THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednasdey, Merch 4, 1959 ¥ oe moe 1% | RE oy par EN, #8 TTC Orders EE | Pos NGA pam sq Tenders On New Subway TORONTO (CP)--The Toronto Transit Commission has ordered Z ; HRY 5 Fits 2 4 . its engineering staff to prepare na 4 i ds hy i ! : to call tenders on cast-iron tunnel 19% 17 4 / Ah AA EN . ts for a subway running 2u% / i : 0 . up University Avenue from " 7 iT. > Union Station to midtown Bloor 2 5 iia ' { Street. 0% 4 LL alt : hI : Soil borings are being made at 2% b J ; A { nr Queen's Park in anticipation of ss 88 ! T , Py x ~~: |driving the tunnel straight north / / ih 4 4 a. under the Ontario Legislature 140 buildings. 17% + % Metropolitan Toronto council 19% ' + : ' 3 ; iain Liss ; executive is to meet 'privately =" y 25 i by A no 7 with the commission Friday to : ; ; Wi ' fi discuss the expropriation of $15, i ; : } i : TORONTO ; book Sales Wh Law am ONES Sioes Eashange Marsh ¢ sous in ents wists marked o. rw--Ex-warrants.) Industrials ¢ J : "oh -" we ™ ™ sey EL 1 8B g $ » § Pit aa 2 +1 288 sie s LP seyElslsmnnbgi. UilausuBudRERY 2 3 BE § § wields E iy : 5 § = 2 ] > +4 et 4 ] - L 3 sell Lhoos wk L Lis: g 3 13 gs «Rel uns = |] * HE EE ) £ $ H 3-3 1] «l & IS ++ + EEF H febsily ll a » 5] * i -A-R-R-] g Hy Bias EcSEsEERES = 8 KEE ie a +++ BEE EEE + - il gegfit +1 BsUsnunlish Hearn edd E By = ssusyplzRanunied HEY 113] UHL x i E3fi=djtagugeecy 1s FanstisLise -10 +3 ] BESee. SelB Nat ad cus I gz £3 a (3313 TT 3 & BEfes. SHEE ERE 2 tune i 233%358- 23 upuySiae 2235 25y-aytupuyticeg SpEEgiiter 38s Fa ss8E8 | FEE FE $2 8 582 Fly 2 A z " ' A 000,000 worth of property on po 1 p Bloor Street for the subway's MONTREAL PROPOSED ve Bk ead Metropolitan goverrment for | suburbs (shaded area) on and | tain. Bridges shown, starting |General Manager W. E. P. Dun- Moutres) i some 2 its sibs off the island be included from | clockwise from Ile Perrot, are: [can was reprimanded for failing Jamaica 300 urbs now a deiinite plan | hg to keep members up to date on sii 4 after years of discussion. The the start, The goverament sug- | Ste. Anne de Bellevue bridge, aetatle of 5 $855.453 purchase of MacMill B 200 843% 43% 43% number of cities and towns to | Bested reduction of that initial Ste. Genevieve bridge, Lacha- 120 new buses for its Gray Coach Mass Fer 2635 $145 14% 14% -- be included with the metropolis | number and the question now | pel bridge, Ahuntsic bridge, |jine. Miteh R A 2195 $1215 12% 12% on the St. Lawrence River is- | is whether a start will be made | Pie IX bridge, Le Gardeur | Mitch Rob B '330 395 395 395 land is not yet decided. A plan | with Montreal and 14 -- or per- | bridge at Bout de I'lle, Jacques- | . . Molson A 60 $25 25 28 recently submitted to the Que- | haps 17 -- of its island neigh- = Cartier bridge, Victoria bridge 10 Sh L Molson B 25% 28 25% bec government suzgested that | bors. However, a start at Metro- | and Honore Mercier bridge. 1p nes Mtl Loe 818% 18% 18% Montreal (black area) and 46 | politan government seems cer: | (CP Newsmap) . Mersty pr "sh Gu au | sw, mi 44 | BUSINESS SPOTLIGHT Plan Extension Vv Pac Pete 18% "w MONTREAL (CP)--At least 10! shipping lines plan to extend Page Hers 8 Powell R service from Europe to the Great ETI '. 