The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1959, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wadniodey, Moreh 4, 1999 § 150 Residents Receive Tax Rate Set At 57 Mills Again WHITBY and DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office: 111 Dundas St. West Tel. MO. 8-3703 Manager: Lloyd Robertson Whitby has done i again! For New Canadians Are Addressed By Pastors In two ceremonies, 150 Whitby, Oshawa and district residents be- came new citizens of Canada as they swore an oath of allegiance and received their citizenship! certificates. The ceremonies were conducted by Judge John Prit- chard, in the Ontario County Court, at Whitby, on Tuesday. On hand, to add color to the swearing-in, were two officers of the RCMP, from Toronto. De- Uvering addresses, following the presentation of certificates were Father Alfred Quesnelle, assist- ant pastor at the Church of St John the Evangelist, and Rev. John M. Smith, pastor of the Whitby United Church. Following the ceremonies at the county building, all new citi- zens were welcomed by ladies of the Viscount Greenwood Chapter of the IODE, and invited to tea at the United Church hall where la- dies of other IODE chapters were hostesses. In the morning, 75 received certificates and Father Quesnelle addressed the group. | "As new Canadians you take the rights and privileges to live in Canada and respect the laws therein." "Through life, privileges may be met from time to time and problems surmounted. This can be likened to a ladder which one climbs; you climb up but, you also come back down," he went on. "Yesterday a little was expect- ed of you, but today you arp a new citizen and a little more is expected of you." "In welcoming new citizens we are intermingling cultures from many lands which can do much for our Canadian way of life, "Love thy neighbors," so say the scriptures and this was never more true than when applied to the new citizens who will find a key for happiness in this teach- ing. "If you will learn to attach yourself to something more noble and greater than you, much hap- piness can be found. "Your lives may have had new Canadian citizens were sworn in, with Judge Pritchard congratulating them on their new citizenship, cautioning them that| they now held a great responsi-| bility in their hands. Rev. John Smith, of Whitby United Church, addressed them. thing to be thought lightly of and then forgotten, it is a strong bond of responsibility and a seri- ous matter," he said. "To renounce allegiance to the country that has given one birth is a formality that can not be easily erased," he stated, "and we can all well be proud of the fact that we are Canadians. "Canada offers many hopes with its rapidly growing in- dustrial might." "Taking thc oath is not a little|, the fifth year in succession, the town's tax rate has been lower- ed. This year, rates for indu - irial and commercial properties were dropped .4 mills while residential rates held the line of 57 mills, Industrial rates this year will be 60.4 mills, The 1959 mill-rate came out u a lengthy meeting of the inance committee, col sed of chair and opened the meeting|the -entire council, coi with prayer. night. When the paring had been Reports were given by the|completed, Town Clerk John secretary, Mrs. J. Goddard, and Frost was aware that taxes thi the treasurer, Mrs. Don Gib<on.