The Oshawa Times, 4 Mar 1959, p. 15

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30--Articles For Sale BARGAINS -- Crome chairs, $4.95; space saver, $14; chesterfield and chair, $29; 4-burner HD stove, $30; dresser, $14.50; wardrobe, $15; sewing machine, $12 and $17; bed and spring, $9; 21" TV, $89; rangette, $9 and $17; tape » 2-speed, $89; accordion, $18 and $85; refrigerator $49; washing machine, $25. Also many more bar- gains, see them at Community Furni- "58 PONTIAC Strato Chief, low mileage, |ture Store, 19 Prince' Street Phone RA RA 3.9410, 5218-1131 MEAT counters and meat scales. Apply Buehler's, 12 King St. E., Oshawa, 49 USED television sets, 17" and 21" com- pletely reconditioned. Free 0-day war. ranty on labor and parts. Irvine Ap- pliances, 50 East. SELLING furniture? We'll buy it. Re- fr TV's, planos stoves, etc. For top cash offer, contact 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. TYPEWRITE with the most up-to-date world. R. portable typewriter in the 58432, After 6 p.m. RA 8.6185. 501 peororible, Brice Come tv 397 sim. ELECTRIC refrigerators, all makes, coe Street South, RA 59216. Corporation of the Muni- ay V "Vo Heusen Motor, Arian, trom hh. ioe APPL LL Sachment "bres SAFSK] ing in the whole $50,000.00, 38 MONARCH, tudor hardiop in beau: ELECTRIC ranges, ol makes, com. Ee a er pty ie. os may be determined by tul condition, reasonable. RA 2. edt, pletely reconditioned, 90-day warranty, |ice. RA 8-108] anytime. the Council, and may in moa- 80 Bond . ner hereinafter provided, issue Fo from $39.50, Irvine SKATES, new and used. "Oshawa f HEV, two door, radio, heater, : h nd used. away BL ou > debentures of the Corpor« East. " $1150. One owner, can finance. RA B-| eee , 1 Skate Exchange", Used skates 8180. 49¢| AWNINGS, plain, colors, or gay stripes, ($1 up. New skates $4.95 up. Largest) ation in such sums os the Council may deem proper for a ---------- ------c | PIOTAPS SOTYVIEH, estimates. Order |gelection in town. Drayton Cycle, 204 '46 BUICK, excellent mechanically, now for early delivery. Chair and table Bond Street East. motor overhauled, mew tires $89, 1 rentals. Cleve Fox, 412 Simcoe North.| Lo = of hamsters,| the amount so borrowed, with Bloor Street E. 4%; nGusT selection of used TV, many budgies, turtles, wild bird seed. All at| coupons attached. os provided '52 CHEV. best cash offer. Phone RA with new guarantee at Parkway Tele: pig savings. Sportsman's Corner, 105 in section 4 of the said Agt 8.5451 after 6 p.m. af vision. 918 Simcoe Street North. Byron South, Whitby. Open till 9 p.m. . $5 BUICK Century, automatic trans- WE pay highest price in the eity for | Friday 2. That, subject to section mission, beautiful tutone, with match. used furniture Pretty's Used Furniture |§STEREO, Expert conversion of your 10 of "The lest Drainage ing upholstery, new white wall tires. Store, RA 33271, 444 Simcoe South. _|present HI-FI or tape recorder to] 2 roinog This ear shows | rare. 89 |e saris, Wo HP Totors, #5 | stereo. Sales and service on all Ger| Act, when the Council is of monthiy Van Heusen Motors, 4811 Fp li "lo all wringer type wash. |man and Domestic Hi-Fi and stereo| opinion that the application isi PONTIAC four door deluxe, full lers. Guaranteed washers For Information phone Osh-| of any person to borrow equipment, just like new. 313 French |Paddy's Market, Hampton, MA 3.2085, money for the purpose of Street. 49¢ (Bowmanville, A Teel constructing a tile, stone or '54 FORD half ton. RA 8-0135 or 228 ELECTRIC razor service, cuttin timber drain should be Montraye Avenue. 52¢| heads, cords, etc., attention given to & MODEL 9700 GMC, being wrecked, makes, fast service, Meagher's, 5 King granted in whole or in port, parts for sale or will sell as is. Phone Street West. RA 3.3415, the Council may, by resolu- GUNS, Amimiinition and Juniing Sap. tion, direct the Reeve to plies new and u , For eA if in town see Dominion Tire Store, 48 issue a ehentures or slow. exceeding the amount applied for, and may lend the some to the applicant on the com= pletion of the drainage works. 3. A special onnual rote e RA3q88." = "48 CHEV, good condition, also space ® je ERO A 7 Si Wilson Regd | Bond Street West. RA 5.6511. 4 x Aly 50-PIECE stainless steel flatware, $15; 60-piece dinnerware for 12, never used, shall be imposed, levied ond collected over and above oll other rates upon the land in respect of which the money North after 6 pm. a x $33.62, take over payments. Nothing |gus. ayiomatic tea and coffee maker,|MAN'S Mary Maxim sweater, wild $ Is borrowed, sufficient for the payment of the principal and down, '54 Ford Tudor, yellow, really|g;o: cream and sugar with tray, Bril-|duck pattern, white on grey back, good * mechanically, deepitread {res:|ijum, $3.50; child's feeding table, $10. ground, size 40 $25. RA 52574. 