3 8 Siow 104 164 Prom Iron id hd Lakes when the St. Lawrence es 6 6 Pries Br "ly Seaway opens this spring, a sur- 8 » Que N Gas vey of shipping agents here n = § ry ar aRREey bo bd 2 Li EPR TTT TTY 80 41 2% Bh ---H yn 1285 18 1 2 8 60 360 18% 16% -- % 150 146 - pr ~ 8 5 i $:%% ++i FH - a HE Int Nickel 75 Intprov P L 100 Bred g°5 § = H 4 ! "F583 Ey ++ 200 290 216 216 ++ FER EE ¥ ++ 3 2% 324% 17% 17% --1% 17% 17% - ga NP 2 aaan Ca2Po0 § 3 3 g 3 [eee » 2 4+ 3% 31% -- | + 5% 5 WwW C OG ris 2130 W Decalts 1100 ] Mines rg Alba 00 Algom 320 814% 14% 14% ~W Anscon 1500 105 102 102 8 Ans] 4 Arjon 16 Atlas Yk 16000 10% Atlin-Ruf 500 10% Aumaque 14 14 Aunor 300 Barnat 50 174 B-Dug 25 Belcher 500 107 Bethim 2400 171 Beveon rts 13140 Bibis 21100 LETH HEE 3 + . Que Pow shows. The lines include Manchester, - Oslo's Fjell, Notterdam's Oranje, Tatham, Bramage and Co. of England, Canada - United King- dom, Cunard, Donaldson, Furn- SOURIS, P.EIl (CP) -- An) "It's a million - dollar busi. The Sompany now is building gst Vithy, Crescent and Poseidon enterprising 25-building fish plant ness," says. President Edward another. : that does more than $1,000,000 Gallant of Eastpack -- the com-| The firm also operates a Yabaterl;, 30 ug. Detroit Cleveland, To business annua 11y provides a pany's trade name. 'And I'm ex- canning plant, and a canning 18¢-|1and and Hamilton are among the booming economy for this island pecting this year will be just as|tory that produces canned peas.|c.heduled points of call for the village's 1,449 shee tod good as the others." chicken haddie, strawberries and{rreighters e jointly-owned and operate fish meal. - Eastern Packing Company and OWNS DRAGGERS Eafgitliztstim 2 Sand Riv Sheep Cr Sherritt Sil Miller Slocan VR ¢ Stanleigh Buff Ank 8. 4 Stanigh wis Buff RL 2000 % Steep R Camp Chib 4480 ; Sullivan Chu nu % ® Teen Ly ; oc : Eastpack pi q . . i A x re om x 3 3 fit Canadian Easiern Fisheries Limted_em. The bilingual president and bi PaPack potesred, drags: Cdn Ther ! 7 A 14 Tombill i i | Can-E: bed 4 --8 ploy 200 men nine months a year. brother Paul began the business 8 P t Niet 20-130 J 300 oy hn Abies eX Another 100 are added at peak|in 1941 along with Art Peters (fresh frozen fillets on the island. a al aC s352ds - =] a 3 Zellers pr HIE Ang Nfidxd 200 874% 74 % y : C Dom Sug 100 824% 24% 4 -- 14 seasons. About 140 island fisher- Eastern Fisheries Limited was POPULATION GROWS Cons Pap xa 00 33s 42v | men sell the company more than|started nine years later, chiefly| Since both companies began full] 2185 $1614 16% $300,000 worth of haddock, cod and to pracess catches of fishing operation, Souris' population has! ope n Ford A 25 8120 120 120 { Ii fh 282d Ra 3 5.38588: A ' flounders each year. That's half|draggers. Eastern Fisheries owns grown 5 4 : V 00 ion 2 . LE of the total landed fish in the two of the 1l-dragger fleet that |® bY. persons oh 2% >» I iltse) 1 d 23 $00 Mh 9% ly the Northumberland Strait.| Fastpack products are famous. LG o ; Ss 2% island. 'ply z E '|Last year more than 10,000 cases : 2200 260 255 260 126 127 04 a {of the firm's chicken haddie were ranium ns w wm Young 2500 [) sl 82 +1 Union 00 18% 7 marketed across Canada. mat K, Westerman 8 . enator rg en In the coming year the firm| OTTAWA (CP)--Canada hopes 405 403 03 Curb will process more than 2,000,000 to sign an agreement with Japan 0 - pounds of cod alone. on the peaceful uses of atomic J Sales to. 11 am: 1,367,000 The Gallants take pride in theenergy by the spring, External oe TF 1 Pri B d 0 nw fact that "our business . . . alone! Affairs