|vear will raise $898,191.85 but Arr ts were said that it would take some the coming tea to be held June hours to compute exactly how 16, conveners to be appointed atimyuch has been assigned to each of the various departments of government, The 1959 rate is made up as foliows: For Public Schools, 16.95 mills; for High School, 9.85 mills; for County of On |tario, 8 mills; for general government, residential rate. 22.20 mills; and for general government, industrial, 25.60. The total budget for the year is the largest in the history of the town, $1,267,178.47. To off- set this, the town exnects re-| Evening Guild ans June Tea The All Saint's Anglican Church Evening Guild Branch held its regular meeting last Monday at the Church Hall. The president, Mrs. J. Crawforth, was in the a later date. The s were T that a lenten service is being held every Thursday morning and evening at the All Saints' Angli- can Church, everyone urged to attend. Mrs. B. Stinemiller was welcomed as a new member. The meeting closed with prayer and a social half-hour followed with refreshments served by Mrs. Ron Hawkins and Mrs. C. Watson. indeed "In order to be a good citizen," Rev. Smith added, 'one must know the principles that govern venues, including subsidies from senior governments and reba'e BOWLING NEWS line this year. the assessment climbed from $12,000,000 in the past year to $15,000,000, Included in the budget is a new fire truck and a new five- tone truc' to be used by the streets department, High School H&S Plans Joint Meet An executive meeting was held at the Whitby Disirict High School last Monday evening with the president of the Home and School Association, Mrs. A. S.|land Creek. McLean, in the chair. Bob Cornelis Beyersbergen, Plans were discussed for the 1618 Brock street south, Whitby. forthcoming joint meeting of the, Alois Ludwig Boos, 82 Athol Whitby District High School and|gtreet east, Oshawa. Colborne Street Home and School] yyonne E. O. and Jan Willem Associations to be held at theipogeh 14 Roosevelt Ave., Ajax. High School on Wednesday Bernardus A. Bouwmelster, March 11 at 8 p.m. 1710 Dufferin street, Port Whitby, Guest speaker for the evening) 'zofija and = Henrikes But w e MacCormac mythe, i Assistant Registrar of the Uni. kevielvs, 123 Gibb street, Osh versity oronto, who will give id an account of the various courses| c Jeonats ad J sscton Ti ec and bursaries available at o ge eoria » University. uestion and| 3 I TS Dion Bain Ror Ha it istric e Sobel he oie will enterton ter Dally, 243 Wilson road south, Following is a list of the 150 citizens who were sworn in as Canadians, on March 3: Hilda and Oskar Aberman, 700 John street west, Whitby. v Valentino R. Afonso, 25 Divi- sion street, Oshawa. Jadwiga and Witold Aksiuczye, 883 Ritson road south, Oshawa, William Andrey, 742 Ritson road south, Oshawa, Maria Baxter, PO Box 60 High- on road expenditures from the our every action, have a solid foundation of the laws of the land and live by them, day by day." "Being citizens, you are pro- tected by these laws and the officers who enforce them, but county to total $368,986.62, AY-NT LEAGUE FRID, TERS To enable the town to hold the Ruby Spanner and Jack Scott under the direction of Mr. D, Oshawa. Clntchey. There will be a door, Dietrich Willhelm Dammann, prize, '207 Drew street, Oshawa. were the stars of Fridav night's session Ruby had a 290 single and 667 triple. Jack came up with a new high single of 365 Father Quesnelle pointed out| hardship, distress and fear of the great responsibility placed/the unknown which probably af- on the heads of anyone receiving|flicted you when you first came citizenship, both spiritually and|to this land. Now you are citi worldly. |zens you are not alone in an un- "There are many duties and known land, for it is your duty privileges to citizenship but itjand privilege to make yourself brings a glow of pride and hap-(known and thereby be an in- piness to know that one has|fluence on other people. You also achieved the goal which may have a duty to your new country have taken many months to|to exert your influence on your come this far," he sald. children and make known to "Perhaps you may