5% opposite" Shopping' Centre. '(RAS338. SMIGNE Phillips TR 3 tape recorder, two ee | EATILATOR, never used, circulates months cid, also one custom radio for '56 TRIUMPH TR 3, new brakes, new "hoa when built into fireplace, Half|'49 or '50 Ford. For information phone racing tires, steel hardtop convertible |, ce g45. Call. RA 8.0351. Sic|RA 51214. 2 e interest as provided by the Act, BY LAW READ A FIRST AND SECOND TIME THIS 6th DAY OF OCTOBER, A.D, 1958. RA 8-5123 tou, Ti , overdrive, Ww tveels Phooe RA 32990 after 7. 52¢| USED furniture -- Chesterfield, kitchen aR LT Wl and et, BY LAW READ A THIRD TIME AND PASSED THIS LIST WITH LLOYD Trae wich bene -- (and bedroom suites, etc. Must be sol A 5 THEN CALL YOUR MOVER '|CADILEAC, js Fletneooa whedan: by Saturday. Best offer. 30 Bircheliffe | oy rn Reminglon _semi-aulo- 23rd DAY OF FEBRUARY, AD. 1959, A A 3.3623, 1 0 530 and seat. White-wall tires, motor over- Avenue, Phone R 2 matic rifle. Reasonable. RA 8-6134. Sle a R 1 E | hauled, hydro-matic transmission, isi WHITE elding gown, foal Jeng, Ei CUSTOM built Hi-Fi set, finest compo, 6-- {car in wonderful condition. $1250 at 9, silk lace net over satin, cula nts, Phone RA 3-2090 after 7. eo state Wanted | Monty's BA service station, 284 Simcoe | Jacket, styled with pearl trimmed col- Ens. an -- WE anxiously require for sale, homes, | Street South. 52f| lar, tiara of pearls and Sequine, Singer y 3 LH State pe lo! Ld sidential sites, out 'of town propertics,| |, NASH Statesman. makes into fravel {Pell pn Foyt Sai ggg [large or small, Don Stradeski, RA 5.1526 beds. Must sell at $650. RA 53181. 47) _"C Rt ---- ttm mma representing Wilson Real Estate, Toron-|'s§ GMC, 500 dump truck, perfect condi-( BUY of the season! At leas some [to. AX. 3.4535. Ition, nylon tires. Can be financed.|and see the Luxurious Gren-Ell Golden RA 5.2156 | Hawk 15%' all mahogany runabout, up- ee | holstered seats, windshield, lights, hard- '56 PONTIAC deluxe fordor, 2000 miles,| 000 and controls, powered by the 60 must sell, can finance, RA 88180, hp Flying Scott. Mounted on O.B, 70, MURRAY ROBINSON, Clerk WM. A. HERON, Reeve SEAL NOTICE CORPORATION OF THE TOWNSHIP OF WHITBY Toke notice that the obove Is a true copy of a By low passed by the Council of the -- Super Deluxe Tee-Nee trailer, 2 this for only $2995. Sangstercral ' run SABYAN MOTOR : a SALES LTD. Township of Whitby on the 23rd doy of February, 1959, about, ed seats, | 88. Hehrs, Sardware: onto) 2 padales and Ed Wilson's, 20 Church Street. L our life jackets. "| USED Frigidai refrigerator, STUDEBAKER - VOLKSWAGEN | S01, Slectric with generator. All (hi | tion. Price 450. Phone RA' 3.404. SALES anc¢ SERVICE 334 RITSON RD. SOUTH OSHAWA, ONT. and all persons are requireg to take notice that anyone who desires to apply to have 1 , the by low or any part there on '59, Otaco commander trailer, No. sc TEL: RAndolph 3-3461 must serve notice icati , 18° and Ke thing more to buy. Only $1748, 18° a FREE ioe sf ee Bed outiit fi 48--Aatomobles Wanted of of his application upon the' 47 --Automoblles For Sale 's8 CHEVROLET, Delray, sedan, 11, 000 actual miles, power glide, like new. $2395. Evenings RA 5-2010. 50f CAR radios instalied, $5 down, $2.50 a week, Dominion Tire Store, 48 Bond Street West. a '50 - '51 CHEVROLET, $250 each or best offer, good transportation, RA 5-6817. 52¢ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, Merch 4, 1959 18+ 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Reol Estate For Sale $1600 DOWN, Six room ranch bungalow, features 3 bedrooms, L-shaped living and dining: room. Beautiful finish ed recreation room. Joseph Bosco, Broker RA 5-9870. §3c $1000 DOWN, houses and bungalows, Prince Street 83231. 45--Real Estate For Sale |45--Real Estate For Sale H. GOLDSTEIN | LLOYD REALTY REAL ESTATE BROKER OSHAWA Sosleet REA 13 BOND ST. E. INSURANCE REALTORS RA 8-5161 OPEN EVENINGS. $700 DOWN $700 $11900 Neat os a pin. 4-room bun- P id ' galow complete with 3-piece Alexandra Park is your bac bath, laundry tubs and forced yord in this large six-room air oil heating. Close to rug brick. home with extra school and bus. Call Sem large garage, paved drive, oil Goldstein at RA 8-5161, after heating and ook trim ond hours at Ra 5-6782. floors throughout. If cdnven- 00 ience and locality is a must, $700 DOWN $7 this is your best buy! Only Insul brick bungalow with 2 $1,500 down. Call Doug. bedrooms. North-west Jes. Hurst -- RA 8-5123. One block to school and one block fo bus. FULL PRICE GIBBON ST. ONLY $4,700. ol ONLY 39.500 : FULL PRICE $10,800 ean four-room bungalow with all conveniences, close brick bungalow in to separate and public schools. tip top condition. 