitted, "but we may| A sword drill was won 15-5 by still scare them." | | Whitb. Rev. Reid gave thc Team standing, 112 games| | message of the evening. The played; Shamrocks, 207; Black| | meeting closed in prayer by|and Tan, 156; Rebels, 150; Too| Rarrvy Yanee Tatas 141 the firm, reported that Mrs. Car- penter's position at the office had been that of a cashier, who re- ceived all premium payments, entered them in a cash book, and made out the necessary re- ceipts. RucE fehl, of Osh Auditor Gordon Riehl, el awa, testified that he had con: ducted an audit of the firm's "| books in the summer of 1958 and 'lhad found that there were 89 receipts which had been made out but the money which corre- sponded to the receipts had not been entered in the cash book. The daily deposit slips, he said, had in each case corresponded with the total of the day's re- ceints in the cash book. Mrs. Carpenter, who econduct- ed her own defence, told the court that her employer had a tendency to forget things. She said that there had been occa- sions when she had presented a list of overdue accounts at the Pupils Perform Mrs. Winnie Godding was hostess at the W. »g| ROOD suchre at the home of rewolle: ' s would population The materials vary from pure silk, shantungs, glazed cottons to very fine French wool, specially| recommended for persons with sensitive skins. Mrs. Brownlee, as commentator, proved to be most helpful to the audience by expressing her own opinions on the various fashions modeled. LOCAL MODELS The local models, Mrs. Murray tise the Slenderizing Salon oper- ated by Mrs. Jeanne Hughes, also owner of La Boutique Fashion Salon, Mrs. J. Beaton, ARCT, was at TOWN OF WHITBY Low Rental Garden Apartments EACH SUPPLIED WITH STOVE, REFRIGERATOR AND HEATING. RENTALS FROM APPROX. $65 TO $85 PER MONTH. time for another great one ... GLENN FORD ~ VAN HEFLIN FELICIA FARR A COLUMBIA PICTURE Further information supplied on request to: J. A. VONDETTE 104 DUNDAS ST. WEST WHITBY REAL ESTATE DIAL MO 8-3322 win ANDRE MORELL Released by 20th Cantury Fou