understand|them the great ce and more fully the responsibilities|responsibility that lies in the that go with citizenship when I|oath of allegiance you have taken quote from the 1st Command-|this morning." ment, and also from Commandment," he said. the 2md| During the afternoon session of with you in ICounty Court, an additional 75|lives," Mr. Smith ended. you must remember the laws that are set up to protect you, are also set to protect your neighbors from you." In ending Mr. Smith left them with one additional thought, due in Canada depends on severa basic rules which boiled down, |Shearer, 640. pas stand for good character, hard 2 Te: Ron ling, work and some play. As you ac-| yr ers, 228: Mar 'MaLcan. 284} cept these rules, so will your itl. | Hers, 'Brown LB 200: Bill zenship grow, and develop until, oor '563. Roly Pye, 218: Bill OU are distinguishable part| pyiiton, 211; Marion Graham, Ol RDacimn ue 4 go|200, 202. 251: Jack Scott, 365, ay ess you and 20/996. Bill Grylls. 232; Dink Bye, your individual 90,' 990 214: Bill Snelgrove, 218: Robert Simpson, 221, 248; Ed and a 752 triple. 600 triples: Fred Stevenson, 606; Ruby Spanner, 667; b Samanski, 602: Robert Simpson 627; Marion Graham, 653; Jack Scott, 752: Dink Bye, 728; Bill Reserve Judgment In Tire Theft Charge Judgment has been reserved|ness who told the court that he for one week in the case of a/had been riding with Runions Whitby man, Donald Runions, 23, |near the KIL plant in Ajax on charged with stealing a truck|Jan. 22 when they had spotted wheel and tire from his former the tire and wheel at the side employer in Ajax. Evidence wasof the road. He said that Runions heard on Tuesday before Magis-|'had put the tire in his vehicle trate Frank Ebbs in Whitby and driven on to work. police court. The atcused also testified that {from Toronto where she has/Marg O'Neill, 89. Hutchinson, 236: Nancy Carter, 224; Al Fry, 204; Ross Spencer, 231: Bert Hutchinson, 229; Audrey Parish, 209; Fred Stev- PERSONALS enson, 206, 226; Rubv Spanner, 290; Ab Samanski, 215, 200. Lemon League: Marg Devere, Miss Marjorie Williams of 83; Glenna Kirkwood, 99; Sheila Jury and Lovell has returned|Gordon, 90: Vera Pre. 83, 87; Black WHITBY been attending a school of beauty| Third Section Winners: and fashion held at the Royal Labels. York Hotel under the direction of | WHITBY AND DISTRICT Miss Grace: Sls. MEN'S LEAGUE An informal wedding took Wednesday Section place in the Manitoba Room of| Ramblers, 2; Bathurst No. 1, the Roval York Hotel, Toronto,|1; Bathurst No. 2, 3; Firestone, Saturday when William 0; All Sweets, 2; Old Sailors, 1; Dunnies Open Playoffs With 4-0 Win At Home Cornwall team. They had a full club for this game including their big ace defenceman Bingo Ernst. They had Lou Crowdis in goal and Rene Pepin up front, f% They all played very well and gave the Dunnies a real battle right to the final whistle . . . Many of the fans remarked to us after the game that it would have only taken a slight break for the visitors and they might have scored a number of goals. How- ever Hendegson played one of his best games in some time as he stopped 26 shots Chatted with manager Wren Blair after the game, and he was saying how well pleased he was with the play of Fred Etcher. Wren has been after Etcher of late to try and help him shake his scoring slump, And from the play last night he appears to have found By CLIFF GORDON Whitby Dunlops opened their Eastern Ontario Sr. A semi-finals here last night with a 40 win over the Cornwall Chevies, It was a typical playoff game with § very close hard checking: The Dunnies opened up fast and scored in the first minute of play as Fred Etcher scored the first playoff goal at the .29 second mark. The second game of the series is slated for Cornwall