3 bedrooms, Ideal for young ond old large family kitchen, North- couples, Excellent financing. west area. Close to public Call Bill Millar--RA 8.5123. ond private schools and churches. Carries for $50.67 NASSAU ST. monthly (Principal and inter- . FULL PRICE $8,900 est). Call Glen MacKinnon WITH $1,000 DOWN at- RA 8.5161, ofter hours brick house, 3 bed- call RA 8-6750. rooms, full basement, oil : heated, large kitchen and I NHA. Lr ROVED Lo SEC- living room, «and gas range TIONS OF THE CITY. included. For further in- BUILDERS TERMS AVAIL. formation, coll Frank Bamn- ABLE. SPRING IS ONLY 3 oski -- RA 8-5123, WEEKS AWAY. DONT $7,700 ONLY R THE LAST LEAVE IT FO! $1,000 DOWN MINUTE. 53a| 4-room insul brick bungolow on the outskirts, on over V2 acre of land. Easy pay- ments, Coll Art Weinberger --RA 8-5123. Lloyd Realty Ltd. 101 Simcoe St. N. 50--Articles For Sale NEW wood paneled overhead gar door, size 7 x 8'4, reasonable, RA ou. FRENCH door, complete with hard ware and frame, good condition; Two pair drapes, complete with crane. Ap- ply 26 Patricia Avenue. 481 HIGHEST prices paid for used furni- ture, also pols e . Contact Community Furniture Store, 19 Prince Street. Phone RA 8-1131. $50 to $150 ahowance for old tele: ion on a ny new me, Ad miral, Victor or Westinghouse at Park. AR Television, 918 Simcoe Stree! portable air radio '53 52--Legal Notices A BY-LAW TO RAISE $50,000.00 TO AID IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF TILE, STONE OR TIM- | BER DRAINS. The Council of the TOWN- SHIP OF WHITBY, pursuant to The Tile Drainage Act, enacts as follows: 1. That the Reeve may from time to time, subject to the provisions of this By law, borrow on the credit of the NEW ownerbullt (hres - bedroom .|ranch style home, large lot, low pay: ments. Large income home, a money: 1f | maker. Builder's choice--13 acres wil neat home. Seven - room SINGLE , mieely furnished, inlpome on one acre. $4,7000. Farms, lots home, continuous hot water, $6|and others. Call Don Stradeski, RA . Apply 130 Warren Avenue. Slc|s 152, representing Wilson Real Es-|W, McAuley Realtor, 26 LARGE, two - for |tate, , AX 3-4835. RA 32512 Whitby. MO pi Bh . eisige gorator, 3 nae al.|sIX room brick two -storey, ofl heal | npn ToT our present home? Used Road hace 112 aiding and garage, good condition, ATtRUY|;,res are in great demand, we will East, Apartment 4, after 6 p.m. |gireet. Vacant, Only $12,000. Terms. W. |e oieased to give you a free appraisal : ud 51¢| McAuley. Realtor, RA 3-2512, MO 8-323) of vour property. Walter Kocoj, RA TWO furnished single rooms for rent, 4 gentlemen only. Abstainers. Apply 2 : able April 1. Adults preferred, RA 85-4569. matic, tutone green apd white, castom radio, white walls, one owner, $1395, Van Heusen Motors. 48f 's7 PLYMOUTH, tudor, immaculate condition, tutone paint, tires like mew, this one, only $1595. Van H 48f 'ss PLYMOUTH tudor. This car is sharp, tutone blue, white wall tires, custom radio, etc, Priced at only $37 monthly, Van Heusen Moiors. ELS '52 PONTIAC tudor. This is a very popular model, must be driven to be appreciated, no down pay $34 a month. Van Heusen Motors, 48f et eee wii aa---- rope: R ve al h bed- (5 Broker, RA BRICK veneer bungalow, three bed-|5-1732; Joseph Bosco, rooms, tiled bath. Immediate posses- 5-9670. sion. Courtice. RA 3-9995. 4 52¢ SUBURBAN RANCH Lovely 3-bedroom home on a large lot 150 x 330. Teunton Rd. E. ot Harmony. Lorge living room, with stone fire- place, and heatilator. Din- ing room leading to patio. Broadioomed floors. Family sized kitchen with utility room. Full basement, double gorage. Priced to sell, with convenient. terms, SUNSET HEIGHTS 6 year old, one and a half storey, with geroge, ond paved drive. | bedroom and bath down, 2 lerge bedrooms up. Oil heating. $12,900. Reasonable terms. MASSON AT ROSSLAND 6-room, 2-storey, with gor- age. Large living room, with natural fireplace. Full sized dining room. Master bedroom 12 x 14, with double closets. 4-piece tiled bath, and 2- piece down. Large recreation room. A choice location with terms suitable to purchaser. Owner will carry on one mort- goge. OSHAWA BLVD. N. Well maintained 6 - room brick, with garage. New oil furnace, and new roof, Mod- ern kitchen 10 x 13. Hard- wood and tile floors. Priced at $11,900, and owner will carry on one mortgage. McLAUGHLIN BLVD. All in excellent condition, and modernized, 6-room brick. Large living room, with fireplace, dining room, 4.piece tiled bath. Oil heat- ing. Garage. Paved drive. Patio, and nicely landscaped lot. 