Minister Smith sald Tues- a MONTREAL 0 air 1Ceé DbOoay ease f-ing day fo he Commons. By The Cansdlan Press 2 iccinnt |l8rs to be put in circulation an-| Such t would set i 0 ye--Maren 4 N PEACOCK h-level royal commission." | , uch an agreement would s Mh 9% 9% Montreal Stock Exchange--Marel s By DO E high-level royal co: sion nually. AE ead 3) zx EE: >3 BeeB0siinens i i 5 > i $88 58us gs i 3 4500 les ed 9 i - Mh. Pally ne Th yng. og 9 Canadian Press Saf} Willer A Besides, he added, only the gov » rights, sw--Ez-warrants) 300 50 OTTAWA (CP) Fa edera | y A 9050 "consumer fair price council" to|vestigation. The Senate had P 1 I Mr. Smith informed Opposition Industrials publicize pricing policies of large never "presumed" to do such a €rsonal INCOME [reader Pearson that informal : corporations -- 2a nd peshabs ting petore. el di |discussions have been held by ' Sales y 3 ther restrain their price in- ator J. W. de B. Farris |Canadian Ex E avast 4 100 Id nr » poh 2% 12 12 Fh BS been advocated by|--British Columbia) said gris iL Tokyo and Af 3100 SIT 1M 1% i A Thorvaldson's attitude reminded |; : 100 1? Senator David Croll orvaldson s attitude income and product hould hi Alois The Toronto Liberal, speaking him of this' definition of a Con- production should hit| on "ror formal 'negotiations and Tuesday night in a Senate debate [servative: fosore A levels in Sansda Lis signing of an agreement. on inflation, said much of the| 'One who believes that nothing ¥¢®% B: Jo SEF Or pres en} He said Japan has accepted an blame for continuing price in- should ever be done a first time." [2 Ae "A8TAE i enor A) offer by Oanada of three metric Sreases. "falls 10 ere ot. INFLATION CAUSE |" "Not all sectors will show im-|tons of uranium and that ar- Borat om ae Fig icctivere. | Senator Croll said inflation provement," he said, "but the rangements for its transfer, are jon no onger Sa Jately has been blamed mainly economy as a whole will be being made by the International 8 raining pov ET ho sald: fo Yovernment spendmg. This Strengthened. Commission for the Peaceful A He Cox way Was. partly tive. I think we can look forward Uses of tomic Energy. of reconciling full employment,| "But big business is looking| 2 21 jacresse in the volume of| Mr. Smith also informed Mr. economic growth and price stab. for a scapegoat in order to shift nation output of three to four Pearson that preliminary discus- fiity the attention from it, and from Pp "Sr. bo ol wen BNL on Toucwal of a Canada. "This may require some public all appearances it looks as though e Greater Welland U.S. agreement for the export of mechanism. It needs to be suviellahor is it." {Chamber of Commerce inflation Canadian uranium to the us. and it needs to safeguard vital] He welcomed a recent pro.{and unemployment would prob- have been held and that he will {ably remain Canada's chief prob- report further on the subject democratic interests." posal of the United Steelworkers PUBLIC HEARINGS of America (CLC) to Prime Min.