on § Thursday night with the third one back here on Saturday night. ¥ Etcher led the Whitby attack in last night's game with two goals and one assist. Geo. Samo- lenko and Gordie Myles each scored once. Long John Hender- son, in the Whitby net, came up with a number of terrific saves in the game to earn his shutout. ¢ Lou Crowdis in the Chevies' net § 4 was also at his best as he turned (hid aside several sure labeled mark- y on, look out ... the k, 'h e Justh, and on Jecher i, eet north, Oshawa. "4 1 travel to Cornwall on Thursday] 400 Fairleigh Ave, Oshawa. _ |Oshawa, on Ildebrando De Filippis, 645 Ox-| Ivan Nosowenko, RR 1, Brook- ford street, Oshawa. lin, ' Johannes and Aalke De Jong,| George Omelanchuk, 308 Osh- RR 2, Whitby, awa Blvd, south, Oshawa. 8 Jan and Wilhelmina M. Den| Karl Pakosta, 404 Lakeview Boer, RR 2, Port Perry. Ave., Oshawa, 7 Francesco Paolo DePalma, 16| Taimi and Matti Palokoski, 339 Elgin street east, Oshawa, Drew street, Oshawa, , Lieuwe and Tietje DeVries, Gerrard road, RR 3, Oshawa, Lillian and Kark Dubyna, 108 Hunter street, RR 3, Oshawa. Vincenzo Ferrara Viucenzo, 502 Simcoe street south, Oshawa. Rudolf Froschl, 80 Admiral road, Ajax, : August Gjerkes, 317 Gliddon Ave., Oshawa, Franciszek Glodek, 627 Somer- ville Ave., Oshawa. Ella and Karl Gross, 1107 Cloverdale Ave., Oshawa, Willem Roelf and Maalke Haan, Courtice. Gertrude and Ernest Hauk, 330 Athol street east, Oshawa, Warner Heimsath, RR 1, Pick- ering, Elizabeth and Michael Hlywa, 587 Wilson road south, Oshawa. Richard Hofer, Narrows Motel, Atherley. Else J. A, Christina T. R,, Jansje D., and Teunis Hoger waard, The Manse, Sebright. Petronella G, H., Jawny, B17 Brock street, Whitby. Aniela and Wladyslaw ~Justyn- ski, 524 Dieppe Ave., Oshawa. pada X emperle, General Ignacy and Genowefa Suchor- Barbara and Marian Klocek, 27 sd, 425 Bloor street east, Osh- Karol Szewerda, 842 Byron Kent street, Ajax. Hermanus Kloosterman, 112 St. street north, Whitby. Leander Trantau, Glenview Lawrence street, Whitby. Anna and Richard Konrad, 80 road. Plekering. Marinus Henricus Van Admiral road, Ajax, Oetelaar, RR 1, Whitby, Maire Lyydia and Martti Kor- pela, 767 Beaupre Ave., Oshawa. Anna W. C. Sebastttinus M: Van Der Laan, 715 Phillip Murray Jacob Klaas Koster, 98 Park road south, Oshawa. 4 avenue, Oshawa, 814 Brock| "yan Van der Luit, $18 King Taekele and letje Vanderwal, Beatrice Koster, street south, Whitby, ~ street east, Oshawa. 917 Dundas street west, Whithy, Cornelia Jacoba Van der Zwet, G. Nijland, RR 8, Marianne W.' Pancegrav, #1 Rideout street, Ajax. ? 4 Wolodymyr Palanczuk, 180 ° Park road south, Oshawa, = Maria and Mykyta Paplyk, 819 Ritson road south, Oshawa, . . Gerardus and Maria A, Pes nings, 214 Hallett avenue, Whitby Maria Mathalde Plewna, (147 Elgin street east, Oshawa, Eugenia Poulos, 750 King street east, Oshawa, Sebastiano Quartarone, 179 Co lina street, Oshawa, . Hendrica Petronella and He: bert Cornelis Rig, RR 1, Port Perry. Silvi and To Robi, 460 Eulalle avenue, Oshawa, Kazimierz -i Grierson street, Oshawa, Josephina Rutten, Brock road south, Pickering. Stefan Semen, 128 Elgin street east, Oshawa. Michele Sirizzotti, 368 Pine ave nue, Oshawa. Sofia and Kazimierz Smiglickl, Oakwood drive, RR 8, Pickering. Oswald Sponer, 1052 Beaufort avenue, Oshawa. den Gertrude Kozlowski, 831 Hortop street, Oshawa. 