'W down payment, five room brick alow, hardwood and tile floors, full basement, ho' water tank, laundry tubs, all conveniences, private drive, garage central Jeation, Immediate possession. RA 5-8188. 481 ONE lol, 40 x 103, sewer and water. RA | 8.5897. Ll ONE large, furnished housekeeping table for one or two, laundry room, g facilities and refrigerator. Apply 63 Greta Street. $31 1% HP motor, new, $69; compressor, '85, push-bu ase gun, $60; and many other items at very reasonable prices. Come in and look FOUR rooms, private bath, private en france, immediate possession. 813 Svi- via Street. 8 UPPER duplex, esmtrally Oshawa, available mm: 143 or RA 35-4221. APARTMENT, cosy, central; able. Phone RA 3.3078, NEW brick bungalow, three bedrooms, Apple Hill subdivision. Your chance, $00 a month. Jones Real Estate, RA seh 3 Two partly furnished = housekeeping rooms, sink. Use of washing machine Apply 48 Drew Street, RA 3-4152 after 4 pm. 53 STORE for rent, eentral, ideal location, going concern, tobacco and lunches. all fixtures included. Real money maker for right party, Apply W. C. Hutcheson, 136 William Street East. Apply side en etrance. RA 52173, Bf 44--For Rent WHITBY --one., or two-bedroom apart ments, electrically equipped, balcony. parking, laundry facilities, lockers. Ap- ply 101 Craydon Road, MO 8-4221. THREE - room self-contained apart- merit, heavy wiring, sink, cupboards in kitchen, stove, refrigerator optional Near south GM, available RA 5-3703. 481 FOR rent in Ajax, seven - room house, ehildren welcome. Phone Pickering 119W. Sia THREE unfurnished rooms, heat, lights and water, Phone RA 8-1788. 83f THREE - room basement apartment. stove, refrigerator, washer, dryer, TV $70 monthly 531 located in ately, 'Phone SOLID brick ranch style home, large Tam lot, landscaped, six rooms, bath. Locat- on quiet residential street. § Freder = Avenue. Phone Bowmanville MA 3-5147 FIVE - room bungalow, with three. room basement apartment. North Osh- awa, $11,500. Terms. W. McAuley Real tor. RA 3-2512 Whitby. MO 8-3231. reason- LAST CHANCE AT $12,495 PRICES GOING UP solid brick bunge- tile kit- 6-room, low. Colored ceramic bathroom, Hollywood chens, oil heat. MIKE HREHORUK OR MARY HOBBS RA 5-6569 wa RA El Pp Heinz ' 8.1469 mornings or evenings, Fern 423 Yonge Street, Toronto. SEWING machines, 1959 portables, ex- hibition models, prices greatly reduced. MO 8-4493 Whitby, Va HP electric motor, RA 5-329, USED tires, most all sizes §3 up. B. F. Store. RA 5-4543, 53a ELGIN ST. E. Si 6-room brick home with garage, handy to downtown, oil heating. $10,500.00 with $3,000.00 down. BURCHCLIFF AVE. Large 2-storey home, modernized; large living room. $10,500.00 with $1,000.00 down. ROWENA ST. Income home, 2 kitchens, 3 down, 4 up. $10,500.00 with $2,- 500.00 down. Carries at $85.00 per month. OSHAWA BLVD. SOUTH Duplex -- Hot water heating, aluminum storms and screens, 2 baths, 2 kitchens. $10,900.00 with $2,000.00 down. McLAUGHLIN BLVD. To clean up estate, 6-room, 2-storey home with large living room with natural fireplace, new modern kitchen with pass through to large dining room. Centre holl leads to 3 bedrooms upstairs with 18' x 13' master bedroom, modern bathroom, forced air with oil heating, attached gorage, paved drive, aluminum awnings, fenced rear yard overlooking golf course, plenty of big trees. Listed at $14,900 with $3,000.00 down. VACANT LOT -- Tecumseh St. -- 50' x 109', $2,500. LLOYD METCALF REAL ESTATE 314 Simcoe Street South Dial RA 3-9329 or 5-6551 After 5:30 Diol Joe Maga, RA 5-9191; Lloyd Metcalf, RA 5-6983 in good eon. BABY buggy, light color, dition, RA 56883. 30f outlet, parking facilities, Rossland Road East, RA 5-1310. THREE . room apa private . partment, private bath, heavy wiring, sink, cupboards, $65 montlP, hydro included. 227 King West, RA 9.3204, 53¢ Bch AERA RR TWO - room apartment, with private bath, TV, immediate possession. RA i BARGAINS on kitchen chrome and din- ette suites! Table and four cl hy tone, heat and stain resistant arborite While they last $44.50. Apartment size suites, tubular chrome legs, arborite, strong and durable, $38 Extra large suites, 36" x 60" table, six matching chairs, y styled, let seven piece set $99.95; Free spring fill- ed mattress, with every baby crib. Free mattress with every carriage. High chairs, $7.77. Strollers $4.99. Playpens 88. For quality baby furniture, see ONE furnished housekeeping oom. Ap- ply 206 Marquette Avenue, Oshawa, 53 APARTMENT for rent, four rooms and bath, nicely decorated, close to hospi tal and downtown. Adults preferred. Possession April 1. Phone RA iy OF URGENT ! Spring is just around the corner and we hove clients with spring fever, looking for homes. If you have a bungalow or 2-storey home, now is the time to sell. We offer fast and courteous ser- vice, so give us a call any- time, RA 3.2254. Ozzie Addison, Sales Representa- tive.; Lloyd Ayers, Rearter, ATTRACTIVE three.roomed, _self-con- tained t, TV outlet, washer. Business couple. RA after § "@ ¥WO rooms, ground floor. Day eare for child. RA 8-5873. 