|'ems for some time. later. ™ ail these Tanuirements, Sen ister Diefenbaker that their 0 se requ » "|wages be pegged to labor pro- fra a-- He mae. ee se - ator Croll suggested the govern | quctivity. Pegg P ------ RE i eu ment appoint "a. consumer fair| This offered the Senate com- price council composed of repre- pn ittee in its proposed study of Min 7 - Saies to 11:30 am: Industrt Sentalive ai sompelent People infiation "the "opportunity of a i § i HERWIN- ILLIAMS Town ra 0, am. als 43,600, |(princip| n demo 0ld (}ifetime" to let the consumer get| » sic Mid public hearings on the pricing|y ook at the labor-management policies of the great corpora- relationship. E y- | oO . tions." L MINISTER COMMENTS Government Informs U.S. |i oxime yp tr HOUSE PAINT of proposed price increases by Canada Dairy Goods |0il Import Curbs No Good i=z<i.: xii Listowel Rink LOOKS BEAUTIFUL OTTAWA (CP) -- The Cana-|ily, were due to expire Feb. 28. (151%: ou 1 00 we council] PARIS, Ont, (CP)--A new roof AND LASTS FOR YEARS i § g = ernment should order such an in- 8 ) : e Se £3 ee lL LE TEM SHHIETH Se ii Igenyulle +1 4 i jugeadait 35 ras¥gzanslgge atn..udzizonezyTprngaiicg. = 5 pe HE $uciatonEistel GE FT i FLEE FER FT tH TE a Bo 63s § : EL sansdoEnasions sae tanit $e fi 3% 355 35 g¥xE § 4 i 3 eed 2 I g F 238: 1 2 7 ++ ++ +] $55 $8 58 dilee 1 g32 3 LL Bzags Lh > ++ | EB $kE & 55 i 1448299959 ageoRe ay ghee ro 1 Fl Lisi guy agp £ ah 1 1 4 (H * >» Bs5is oS g §§¥ £ | & CE TH LUT i + Ld anaana i FE | + wis rasdyzoeshyge als. 5 8 i i sang if RP I LiL BEE "Spe 355853 : -syvy 3peggspls rasdi-egcinle Bek. | & aa er | f dian government has informedBut President Eisenhower ex-|.. 14 publish testimony both for will be built on the community | LJ ~ A i the United States it sees no justi: tended the voluntary restrictions arena in this Western Ontario Need Export Sub SLAY oe ren iS en to Ut 0 SEA Th ft sm 8 ret n of Canadian oll. announce a new policy. volved P! [the Listowel tragedy. I It 'said in a mote #8 the US.| Canada made two earlier rep-| "The corporation would be free The decision was announced to| OTTAWA (CP) -- Agriculture countries object, we weaken our, Canadian dairy products were resentations--in a note Oct 20[tp raise prices if it =o desired|town council after a survey) "SEnister Harkness suggested case to resist actions which may |virtually eliminated from open and at meetings here Jan. 5-6 of [but the public would at least be Showed the possibility of Somely Tuesday that prices of Canadian have an adverse effect en our competition in foreign markets, (effect on Canadian-United States ihe joint Canada-US. trade and|in a better position to judge Tot in one corner of the arena. dairy products are so high thatiown vital export interests." Mr. Harkness said. But Canadian|relations. economic committee--stating the whether the increases are justi-| In Simcoe, where an old arena | markets ean be achieved PRICES COMPARED tariffs and import. controls| .The note, dated Feb. 19, was importance Canada attaches tolfied." collapsed in 1945. the arena com-|, by subsidies. The average wholesale price of(largely reserved the. Canadianabled in the Commons Tuesday unrestricted access of Canadian mission decided Tuesday to make, |, But persistence in use of such government-supported butter in market for domestic products. a Affairs Minister oil to U.S. markets. SIUDY AUVOCATED 2 Somplete inspection of the pres-|| ht invite retaliation/Canada was 63 cents a pound in| "The consequence of these two . enator Croll spoke on a mo- \ 3 gue nian the last quaFter of 1950, com. |facts 1s that the dairy industry| It said the Canadian govern-| AMBOTlies way that eller o,'s, senator William M. Walll Meanwhile, all snow Has been I Canadian farm earnings, he told|pared with 50 cents in the United can plan with confidence _to|ment understands the U.S. is €on-|Cynauian consideration of build.