449 Mont- 74 Oshawa boulevard north, awa. Iwan Kozyryazky, rave Ave., Oshawa. Natalia ud Jaa Krane, 101 Ad- miral road, Ajax. Uk, Anna and Jerzy Kuczynski, I: id and Marten. "Ves Silver street, Oshawa, Martinus Gerardus Van Kessel, Erna and Vincent Kuraitis, 339)115 johnson avenue, Whitby. Elmgrove Ave, Oshawa. ' Ardina Johanna G. and Petrus Maria Van Kessel, RR 1, Port Michael Lahoda, 55 Montrave Perry, Anna Maria J. and Arnoldus Ave., Oshawa. Dirk Langerak, W. Van Leeuwen, 212 Ritson road south, Oshawa, 10% Simcoe Herta Margarete and Gerhard Lehmann, RR 2, Port Perry, Canadian Citizenship " RE TOT TRIER , n, an employee|that was where he had found last of Bg. Alex, fold the tire. He claimed that he had|Lawler Hatch. son of Mr. and|Canucks, 2; Black Angels, 1; the court that he had purchased|told Ajax police this and they| Mrs. Clive Hatch, of Whitby, Oshawa Wood Products, 3; Mill. a truck tire in } ber from had refused to believe him and was united in marriage to Miss/work Builders, 0; Alsco, 3; B a Pickering wrecker for $25. On he had then told them he had | Laura Heather Mackay, daughter|and R Transport, 0; Jokers, 2; the morning of Jan. 23, he said,| purchased it in Toronto. of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Fitz-|Munns Press, 1; Grand Union, ers. The Dunnies outshot the Chevies 42-26 in the game, The season mow over and the big games coming up saw the Dunnies ready and willing to mix "seis night for the second game and then play back here on Saturday night, Tickets for the Saturday night's game go on sale at 12 noon on Friday ... The three star selections have been discon- tinued for the playoffs, SUMMARY 1st Period 1. Whitby: Etcher (Treen, Samolenko) 29 Penalties: Ted O'Connor 1.51, MacMillan 10.46. 2nd Period Scoring: None. Penalties: Goyette 3.58, 10.40. Period street, Oshawa. Daria and Ewhen Matwijecky), RR 1 Goodwood. Francesco M, Molica Lazzaro, 103 Chestnut street west, Whitby. Tamara Nelipa, 421 Byron street north, Whitby. Adrainus Cornelius and Corne- lia P. M. Van Lith, 308 Highland avenue, Oshawa. : Ivan Verbanec, 631 Brock street - north, Whitby. 4 Jozef J. M. and Adriana M. M. Voe! dis. boulevard north, Oshawa. Rejuhaid Weigel, 449 Finueape street, awa, 3 Margot Mathilde Weindorfer, 576 Finucane street, Oshawa. . Margot D. Marlikowski, RR 2| Maria Catharina and Ji Anderson street, Whitby. Iiasper Wensing, 707 P. le M street west, Whitby. No . asquale Mastrangelo, 20 Mill| Sots Beth' and Adam Werner Wittig, 125 Easthaven street, Osh- awa. i Johanna and Cornelis . Wuls, RR 2, Burketon. Jacoba Yourkevich, 31 Drew street, Oshawa. Antoni and Edwarda Zielenkle- wicz, 283 Malaga road, Oshawa, Christos Lemonidis, 110 Ash street, Whitby. Pasqualina and Richard Len- czewski, 286 Frontenac Ave., Osh- awa, Hans Loch, 34 Forest road, Ajax, Anna Locmells, 110 Chestnut street east, Whitby. Anna and Mikolas Maksy- myszyn, 816 Douglas street, Oshawa. FRED ETCHER get a goal as once again the work of Henderson and Crowdis was remarkable. George Igary where residence. 3rd 2. Whitby: Myles (Kane, Smith) 3. Whitby: Etcher (Ted (O'Connor, Attersley) .. 6.33 4. Whitby: Samolenko (Etcher, Attersley) .... 16.31 he was about to leave on a trin] He admitted telling Wilcox patrick of Scarborough. Canon 2; Has Beens, 1. it up. The locals lost no time in Seack the Marshall officiated at the cere- getting into the scoring way as| The Dunnies unleashed the is and | the that he had found the tire near Jet ho Fw BR RR BRR big He said that a tire and judgment. Stark, 728; Harold Huntley, 726/mark, Etcher was the trigger|as they gave Crowdis in the visi- in the court looked. like the tire Mrs. Vernon Coulter, of (329): Bob Villeneau, 715 (356): man on the goal and it came be-tors' "A a very rough time of he had purchaced and was miss- ' Harold Sweet, 704; J. Dixon, 701|fore the game was a full half-|it. The locals had their passes nions had Fi Y th $25 home after spening a week as| "qi. an' emplovee at Federal ne ou the guest Mr. and Mrs, Singles over 250: Norm Bag-|clubs checked very close with the|frame and they appeared to be Packaging, on the midnight . Richard Seaborn, of Anderson nell, 204: Ken Corners, 292: Billlresult the play was even. The|more relaxed. Myles started the shift, at the time the tire was For Purch asing [r= h Hayes, 286; D. Frayne, 282; A.