22 THREE rooms and bath, heavy duty wiring, near NGM. RA 5.9851. ROOM and board for three men, south of new GM. Apply 737 Gaspe vena, . room apartment, couple enmly. 1B 389 Oshawa Boulevard North, 51f FULLY furnished, two - room (large) apartment, between hospital and down- town, washing facilities, use of phone. Suitable for married couple. 235 Brock West, RA 5-2079. sie LLOYD REALTY RENTAL AGENCY Our fee Is less thon a ve- eancy. only screened ond re- liable tenants. Ll Realty (Oshawa) Ltd. 0) Simcoe St. N. RA 8-5123 For information, and to in- spect coll: LUCAS PEACOCK REALTOR RA 5-4330 Member Oshawa and District Real' Estate Board. 5 Ll SCHOFIELD Insurance Associates Ltd. REAL ESTATE GOOD INVESTMENT PROPERTY 14)4 acres of vacant land located on Rossiend Rd. a ts. ; ET Ry sery stock, market gardening, Owner anxious to sell, Open for offers. Reasonable terms. For further information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5-1726. ROSSLAND RD. 7-room, very modern brick 2-storey home, with attached garage; located close to North Simcoe School. Fedtur- ing 4 bedrooms, large living room with natural fireplace, family size dining room, kit- chen with oll modern con- veniences. 4-pc. bath up end 2-pc. on main floor. Large completed rec-roorm. For further - information, please call Bill McFeeters, evenings, RA 5-1726. EXTRA NICE S-room brick and stone- fronted bungalow snuggled in a secluded quiet location but having all city services. A choice privately built 3- bedroom bungalow with ex- tra large sunny kitchen. A low cost home to suit the most discriminating buyer. Full price $12,500, terms. Call Henry Stinson, even- ings, RA 5-0243, 695 HORTOP AVENUE é-room, brick, 1V2-storgy home, large living = room, family-size . dining room, semi-modern kitchen dnd 3 bedrcoms and bath upstairs. Good size lot. Close to schools and bus. Immediate possession. Full price $10,900. Down payment $1,500. For further infor- mation, please call Henry Stinson, RA 5.0243, BEFORE 5:00 P.M. RA 3-22 3-2265 BETWEEN 5:00 & 6:00 P.M. : RA 8-1624 53a 5-5445 21' Weymouth Cruisers, $1800 and up, See the Scotts for '39. Ajax Marine, |gpring filled mattress, Good condition. Dial RA 8.8845. 83¢ 15-TON pick-up and three-ton truck wanted, in good condition, reasonable, No. 3 Highway at Ajax. Phone 1266. USED tires, $3, up. Terms. Dominion Dick Barrioge, RA 5-6243; Everett Elliott, RA 3-9290 | wanted, in good, eondivion,, reasonable, $20.05 DOWN delivers three rooms of $20.95 DOWN delive: ove store. 4h Bond § West, SIZE violin and case, good condi he 412. 82¢ 53a LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars | for wrecking. Highest prices paid. RA furniture to your home! This includes tion. Phone RA 3-9412. R . f & 0 | We have just come 51161 or RA 5-182. 2.plece chesterfield, 3-plece bedroom back from our trip to REALTORS suite, S-plece kitchen set, sprine-filled Europe. HOME AND INCOME mattress, steel spring, breakfast set, coffee table, two end tables, two table lamps, two pillows, two boudoir lamps, We have customers for farms for farming and on speculation; Indust- Well kept, three-bedroom brick bungalow with approved, nicely apartment renting 'for $75.00 monthly carries mortgage pay Excellent location near school, bus end shopping. All this ot only $13,500. etc. Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 rial property and acre- ADJECTIVES! ADJECTIVES! Simcoe Street South, "Where prices are lower and quality higher -- or your age. J. J. vanHerwerden REALTOR Sparkling, spotless, homey, roomy. All these describe the attractive layout and condition of one of our better, six-room, money back! KROEHLER Red Tag Sale -- Chester. 