|(l: -- Manitoba) = advocating ajremoved from the arena roofs in I "the Ontario Concentrated Milk|States and 36 eents in Denmark. (supply the Canadian market but sidering replacing present volun- study of inflation by the Senate|Brantford, Paris and Simcoe, and : ing an oil pipeline to Montreal : : 1 lieved to be 1 f : | ~Producers' Association. The average price of cheese in must very largely eonfine its pro-|tary oil import eurbs with a sys- |; surplus Alberta crude standing committee on finance, all are believed to be in safe con SWP House Paint ds Canada was 34 cents a pound, the|duction to the needs of that mar-(tem of mandatory restrictions. : with power to summon witnesses dition. l | ji stan same as in West Germany, but|ket.". Mandatory controls '"'would be BEING UNDERSOLD and documents. The debate re-| At Drumbo, 12 miles northwest, I " [ up against drenching "acom: higher than the 32 cents in the The Canadian trend was to.jeven more disturbing to Canada| Tye existing restrictions have sumes later. of here, Mr. and Mrs, Henry) oh rains, sand storms, and Pe the extent to which we engage U.S. and the 28 cents in Aus. ward a reduction in dairy farms(than would a system of Voluntary| not Jed to a sharp curtailment of| Senator Gunnar S. Thorvaldson|Dielman arrived Bome Tuesday relentless heat. Ja trade practices to which otheritralia. but larger individual herds. Dur-|controls of similar effect," it;. Canadian oil market in the|(PC--Manitoba) said such a Sen- after a holiday in Florida to in | . ing the 1951-56 period, the mum-(said. U.S. Canadian exporters are be-|ate study would only attract a Hur Foense eoligpsel se | : SWP colors are formu- ber of farms keeping. dairy eows| NEW POLICY. IN MARCH ing undersold by cheaper oillflock of conflicting views. It? heavy 0 lated, controlled and was reduced to 398,000 from 455,- from' the Middle and Far East. [could not be carried out in a | : . Y Present curbs, under » and Far Fast. tested Salar Increase 000. U.S. importers'are asked to Canadian exports dropped to $73,- month or two but would require S avage Shoes Bu | : Toast ¥o give sparkling MAY END KICKBACKS import. of Canadian ell voluntar.|700.000 last year from $141.000,000|from one to three years by "a g Y 913 Yo your home for in 1957. years Everett M i i ing But the American eurbs, say . . Scott, McHale Ltd. . or u ges Ss producers that rs policy of price. Boa dE d Canadian officials, had a bad Canadian Vickers LONDON, Ont., (CP) -- Purl Nt You can paint your own blending er price-pooling" would IQ LINGOISeS prychological effect on the Cana: chase of Scott and McHale Ltd. |} home easily and quickly @EIGNIORY CLUB, Que. (CP), The council permitted report-(enable the producer to 'get Sch Nar 5 uy Samoenisg. su. Nets $1,085,289 of London, manufacturers of,' --see your local "Fhe eouncil of the Canadian Bariers to attend that the 2W2Y 'from some of the under. : ool Norms pace of exploration and develop-| MONTREAL (CP) -- Consoli- Me" ® Shoes. by Savage Shue sw P dale for free r » information. Association called Tuesday for i hich dealt with the sal hand, hypocritical and disturbing ment. dated net income of Canadian The Savage Shoe Co. has Six Whitby Hardware, Harry D, Wilson, "Smamediate action by the federal cash -kick-backs." : OTTAWA (CP)--Ottawa board American officials have said|Vickers