|period ended 1-0 for Whitby. ball rolling followed by Etcher missed Smball, 276; Doc Dafoe: 275;|" The second period was a realland Samolenko. in that order. At- wrecker, told the court of sell-l An Ajax youth was fined $25 children of Mr. and Mrs. George comb, 272; Tom Ainsworth, 266; ' 0 e to Jackson in Novem-|and costs for purchasing or ob-|Scheell, of Hillcrest Drive, arr/Tom Melvor, 262; Clarence IY DurhILG UP the Ice. Jt Wes res) Bteher $ and Satnioleukos goals and later of seeing Runions|taining liquor while under 21./confined to their home with Moore, 259; Ev Pogson, 253. [ng friends on the other team and Tok CHIPS, This T Ye pa at his place of business on Jan.|Edward Barnaby, 19, of 3|sickness. Their friends wish Thursday Section the body checks were stiff and|rific hockey game. You 2 tn court. He said that Runmions Magistrate Frank Ebbs in Whit- | Credit Union, 2; Aces, 1; Otten- had offered to sell the tire and|by police court on Tuesday. | al A ae brites, 2: Hefferings Esso, 1; | Munib Nezirevic, 12 Birch cres- wheel for $35 but had accepted] PC Kenneth Edwards, of the| sr |adies last Monday evening County Bowl, 2; Silver Six, 1; : joy, Douglas McNally and were represented at a Leader. (cent, Ajax, | Whitby Police Department, said, baby shower was held in Donald Motors, 2; Dodgers, 1; emperance Dwight Cameron of the Young ship School in St. Paul's United How To Hold Film Shown W. Werry were present at theftette of which Jeanine and Grant Sunday school rally in Ashburn are members was invited to sing church Sunday evening. | Mr, and Mrs. E. Maidman, Mr, The couple left for Cal. big final and ii Pot ort aeeaed' ts establish| (272); Reed, 73 : lenko and Attersley found the ped home three a ioy goals Brighton, h rned ng. He sald that Ru kas Yet to her| 7s) minute old. From here in both|working much better in the final Charles Wilcox, Pickering | Gail, Brickley and Michael Glen Doake, 275; Ben Hands-|scorcher with both teams literal-|tersley picked up assists on 2S with a tire similar to the one|Beatty St. was convicted bv them a speedy recovery. Coca Colas, 2; Old Sweats 1:often. Neither team managed to'really see the difference in the He sald Runions. explained that|that on Feb. 18 he had checked s "ravelle| Club Bayview, 2; Mowat's BA, People's Class and Mr. and Mrs, (Church, The Ontario county quar- he had found the tire near Port|a car in a hotel parking lot and houor J an Wh Searels 1; Fireman, 3; Spencers Car gk fe Hope two months previously and| found Barnaby and two others; vei git The hostess served Market, 0; Red Wings, 3; FALSE TEETH had been unable to locate the|in the vehicle. He sald he could gainty refreshments. | Amateurs, 0. MISSED PAPERS owner. |smell liquor in the car and took Triples of 700: Myrle Reeson, CHURCH OFFICERS |and Mrs, E. Parks, Mr. and Mrs. More Firmly in Place James Mitchell, an employee all three to the police station. | 797 (293): Don Walker, 796 (297): By MRS WILLIAM WERRY Chairman of the Committee of B: Hitchens attended an Appre- IN WHITBY r false teeth annoy and em- Do you barrass by slipping, dropping or wob- bling when you eat, laugh or talk? Just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. This alkaline (non-acid) powder holds false teeth more firmly and more comfortably, No gummy, , PAStY taste or feeling. Does not . Cheaks ""piate odor" (denture breath), Get FASTEETH today at any drug counter. of Avery's Service Station. told| There, he said, he found a : / ciation dinner f S eT he Tn pa 2] strong i OF Laur ng) Baraaly | Stewards of Kedron church for|clation dinner for Scout Leaders tire similar to the one in court] Col. William Middleton said Dick Adams, 748 (209); Don| po, "BH Tove, in his sermon Nurses Alumnae [Dick Adams. 