741 King St. East, Oshawa RA 3-4471 North End bungalows overlooking the wooded Oshawa Creek Valley ond just steps from Sunset Heights Public School. Ow- fields, bedroom suites, sofabeds and 47 --Automobiles For Sale ner leaving city offers at $5,100 down payment. is- chairs, Brand new styles at lower than ever prices, $10 down delivers a Kroeh- ler chesterfield or bedroom suite to bd dubibiotntiod Bb db dnbivg HILLMAN 1959 models now on dis play. Styling and comfort, power to T burn, motor in the right place, gas at TOP NOTCH RURAL back, Bet in your lap, leg and head Just out of the city on a planned suburban community of new 3176s: ig scam iol lonwagn, ranch homes. Three-bedroom brick with oversize living room, J your home! On display now at Barons' Home Furnishings, 424 Simcoe Street have no competition on the present colored bath and high basement on 85 by 200 foot lot. Excel- |market Free demonstration. "Bring in lent financing ot $2,500 down. South, 'Where prices are lower and quality higher -- or your money back! THOR washing machine, complete with wringer, good condition, $35. MA asne. this ad", we will give you $100 d oh a new Hillman. Small down pay. ment or trade, 36 months on balance. ATTENTION BEATNIKS You, wii do well at Wellman's, RA A sure cure for pressured people, Six-room brick split level ; with log burning fireplace in grade level recreation room over- matic transmission, power steering, looking the tranquility of Loke Ontario. All the peace and Power Drakes, White and turquoise two- quiet of Haliburton on a serviced city lot at only $2,600 down, |inte: Susranteed mechanically, spotless ol | +» De ti 3 N.H.A, on the balance. Buy now at reduced Winter price. { 3 res. King Wesl. Motors, | opposite Shopping Centre. RA 5-6165 RA 5-3412 Food and freezer plant. $15.40 a week per family of four, includes approxi- mately 90 per cent gro- ceries and freezer, no down payment, for ap- pointment. No obligation Phone RA 5-3709. COMBINATION WINDOWS DOORS, AWNINGS, THE BEST FOR LESS, CALL RA 8-8571 Whitby MO 8-4891 Manufactured in Whitby COLONIAL ALUMINUM 52--Legal Notices HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. S. RA 3.9421 MACKIE MOTORS Will buy good clean cars. Pay off liens. Sell or. consignment, Trade up or down. NEW LOCATION KING STREET EAST Formerly Varcoe's Drive-in RA 5-5743 49--Automobile Repairs DKW & FIAT SALES & SERVICE ANDY NAGY'S BODY SHOP 408 King St. W. -- RA 3.7132 | BRAMLEY MOTORS SALES LTD. 1271 SIMCOE NORTH PHONE RA 3-4675 Speciclists in Ford service and Whee! alignment, balance, with latest type equipment. Newest type electronic tune-up equipment, 50--Articles For Sale APARTMENTS, + ftrically equipped, best foca- , ron. Buckinghom Manor. RA '8-8676 45--Real Estate For Sale $12,495 THIS WEEK ONLY §-room bungalow, solid brick, ceramic' tile, colors, oil heat. Lew carrying. SCHOFIELD INS. ASSOC. LTD. RA 3-2265 Head or Clerk 'of this munis: cipality within 20 days after the date of the last publica- tion of this notice, and must make his application to the Supreme Court of Ontario within one month ofter the said date. This notice was first published on the 4th day of March, 1959, and the ' lost publication will be on he, day of March, ranges, s USED refrigerators, washers, and rangettes. For the lowest The Dutch Merchant, 633 Albert RA 8-6051. Open till 9. 531 #1. INCH Motorola TV, console model. $95. A-1 condition. Phone RA 5-105 after §. Se 53f USED 17 inch and 21 inch televisions. Completely reconditioned and guaran- teed. The Dutch Merchant, 633 Albert Street. RA 8-6051. Open till 9. 53b BUILD THAT BOAT NOW Is ecsy with a molded hull or boat kit, from 8' to 26'. See Ajox Marine, No. 2 Highway. PHONE 1266 AJAX ce: trent. 53b MURRAY ROBINSON, Township Clerk, | $1995 OLDSMOBILE '57 Super 85, auto TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY FOR HIRE OF TRACTOR SEALED TENDERS, clearly Rally Held need econ vi | if Rehburn untii 5 P.M. TUESDAY, ' MARCH 10th, 1959, for hire, By MRS. R. RICHARDSON on a part time basis, of a ASHBURN = suitable tractor to drow the [the Whithy ae rst Jal Township multi-drag. -Trac- | Education Council met in Burn's tor must be 30 H.P. or better |Church, Ashburn on Sunday ev- ond be equipped with ao |ening at 8 o'clock. 1 double outlet Hydraulic Sys- The As"burn "Young People" tem, Tenders to state price |had charge of the devotional ex- per hour for tractor with Op- |ercises, erator. Grant Parrott, president, led leader of the in a sing-song. Faye Heron, devotional, took charge. THe scripture was read by Sheila Hamilton. The Junior Choir with, Judith Bath as soloist sang am anthem. The prayer was given by Faye Heron and another an- ihem was sung by the Junior EXTRA!!! For ¢ better buy on aluminum storm-screen windows, flair- vent awnings, doors, porch railings, pre-fab cottages and garages, stone: tex siding, call HOLODY ALUMINUM 30 Grenfell St., RA 5.2431 Whitby, MO 8-4633 BUY NOW AND 51 dynaflow, x "BUICK deluxe | nice, clean interior; good tires, radio; washer, clock etc., sale price, RA 5.6165 [Ring Vest. Motors, RA S841. J RA 5-8152 ium metallic. Dive, 'soos, mechanican, 530 Went a Sue ong RL RA 5-814]. 