Ltd. for the fiscal year Tuesday: Jovem to increase the salar- i Sa she first Yee in the BL Biggs cited instances in the ol, control i endorsed a Peter-\poy have to take into consider-|ended Nov. 30, 1958 was $1,085, SFB GL -- Galt-| Whith : us of Supreme Court judges. Aol The Sole at the|fluid milk industry of under-the- orough ¢ ity council resolution ation the position: of other ofl-|289, compared to $1.766756 for iactories a EP is ao Plaza, Brock St. §., 23 King Street West, x ing Ad Keily bers aid they Malties to Mem. tle poi] emir lie li of ro or 0 Lo ripen rich friends, such as Venezuela the previous vear, it was an- iii igh adi Whithy; Ontario Oshawe, Ontario. ® 8 reso ur Ke ; ; ing sys- los 4 as well as Canada. nounced Tuesday. : Drapak Hardware in - Toronto who told the meet. Public sition directed to the sal-{tem the pgs lh fh of i a epiicition for seine) The Soumpany said "operations | "= in Canada, 124 Wilson Rd., South High liq; "V4 4s mot possible for a judge "We must get across ito the Would. mot "feel any particular Mayor George Nelms said $144 200 School ie Hy His Rigg 8 or Doh: Jnteve, Dthgws, Onegrias 4s Canada to properly live and public the way Canada is treat. Allegiance to any plant. {Tuesday such a procedure would Ld chase of capital goods for the McCullough Lumber Co. Ltd. 'raise a family on the salary he Ing its judges," Mr. Kelly said. Under a plan suggested by Mr. help reduce the ever-growing cost Contract Bw ded heavy industries." SOUR STO MACH 1270 Simcoe St. North, 'receives today. The position of He said the $10,500 salary of Biggs, production facilities and of classrooms. ; ar Oshawa, Ontario. ur salary - wise, has|county court judges was also|'N® wuality of milk woilld be im-| . United Kingdom Education] LONDON, Ont., (CP)--Contract Pokiok . woman says: 'After {steadily deteriorated." "unrealistic." proved, present distribution Minister Geoffrey Lloyd in a re-|{for a $144,200 central school in STOCK MARKET taking ~~ Morissey's Stomach Pet us "he $16,000 areas. would be enlarged, "or|cent visit to Ottawa said costs|McGilli Tonic | am not troubled "a * Mr. Kelly said the § sal-| Paul P. Hutchinson of Montrealleventually done away with en-|were cut to half in Britain by|awsided to D.C Boras, ren NET EARNINGS more with sour stomocn;. In V4 Ron [eH pref itavtaeray in GC WED > =n A> ------ ---- = -- > GE aE" tens Supreme Court judge to- the pen: for |tirely" N B mle - pede worth as much as the is tled ny pis be- ire wo > Miputiation sys-ithe Sdoption of standard types:of struction Co. of Sarnia. has also made me eat better. | SME |S | smear] i i i proved. schools. The new eight - s B i CAN. \ SS § J " 000 judges received prior tolfore the last increase in 1935] A producer association" would "It seems to me we could gain|will be located in West eC. rR La rpg i $2.00 per Bottle san ¢ - RES First World War. Increases when Supreme Court judges were control th i i e raw product, trans- much by followi the United ray and will : 3 J had not kept raised from $14,400 and eounty tien and . eetting- | Y ng ray and will replace 10 existino(Dec. 31: 1958, $369.304, $3.69 on | For sale at all Drug Stores end $14, jsorta wp of Kingdom's exatople,"" Mr. Nelms scheols which will either be s0ld|100.000 common shares; 1957 Qrug Counfen 2 costs. jeourt $udges 'from $8.000. quotas. [ata 4 joe end far community prrnaees '$3848 388. $302 on 0% Esl | on Sao Nd