78 2 | ucke, Ni Ble, a Hen, "God's Love Abides Forever."|1959 is J. Francis; Secretary is" Oshawa Saturda. ; i Pence: made mention of the solo "The Mr. A. Wood; Treasurer, H.| Mr. and Mrs. R. Werry, Toron- . from Wilcox. |that he also examined Barnaby| To Aid At Part [713 (264); Doug Rowden, 705 i : i { ehson PC Robson, of the Ajax Police|and could smell a very stoong| The Whitby Ontario Y ita] (278); Jim Ross, 703 (257). Lorg = ih ng 2nd my Salva. Crossan; wooirman, _Property|(%, AG as were Department, said hat he hadiodor i some alcohol on his Nurses' Alumnae meeting pra Singles over 250: Bill Brown wy Sung ny sR Hoses with Sommitiag, W Snowden; Conven C8 rats R, Boaverion Hep uestion unions about the|breath. 7 ou 318; Al Hepburn, 204; Doug| , v yh Hid * : ' : 2) re and had been fold first that| Barnaby, taking the stand,|ncd last Monday Jvening at the yen, 202; B Lehman. 29: Roe| A fine temperance film was| PERSONALS C.F. Werry, he had found the tire and wheel|denied consuming any beer or|micc Elsie Fernle pres ided Spencer, 286; C. Sarles, 275;|Shown during the Sunday schooll Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Van, beside the road. liquor that evening but admitted over tne roeetien menor coded Tom Perrow, 267: Bill Jordan [hour with Mrs, B. Starr narrator. Monsjou, Hans and Peter moved| PAY AIR VICTIMS KIN Later, he said, Runions had/in cro s-examination by Crown|given po the le oris Wore 264; Bob Green, 260; Jim Sles-| Lhe offering was received by|to Montreal on Friday . VANCOUVER (CP)--A $50,000 changed his story and claimed|Attorney Alex. C. Hall, QC, that BS y an € cor, 256: Roger Reeson, 256: Bonnie Dyck and Bruce Gagnon.| Lyal Nobue's mother and broth. settlement by Trans-Canada Air that he had bought the tire in he did, on occasion, consume. | : [Mike ~ Anderson, 254: Charlie] Walter Davis was February er, of Bobcaygeon, visited here Lines as compensation for the Toronto before sellin it to Wil-| His Worship convicted Bar-| A letter was received from cawdon, 253: Frank Kanpy, 252: teacher of the adult Bible class.|during the weekend. |death of one of the 62 victims of _cox. Deputy Chief George Dunn naby and Mr. Hall warned him|the Superintendent of nurses Bruce Henderson, 252; Bob MIS. E. Mountjoy was Bible class| Miss Jeanine Werry and Grant the Mount Slesse plane crash also stated that Runions had|that the next offence under the| Miss Helen Whitman, thanking Anderson, 252: Dave Walker, teacher Sunday. Spencer were in Brampton Sat-{Dec. 9, 1956, was made in Sup- told him he had purchased the act would be treated as a third|the group for donations of cor-|251; John Brueckle. 250. Mrs. B. Reeves, Mrs. E. Mount-'urday, when several countiesreme Court Tuesday. your Phone MO 83 If you mave not Times by 7 p.m, Cell BELL TAXI All calls must be placed between 7 end 7:30 p.m. ' I g NOW Medical Science GUARANTEES tof -------- --- STOP...COUGH! wm DR, CHASE | | COUGH REMEDY This new DIRECTED cough remedy travels through your blood stream to the cough con- trol centre--your CG zone--and stops ordinary coughs right where they start. No habit- forming drugs. No harmful after effects. Safe, effective and plearant for children too! : & |at tea and will also choose a This week Norm Hunter will be Ad ed dd Runions, who ably conducted|then be liable to a jail term of|0f the capping of preliminary his 'own' defen led it th 5 student nurses. Also a letter of - ense, called a wit-from three to six months thanks from Miss Mahala Moore Teen Agers Make i on the occasion of her re | tiremen i : . WHITB . | Whitby and District Teenagers|-f Y Mrs. R. A. Richards, in charge held another successful dance