51f "48 CHEVROLET cou 80527, 1958 PONTIAC Laurentian hardtop, turboglide, 8 cylinder, fully equipped. Private. Phone RA 5.7075. 53f '56 BUICK Century, four door hardotp, immaculate, low mileage, one owner car, fully equipped, forced to sell, ask- ing $1925 or best offer. RA 3.7854 after 6 p.m. 53f '51 FORD sedan, $160 o rbest offer. 378 Mitchell Avenue or call RA 8-8738. 53¢ "59 PONTIAC sedan, automatic, fully| DELUXE travel Lloyd carriage, like SAVE! equipped; '55 Chevrolet coach, excel- new. Ci lent condition. RA 8-5179; evenings RA pasa 35%, Asking. 3X. Phone 2 Peterborcugh boots, Evinrude 70. i ¢| Motors -- budget terms. Free 3.7970. a ---- ia '5* CHEVROLET deluxe, two TE | vie ouch: 85d ad Hen. ory inte ay On Moles, motor, tires and body in good condi 5 ssgs. ' 4 e%. Sat| Bocr storage. Factory op- | proved. Service centre for tion, $450. MA 3-5219. | ERT 5 " ; : sag bies ~ | , moto trai! 3 i i 48 PONTIAC, $50. RA 5.5431 53f used. Terms. Dominion Tire Store." 48 motor repcirs. Open evenings and weekends $1995 MONARCH '57 sedan. orange and, Bond Street West COLUMBUS, ONTARIO. white twotone, automatic transmission, REFRIGERATOR MARINE STORAGE & | SUPPLY LIMITED BROOKLIN, ONT. St. Stephen's wing, | WA Meets { St. St 's Senior W. 'e ALUMINUM WINDOWS AND DOORS [association held their meeting in the church parlor on Thursday Kool Lite Aluminum Awnings CUSTOM AND OPEN AND CLOSE evening with Mrs. Francis Craw- ford presiding, RAILINGS -- Interior and Exterior Fireplace Furnishings and Bathtub Enclosures The devotional program was LES EVENISS SALES LTD. arranged by Mrs. E. Hurvid Mrs. Charles Pogson, Mrs. David 15 PRINCE ST. RA 5-4632 RA 3-2707 Bill Galbraith, RA 5-8832 After Six Please Call-- RA 5-3605 Ray Lathangue . . RA 8-5146 Poul Ristow 19 ATHOL ST. WEST -- OSHAWA "VALUE PLUS WE DARE YOU TO COMPARE BEST BUY--NORTH-WEST ULTRA-MODERN HOMES APPROXIMATELY 1,050 SQ. FT 13,500 FULL PRICE ' CHECK THESE FEATURES AND COMPARE --CLAY BRICK ~--SPARKLING 4 PC. --STONE FRONTS (colored tile bath) --SODDED LAWNS ~--HOLLYWOOD KITCHENS --GRAVELLED DRIVED ~--STAINED VARNISHED --SLIDING WINDOWS TRIM --ALUMINUM STORMS ~--SLIDING CLOSET DOORS AND SCREENS -- NO. 1 OAK FLOORING --2 ALUMINUM STORM --ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES RS --HEAVY DUTY STOVE CABLE : ~SEMI-DIVIDED BASEMENT (ready for rec-room) $445, Hilda Ristow .. 51f Carl Olsen 530 BUILDERS SACRIFICE $12,495 3-bedroom, solid brick bun- golow, ceramic tile bathroom in colors, Hollywood kit- chens. Low down payment. Call DOROTHY PALMER RA 5-5097 or RA 5-8461 ' 530 Further particulars, if requir- ed can be obtained from Roy Pereman, The Road Superin- tendent. Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted, GEORGE FARNCOMB, CLERK, TOWNSHIP OF EAST WHITBY, Mrs. Deeming of Myrtle, presi- dent of the Council, introduced the Executive, and the guest speaker Rev. J. K. Braham, pass. tor of Scugog Island United; Church, X Mr. Braham gave an interest ing address on work among the teenagers. : Mrs. Deeming thanked all those who helped. The meeting was followed hy a, social hour in the basement of the church and lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Herom from Waterloo spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Heron. Kenneth had charge of the service at Port Perry and Ashburn. io Miss Peggy Graham, Toronto, ie visited with the Heron fam ily. . 4 -- Frigidaire, 7 power steering, power brakes, radio, c t , i Tye e cubic feet, good condition. Suitable for fect King West Motors. RA 5-8141. 51f '85 CHEVROLET BelAir sedan, less condition, low mileage, $1400, nance available. 5-8640 after 5 '54 MONARCH, dark blue, good condi tion. Phone Whitby MO 5 40f '52 PONTIAC sedan delivery, body re- finished and new motor, Can be fi- nanced. Reasonably priced. Apply Howie's BA Service Station, Simcoe Street North, 50 '5 OLDSMOBILE Rocket 88 sed good condition, $275 cash. RA 5.7263, USE THE OSHAWA TIMES | CLASSIFIED COLUMNS WHITBY CLASSIFIED POR. RENT -- Three room apartment, HELP Wanted -- Reliable cleaning partly furnished or unfurnished. Suit-|woman.' required once a week. Call Sie rd us, Apply 220 i Th ages. ; 53¢ North. MD 8.2083, FOR RENT -- Two furnished ms, FOR RENT -- Apartment with private share bathroom, Apply 710 Poors bath, furnished or unfurnished. Apply| West after 6 p.m $3¢ 308 Centre North. MO 83777. _ Be sermic tanks cleaned the sanitary FoR RENT --Three room self con- way, new tanks installed. Walter Ward, tained. heated APSEMEI. Wits hath, TV 208 Chestout West; phone MO ig undry facilities. Vorking May 4 preferred. Reasonable rent. EXpERIENCED waitress wanted Ap CXPERIENCE Ap: Apply 111 Palace Street after 6. 