in |partment, sent a letler asking night. Charlie Grandy and Bi NOW PLAYING EVENING SHOWS 8-9 P.M. members for donations of hats|Trvine en the door had a Bath FEATURE STARTS 7-9.30 P.M. | ito be held in the recreation hall{to almost fill the hall. Ann|E i - : BY jon March 23 At this event the|Mitchell capably handled the|f Lad LL . | THE BEST-SELLIN me pe B G NOVELOFALLTIME! | re president. Miss Ferniey| The last Friday in March « RT (has been delegated to attend the|heing Good Fridav it was derided a= 3H | => SIDE RLEVATION tire in Toronto. {offence and the accused would|528es and lamps on the who had been presented with a Plans For Spring B R (0) C Phone MO 8-3618 [lof the Occupational Therapy de-/the Whitby Arena last Friday |for the coming "Bonnet Party' time with over 200 going by them Ey 5 . : - wo q TWENTY MILLION READERS MADE 14 : |lady patients will be entertained record playing for the night. back to chance the dises. Sy ts 1 R & i : ~~ Registered Nurses Association |that the 13th of March would be: 1 1 1 I 1 1 | . i |Ontario Convention to be held|set" aside as the night those|§ |at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, (holding membership cards would| | | The remainder of the evening|/be admitted free, N 3 TWO WAYS TO FAST COUGH RELIEF Dr. Chase new D.M.H. cough remedy in liquid or handy tablet form. Your druggist has it--better have it handy, tool HOUSE DESIGNED FOR FARM ECONOMY . . is the house designed | rural areas for $5000 -- or separated by half-len . | § \ -length parti- by Central Mortgage and Hous- | $8000 if there are such basic tions, The house ms 24 | ing Corporation as a low-cost services as electricity and run- feet four inches by 36 feet one 1 previous meeting were read by| Francis William Gerald Pang of the secretary, Miss Mario n/Chibougamau, Que.; Cpl. Ernest | Brome'l, / Babcock, Petawawa, Pte. Henry At the close of the meeting Edgar Crowe, Collingwood, N.S Iwas spent playing games. Re.| Good Friday, March 27, special | freshments were served by Miss|guects will be the '"'Rocketones Miss White, on the traps. i Friday, March 20, the Whitby|| Stud ABlask Rt annual carnival and no| Y a | Teen Dance will ba held that | oe night. The Toronto Skating Club F E Auxiliary Meet (over so let's have as many | {Teenagers as nossible out to | regular monthly meeting last] E Monday evening at the home of| 4 Canada Soldiers NO ON DARE v lldent, Miss Laura Pellow, was in 3 3 Fi mn D the chair. The devotional was in Iniured By Mine LM LL NOW! son. assisted by Miss Irene|dian soldiers were, injured Sun- Barker. Fay when .a mine exploded under + m ANTHONY MANN once mms was led bv Mrs. Richardson, Aldesert, army headquarters said ROB ON ALDD PAY ac em discussion perind followed on the |Tuesday. a 0 no out it Sorargroy by PHILP TORDAN: Suunto sot bs atv nt, ERSIONE OALIWELL TE Whitman, Miss Picking and/With Whitby's own Don McDuff] | Kiwanis Clvh is holding the is helping to pnt this carnival The United Church Sr. Even. help put the show over. (= |ing Auxiliary WMS held its --t-------- -- Miss Florence He-rd. The. presi- charge of Mrs. L. F. Richard] OTTAWA (CP) -- Four Cana- ADULT ENTERTAINMENT A The study period on '""Alaska' (their scout car in the Egyptian ribo study book, The minutes of the! They were identiifed as: Pte.| Til Tse 0 L0H MORON AY SUN EL WESTON Sd . vudant ty SINEY HARMON project for rural arcas. Works ning water. The nouse com- | inch. The S i ! 0) r i r. n . plans are available | Minister Green says the three- | bines the living, dining and kit- from CMHC for $10. i a resiumenty were served by|and Pte. James Franklin Gordon, | I Victoria. bedroom house can be built in chen areas into one room, each | --CP Photo |g

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