325 ply David's Drive Inn. MO 83-4066. 51f| FOR SALE -- One 74" Black and CASH paid for used furniture, appli Decker Skill Saw, extra blades. MO ances, pianos, sewing machines and 84339. ag 52¢{most anv article. Call Midtown Furni FOR RENT -- Two room apartment, ture. 113 Byron South. Phone MO 8. March? apartment or cottage, $50. Phone RA | 3-3709, 53¢ ot IB. re GOODRICH "Stores, tires, batter. _ |les, Kelvinator refrigerators, television. Private. Dial RA Thrifty budget plan. RA 54543. An, jood condition, $ 50f 53 PONTIAC, very good condition, de- luxe American hardtop model, heater and radio. RA 8-1014 or RA 3-2819. 50f '55 MERCURY Monterey, two door hard top, fully automatic, excellent condition. Private. Phone 301 J Bronk | lin, 52c | ALLSTATE Auto Insurance. Save up to |20 per cent. Nine months to pay Fo | | personal service at your home call RA/ |5-2802 | BUYING OR SELLING See --LAUNDRY TUBS ' ~~FORCED AIR OIL HEAT --SCHOOLS AND BUS AT DOOR --3 BEDROQMS --SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM ~--DINING AREA NAME YOUR OWN DOWN PAYMENT (IF YOU QUALIFY) $71.34 (Int. and Principal) Monthly COMPLETED MODEL HOME Hutcheon apd Mrs. Henry Strong assisting, Mrs. Crawford heard the report on quilting. Arrangements got underway for the St. Patrick's tea to be {held on March 13. Mrs. Madge Lindsay sent a letter of thanks. 'BLASTS' KHRUSHCHEV MOSCOW (AP)--Prime Minis- ter Macmillan flew out of Mog. cow Tuesday with a jet blast that. nearly blew Nikita Khrushchev 6% Mortgages - 25 years - | | Les Eveniss, Apply 117 Euclid Street, Phone MO 490T EL 52 WATER Service, 500 gallons or 1000 FOR rent, three-room apartment, with Salons per load Palace 8:30 a.m. and after 3 p.m. March 11 RA|HOUSE and bungalow wanted. ~ Good down payments. W. McAuley Realtor MO 83231, Oshawa RA 3-2513, 83122. refrigerator and stove. 233 Street, Whitby. Now available. 5-4302 Oshawa 51 FOR SALE -- 11 cubic foof Westing.| house refrigerator and four-burner elec- trie stove. five months old. New con- dition. MO 8-5273 Whitby, March § IAVE poultry also feathers wanted Highest market prices paid. Phone col. lect MO 83486 Whitby, March 9 FOR SALE -- New chrome ruites, $44.50. Call Midtown "urniture, 113 Byron Street South. MO 8.4981 We buy, sell and exchange. March 26 PANT cuffing and alterations, men's] and ladies' wear: drapery alteratigns R. H. MacDonald, 1013 Centre South March MO 84172 before FOR RENT Chain Saw, Skili Saw and Paint Sprayers. For Sole -- Used Boats, Motors and Trailers. WILDE RENTAL SERVICE AND SALES 1101 Henry St, -322 Whitby 6 OPEN DAILY 2 P.M. TO 5 P.M. MODEL HOME IS LOCATED ON ANNAPOLIS AVE. | OPPOSITE ST. CHRISTOPHER'S SCHOOL, IMMEDIATELY WEST OF GIBBON ST. --EXCLUSIVE AGENT-- JOHN A. J. "BOLAHOOD LIMITED -- REALTORS RA 5-6544 - INSURANCE | | 169 SIMCOE ST. S. | TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST: --. OSHAWA Cust East or Wilson Roud) RA 3-4494, Res. 5-5574 CRANFIELD MOTORS | FREE ESTIMATES 331 PARK ROAD SOUTH | RA 3-2284 | USED CARS B.A. SERVICE RAMBLER METROPOLITAN, After 6 p MORRIS, M.G.,, WOLSELEY, rRiLey saLes' a service | JOHN REID, RA 3 1216 SIMCOE ST. N. Don Howe, RA 5.0313 : BUY WITH CONFIDENCE AT REASONABLE PRICES SELF STORING WINDOWS ALUMINUM DOORS GUARANTEED WORKMANSHIP VERN GLASS CO. LTD. ALL TYPES OF GLASS WORK Mrs. Charles Rundle was ab- sent through illness. During the Lenten season, Stephen Saywell ha: selected "The Seven last words from the Cross" for his theme to be used each Sunday. The Rev. M Fisher of Netvcastle performed the sacrament of Holy Commun- ien and received the new mem- bers on Sunday. New members are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur B. Ferguson, trans- Ji r, Mrs, Edward Gresik, trans- er. On profession of faith, Sharon Dianne Cook, Daniel Corby, Mark | Andrew Platt, Margaret Eliza- beth Powell, Susan Margaret RA 8-6214 m. call -7679 OSHAWA off his feet. AP photographer and a Soviet photographer held out their heavy coast to protect the Soviet premier, who clutched Comet IV. Khrushchev shook hands with both. Crowds of Rus- i|sians, brought to the airport by special buses, cheered and ap- plauded as the plane took off. Saywell and Linda May Williams were awarded certificates by Wil- liam King and were welcomed by Rev. M. C. Fisher and Ste- nhen Saywell. A floral basket on the altar was in memory of the late Rob- inson Simpson.

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